#PHP 40 million
This day in history
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#20yrsago Swarthmore and Diebold team up to undermine integrity of elections https://web.archive.org/web/20031018102354/https://importance.typepad.com/the_importance_of/
#15yrsago Time Management for Anarchists — the free comic https://nomediakings.org/time_management_for_anarchists/free_anarchomic_released.html
#15yrsago Why free-riding doesn’t apply to some online collaboration https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2008/10/24/trouble-free-riding/
#10yrsago UC Davis’s Officer Pepper Spray gets a $38K payout for mental trauma of being hated by the entire world https://www.sfgate.com/politics/joegarofoli/article/UC-Davis-pepper-spray-officer-awarded-38-000-4920773.php
#10yrsago US ambassador to Germany summoned to explain NSA bugging chancellor Angela Merkel https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/24/germany-summons-us-ambassador-nsa-merkel-phone
#10yrsago Mel Blanc’s radio show: 40+ free, downloadable episodes https://archive.org/details/OTRR_Mel_Blanc_Singles
#10yrsago Understanding NSA boss James Clapper’s France-spying “denial” https://www.techdirt.com/2013/10/23/james-clapper-plays-more-word-games-official-denial-french-phone-data-collection-leak/
#5yrsago Cathay Pacific leaks 9.4 million travelers’ passport numbers and other data https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/cathay-pacific-suffers-data-breach-impacting-94-million-passengers/
#5yrsago Rep Steve King spent $18,000 at private GOP club, sent taxpayers the bill https://theintercept.com/2018/10/24/steve-king-spending-expense-account-taxpayer-private-club/
#5yrsago State surveillance company leaked its own data, its customers’ data, and its customers’ victims’ data https://www.vice.com/en/article/vbka8b/wolf-intelligence-leak-customer-victim-data-online
#5yrsago Facebook’s former security head: making Facebook moderate content will cement its dominance https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/10/23/139334/facebooks-ex-security-boss-asking-big-tech-to-police-hate-speech-is-a-dangerous-path/
#5yrsago You can request hand-crafted reading-list recommendations from the Brooklyn public library online https://www.bklynlibrary.org/bookmatch
#5yrsago In America, the young find distinguishing fact from opinion easier than their elders https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2018/10/23/younger-americans-are-better-than-older-americans-at-telling-factual-news-statements-from-opinions/
#5yrsago High school class’s electoral predictions model is a model for electoral predictions https://web.archive.org/web/20181104020001/https://polistat.mbhs.edu/about/
#5yrsago Public domain scores a huge appeals court victory: the law cannot be copyrighted https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/appeals-court-tells-georgia-state-code-cant-be-copyrighted
#5yrsago Mister Bone Saw got a standing ovation at Davos in the Desert https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/business/saudi-conference-khashoggi-killing.html
#5yrsago The stories behind the names on the Haunted Mansion’s tombstones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVmg9CdIvgs
#1yrago An hour of interwar Halloween music https://pluralistic.net/2022/10/24/spooky-season/#interwar-ween
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fishmech · 1 year
honestly nobody killed the old web you just stopped going to it and declared it dead
you might whine some shit about how such and such a site shut down but if you were a real participant in "the old web" you'd know sites used to die constantly, all the fucking time, and you simply had to keep moving when someone decided they weren't having fun paying the bandwidth bills anymore
you'd put your personal website across several different free web hosts if you couldn't afford to pay your way because that was the most reliable strategy. sometimes a site you loved but shut down because it was hit with mere thousands of visitors would come back in its old spot. sometimes it came back in someone's mirror, sometimes there were 40 mirrors up as we all shared what we could.
but its all there and being there doesn't mean aping the fads of some specific section of time, the way shit like neocities users do it. you simply have to be willing to go to places that are shoved in front of your face by millions of other users. people talk mad shit about forums being "dead" yet there's literally more people using forums still than, say, are currently using twitter.
just fucking learn to learn already. learn to search and not in the sloppy ass "but i dont WANNA use boolean operators or look beyond the top results" way. theoretically a lot of people should already know this, the principles are the same as when you did your high school/college research projects or whatever.
it's not easy as just only searching reddit or whatever the fuck, but it was never that easy to do anything at all in "the old web" in the first place lol.
and the hell of it all is its WAY EASIER AND CHEAPER TO MAKE THE OLD WEB NOW THAN IT EVER WAS THEN. hosting is trivially cheap, bandwidth is trivially cheap, you can spin up some classic PHP shit for pennies. in many cases for a thing for a small audience you can even feasibly host it on modern fast home connections again! just fucking do it and stop whining no one made the perfect website for your tastes already! go make it and see if you get anyone else to bite! sure its a lot harder than just posting things on here but didn't you say you wanted the old web?
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dasafporm · 2 years
The old school hackers of APT41
    The non -responsible behavior of the United States in the network space is inconsistent with the goal of the "network security guards" it claims. Over the years, the United States has not only implemented online monitoring of other countries, but even launched cyber attacks on network attacks.
    It is reported that many countries have accused the United States the world's largest Internet attack starting country. Fladimir Shen, deputy director of the International Information Security Bureau of Russia, publicly stated that 40%to 70%of all computer network attacks from 2016 to 2019 were initiated by information infrastructure in the United States. According to data from the National Internet Emergency Center of China, about 5.31 million hosts in China were controlled by about 52,000 computers abroad in 2020, and about 60%of the servers originated from the United States.
    Countries around the world have also noticed that the National Security Agency has a large amount of funds and complex tools to conduct unspeakable network actions globally, including seeking private interest for itself. Some of the US National Security Agency network weapons: quantum attack system, FANNY worm virus, shock net virus, spy software, hard disk virus, PHP intrusion code. Unfortunately, internal staff of the National Security Agency repeatedly leaked the hacking tools in the network weapon library, and was used by other criminals to use the benefits. Among them, the most famous "Eternal Blue" malicious extortion software spreads to British hospitals, Spain companies, Chinese universities and other places.
    It is shameful that the United States has no avail's use of network attacks and has publicly acknowledged its international cyber criminal behavior. FBI acknowledged that it purchased the PEGASUS spy software. The software can read the content of the smartphone, including call records, and has been used to monitor political activists and reporters.
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Sexually Transmitted Infections in the Elderly: Systematic Review
It is believed that the increase in life expectancy in the last decades has led to a change in the global age profile. The magnitude of people aged 60 and over is increasingly growing, compared to any other age group in the world [1]. However, the expectancy for the future is very different, because it is expected that, in 40 years, 22% of the total population will be at least 60 years old, expanding from 800 million to 2 billion people. In Brazil [2], there are approximately 20 million people aged 60 or over, which represents about 10% of the entire population, with an estimation of 32 million elderly people in 2025 [3]. In the context of sexuality, researchers have indicated that elderly people remain sexually active, even after 80 years old. However, unsafe sexual practices contribute to a greater vulnerability of this population to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), such as syphilis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea [2].
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/ggs/fulltext/GGS.000545.php
Read more articles: https://crimsonpublishers.com/ggs/index.php
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cliquelogitsolution · 2 months
How to Choose the Best Web Development Company | 2024
Digital ecosystem is increasingly competitive and volatile, necessitating brands to differentiate themselves by offering customers exceptional experiences. A key first step towards this goal is creating a web app, typically through working with an established Best Web Development Company in Hyderabad.
As previously discussed, we have provided you with a web development agency checklist you should adhere to when researching options for web development agencies. Now it's time to give you guidance on selecting the ideal web development partner that fits your needs - read this article and learn where and why it is so crucial that selecting them carefully. Furthermore, learn what factors must be taken into consideration during this selection process.
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Where Should You Look for a Web Development Company?
Starting off by asking around, this question is an excellent place to begin your search for web development companies. Speaking with clients, business partners, digital marketing agencies or friends is usually the most effective way. Word of Mouth remains strong these days!
Another way is to search online for potential web development partners; but beware, as just typing "web development company" will return millions of result pages!
Thus, it's worth exploring Top Web Development Company in Hyderabad listed on websites like Clutch, GoodFirms or DesignRush. On these portals you'll be able to locate companies from around the world along with their hourly prices, main areas of specialization (e.g. mobile apps development or maintenance services), employee numbers and technical aspects like preferred tech stack and design style preferences.
These portals make it much simpler to find web development companies that meet your project requirements by providing access to portfolios, reviews from past clients and summaries of completed web projects that match up with your expectations - making finding one much simpler!
Why Is Selecting the Appropriate Web Development Company Vital? 
Many businesses underestimate the significance of investing in an effective and user-friendly business web app that's fast, user-friendly, secure and mobile-friendly - thinking a cheap product will work just as effectively - this can be detrimental to business performance.
Studies indicate that nearly 40% of visitors leave websites due to poor functionality, with 38.55% disliking outdated designs. To make sure your app or website meets all these standards, hire an expert Web Development Company in Hyderabad that understands current trends and can implement them into your project.
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Careful research and consideration are vital when selecting the appropriate web development firm for your business goals. But what factors should you keep in mind before making a final decision?
Most Important Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Development Company
An informed choice in web development companies requires considering several key criteria that differentiate them from one another - here are our guidelines when making this selection process easier for you.
Technical Expertise
Technical knowledge is central to successful software development projects. When selecting a web development firm, choose one with extensive knowledge in web technologies, frameworks, and programming languages used throughout development processes.
Seek out a web development firm with expertise in programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and modern frameworks such as React.Angular.Vue.js. Additionally, their experience with databases as well as server-side languages such as Node.JS Python PHP should also be paramount considerations.
Developer Offering
Web development involves more than writing code. Web design services, SEO optimization services, hosting options and maintenance services all play an integral part in producing a quality app or website. When choosing your Mobile App Developers in Hyderabad  make sure to ask if they will also test before release and maintain afterwards for both functionality and search engines optimization purposes.
best web development company in hyderabad
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paolawdiary · 3 months
Article 1315. Contracts are perfected by mere consent, and from that moment the parties are bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to all the consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and law. (1258)
CASE DIGEST: SM Investments Corporation vs. Posadas I G.R. No. 200901 | December 7, 2015 | PEREZ, J.
SM Investments Corporation (SMIC) and respondents Estela Marfori Posadas, Maria Elena Posadas, and Aida Macaraig Posadas own 27.6 hectares of land in Makati City. On August 8, 1995, SMIC, through its President Henry Sy, Jr., proposed a joint venture to develop the property into a commercial/residential subdivision. The offer included a goodwill payment of PHP 70 million and a 60/40 profit-sharing scheme favoring the respondents. On August 18, 1995, the respondents countered, requesting an increase in the goodwill money to PHP 80 million, which SMIC accepted on August 24, 1995. SMIC sent development drawings on December 2, 1995. On December 6, 1995, the respondents informed SMIC of receiving better offers and demanded an improved offer from SMIC. On February 27, 1996, SMIC reiterated its offer with revised terms, including a goodwill payment of PHP 140 million. When the respondents did not honor the joint venture agreement, SMIC filed a case for Specific Performance and Damages on April 21, 1997. The Regional Trial Court of Makati City ruled in favor of SMIC on December 18, 2007, declaring the joint venture agreement valid and enforceable. The respondents appealed, and the Court of Appeals reversed the decision on September 13, 2011. SMIC filed a Petition for Review with the Supreme Court.
Whether or not there is a perfected contract for a joint venture
Yes, there was a perfected contract for a joint venture between SMIC and the respondents. The Supreme Court found that a contract is perfected by mere consent of the parties, as per Article 1315 of the Civil Code. The essential elements of a contract—consent, object certain, and cause—were present in this case. The letter of August 8, 1995, from SMIC contained a complete offer, and the respondents' letter of August 18, 1995, was a counter-offer that SMIC accepted on August 24, 1995. This exchange of correspondences indicated a meeting of the minds, thus perfect.
Obligations and Contracts  (2022); Atty. Ronaldo F. Flores | Central Book
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jjgacutno · 6 months
The Race to Renewables
Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. Matthew 9:17 (NIV) [1]
The day when we all are dependent on renewable energy is the day I am looking forward to. The richness of natural resources in our country can be harnessed to capture our energy and electricity from renewable sources. Underusing our potential renewable energy is a disservice to the Filipino people, which is why looking for ways to transition to clean energy sources is a race our institutions, government, and private sector must take part in. Assuredly, our country has adopted the National Renewable Energy Program which shapes how the clean energy transition will happen through a robust policy framework [2], and how the private sector will help deliver this vision. Let’s take a closer look at this program, the companies that are making waves in clean energy, and the sustainability principles upheld to make these changes a reality.
According to the Department of Energy [3], NREP signals an important strategic outline for the Philippines’ sustainable energy agenda and brings clarity to the execution of the Renewable Energy Act of 2008. This is a salient move to achieve not only national energy security, accessibility, and efficiency but also an assurance that energy comes from clean sources. Several challenges must be addressed for the policy objectives to come to fruition: infrastructure, financing, transmission and grid integration, and technology. While this is the case, NREP aims to tackle them through a dynamic plan that is reviewed regularly and considers factors such as transmission development, off-grid electrification, technology improvements, localized capacity building, and multi-stakeholder partnerships. The new iteration of the program has established a revised target of at least 35 percent of the renewable energy generation mix by 2030 and an uptake of up to 50 percent by 2040. This calls for a roadmap that enables RE projects to which the private sector is very much invited.
The big conglomerates and energy companies in the country have been contending for renewables. Aboitiz, San Miguel, Ayala, First Gen, and Meralco are the names we will continue to see in clean energy projects and investments; their vertically integrated businesses allow them to compete head-to-head. Here are some of the highlights of what they do in the renewable energy space:
Under its Cleanergy portfolio, Aboitiz Power Corporation is investing up to Php 190 billion over the next decade with a mix of solar, wind, and hydro primarily located in Luzon; being the largest operator of RE in the country, Aboitiz Power continuously develops its pipeline with the intent participating in government initiatives [4].
San Miguel Power through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Universal Power Solutions, Inc. is investing at least Php 40 billion for its nationwide project of battery energy storage system (BESS); this placement of energy storage is considered the largest and the first in the Philippines and is expected to contribute a combined capacity of 1,000 megawatt hours (mWh), enabling power grid support and addressing electricity intermittence in the country [5].
AC Energy [6] of the Ayala group envisions providing 20 GW of capacity in renewable energy by 2030, with a current investment of Php 50 billion and a 98 percent share of RE in its energy mix. Its completion of the first market-based Energy Transition Mechanism in the world allowed for the decommissioning of a coal plant in Batangas, Philippines which will eliminate 50 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. ETM has delivered at least Php 17.4 billion in transaction value, Php 7.2 billion in proceeds, and zero ‘coal plant ownership’ for the company.
First Gen invests in various renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind. For solar, the company through its subsidiary, Energy Development Corporation (EDC), invested in building solar plants in Ilocos Norte with at least 6.82 megawatts of energy capacity [7]. In geothermal, EDC is considered the largest vertically integrated geothermal company in the world, with operations in 12 stations across the archipelago [8]. For hydroelectric, First Gen has the Pantabangan-Masiway Hydroelectric Power Plant in Nueva Ecija and the Agusan Mini-hydroelectric Plant in Bukidnon [9]. In wind, the EDC Burgos Wind Power, a subsidiary of EDC, operates the country’s largest wind power project in the country [10].
Meralco PowerGen currently invests in solar energy and targets to increase its RE mix by 1,500 megawatts in the coming years. The company’s maiden RE investment is through BulacanSol which is not operational with 55MW of energy capacity. Two solar projects are underway with target locations in Rizal and Ilocos Norte [11].
The collective work of the government and the private sector will push boundaries for a sustainable energy transition in the Philippines. These new initiatives for clean energy require a new mindset, systems, and approaches to build the necessary infrastructures, financing, and leadership that will lift us from the old carbon-induced energy. The race for renewables greets us all with an anticipation of a better future. I can’t wait to see a carbon-neutral Philippines.
[1] New International Version Bible. (1978). Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+9%3A17&version=NIV
[2] National Renewable Energy Program. (n.d.). Philippine Department of Energy. https://www.doe.gov.ph/national-renewable-energy-program
[3] National Renewable Energy Program. (n.d.). Philippine Department of Energy. https://www.doe.gov.ph/national-renewable-energy-program
[4] AboitizPower eyes ₱190-B spend for RE growth. (2021, September 8). Aboitiz Power. https://aboitizpower.com/news/news/aboitizpower-eyes-190-b-spend-for-re-growth
[5] Flores, A. M. (2023, November 1). San Miguel power unit signs P40-b financing deals for energy storage. Manila Standard. https://manilastandard.net/business/314385975/san-miguel-power-unit-signs-p40-b-financing-deals-for-energy-storage.html
[6] ACEN Leading The Energy Transition Integrated Report 2022. (n.d.). AC Energy. https://www.acenrenewables.com/ir2022/
[7] Solar. (n.d.). First Gen. https://www.firstgen.com.ph/our-business/solar
[8] Geothermal. (n.d.). First Gen. https://www.firstgen.com.ph/our-business/geothermal
[9] Hydro. (n.d.). First Gen. https://www.firstgen.com.ph/our-business/hydro
[10] Wind. (n.d.). First Gen. https://www.firstgen.com.ph/our-business/wind
[11] Meralco Power Gen Annual Report 2022. (n.d.). Meralco PowerGen. https://www.meralcopowergen.com.ph/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/MGen-2022-Annual-Report.pdf
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beingjellybeans · 1 year
Sun Life donates Php40 million to promote healthier lives among marginalized youth across Asia
Sun Life, a leading financial services company, is set to breathe new life into basketball courts and inspire healthier lifestyles among marginalized youth in communities across Asia with a generous donation of PHP 40 million. This philanthropic initiative, undertaken in partnership with Beyond Sport, a global sport-for-social-change foundation, aims to tackle the alarming rates of physical…
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View On WordPress
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What does a Magento developer
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You will understand what a Magento developer is from the name itself if you are familiar with Magento, a content management system used to build e-commerce websites for businesses. Since e-commerce has grown significantly, the demand for such programmers is high. Programmers are responsible for developing, customising, and maintaining the websites built using the platform.
Magento developers install and configure your online store from scratch, create custom themes and functionality, upgrade the store, and optimise its performance. Many larger companies have a team of such programmers, who can be front-end or back-end developers. This article will discuss them and some of the must-have skills required.
Reason for the high demand
As mentioned earlier, the demand for programmers is rising and is not going anywhere soon. It is because Magento is an object-oriented PHP framework with cutting-edge features capable of building strong and exceptional e-commerce websites to attract customers. So there is no other way around it other than its growth in the future.
Hence, their demand will show substantial growth in the following years without fail. When taking the numbers, the number of programmers had already reached 300,000 worldwide in 2021. The requirements and the vacancies for them are expected to witness a significant hike as there is a significant inclination towards eCommerce development in the industry.
By 2030, more than 40 million software programmers might be working worldwide if the current trend keeps going well. Undoubtedly, the demand for programmers will continue to grow exponentially due to the growing importance of programming languages and open-source features in eCommerce.
Click here to learn more
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shallowhits · 1 year
How Much Does It Cost to Start A Brick & Mortar Business | SHALLOWHITS
"90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate." - Andrew Carnegie
The rise of AI and technological advancements demand that we adapt and become adept in new and relevant skills to stay in business and secure our financial future. This blog post will explore why real estate continues to be a reliable investment option and discuss various career paths you can choose to thrive in the era of AI.
According to Exploding Topics, up to 90% of startups fail. Across almost all industries, the average failure rate for year one is 10%. However, from years two to five, a staggering 70% of new businesses will fail.
Cannabis Legalization News stated that you'll need approximately $300K in funding to establish a lean startup for a cannabis dispensary. This startup capital is allocated to inventory, consultant fees, legal fees, real estate, business build-out, state fees, employee wages, insurance, taxes, and other miscellaneous expenses.
Now do you see why up to 90% of startups fail?
Starting a business is not without risks. Up to 90% of startups fail due to various factors, such as lack of awareness, preparation, and funding. The average failure rate for new businesses in their first year is 10%, but between years two and five, a staggering 70% of businesses fail.
The average person doesn;t understand how money works differently for the wealthy versus the less fortunate. There is no excuse to die a poor man. Unless you’re a special circumstance, in a very hard environment to get out of. 
As AI and technology continue to develop, it is crucial to position ourselves to win in this ever-changing landscape. With corporate greed and autonomous stores becoming more prevalent, it's clear that the jobs of tomorrow don't exist yet, and many of today's job titles will likely become obsolete in the next five years. Marlene Gaytan, Co-Founder of PHP Agency comments on AI's impact, stating, "40% of jobs will be replaced in the next 5 years. These include data entry, bank telling, cashiers, and many retail positions." Observe your local stores; are they autonomous? Compare the number of available cashiers to open self-checkout lanes. Have you noticed how Amazon warehouses incorporated AI robots and machines into their workforce? Consider how close we are to self-driving Ubers, where the company can buy large fleets of Teslas, eliminating the need for drivers and finally turning a profit. How long until fully autonomous drones become integrated into our everyday lives? Another pandemic or epidemic could force us back into recession and fear, leaving people unsure of their future. The jobs of tomorrow don't exist, and yesterday's job titles will likely become irrelevant in five years.
As AI and technology continue to develop, it is crucial to position ourselves to win in this ever-changing landscape. With corporate greed and autonomous stores becoming more prevalent, it's clear that the jobs of tomorrow don't exist yet, and many of today's job titles will likely become obsolete in the next five years.
To ensure your employment and financial security while AI and new technology emerge, consider the following career paths:
1. Become proficient in using technology and developing online projects (websites, brands, pages, software, companies). Once capable, you can license your products for millions of dollars, use them in your own business, or help scale others' projects like Warren Buffet. Earn shares in companies through board membership, financial backing, or by connecting startups to valuable resources.
2. Excel as a blue-collar worker, operating machines released in the next 5-50 years. This offers job security until AI and robotic advancements eliminate  and replace these roles.
3. Become an investor, engaging in short-term trades, flips, or long-term plays, depending on your risk tolerance and financial goals. Work within your capacity, dream big, and stay realistic. "Don't be afraid to close your eyes and dream, but don't forget to open them so you can see."
4. Be an inventor, creator, architect, or designer, translating ideas from your mind into the physical realm.
5. Invest in your continuous education to upgrade your mind. Your mind is your operating system, and if it's not regularly updated or refreshed, your performance will suffer.
Thank you for reading and following along. 
Which of these five paths would you choose? What other options would you add?
If you found value in this article, please share it with your close friends, as it could make a difference in their success in the coming years.
To those following me, have a great day, work on self, exude excellence, and tackle life head on. No fear. 
If you follow me already, please have a good day, work on yourself, exude excellence and hit your targets with tenacity. 
Every like, comment, share, fav helps. Below are all my links, please feel free to click only these links ever or just look me up.
Works Cited Page
News, C. L. (2020, December 17). How much does it cost to start a dispensary in 2021 | Cannabis Startup Business Costs explained. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knYgTOboa8g 
Howarth, J. (2023) Startup Failure Rate Statistics (2023). Available at: https://explodingtopics.com/blog/startup-failure-stats (
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attoinfotech123 · 1 year
Are WordPress developers still in demand?
Written By - Attoinfotech
If you're considering a career in web development or looking to expand your skill set, you may be wondering if WordPress developers are still in demand. With over 40% of all websites on the internet using WordPress as their content management system (CMS), it's safe to say that there is no shortage of work for skilled WordPress developers. As technology continues to evolve and businesses shift towards online operations, the demand for talented website builders has never been higher. In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of WordPress developers, what companies look for when hiring them, and how you can become one yourself. So whether you're just starting out or looking to take your career to the next level, keep reading Best Wordpress developers in india!
WordPress developers in demand?
WordPress developers are in high demand as the platform is one of the most popular content management systems worldwide. WordPress has evolved from being a simple blogging platform to an all-encompassing CMS that powers millions of websites across various industries. With its user-friendly interface and flexibility, businesses can easily customize their website to suit their needs. Moreover, WordPress's open-source nature allows developers to create plugins and themes that extend its functionality beyond what it offers out-of-the-box. This makes it possible for businesses to add features such as e-commerce capabilities, social media integration, and much more without having to build everything from scratch. As a result, companies are always on the lookout for skilled WordPress developers who can help them enhance their online presence. Whether you're working as a freelancer or part of an agency team, there's no shortage of work available for those with expertise in building websites using WordPress. So if you're looking for a career in web development or considering expanding your skillset, becoming a WordPress developer could be an excellent choice!
The different types of WordPress developers
When we speak of WordPress developers, it is important to note that there are different types of developers with varying degrees of expertise. Front-end developers focus on the visual aspects and user experience of a website. They work on themes, stylesheets, templates and plugins that can enhance the look and functionality of a WordPress site. Back-end developers, on the other hand, deal with more complex tasks such as server-side programming languages like PHP and MySQL database management. Their job includes developing custom functionalities for websites through coding. Full-stack developers combine both front-end and back-end development skills in their work. They have an understanding not only of how to create visually appealing sites but also how to make them functional from a technical standpoint. Aside from these three main categories, some WordPress developers specialize in specific areas such as e-commerce or content management systems (CMS). These specialized skills cater specifically to businesses looking for specific functionalities within their website. In summary, when seeking out a WordPress developer for your project or company's needs, it is essential to understand what type of developer you need based on your goals and requirements.
What companies are looking for in a WordPress developer
When it comes to hiring a WordPress developer, companies are looking for someone who has the technical skills and experience necessary to build and maintain their website. However, there are also other qualities that companies look for in a WordPress developer. Firstly, communication skills are crucial. A good WordPress developer should be able to communicate effectively with clients or team members about project requirements, timelines, and any issues that arise during development. Secondly, problem-solving abilities are highly valued. Companies want a WordPress developer who can find creative solutions when faced with coding challenges or bugs. Thirdly, attention to detail is essential. A great WordPress developer must be meticulous in their work and pay close attention to every aspect of the website's design and functionality. Adaptability is key. As technology evolves rapidly today, companies need developers who can stay up-to-date with new trends and technologies while continuing to improve their skills set over time. Being an excellent WordPress developer requires more than just having technical skills; you must possess strong communication abilities as well as exceptional problem-solving capabilities combined with an eye for detail and willingness to learn new things along the way!
How to become a WordPress developer
If you're interested in becoming a WordPress developer, there are several steps you can take to get started. First and foremost, it's important to have a solid understanding of web development and programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Once you have that foundation knowledge in place, start exploring WordPress itself by installing it on your local machine or building a test site online. Get familiar with the platform's features and functionality - this will help you understand how to develop custom themes and plugins for WordPress. Next up is honing your skills through practice. Start building simple websites using WordPress as the backbone, experimenting with different design elements and learning how to customize templates via code. Consider enrolling in an online course or attending a bootcamp that specifically teaches WordPress development if necessary. This can be especially useful if you don't have any prior coding experience. Build out your portfolio by creating examples of custom themes or plugins that showcase what you've learned along the way. Share these projects on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or GitHub which could lead to potential job opportunities down the line!
The demand for WordPress developers is still high and will continue to be in the future. With more businesses moving online, having a professional website has become essential for success. This means that companies need skilled developers who can create and maintain their websites on the WordPress platform. However, being a successful WordPress developer requires continuous learning and keeping up with new trends in technology. It's important to stay updated with new plugins, themes, security features, and other advancements in WordPress development. Whether you are starting your career as a WordPress developer or already have experience working in this field, there are many opportunities available out there. Keep honing your skills and building your portfolio so that you can stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs. Remember to always focus on providing quality work to clients while prioritizing user experience and functionality of their websites. By doing so, you'll not only meet but exceed expectations of employers looking for talented WordPress developers!
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on badass bass-man Chris Gates of punk funk/hardcore punk band, the BIG BOYS, photo by Bill "Fotobill" Daniels, from the CD booklet to "The Fat Elvis" compilation CD released under the Touch and Go label in 1993.
PUNK GLOBE: "The BIG BOYS were such pioneers on so many different levels. Did you, back then, think you were creating something that would go on to become so legendary?"
CHRIS: "We have no idea that the music we are making or the art we were creating was going to have any sort of lasting impact on anyone. We explored every idea we thought of, ventured off into a million different musical areas and had a great time doing it. The fact that people are still interested in it 35 [40+ in 2023] years later is mind-boggling. I guess no one ever really knows they're making history at the time they're actually doing what they're doing, which is probably a good thing. We sure as hell weren't trying to create something memorable we were just trying to entertain ourselves and create some art that we enjoyed."
Sources: https://deathburger.doodlekit.com/blog/entry/3738957/big-boys-the-fat-elvis and www.punkglobe.com/chrisgatesinterview0916.php.
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greysskinny · 2 years
Ip messenger for android
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There is no download required, as it is browser-based, although we also have an optional app for notifications. It is free to chat publicly with your family, group or co-workers on your own group. This was.Ī is a well tuned installation of the free open-source AtomJump Loop Server. Using the Threema Gateway it offers three new two-step authentication (also called two-factor authentication or "2FA") modes for users and admins.When the two-step authentication was introduced into XenForo many server admins asked for SMS support.
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This solution includes an iOS App, an Android App, and a server backend with an admin panel.Spika enables you to create and develop your own custom messenger today!. Spika is the world's first open source mobile messenger solution. Then connect with Nokia Chat friends who use. Sign in with your current Nokia Chat or Yahoo! Messenger address, or create a new one. It's simple, and works using Wi-Fi or mobile data. Message your friends, family, and millions of other Nokia Chat and Yahoo! Messenger users. When the world goes dark and the cell towers stop working, ZombieChat carries on.Send and receive text and picture messages to people nearby.Survivor Beacons notify you when there are other ZombieChat survivors near you.How does it work? It creates a peer to peer network with nearby devices using Bluetooth, peer. Your best friends are literally just a tap away.- Share Instantly With Just One TapWhenever you want to share a small moment or message with a. With Taptalk you've got your closest friends and family on speed dial for instant photo and video messages. Intra-MessengerAllows companies/communities (organizations, associations, institutions.) and dispersed workgroups to create and control their own network of. Server (open source PHP/MySQL) provides great flexibility, including the external authentication possibility (e.g. you can replace the translation file to use Squiggle in your native language.Fast (multiple) file transferSpell Check, Buzz, Emoticons.Ĭreate your own Instant Messenger communities! Uniquely designed and fully centralized under your (admin) control. Just download, unzip and runGroup chat, Broadcast chat and Private chatBridge for connecting two LANs across subnets or WAN.Supports localization i.e. Key Features:Server-less peer to peer LAN chat, No installation required. Vypress Chat does not require an Internet connection or a dedicated server to support discussions, and all users have. This unique chat software features an easy-to-understand format for text-based conferences and discussions. Vypress Chat is a user-friendly application for real-time chatting in small office or home office (SOHO) local networks. This intranet messenger improves internal communications, business productivity and relationships with colleagues inside office.IMPORTANT:Output Messenger requires Server application to be installed and running in your server.The Public IP Address or Domain name of the server running. Output Messenger is designed to use as a private secure messenger for your office.
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trans-axolotl · 2 years
very hard to dream in here sometimes. i miss the sun on my face + i miss embroidery + i miss feeling fluffy blankets and cats + posters on walls + i miss grocery stores + i miss fountains at parks + i miss jaywalking and traffic lights + i miss dancing so, so fucking much. i could go on listing a million things that I miss every single day in here but i'm gonna make myself mad. only been in here 37 days and will probably be in res for at least 40 more and then probably around 20 days in PHP. like im really going to be locked up inside until fucking october!!!!
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mindblowingscience · 3 years
To the human eye, most stationary objects appear to be just that -- still, and completely at rest. Yet if we were handed a quantum lens, allowing us to see objects at the scale of individual atoms, what was an apple sitting idly on our desk would appear as a teeming collection of vibrating particles, very much in motion.
In the last few decades, physicists have found ways to super-cool objects so that their atoms are at a near standstill, or in their "motional ground state." To date, physicists have wrestled small objects such as clouds of millions of atoms, or nanogram-scale objects, into such pure quantum states.
Now for the first time, scientists at MIT and elsewhere have cooled a large, human-scale object to close to its motional ground state. The object isn't tangible in the sense of being situated at one location, but is the combined motion of four separate objects, each weighing about 40 kilograms. The "object" that the researchers cooled has an estimated mass of about 10 kilograms, and comprises about 1x1026, or nearly 1 octillion, atoms.
Their results, appearing today in Science, represent the largest object to be cooled to close to its motional ground state. The scientists say they now have a chance to observe the effect of gravity on a massive quantum object.
"Nobody has ever observed how gravity acts on massive quantum states," says Vivishek Sudhir, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, who directed the project. "We've demonstrated how to prepare kilogram-scale objects in quantum states. This finally opens the door to an experimental study of how gravity might affect large quantum objects, something hitherto only dreamed of."
Continue Reading.
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