sam-keeper · 1 year
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The Perfectly Generic Podcast's bonus show, [I]ntermission, returns from the grave, completely naked of context, slippery and hairless. Kate Mitchell invades Zoe's Patreon to walk around town with her and discuss the evil cast of That 70's Show, Seattle's world-class Cyclist Hunter-Killer Waterfront, the sudden appearance of a rock-skipping cop, and more, in a gritty, down-to-earth example of audio à la demande veritas.
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davekat-sucks · 6 months
If you ever have to answer any more asks on the Lalonders situation they responded to LibsofTiktok. I can’t link the thread because I quit Twitter.
But I can read the thread online, to sum it up, Lalonders wanted to hire a team that best reflected the chracters and writing for Validate, and since Validate is a game about queer people of color Lalonders decided to hire people she saw as best fit for the team.
She did hire some white people for work on validate. Their numbers and position is not specified.
She also talks about micro-aggressions and she wanted a sage environment for workers on the team for Validate, and addresses microaggressions are not isolated to any group or committed by one group.
Her current work at Cliffhanger and the Black Panther game is as Junior Associate Narrative designer, she is not someone who hires, but rather writes the story.
The video clip was also released before her work at Cliffhanger.
Mainly I want to share this information to keep facts straight, and also because I am not participating nor allowing the manifestation of “Gamergate 2.0” because not only is the movement blowing the impact of one consultant company’s reach over the gaming industry to exaggerated proportions, but it’s based on he said she said mob mentality, it’s anti-woke cancel culture.
Also do take my presentation with a bit of salt, I also think Gamergate Classic was bullshit and that Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian did nothing wrong and were unfairly slandered by angry nerds online who didn’t read or want to analyze any of the previously mentioned people’s material, and just share clips out of context that make them sound more outrageous than they actually are.
Anyway, have a good day.
Found the OP and other post. It's funny to think about not having white people on the team despite claims of only POC people. They aren't any better than big corporations who also do this claim every June. And I dunno. I don't trust bitches like Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkesian. But is funny to think about the girl who helped with Homestuck with the same surname as one of the characters, is put under the same umbrella as the bitch who fucked with 5 guys. And if you wanna hear more Dani's bad takes about Homestuck and her views on Roxy, check out episode 24 on Perfectly Generic Podcast. You'll wonder why you and I wasted 1 hour of your time.
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aitchdeetee · 2 years
I have been going through the pgenpod archives recently and I am surprised how illuminating it is. In hindsight, that’s on me - I didn’t actively follow the Friendsim games and was not yet podcast-pilled at time of release. Having played the games now I’m skimming back through some episodes and wow...there is a surprising amount of information in here on how post-canon is being produced. It becomes pretty clear the amount of thought the fans and creators are putting into the goals of the Homestuck project (especially re:Epilogues and HS^2), ways of approaching + processing + writing fiction, collaborative storytelling, and hell the general process of creating art! This is a lot more transparent about the story’s production than Hussie ever was about Homestuck proper, and frankly with more good faith than they typically showed as well. Given that, it’s confusing to me that one of the big complaints of post-canon that’s emerged is that the creators didn’t engage with the fandom as much, when you had a whole stretch of time they were rotating through a podcast to speak to people fairly directly! It’s not too surprising though - podcasts are less accessible and I myself was ignoring the thing too.
And yeah, there’s bias. Of course there is, none of us are free from bias. In the interest of diplomacy I will refrain from getting deep into this. Well, except to say fuck anyone who sent people death threats. But BESIDES THAT, whatever your thoughts are on the toxicity in HS's creator/fandom relationship, there's worthwhile stuff in there. I don’t agree with everything on the show, and it can occasionally dip into fandom grudgery, but personally I take the bad with the good. And I think there’s more good than bad with pgenpod.
While I’m on the subject of Homestuck podcasts, I might as well take the opportunity to plug Homestuck Made This World. This one is two academics (one longtime fan, one newbie) reading through Homestuck one chunk at a time, analyzing it as a text, and putting it in its context in history. If you are one of those fans who yearned for people to take Homestuck seriously as Literature or Art or whatever - here it is! If you’re not, it is still a great resource for understanding how Homestuck was made as it was being updated, especially if you weren’t there. But this isn’t just Old Homestuck Yells At Cloud, I learned a lot about media analysis in general, as HS gets compared to other media that came before and after it. The hosts are critical but fair, genuinely insightful, and extremely good at talking to a non-academic audience. Because of that it’s a great podcast even for people who haven’t read Homestuck. There’s no better explainer. 
Anyways. I think both of these pods are invaluable for understanding what Homestuck is as an object, how it works, and how it got made. Purely from a perspective of internet history, it is good that they exist.
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scalematey · 3 months
listening to homestuck made this world for hs diss and like. when they cite the list of "podcasts that you should also check out about homestuck" i know they primarily are talking about podcasts which are homestuck readthroughs but also like. why did they skip over pgenpod. how on earth can you talk about the genre of homestuck podcasts without ever mentioning pgenpod
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wizard0rb · 7 months
does anyone remember pgenpod
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For folks that are getting into Beyond Canon prompted by the new turn of events I recommend complementing their reading with the Bonus Content (it became free to access in the site when the hiatus started) and pgenpod. They both explain a few things about the story that beyond canon had trouble to explain clearly because of the nature of the project itself
Avoid pgenpod if you have beef with the previous team tho
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h34vybottom · 1 year
Never listened to pgenpod, I've read a few transcripts, and I'm listening to an archive rn. Dunno what else to say. Anyway.
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yuckydisgustings · 5 years
my favorite thing about pgenpod is when kate gets really fucking close to the mic and threatens to actually kill anyone who even insinuates that vriska isn’t a lesbian
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zuble · 4 years
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iapislazuli · 5 years
hehe. I’m seeing my girlfriend today :3c
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sam-keeper · 2 years
Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Goncharov
I think the coolest thing I've seen so far is an analysis of violence in the film as a kind of tragic juxtaposition between the horror of nature and then this pointless conflict on top of that. it's cool that the fandom seems so interested not just in a kind of superficial engagement but really is digging into the layers of symbolism in the film, in a way that reminds me of the best parts of fandoms for stuff like utena, or the pgenpod circle for homestuck
it's also interesting that since I'm not really "on tumblr" anymore to any degree I've actually mainly experienced the renewed interest in the film via people talking with me on discord about it, or seeing posts that filter over to cohost or mastodon. it feels like the first genuinely cross platform cultural moments in a while in a way that's kind of exciting.
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davekat-sucks · 6 months
Im trying to remember if that 2 hour live stream from years ago about why the strilondes are black or something was hosted by the validate creator or not.
Maybe it was on one of the Perfectly Generic Podcast episodes. Dani was one of the guests on there for the Roxy one.
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steakbatter · 5 years
i’m going to unfollow a bunch of homestuck blogs, i’m sorry if we were mutuals, please feel free to unfollow as well. 
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asherinn · 5 years
kind of surreal to see someone posting ace/aro exclusionist bullshit on fe twitter and get cancelled in less than a day, flouncing off the platform after multiple people call them on it
i dunno if that’s the power of being in a small corner of a fandom or what, but homestuck fandom could never
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that-ducking-tool · 5 years
Dude the kate nudes thing is giving me such like cognitive dissonance because while I think it’s extremely weird that she just decided that it’s something that she’s just wanted to do as a public facing online creator, I’m not like against sex work. I think if she had a different account with that stuff on it and didn’t want it attached to her professional career, itd be better.
The only way I can really understand why she did it the way she did is that she has this woke mindset that thinks it good to sell nudes on your professional twitter, in the sense that you should be able to do that. In of its self, I guess that’s not a bad take? But this really depends on the context. I do not think kate has an audience of completely adults, as she is popular off of homestuck which is largely targeted towards teenagers and the fact that she is in a leadership position with this brand makes the whole thing look bad.
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longroadstonowhere · 5 years
my day has been consumption of complete glorious chaos (outside of work)
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