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Finnick Odair GOSH
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The way Abigail "Abby" Anderson's literally my girlfriend
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Need me a man
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I have been profoundly in love with Dan Reynolds (from Imagine Dragons) for the past month and counting.
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Reunited through death - Chapter 3
Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader (platonic)
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The footsteps resonated against the concrete floor. Droplets of water were falling slowly from the ceiling, meeting with the small puddle located between two fissured parts of cement on the ground.
The man leading the parade wore a black cap along with a black uniform identified with a red logo on the sleeve. Behind him followed another man.
He was taller, broader and had a metal arm arboring a red star. He wore a mask covering the lower half of his face, dark brown hair framing it. His blue eyes stared ahead, focused and dark.
The man up front stopped in his tracks, turning to face an imposing metal door and clipping off the keys hanging at his belt. The soldier stood behind him, glaring at nothing in particular.
Until something caught his attention. Or someone. Another soldier walked in the corridor, a child trailing behind him. Her familiar eyes looked up at his, and just like that, he knew.
The Winter Soldier jolted awake, sitting up from his horizontal position on the hardwood floor. After pulling that man, Steve, out of the water, he decided to not go back to Hydra. He wanted to find out what he was. Who he was. And his quest began in an old shed in someone’s vast backyard.
He rested against the rotting wall behind him, his hand reaching up to push back his hair. He exhaled sharply, his eyes screwing shut as he focused on getting his breathing under control. There was no time for silly nightmares to distract him. His life was at stake, and even though he didn't find it valuable, he knew they wouldn't kill. No, they had put way too much effort and money into him. No, they’d wipe him and start over again and again.
After a few moments, he finally managed to pull himself together, quickly putting on an old jacket that was laying on top of a pile of wood.
He was quick to erase all traces of his presence in the shed before taking off. He was careful to be quiet in case anyone was near, though he doubted it. He didn't know where to go, he had so many ideas but also none all at once.
He considered going back to that man, but he knew better. The so-called Captain America might've saved his life, but he couldn't trust him. Odds are he’d lock him up as well for god knows how long. And the Winter Soldier did try to kill him repeatedly.
He keeps thinking about the man’s words, the way he looked at the Winter Soldier. The way he looked at Bucky. It’s like he had known the man for a hundred years, but the sound of his name didn't ring any particular bells. Steve- No one.
The Winter Soldier finally reached a more crowded area. He kept his head down, his jacket covering his torso and most importantly, his arm. He looked around, alert, scanning through the small, dispersed crowd and the couple half a dozen cars passing by each minute or so.
He quickly spotted a lone car parked by the side of the road and he quickly managed to get in and get it started before being noticed. Just like that, he took the road and made his way to the rural areas of Ohio.
He didn't know where to start, but he knew he needed to get away until things settled.
As he drove on the now lonely roads, he couldn't help but see those eyes over and over again. Deep down, he knew where to start. He had to find his daughter.
I'm sorry, this is so short!! I just didn't know how to write the plot of Bucky being on the run since I never experienced it first hand lol.
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That's what I'm sayin
Chapter 1
Marvel fanfic
Eventual (platonic) relationship: Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader
The boat is floating across the dark sea, the night shining above. Waves slowly rock it back and forth as it slowly travels atop of the water. The crew was mostly asleep or halfway there. Few men walked across the cargo-boat, not completely sure what they were guarding the shipment from, but patrol was necessary.
The captain was alone in the control pod, rocking his head to the rhythm of the music playing from his walkman. The device was quite outdated, but it held a special place in his remotely cold heart and it played music, so what more could he need?
Probably a doctor, since his throat was sliced open smoothly, his dark red blood cascading to the ground along with the man, who quickly became a corpse. The music was still playing when the earphones were gently taken out of his ears to go into those of the silhouette standing where he once was.
It nodded along with the beat of the song, Thriller by Micheal Jackson. The person closed their eyes and breathed slowly, basking in the pleasant sound, completely unbothered by the body laying at their feet. They wiped the blood off the blade before opening their eyes once more and making their way out of the cabin, closing the door behind them.
The moon and few lights around the boat revealed them, or her, her body wrapped in fabric and gear.
She went from one man to another, stabbing, slicing and beating them until breathing became a foreign concept. A poor excuse of a smile played on her lips when the final chorus came on, basking into the music, something practically unknown to her up until this very moment.
Her moment was cut short when a punch came her way. She dodged it and spun around to face the new participant to this bloody masquerade. A tall man, easily above 6’5 feet, launched a second attack, a kick swiping the floor towards where she stood.
She stepped back to dodge it. The girl tightened her grip on her knife, attempting to strike him in the neck. He caught her arm and twisted it, making her drop the knife.
She kneed him in the crotch area then in the stomach. He threw a punch at her nose, once, then twice. She fell back, her nose bleeding greedily. She cursed mentally, glaring at him.
He charged at her, throwing her through a door. He straddled her and attempted to punch her in the face. She caught his fist and kicked him from her position on the ground. She hit the back of the neck, making him stumble which allowed her to raise a hand up and grab his neck, clawing at it.
She switched positions, throwing him on the ground and grabbing a knife seated at her belt, stabbing him in the eye and thus, in the brain.
A deep exhale escaped her nose, standing back up and making her way out of the room to the deck. A few agents were now aboard, a red marking on their arm sleeve making them recognizable. She turned around to walk in direction of the staircase but was stopped in her tracks by an apparent human being.
The mercenary seriously doubted she was human though and suspected she was actually a robot. No way anyone on heart was this strict, even the Director was more laid back. She reluctantly looked up to meet the intense gaze staring at her, looking for something to accuse her of.
“Что это?” (What is this?), the buff woman asked demandingly, ripping out the earphones from the soldat’s ears. The walkman followed behind, slipping away from its spot on the girl’s belt.
She shrugged, truly not knowing what it was. She stared ahead of her, refusing to look at the older woman. She was tall, taller than most men. Her skin was tanned, dark brown hair tied back in a plain bun.
The woman’s arched nose scrunched in frustration. “почему ты считаешь, что имеешь право на такие вещи, как
этот?” (why do you think you have a right to things like
this?), her voice raised an octave, one or two agents glancing our way, but quickly averting their eyes when they saw who was involved.
The young soldier looked up at her a second time this evening, her posture still upright and unmoving, though she was fighting the urge to attack her and rip out her larynx. “Я не знаю. Я взял его, чтобы узнать, что слышал человек, которого я убил в последний раз.” (I don't know. I took it to find out what the man I killed last heard.), she answered bluntly, her voice small and quiet, not feeling the need to raise her voice. And not having the right either, but that’s beyond the point.
Their staring contest lasted for a few more seconds before it was interrupted by the woman’s earpiece. “Guerra, come in.”
The woman stood up straight, putting her stature on display. “What?”
“You and Stalker on Chopper 9, now. Director’s order.”, the person in the earpiece said. Guerra sighed, frowning. Meanwhile, the girl was still glaring at her, her stare unmoving.
“Copy.”, she answered simply, turning back to the asset. She raised an eyebrow upon discovering that said asset was still staring but she didn't question it.
A light appeared above, two ropes falling from the sky.
Was it God? No, just a helicopter.
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Miles Morales relationship headcanons
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Miles tries to come off as a laid back, confident guy right off the bat. But god was he always fumbling with his words, his attempted pick up lines completely failing. But his pretty eyes and goofy smile made up for it greatly.
He shows interest in anything that you like, whether it’s your favorite music or favorite hobby, he will try it and like it. Even if it’s like the total opposite of what he usually enjoys, he’ll try just for you.
He’s never really had dating experience before you, so whatever cheesy things he picks up from the media or his uncle like holding hands, giving you chocolates and all the corny, romantic stuff out there, he will do it.
Talking of holding hands, he absolutely loves it. It helps him ground himself in a way and it also shows people that you two are dating!
Kissing with him is always sweet. It doesn't matter if you’re kissing his lips, cheeks, temples, forehead and vice versa, it’s always love filled and soft.
You are each other's safe place. Being comfortable with your partner is really important and you two are the literal definition of comfortable. He trusts you 100% and that’s why he eventually told you about his vigilante life as spiderman.
He sketches you often, sometimes subconsciously. There are multiple pages in his sketchbook filled with drawings of you and even when he’s working on a homework or something he catches himself doodling you or your features.
His love language leans towards physical touch; kisses, hugs, cuddling, holding hands, etc. he loves it. Quality time is also important to him. Leaning against each other while doing your own things is far from uncommon.
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Chapter 2 | Reunited through Death
Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader (platonic)
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The wind blew the girl's hair once she reached the helicopter. She graciously climbed inside, detaching the harness from her utility belt. Guerra had reached it shortly before her. She was now standing in an impossibly straight posture, her arms clasped to her sides.
“Rosita Guerra, Hydra operator for the last decade. Became Lieutenant a year and a half ago. Fought in the Kosovo War in ‘99 and served in Afghanistan for two years.” A man stood in the middle of the cabin, two files in hand. He was reading the first one with a weird neutral expression.
The woman he was talking about remained in position, her face serious, internally wondering if she should talk or not. The man closed the file and looked up from it, his eyes landing on Lieutenant Guerra. “How come we’ve never met?”, he asked, his bizarre expression shifting into a different one which was unidentifiable as well.
“I was previously stationed at the Ideal Federal Savings Bank and only recently got transferred to the Sokovian research base.”, the woman answered matter-of-factly. Her gaze flickered slightly tho, a sign of nervousness that the smaller girl next to her picked up from the corner of her eye.
“Well, I hope you haven't found your transfer too difficult, because you’re being transferred, again.”, he announced, faking compassion in a caricatural way. Guerra’s brows furrowed, silently indicating that she was looking for more answers.
“Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.”, he chuckled without any humor. “I’m Director Schatten, we haven't officially met since your arrival in Sokovia.”, he twisted his thin lips in a poor excuse of a smile. His light blue eyes pierced Rosita’s black ones, as if he was reading her very soul. He pointed to the two women in alternance, his smile dropping. “Have you two been introduced yet?”
Rosita shook her head. “Not really no. I know she goes by ‘DeathStalker’ and aside from that, I’ve only heard some rumors back in the U.S.”, she explained.
“And what have you heard?”, he asked, his unsettling eyes questioning her on their own.
The Lieutenant glanced at the girl next to her quickly, gulping in nervousness. The wrinkles on her forehead deepened. “Huh”, she gulped, “one of them was that she's killed five men in a bar once.”, she paused. “With a pencil.”
The Director nodded, averting his gaze. “Well, that is partially true. They were six actually, and they weren't just men, no. They were trained Chinese mercenaries.”, his face slowly turned into a smirk. “And also, she doesn't just ‘go by’ the name DeathStalker. It is her name, her identity. The name of a weapon stronger than any machine gun or bomb you’ve ever seen.”, he bragged as if he was showing off his creation.
Said ‘weapon’ remained immobile, staring straight ahead and not moving an inch. The rise and fall of her chest was only slightly visible if you focused on it. Her black attire dissimulated her body in the dark of the cabin. The Director stepped towards them, circling the DeathStalker to go stand behind the two women. He handed the Lieutenant the second file that had remained unopened the whole time.
Rosita took it and shot him a quick glance before turning her attention to the yellowish folder stamped with the signature red logo. She opened it, her face showing slight confusion upon seeing the first picture on top of the papers.
“You will accompany the asset on a mission overseas. Earlier today, Project Insight failed, Hydra Uprising was compromised and we are no longer in the dark. Captain America and his hero team will most likely try and dissemble Hydra as soon as possible and this entire organization’s survival is threatened. To top it all off”, he slammed a finger on the picture in the file. The photograph showed a red star seemingly painted on metal. “The Winter Soldier disappeared. Ran away like a teenage girl after a fight with her daddy.”, he mocked.
He continued his monologue. “A team will be waiting for you in Ohio’s secondary base. Your mission, Miss Guerra, will simply consist of supervising the operation from afar. You will escort the asset to Ohio, and you and your team will serve as reinforcements if deemed necessary.” He turned to the other girl. “DeathStalker’s mission on the other hand, will be to hunt down and retrieve the Winter Soldier. Too much money was spent on him for him to go to waste and we wanna try and salvage what we can. Bring him in alive. Kill him only if absolutely necessary.”, he ordered.
The atmosphere significantly tensed up, as if it wasn't tense enough as it was. His gaze pierced through DeathStalker’s skull, but the assassin remained focused on looking forward. He finally stepped back and walked back in front of them, going to sit on one of the benches. He made himself comfortable and closed his eyes, leaning his head back. After an awkward minute, he spoke up again.
“You both should take a seat, it’s gonna be a long flight.”
Bucky will be in the next part don't worry!!
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Masterlist!! <33
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Bucky Barnes | MCU
Reunited through Death - Bucky x daughter!reader
Miles Morales | ITSV/ATSV
One shots:
Summertime cuddling - Miles x reader (fluff)
Relationship headcanons
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Reunited through Death Series Masterlist
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Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader
Warnings: overall violence (it's Hydra)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Summertime cuddling
Miles Morales x gn!reader
Type: fluff, no warnings
In honor of summer coming our way!
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You don't move an inch, some mumbling being your sole answer. You're laying on your back, all blankets long discarded. You had managed to spread your limbs as much as possible on Miles’ twin bed without touching him.
It was like 30°C in the room and you figured that the less you moved, the less you were a victim of the vicious heat.
“Y/n?”, your boyfriend asked again.
“What?”, you whisper back.
Miles was laying on his side on the edge of the bed. Before going to sleep, you assured him that you wouldn't mind moving so that he’d have more room but he insisted that he was fine with his part of the bed.
He seemed to hesitate a little. “Huh.. nevermind.”
You sigh, getting slightly irritated. You weren't sure why, the heat was probably getting the better of you. “Miles, what is it?”, you asked again, your whisper slightly louder.
After a minute of silence, he finally asked. “Can we cuddle?” His voice was quiet and shy, and god did it make you wanna say yes right away.
You loved cuddling with him. Everytime you guys slept in the same bed as one another (aside from the first 3-4 times),you guys always cuddled. But, you hadn't gone through a scorching heat type of weather during the night before, and you didn't really feel like having someone else sleeping pressed against you tonight.
“For real? Miles it’s like a thousand degrees, we won't make it through the night.”, you objected, your eyes still sealed shut.
“Yeah.. you’re right, sorry.”, he whispered back. You didn't miss the slight movement on the mattress and you opened an eye to see him close up on himself a bit.
You started feeling bad. It’s not that you didn't wanna cuddle with him, it’s just that you didn't feel like dying tonight. After a mental battle featuring your love for the boy next to you versus your survival instinct, you sighed and caved.
You turned to lay on your side, moving slightly closer to him. You wrapped an arm around his waist, spooning him.
“I know you’re smiling like an idiot right now.”, you tease, closing your eyes, ready to try and go to sleep again.
“No i’m not!”, he whisper-yelled in protest. There was, in fact, a huge grin on his face. He leaned into you, closing his eyes. After a minute or two of comfortable silence, he whispered softly, “I love you.”
A small smile appeared on your lips. You pressed a quick kiss on his shoulder blade and then leaned your forehead against his back.
“I love you too.”, you answer softly. “But if we die in our sleep, it’s your fault.”, you state.
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Chapter 1
Marvel fanfic
Eventual (platonic) relationship: Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader
The boat is floating across the dark sea, the night shining above. Waves slowly rock it back and forth as it slowly travels atop of the water. The crew was mostly asleep or halfway there. Few men walked across the cargo-boat, not completely sure what they were guarding the shipment from, but patrol was necessary.
The captain was alone in the control pod, rocking his head to the rhythm of the music playing from his walkman. The device was quite outdated, but it held a special place in his remotely cold heart and it played music, so what more could he need?
Probably a doctor, since his throat was sliced open smoothly, his dark red blood cascading to the ground along with the man, who quickly became a corpse. The music was still playing when the earphones were gently taken out of his ears to go into those of the silhouette standing where he once was.
It nodded along with the beat of the song, Thriller by Micheal Jackson. The person closed their eyes and breathed slowly, basking in the pleasant sound, completely unbothered by the body laying at their feet. They wiped the blood off the blade before opening their eyes once more and making their way out of the cabin, closing the door behind them.
The moon and few lights around the boat revealed them, or her, her body wrapped in fabric and gear.
She went from one man to another, stabbing, slicing and beating them until breathing became a foreign concept. A poor excuse of a smile played on her lips when the final chorus came on, basking into the music, something practically unknown to her up until this very moment.
Her moment was cut short when a punch came her way. She dodged it and spun around to face the new participant to this bloody masquerade. A tall man, easily above 6’5 feet, launched a second attack, a kick swiping the floor towards where she stood.
She stepped back to dodge it. The girl tightened her grip on her knife, attempting to strike him in the neck. He caught her arm and twisted it, making her drop the knife.
She kneed him in the crotch area then in the stomach. He threw a punch at her nose, once, then twice. She fell back, her nose bleeding greedily. She cursed mentally, glaring at him.
He charged at her, throwing her through a door. He straddled her and attempted to punch her in the face. She caught his fist and kicked him from her position on the ground. She hit the back of the neck, making him stumble which allowed her to raise a hand up and grab his neck, clawing at it.
She switched positions, throwing him on the ground and grabbing a knife seated at her belt, stabbing him in the eye and thus, in the brain.
A deep exhale escaped her nose, standing back up and making her way out of the room to the deck. A few agents were now aboard, a red marking on their arm sleeve making them recognizable. She turned around to walk in direction of the staircase but was stopped in her tracks by an apparent human being.
The mercenary seriously doubted she was human though and suspected she was actually a robot. No way anyone on heart was this strict, even the Director was more laid back. She reluctantly looked up to meet the intense gaze staring at her, looking for something to accuse her of.
“Что это?” (What is this?), the buff woman asked demandingly, ripping out the earphones from the soldat’s ears. The walkman followed behind, slipping away from its spot on the girl’s belt.
She shrugged, truly not knowing what it was. She stared ahead of her, refusing to look at the older woman. She was tall, taller than most men. Her skin was tanned, dark brown hair tied back in a plain bun.
The woman’s arched nose scrunched in frustration. “почему ты считаешь, что имеешь право на такие вещи, как
этот?” (why do you think you have a right to things like
this?), her voice raised an octave, one or two agents glancing our way, but quickly averting their eyes when they saw who was involved.
The young soldier looked up at her a second time this evening, her posture still upright and unmoving, though she was fighting the urge to attack her and rip out her larynx. “Я не знаю. Я взял его, чтобы узнать, что слышал человек, которого я убил в последний раз.” (I don't know. I took it to find out what the man I killed last heard.), she answered bluntly, her voice small and quiet, not feeling the need to raise her voice. And not having the right either, but that’s beyond the point.
Their staring contest lasted for a few more seconds before it was interrupted by the woman’s earpiece. “Guerra, come in.”
The woman stood up straight, putting her stature on display. “What?”
“You and Stalker on Chopper 9, now. Director’s order.”, the person in the earpiece said. Guerra sighed, frowning. Meanwhile, the girl was still glaring at her, her stare unmoving.
“Copy.”, she answered simply, turning back to the asset. She raised an eyebrow upon discovering that said asset was still staring but she didn't question it.
A light appeared above, two ropes falling from the sky.
Was it God? No, just a helicopter.
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Reunited through Death | MARVEL/MCU FANFIC
Eventual relationship: Bucky Barnes x daughter!reader (platonic)
I am 100% dropping this here and disappearing for the next 8 months. I'll try not to tho, I wanna pursue this new fic until I cringe at myself too hard and end up crying in a corner over my life decisions. I don't have an official plot line yet so people please send me ideas, requests and OPINIONS!!! I'm insecure over my writing and the way I decipher characters so PLEASE help me out, there's nothing better than honest and remotely respectful criticism. Also, my first language isn't english so if you beautiful people could help me out with my grammar, it would be very appreciated 🙏 (I don't reread what I write neither as to not help my case, soo)
All I can see is black. Pitch black. Actually, I’m not even sure whether my eyes are open or not. Doesn't matter though, because either way, I can't move. Only two distinct sounds play in the back of my head. One that's constant, like a steady breeze making its way between the window and the wall. No. Not a window. Just glass. The sound of wind slipping gently between two glasses. There was also a sort of beeping sound. Steady, but not constant.
The sound of two doors opening fills my ears, the air finally leaving my confinement in an overwhelming sound. Light reaches my optical nerve, though I don't remember opening my eyes. I wheeze in a deep breath, my extremities slowly moving.
I stare straight ahead of me, muffled voices surrounding me, though none of them seems directed to me. Except one.
“солдат?” (Soldat?)
“готов выполнить.” (Ready to comply.)
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Whatever this is with Abby
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Here's the template (not my bingo)
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Imagine going to war for Lev and Yara. Like legit. Because I would.
Your limbs are aching from the constant physical effort. There's water in your eyes from the dust and fire all around you drying them out. Your heart is pounding in your chest and you're seriously considering giving up. But you can't. Not when they are what you're fighting for. And they're worth every ounce of pain.
Might turn this in a complete fic, might not, who knows?
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I'm in love with Abby Anderson.
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