bedforddanes75 · 2 months
i listen to the winner takes it all and all of a sudden im 50 and on my 4th husband who doesnt love me
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thesillyvivi · 4 months
rdr2 tje only game where i feel like i have to throw up in the worst and bes way possible. i need to kill myse
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skullhalo · 11 months
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tree0frog · 3 months
can you do a atla fic of the gangg finding out fem water bender reader is a lesbian
hii this was so cute
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atla masterlist
warning ~none
you sighed walking alongside Zuko and Toph,As the three of you made your way back to the camp. Your mind wandered to you home village where she was.
Late that night the seven of you where talking when it go to you.
“So {y/n} what’s your plans for after the war?”katara asked.
“Hmm I’d probably help you as much as I could I’d also like to visit my home town for a bit”you said trying to came the small pink dusting your cheeks and ear.
You had met the gaang just before they had met toph and had decided to keep to yourself as much as you could.
“Your hearts racing!” Toph said pointing to you.
“Phhh no it’s not next question please” you laughed moving your collar to reveal your necklace.
“Is that a betrothal necklace” sokka shouted.
This made katara look closer.
“ sprits it is” she gasped.
“ I didn’t know you were engaged”Aang said looking to happy.
“I’m not”you laughed making the boy look confused”Aang I’m 18 I’m married” you laughed at the look on not only his face but the rest of the groups as well.
“that’s so sweet who’s the lucky guy” suik asked.
“Oh my wife she everything,I think you would like her toph she’s an earth bender”you felt your cheeks heat a little.
“Wife?”Zuko asked for the first time that night.
“Yes I have no romantic interest for men”you laugh felling a little better at getting this off your chest.
“Mabey you could give sokka so advice to get a girl.”katar laughed.
“ I think he is doing just fine on his on”you have him a knowing look.
“Wait your 18!”aang shouted.
Making the group burst out laughing.
“Yes I’m 18 how old did you think I was” you said between laughing.
God how much you loved that kid.
“Mhh i don’t know 16” he said.
“I’ll take that kid”you said giving him a smile.
“Soo can we meet your wife?”toph asked.
“Road trip”sokka Shouted.
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slapfish-oc-blog · 4 days
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Salem FMK: Jaune, Hazel, Watts
Salem: FMK
Salem: Hmmm… Well this is rather simple really.
Watts: My, Queen. Why are you choosing to play this rather… juvenile game? Surely you have better things to spend your time on.
Salem: Indeed there is, however, playing this game will help you understand my decisions in this matter.
Hazel: And, what matter is that?
Salem: Oh, just a matter of succession issues, nothing you truly need to worry about.
Watts: I can’t help, but worry now.
Hazel: Neither can I…
Salem: So, I would kill, Watts.
Watts: May I ask why, your Grace?
Salem: Sleeping with you sounds like such a bore.
Watts: Ahh?! W-What?!
Salem: You would put it in, pump it until you came, and then leave. You would he so unsatisfying not even a payed, a handsomely paid whore could fake her enjoyment.
Watts: I-I-I…?! What?! Excuse me?!!
Hazel: Ha! I’d buy that.
Watts: Shut up you brut! I’d like to see you do better!
Hazel: Well, I’m not being killed right off the bat, so of course I’m doing better than you.
Salem: Yes, but how much better would you be?
Hazel: What?
Salem: I speculate you would no doubt be a far sight better than, Watts. But, considering out past it would basically be a, ‘Hate Fuck.’
Hazel: E-Excuse me?
Salem: There would be passion, but it would not be a simple, ‘One pump dump,’ scenario. But, where would the desire, the lust, the love be? It would be fun, but it would be a fleeting joy, which is not what I truly desire. No what I truly desire, is you~!
Salem the turned her gaze towards one, Jaune Arc. A sultry, lustful smile spread across her lips, as she stared at him like starving predator. One who was ready to pounce upon its unsuspecting prey, and feast!
One might to be caught in such a gaze by a woman such as, Salem. Woman who has lived for thousands of years, and her pick of women would find this a rather comforting compliment. Except for, Jaune, he did not find this to be complimenting. After all he was currently, bound, and gagged to a chair as he struggled against his bonds.
Jaune: (MmmMmm#%?€!Phhh?!!!)
Watts: Wait, did you bring us here just to explain why you had, Tyrian kidnap this boy?!
Salem: Yes.
Hazel: Ma’am… That’s… That’s messed up.
Watts: Agreed.
Salem: I agree I may have gone… A bit far… But, I assure you I have a valid reason for all of this.
Watts: And, that would be?
Salem snapped her fingers, and the gag around, Jaune’s lips vanished as he spent a moment caough, and spitting as he groaned disgust.
Jaune: Ugh…?! Gods, it was like I was being gagged with black liquorice! Now then… Why am I here, and who the hell are all of you?!
Salem: Those two don’t matter, all that matters right now is you, and me~!
Jaune: Then who are you?!
Salem: Surely, Jaune, you haven’t forgotten about me…?
Jaune: Trust me, Lady…
Jaune gave, Salem the once over again, paying particular attention to her rather, hourglass figure.
Jaune: I would remember seeing a woman like you. But, not for all the reasons you’re thinking off!
Salem: What?! How could you forget me?! Ohh, its because of of my appearance. You are used to something more like… (Snap!) This~?
With a snap of her fingers, Salems magic made her appear with a far more human appearance. One that, Jaune recognized all too well.
Jaune: S-Seline…?!
Salem: While my true name is actually, Salem. It is still I, Seline, your wife to…!!
Salem: …
Salem To be…
Jaune: Well, where have you been?!
Salem: I’ve been… busy…
Jaune: Busy with what?!
Salem: Stuff…
Jaune: GrrrRRRR!
Salem: I don’t see why you’re so upset, I thought you would be happy to see me?
Jaune: Oh, I am over the moon seeing you again, Seline… Uhhh… Salem. I really am. But, I would have preferred if you just dropped by our home like you used to; Instead of you kidnapping me?!
Watts: Uhh… My lady, how do you know this boy…?
Salem: On a whim I decided to save his mother; As a thanks for that, she promised me her first born son as my husband when he came of age.
Watts: So you had us collect him, as some sort of life debt?
Salem: That, and well… So he wouldn’t freak out, and run away from me when he saw me like… that…
Jaune: Is that seriously why you stopped coming by…?
Salem: It was… I was worried that you wouldn’t like me once you say the real me…
Jaune: Ohhh, Salem… I don’t care that you look like that. I just wanted you back in our… Back in my life. I missed you, Salem. I missed you so much it hurt.
Salem: Oh, Jaune…
Jaune: But, if that was your reasoning then I’m mad as hell! You worried me half to death! I thought that, Ozma guy finally found a way to put you down, you being immortal, and all.
Salem: How do you know that?!
Jaune: Mom say’s you have pretty lose lips when you’re drunk.
Salem: Juniper…! Oh, you’re going to get it now!
Jaune: Hey! Don’t talk to your mom like that!
Salem: My mom? What are you talking about?
Jaune: I’m going to marry you, so she’s going to become your mother-in-law. Duhh.
Salem: W-Wait! It’s just a game we’re not actually getting married… R-Right…?
Jaune: Listen, I don’t know what mom was thinking when she promised you her first born son. Honestly, I think it for the best that I don’t know. But, I do know I want to marry you, Salem.
Salem: Y-You do?
Jaune: Since I was a kid. Granted I didn’t really understand what, marriage, or love was. But, I’ve had years to think about this, Salem, and I love you with all my heart, body, and soul. I was devastated when you didn’t show up after being a part of my life for all those years.
Salem: Oh, Jaune…
Jaune: So, with all of that in mind, and more. I want to marry you, Salem; I want to have you by my side for the rest of my life until the day I die. I want to bask in the warmth, and joy our presence will bring one another. I want to have a large family, where they will stay with their mother, shower her, in love and affection even long after I am gone. So, Salem, will you marry me?
Tears fell down the immortal witch’s eyes at the bounds that bound, Jaune were loosened, and he was lifted into, Salem’s warm embrace.
Salem: Yes… Yes, Jaune I will marry you.
Jaune: Oh, how long have I wished to hear those words from you, my Witch~!
Salem: So have I, my Valiant Knight~!
And, with these words, a long, and over due first kiss was shared between the two as the melted into one another’s embrace. All the while, Hazel, and Watts watched on as tears fell down their eyes at the beautiful scene before them.
Watts: That was beautiful!
Hazel: I haven’t cried like this in years.
As the duo broke their kiss, Salem sighed happily as she rested her head against his. Jaune enjoyed her warm embrace as she stared lovingly into her eyes. But, as he stared into those blue eyes of her’s, a wicked, and devious smile spread across her lips as she gazed upon him.
Salem: You know~? Since we already agreed to it, why don’t the two of us consummate the marriage; Now doesn’t that sound like fun~?
Jaune: Oh it does~! But, no; We’re not doing that!
Salem: What, why?!
Jaune: Pay back for making me think you forgot about me!
Salem: It was only a few years, what’s the big deal?
Jaune: Ten years may seem short to you, but it was a decent chunk of my life! So, you ain’t getting any until after the wedding, that we are having back home with the rest of my family!
Salem: Ffffffine! Fine, I’ll do that…
Jaune: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Salem: Not like you a useless virgin knows what to do with it anyway…
Jaune: What was that…?
Salem: I said; ‘Not like you, a silly little virgin would know what to do with it!’
Jaune: I’m not a virgin.
Salem: You’re not?!
Jaune: Nope.
Salem: When the hell did that happen.
Jaune: Couple of months after I turned sixteen.
Salem: What kind of skank did you sleep with?!
Jaune: The woman who will be your sister-in-law. Saphron’s wife, Terra Cotta Arc.
Salem: You slept with your sister-in-law??
Jaune: She wanted a child, they wanted it to be an, Arc. So I help them.
Salem: You knocked up your sister-in-law??
Watts: The plot thickens.
Hazel: I don’t think we should be here anymore.
Jaune: Hey! It was a mutual agreement. Among other things~!
Salem: But, you slept with your sister?!
Jaune: Hey! I’m an, Arc, we don’t, ‘sleep’ with woman.
Salem: W-What…? What does that even mean?
Jaune: We, Arc’s fuck woman!
Salem: Excuse me?
Jaune: When I enter you for the first time, it will feel like I just popped your cherry!
Salem: J-Jaune?! W-What happened to the sweet little boy, and his toy trains?!
Jaune: Then, when we really get at it, you forget that man was ever inside you.
Salem: W-W-What?!
Jaune: And, when were done, you’ll look like you’re three months pregnant, and begging for more…
Salem: You’re kidding! This is just teenage bravados talking, none of this is real!
Jaune: And, what if I say it is real, very real indeed. So, what are you going to do about it; Are you going to say its a lie, or do you want to embrace reality, and bathe in blinding pleasure, and unbridled lust~?
Salem: …
Salem: WATTS?!!
Watts: Y-Yes… My, Queen…?
Salem: You’re in charge of the castle, I’ll let you know when the wedding is being held. Bye!
And, with that, she shoved her fiancé onto a Nevermore, and flew away to, Jaune’s home town for the wedding. All the while, Hazel, and Watts watched on with wide eyed, and utter confused minds. They stare at one another before shrugging their shoulders, and headed inside.
Somethings were simply best not to think about in the end.
Well… This went places…
I regret nothing…
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horrorknife · 3 months
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hrtsoldierboy · 2 months
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i will convert you to the dark side i fear.. (mike faist fever).
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rubysundaey · 3 months
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agniyagrif · 5 months
YOU. *point at u* u are genuinely one of THE BEST artists I've ever seen. The guy who painted the Mona Lisa? He has NOTHING. On your funny shapes. They are so funnily shaped. The shape language? I don't know how to say this but the shapes shape to me. They shape VERY well. Shaped is the best way I can describe
reasons I like Ur art:
3:mm yes very good shapes
The best sculptors in history? Whish they had something on ur funny funny shapes. Your shapes collaborate so so well. It's like your shapes all started a content house together that's still functional to today. If I had to describe I would say ur shapes shape the shapest to date. God, they're so shaped??? It's crazy. I hope your shapes continue to shape and you have a shapeful day.
Oh my shape! It's so sweet)))
As you noticed i do in fact draw shapes and like shapes)
I don't think i can do them well EVERY TIME, because i actually don't know any theory, but when i manage to do it well - it feels awesome)
It's just... I guess for me it's cooler when characters different. Body shapes and face shapes and NOSES I LOVE NOSES. It's just like cool, right?) (but like obviously no offence to anyone who draws differently, it's all cool, I'm just talking about myself)
My favourite shape btw is triangle. Like it's just perfect! You can make other shapes out of it even! [Monologue about triangle or the number three (i don't remember or care) from the boss baby movie]
Anyway rumble rumble rumble
It's very sweet thank you) I'm very happy when people like my shapes and i also like them)))
Also maybe "":) am... consider looking at my not fandom stuff haha":) because I'm sure you talking about my fandom drawings. if you like my shapes so much. maybe... If you want... mmm I don't post much of it though. Or don't, no pressure! Genuinely! I understand it might be less interesting) but I just have to like phhh advertise it if i have the opportunity. Like who will talk about my stuff if not me?)))
Anyway)) shapeful day to you too!)
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nomaishuttle · 10 months
phhh my god. fml
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iminthetunnels · 1 year
phhh my god
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fizzytoo · 2 years
Ohhhh my gooddd they took our racquetball court phhh my god let's kill them
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ooh my god guys i just turned on the tv and.... oh my god 😨
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
phhh my god
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laplaces-angel · 5 months
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phhh my god
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alpinezro · 10 months
phhh my god hers wide
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