koyawork · 1 year
POLEWARDS × 北極冒険家 荻田泰永氏 Interview
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thegirlinyourmemories · 9 months
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greggs-mistflower · 9 months
A Deal in the Amrayn Market
A tale in the Solar Trials universe of @professorhephaestus, alias of Ngozi Ukazu. (Am I tagging this right?)
Increscent Neptune loomed ever to the southeast, 8 degrees wide, above the spaceport that cradled the Venus High Flyer, the interplanetary liner the three Humans had arrived on. They stalked under the arch of the Dead Beast Gate. They were wary, for Amrayn Market has a shady reputation for an Aphran market, and that is a most shady reputation indeed.
Hovering in the air was the wailing reedy music of a tampira, in the mode of longing and loss. Bitter incense drifted from the door of a run-down temple of the Worm God, pacing the Humans as it was swept slowly down the street in the cool poleward trade wind. Next to the temple door was a prostrate figure sprawled on the ground, its face stretched in the rictus of a becc-dream, the gnawed remains of the narcotic root itself clutched in its hand. Whether it had sold its robes for the root, or someone had looted its clothing, mattered not at all to anyone.
Being warned, the Humans kept to the side of what passed for a street in this quarter, keeping to the tired sunlight that reached Triton. Only vague cloaked figures could be made out in doorways. One hissed when it had judged that a Human looked too long. Curiosity was a deadly crime in Amrayn Market.
The Human on the right, the one with some facial fur, started when he felt his pocket twitch. He leaned casually towards the leader in the center, murmuring in a Human tongue, "The first-gold resonator just went off".
The three shambled to a halt in the street, casting their eyes about as if casually. The furred one gestured slightly to the store they'd just passed. The old carved pillars of flame-tree arched over, holding the sign The Goods of the Third Merl Clan.
Parting the curtain of leather strips (what leather, a prudent mind would not contemplate), they carefully looked and stepped within. There was a small room with various statues and amulets behind translucent panels of utworla sandfish skin. One stood forth, evidently the shopkeeper. The three Humans had enough Trade Patois to be able to converse.
The first words were customary, the shopkeeper praising its rare and priceless (yet affordable) goods, the Human sneering at the evident common and shoddy quality. The leader glanced again at the befurred one, who nodded slightly.
The leader then commented, "It is beyond hope that you have something worth seeing. We might be interested in something … purer and more shining than this."
A shopkeeper needed to be skilled in interpreting vague hints. It spoke sharply to a collared servant to mind the main shop while it went through another curtain to a hidden chamber. Not long after, it called the Humans to come within.
There was a small table covered with deep purple-ultraviolet cloth. There was a centerpiece frame holding an inscribed shining yellow disk. Even the Humans could tell that it appeared to be the plate of an astrolabe.
The hairy one palmed the little detector and reached towards the disk. The shopkeeper clicked its teeth and gestured sharply with its wand. "It is the custom of the market. Goods are not touched without payment."
The furred one withdrew his hand with an affronted word, though he was fully satisfied. He glanced at the leader again and again nodded slightly. The detector had gone off strongly as it approached the disk.
The haggling did not last too long, considering. They settled on a price of 60 Venusian trade talents. The sequence of actions was a sticking point: neither was willing to hand over what they had before getting what they wanted. The Humans finally gave way. The leader offered the 60 talents on the spot for the disk, but warned, "We have heard that Aphrans have … loose ideas of justice, and the art of vendetta. Humans too have our own ideas about justice, but we prefer quick, large-scale destruction. We can afford to do this because we have the power to obliterate those who cheat us."
The shopkeeper bowed its body in acquiescence, for tales of Humans violence and wars had reached even the outer system. It began to draw up a receipt. "Shall I indicate the price as 95 talents?"
The Humans bristled. "Do you think to charge us more than you have agreed?!"
The shopkeeper made the gestures of humor and placation. "The honored Humans misunderstand my halting words. The price you will pay me remains 60 talents. The receipt that you may use to be reimbursed will say 95 talents. Humans coming into danger are surely not paid enough for their work?"
The leader gathered the two others with his eyes, and got their eager agreement. Even without that, it was a good deal. Their … organization would at last get a supply of first gold without the knowledge of the damnable meddling Martians, to experiment with … and maybe someday to surprise and displease the Martians.
The shopkeeper drew up, with fine brush strokes the receipt on utworla belly skin, and carefully stamped on the green-infrared ink of a seal. "This is the sigil of the Third Merl Clan. You may compare it with the design above the door."
The shopkeeper asked whether the Humans had a shield bag, to keep anyone inquisitive from prying into their matters and perhaps interfering. The Humans had already been instructed about the prudence of shielding their property.
The Humans continued further into the market, to not draw too much attention to this shop. The shopkeeper curtly instructed the collared one to keep an eye on the place while it went up the stairs to the living quarters.
The shopkeeper curled inwards to the shop owner and spoke, "My honored Aunt-Husband. I advise you to get a message to Third Ortho-Cousin Dlokenar, suggesting that it betray us and our shop to Omerronar and his subbranch of the clan. And make sure to get a cut of the bribe."
The shop owner raised up its bulk and said, with silky outrage, "Have the mind-worms eaten your soul?! This is a fine location of great value! You would have us lose our living and our goods, and worse, to our hated High Leg rivals!"
The shopkeeper laughed in the Aphran way and explained what had happened below. It laid particular emphasis on the Human threat of overwhelming power. And also mentioned selling them a decorative disk (brass plated in mundane gold), which had been sitting atop a framework, itself sitting on top of the good purple-ultraviolet cloth, which was sitting on top of the first-gold bracelets that the shopkeeper had slipped off its wrists while setting up the table.
The shop owner admitted awe. "It is so good a location and so valuable a shop -- it is too much to hope that Omerronar itself will run the shop and be present when the Humans and their weapons arrive. Regardless, they will still suffer a great loss, in bribing Third Ortho-Cousin Dlokenar and then losing goods and people here."
The Aunt-Husband caressed the arm of the shopkeeper. "Ah, every day I rejoice that I claimed you from the ruins of your family campound! Now let us prepare swiftly, before the Humans have a chance to check the bag!"
(Author notes: lots of Old Solar System planetary romances had a disreputable decadent Orientalist setting for some of the action, like this. On the other hand, Solar Trials feels more optimistic & clean than this, more Original Star Trek than Star Wars, so if the mood here seems wrong, please let me know.)
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tanadrin · 1 year
I’m curious about the polar effects of low axial tilt! What are the implications?
In short--the poles get less light. Like, a lot less light. Earth's axial tilt is only 23.5 degrees or so, but in terms of sunlight falling on the upper atmosphere (which is what insolation is theoretically measuring), the poles get around 40% the insolation of the equator annually. Obviously, it's radically less in winter and considerably more in summer, but it makes the poles much warmer than they would otherwise be.
Actual temperature is much more complicated than just "how much sunlight falls on this spot," and ice and cloud cover (which reflect a lot of light back into space), atmospheric and ocean currents (which carry energy poleward), and amount of ocean (which acts as a heat sink) all contribute as much as raw insolation to the climate the poles actually experience.
But on a theoretical world with zero axial tilt that is otherwise Earthlike, the poles would get very nearly zero sunlight. Not exactly zero, since the ground is not perfectly parallel to the rays of sunlight, and the sun is probably not a point source. But even low relief is going to render vast areas dark year-round. And for the ecology of those polar regions, I think the effect would be profound. Very little sunlight means very little photosynthesis, which is the foundation of most food chains. Unless an alternate form of energy is available, the poles should be wastelands--not deserts (that will depend on lots of other factors), but with very little life in general, especially plant life.
The poles may also be quite cold--insolation will be low, although except at very near the pole itself, it won't be less than, say, the average insolation much of Earth experiences at mid-to-high latitudes during the winter. Depending on albedo, greenhouse effects, and atmospheric and ocean dynamics, this could mean freezing cold poles with permanent ice cover, or it could just mean being year-round chilly (but still above zero). Temperature will be very stable throughout the year, though!
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sataniccapitalist · 1 year
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warningsine · 9 months
Dubai, 10 December 2023 – Climate change is already having catastrophic impacts on many migratory animals and their ability to provide vital ecosystem services to humanity according to a major new report of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), a UN biodiversity treaty.
Released today at the UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai (UNFCCC COP28), the report finds that the direct effects of climate change on many migratory species are already being seen, including poleward range shifts, changes in the timing of migration, and reduced breeding success and survival. Integral to the ecosystems they live in, migratory species support vital ecosystem services that both mitigate the impacts of climate change and increase the resilience to climatic hazards.  
The study also emphasizes the urgent need to act now to help vulnerable migratory species adapt to a changing climate. Actions such as the establishment of comprehensive and well-connected networks of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures are crucial to support species movement in response to climate change, whilst direct human interventions, such as the translocation of vulnerable populations of species, will be needed in some cases.
Some of the key findings of the report include:
Strong evidence that global increases in temperature have affected most migratory species groups, and these impacts are mostly negative. For instance, rising temperatures are causing changes in the reproduction and survival of krill and are having a negative impact on marine mammals and seabirds that rely on krill as a key food source.
Strong evidence that climate change is impacting migratory species distribution and timing of migration. In particular, temperature increases are driving poleward range shifts and earlier migration and breeding. In some species, such as wading birds, there is a risk this will cause a mis-match between the timing of breeding and the time when prey species are most abundant.
Changes in water availability are causing the loss of wetlands and reduced river flows, which are likely to particularly impact the migration of fish and waterbirds.
Extreme climate-related events such as landslides are causing severe habitat destruction and have already been observed at some seabird breeding sites.
There is strong evidence that migratory seabirds and marine mammals will be impacted by the changes in oceanic currents which are likely to alter the nature and functioning of many marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
The study ‘Climate change and migratory species: a review of impacts, conservation actions, indicators and ecosystem services’ was commissioned by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland through the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) as a major contribution to the work of CMS on climate change, and prepared by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).  
Biodiversity is declining globally at unprecedented rates, and climate change is one of the major drivers of this crisis. In 2021, the world’s leading biodiversity and climate scientists jointly sounded the alarm, stating that biodiversity loss and climate change mutually reinforce each other and neither will be successfully resolved unless both are tackled together. The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted last year recognizes that nature-based solutions are essential in the fight against climate change in its Target 8. The conservation of migratory species and their habitats is an important part of the solution to both the biodiversity and the climate change crises.
Migratory species are important for ecosystem function and climate change mitigation, especially when they form a significant part of an ecosystem or aggregate in large numbers at particular times of the year. Many migratory species are related to the movement and dispersal of seeds and nutrients. Large migratory species can contribute to climate change mitigation through the decomposition of their faeces, which locks carbon into the soil or seabed, as well as through more complex processes, such as maintaining trophic webs that protect forest or seagrass beds important for carbon sequestration. Migratory species can also contribute towards climate change adaptation by enhancing ecosystem resilience; for example, seabird guano increases the nutrients available for coral reef growth, which in turn reduces coastal erosion.
The impacts of climate change on migratory species underscore the need for countries to cooperate on actions to ensure their conservation. CMS provides a vehicle for such cooperation, addressing migratory species across their range. By conserving migratory species and their habitat under CMS, countries can also achieve win-win solutions and directly contribute to the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The launch of this major report comes in advance of the 14th meeting of the CMS Conference of the Parties, in Samarkand, Uzbekistan from 12 to 17 February 2024. This meeting will be one of the most significant global biodiversity gatherings since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and will address crucial conservation priorities, including priority actions to address climate change and its impacts on migratory species and their habitats.
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ziparumpazoo · 2 years
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Space Weather Message Code: ALTK08 Serial Number: 26 Issue Time: 2023 Mar 24 0416 UTC ALERT: Geomagnetic K-index of 8, 9- Threshold Reached: 2023 Mar 24 0404 UTC Synoptic Period: 0300-0600 UTC Active Warning: Yes NOAA Scale: G4 - Severe Potential Impacts: Area of impact primarily poleward of 45 degrees Geomagnetic Latitude. Induced Currents - Possible widespread voltage control problems and some protective systems may mistakenly trip out key assets from the power grid. Induced pipeline currents intensify. Spacecraft - Systems may experience surface charging; increased drag on low earth orbit satellites, and tracking and orientation problems may occur. Navigation - Satellite navigation (GPS) degraded or inoperable for hours. Radio - HF (high frequency) radio propagation sporadic or blacked out. Aurora - Aurora may be seen as low as Alabama and northern California.
Yeah, but it sure is pretty.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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Strawberry Valley, UT (No. 3)
The uplift of the range dates to the Laramide orogeny, about 70 to 50 million years ago, when compressive forces produced high-angle reverse faults on both the north and south sides of the present mountain range. The east-west orientation of the Uintas is anomalous compared to most of the ranges of the Rocky Mountains; it may relate to changing stress patterns and rotation of the Colorado Plateau. The Green River used to flow into the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico, but changed to the Colorado River by going through the Uintas in ways not fully understood.
The high Uintas were extensively glaciated during the last ice age, and most of the large stream valleys on both the north and south sides of the range held long valley glaciers. However, despite reaching to over 13,500 feet (4,110 m) in elevation, the climate today is sufficiently dry that no glaciers survived even before the rapid current glacial retreat began in the middle nineteenth century. The Uintas are the most poleward mountain range in the world to reach over 13,000 feet (4,000 m) without modern glaciers, and are in fact the highest mountain range in the contiguous United States with no modern glaciers. Permafrost occurs at elevations above 10,000 feet (3,000 m) and at times forms large rock glaciers.
Between the summits and ridgelines are wide, level basins with around 500 small lakes. One of the most popular lakes is Mirror Lake because of its good fishing, scenic views, and easy road access.
Source: Wikipedia          
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prose2passion · 6 months
Last year's feature on the genomics and migrations of the grapevine is now in the open archives. Free access for all. (There's also a tiny bit of family history in that one)
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onlyfishcansaveusnow · 6 months
3/27/2024- FISH
I have no idea what is happening *alas a recurring theme* is today wednesday? Probalbly.... i don't remember anything from monday.. well I do but i am tired :) also totally lied about redoing my exam.. kinda i started on it like an hour ago and i guess as long as it s done by this evening ill be good... im not optimistic. RIP zoom camera its stuck in the upsidedown.. YAY we are no longer upsidedown
ANYWAY ew exam two is on the way... and a lot to work thourhg this lecture. TOday we are going in brad on the north pacific, and biophysical coupling. regime shifts, climate cahnge and examples orm the arctic.
OOO recap Walker circualtaiton. - Thrade winds nrmally blow westward twards a low pressure area in the western pacific. as air move over the warm ocean it becomes warmer and loghter. in thelowpressue region the air rises and looses moisture though rain. the air eventually circlates back to the east at upper level and deceds ove the eater pacific hig pressure cell to complet the cycle. ~ duing nino this circualtion and tradewinds decreas cauing warmer condiditon in theast wich decrese the east west sst gradient.
Pacific ocean and surrounding seas. ENSO- is a major atmspheric pattern and important sours of global climate varibality. PDO (pacific decadial ossiclation) - Aleutian Low: dominates win d feild in the NPO. Forms in autum and intensfies in winter and breaks down in dummer. As pressure decresaes the area becomes larger so the index is a mirror image of the pressure recoen in the low and in variable year to year. And are longer than thoes in the SOI. Regime shift from mostly negitive to mostly postive in 76 and 77
**inence** aleutina lows - inceased poleward advection of warm southern waters in winter. davision current- surrface oceanic counter current aling the coast of califonia. .... *i swaear to god* more south
**Weak** alution lows - decresased poeward advection in winter lead to weak downwelling less on shore transport and decresed stratificaitn next spering which influences biological effectivess of upwelling. more north
PDO changes every 15-20 yrs??
PDO is definded by the frist principal compornt of the variation in SST north 20 deg N in pacific ocean. Comparing PDO ENSO- elnino identified by eqat temp anomloies. PDO strongest feature is lower SST thoughout the pacific north weast and warmer waters along the americas. PDO is on a longer time scale.
Pacifc ocean general biological variability - *okay we ar speed running so i need to go back ad type this holy hell* wat are elnion effect in the humblt on anchovetta? elnion on humlt is BIG issue *god graphs* Glapogoes is pretty much the center of the ENSO activity and are stongly impacted. *Damn the humbolt rally gets it duing el nino conditions* Effects on demersal fish and Inverts???
North pacific lol now we dicuss - duing el ninio westerlies expend futrer noth bringin warm air and water to alaska. abnormally warm water expends dothwart along CA and OR coast. zoop biomass is reduced consistingof species gen found further south. boundries on pacifc gyes moth and supartic gyre move nothward cusing changes in migration routs of salmon ~~ winner and loosers~~
*rip ill be back* okay i have no idea what topic we are on (-_-:) i think we ar goin in a weird indepth of specific fisheries.
Eastern north pacific - el ninio seem to benifit pacicif halibut recurtment. Slamon!- PDO partly focered EP el nino is realted to flux in salmon catch with PDO index postively correlated with AK stocks and neg correleted wth CA, OR, AW PNW stocks. differential respocse to food web productivity to inceased warming.
Participation questions??? - going off of the question asked about how we adjust fisheries management to climate changes whe havent even seen before but first: How do you measure if changes are anthropogenic or ENSO on pressure on fishing? PDO vs ENSO vs ALPI?? So maybe i missunderstood something: so a lot of these mass climate fluxes play into one another do ENSO and ALPI similar to one another?
Stationrty vs Non stationarty? - simialr means and such where not much is happing and same varience but not smae mean over a time series ( respectivetly)
NGPO - North pacifc gyre osilation - sealevel height anoalies in NE pacific.
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jcmarchi · 6 months
NASA-Supported Team Discovers Aurora-Like Radio Bursts Above Sunspot - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nasa-supported-team-discovers-aurora-like-radio-bursts-above-sunspot-technology-org/
NASA-Supported Team Discovers Aurora-Like Radio Bursts Above Sunspot - Technology Org
A NASA-funded team of scientists has discovered long-lasting radio signals emanating from the Sun that are similar to those associated with auroras—the northern and southern lights—on Earth.
Scientists have discovered radio bursts above a sunspot resembling radio emissions from Earth’s auroras. The pink-purple streaks in this illustration represent the radio emissions, with higher-frequency radio signals in pink, closer to the sunspot, and lower frequencies in purple. The thin lines represent magnetic field lines above the sunspot. The sunspot is the dark region on the Sun at the bottom. Image credit: Sijie Yu, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Detected about 25,000 miles (40,000 km) above a sunspot – a relatively cool, dark, and magnetically active region on the Sun – such radio bursts had previously been observed only on planets and other stars.
“This sunspot radio emission represents the first detection of its kind,” said Sijie Yu of the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, who is the lead author of a paper reporting the discovery in the January 2024 issue of Nature Astronomy. The research was first published online in November 2023.
The discovery could help us better understand our own star as well as the behavior of distant stars that produce similar radio emissions.
The Sun often emits short radio bursts that last for minutes or hours. But the radio bursts Yu’s team detected, using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico, persisted for over a week.
These sunspot radio bursts also have other characteristics – such as their spectra (or intensity at different wavelengths) and their polarization (the angle or direction of the radio waves) – that are much more like radio emissions produced in the polar regions of Earth and other planets with auroras.
On Earth (and other planets such as Jupiter and Saturn), auroras shimmer in the night sky when solar particles are caught up in the planet’s magnetic field and pulled toward the poles, where magnetic field lines converge. As they accelerate poleward, the particles generate intense radio emissions at frequencies around a few hundred kilohertz and then smash into atoms in the atmosphere, causing them to emit light as auroras.
The analysis by Yu’s team suggests the radio bursts above the sunspot are likely produced in a comparable way – when energetic electrons get trapped and accelerated by converging magnetic fields above a sunspot. Unlike Earth’s auroras, though, the radio bursts from sunspots occur at much higher frequencies – hundreds of thousands of kilohertz to roughly 1 million kilohertz. “That’s a direct result of the sunspot’s magnetic field being thousands of times stronger than Earth’s,” Yu said.
Scientists detected aurora-like radio bursts above the large, dark sunspot seen in the upper left in this image of the Sun taken on April 11, 2016, by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Image credit: NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory
Similar radio emissions have previously been observed from some types of low-mass stars as well. This discovery introduces the possibility that aurora-like radio emissions may originate from large spots on those stars (called “starspots”) in addition to the previously proposed auroras in their polar regions.
“The discovery excites us as it challenges existing notions of solar radio phenomena and opens new avenues for exploring magnetic activities both in our Sun and in distant stellar systems,” Yu said.
“NASA’s growing heliophysics fleet is well suited to continue to investigate the source regions of these radio bursts,” said Natchimuthuk Gopalswamy, a heliophysicist and solar radio researcher at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “For example, the Solar Dynamics Observatory continually monitors the Sun’s active regions, which likely give rise to this phenomenon.”
In the meantime, Yu’s team plans to reexamine other solar radio bursts to see whether any appear similar to the aurora-like ones they found. “We aim to determine if some of the previously recorded solar bursts could be instances of this newly identified emission,” Yu said.
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hosizorayoukai · 1 year
NASAのジェイムズウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡によるエウロパ表面の炭素発見の意義を探ります。 最新鋭のジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡によってエウロパの表面に二酸化炭素が存在することが明らかになり、科学界は畏敬の念を抱いた。この驚くべき炭素の発見は、宇宙探査にとって計り知れない意味と意義を持ちます。
📝目次📝 ------------------------------------------------- 0:00 エウロパで二酸化炭素を発見 1:29 なぜ炭素発見がすごいのか? 2:33 驚異的なエウロパ最新観測技術 4:35 タラ地域の解明へ 6:30 エウロパのプルーム初発見 8:36 深海物質の噴出の可能性 10:25 プルームのホット地域を発見 11:50 ホットスポット2つの原因 12:47 今後の探査機による観測
▼見逃し配信▼ 🎦初投稿・木星 (Jupiter)シューメーカー・レヴィ第9彗星 https://youtu.be/ZjokarwlmGE 🎦ガリレオ衛星エウロパ・天文から神話まで基礎特集 https://youtu.be/IidQCKi4G4o 🎦ジェイムズウェッブが撮影した木星の初公開 https://youtu.be/KFggFYflXZg 🎦【木星 映像集 #1】探査機ジュノー撮影の木星の全容 https://youtu.be/D3P-7N8jKUw 🎦【木星 映像集 #2】木星の電気嵐に突入!エウロパの音 https://youtu.be/AVDbSAqxT9k
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🌕エウロパってなに?🌕 ----------------- エウロパは木星の周りを回る小さな月です。 1610年に、ガリレオ・ガリレイが発見した大きな4つの月のなかで、 木星から2番目に近い月です。 それは、私たち地球の月よりも少し小さいと想像してください。
エウロパという名前の由来は、ギリシャの物語に登場する 「ヨーロッパ」という名の王女にちなんで名づけられました。
エウロパが本当にクールなのは、他の月や惑星のように でこぼこしていたり、岩のように見えたりしないことだ。 とても滑らかで、まるで巨大なアイスクリームのボールのようです! その氷の下に秘密の海が隠れていると考える人もいます。 地球に海があるように、エウロパにも氷の下に大きな海があるかもしれない。 そして水があるところには生命がいるかもしれない!
エウロパの海は、手をこすり合わせると温かくなるのと同じように 木星の引力によって温かいかもしれません。 この暖かさがどこからきているのかが、科学者を悩ませている大きな謎です。
そして、エウロパは時々、大きな噴水のように水を宇宙空間に吐き出しています。 私たちはそれを特殊な望遠鏡で見たことがあり、 そこに生命がいるかどうかを調べるのに役立つかもしれないので、わくわくしています。
将来的には、エウロパについてもっと知るための大きな計画があります。 特別な探査機を送ってエウロパを間近で調査するミッションが大進行中です! ですから、エウロパの神秘的な海で何かが泳いでいるかどうか、 いつか発見できるかもしれません!
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⭐️チャンネル登録はこちらから⭐️ https://www.youtube.com/@soranohoshi
このチャンネルでは、宇宙や星空の情報や知識を親しみやすく、 ゲームやアニメ感覚でシェアしていくチャンネルです。 今後の動向や、宇宙や星々に興味がわきましたら、 是非!チャンネル登録もしていただけると嬉しいです。
アンケートや感想、いいねボタンも大変励みになります。 お気軽にご参加ください。
日々の星空ライフを充実したものに。 今後、人類のさらなる宇宙への挑戦を見守っていきましょう。
📣割愛・こぼれ話📣 ------------------------------------------------- ▼あの「イラストや」さん作画のエウロパの魚が手に入る! エウロパの魚のイラスト https://www.irasutoya.com/2016/07/blog-post_113.html めっちゃかわいいです!(^^)
▼木星の衛星エウロパに魚が生息? | ナショナルジオグラフィック日本版サイト https://natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp/nng/article/news/14/1951/
▼南極大陸の下に眠る巨大な氷底湖「ボストーク湖」とは? | POLEWARDS/ポールワーズ 地球で唯一エウロパと似ている環境の湖。 https://www.polewards.com/about-vostok-lake/
▼南極の厚さ900mの氷の下に生物…掘削調査で偶然に発見 | Business Insider Japan エウロパの氷の下にもこのような生物がいるかもしれない! https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-229720
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▼映画『エウロパ(Europa Report)』(字幕版)Amazon PrimeVideo NASAより早くエウロパに到達した民間企業の探査チームが遭遇する恐怖を描いたSFスリラー。 【PR】https://amzn.to/45nqSyC
▼映画『2010年』(字幕版)Amazon PrimeVideo アーサー・C・クラーク「2001年宇宙の旅」の続編、小説『2010年宇宙の旅』の映画版。謎の消息を絶ったディスカバリー計画の乗組員。その木星とイオの軌道上に残されたディスカバリー号へ謎の解明にソビエト連邦との宇宙船で合同調査に向かった。そこで見た木星とエウロパでの新発見の意味とは。 【PR】https://amzn.to/3PH5gaH
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📘資料・出典📘 ------------------------------------------------- ・フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ・天文学辞典:天体に関する用語を3,000語以上収録・解説。 https://astro-dic.jp/ 【公式】公衆のためのWebbホーム https://webbtelescope.org/ 【公式】ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡ホーム https://hubblesite.org/home 【公式】JUICE-JAPAN - 木星氷衛星探査計画 ガニメデ周回衛星 https://juice.stp.isas.jaxa.jp/ 【公式】NASAのエウロパ・クリッパー (Europa Clipper) https://europa.nasa.gov/
📀使用ソフト📀 ------------------------------------------------- ▼Space Engine –宇宙シミュレーターソフト http://spaceengine.org/ ロシアの天文学者でプログラマによる独自の3D宇宙空間 シミュレーションソフトウェアおよびゲームエンジン。 ※当動画は、Proライセンスを取得して配信しています。 ▼ステラナビゲータ12/AstroArts 最新版・純国産の天文シミュレーションソフトウェア。 【PR】https://a.r10.to/hU8Ip9 ▼Universe Sandbox 2 宇宙物理シミュレーションソフト http://universesandbox.com/ ▼CeVIO AI さとうささら すずき つづみ 弦巻マキ(日本語&英語) 深層学習等のAI技術を使い、声質・癖・喋り方をリアルに再現した 新世代の音声創作ソフトウェア最新版! ・さとうささら(ベクターPCショップ) https://pcshop.vector.co.jp/service/catalogue/cevioai/ ・弦巻マキ/AHS(AH-Software) https://www.ah-soft.com/cevio/maki/index.html ・すずきつづみ(ベクターPCショップ) https://pcshop.vector.co.jp/service/catalogue/cevioai_tsudumi/ この動画はCeVIOプロジェクトの「さとうささら」「弦巻マキ」「すずきつづみ」を使用しています。
🎬おすすめ動画リスト🎬 ------------------------------------------------- ▼【太陽系惑星 JWST特集】ジェイムズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡が観測した太陽系惑星特集 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVD9xZXaEKsUJRyPWLLqIVtFQkJ_DZkOR
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thegirlinyourmemories · 9 months
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cropforlife · 2 years
Strongest Arctic cyclone on record led to surprising loss of sea ice
Strongest Arctic cyclone on record led to surprising loss of sea ice
A warming climate is causing a decline in sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, where loss of sea ice has important ecological, economic and climate impacts. On top of this long-term shift due to climate change are weather events that affect the sea ice from week to week. The strongest Arctic cyclone ever observed poleward of 70 degrees north latitude struck in January 2022 northeast of Greenland. A new…
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dritaten · 2 years
Ice driver review
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Extra-Arctic processes, in particular changes to large-scale atmospheric and oceanic circulation and related changes in poleward atmospheric moist and dry static energy transport (e.g., Yang et al., 2010 Alexeev and Jackson, 2013 Zhang et al., 2013 Graversen and Burtu, 2016 Gong et al., 2017 Yoshimori et al., 2017), also contribute to Arctic amplification and are entangled with intra-Arctic feedbacks in complex ways. Other local feedback processes that may contribute to enhanced warming in the absence of extra-Arctic influence include the lapse rate and Planck feedbacks ( Manabe and Wetherald, 1975 Crook et al., 2011 Pithan and Mauritsen, 2014 Hahn et al., 2020 Previdi et al., 2020), as well as cloud and water vapor feedbacks ( Graversen and Wang, 2009 Cox et al., 2015 Kay et al., 2016 Södergren et al., 2018 Huang et al., 2019 Feldl et al., 2020 Middlemas et al., 2020) in an atmosphere moistened by sea ice decline ( Boisvert et al., 2015 Jun et al., 2016 Taylor et al., 2018 Rinke et al., 2019b). The earliest-identified cause of enhanced warming is the ice-albedo (or surface-albedo) feedback, whereby some initial warming reduces polar ice and snow cover and causes a greater fraction of incoming solar radiation to be absorbed, which further accelerates warming and albedo reduction ( Budyko, 1969 Cess et al., 1991 Serreze et al., 2009). A number of interconnected physical processes, occurring within and external to the Arctic and with distinct seasonal variability, have been identified as contributing to Arctic amplification ( Taylor et al., 2013 Yoshimori et al., 2014a Kim and Kim, 2017 Lang et al., 2017 Goosse et al., 2018 Park et al., 2018 Stuecker et al., 2018 Ding et al., 2019). Amplified Arctic warming has been most pronounced during autumn and winter, and model simulations project this will remain the case in future warming scenarios ( Serreze and Francis, 2006 Lu and Cai, 2009 Serreze et al., 2009 Screen and Simmonds, 2010 Bintanja and van der Linden, 2013 Cohen et al., 2014 Dai et al., 2019). However, the causes of this “Arctic amplification” are not fully understood ( Serreze and Barry, 2011). Introduction: Arctic Amplification–Local and Remote CausesĪrctic-amplified near-surface atmospheric warming is a fundamental feature of past climate warming periods, present-day warming trends, and modeled future changes to the Earth’s climate system. As high-latitude atmospheric circulation is strongly influenced by lower-latitude processes, the future state of tropical-to-Arctic teleconnections is also considered. The future evolution of Arctic amplification is discussed in terms of projected future trends in atmospheric blocking and moisture transport and their coupling with the cryosphere. Impacts of circulation variability and moisture transport on sea ice, ice sheet surface mass balance, snow cover, and other surface cryospheric variables are reviewed and discussed.
Both local and remote drivers of Arctic amplification are considered, with specific focus given to high-latitude atmospheric blocking, poleward moisture transport, and tropical-high latitude subseasonal teleconnections. Will future Arctic Amplification be primarily driven by local, within-Arctic processes, or will external forces play a greater role in contributing to changing climate in this region? Motivated by this uncertainty in future Arctic climate, this review seeks to evaluate several of the key atmospheric circulation processes important to the ongoing discussion of Arctic amplification, focusing primarily on processes in the troposphere. Nevertheless, the mechanisms by which this will take place are numerous, interconnected. To date, warming in the Arctic has been most pronounced in autumn and winter seasons, with this trend predicted to continue based on model projections of future climate. However, the causes of this “amplification” within Earth’s climate system are not fully understood. 4Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, United StatesĪrctic Amplification is a fundamental feature of past, present, and modelled future climate.3Department of Geography, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States.2Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA, United States.1Oceanography Department, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, United States.
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realtimepiner · 2 years
Ne hurricane track
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"In the Atlantic region, hurricanes form anywhere from the tropical central Atlantic to the Gulf of Mexico. When this happens, the hurricanes 'recurve' toward the east and thereafter follow paths that are generally both eastward and poleward. Eventually, if they last long enough, they will drift poleward far enough to enter the belt of westerly winds that prevails in middle latitudes. They move westward with the trade winds and also drift slowly poleward. in a belt of generally east-to-west flow called the trade winds. "Hurricanes almost always form over ocean water warmer than about 80 degrees F. Kerry Emanuel in the Center for Meteorology and Physical Oceanography at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology expands on the details of hurricane behavior: encounters the cooler waters of the Pacific, which can quickly reduce the storm's strength." So the occasional Northeast Pacific hurricane that does track back toward the U.S. Such relatively cool temperatures do not provide enough thermal energy to sustain a hurricane's strength. (the low 20s C.), even in the middle of summer. Along the West Coast, however, ocean-surface temperatures rarely rise above the lower 70s F. Along the East Coast, the Gulf Stream provides a source of warm (above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, or 26.5 degrees Celsius) waters, which helps to maintain the hurricane. "The second factor is the difference in water temperatures along the U.S. In the Northeast Pacific, the same west-northwest track carries hurricanes farther offshore, well away from the U.S. In the Atlantic, such a motion often brings the hurricane into the vicinity of the East Coast of the U.S. The first is that hurricanes in the northern hemisphere form at tropical and subtropical latitudes and then tend to move toward the west-northwest. "There are two main reasons for this disparity. mainland just less than twice a year on average. The hurricanes in the Northeast Pacific almost never hit the U.S., however, whereas the ones in the Atlantic basin strike the U.S. (that is, in the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea), and in the Northeast Pacific basin, to the west of the U.S. "Hurricanes form both in the Atlantic basin, to the east of the continental U.S. Landsea is a researcher at the Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), located in Miami, Fla.
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