sictransitgloriamvndi · 4 months
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cristinabcn · 1 year
Jorge Pardo y Cristian de Moret: Flamenco, fusión y más...
Jorge Pardo and Cristian de Moret: Flamenco, fusion and more… TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA Periodista, Directora Gral de Cultura Flamenca. Prensa Especializada 11 de septiembre, Teatro Alcázar de Madrid. En concierto irrepetible, único, Jorge Pardo y Cristian de Moret, Cristian de Moret y Jorge Pardo: Tanto monta,  monta tanto Cristian como Pardo. ¡Que me disculpen los Reyes Católicos por…
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yamabra-extra · 1 year
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SÍLVIA PÉREZ CRUZ / Toda La Vida, Un Día
Silvia Perez Cruz(シルビア・ペレス・クルス)の待望のニュー・アルバムです。ちょっとだけ自慢をさせていただくと、当時紙媒体のラティーナ誌において、おそらく日本では初めての彼女のインタビュー(2016年)をさせて頂きました。そしてその後も来日直前(2018年)インタビューを担当させて頂く光栄に浴しました。であるからして彼女に対する思い入れは人一倍ではあるのです。
さてこのアルバムは5つのパートに分かれています。各々のパートが人生のステージや周期に向き合った作品なのだそうです。 LA FLOR (花:Tr.1-4) LA INMENSIDAD (無限:Tr.5-9) MI JARDÍN (私の庭:Tr.10-12) EL PESO (重さ:Tr.13-15) RENACIMIENTO (ルネッサンス:Tr.16-21)
共演者としてPepe Habichuela、Carmen Linares、Diego Carrasco、Carles Benaventなどのフラメンコ人脈、Liliana Herrero、Natalia Lafourcade、Salvador Sobral、Juan Quintero、Maro、Rita Payésなど、幅広いゲストと向き合って、トラディショナルな音と現在の音との境目も、国境もなく、まさにシルビア・ペレス・クルスの音楽というべきでしょう。変わらぬ鮮烈な歌声に圧倒されます。やはりこの艶やかな存在感は彼女ならではと言わざるを得ないですね。
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vintageguitar-world · 2 years
Conde Hermanos 1a “Media Luna” Flamenca Blanca 1996
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When it comes to Flamenco guitars, one name stands out: “Conde Hermanos – Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso”. Sabicas, Paco de Lucia, Pepe Habichuela, Nino Josele, Tomatito, Moraito – and almost all great flamenco artists played and play “Conde Hermanos” and those who love the sound of Paco de Lucia will soon or later consider to buy one of those guitars. What is behind these guitars and why are they world famous? Conde Hermanos are not simply guitar builders like others, no, they have probably written flamenco history like no one else. The three brothers Faustino, Julio and Mariano started to build guitars for Domingo Esteso. He was the great master, head and trainer in their early years. After the death of Esteso the three brothers started little by little to built instruments in their own style. First with the label Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso, but in the beginning of the 60s, it was not easy to make a living by selling flamenco guitars. When the young Paco de Lucia finally became aware of Conde at the end of the 60s beginning of the 70s – he had previously played Ramirez – they had created their own type of guitar, with incredibly strong basses and singing trebles – simply brilliant flamenco guitars. Paco was seen from then on almost exclusively with Conde, which naturally found its imitators due to the popularity of Paco. In the old TV recordings of the 70s there is almost no young guitarist who didn’t play Conde. Faustino Conde, who is considered to be in charge of the construction of the old Condes, has written flamenco history. This legend of the Condes has remained to this day. The sound of this Hermanos Conde guitar is fantastic. Powerful, hearty and full. At the same time the guitar is very balanced and clear. It has the power of the great Madrid guitars of the 60s and 70s. Flamenco at the highest level is in this great guitar.  The beautiful cypress wood supports this great sound and gives the guitar a passionate and charming nuance, which then leads to this beautiful “whiny” tone. The condition of this guitar is very good. It has been played but well taken care for. The saddle width is 52 mm and the scale is 650 mm. The top is made of spruce and the back and the sides are made of cypress. The guitar comes with a suitable case. Read the full article
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diyeipetea · 4 years
INSTANTZZ: Kiki Morente & Pepe Habichuela (El Dorado -Sociedad Flamenca Barcelonesa-, Auditori del Centre Cívic Parc Sandaru, Barcelona. 2021-01-14) [Flamencuras] AKA [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
INSTANTZZ: Kiki Morente & Pepe Habichuela (El Dorado -Sociedad Flamenca Barcelonesa-, Auditori del Centre Cívic Parc Sandaru, Barcelona. 2021-01-14) [Flamencuras] AKA [Galería fotográfica AKA Fotoblog de jazz, impro… y algo más] Por Joan Cortès
Fecha: Jueves, 14 de enero de 2021 Lugar: El Dorado sfb / Auditori del Centre Cívic Parc-Sandaru (Barcelona) Grupo: Kiki Morente & Pepe Habichuela Kiki Morente, cante Pepe Habichuela, guitarra Tomajazz: © Joan Cortès, 2021
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projazznet · 4 years
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Dave Holland, Pepe Habichuela ‎– Hands (Full Album)
Hands is a 2010 album by English jazz double bassist Dave Holland and Spanish flamenco guitarist Pepe Habichuela.
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Conde Hermanos - More Than Just A Guitar!
When it comes to Flamenco guitars, one name stands out: "Conde Hermanos - Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso".
Sabicas, Paco de Lucia, Pepe Habichuela, Nino Josele, Tomatito, Moraito - and almost all great flamenco artists played and play "Conde Hermanos" and those who love the sound of Paco de Lucia will soon or later consider to buy one of those guitars.
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What is behind these guitars and why are they world famous?
Conde Hermanos are not simply guitar builders like others, no, they have probably written flamenco history like no one else. The three brothers Faustino, Julio and Mariano started to build guitars for Domingo Esteso. He was the great master, head and trainer in their early years.
After the death of Esteso the three brothers started little by little to built instruments in their own style. First with the label Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso, but in the beginning of the 60s, it was not easy to make a living by selling flamenco guitars. 
When the young Paco de Lucia finally became aware of Conde at the end of the 60s beginning of the 70s - he had previously played a Jose Ramirez - they had created their own type of guitar, with incredibly strong basses and singing trebles - simply brilliant flamenco guitars.
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Paco was seen from then on almost exclusively with Conde, which naturally found its imitators due to the popularity of Paco. In the old TV recordings of the 70s there is almost no young guitarist who didn't play Conde.
Faustino Conde, who is considered to be in charge of the construction of the old Condes, has written flamenco history. 
This legend of the Condes has remained to this day.
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liamariapalavras · 3 years
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eu mandei mensagem para ele à tarde, dizendo que ia embora hoje e se ele queria me ver. não demorou muito, sim, pasma yo fiquei, ele me respondeu, sí, por supuesto. enfim que combinamos que ele viria a minha casa. eu estava com as malas quase prontas, quarto meio desorganizado, comecei a dar uma arrumada, para ficar um mínimo habitável sob meus olhos. tá gostoso para escrever, parece que revivo o momento, que o trago pro aqui, pro meu agora, apesar da dor nas costas. tomei banho, arrumei os cabelos, escolhi a lingerie e a roupa. um shorts curto fresquinho e uma blusa. preferiria ter ficado sem sutiã, mas para dar uma impressionada coloquei um sutiã branco que deixa meus peitos lindos. então fui procurar uma playlist para por e coloquei Ramon Ayala, extremamente bom. eu pedi para ele trazer umas cervejíneas, ele me pediu se eu tinha violão, disse que o da mana não estava comigo. ele me respondeu vish e 10 minutos depois me mandou msg que já se encontrava no posto. meu coração acelerou, dei mais uma olhada no espelho e desci. chegando lá embaixo ele estava lindo. cabelinho pra tudo que é lado, a guitarra nas costas, e ele meio sem jeito, dizendo que achava que eu ia deixar ele ali, algo nesse sentido. eu lhe dei um abraço, senti aquele cheiro que iria me enebriar a noite toda, uma mistura de perfume adocicado, com o cheirinho dele, daquela barba/cabelo que eu não sei descrever o que me causam. subimos as escadas, eu fazendo piada de como eu morava no último andar, ele meio sério. que novidade, que nada. ele é muito sério, e isso torna ainda mais lindo quando ele sorri, quando ele fala. - ontem eu parei aqui escrevendo, estava muito cansada, hoje também estou, mas se deixar passar muito, vou esquecer muitos detalhes. continuando.
eu nunca continuei a escrever sobre aquela noite e hoje só me recordo que ouvimos Pepe Habichuela & The Bollywood Strings - Yerbagüena. eu ouvi dizer que ele anda trancado entre livros, música, gravinas e cigarro.
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infoprovincia · 3 years
Extremadura reconoce la figura de Enrique Morente en el Día Internacional del Flamenco
Extremadura reconoce la figura de Enrique Morente en el Día Internacional del Flamenco
Estrella, Soleá y Kiki Morente ofrecerán junto al grupo de rock Lagartija Nick, el guitarrista Pepe Habichuela, la cantaora Carmen Linares y la bailaora Eva Yerbabuena un concierto en forma de reconocimiento a la figura de Enrique Morente coincidiendo con la celebración del Día Internacional del Flamenco. Este concierto, que tendrá lugar el 16 de noviembre en el Teatro López de Ayala de Badajoz,…
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jdcobm · 5 years
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Concierto de Pepe Habichuela anoche en la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de @madrid programación de Navidad 🎄 (en Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe - Madrid -) https://www.instagram.com/p/B67nLd-jWNv/?igshid=23tegh680q0o
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vintageguitar-world · 2 years
Conde Hermanos 1a “Media Luna” Flamenca Blanca 1996
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When it comes to Flamenco guitars, one name stands out: “Conde Hermanos – Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso”. Sabicas, Paco de Lucia, Pepe Habichuela, Nino Josele, Tomatito, Moraito – and almost all great flamenco artists played and play “Conde Hermanos” and those who love the sound of Paco de Lucia will soon or later consider to buy one of those guitars. What is behind these guitars and why are they world famous? Conde Hermanos are not simply guitar builders like others, no, they have probably written flamenco history like no one else. The three brothers Faustino, Julio and Mariano started to build guitars for Domingo Esteso. He was the great master, head and trainer in their early years. After the death of Esteso the three brothers started little by little to built instruments in their own style. First with the label Sobrinos de Domingo Esteso, but in the beginning of the 60s, it was not easy to make a living by selling flamenco guitars. When the young Paco de Lucia finally became aware of Conde at the end of the 60s beginning of the 70s – he had previously played Ramirez – they had created their own type of guitar, with incredibly strong basses and singing trebles – simply brilliant flamenco guitars. Paco was seen from then on almost exclusively with Conde, which naturally found its imitators due to the popularity of Paco. In the old TV recordings of the 70s there is almost no young guitarist who didn’t play Conde. Faustino Conde, who is considered to be in charge of the construction of the old Condes, has written flamenco history. This legend of the Condes has remained to this day. The sound of this Hermanos Conde guitar is fantastic. Powerful, hearty and full. At the same time the guitar is very balanced and clear. It has the power of the great Madrid guitars of the 60s and 70s. Flamenco at the highest level is in this great guitar.  The beautiful cypress wood supports this great sound and gives the guitar a passionate and charming nuance, which then leads to this beautiful “whiny” tone. The condition of this guitar is very good. It has been played but well taken care for. The saddle width is 52 mm and the scale is 650 mm. The top is made of spruce and the back and the sides are made of cypress. The guitar comes with a suitable case. Read the full article
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diyeipetea · 8 years
10º Aniversario Ciclo 1906 (A Coruña, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Santiago, Bilbao, Girona, Murcia. Marzo a Junio 2017) [Noticias]
10º Aniversario Ciclo 1906 (A Coruña, Madrid, Barcelona... Marzo a Junio 2017) [Noticias] @actua_com @Cerveza1906
Entre el 13 de marzo y el 19 de junio de 2017, tendrá lugar el décimo aniversario del Ciclo 1906, en el que se celebrarán más de 30 conciertos en A Coruña, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Santiago, Bilbao, Girona y Murcia. El ciclo comenzará el 13 de marzo con la actuación, en Madrid, de Nik West. Pepe Habichuela, Jack Broadbent, Aaron Parks Trio, Melissa Aldana, Javier Vargas Blues Band, Bruce…
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funkyview · 8 years
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Pepe Habichuela #flamenco #guitar #flamencoguitar #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #monochrome #worldmusic #guitarist
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denoticias · 5 years
Los musicales inundan la Puerta del Sol, Pepe Habichuela lleva su música a una iglesia y ET llena la pantalla de Cineteca
Los musicales inundan la Puerta del Sol, Pepe Habichuela lleva su música a una iglesia y ET llena la pantalla de Cineteca
La Navidad sigue llenando de música la ciudad, con actuaciones como la de Pepe Habichuela e Israel Fernández en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, o los musicales que salen a la calle para compartir con los transeúntes los mejores momentos de los espectáculos que se representan en los teatros madrileños. Escenas seleccionadas de Billy Elliot, El Rey León, Anastasia o Ghosttomarán la…
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ayudatwe · 6 years
Pepe Habichuela, 60 años de guitarra flamenca http://www.pellizcoflamenco.es/pepe-habichuela-60-anos-de-guitarra-flamenca/?utm_source=contentstudio&utm_medium=referral
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El Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada. Pepe Habichuela, y Juan Habichuela “Nieto”, guitarras flamenca. Plaza de los Aljibes. 27 junio22:30
Estos dos flamencos, juntos, representan la fusión de dos generaciones de arte y toque de guitarras, un diálogo musical bajo la noche granadina cargado de significado y hondo respeto por la tradición.
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