#Overseas Chinese Mission
nycreligion · 1 year
Part 11: The Making of the Postsecular City. The reasons it happened
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com After visiting so many new evangelical churches, Tammy Wong’s question is, how did this tremendous change come about? In 1975 there were only ten or so evangelical churches in Manhattan Center City (below 96th Street on the East Side and 125th Street on the West Side) that served English-speaking professionals like her. By 2010 there were over 200 evangelical…
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southeastasianists · 9 days
Penang is well-known for its vibrant Straits Chinese Peranakan culture, but if you know where to look, there’s another chapter to its history. While the focus is often on the marriage between overseas Chinese traders marrying local Malay women, the truth is, the Chinese were not the only traders conducting business in George Town. Merchants from around the region were familiar with Penang, having already flowed through Penang on various trading missions.
Between the 10th and 18th centuries, traders and migrants from India, Persia, and the Middle East arrived in Penang. Their marriages with local Malay women gave rise to a new branch of the Peranakans, known as Jawi Peranakan, with Jawi denoting Southeast Asian Muslims, and Peranakan taking its meaning from the Malay word ‘anak’, or child. Over time, this group expanded to include those who had Arab-Malay ancestry. In Penang, they were also once known as Jawi Pekan. 
The Jawi Peranakan cuisine, much like its Chinese cousins, draws on cultural exchanges between Malay cuisine and its Indian, Arab, and Persian influences. Jawi Peranakan dishes tend to feature ingredients from India and the Middle East, including ground almonds and cashews, saffron, and rosewater. The cuisine of the Jawi Peranakan was generally recognized to be more lavish, and was often served during feasts and special occasions. 
To get a taste of this chapter of Peranakan history, visit Jawi House, located on Armenian Street in the heart of George Town’s downtown heritage district. The house was recently renovated in 2012 according to UNESCO World Heritage Guidelines, but it has existed for six generations. It was established by the Karim family of Punjabi-Jawi Peranakan history, and today functions as not just a restaurant showcasing a modern take on Jawi Peranakan cuisine, but also as a small gallery charting the family’s history as well as classic handcrafted art. Helmed by Chef Nurilkarim Razha, a descendant of the Karim family, the restaurant offers up iconic Jawi Peranakan fare. Popular dishes include lamb bamieh, a fragrant, aromatic Persian-inspired okra and tomato-based lamb stew; serabai, a Malay kuih which resembles a tangy, spongier pancake made from fermented rice batter and served with caramel kaya (coconut jam); and nasi lemuni, an herbaceous rich rice dish cooked with butterfly pea flowers and the herb Vitex trifolia.
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Chapter 2 | Reunited through Death
Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader (platonic)
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The wind blew the girl's hair once she reached the helicopter. She graciously climbed inside, detaching the harness from her utility belt. Guerra had reached it shortly before her. She was now standing in an impossibly straight posture, her arms clasped to her sides.
“Rosita Guerra, Hydra operator for the last decade. Became Lieutenant a year and a half ago. Fought in the Kosovo War in ‘99 and served in Afghanistan for two years.” A man stood in the middle of the cabin, two files in hand. He was reading the first one with a weird neutral expression.
The woman he was talking about remained in position, her face serious, internally wondering if she should talk or not. The man closed the file and looked up from it, his eyes landing on Lieutenant Guerra. “How come we’ve never met?”, he asked, his bizarre expression shifting into a different one which was unidentifiable as well.
“I was previously stationed at the Ideal Federal Savings Bank and only recently got transferred to the Sokovian research base.”, the woman answered matter-of-factly. Her gaze flickered slightly tho, a sign of nervousness that the smaller girl next to her picked up from the corner of her eye.
“Well, I hope you haven't found your transfer too difficult, because you’re being transferred, again.”, he announced, faking compassion in a caricatural way. Guerra’s brows furrowed, silently indicating that she was looking for more answers.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.”, he chuckled without any humor. “I’m Director Schatten, we haven't officially met since your arrival in Sokovia.”, he twisted his thin lips in a poor excuse of a smile. His light blue eyes pierced Rosita’s black ones, as if he was reading her very soul. He pointed to the two women in alternance, his smile dropping. “Have you two been introduced yet?”
Rosita shook her head. “Not really no. I know she goes by ‘DeathStalker’ and aside from that, I’ve only heard some rumors back in the U.S.”, she explained.
“And what have you heard?”, he asked, his unsettling eyes questioning her on their own.
The Lieutenant glanced at the girl next to her quickly, gulping in nervousness. The wrinkles on her forehead deepened. “Huh”, she gulped, “one of them was that she's killed five men in a bar once.”, she paused. “With a pencil.”
The Director nodded, averting his gaze. “Well, that is partially true. They were six actually, and they weren't just men, no. They were trained Chinese mercenaries.”, his face slowly turned into a smirk. “And also, she doesn't just ‘go by’ the name DeathStalker. It is her name, her identity. The name of a weapon stronger than any machine gun or bomb you’ve ever seen.”, he bragged as if he was showing off his creation.
Said ‘weapon’ remained immobile, staring straight ahead and not moving an inch. The rise and fall of her chest was only slightly visible if you focused on it. Her black attire dissimulated her body in the dark of the cabin. The Director stepped towards them, circling the DeathStalker to go stand behind the two women. He handed the Lieutenant the second file that had remained unopened the whole time.
Rosita took it and shot him a quick glance before turning her attention to the yellowish folder stamped with the signature red logo. She opened it, her face showing slight confusion upon seeing the first picture on top of the papers.
“You will accompany the asset on a mission overseas. Earlier today, Project Insight failed, Hydra Uprising was compromised and we are no longer in the dark. Captain America and his hero team will most likely try and dissemble Hydra as soon as possible and this entire organization’s survival is threatened. To top it all off”, he slammed a finger on the picture in the file. The photograph showed a red star seemingly painted on metal. “The Winter Soldier disappeared. Ran away like a teenage girl after a fight with her daddy.”, he mocked.
He continued his monologue. “A team will be waiting for you in Ohio’s secondary base. Your mission, Miss Guerra, will simply consist of supervising the operation from afar. You will escort the asset to Ohio, and you and your team will serve as reinforcements if deemed necessary.” He turned to the other girl. “DeathStalker’s mission on the other hand, will be to hunt down and retrieve the Winter Soldier. Too much money was spent on him for him to go to waste and we wanna try and salvage what we can. Bring him in alive. Kill him only if absolutely necessary.”, he ordered.
The atmosphere significantly tensed up, as if it wasn't tense enough as it was. His gaze pierced through DeathStalker’s skull, but the assassin remained focused on looking forward. He finally stepped back and walked back in front of them, going to sit on one of the benches. He made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, leaning his head back. After an awkward minute, he spoke up again.
“You both should take a seat, it’s gonna be a long flight.”
Bucky will be in the next part don't worry!!
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rohanlucas · 3 months
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
European nations are doing too little to address the Chinese Communist Party's secret police stations—which human-rights groups say are being used to monitor diaspora communities and target suspected criminals outside of local due process. This is according to a leading watchdog documenting Beijing's foreign network.
Safeguard Defenders, a Spain-based rights group, has uncovered more than 100 police contact points in over 50 countries. These are operated by public security bureaus from several coastal Chinese cities. A Newsweek investigation has verified a number of the secret facilities in the U.S., thought to operate as part of the CCP's United Front Work Department.
Chinese officials have repeatedly dismissed reports of secret police stations. Responding to Safeguard Defenders' report in December, Beijing's mission in France said: "China has always firmly opposed long-arm jurisdiction, strictly abides by international law, respects the judicial sovereignty of all countries, and has not carried out any law enforcement activities through 'overseas service stations.'"
U.S. authorities are seeking to address the issue, with the Justice Department this month filing the first-known criminal charges related to secret CCP police facilities abroad.
However, Laura Harth, the campaign director at Safeguard Defenders, told Newsweek that America's European allies are lagging behind.
"The U.S. obviously had a bit of a head start, not on the police stations per se, but on investigations and prosecutions of transnational repression coming from the People's Republic of China [PRC]," Harth said. American investigators, she added, have been able to adopt a cross-departmental approach that has so far proven elusive in Europe.
European nations, already playing catch-up, must do more to address broader CCP influence operations, Harth said, of which the secret police stations are just "the tip of the iceberg."
'Brazen and Sensational'
Safeguard Defenders has identified almost 50 stations spread across Europe, with a particularly large CCP footprint in Spain (nine stations), France (four), and Italy (11).
"In Europe, the Netherlands seems to be doing very well, Germany quite well," Harth said. "I would say the U.K.—from what I can see so far, and I do have hopes that things will change a bit in the coming weeks—is middling, not too great so far. But still better than what we're seeing in France, Spain, Italy, southern Europe."
"There are likely to be a few that we may not have found," Harth said, though she added: "The stations are only one of the proxies that the PRC authorities are using to go after people abroad.
"They're only a very, let's say, brazen and sensational way the authorities in China have gone about it, but it's reflective of what's going on in general," she added.
"This reiterates this big emphasis we've seen since President Xi Jinping came into power, both on internal control but also controlling the overseas communities, the importance of those overseas communities for the 'great rejuvenation of the nation.'"
The police stations have a broader brief than simply going after criminals—among them dissidents. "We find that the main task of the stations is really controlling, if you will, those larger overseas communities, those very silent communities where dissidents might be brewing, but not the people that we in the West would think of as activists," Harth said.
Earlier this month, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin hit out at the U.S. arrests of two Chinese Americans suspected of working out of a clandestine CCP facility in New York.
"China firmly opposes the U.S.'s slander and smears, its political manipulation, the false narrative of 'transnational repression,' and blatant prosecution of Chinese law enforcement and cyber administration officials," Wang said.
Harth said Beijing looks unlikely to draw down its foreign operations. "They've been doing a host of things and they're not showing any sign of wanting to stop. All the language they're using suggests they will increase these kinds of operations. They will not be called 'police stations.' I think they'll be that smart. But the activities will continue unabated, if not increase."
European 'Embarrassment'
The police stations are an arm of the United Front Work Department. This is a sprawling, de-centralized and opaque organization dedicated to advancing CCP influence in domestic industry and civil society. It also seeks to shape public opinion abroad and monitor the activities of the Chinese diaspora.
The recent U.S. charges have revived attention on the issue in Europe. French and German officials told Newsweek this month that they are investigating reports of covert Chinese police sites in their nations.
However, Harth said Europe's response to Chinese overreach must consider the entire United Front ecosystem. "One thing we're telling all authorities is that they should start mapping all the United Front organizations in their countries," she explained. "Even that's not going to cut it. That's, again, not the whole picture. But then you will already have a better idea of how many groups may be involved in this, and these groups are all involved in influence activities, interference activities, repressive activities, and so on."
"I can't really say why there is reluctance, in general, to take on these kinds of issues," Harth said of the European nations seemingly hesitant to address the issue head-on as the American authorities do. "To be honest, I find it quite staggering, especially when it comes to things such as the police stations.
"It's true that, on the one hand, you're dealing with transnational repression, which in and of itself would require a strong response. But we all know that governments are not necessarily moved by human rights. But the same kinds of organizations, the exact same people that are running the stations and United Front people, are involved in influence activities and other interference activities.
"The embarrassment is just going to keep growing over this, because we know these people have been cozying up to local politicians, law enforcement, academics and so on, for years, if not decades," Harth added.
"It's about tackling transnational repression, but it's also about protecting your institutions. It's about educating basically your entire establishment. It's about countering foreign interference. So, it beats me why governments are not more proactive. I really don't get it."
Newsweek has contacted the Chinese Foreign Ministry by email to request comment.
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
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Top: The Cloud Concert Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Handover to China was called 我們的紫荊花 (lower right corner). 我們的 means "Our"; 紫荊花 , meanwhile, was supposed to mean Hong Kong's city flower, 洋紫荊.
Bottom Left: 紫荊花 The flower of Cercis chinensis, commonly known as Chinese redbud.
Bottom Right: 洋紫荊 The flower of Bauhinia x blakeana, the actual city flower of Hong Kong.
(Below the cut ~ when a rose by any other name doesn't smell as sweet ...)
There was a story behind why the flower of Bauhinia x blakeana 洋紫荊 was chosen as the city flower of Hong Kong in 1965, when the city was still a British colony.
The story goes like this: Back in 1880, after Hong Kong had already been colonized, a French missionary discovered the flowers near the western shore of the then fishing-trade port. The Father cut the plant and cultivated it in his Mission, and eventually, in the local botanical garden.
In 1908, the first scientific paper was published on the plant. Those who are biologist-minded may have already noticed the name of the species has a "x" in it — the plant, as it turns out, is a hybrid of two naturally occurring Bauhinia species.
One thing about hybrids is that they're typically sterile, and Bauhinia x blakeana is no exception. The trees blooming all over Hong Kong now are the result of grafting and other horticultural efforts, the cuttings used tracing all the way back to that One Tree the French Missionary found on the west shore in 1880.
A mystery remains though: If Bauhinia x blakeana is sterile, then, how did that One Tree come to be? No one knows. Today, research is still ongoing.
As fascinating is why such a difficult species was chosen as Hong Kong's city flower in 1965. The answer appears to be two-fold. First of all, the species was first discovered there, which is rare for a place so tiny. But the more important reason, perhaps, lies in its hybrid nature: Hong Kong is itself a East x West hybrid, and given the complicated history that led to its becoming a colony, everything about it — from the mistakes made to its accomplishments — aren't reproducible. As such, it's One and Only. It's precious.
In all cases, the flowers of Bauhinia x blakeana, commonly known the locals as Bauhinia in English, have since represented Hong Kong and also its government. So iconic the flowers were, that when the time came for the city's handover to China in 1997, they were chosen as the emblem on the new flag of Hong Kong:
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Left: The Armorial Bearing of colonial Hong Kong's Urban Council, 1979. The dragon (representing the city's Chinese heritage) and the lion (Britain) were recurring designs in the coat of arms for the colony. Right: The flag of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, 1997-Current. Each of the five petals of the Bauhinia flower contains a star, summing to five stars as found on China's national flag. The title of the Cloud Concert (1st image above) carried this emblem in its design.
With the Bauhinia flower designated as the city's new emblem, the Chinese government is clearly on board with the flower, which the locals call 洋紫荊 in Chinese, serving as the symbol of the city. Then, why was the Cloud Concert several days ago called 我們的紫荊花 "Our Chinese redbud" and not 我們的洋紫荊 "Our Bauhinia"?
Why, even in the Basic Law 基本法, a.k.a., Hong Kong's constitution after the Handover, has the flower's local Chinese name been altered?
Just what is wrong about the name 洋紫荊?
Many may have noticed that out of the three characters in the two flower names, two are actually the same: 紫荊. 花 in 紫荊花 simply means flower.
The issue, necessarily, must come from the character 洋 in 洋紫荊.
洋, which means ocean; overseas; foreign.
Indeed, it's the character 洋 in 洋紫荊 that hasn't sat well with the Chinese government. Hong Kong is now a part of China. Hong Kong is no longer foreign. Hong Kong shouldn't be associated with things with foreign in their name.
The attempt to change the city flower's name from 洋紫荊 to 紫荊花 — the latter already the name of a very different species of flower (first image, the flower on the left) — is therefore an effort in de-colonization, and one that, many would say, backfired. Many Hong Kongers had actually been unaware of the story I told at the start of this meta — they hadn't known how Bauhinia had become the city flower until the attempted name change drew their attention to its original name, which, naturally, morphed into research into the origin of the flower itself and its symbolism.
What the attempted name change didn't accomplish was changing the city's colonial past. What it did accomplish was illustrating how misguided the Chinese government can be, when it comes to trying to win over the loyalty and hearts of Hong Kongers.
Because here's the thing: having a character in the Chinese name that signifies "foreign" is not exclusive at all to the Bauhinia flower. Far from it. So far that 洋 is just one of the many characters that carry such a meaning. Among common object names used in Hong Kong and the mainland, other characters serving a similar purpose include 西 (Western), 番 (Foreign, non-Han), 胡 (Foreign, non-Han) etc etc.
The following is a very short, very incomplete list of food names alone that Hong Kongers should cut their ties to, if the logic holds that these characters are sufficient reminders of the city's colonial past:
洋蔥 = Foreign onion (as in green onion), aka onion 洋芋 = Foreign taro, aka potato 西紅柿 = Western red plum, aka tomato (mainland) 西蘭花 = Western orchid, aka broccoli 番茄 = Foreign eggplant, aka tomato (Hong Kong) 番薯 = Foreign potato, aka sweet potato 胡蘿蔔 = Foreign turnip, aka carrot 胡椒 = Foreign pepper, aka black pepper
With the many foreign-something nouns in the local language, the name 洋紫荊 hadn't been eye-catching to Hong Kongers until the Chinese government attempted to wipe 洋 out its name. The same irony holds true, one can say, 25 years later — a cloud concert named 我們的洋紫荊 isn't half as eye-catching, isn't half as much a reminder of Hong Kong's colonial past as 我們的紫荊花, not because Hong Kongers have ever been in love with the character 洋, but because the latter reminds them that their now rulers cannot tolerate the identity of this flower that represents them.
The identity that stems, simply, from the flower's history. As a hybrid.
And because of that, this flower that represents Hong Kongers has been denied even its own name. Such a tiny morsel of harmless courtesy, of respect ... and it hasn't been given.
Somewhere in the world, a Hong Konger may think — okay, this one Hong Konger writing this meta is now thinking — that perhaps it is apt, after all, that the state-sponsored cloud concert was called 我們的紫荊花 — 紫荊花, which, as its common name Chinese redbud implies, is a species native to China.
Indeed, that flower is 我們的 — Ours, spoken from the point-of-view of the Chinese government that oversaw the event.
But when it comes to 洋紫荊, the Bauhinia flower ... it has, indeed, yet to become 我們的. After 2019, this yet-to-become will likely last many more years to come. True, the Chinese government has got the land of the city — it has already got that for 25 years. True, it has got the people too — and it has really got some of them, the protestors, the pro-democracy activists and former legislators and social workers and academics and the press locked away behind bars.
But it hasn't got the loyalty. The hearts. Because it has become so obsessed with, so suspicious of the 洋, the supposed foreignness associated with the flower, that it forgets that while the French and the Brits might have discovered the beauty of the flower and cultivated it, the One Bauhinia Tree that started it all grew from the very soil of Hong Kong. The One Bauhinia Tree is native to the city and it's One and Only. It's precious.
我們的洋紫荊. Some day, maybe.
But not today.
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xlntwtch2 · 7 months
ap news 11/12/23 from this article...
Trump would ... strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”
... he would ...undertake the largest domestic deportation operation in American history. He would target people who are legally living in the United States but harbor “jihadist sympathies” and revoke the student visas of those who espouse anti-American and antisemitic views.
... U.S.-Mexico border, Trump says he will move thousands of troops currently stationed overseas and shift federal agents, including those at the Drug Enforcement Administration and FBI, to immigration enforcement. ...more border wall.
His aim: bar “dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and maniacs,” as well as those who “empathize with radical Islamic terrorists and extremists.”
...he has said he would end birthright citizenship..
...he will institute ... system of tariffs of perhaps 10% on most foreign goods. .... proposed a four-year plan to phase out Chinese imports of essential goods, including electronics, steel and pharmaceuticals. he will force Chinese owners to sell any holdings “that jeopardize America’s national security.”...
...claims .. before he is inaugurated, he will have settled the war between Russia and Ukraine. That includes, he says, ending the “endless flow of American treasure to Ukraine” and asking European allies to reimburse the U.S. for the cost of rebuilding stockpiles.
...he will stand with Israel in its war with Hamas and support Israel’s efforts to “destroy” the militant group. He says he will continue to “fundamentally reevaluate” NATO’s purpose and mission.
..he will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that “only two genders,” as determined at birth, are recognized by the United States.
...he will declare that hospitals and health care providers that offer transitional hormones or surgery no longer meet federal health and safety standards and will be blocked from receiving federal funds..
Under the mantra “DRILL, BABY, DRILL,” ... he would ramp up oil drilling on public lands and offer tax breaks to oil, gas, and coal producers.
...he will exit the Paris Climate Accords, end wind subsidies and eliminate regulations imposed and proposed by the Biden administration..
...pledged to terminate the Department of Education, ....he would cut funding for any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate ... promote prayer in public schools....“the nuclear family” including “the roles of mothers and fathers”...allow trained teachers to carry concealed weapons. ... federal funding so schools can hire veterans, retired police officers, and other trained gun owners as armed school guards.
...force the homeless off city streets... wants to bring back large mental institutions to reinstitutionalize those who are “severely mentally ill” or “dangerously deranged.”
...use federal government’s funding and prosecution authorities to strong-arm local governments.... use controversial policing measures such as stop-and-frisk ...police should be empowered to shoot suspected shoplifters in the act.
...called for the death penalty for drug smugglers and those who traffic women and children. ..also pledged a federal takeover of the nation’s capital, calling Washington a “dirty, crime-ridden death trap” unbefitting of the country.
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fannish-karmiya · 2 years
The Terrifying Reach of Censorship
The Guardian just ran this article on tech moguls and censorship in China, and beyond being absolutely terrifying, it provides some really fascinating (and, again, terrifying) insight for fans of Cdramas and novels as to why sometimes a drama falls under the cutting block for no apparent reason:
“No matter what kind of hotshot you are, we will always have a way of showing you who’s boss,” the person said, making an offhand remark about Tencent’s owner, Pony Ma. “Don’t think because you control a billion users and moved to Singapore or some overseas country that we can’t do anything about you.” The official told me that when regulators felt Tencent needed to be taught a lesson, they would step up censorship efforts, block or shut down web services till the company got the message.
This is talking about tech services like WeChat (slow messages for global users down as a message to the company, yikes), but the same attitude seems to be at play with TV shows winding up blocked in mainland China. They didn’t necessarily contain any content which the CCP genuinely found objectionable; they were just targeted as a message to the companies that own the rights to them that they are not in charge.
I think fans of Chinese media outside of China often forget just how omnipresent and terrifying the CCP is, and how just about anything can wind up on the cutting block because they want to make a statement and remind citizens that they live under their heel. Another article discusses how Hollywood studios are encouraged to self-censor their movies in order to make it past the censors of the CCP and gain access to the Chinese market:
There's a literal list of rules that the censors in Beijing use as something of a checklist. So when a movie has finished filming and it is ready for release, a copy of it is sent to Beijing to the Ministry of Propaganda, where a collection of censors who tend to be a collection of state bureaucrats and even some film studies professors watch the movie. 
In 2006, Mission: Impossible III filmed some scenes in Shanghai that feature Tom Cruise running through the streets, and in the background there is laundry drying on clotheslines from apartment buildings, and the Chinese authorities requested that that laundry be edited out of the frame because they thought it presented an image of China that was more backwards than they wanted the world to see. 
So for example, there was a film that came out more than a decade and a half ago called In Good Company, and it's a pretty innocuous romantic comedy starring Topher Grace as this young guy who gets a job and displaces the older boss. And it seems like a pretty run of the mill PG-13 family friendly film. It nonetheless did not get into China. And at the time, the head of the Motion Picture Association started asking around in Beijing why that was the case. He couldn't understand why a movie that obviously was not nearly as politically charged as something like Kundun would not get into China. And the authorities said, "It's a movie about the younger generation challenging the system and taking on the powers that be, and that's a theme that we cannot abide here in China."
Even though neither article is about things like dramas and novels or any of the media we’re interested in, I think they still give us some great (and frightening) insight into just how omnipresent the CCP’s censorship and control is, and how it affects every aspect of what stories can be safely written and published in China.
I honestly feel terrible for artists in China; it must be both frustrating and terrifying to live like that, having to self-censor your own work for your safety and fear that you might still wind up being targeted not because you did anything ‘wrong’ but because the government simply wants to send a statement about its own power.
(note: I just saw these articles in the news and decided to write up something short about this. I haven’t gone digging for more information specific to censorship of dramas, novels and the areas fandom is interested in. I may go digging for some in future, but for now this is just a ‘before lunch’ post, not a full essay or analysis of censorship, which might make me cry.)
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hoe4rairai · 2 years
So for today I feel like writing about one of the headcanons I listed a while ago :
Raian speaking different languages
Being an assassin and mostly asked for jobs overseas I think Raian is fluent in few languages.
However, he is Japanese and as most of Japanese ppl he'd rather speak his own language.
I think since the Kure Clan are mainly assassins their education system is kinda different from standard Japanese curriculums. They learn more than 2 languages and fluent them
I guess Raian speaks fluent English ( probably American accent but I can imagine him in a British accent with his husky voice ohhh la la ) MELTING ...
He might be also fluent in Chinese, Korean and Italian or Spanish
Raian voice and attitude slightly changes when he speaks in different languages.
In Japanese he sounds direct, loud and shrewd
In English he sound confident, sexy, slower ( if he has the English accent ) and clear direct commands with deeper voice
In American accent, he is filthy than when he speaks Japanese, he is faster and his tone gets more aggressive
In Chinese and Korean : he might sound calmer but he lets his eyes do most of the intimidation and threats
Raian is fluent not only in speaking but reading and writing as well.
He won't brag about his language skills
He will always speak in a different language when it's needed not between friends or family members
Raian loves his Japanese language
At missions he will listen more and talk less, giving off the impression that he doesn't understand the languag the others are using but he smirks and spit filth when he wants to and when he thinks it's the right time.
Raian would want his non Japanese S/O to learn Japanese its a plus
Raian like to read books btw and that's his way of keeping up with his language skills.
He probably like to read about politics, economics and at times just random books he probably won't finish because they bored him.
Raian if he must he can learn a new language in as short as a month ( Kure genetics yalll ) but note aside in reality i met ppl who can do that as well, so I guess he is a ( left brained Man)
Raian will swear at anyone in Japanese or Mandarin and the filthiest English slang swears ever.
Maybe not so important point but I find it sexy : Raian can pronounce every luxurious brand out there so accurately.
Being an international assassin he travelled a lot and definitely caught some phrases here and there but Raian isn't fond of any language other than his original Japanese one.
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o-craven-canto · 2 years
Ea: Our Second Chance (4)
4. Earth, 2070
(> Back to 3. South of the Dagon Sea > On to 5. Ea’s biosophere, two centuries later)
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(full-sized image)
The world the 10,000 representatives of humankind left when they came to Ea. [Note for context: this map was drawn before the COVID pandemic, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the invasion of Ukraine, and therefore takes none of those into account.]
In the "Culture War" flares of the 2010s and early 2020s, the extreme political blocs branch off on their own; by the end of the decade all that's left of the major parties are the bland centrist bureaucrats, as well as a multitude of unelectable hyperspecialized parties. American economy and politics is increasingly isolationist: many overseas military bases are dismantled; the UN establishes a secondary headquarter in Geneva, which soon becomes more important than the one in New York.
Ethiopia begins building an extensive dam system on the upper Nile. Negotiations with the downstream countries break down; eventually, the dams are bombed by the Egyptian air force. War spreads to all northeastern Africa, with significant interventions of Nigeria (on the Ethiopian side) and Saudi Arabia (on the Egyptian side). The whole region is devastated by the Nile War; in particular, Ethiopia collapses, and riots in Saudi Arabia threaten the monarchy.
In the aftermath of the Nile War, military government are propped up by the African Union to keep order in the devastated countries. The peacekeeping forces are largely provided by the countries of the East African Community. A mysterious man known as Muntu tours the archaeological sites of Africa preaching a religion founded on the common origin and nature of humankind. He is claimed to perform miraculous healing and to supernaturally escape death, converting his attackers to the new faith.
Poland and Ukraine form an alliance ("Intermarium") against the aggressive policies of Russia in the east. The alliance is soon extended to many other countries of eastern Europe.
Sea level rise and saltwater infiltration start making the soil of Bangladesh impossible to farm, and many regions will soon sink. Tens of millions of Bengali people scatter in the world. Europe, North America, and East Asia are hit by a refugee crisis far worse than a decade before. Agriculture also suffers worldwide; billions are spent to protect cities such as Miami, Rotterdam, and Venice from flooding. Sumatra, South Vietnam, and Louisiana suffer greatly.
By the end of the decade, permanent ice has all but disappeared in the Arctic, and the Indonesian rainforest is mostly gone. Space programs keep growing quietly, with manned missions by India, Brazil, South Africa, and South Korea. Genetic therapies are available for several diseases, including AIDS.
Warming in the Russian Far East exposes large traits of mining and farming ground. Since the Russian population is declining, the government provide incentives for foreigners to work that land. Millions of Chinese workers, fleeing the desertification of northeastern China, establish themselves there.
After many years of increasing economical and cultural integration, the countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi join to form the East African Federation. Much wealth is brought in by the construction of an international space launch site on the Equator. The religion founded by Muntu, Umoja, is growing in popularity, though the Prophet is eventually killed in a terror attack in Geneva in 2034, along with 77 others.
The demographic shifts compounded by the Bengali Diaspora put strain on European politics. The United Kingdom withdraws from the continent altogether, threatening nuclear retaliation against any "breach of sovereignty". It offers to extend such protection to Ireland in exchange for its farming land. Japan and Australia do the same, although the latter is much less successful.
As oil becomes increasingly expensive to extract, and its use is phased out of most technology, many oil-exporting nations collapse. Saudi Arabia crumbles into anarchy, and will be put under "temporary" UN administration. Nigeria falls apart. A socialist revolution sweeps Iran destroying the islamic government. Dubai survives, reinventing itself as a new center of electronics and computer engineering.
In these years, the idea of the Exodus starts to spread. The first manned mission to Mars occurs, as well as many unmanned ones to the Outer Solar System, though there is little practical followup. A Suzhou corporation called Penglai is the greatest private backer of the missions (and many other growing technologies, including cryonics and geoengineering). A military coup in North Korea effectively places the country under Chinese control.
The European Union gives way. The "core" territories restructure themselves as the much tighter European Federation, while the southern countries create the Mediterranean Forum with Turkey and North Africa. Italy and Spain find themselves torn - quite literally - between the two. Umoja becomes popular in the Forum, while Catholic traditionalism sees a certain increase in popularity in the Federation.
Fed by Indian and Chinese investments, certain African countries undergo extreme economic grow and industrialization, developing into key financial and technological centers. Senegambia, Eswatini, Igboland, and Somaliland become the "African Lions". Dubai is sometimes counted as one due to its close economic and diplomatic ties.
Many island nations of the Pacific, such as Palau and Kiribati, start disappearing under the waves. After much political browbeating and bribing, the UN establishes a Pacific People Resettlement Area in the Australian inland, in a region already crowded by Bengali refugees. Umoja grows here as well. Inspired by the tragedy, a great movement for the protection of native peoples threatened by climate change sweeps the world, with particular appeal in Canada, Siberia, Sahel, and the Amazon.
The military junta ruling Pakistan after the recent coup attacks the troubled Iranian regime in the attempt to unite an increasingly fractured country. The war is brief, but it sees several biological and tactical nuclear attacks, eventually ending in the breakdown of Pakistan. International action pushes for a tighter control of WMD by the UN to prevent future horrors as those of the Iran-Pakistani War.
As traditional Protestantism fades away from US culture, Mormonism grows in popularity as the "true" American religion. Worsening droughts in the Southwest and hurricanes on the East Coast lead to repeated emergency states with rationing of water and electricity. History's first large-scale biological terror attack, involving a modified strand of anthrax, occurs in San Francisco in 2046; the perpetrators remain unknown, but are suspected to be a radical eco-primitivist organization.
Liu Jinshan, CEO and cofounder of Penglai, is the first person in history to own more than a trillion US dollars in private assets. The strongest proponents of interstellar colonization are Liu herself and Joseph Jacobson, a prominent Mormon preacher. The first AIs with greater computational power than the human brain are produced, though none seeks to simulate a complete mind. A woman with brain cancer is awakened from 6 years of cryoconservation to undergo an experimental treatment; the former is successful, the latter not as much. Embryo selection is widespread, and "designed children" with fully customizable genome are slowly becoming available.
Russian national energy companies are violently expelled from the warming regions in the east. Chinese and Bengali immigrates ally with movements for native rights in agitating for independence. After a brief civil war, the Siberian Republics break away from Russia. Their staunch opposition to global warming mitigation quickly makes them rogue nations. The government of the Lena Republic, in particular, is accused of deliberately setting peatbogs on fire to release carbon into the atmosphere.
As many times before, the wealth of coastal Chinese provinces fails to extend inland. After failed expeditions to secure Siberian territory, China falls apart. The mainland reorganizes itself by Neo-Maoist principles, while the coastal Eastern Republic (actually a rather loose confederation of provinces) embraces free market and multiparty democracy. Tibet and Uyghurstan break away, though the former remains in China's political orbit. The surprisingly bloodless (for Chinese standards) conflict ends with the Shenzhen Pact recognizing autonomy but keeping economic ties between the Chinese states, as well as other countries.
The Four Europes have taken form. In the north, Scotland and the Scandinavian countries are united in the Nordic Alliance. In the south, European and North African countries grow culturally and politically closer in the chaotic Mediterranean Forum. In the east, the well-armed confederation of Intermarium turns its wariness westward. In the west, the European Federation starts thinking about enlightened monarchy as a counterweight to nationalist populism; some press for the progressive Grand Duke of Luxembourg to ascend to the throne of Europe.
Most of North Africa has collapsed into war. Thanks to progresses in solar energy production and transmission, burning desert is now a precious resource. The Mediterranean Forum enthusiastically intervenes; many Berber tribes earn a living as mercenary armies attacking or protecting the solar stations, and sometimes carve out their own independent kingdoms. The situation in Saudi Arabia is hardly better; since the 2030s, the Holy Cities have changed hands dozens of times.
Despite the 2050s being the most violent decade of the 21st century, world population passes ten billion people in 2057. By this time, Umoja counts over 50 million believers. Methane clathrates in former Russia begin outgassing. The UN passes a resolution on geoengineering: special "guns" are built in the Russian and Canadian Arctic to inject sulfate particles in the upper atmosphere. The first functional nuclear fusion reactor is built in Europe in 2055.
Revolutionary groups in Nunavut, whose population has vastly grown from climate-induced poleward migrations, seize control of the sulfate guns and declare independence from Canada. As of 2070, the political situation is still ambiguous.
Decades of centralization of powers in the person of the US President, combined with the constant emergency state, have resulted in an almost imperial position. President D'Agostino eventually decides to split the USA in five "autonomous areas" according to rough ethnic and cultural lines: Northwest/Pacific (technocratic, ecologically conscious, and strongly influenced by Asia), Southwest/Nortena (mostly Hispanic, profiting from solar energy), Central/Heartland (mostly white and Mormon), Southeast/Atlantic (mostly black and Umojan), and Northeast/Union (the seat of power, the most culturally conservative).
UN Protectorates become a common feature of the international order. The warzone in North Africa has been pacified as the so-called "Solar Mandate" (providing most of the energy of Europe). Other directly UN-controlled areas include former Saudi Arabia, Jammu-Kashmir, parts of Nigeria and Somalia, what little remains of Bangladesh, and the Resettlement Area in Australia. Amazonas, created to protect the surviving rainforest in western Brazil, is mostly autonomous; the "Security Mandate" in northeast Africa (essentially the wrecks of the Nile War) is controlled indirectly via the African Union.
Construction of the UNSS Utnapishtim begins in geostationary orbit in 2062. By 2068, construction is complete; loading and recruitment are underway. Methane eruptions increase in intensity, threatening a sudden increase in global temperature by several degrees. The rise of Umoja threatens many traditional religions; climate migrations create sharp divisions in many countries; the world is divided between unstable alliances; the new United Nations may pit themselves against the very concept of sovereign nation-states; a generation of "designed children" is coming of age, creating new rifts and revealing unforeseen effects; mass destruction is easier than ever. Earth is once again on the brink.
Transcript of the map under the cut:
List of major polities (population; capital)
European Federation (260 million; Bruxelles)
Nordic Alliance (35 million; Trondheim)
Intermarium (110 million; Katowice)
Mediterranean Forum (360 million; Valletta)
Northwest (“Pacific States”) (40 million; Portland)
Southwest (“Nortena Republic”) (60 million; San Diego)
Central (“Heartland States”) (120 million; Denver)
Northeast (“Union States”) (80 million; Washington DC)
Southeast (“Atlantic States”) (100 million; Atlanta)
East African Federation (240 million; Arusha)
The “African Lions” (130 million total; Enugu is capital of Igboland)
Sahel Alliance (170 million; Bamako)
Anglo-Irish Commonwealth (70 million; London and Dublin are “joint capitals”)
Japan (120 million; Tokyo)
Australia (35 million; Canberra)
People’s Republic of Iran (110 million; Mardombad)
Israel (15 million; Jerusalem)
Shenzhen Pact (1700 million total, of which 1100 in People’s Republic of China, 470 in Eastern Republic; Shenzhen, while the capitals of PRC and ER are Beijing and Guangzhou)
Southeast Asian Alliance (730 million total; Singapore)
Mesoamerican Treaty (75 million total; San Jose)
Union of Siberian Republics (18 million total; Yakutsk)
West Indies Federation (55 million total; Kingston)
UN Protectorates (180 million total; Geneva)
African Union Security Mandate (120 million total; Khartoum)
Amazonas (6 million; Manaus)
Control over the sulfur guns that reflect back sunlight gave the population of Nunavut, magnified by northward migration, enough power to negotiate independence from Canada.
The Pacific States are big on environmentalism: sometimes it’s hard ecological pragmatism, sometimes it’s pseudo-Shinto mysticism.
As the Latter Day Saints church keeps growing in popularity, Salt Lake City is one the most popular pilgrimage destinations in the world.
In the black-majority Atlantic States, Umoja has become astonishingly popular. Many Protestant churches are radicalizing in response, blaming the flood of New Orleans on the conversion.
The central government of Mexico has mostly given up on ruling the north, effectively employing the least murderous cartels as autonomous vassals. Some states have sought union with the kindred Nortena Republic.
The West Indies seem to have been the favorite destination of the Bengali Diaspora, which now makes up over 25% of the population.
The orbital mirror meant to deflect sunlight from the North Pole was launched from European Guyana, with great pride of the local population.
An ecologist uprising in the 2040s, combined with a forceful campaign for the rights of native peoples, convinced Brazil to turn Amazonas into a largely independent, well-armed quasi-nation under international scrutiny.
South Africa has been stagnating for half a centuty: almost all its bright minds have moved to Eswatini.
Katanga is hotly contested between various ethnonationalist groups, Umojan militias, UN peacekeepers, and corporate forces (mostly Penglai’s).
The Umojan religion has become an overwhelming majority in the East African Federation, and is growing at surprising speed in the Mediterranean countries, India, Caribbeans, and Malaysia.
Senegambia (a), Igboland (b), Eswatini (c), and Somaliland (d) are some of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Igboland is sometimes called “the Singapore of Africa” for its combination of authoritarian government and very high living standards.
Ethiopia suffered terribly from the Nile War, and assimilation in the EAF may be its best bet. The Security Mandate in the west still hasn’t got things running again.
The Sahel Alliance is mostly controlled by Tuareg warlords displaced by the end of hostilities in the Sahara, or by people who employ them. It includes strict Islamic theocracies, tribal states, and militaristic “republics”.
Most of Sahara is under direct UN administration, ostensibly to ensure the safety of the nomad cultures, more likely to control its juicy solar energy.
The Mediterranean Forum is scared as hell of ecoterrorism ever since someone barely failed to bomb the Assuan Dam, and is reacting accordingly. (The Dutch are not thrilled by the thought of destroyed dams, either.)
The royal families of Spain and Netherlands now mostly spend their time hanging out together at the Canaries, feeling useless.
Catalunya is by far the wealthiest member of the Mediterranean Forum, which is sometimes accused of being a joint Turkish-Catalan empire.
The UN, now headquartered in Geneva, is very different from what it used to be in the American Age. For one, it can actually enforce its rulings. An actual standing army and special exemptions from the rules of war might have something to do with that.
The European Federation’s attitude toward its southern neighbor is an interesting mix of 2010s left-wing social justice and 1890s white-man’s-burden condescension.
After withdrawing from the continent, the UK gained access to the agricultural production of Ireland by sharing its own nuclear shield. Culture and politics are still sharply divided between the two islands.
The Intermarium was originally organized to counter Russian expansionism; now it spends most of its time eyeing suspiciously the European Federation to the west.
With Gaza a member of the Forum, the West Bank absorbed into Jordan, and most of the Arab world looking elsewhere, Israel is calmer than it has ever been. Now it mostly thinks of agricultural technology and electronics.
The formation of Kurdistan is anther consequence of the wars that spread from the Iranian Second Revolution in the 2030s.
Now that the Saudi royal family is gone, UN-controlled Arabia is still more relaxed about adherence to sharia, though the Holy Cities are still administered by a Sunni-only council.
The absolute-monarchical nature of Dubai was only amplified by turning to information technology and on-demand designer genomes: now it’s a weird solar-powered, neo-feudal cyberobiopunk dys(?)topia.
After decades of grueling UN-mediated negotiation with tribal leaders and the surrounding nations, the nation of Afghanistan is a distant memory, though Hazaristan and Pashtunistan are not faring much better.
The whole territory of Bangladesh had to be placed under UN aegis when the flooding was at its worst. Most of the country as it was in the 2000s is now under water.
India has dealt successfully with separatist movements in Assam and Tamil Nadu, skirmishes with Nepal, Baluchistan, and Punjab, and of course a hundred million refugees from Bangladesh. Apart from having to renounce control of Jammu-Kashmir, it’s arguably better off than any other early-century power.
After the collapse of China, Tibet (a) and the Amur Republic (b) were so completely sinified that they agreed to join the Shenzhen Pact...
... while Uyghurstan wanted to have absolutely nothing to do with it.
The People’s Republic still runs on the old,and now self-sustaining, system of “social credit”. Most population has been relocated into equally populated sectors for greater ease of control. The system works better than it ough tto thanks to the funds streaming in from the Eastern Republic.
Despite being officially Siberian native homelands, the population here is mostly Bengali and Chinese. The Sakha Republic has one of the highest per capita GDP in the world - but averages can be deceptive.
Japan’s enthusiasm for robotics is still going, but in recent years they have started to turn toward genetic engineering. As it’s once again “closed country”, the rest of the world doesn’t hear much about it...
... so Korea has mostly replaced Japan as the land of Eastern wonders and weirdness in global imagination.
The greater effects of flooding on Sumatra than on Java has set off rather nasty rivalries within Indonesia, though for now the Southeast Asian Alliance has helped keep the peace.
The Pacific People Resettlement Area was established in the Australian inland to host the refugees from the flooded Pacific islands. Conditions are quite miserable.
About 6000 Argentinian citizens live on the Antarctic Peninsula as a de facto colony. The legal status of Sierra Blanca is... complicated, to say the least.
The flight south wasn’t quite as extensive as the one north, but Argentina received a decent share of climate-driven immigration.
The division of Italy was actually quite amicable; it’s said that the governments in Rome and Turin secretly work with each other to extract as much gain as possible from both the EF and the MF.
The Mayan-majority state of Chiapas was one of the main hotspots of the movement for native autonomy. Until recently seeking union with Guatemala, it’s now pushing for a EU-style Mesoamerican community.
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spleenjoin98 · 2 years
Passports And Visas
If an applicant is required to supply their fingerprints in order to obtain their police clearance, they can typically be accomplished on the consulate/embassy or certified agent acknowledged by the house nation of the applicant. ABTCs are also issued to nationals of China and everlasting residents of Hong Kong; nonetheless, Chinese nationals residing in Mainland China are subject to entry restrictions and cannot use the card to enter Taiwan. Chinese nationals completely residing in Hong Kong are additionally ineligible and are required to acquire an Exit and Entry Permit. Such applicants must get hold of an e-code from their host organizations in Taiwan prior to applying for an eVisa. The knowledgeable date of visa assortment is simply utilized to the overall. Consular Officers might request an applicant to offer extra supporting documents or have an interview with the applicant when needed. Therefore, the visa collection date might be postponed as properly. To get hold of a piece visa , you should have an employment license or a work allow issued by the Chinese authorities. But you should apply to get a Residence Permit within 30 days of entry into China. Travelers who meet these requirements are either able to apply for an Exit & Entry Permit upon arrival in Taiwan, or online in advance, to obtain an accredited allow for a stay of up to 30 consecutive days. The interval of visa-free keep granted can't be extended, aside from Candian and British passport holders, who can lengthen the visit as a lot as a hundred and eighty days due to reciprocal agreements. All Taiwanese embassy visa candidates should have a passport with a minimal validity of 6 months, containing between one or two clean pages. An accredited visa on arrival permits a most keep of 30 days in Taiwan, whatever the traveler’s nationality. Hong Kong Vs Mainland China Local authorities officials representing their state, province, borough, or other local political entity require customer visas. Maximum validity refers again to the interval over which you're allowed to enter a given country. If applying for a tourist visa, you have to present an employer letter and personal statement. Applicants will be eligible for a 10-year visa offered that the traveler has a minimum of one year of remaining validity on their U.S. If you've less than one yr you might be granted a six-month visa to China. Use the included template on this equipment as a guide to the content material and format of the invitation. Tell him/her you've commitments you need to care for, by mentioning your necessary engagements and relations. Make certain to get such info from your family members enough earlier than the interview, about her/his job, studies and dwelling in the Schengen Area. Write down and attempt to memorize their college and division they’re studying to, job position and the company working for, and site particulars. You is not going to go away an impression of a critical candidate not being able to recall your children’s occupations, so it's of nice significance offering a real information in this regard. Answer the question with a yes or no, but you could also give particulars about the variety of visits, dates, locations you’ve been. Calculations must include all of the investments you do before and after your arrival, in addition to during your return to your house country. The century-long separation between the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong created gaps that can not be easily bridged even when the two are formally one country. Before Hong Kong and mainland China can actually unify, they want to overcome significant differences. All the documents you submit have to be in either English or Chinese. If they are not, they should be translated by an official translator and authenticated by a Taiwan overseas diplomatic mission. Those qualified individuals can acquire a further one yr keep permit counting from the date of entry within the Kingdom pertaining to the Office of the Immigration Bureau's rules on extension of keep. The extension of keep is on the discretion of the Immigration officer. Itseasy Passport & Visa Providers The digital visa for South Africa might be prolonged to passport holders from more nations quickly. Passport holders from 14 nations can apply for a South African visa online. The utility for the South Africa e-Visa is quick and easy to complete. Applicants to fill out an easy-to-use online form with their personal, passport, and journey information. If the appliance is denied, foreign nationals can complete a model new request or apply for a special visa. Finally, petitioners can proceed to pay the applying charges through a safe cost gateway. Visit Child's Passport to learn about passport necessities for children. To observe the status of your order, go to Order Statuswhere you can get up-to-date info on your order. You can observe your order through the use of either the CIBTvisas order quantity and traveler’s final name or the traveler’s date of birth and last name. If you're the account supervisor for a CIBTvisas account, you can log in to your account to see the entire orders you may be managing. In some countries a US driver's license is legitimate however, CIBTvisas strongly recommends that you simply acquire an International Driving Permit to arrange in your journey. In these cases, you have to submit your visa software on to the consulate. CIBTvisas can collect your accomplished visa from the consulate nevertheless, we can not submit your order in your behalf. Yes, official documents which may be produced within the US usually aren't legitimate in different international locations till they've been authenticated by the US Government and legalized by the embassy of the vacation spot nation. In part 5 of the I-20, US immigration regulations permit F-1 college students (and dependent family members in F-2 status) to reach in the US a most of 30 days earlier than your program start date. Be sure to schedule your journey plans so you can arrive within the US before your tutorial actions begin—you’ll want some time to seek for housing and get settled. Immigration rules decide the amount of time allowed within the US earlier than activities start, and differ by visa classification. Visa Coverage Of Mainland China Provide/ provide some other providers as per necessities of the respective Governments /Diplomatic Missions. In case of any illegal, unlawful or prohibited use, the consumer shall be responsible for motion beneath local laws of DRC as amended from time to time. 5.6 All phrases hereof are governed by legal guidelines of the respective state or province where the Chinese Visa Application Service Facility is positioned. The utilization rate of the 72 or 144-hour TWOV scheme varies significantly relying on the port of entry. An immigration official in Kunming even mentioned that it could take "a couple of weeks" before they'll see the next passenger to make the most of TWOV. Officials in these cities cited the ignorance of the policy, the restrictions on movements, the short time frame, an absence of worldwide flights from airports, and the shortage of companies supplied by travel companies as the principle causes of the dearth of passengers. Travelers who have been totally vaccinated might have the ability to enter China for a wider vary of personal issues. 5.6 All phrases hereof are governed by legal guidelines of the respective state or province where the Application Centre is positioned. You must present one fully completed Notice on Saudi Laws and Regulations Form found on this kit. Chinese Language Embassies In A Minimal Of 20 Countries Announce Eased Visa Policy For Receivers Of Chinese Vaccines Please submit the appliance to China Visa Application Service Center in Cairo. CBP has supplied extensive steerage to all of its staff relating to the risk-based use of Personal Protective Equipment . PPE recommendations vary from gloves to N95 respirators, eye protection, disposable outer clothes and extra primarily based on infectious illness risks, job capabilities, and job settings. CBP has additionally issued sanitary steerage to its services specifically to forestall the unfold of COVID-19. This part incorporates links to PGA COVID-related info that could influence CBP trade operations. CBP will update this listing as further information become out there. After getting into Beijing, there's one other 7-day health observation interval, throughout which they are required to report physique temperature twice a day. To go to Quito-Ecuador, it is very likely that you simply don't have to apply for a visa. Citizens of most nations can enter and stay with no visa for up to ninety days. Nonetheless, as of the date of this briefing note, four domestically produced vaccines are accredited in China, together with these produced by Sinovac, Sinopharm, CanSinoBio, and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products. It would seem, nevertheless, that the BioNTech vaccine, despite being developed in collaboration with Fosun Pharma for photographs equipped to Hong Kong, wouldn't fall under this class. Similar arrangements have now been put in place for travel to Mainland China. On Monday, several Chinese embassies issued a discover highlighting that how foreigners can go about applying for visas to enter China. The Chinese Embassy in the US stated, “it will start to course of Visa candidates inoculated with Chinese Covid-19 vaccines”. From this week, it will apply to these visiting the Chinese mainland for any work objective or for reuniting with family members. The Embassy acknowledged stated that this is applicable to those who had taken a single dose before making use of for the visa The similar statements have been revealed by the Chinese embassies in other nations too. Proclamation of October 25, 2021 doesn't institute new adverse COVID-19 take a look at necessities. Nonimmigrants topic to Proclamation of October 25, 2021 will have to present both proof of being totally vaccinated and proof of a unfavorable COVID-19 viral take a look at. Consideration Required! A Congressional Research Service report would cite this as a claimed success of SEVIS as a recordkeeping system. The letter "F" for student visas arose from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. Title I, Section 15 of the Act used the letters A via I to specify the permitted nonimmigrant statuses, and the letter F was chosen for pupil standing. Canada figures prominently in this list, even though it's negligible in terms of F visas. The discrepancy is due to the fact that Canadian students in F standing can enter the United States primarily based on their I-20, without getting a F visa from their embassy or consulate. See What if I have an expired passport or one that can expire in lower than six months? May I travel outside the united states if I have a Form I-539, “Application to Extend/Change Nonimmigrant Status,” request for extension of keep... If you need to journey on a terminated report, you should talk to your DSO. A DSO who has requested a knowledge fix will put your Help Desk ticket quantity in your Form I-20 and report your pending travel to SEVP. Your DSO can let you know your SEVIS document status and give you appropriate travel-related recommendation. Many students prefer to discover a part-time job while finding out. It brings in some money and might help construct a wholesome work-life-study balance. But English, whilst becoming more and more widespread, is still not extensively spoken as an extra language, significantly amongst Georgians over the age of about twenty-five. As it was as soon as a part of the Soviet Union, Russian de facto operates as a national language alongside Georgian. This means that, until you converse wonderful Georgian or Russian, you'll wrestle to find work. You sometimes give up your passport to obtain a visa, so international journey in the course of the months earlier than your departure date just isn't really helpful and could complicate or jeopardize your participation in your program. China Visa Requirements & Application Process Familiarize your self with the visa coverage for China and discover Chinese visa necessities in your nationality. From 1 October 2019, Certain visitors and transit passengers to New Zealand will must have an NZeTA and pay an International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy earlier than travelling to New Zealand. Effective from November 1, 2012, ROC passport-holders can enter the U.S. without a visa. For the applicability of the Visa Waiver Program and its details, please check with the U.S. Visa Waiver Program area on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Visa Waiver Program description on the net site of the American Institute in Taiwan. If you work with the media, NGO, or as a part of a non secular organization, you should have a private statement letter in addition to a letter from your employer on the corporate letterhead. These ought to show that you're not traveling with the intention to carry out any religious or media work. You want to supply the official Chinese PU letter, and the invitation letter from the corporate in China. It’s usually a single-entry visa whose typical length of keep is days. Green Card or your valid U.S. visa along with your China visa application. This also is decided by the period and purpose of your travel. If you had been born in China, , or Thailand, you MUST provide us with a previous passport or ID in addition to your current national passport and also you MUST also provide your Chinese name in Chinese Characters in part 1.2 of the China visa utility. Your China visa utility will not be considered complete till you have submitted fingerprints at a China Visa Application Service Centre . Whilst yes, it is true you could convert a vacationer visa right into a Z Visa as quickly as in China (if you fall in love with the place and don’t want to waste time) do note that this feature is torturously painful and may not be value it, to be honest. Unless you do manage this mammoth task, keep in mind that you can not teach English on this visa. Chinese residents who want to use on the embassy should begin the application process a quantity of weeks prematurely. Chinese vacationers are suggested to use the digital visa system. Requirements For Immigrant And Nonimmigrant Visas Diplomats and different foreign government officials traveling to the United States to have interaction solely in official duties or activities on behalf of their national authorities must acquire an A visa prior to getting into the United States. Please use the contact form in our web site so we can confirm the standing of the case. Please choose “My query is about Nonimmigrant visas and it's not included in your website”. https://www.chinavisa.com.tw/photo/ It is very important to know the entry date in your Form I-94. Get in touch with us now and get began on your property and real property buy. If you wish to keep in Thailand even after September 26, then, you should prolong the Non O right into a 1 yr extension. Lastly, if they are saying you don’t qualify for the 2-month extension, you could request for the 30-day extension. If it expires on September 16th and you didn’t do anything about it, then you may have till September 26th to leave Thailand. If you might have any intention to remain past September 26th or any doubt that your flight overseas will be cancelled then it is good to resume or extend your visa earlier than September sixteenth. FY 2018 saw the lowest numbers of visas issued to Cuban citizens in additional than a decade, the outcomes of the Trump administration’s rollback of the Obama administration’s efforts to normalize relations with Cuba. Amid new restrictions on travel by land and sea from Cuba, Cuban temporary visa issuance fell to simply beneath 7,000 in FY 2018, down from sixteen,300 the year earlier than and 41,000 in FY 2014. ] apply to purposes for immigrant visas made, and visas issued, on or after November 14, 1986." However, this can't guarantee visa issuance to a overseas national good friend, relative, or student.
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newstfionline · 11 days
Thursday, May 23, 2024
US Hostages (Atavist) You’re on a work trip in a faraway country when men with guns suddenly appear and spirit you into a windowless black van. They blindfold you. They tell you to keep quiet. Your mind races as you attempt to make sense of a situation that defies logic. Where am I going? Why is this happening? What do they want? Will I ever see my family again? Between 2012 and 2022, an average of 34 U.S. hostages were being held somewhere overseas. Often, the perpetrators are terrorist organizations; for example, Hamas is presently holding five U.S. nationals somewhere in Gaza. But foreign governments are increasingly the bad actors, targeting businesspeople, aid workers and journalists.
It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees (AP) It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees. At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them. While Mexico’s brutal heat wave has been linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it has killed dozens and perhaps hundreds of howler monkeys. Around a third of the country saw highs of 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on Tuesday.
Kenyan Officers in Haiti (1440) Kenya will begin to deploy police officers to Haiti to lead a UN-authorized multinational mission to quell gang violence. The officers—some of whom have experience fighting Islamist insurgent groups near Somalia—will constitute 1,000 of the 2,500-person security force that is largely financed by the US. More than 1,500 people have been killed in Haiti so far this year, and hundreds of thousands have fled as gangs control 80% of the capital of Port-au-Prince. One of them—the Crips-inspired 5 Segonn—is among the country’s leading cocaine traffickers, with ties to the 2021 assassination of Haiti’s then-president. Kenya’s decision to deploy officers comes after a series of court-ordered delays and as Haiti’s main airport reopened for the first time in three months. In addition to Kenya, a number of countries have offered personnel for the mission, including the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Chad, and Jamaica.
China’s Steel Spurs Latin America Toward Tariffs (Bloomberg) Latin American nations are following in the footsteps of the US and Europe by imposing prohibitive tariffs on Chinese imports—a new strain in what’s been an otherwise cozy connection. Mexico, Chile and Brazil have hiked—and in some cases more than doubled—duties on steel products from China over the past several weeks, and Colombia may be next. The turn toward protectionism is spurred by a flood of Chinese imports that threatens to put Latin American steel producers out of business and risk a combined 1.4 million jobs.
Harsh words (Foreign Policy) Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez indefinitely recalled Madrid’s ambassador to Argentina on Tuesday after Argentine President Javier Milei accused Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, of being “corrupt.” “There is no precedent for a head of state who goes to another country’s capital to insult its institutions and flagrantly interfere in its internal affairs,” Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said. Milei’s comments alluded to a judicial investigation into Gómez that Sánchez argues is a right-wing smear campaign. Last month, Sánchez considered resigning over the controversy. Following Sánchez’s recall, Milei said the Spanish leader has an “inferiority complex” and should seek out “a psychologist for him to mature.” This week’s comments were just the latest insults that Argentina’s far-right president has thrown at foreign leaders in recent months. In March, Milei called Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “ignorant,” and he accused Colombian President Gustavo Petro of being a “murdering terrorist,” sparking Colombia to expel numerous Argentine diplomats.
Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state in a historic move (AP) Norway, Ireland and Spain said Wednesday they are recognizing a Palestinian state in a historic move that drew condemnation from Israel and jubilation from the Palestinians. Israel immediately ordered back its ambassadors from Norway and Ireland. The formal recognition will be made on May 28. The development is a step toward a long-held Palestinian aspiration that came against the backdrop of international outrage over the civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip following Israel’s offensive there. Several European Union countries have in the past weeks indicated that they plan to make the recognition, arguing a two-state solution is essential for lasting peace in the region. The decision may generate momentum for the recognition of a Palestinian state by other EU countries and could spur further steps at the United Nations, deepening Israel’s isolation.
E.U. sets precedent with plan to use profits from frozen Russian assets (Washington Post) Since the earliest weeks of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Western allies have debated how to make the Kremlin pay. On Tuesday, the European Union made a precedent-setting move, formally agreeing to use windfall profits from frozen Russian assets to buy arms for Kyiv. That would amount to about $3 billion in the first year. In the context of the roughly $300 billion in frozen Russian assets, it’s tiny. But it represents an innovative first step as allies figure out how they might use frozen assets without inviting legal challenges or undermining trust in their financial systems.
‘Code 9.2’: The secretive Ukrainian drone unit tasked with dropping mines into Russia (CNN) Dusk brings an urgent race to hide before dark. The “Code 9.2” drone unit, from the 92nd assault brigade, are moving into a new launch position from where they are about to conduct a rare and potent mission: flying drones into Russia and dropping mines onto key roads inside enemy territory. On the horizon is the Russian city of Belgorod, now repeatedly hit by Ukrainian strikes. In the dark, the team works fast, racing to attach mines to the drone with the help of red light. They finally launch, and the drone drops two packages from its underbelly. The mines sit on the road, and later the next day, the unit says, hit one armored car and a soft skin vehicle. They retrieve the drone and assess the damage the next day. Their target is Russia, a powerful symbol of Kyiv’s decision to take the fight back to Moscow, and the new, dangerous escalatory turns this conflict is taking in its third year.
Indian election casts spotlight on Modi look-alikes (Reuters) Muslim electric-rickshaw driver Rashid Ahmed is fondly called “Our Modi” in his Delhi neighbourhood for his striking resemblance to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, now seeking a third consecutive term in general elections. Living with his wife, children and grandchildren in a two-room home, Ahmed is a celebrity in the surrounding area, and often interrupted at his daily tasks by visitors who want to meet him or take pictures with him. He is known only as “Modi uncle” to the children there, many of whom he drives to school everyday. Ahmed has also attended rallies of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as a prime ministerial look-alike, exciting those in the crowd who initially mistook him for the leader. Such events have earned him about 1,000 rupees ($12) each, about what he gets from his rickshaw driver’s job each day. Ahmed is one of several prime ministerial look-alikes, from a businessman in the financial capital of Mumbai to a food vendor in Modi’s western home state of Gujarat, to have featured in BJP campaigns.
From London to Los Angeles, many Iranians overseas cheer, and fear, after president’s death (AP) Among Iranian communities from London to Los Angeles, few tears are being shed over the death of President Ebrahim Raisi, killed in a weekend helicopter crash. But there are not always loud cheers, either. While some hope the demise of a powerful figure in Iran’s authoritarian Islamic government may bring change, others fear it could result in more repression. Inside Iran, authorities are keeping a tight lid on reaction to the crash that killed Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and six others. The government declared five days of mourning, encouraging people into the streets in displays of public grief and support. Prosecutors have warned Iranians against any public celebrations, and a heavy security force presence has been on the streets of Tehran. One female student in Tehran told Reuters that she was not saddened by Raisi’s death “because he ordered the crackdown on women for hijab,” but added, “I am sad because, even with Raisi’s death, this regime will not change.” Outside Iran, some expatriates felt bold enough to dance in the street. The Iranian diaspora is large. More than half a million Iranians live in the U.S.—many in California—and there are large communities in European cities, including London, Paris and Stockholm.
UN halts all food distribution in Rafah after running out of supplies in the southern Gaza city (AP) The United Nations suspended food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Tuesday due to a lack of supplies and an untenable security situation caused by Israel’s expanding military operation. The U.N. warned that humanitarian operations across the territory were nearing collapse. Getting aid to displaced civilians has been hampered by closed and chaotic land crossings, as well as problems plaguing the U.S. military’s new floating pier meant to provide an alternative sea route for aid into Gaza. Over the weekend, hungry Palestinians took aid from a U.N. vehicle convoy coming from the pier, and the U.N. said since then it had been unable to receive trucks there.
Hundreds of hostages, mostly women and children, are rescued from Boko Haram extremists in Nigeria (AP) Hundreds of hostages, mostly children and women, who were held captive for months or years by Boko Haram extremists in northeastern Nigeria have been rescued from a forest enclave and handed over to authorities, the army said. The army said the 350 hostages were rescued during a dayslong military operation in Sambisa Forest, which was once a bustling forest reserve that stretches along the border with Cameroon and Niger, but now serves as an enclave from where Boko Haram and its breakaway factions carry out attacks that also target people and security forces in neighboring countries.
Like to bike? Your knees will thank you (NPR) A substantial body of evidence supports the health benefits of cycling, everything from strengthening the immune system to boosting the likelihood of living longer. Now, a new study finds people who are in the habit of riding a bike are significantly less likely to have osteoarthritis and experience pain in their knees by age 65, compared to people who don’t bike. “I was surprised to see how very strong the benefit was,” study author Dr. Grace Lo says, given the profile of the participants. The people enrolled in the study were not competitive athletes, but rather “average” people, ranging from their mid-40’s up to 80 years old. Research also shows biking is good for longevity. “There’s good data to support that people live longer when they bicycle,” says Lo. She points to a study that found people who cycled one hour per week were about 22% less likely to die prematurely.
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youmissedone · 2 months
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Ada studied Carlos intently during his moment of silence. He probably didn’t believe her, and he had good reason not to. Although her attraction to him was strong, Ada still had missions whose completion would be more important than a silly fantasy about a man. She couldn’t avoid feeling attracted by Carlos’s kindness, and in some way, he brought out the best in her, but she felt that she’d betrayed his trust too severely for this to ever become something more. Besides, Carlos deserved better than someone like her. Maybe sometimes Ada had an ulterior motive, but not at this moment.
“You don’t need to apologize, but I do want to talk about it,” she admitted quietly. Ada had wrapped her arms around herself, and although it was lightly drizzling, she seemed to be both cold and uneasy. “Sometimes it’s really nice to have someone who understands.” With that, she smiled.
Ada worked for others, yet she was loyal to no one but herself. Wesker was the one who had sent her on this mission, but Carlos hadn’t figured that out yet, though she was almost certain he’d figure it out eventually. They were both people of color with excellent combat skills, mysterious backgrounds, and an incredible ability to adapt. Carlos was a good listener, and those similarities made it easier for Ada to open up to him.
“The story I told you before about my family is mostly false. You picked up on most of the fallacies - you were less naïve than I initially expected. My family was not very wealthy, but we never were involved in any uprisings like I said earlier, and we went to America when I was three. My parents wanted a better life for me. The American Dream, as they say. We had lost some of our money, and given we had little to begin with… I’m sure you understand. But we were never cheated out of a mass fortune. My father was killed when I was fifteen, and my mother and I never got along very well. I ran away. I learned to put on a cold mask, but it turned out my specific skill set was very useful to my organization. I didn’t go to school, though at one point I wanted to be an investigative journalist. Those skills got me hired. I did missions here and overseas. My organization trained me, and when I was twenty, I eventually infiltrated an organization here - they became one of the leading organizations of the Chinese underworld. The FBI crushed it, and I distanced myself from them. That’s when one of my employers found me, the one who sent me on the mission in Raccoon. I still work for the other organization, but I also work for him - I work for myself, mostly, but I’ll take what work I can get. Most of my missions come from the other organization.”
It was easy for Ada to lie to Carlos earlier, and it was easier to get him to believe her. Her story might’ve recalled his own personally experience as an immigrant, and his protective nature was clear to her from the moment they met. Ada’s past was filled with hardship, yes, but her story wasn’t as dark she’d initially led him to believe. Still, she wasn’t sure how much he trusted her after everything that went down in Raccoon.
“And then… I met you. One of my employers, he doesn’t work for the main company I work for, the one that trained me, but he pointed it out to me that there could be something more sinister about them. They’re no Umbrella, trust me, but they’re not as well-intentioned as I thought when I was younger. I was never loyal to them anyway, but spying is the only thing I really know how to do. I… I thought about contacting you, you know. You didn’t let me push you away, but I thought ‘Ada Wong’ needed to die. Turns out she’s the most alive she’s ever been.”
Ada laughed a little, but it was toneless and cold. She avoided making eye contact with Carlos. This was the most vulnerable she’d ever been with anybody, and although she typically didn’t like it, she wanted to be open with him for some reason. Her red sweater did little to keep her warm, but the long sleeves were nice, and she seemed to retreat into herself a little. Ada took a shaky breath. Her eyes were glassy with tears.
“Umbrella screwed over my family. My mother was a scientist, and my cousin wanted to follow in her footsteps. They were tortured and killed when they tried to look into Umbrella’s practices. It shouldn’t have surprised me, but that’s why I need to take them down. For my family, and for all the people like them out there. People like you, sort of. Is that - why did you join Umbrella?”
Ada leaned her head against Carlos’ shoulder. This was difficult for her to talk about, and having his physical support put her at ease. Her breathing was getting shallower and more panicked by the second.
“I told you this for a reason, though, Carlos. Deluge - the corporation that trained me - I think they might be allied with Umbrella to some degree. I know they’re lying to me about their involvement with what happened to my family. The timing of it happened too close to when they recruited me for it to be coincidental. They don’t trust me, though. They know I’m a threat. That’s where you come in… we need to get married.”
Ada’s heart raced as she suggested it. It was only a formality. A slip of paper to show the higher-ups at Deluge. Why, then, did she almost wish this could be real? Why, then, did she want to hold Carlos close and never let go?
“They know I’m a danger to them. I’m a good enough liar that I can sell the ingénue arc, but not on my own. There’d have to be a catalyst. If they thought I was so in love that I was blind, things might slip. I need to take them down almost as much as I need to take Umbrella down. Please, Carlos? I can’t do this without you.”
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“You bet,” Carlos said gently and with a little nod, willing to listen for as long as she needed. “Everyone needs a sympathetic ear once in a while. I don’t mind being that for you, Ada.” Her little smile made him smile briefly as well, before he gave her his undivided attention as she told him more about herself, and her reasons for being so hellbent on taking the Umbrella Corporation down.
He let her get everything out, not wanting to interrupt the process or make her feel like he wasn’t listening. What she needed was someone to just be there for her, not to give their opinion or offer advice. Sometimes just listening quietly did wonders for someone. It had for Carlos as well over the years, and it seemed to him like Ada hadn’t been offered that sort of empathy from anyone in a long time. It all began to make a lot of sense to him, the more she explained. The inconsistencies and things that didn’t quite sit well with him during her first explanation of her past now felt more real, more genuine.
And her demeanor, the way she carried herself, the way she spoke... that made more sense now as well. She felt the need to guard herself and to maintain a cold exterior. That kept her safe in a number of ways, not all of which were physical. If one pretended to not care about anyone else, it’s easy to lie to oneself. It’s easy to remain closed off so you don’t get hurt. Carlos understood that type of mindset, for he’d encountered it in any number of people in his town and even his own family back in Brazil. He absolutely understood that survival mechanism some people developed to emotionally cope with the trajectory their lives had taken, even if that wasn’t how he lived his own life. Even with all the trauma that had been heaped on him over the years, Carlos still lived his life with a heart wide open. Did he get hurt sometimes? Sure. Was that gonna make him afraid to feel in the future? Hell no. He was sad for Ada that she saw emotions as liabilities in her life, but boy did he understand why.
What worried him, was that in all the masking and guarding of her identity that Ada had been doing, whether for a mission or just to protect herself emotionally, seemed to have muddled her view of her own identity. Who was Ada Wong, really? Her true self, or just a persona she’d conjured up to serve a purpose? Carlos didn’t care about names or even affiliations. Those could change, could be altered, and could come and go over the years. He could see the person she was underneath everything else, from just the small glimpses here and there that she showed him. He only hoped that she could somehow find a way to be at peace with whoever she truly wanted to be.
Only when prompted did Carlos speak up, answering her question regarding his reasons for joining Umbrella’s ranks. “When I left Brazil, I was largely self-trained, or trained by other members of my family, like my uncle. Having lost most of my family by the time I was a teenager, I decided to leave and go where I was needed. I’ve always wanted to help people, so I became a mercenary. I figured... let people hire me to get things done they can’t do themselves, and maybe I can make a difference somewhere. But my skills were rough at best, and my discipline was even worse, and I was flat broke half the time. So... after I worked my way through Mexico and arrived in the United States, I started looking into the military there. Surprise surprise, it’s not that easy for a South American immigrant with a history like mine to join the military in the States,” he said with a chuckle as he idly rubbed the back of his neck.
“That’s when a friend I was staying with at the time told me Umbrella was hiring. At first I didn’t really understand, because what does a pharmaceutical company need with paramilitary? But on the surface they seemed to care about medical science and improving the lives of the general public, and that was something I could get behind. They were willing to pay for room, board, equipment, and training for me, there were advancement options, the way they framed the work sounded like I’d be mostly helping people... it sounded good. But I was young and stupid and I should’ve known something was up when they had me sign a lengthy nondisclosure agreement...”
There was a bitterness directed at Umbrella but also himself in his tone. How could he have been this naive? How could he not have seen the signs? “I thought I’d be protecting people, and instead I ended up being employed by the company that was part of the problem, not the solution. I made a mistake. It’s not gonna happen again, and Umbrella isn’t going to get away with any of this. I’m going to help take them down, or die trying,” he said firmly.
When she leaned her head against his shoulder, Carlos slipped an arm around her shoulders. Not to try anything, he wasn’t making a move on her or anything, that would’ve been an insensitive thing to do at a moment like this. No, he just recognized by her body language how she was folding in on herself and was feeling protective towards her. He just wanted to help stabilize her a little, if he could. “It’s okay,” he whispered, prompting her to continue and letting her know he was still willing to listen, if there was more.
And oh man... was there ever more. “I- Wait, what?” Carlos asked, blindsided by her suggestion. “Get married?” He knew she was into him, but he didn’t think that much, and so he fell silent once again as she explained further. It... actually made a decent amount of sense. “You really think something like that would make them slip up that much? Enough so you can get the upper hand on them?” He didn’t know this other organization, but he wondered if such a tactic would really work on Umbrella...
But he could hear in her voice how important this was to her, and he wanted to take Umbrella down as well, so... “Okay. Yeah. Sure. Why not?” he said with a shrug. “I’ll do it. And then we can take both these entities down... together. We trust each other, we work together, and we make sure they can’t hurt anyone else when we’re through with ‘em. Deal?” he offered.
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wikiuntamed · 3 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Monday, 26th February
Welcome, добродошли (dobrodošli), 환영 (hwanyeong), mirë se vjen 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 26th February through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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26th February 2021 🗓️ : Event - Zamfara kidnapping A total of 279 female students aged between 10 and 17 are kidnapped by bandits in the Zamfara kidnapping in Zamfara State, Nigeria. "The Zamfara kidnapping (or Jangebe kidnapping) was the abduction of 279 female students aged between 10 and 17 during a raid by armed bandits on 26 February 2021. The kidnapping occurred at the Government Girls Science Secondary School, a boarding school in Jangebe, in Zamfara State, Nigeria. All..."
26th February 2019 🗓️ : Event - Indian Air Force Indian Air Force fighter-jets targeted Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist training camps in Balakot. "The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the air arm of the Indian Armed Forces. Its primary mission is to secure Indian airspace and to conduct aerial warfare during armed conflicts. It was officially established on 8 October 1932 as an auxiliary air force of the British Empire which honoured India's aviation..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0? by Prasanth ypb
26th February 2014 🗓️ : Event - Ming Pao Former editor-in-chief of Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao Kevin Lau was stabbed, prompting concerns and protests about media freedom. "Ming Pao (Chinese: 明報) is a Chinese-language newspaper published by Media Chinese International in Hong Kong. In the 1990s, Ming Pao established four overseas branches in North America; each provides independent reporting on local news and collects local advertisements. Currently, of the overseas..."
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Image by 王植波
26th February 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Sébastien Loeb Sébastien Loeb, French racing driver "Sébastien Loeb (French pronunciation: [sebastjɛ̃ lœb]; born 26 February 1974) is a French professional rally, racing and rallycross driver. He is the most successful driver in the World Rally Championship (WRC), having won the world championship a record nine times in a row. He holds several other..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Morio
26th February 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Noboru Takeshita Noboru Takeshita, Japanese soldier and politician, 74th Prime Minister of Japan (d. 2000) "Noboru Takeshita (竹下 登, Takeshita Noboru, 26 February 1924 – 19 June 2000) was a Japanese politician who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 1987 to 1989 during the bubble economy.Takeshita led the largest faction at the time in the Liberal Democratic Party, which he inherited from Kakuei Tanaka,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by 内閣官房内閣広報室
26th February 1821 🗓️ : Death - Joseph de Maistre Joseph de Maistre, French lawyer and diplomat (b. 1753) "Joseph Marie, comte de Maistre (French: [də mɛstʁ]; 1 April 1753 – 26 February 1821) was a Savoyard philosopher, writer, lawyer, and diplomat who advocated social hierarchy and monarchy in the period immediately following the French Revolution. Despite his close personal and intellectual ties with..."
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Image by s:fr:Auteur:George Cogordan
26th February 🗓️ : Holiday - Liberation Day (Kuwait) "This is a list of holidays in Kuwait. Some dates given are according to the solar Gregorian calendar widely used internationally and some dates are according to the lunar Islamic calendar...."
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georjob · 3 months
GEOR Executive search service
10+ years of recruiting experience headhunting team
100% focus on global expats recruitment
Work visa agency & background check services
Our mission
GEOR's headhunting team focuses on the recruitment of mid-to-highly experienced expats from around the world to support China's One Belt One Road policy. We provide our Chinese enterprise clients with efficient and high-quality international talent research, optimization of the talent structure increased international competitiveness and successful entry into global markets.
More than 10 years of headhunting service experience
A professional headhunting team with 10 years of headhunting experience. At the same time, an overseas business department was established to expand overseas cooperation channels and help Chinese companies recruit global expats.
Rich global expats reservation
Based on the accumulation of our website for many years, we have obtained a rich global expats resource pool. The nationality of expats spans the globe, with focus in Europe, United States and in the Asian-Pacific regions.
Focusing on industry segments
Focused service companies / industries include domestic high-tech companies, e-commerce companies, gaming companies, medical / pharmaceutical industries, manufacturing and education industries with overseas talent demand.
Familiar with expats employment policies
Familiar with expats employment policies and visa procedures, etc., to help enterprises successfully recruit global expats.
Outstanding social media and community operations capabilities to reach candidates quickly
Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook posted posts simultaneously, increasing customer job exposure. Managing operations in more than 200 foreign WeChat groups. Employment postings in these groups can reach more than 10000+ global expats in one day.
Rich offline activities to increase talent engagement
From time to time, special high-quality global expats recruitment conferences, salons, lectures, and marketplaces are held to understand the needs of both companies and talents at a close distance, increasing service quality and talent engagement.
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michaelcosio · 4 months
Dec 31, 2017
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday delivered a New Year address in Beijing. In the speech, President Xi extended his New Year greetings to Chinese people of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese, as well as to people from all countries and regions around the world.
Xi hailed China's achievements in 2017 and noted that 2018 will be the first full year for implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.
He reiterated the country's commitment to reform and called for efforts to win the final phase of the war on poverty by 2020. He acknowledged people's concerns about education, employment, income, social security, healthcare, old-age security, housing and the environment, saying efforts at improving people's well-being have not always been satisfactory.
Xi also called for an enhanced sense of mission and responsibility.
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