ask-the-attorneys · 2 months
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(This... thing? I guess?... Whatever. What even is it...? Doesn't look like a normal ghost to me...)
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addictivepsychology · 8 months
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///Just a little post of an average conversation between the people at the Wright Anything Agency.
Phoenix: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Trucy: >:O language
Apollo: Yeah watch your fucking language
Player1: 'The fuck word'.
Elizabeth: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Apollo: Oh my god they censored it
Player1: Say fuck, Elizabeth.
Apollo: Do it, Elizabeth. Say fuck.
(Made by incorrect quotes generator)
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elder-sister · 7 months
If you don't want to see roleplay on main, block the tag "From: PLAYER1".
WARNINGS: Major Character Death, graphic descriptions.
(bit of a longer post than normal sorry lol)
*Three bangs of a gavel.*
Order! This begins the trial of Miss Maya Fey and Mr. PLAYER1.
Isn't Klavier, y'know, dead?
Excuse me?!
It isn't Klavier, Athena...
Oh! Sorry, Mr. Doppio...
Let's get on with the trial...
Miss Fey! Your statement, please.
I wasn't even there when the murder happened! I was inside the building!
And so was I!
(PLAYER1 already looks like he's about to break down and cry...)
This security footage proves otherwise.
*A video plays of the 10 PM meeting between Edgeworth, Annie, PLAYER1, and Simon Keyes.*
Shortly after, Prosecutor Edgeworth went missing.
You can't mean--
This isn't even relevant to the case!
Shortly before, two murders had happened.
Katherine Hall, and Matt Engarde.
A day or 2 before those, was the murders you and miss Fey are being tried for at this very moment!
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mack1thompson · 3 months
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cameron334 · 5 months
Huh, interesting.
Weird that he never talked about you, though...
You know, I'm not an attention seeker.... I pretty much would pull on my brother's hair if he forgot to brought me up though....
(Sorry, Nick. I love you but you better stop forgetting me.)
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musicarenagh · 1 year
The Magic Epic Talks About His Latest Single 'Player 1' The Magic Epic had to isolate himself and starve his ears in other to nurture his own sound and not follow the masses. Music, since childhood, has been a form of companion and outlet for him to let his feelings out. He has since then dedicated his time and efforts to making long-lasting sounds that would stand the test of time. Born Toby Juan is a multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, and composer who performs under the pseudonym ‘The Magic Epic’, over the years he has finely tuned his craft while using real-life experiences and things happening in his surroundings, he makes his songs relatable and helps in casting the message in the song across. His latest single Player 1 is about fighting for what is right no matter how difficult and hopeless it seems, this is a great course to advocate as most people tend to give up the fight when they think their chances of winning is low, but this mindset can be cleared after listening to Player 1 In a recent interview with Mister Styx of Musicarenagh, The Magic Epic shared his growing process with his fans, he said: My style evolved hugely throughout the years, I had to stop performing covers to truly find my own style and step away from Listening to music for a while completely for that process to happen. He had more to say during the interview as he went on to state some of the challenges, he faces in the music industry. Get the full story below while listening to Player 1   Follow Magic Epic on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Youtube Instagram   What is your stage name The Magic Epic Is there a story behind your stage name? I intended to have a band once I’d recorded an album and after getting told my songs were epic more than once and my belief real music comes from the magic of the universe I decided that The Magic Epic would be the name that best represented my music. Where do you find inspiration? I find inspiration on the journey of life and convey my experiences , hopes and dreams through song . What was the role of music in the early years of your life? I always remember what music I listened to in significant times in my life. I think music is best described as a sound track to life. Music has always been my best friend to get me through the hardest times and accompany me on the best. Are you from a musical or artistic family? Both of my grandfathers were musical , one played drums in the army band and the other played piano around south London bars. I also have an uncle that had a number one record in Germany with a band called the Bermuda Triangle . Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry? I am more inspired to keep music alive than anything else and restore it back to its former golden era. Watching a live show passenger in pink pop really lit something in me that I had to record my songs finally . How did you learn to sing/write/to play? I thought myself pretty much everything apart from the first chords I learnt on guitar , by repetition. What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform? The first real concert I ever saw was guns n roses , it was epic How could you describe your music? A bit of the the last 7 decades combined . Describe your creative process. It all starts with a feeling, which is the title of the intro track to my first album. I will usually start a new song whilst doodling on the guitar or piano , I use these instruments to release my feelings like meditation I guess and I will hit upon something I think sounds amazing, then I will sing the initial melody once I’m totally connected to the tune , I then freestyle and words will come to me and then it’s all about playing it over and over till it takes its best and most natural direction. I never work with the best until the song is the song , as I feel that a meaningful song is more about melody than anything else. Once I’m fairly
happy with the ghost version , I go to the studio where I work with my friend and producer Andy Brook and under my direction we put the track together and I always run through different options for the lyrics with Andy until we have the finished piece . What is your main inspiration? My main inspiration is not to get to the end of my life with the music still inside me. What musician do you admire most and why? I think I admire Elvis Presley the most as he changed the face of music , his self belief was out of this world, his voice charisma and presence haven’t been seen since, there’s a bit of Elvis in so much music . Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? My style evolved hugely through out the years , I had to stop performing covers to truly find my own style and step away from Listening to music for a while completely for that process to happen . Who do you see as your main competitor? I don’t see any competition as that’s not what music is , my music is unique to me so therefore shouldn’t be compared. What are your interests outside of music? I live by the ocean and spend a lot of time by the beach , I love animals , mindfulness , working out , boxing and cycling If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing? I am music so I am lost without it , I can’t imagine what else I’d be doing but I know I wouldn’t be happy What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music? I think the biggest problem is that people don’t buy records or cds so it’s a lot of work and investment that is hard to get much return from unless you are selling out big stadiums , which is a struggle when the biggest struggle is getting the music to peoples ears in this time. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be? I would stop the record companies brainwashing the public with low vibrational genres of music that are usually bad for society and the conscious vibration of the planet Why did you choose this as the title of this project? It just came to me with the music at the same time . What are your plans for the coming months? I have 2 more singles and an album coming so I am now focusing on making live videos so people can hear the songs in their natural state as well as the fully produced versions Do you have any artistic collaboration plans None What message would you like to give to your fans? Always make the right decision at the right moment and your life will be glorious. Oh and pre save the magic epics second studio album 26. Available on all platforms from the 8th of June.
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royalplayerlite · 2 years
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Visit our website https://royalsplayer.com/
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thechantofblight · 2 years
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Why does this feel so sarcastic lol
I’m literally just up here talking to myself like HELLLOOOOO, IS THIS THING ON (bc I hope not pls don’t look at me)
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howlingday · 11 months
Cardin: (Thinking) I decided to confess to another student because she looked easy.
Velvet: W-W-What?! C-Cardin, if this some kind of prank, th-then you better stop!
Velvet: U-Unless... You really do like me...
Velvet: Or maybe... You're confessing to me because I look easy. Is that it?
Cardin: ..!
Velvet: But that's okay, because if it's with someone like me, I'll do it.
Cardin: Huh? (Shoves against the wall, Trapped under her hand)
Velvet: And I'll make you fall so hard for me, you be able to do anything without me anymore. So you better prepare yourself~.
Cardin: What did I get myself into?!.
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ask-the-attorneys · 1 month
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I'm just doing my job.
*He looks very proud of himself after that win.
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askjonathancrane · 5 months
A Turnabout In Lost Judgement-Prologue.
(The Judge slams down his gavel, It appears a trial is in progress and it's wrapping up soon.)
Judge: "Order in the court. It seems to me that the fact of this case are undeniable. The defendant was the one to have committed battery on the victim. We have been given all the facts of this case now and it seems like a good time to deliver my verdict."
(Over at the defense bench, Two people can be seen. One was the lawyer who was currently was trying to keep a straight face throughout all of this. the other was the defendant, a man by the name of Akihiro Ehara, A 53 year old man who was previously a cop before being charged. He couldn't have cared any less about the verdict because he knew his fate was sealed the moment he stepped into the detention center.)
Player1: ".....I'm sorry I couldn't have saved you Ehara. You were right, I was fighting a hopeless battle that i could never win."
(Ehara looks at Player1, a small smirk appeared on his face as he did.)
Akihiro: "You did all that you could, Don't worry. Besides I was hoping for this kind of climax, Now the show can really begin."
Player1: [? What is he talking about now?]
Judge: "Defendant, may you please take the stand as i announce my verdict?"
(Ehara did as the judge asks him to do, still smirking the whole way through. He gets there and looks at the judge dead in the eye.)
Judge: "Do you have anything to say before i announce my verdict, Defendant."
Ehara: ".......I do actually have something to say. Your honor, I would like for you to contact the chief and notify him about a body that is in a abandoned warehouse on the 3rd floor. It has been there for two months and is under some tarp. The mans name is Hiro Mikoshiba and he was a high-school teacher who worked at Seiryo High School. Years ago he murdered my only son and got away with his crimes with barely any charges brought on him. He deserved what he got and if i ever met the man who killed Mikoshiba, I would honor him for taking out the trash of this world."
(The entire courtroom goes silent, then mass hysteria follows. The judge tries to calm everyone down but it's too late. in the end while Ehara managed to get a six month prison sentence, thanks to him. The police have a big case on there hands now that is still ongoing.)
The Scene switches from the courtroom to the inside of an office in which two people are talking to each other, Chief Mark Halperin and Celeste Doppio, Former serial killer turned investigative partner of Eleanor Timm.
Celeste: "..........So why have you gone to me for this?"
Mark: "I just wanted to know if you would take this case or not? you will be payed handsomely should you find the true murderer behind this."
Celeste: ".......Alright, ill take the case."
///Player1 belongs to @elder-sister
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///yes i know this looks like shit but I was limited in what I should have used to make this.
Anyways @elder-sister this is what I believe will be Player1’s reaction to first meeting Dale Kingston (the man in the suit and for whom is going to be the murderer behind suitable for framing.)
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elder-sister · 2 months
Case 4!
Maya approached the stand, channeling Rei. He seemed, really happy to be somewhat alive again. And Yu floated in.
"Cha Cha! It's YU!" She said happily
"And Rei!" He said, equally as happy.
Everyone was happy. Well, except one person.
"Detective Ando! Please calm down!" The judge yelled.
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mack1thompson · 3 months
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cameron334 · 5 months
Yo! Heard you're Mr. Wright's sister?
Indeed, I am.... I'm actually about 4 years younger than him...
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