#POC Jellal
yamishika · 11 months
When I used to watch the early seasons of the FT anime , something about Jellal always struck me as distinct about his features. His eyes always looked more prominent than the rest of the guys and I have cracked why.
My guy is wearing Kohl/Surma/Kajal.
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Like LOOK at how defined his eyes are compared to another character , you can’t tell me the guy isn’t putting something on. Especially when no other guy or girl character has such defined eye looks (other than Macbeth but it’s obvious he’s wearing eyeliner)
Yes people might say art style for the first season I can agree but look at the characters and then Jellal and tell me if there isn’t something more there.
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Look at the guys here , they have dark lashlines but nowhere NEAR as dark and prominent as Jellal.
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Even compared to girls from the first season Jellal has a darker and more thicker lash line compared to them.
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Look at the difference between him and Erza side by side! He definitely has a more defined lash line! And look compared to FT girls eyes, when it is the convention of girls usually having the darker lashline in anime.
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And then Jellal
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There's a clear distinction! His is not just more defined and connected compared to men in FT but also females too!
The reason I have come to the conclusion of Kohl/Kajal/Surma is because I HC Jellal with Arab heritage (or whatever would be the equivalent in earthland-) due to his name Jellal (which is basically another spelling of Jalal) and Kohl is known to be used by the men in the Arab culture to beautify them. And also Kohl is used by people in Arabia/India/Egypt due to its medicinal properties for retaining eye health and improving vision!
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Also what differentiates for my thinking that Jellal is not using normal eyeliner but Kohl/Surma/Kajal is because of the way it is applied. Other eyeliners can go on the outer eye but Kohl/Surma is traditionally applied always in the inner corners of the eyes, just like Jellal has (in season 1)
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(As you can see the girl in the photo above has her eyes lined like Jellal using Kohl/Surma/Kajal)
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Considering Jellal’s magic , I can imagine there is a huge priority on his vision due to the speeds he travels at when casting, so it makes sense for him to use such a thing to help him in battle or aid in beating the consequences of using his magic so his sight isn’t compromised and remains strong!
Also because Jellal's magic revolves around using stars/light , this medicinal cosmetic has also been used to protect against the glare of light which would also come to help for Jellal in battle!
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So what is the take away from this post? I put way too much thought trying to prove a HC I have had from young but found out it actually adds up now looking at the facts. You guys can tell me if i'm reaching or not with this after seeing the evidence and argument presented.
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Also season 1 Jellal Fernandes is an ethnic king and we stan he never forgot his roots. <3
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Can someone make a fairy tail x reader? I was a huge fan of fairytail, and there's not a lot it on here. I'm trying to get into anime more so if u have any good anime requests for me to watch please tell me bc I don't watch anime like that the only anime shows that I genuinely watched is kakegurui, Rosario + vampire, and a lil bit of fairy tail.
So basically, the reader is new to the guild, and basically, they all have a crush on her and I know it's simple but like I'm trying to finish this show and think of more ideas to write of my own I probably don't remember so I have to rewatch it again.
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nenupharhein · 28 days
Fairy tail goofy hc
Mostly queer, FR/ENG (/créole vite fait genre une phrase)
POV Natsu et Happy :
Lucy becomming more and more buff as she train.
One day Natsu thought he got the concept of gendre but no.
One time Sting try to eat himself bc he was so hungry, bc he can eat what's white.
Erik real name is Eric but he thought it was more swag with a K.
Erza is a tismé sucré des îles sucré au surce carameliser.
Meldy has a jelly fish hair cut.
JELLAL IS TRANSFEM, because she is too cool to be a man, so erza is a lesbian !!!!!!!
Natsu is poc and Zeleph is white as an ass
Mavis speak creole, bc she's from Tenro
Jubia got mommy issues (i will explain later)
Erza is buff lika Patty on tiktok.
The girl and girlies got an MMA club (the sport not the assurance)
Readers do art therapy on demand
Macbeth is non-binary. They never got over the closure of skyblog. Mira give them her old wardrobe and Luxus his old CD.
Erik is immunized to every poison but he's lactos intolerant that dumbass
Lucy got a carabiner for her keys bravo les lesbiennes
Crime Sorcière became a registred guild and with the help of the concil then try to reinsert crimminals to society (i will explan later)
Cana is from the south of France, le pastis o con putaing
Bacus is from Bretagne, BREIZH DA VIKEN
Zoro from one piece is vendéen
Makarof the first time he saw Natsu eating fire : Ti marmail la la baise la science (the expression is from my mother idk)
Gadjeel eats his own piercings when he is hungry
Lisana have been influence by edo-Lucy, so is now roasting the shit out of everyone. Her favorit sentance is : elle comme ou quoi cette pute ?
(Sorry for the last one, that was a french meme. Sorry for my frenchness)
Reby and Mirajane host a podcast and invite the guild members, and some time other guild. (Once they had crime sorcière as guest , and they get the council au cul) (for the defense of crime sorcière, they thought it was a podcast for fairy tail members only)
Macbeth is a huge fan of Mozart l'opéra rock, their favorite song is "L'assassymphonie"
Gadjeel has the certificate (or whatever it is) to pierced people, but only Reby can get free piercing.
So Reby got a navel piercing, and some on her ears
Erza a a scar on the right eye (the one she cover), because action has consequences and healing everything without scars is boring. Or if not a scar she can't see with the fake eye or something. At least she can never cry from that eye again.
She has also a scars burn on her arms since she stopped the fight between Nastu and Grey
Wendy healing magic (or any healing magic i guess) is like an acceleration of the healing or scarring process, so it live scars and stuff.
After Jubia sacrificed herself to save Grey, she get chronic Pain (or something like that, idk i'm not a doctor)
Jubia is bi, when she says "rival in love" when talking about Lucy, she's talking about the rivality between Lucy and Grey. She's in love with both of them. (Jubia also had a crush on Erza, but every girls in ft got a crush on Erza)
Sting il a découvert sa bisexualité a l'envers, il pensait être gay et un jour il a eu un crush sur une meuf (too lazy to translate this one, but it's like the Chevalier de Lorraine in Versailles)
Bisca and Arzak are bi4bi
Erza get actual armor, not the things she has on the anime where she's half-naked most of the time.
And they also have magic clothes that can resist to magic, so they don't finish half-naked
Sting discovered his bisexuality in reverse, he thought he was gay and one day he had a crush on a girl (not lazy anymore)
Yukino and Minerva are dating 🥰💗🎀
I have many hc but i forget the rest. I will do an other post maybe. Maybe focus on a specifique character.
Also I don't know how to use Tumblr so forgive me.
I also can't speak a proper english sorry
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Some of my FT rewrite ideas
Natsu keeps his face scar
Natsu loses his right arm after the Alvarez war and Gajeel makes him a prostatic-robotic arm
Erza keeps her face scar from when she fought Erza Knightwalker
Erza has a huge scar over her false eye
Makarov dies during the war
Cana becomes the guild master after Makarov’s death
Erza, Kagura, Yukino, Lucy Ashly, and Bisca are all buff women
Lucy Ashly is a butch lesbian
Wendy keeps her short hair
After the one year time skip between the Tartaros arc and the Avatar arc, Wendy has her hair cut shorter
She also buffs up a bit
transwomen can be buff too
Side note: I’d love for some fan art of that
Jellal goes blind after the Tartaros arc
Sagittarius isn’t a dude in a horse costume
He’s an actually centar
Gemini are a pair of boy-girl twins
Pisces are a pair of boy-girl twins
Aquarius can have legs when she wants
She’s got a magic locket that can transform her tail into a pair of legs
Loke has lion ears and a tail
Dragneel parents backstories
Raijishū backstories
Levy backstory
Levy makes pop culture references
Gray actually goes insane for a bit
Gray VS END actual showdown
Erza joins her mother and fights against Fairy Tail
Minerva keeps her demonic form
Juvia keeps her short hair
DiMaria has a protestic arm
Brandish and DiMaria are engaged
Happy and Lily either get human forms or Carla stays a cat
Anna Heartfilia is working with Alvarez and Zeref
The Tartaros demons know Natsu’s END
Lullaby comes back
Another side note: I actually need to talk about my redesign of some characters
POC characters
Laxus gets to kill his father
The whole “Irene wanted to steal Erza’s body” doesn’t happen
At all
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imthekomodo · 6 years
i just saw @phoenix-before-the-flame‘s fairytail ethnicity headcanons post and it made me want to do my own cause I’ve definitely got some ideas (mine I think are more ethnicity au type things) PLEASE CORRECT ME IF ANY OF MY IDEAS ARE IGNORANT, INCORRECT, OR OFFENSIVE! I am attempting to do thorough research on these ideas but I am ignorant to the issues faced by poc and in countries other than America. I would love insight on anything I have gotten wrong.
1. Egyptian Natsu. Like, tan skin, green eyes, pink hair, oh my. I imagine him living in Cairo and working as a tour guide of the pyramids and sneaking in to the work sites to climb them at night and Lucy is an American journalist/tourist doing a story on mysterious disturbances near the pyramids and idk where it goes from there but there’s a spiderman kiss while Natsu hangs off a pyramid
2. Set during British Regime in the 1890s. Indian Gray, Juvia, and Lyon. Juvia is dalit (instead of making it rain all the time, she makes the rains go away during monsoon season and ends up causing drought) and sells her dolls in a stand right outside a small village, but finds herself falling in love with gray, a farmer in her village. His brother, Lyon, training to be a doctor, finds himself falling in love with Juvia, an untouchable, and struggles with the implications of the feelings. Gray has always been nice to Juvia, appalled by the way she is treated by their fellow villagers, and stops by the stall every other day to bring her a basket of food. One day she grabs onto him as he hands her the basket and whispers “I love you” little do they know Lyon was walking up behind Gray, prepared to propose to Juvia. 
3. Lucy is Jewish in Berlin in 1940. Her father is a very successful banker. Something similar to the night of broken glass happens and they decide to flee the next morning, but the german officers recognize her father on their way out of the city and detain him, but are unaware of his religion. Lucy is free to go, as long as she remains within the city. She likes to wander around the ruins of her old synagogue at night. There’s a British bombing one night when she’s exploring the site and a British ship crashes. Lucy rushes to save the pilot (Natsu, who definitely has a strong british accent) and they escape Berlin together
4. Lucy, Princess of Sweden. Natsu, Kingsman. 
5. Erza, but Mulan. Natsu is Mushu. Jellal is Li Shang. Gray, Lucy, and Wendy are Yao, Ling, and Chien Po. Shan Yu is Azuma. Ahhhhhh
6. Natsu is Mexican, he’s taken in by Igneel (who is also Mexican) after illegally crossing the border into the US. 
7. Cana is absolutely Brazilian that fits her so well. Makes me think maybe she’s mixed. Gildarts was a Scottish businessman. 
8. The Strauss’ are Japanese Ghanaian. They live in Accra and run a small graphic design company together. Mira has a habit of hiring people without consulting Lisanna and Elfman and she ends up hiring Lucy, who is Ghanian, and Natsu, who is a Sudanese refugee. 
I’m sure I have more swirling around in my head but i cant articulate them so thats all for now lol
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gaygajeel · 7 years
Even if mashima choose this name cause he liked it, its still kinda bad. He shouldnt take ethnic name and still whitewash the characters. Besides jellal owned slaves, who were almost all "white" ( except simon and sho ) like, a supposedly "arab" character who had "whites" slaves is kinda.... Idk, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth
I mean, mashima probably didnt mean it, but then it would have been better to, like, not take this name for this character i hope i am not too annoying with this topic but i dont see a lot of people talking about the lack of others, non-white cultures even though mashima sometines is using poc's names ;;
no no its fine, talking about this kinda stuff isnt common in the ft fandom, which is probably cause a majority of the fans in the english speaking side of the fandom are white.
but it has been smth thats irritated me for a while as well, cause like. why would you even use names from specific cultures, not to mention poc ones, if youre not gonna do anything with it? if youre just gonna slap it on a white guy? not only is it pretty bad, but its also lazy.
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yamishika · 10 months
Is Erik South Asian / Indian coded?
This post isn’t going to be as extensive as my other FT posts, but I am going to put out thoughts of mine that have been playing in my head for some time now. Along with my observance of ‘Jellal wearing kohl’ and ‘Why aren’t the ladies of FT wearing panties anymore’ , I have another I want to put out today.
I think Erik (Cobra) of OS/CS is South Asian coded.
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Specifically Indian.
I will list the evidence and explain my train of thought underneath.
Admittedly though , a lot of my reasons are for visual representations I have seen of him in both manga and official art, so I am not sure how solid my connections are for the HCs but I will say them either way.
Clothing pattern
Let’s start with the first reason why I believe Erik to be SA coded. 
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This is an image of Erik/Cobra from the official manga during the Nirvana Arc
Sadly the intricate design of many characters' clothes are omitted/reduced when animating, Erik here being no exception. And though I understand why, it’s a shame as so many details get taken out which could help piece some more information on the characters which aren’t told upfront.
In the manga, Erik is introduced with a piece that includes a paisley design (the teardrop shaped pattern) on the inner parts and cuffs of his coat. Why this is important to note is because the paisley design is something that is known to be a widespread clothing print all across Asia, namely South Asia/South-west Asia!
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This Kameez (South Asian tunic) of mine has the ‘paisley’ pattern which is on Erik’s coat 
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Of course it is possible that the pattern on his inner coat/cuff could just be for the sake of fashion with no cultural significance, but taking in mind my next points I think it makes the argument of Erik being SA/Indian coded stronger.
This may come off as a weaker point I admit, but Erik’s use of jewelry also reminds me of SA heritage. His rings and armlet (or what I learned is called an arm-ring).
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This opinion is purely subjective. I can admit that, but me coming from SA heritage myself, his use of jewelry resonates with the way I've seen it being used in my own culture; such as the design , what patterns it is being paired with, the use of adornment. It really reminds me of SA fashion and tradition. 
But I want to be more objective in my reasoning so I looked up why his use of jewelry in the manga does resonate with SA heritage and found some things.
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The armlet/arm-ring that Erik has on his coat in the manga is similar to that used in Indian heritage. 
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Fair in Indian tradition it’s used as a bridal jewelry (Vanki) for the women, but it was the closest I could find that was similar to what he had for my argument. It might be a reach though and I can accept that.
Now I will go onto my other point as to why I believe Erik is SA/Indian coded.
Salwar in game card 
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Another clothing observation, but his trouser reminds me of a salwar with a slit at the bottom. The slit is a bit higher than what I am accustomed to but I have seen clothing like this in SA heritage.
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It’s not overly common but you can see where the influence comes from-
But let me go onto the main reason I have always thought Erik to have some ties to SA (but specifically India).
As everyone knows his name when introduced is Cobra, however what this name also holds significance with, is the fact that India’s national reptile is actually the Cobra too!
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King Cobra to be exact!
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And on top of that in Hindu mythology, the cobra is a greatly respected and revered figure, literally seen as a deity and I believe that ties in well with Erik’s connection with snakes/cobra.
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And the last point I want to make is that even his name can be found in South Asia too , just in case people want to counter the argument that the HC is improbable due to him having a European name. 
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As it can be seen the name Erik can be found near everywhere in the world, predominantly in places with European connections but also in Asia too.
And since I am arguing Erik being possibly Indian coded, I will show the statistics for his name there.
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1,386 incidents of the name in the country! That is not a small number even if minute compared to the density of the population.
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Map of India with distribution of the name Erik. (the darker red parts show a larger population of Eriks)
It’s very possible though Erik’s name could be from another SA country too. Or maybe he’s a case of being biracial with both SA heritage and something else. 
But I could see him being fully SA too since despite the Christian / European origin of the name, there’s a lot of POC who give names like that possibly due to following Christianity or just out of preference! (and personally I know this is a trend in South Asian communities)
But I guess we will never know unless Mashima sheds some light on Erik’s background. ^^'
Now with all this evidence presented, you can judge for yourselves if Erik’s design/clothing and connection to cobras is merely a coincidence and i’m reaching or is he possibly a SA/Indian coded character?
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Thank you all for taking the time to read this <3 Also big thanks to @jerzaworms for helping me find some of the evidence to help supplement this post and strengthen the argument of this hc!
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yamishika · 4 months
have any other ethnicity headcanons for fairy tail characters?
Fairy Tail Characters Ethnicity HCs
I don’t have as much extensive proof as I do for my Erik headcanons post but I will explain my thoughts for why I think certain ethnicities.
Natsu Dragneel : Japanese + Greek? (Because of the clothing style in his past flashback with his biological family)
Erza Scarlet : British + ? - I say British because she reminds me of Lara Croft who in her older days had reddish hair, also English history is big on knights, which Erza is. The other half I can’t tell as I don’t actually know what to think of her father Rung as. He seems like a POC though. (Maybe Mexican?)
Lucy Heartfilia : British / American - Because Lucy’s heritage as a noble it reminds me more of English nobility, but then her characteristics remind me more of american for some reason (it doesn’t help that Lucy looks a lot like Ashley Graham from the original RE4 and she’s American so I am kind of biased there)
Gray Fullbuster : Canada or Serbia (I think that’s mainly because I am making the link of cold countries though). Also if with Serbian I can see Ultear and him coming from similar places)
Gajeel Redfox : Native American (His hair and features remind me of Native Americans and I don’t know he kind of reminds me and looks like of Ratohnhake:ton / Connor from AC3) Juvia Lockser : Spanish + Russian (Spanish as the name Juvia is Spanish origin and Russian since the ushanka she wears and her clothing style in general)
Jellal Fernandes : Mixed ethnic - Mixed Arab (mainly Levantine Arab) + Brazilian, but then in my HCs he’s also part Desi too since the name Jellal is most prominent in India (And I want Erik to have a desi bro in CS). And the Arab/South asian idea came from him wearing Kohl/Surma in S1 in the anime. 
Ultear Milkovich : Serbian with mixed Central Asian or Kazakh (Again cold countries but since Ultear looks Eurasian but with dark features these countries came to mind. Serbia because apparently the name Milkovich is Serbian origin)
Macbeth/Midnight :  English w/Scottish + Irish + Japanese - English/Scottish/Irish is a given since his name ‘Macbeth’ but since his aesthetic is alike to Visual Kei, I see Japanese influence. But I don’t know, I just can see Macbeth with a british accent, maybe that’s just me.
Sorano Aguria : French and Korean/Japanese (I don’t know why I have the French, it just fits me when discussing with my friend @acutemushroom. Korean/Japanese because despite having a Japanese name (her and Yukino) due to her features she gave me kind of Korean vibes for some reason)
Sawyer : English (I can’t explain other than the name. But I thought of Romanian too for some reason, so English + Romanian?)
Richard Buchanan : South African + Scottish? (My only thought for this was because Buchanan I knew it as a last name big in South Africa, and Scottish is probably because of the red hair and ruddy complexion that I know scottish people can have)
Meredy : Irish (I don’t know why, it was hard to think of anything for her)
Kinana : Desi (Since the name Kinana is an urdu name apparently - So Pakistani) 
Cana Alberona : Irish + Italian (Guildarts gave me tanned Irish vibes for some reason and Alberona is I believe an Italian name)
Minerva Orland : Chinese + Latina (She wears a Cheongsam and her hair reminds me of Chinese culture but then I see Latina too) BUT, maybe she has Egyptian too and Italian since Minerva (Italian/Latin) but the blue eyeliner/eyeshadow she always has is alike to Malachite powder that was used by ancient egyptians 
Laxus Dreyar : Ukrainian + Russian (He gives me eastern europe vibes and also his features) but also since he's Makarov’s grandson he’d have Russian in him 
Makarov Dreyar : Russian - (I think his full name is of Russian origin but I can't be sure.) These are the HCs I have off the top of my head, hope this answers your question!
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