#Overseas travel
tenth-sentence · 4 months
The most popular answer is that things happened the way they did because in the fifteenth century Chinese emperors lost interest in sending ships overseas, while European kings (some, anyway) became very interested in it.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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987987654 · 1 year
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Why people say they can't study English and why they are not legitimate
There are some people who have no interest in learning another language and they don't feel that they need it. While that might not always be true, there is no budging people from that hard stance. However, there are those that have thought about studying at the back of their mind for years but seem to always be met with obstacles. But are they real obstacles? Let's explore some of the reasons;
I have no time -> Time. It is so precious and it seems in our adult life a lot of us are battling with the clock constantly. I can't get my project done, I wanted to relax but I had to drive my kids to soccer, I just started writing the essay and it's already midnight! The truth is, when you make something important, you find the time. Just ask that couple that found themselves pregnant even though they said many times there just wasn't the time for a baby.
I hated studying English in school -> If you are in Japan, I don't blame you. Japanese schools often center their English curricula around test prep and most students rarely get a chance to practice speaking English. I talked about that situation here. Studying as an adult is different. Us teachers know that students want to experience language in a new way and need to get practice activating what they have studied.
English is too difficult -> Sure, a new language is difficult. So was riding a bicycle, did you give up? So was learning how to do your job or how to study for your university program, but that didn't stop you did it? There is so much to learn with a new language, it looks like a huge mountain to climb, and I am not going to lie, it is. But when you decide to hike up Mount Fuji, you focus on where your feet are touching the ground, not on the peak. That is because you still have to take the journey to get there. Start simple, learn words daily, start making simple sentences and build from there. The key is, don't be worried about making mistakes, that is how you learn!
I probably won't be able to travel for a while, so I will do it later -> I have taught students many times that have just been informed that they are being transferred overseas. Their company gives them 10-20 lessons to build up their language skills which is just not enough. Of course, something is better than nothing, but it just isn't. You can feel their tension and stress about the upcoming transfer and an anxiety to cram as much as possible into their brains. Learn the language before it becomes an emergency situation. Take the time and go through the ins and outs and build up your confidence on top of your skills.
These were just a few examples, but you can see there is always a counterpoint. Do you have any other ideas about excuses people make? Leave a comment and I can talk about them in the future.
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hidemiwoods · 9 months
The Japanese Family Goes to Europe
When I left Europe and came back to Japan, I realized that my life would never be the same.Now I knew the world is so big and so many different people live in different ways. It seemed ridiculous to be obliged to live by an old custom or by what other people do which I didn’t want. I was told by my parents all my life to succeed the family and to live with them in their house by staying in my…
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slam-dunkin · 10 months
Im leaving the country overseas soon, i need help on what to bring and leave. If anyone has tips that would be greatly appreciated!
Im trying to leave books, furniture, and misc, but I have a lot of computer tech, instruments, mics, hardware, etc that I need to brjng for my major. Any tips on how to ship it? I know it will cost a lot.
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panda-yoo · 1 year
Post-Pandemic, Why Are Chinese Tourists Less Keen on Traveling Abroad?
In the ever-evolving travel landscape, there’s a noticeable change in how Chinese tourists are interacting with the idea of overseas adventures, especially in the post-pandemic era. This shift is not merely a temporary reaction to the global health crisis, but possibly a reflection of deeper cultural and societal dynamics at play. This blog aims to delve into the decrease in overseas travel among…
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emperornorton47 · 2 years
Americans in Paris.
How the feck do people travel in foreign countries without eating the local food? The only time I ever ate a burger was in Zagreb at a local place just to see how they did: they did better. I tried tripe for the first time in Versailles : I realized that I'd been eating it all my life as sausage stuffing.
I've had a few unusual dishes. Sea cucumber was probably the strangest. It was good.
So what is your story?
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travelbloggerhindi · 2 years
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Top Ten Most Romantic Gestures To Do For Your Boyfriend🥰❤️❣️
1. Send him to the middle of the Pacific Ocean (?)
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I’m still queuing to cover my overseas trip, and nothing says “oh, look, it’s like she never left” than a post where I force reminders of my obscurest Rohirrim blorbos (Rohirrblos? Blorbirrim? I’m workshopping it) on strangers.
The undisputed king of my “who?” guys is Guthláf, the (canonical!) banner bearer of Théoden.
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A few of you read his love story with fellow Rohirrblo Wídfara in Where Now the Horse and the Rider, but you may not remember this lovely drawing of them that was also made by @rinthecap ! And if I’m looking back at favorite fan art, I am absolutely going to include the one of two of my dearest obscure guys looking so incredibly sweet together!
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Call me biased, but they’re lovely and wonderful and special and I can’t get enough of them!
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Tower of God fans when the anime cuts content (It was a random comedic scene that has no bearing on the plot):
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jenntastic10 · 1 year
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Forget Netflix & Chill….
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Instead we Travel & Live
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happyk44 · 1 year
A doctor rushing to a small town on horseback, praying diligently to Hermes for safe and speedy travel so that they may make it before the patient is too sick to help. Hermes hearing this - and curious by it. People often ask for safety from thieves. Thieves ask for luck amongst the roads, potential targets to snag and steal. Merchants request shortcuts so they may sell their wares quicker. Rarely does he ever hear prayers for safety, for speed, for luck so that someone may help another.
So he follows silently, a little sparrow soaring above. Slips down from the air to the ground, as tiny as a mouse, and darts rapidly behind running boots. Watches from the corner of a room as a child weakly breathes and a doctor patiently attends to them.
It's interesting to him, the care. He's not yet seen it much in travelers - seen it in families, of course, in friends. But never in strangers. People are wary of those they meet on roads. Strangers on hidden paths, far away from helpful eyes and warrior swords, prickle with potential danger.
And yet...
It's interesting to watch the colour rise back to a pale face, cheeks flushed, lungs drained of fluid and now breathing clearer. A medicinal paste is rubbed into a lanced wound. Clear words, clear instructions.
The doctor stays for a few more days, attending to small ailments, checking in on the child. And then they're off to the next town, praying for safety and speed so they may help those who need it before it's too late.
He follows. He watches. He learns.
It fascinates him. Healing, helping. Traveling roads endlessly to take care of others. Even at cost, it's baffling. The effort, the drive - how do they manage it? Aren't they tired?
All travelers settle down eventually. Nomadic lifestyles run thin as age impacts movement. Energy. And yet on and on this doctor roams. And others soon follow.
Please, Lord Hermes, they whisper into rushing wind, please let me make it in time. Before someone falls prey to Death's cold scythe. I just want to help.
Okay, he whispers back, inaudible to their ears but not to their growing spirit. Run, my child. You will make it. You will help.
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vintagepromotions · 8 months
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British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) travel poster for Canada (c. 1950). Artwork by Paul Chater.
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everythingranma · 1 month
Pictured in the middle is Megumi Hayashibara (female Ranma VA) and on the left is Koichi Yamadera (Ryoga/P-chan VA). They are in London at the moment. I'm not sure who is on the right as Megumi doesn't say in her post.
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thoughtartistry · 11 days
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Off you go.
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