#PS4 First-Party
electric-plants · 11 months
i accidentally hit match instead of start for a domain and it turns out genshin co-op is actually so fun but i was also SO nervous and unprepared that i had to immediately end it afterwards why am i like this💀💀
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toyherb · 2 years
splurged on a new dualshock :^)
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gguk-n · 3 months
Unforeseen Affection (Logan Sargeant x Lando's bestfriend!Reader)
Summary- Oscar pitied her for being in love with Lando for so long, that as a kind gesture; he sets her up with his best friend, Logan. Logan decides to entertain Oscar surprisingly. Oscar thinks this is a great idea, Logan just wants to help his best friend and in the middle of all this, will Y/N get her heartbroken or mended? Stay tuned to find out.
The idea seemed great in theory, but I feel like I didn’t execute it as well; alas it is what it is
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Oscar was a quiet man but he was an extremely observant man. If you ever thought you did something and it went unnoticed, chances were that Oscar noticed. Nothing escaped that eagle eyed man. He knew something was up since he set foot into the McLaren garage. Maybe it was the way Y/N looked at Lando or how she would always be gravitating towards Lando like her centre of gravitational force was Lando. It wasn't the same for Lando though; he was the life of the party. People gravitated towards him, he had a friend in every corner of the paddock and if Oscar could say it; every corner of the world. But the more he observed the more Y/N seemed content with just revolving around Lando like the moon revolved around the Earth.
It had only been a couple of races into his first season in Formula one; Y/N piqued his interest. He had so many questions and he couldn't ask his team mate, now could he, the subject of his interest. Oscar hadn't developed much of a friendship with the other drivers yet; he always found himself talking to Lando or Logan during the driver's parade. Lando had introduced him to a lot his friends but Oscar still found comfort in Logan. That's how Oscar found himself in a conversation with Alex and Logan. "So, what's up with Y/N?" he asked tenatively. Alex looked at him confused. "No, I mean, what's up with her and Lando?" he said cautiously. Alex let out a laugh, "Oh, you've noticed." Oscar looked at him and then Logan trying to formulate a sentence. Alex patted his back before continuing, "Y/N has been Lando's best friend since they were kids. She used to come to his karting races too. Her life has always revolved around Lando. I don't think I've ever seen her without Lando" Alex thought for a moment before continuing. "She's a great person, we've known her forever honestly. But it's tragic really" Oscar and Logan were intently listening to Alex. "She's been in love with him for as long as I've know her. It's heartbreaking really. She has never even dated. However, if you asked her, she will vehemently deny it." Alex said while shaking his head. "What are you guys talking about?" Lando interrupted. "Nothing" Alex said while engaging his conversation with the 3 guys in front of him.
The first person Oscar saw when he got off the parade was Y/N who was stood at the side. She came running towards Lando as he came down, handing him water and something a fan gave her to pass on to Lando. This wasn't a one time occurrence; she would drop what ever she was doing to go to Lando as soon as she would spot him. Even Lily had begun to notice. Watching this unfold, gave birth to an idea in Oscar's head. This was so left field from his personality; but Lily and Y/N had become very good friends and he just wanted to help Lily's friend. That's what he told himself. He was doing all this for her; to help her.
It was in between races and him and Logan busy were playing PS4 when Oscar broken the silence between them, "Don't you pity Y/N" Logan hummed. He didn't see Y/N as much as Oscar did, so he wasn't sure if he really pitied her as much as Oscar did, he thought. "You know, I was thinking" Oscar suggested. Logan sighed, "That's never a good thing" Oscar looked at him in disbelief, "When have I ever done anything bad" Logan just shakes his head, "No, you never do anything, honestly, so why now" "Well, she's pretty good friends with Lily and I just want to help a friend of Lily's out" Oscar defended himself. "You never meddle in other people's lives" Logan suggested. "Yes, but this is different. Y/N is like family" he said, with a bit of hesitation. Logan wasn't sure about this, "This is so out of character for you." "A guy can't even do something good in this world without being judged." Oscar replied in disbelief.
"What if we set her up with someone?" Oscar suggested. "We could, but we don't really know that many people" Logan thought out loud. Oscar was lost in thought for a while until he had a eureka moment. "What if" Oscar started, Logan wasn't about to like this very much, he thought, "now here me out, before you cut me off. You date Y/N" Oscar continued. Logan dropped the controller, standing up. "Oscar, have you lost your mind? I don't even like her" Logan said. "It doesn't have to be real. Just take her out for a couple dates; we make Lando jealous and he realises that he loves her and then voila, we've done what cupid couldn't." Oscar proposed. "No way, I'm not being roped in your scheme. Spare me Piastri" Logan said, walking away to the kitchen.
Oscar was a tenacious man, that's how he got to Formula one. He brought the idea up whenever he saw Logan in an attempt to convince him. Logan wasn't ready to budge. After a month of begging on Oscar's part, Logan was finally starting to break. They were sat in Logan's hotel room; Oscar had brought all of Logan's favourite food as a peace offering and bribe. "Please Logan, just for a month. Date her for a month. Lando might be an idiot but he isn't blind." Oscar begged. Logan mulled over his thoughts for a moment before speaking, "Ok, but what do I get in return?" "Anything you want, I am at your beck and call for a whole month" Oscar suggested tentatively. Logan hummed along to the suggestion.
"We need a plan" Oscar started. "Like what?" Logan asked, mouth full of burger that he just bit into. "So, I'll tell her you have a crush on her and then I'll set you guys up on a date" Oscar said proudly. Logan's shoulder slumped down in defeat, he really agreed to some shit. "But like we gotta make it believable" Oscar said. Oscar explained how Logan now had to act like he was in love with Y/N and kind of embarrass himself to make this believable. "Are you really my friend or do you just bask in my misery?" Logan muttered. "No my dear friend, I'm trying to help two dumb asses out" Oscar replied poignantly.
Oscar made opportunities up for Y/N and Logan to interact from the moment Logan agreed to help him out. He would leave the two of them for a couple of minutes alone, every once in a while. Logan's shy personality really played in Oscar's favour. Watching Logan flirt was like watching a train wreck and Y/N was non the wiser. He would purposely move Lando away when he would try to go to Y/N if Logan was around, to plant the seed of doubt.
After a couple of race weekends, Oscar's hard work was starting to pay off. Logan would bring Y/N coffee or a drink whenever he could. They would stand and talk to each other for a while before Y/N's attention would be diverted to Lando. It was time to put the actual plan in action. There were back in the land of the free, Logan's home race.
"Hey" Oscar greeted Y/N as he entered the hospitality on race day. "Hey Osc" she greeted back, having adopted the nickname which now stuck with Lando too. After making some small talk, Oscar decided to let the cat out of the bag, his heart was hammering against his chest; fingers crossed this works out. "Umm, are you free after the race?" Oscar asked. Y/N looked at Lando before speaking, "I don't know" she replied before calling out to Lando, "What are our plans for the night?" "We'll go out if I finish podium" he replied with a laugh. "What Lando said" she replied. "hmm, so, I just wanted to help a friend out honestly" Oscar began, "Logan likes you, so I was hoping you'd go out with him" he finished. Y/N looked confused, "then he can ask me out himself" she said. "He would, if he didn't chicken out like the last 3 times" Oscar solemnly replied. "I don't know about this" she said unsure. "He's a great guy Y/N, I've known him since we were kids. Just give him a chance" Oscar suggested. "Are you seeing someone?" he asked cautiously. Y/N's eyes flickered from Oscar to Lando before replying while her shoulder slumped, "No" "Then just one date, please" Oscar begged. Y/N didn't really have a way to get out of it, so she agreed to it. Also because she could hear her friends saying that she needs to date someone, she needs to get over Lando in her ear. And like Logan is attractive, if she said no to him while he was crushing on her, they would drag her to that date. So she agreed.
Logan scored his first point in F1 during that race after Charles and Lewis were disqualified post race. He was so excited. Y/N had spent the entire race thinking about Logan, ever since Oscar told her that Logan liked her; she ended up over analysing all of their interactions until now. After the race finished, she was hard wired to go and see Lando who finished P2. She congratulated him and he was busy making plans for the win. She felt bad for agreeing to spend the night celebrating with Lando so, she quickly shot Oscar a message asking him to let Logan know that he is busy tonight but maybe in Mexico he could take her out. She felt like she was looking into a mirror, she may have pitied Logan when she agreed on that date.
The Mexico weekend came rather quickly; she spent some of her time entertaining Logan in the Williams garage. The driver's noticed the shift, it felt strange to watch Y/N leave the blue hospitality when she would always be adorned in orange. Logan had started enjoying spending time with Y/N. "You gotta wear my cap for the race" Logan teased. "Come on, I can't betray my best friend like that" she laughed. "I'm sure Lando wouldn't mind" Logan said. She hummed. Logan could hear Oscar telling him to ask me out already. "Would you wear my cap if you were dating me?" Logan asked cautiously. Y/N eyes snapped up from the William's chassis to look at him. "Logan, I" she stammered. "One date" he said while holding out one finger and the best pout he could muster. Every one in the garage was now looking at the both of them. "Ok, one date" she replied putting his hand down. "Done, I'll pick you up at 8 on Sunday after the race" he declared. She smiled and nodded along to him. She left William's hospitality to return to Lando.
Oscar had booked a table for two to help Logan out, I mean it was his plan anyways. Logan like a true gentleman, picked her up from the hotel lobby and drove them to the restaurant. The ambience was great, it was cozy, and a warm hue was cast over the tables due to the candles that were lit. Logan told the patron his name and was taken to a beautifully candle lit table, draped in yellow and white with a bouquet of flowers in the middle. His mouth fell open in shock at the length's Oscar had gone to for this fake date. He quickly composed himself and held a chair open for her. She sat down with a smile while Logan took his place opposite to her. The conversation flowed smoothly, the atmosphere filled with the laughter and giggles emanating from the beautiful woman in front of her. The aura she was radiating was warm and calming. Logan hadn't felt this way about anyone, ever. Y/N really enjoyed the date, pleasantly so. She had planned on rejecting Logan when he dropped her off, but a part of her wanted to be taken care, wanted to be someone's centre of attention; so she asked him out on another date when he dropped her to her room. When he agreed, she kissed his cheek good bye and went to bed.
Lando was annoyed that his best friend bailed on him and didn't even tell him where she was going. He heard about where she went the next day at breakfast. "Where were you yesterday?" Lando pouted while watching Y/N plate his and her plate. "On a date" she replied casually. "With who?" Lando almost screamed. She looked around, "Logan" she replied, just above a whisper. "Oscar's friend" he whisper shouted. Y/N cringed internally but nodded along. "I thought you were aromantic/asexual or whatever that is" Lando said while laughing. The laugh hurt her ego. "I'm not" she replied indignantly. "I've just been knocking on the wrong door for a really long time" she replied with a humph and placed his plate in his hand and walked away. Lando sat down on the table with her, "what do you mean by wrong door? and what does that have anything to do with going on a date?" he asked with a bit of pancakes. "Nothing" she replied while rubbing her temples. "Let's just eat in peace" she suggested.
Y/N and Logan hit it off instantly. That conversation at breakfast with Lando was the push she needed to finally give another guy a chance. Logan was sweet, kind, caring, loving and observant. He brought her flowers, planned out dates, and even invited her to come to the race with him. She was falling in love and it felt like someone was finally there to catch her this time around. Logan had started falling for her too. He didn't realise when the acting turned into real feelings. He found himself buying things she would like, planning out dates according to her preference, going as far as asking Lily for help on what girls like. Oscar had teased him, "You're taking this acting gig really seriously. You'd make a great actor if racing doesn't work out" Logan never corrected him, and in hind sight that might've been a mistake.
It was the last race of the season, Logan had been resigned with Williams for 2024; he had asked Y/N to be his girlfriend on thanksgiving. So, it was a must that she should be with Logan during the race weekend. Y/N didn't mind being pampered. She wore William's merch and pass when she entered the paddock while holding Logan's hand. They made so many heads turn. There was a buzz in the paddock and it wasn't because it was the last race of the season. At the driver's parade, "I don't think this is working. You can stop acting" Oscar whispered to Logan. "What" Logan asked. "Dating you know who to make that guy jealous" he said. Logan brushed him off. "I'll see what I can do" Logan said while ignoring Oscar.
The season was done and dusted and that meant one thing; Logan could go back home. For once, he felt like he wanted his parents to meet someone who mattered to him as much as they did. He brought Y/N along; she was loved instantly. His mum couldn't stop gushing about them to anyone and everyone. His dad patted his back, "I haven't seen you this happy in a while" he said watching Y/N and his wife setting the table. Logan nodded along with a smile. The trip was a lot of fun and the two of them grew closer due to it.
"You should do what makes you happy" Logan said while the two of them laid on the sofa, a tangled mess of limbs. "Being with you makes me happy" she said, leaning in and giving him a kiss. "Being with you makes me happy too" Logan added, "but like I mean career wise. You don't have to follow me around" "I work remotely, I can manage. Plus, I don't think I can fall asleep if I'm not next to you at this point" she replied shyly. Logan brought her closer to him, squeezing her into his embrace.
The pre-season training was in full swing. Logan was busy working with Williams on the sim and with his trainer for the strength building and neck training. Y/N was off at the office today, she had been going in a lot since Logan wasn't travelling around for the races right now. After an intense training session, Oscar had joined Logan, and they both were sprawled on the couch. "I think I'm in love" Logan declared. "I've noticed" Oscar laughed. "I've never felt this way about anyone, honestly" Logan sighed. "Well I'm happy to be of help" Oscar boasted. Y/N had just returned from work, to surprise Logan she opened the door very quietly and tip toed to where she could hear him and Oscar. "I can't believe you agreed to date her just because I told you to" Oscar chuckled. Y/N was confused, her heart had started to beat faster. "I pitied her for her crush on Lando, so I asked for you help. It never made Lando jealous though, sadly. I guess that was a sinking ship" Oscar lamented. "Yeah, I didn't even like her like that but" Logan was about to continue but Y/N's phone started ringing, which made the two boys turn around, there were tears in her eyes. She quickly turned on her heels and ran out. She switched her phone off and went to one of her friend's house. She felt stupid, blind and used.
The next couple of hours where a blur, Logan's eyes were red from the crying, he had searched every where and couldn't find Y/N and she wouldn't even answer anyone's calls. He was sat on the sofa with Oscar patting his back and Lily berating them for being complete idiots. Y/N wouldn't even answer Lily's calls because she felt like she was in on the plan as well. After a while, Lily was reminded of Y/N's friend, Jess who lived in the city; she called her, "hey! This is Lily, Oscar's girlfriend. A friend of Logan's" she spoke in to the phone. Both the boys were listening to the conversation intently. "Why are you calling?" she asked rudely. "Is Y/N with you?" Lily asked carefully. "Why do you care?" she asked indignantly. Logan snatched the phone from Lily, "Please I just wanna talk to her. I'll clear everything out, just one chance. I’m begging you, please" Logan croaked out, his voice hoarse from the crying. Jess sighed on the other line, "Fine, I'll send you the address. You have 5 minutes to explain yourself. Should've never dated athletes" she mumbled before cutting the call. But Logan couldn't careless. He drove to the address and knocked on the door, he was holding a big bouquet of her favourite flowers and chocolates. Jess opened the door and after a few moments of thought let him in. "She's on the couch, I'm right here. If you do anything, I'm cutting you up in pieces and feeding you to my dogs" she snarled. Logan gulped before walking towards Y/N.
It was breaking his heart hearing the soft sobs coming from her, her body shook silently as she cried. He placed the flowers and bouquet on the floor and crouched down next to her. He patted her back while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "What the fuck are you doing here? Leave" she screamed immediately while sitting up. "I'm sorry Y/N. Just lemme explain" he begged. "I don't wanna hear anything. We're done. You don't need to pity date me" she replied wiping away her tears. Tears started to fall from his eyes, "Just hear me out, please then you can break up with me or whatever. Please" he pleaded. She looked at Jess for her approval who just shrugged her shoulders. "Fine" Y/N replied with slumped shoulders, her eyes falling on the flowers and chocolate next to him. He held her hands while still on his knees on the floor, looking into her eyes, "This was so stupid. Oscar asked me to date you so that it would make Lando jealous. That never really happened. But what did happen was I fell for you. All the times we shared, the times we laughed and the way I could be myself with you was everything. I didn't know I could feel so strongly about anyone but then you made me warm and mushy. There's a reason I introduced you to my parents, because you mean a lot to me. I love you Y/N. I didn't even know when it happened but it happened so slowly like I was walking home before I knew it. It felt like a warm embrace on a cold night, or the first drop of rain after a hot day, or the first snow of the season. You've turned me into a poet, a better person and someone who wants to make you proud. I love you so much. Agreeing to that stupid request by Oscar was the best thing I did. I found the love of my life. I'm sorry for hurting you. Please take me back. I'm half a man without you" he said while breaking into a sob. Y/N reached out and wiped away his tears. "You know you are stupid" she said. Before Logan could cut her off, "But you are my stupid. You should've told me before." she suggested. "I was scared you would leave me if I did and honestly, I forgot all about it" Logan sheepishly laughed. She cupped his cheeks and pecked his lips, raising him up to sit on the sofa. "I love you too. No more secrets, promise" she said, while holding out her pinky. "Pinky promise" Logan said wrapping his little finger around her's and pressing his lips against hers in a sloppy, snot and tear filled kiss.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. you're tired of having to put up with your spoiled brat of a boyfriend, finally snapping at him readying to throw away being the ornament in his rich lifestyle until Toji shows you that not all Fushiguro men aren't giving. 
pairing. toji fushiguro x reader , megumi fushiguro x reader
genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni, pwp, porn with plot, cheating au, hurt/comfort (?), dilf!Toji, jealousy, insecurity, toxic relationship, spoiled rich, eat the rich, age gap, size difference, height difference, biting, rough sex, man handling, pet names, daddy kink | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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Maybe it was shallow, staying in your almost four year long relationship while hanging onto that string of hope that maybe—just maybe—Megumi would wake from his stubborn, stuck-up, rich boy era and realize that you had truly stuck with him through thick and thin.
The first year of your relationship was all clear skies and cruising: being college sweethearts in love. 
It was normal for you two to go through a few rough patches, and trying to figure out how to fit into each other's new adult lives was just even more difficult.
Well, apparently to the billionaire playboy, who has so much free time to party but not spend quality time with his girlfriend, but you promised to look past that! 
The third-year mark hit, and you were just a girl willing to turn a new leaf and push aside all the insults your best friends would say under their breath about your man and just stick it out because you really did love Megumi, and that included all of his faults.
Including the times he'd make snobbish comments when you mentioned how you hadn't heard of a certain expensive food name, and how he'd seemingly vanish from the face of the earth, ignoring all of your texts and calls for weeks, only to show up on Instagram posting about being on some party cruise ship with all of his friends. 
Recounting the many times When you two did spend time together, he was too busy on his PS4 ignoring your advances for sex. 
Trying to break the month-long dry spell you were in, only getting some action if you fell to your knees and gave him a blowjob so he could completely disregard your needs after returning to his game. 
But tonight was the final nail in the coffin.
When Toji invited his son and you to one of his opening events weeks in advance. 
You gladly accepted and congratulated him on his hard work as a hot ass bachelor and CEO stacking up wealth as well as being a father to the bratty muck of a son like it was nothing. 
You were genuinely proud of the older man for juggling his business life with such ease. 
Megumi didn't seem to have the same idea, despite being entirely built up in the wealth of position that he had now because he had been simply handed a high position in the same field as his father. 
You’d think that maybe he would have just a moderate amount of respect for his father, but unfortunately, that bar you had set was just too high for Megumi’s stuck-up personality.
Throwing a tantrum the entire time you two were getting ready for the event, it was made even more embarrassing by the fact that the Fushiguro men shared the same luxury mansion. 
With the left wing dedicated entirely to Megumi's egocentric lifestyle and his pathetic rabble about how stupid and lame the "party" was going to be bouncing off the cold marble walls, no doubt reaching Toji on the other side of the home. 
You had managed to lighten his mood by suggesting that he drive one of his annoyingly loud and brightly colored sports cars to the event.
the one that was so low that you would grunt every time you slid into the passenger's seat. 
It wasn’t exactly comparable with the dark red slip dress that you were wearing, but you were willing to make a couple of sacrifices for Toji’s honor.
The event had started exactly as you had expected it to: on the red carpet, lined with celebrity guests, with higher-ups posing for pictures with the crowds of fans and paparazzi behind the dividers, shouting directions and names.
Being in the spotlight was still a little new to you, being thrust into the rich lifestyle took longer to get used to. 
Especially when you had a boyfriend that loved to soak up as much attention as he possibly could.
That's why you shouldn't be surprised when Megumi gets out of his car, shoves the keys into the young valet's hand with a snide remark. 
Glides past you, waves to all the paparazzi shouting his name, and welcomes the flashing lights with open arms. 
Watching him walk down the carpet with his cookie-cutter poses and disappear inside the building leaves you trailing behind him like a lost puppy.
It took you an hour to find him through the crowd of people, tucked away in some inclusive section with people that flocked to him as if he were a goddess. 
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but it was just one person who had caught your eye, and he was completely distracted by another woman. 
Whatever they were chatting about was enough to have him smiling quite genuinely—the smile that you hadn’t seen since the first few months of your relationship—the months you were convinced that Megumi cared about you and wasn’t using you as some perfect purse dog girlfriend for the media
You could only watch as she had gotten too comfortable, her hand resting on the front of Megumi's chest as he would lean down just to whisper something that she would find too fucking funny.
Completely immersed in the conversation that they had together enough to not be noticed for a while as the two chuckled to each other. 
What makes it worse is that she was the first to notice you standing aside, her hand unmoving as she gave you a tight smile.
Megumi follows her stare, his expression falling just before he could catch it drawing you to his side. "Baby, there you are. I was looking for you all night," liar, but you still smile at his greeting. "___ this is Nobara, my friend from high school, she was the one to save my ass from failing every class."
"Meggy, you make it sound like we were just friends of my god." Nobara’s laugh had a high pitch to it, her smile never dropping as she playfully swung her hand at his shoulder, letting the hand rest there for a moment too long.
You keep it classy: "It's so nice to finally meet you. I don't think I’ve ever heard my boyfriend talk about you much, but then again, he had a lot of friends." Despite her open flirting with Megumi as if you weren't standing in front of her. 
You weren't really in the mood to start a catfight, especially with so many eyes around.
"Wait a minute, Megumi, you finally got someone to tie you down, that's so unexpected!" She gasps, trying to entice something out of you, but you don’t bite the bait even when Megumi laughs loudly like he couldn't believe it himself.
"I know, I know, you won’t believe how many other people are also surprised." His callous response explains why people assumed he was single. 
"I mean, gosh, you were just the school's famous playboy. I swear you told me that you preferred to just sleep around when I first asked you out." Her eyes trail down your dress, taking in your entire outfit. 
"Look at you now, in a relationship with someone so... humble." She giggles, your fist knotting into the silk material of your dress as you suddenly become the subject of a joke that even Megumi has failed to stifle a laugh at.
"Some people can’t always be fixed," he continues, reaching his finger out to one of the drink staff and signaling a drink over. "But she's a looker; when she really wants to be, that's all that really matters."
Nobara laughs as your expression slowly drops, feeling like an ornament out of place. It wasn't uncommon for Megumi to give you backhanded compliments, but that didn't mean that it had hurt any less than the many other times he would downplay your attractiveness.
It doesn't even bother you that he doesn't even pretend like he cares that he had hurt your feelings, your face fell into a bored glare now that all the had ridden from your mood as their conversation continues. 
You entertain yourself with more glasses of champagne being handed out by the staff, ignoring the sideways glances you would get from Megumi after watching you down every drink. 
Any politeness you had felt was washed away with the warm tipsy buzz tasting on your tongue. 
It wasn't enough to have you fully drunk though the last thing you wanted to do was unleash that side of you in such a professional place. 
She boasted about taking an early flight to Paris the following morning for some modeling opportunity, which the more she talked about, the less you cared. 
Like a prayer had decided it was time for her to veer away for the night, letting Megumi kiss the knuckle of her hand before leaving.
You could see the scowl on his face forming the moment she finally leaves you to let out a tired sigh, rolling your eyes as Megumi turns to glare down at you for whatever made-up shit reasons he was going to force the blame on you for. 
"You could have been a lot nicer, you know," you hum in a gesture showing him that you didn't really care but chose to agree anyway.
"You don't see me acting like a bitch to any of your friends. Nobara is the most giving person I’ve ever known, maybe you could start taking notes from her instead of acting like you're better than everyone for once.'' The statement makes you laugh, the type of laugh that has your hand coming up to cover your face as you let out a snort. 
It only catches a few people's attention, but they return back to their conversation without much comment.
And that's how the conversation ends because you just walk away, using your hand to hold a wine glass in his hand before returning to the thick of the crowd of people, leaving Megumi fuming in his circle of friends.
This night was about congratulating Toji for all of his achievements, and you weren't going to take anything away from that because of his spoiled asshole son.
So you divide your attention elsewhere, mingling with others as best as you possibly can all the way until the end.
The drive home was dead silent, possibly since Megumi never allowed you to control the radio while he was driving, let alone roll up your window.
You could only smile to yourself, knowing he was just so unhappy from the way he gripped his wheel in angry glances that he would give you to let you know that he was angry, ignored as you leaned your head against the window and watched the scenery pass by. 
He doesn't stop, not even bothering to wait for you as he slams the car door shut and stomps his way to the bedroom. 
You can only sigh as you slowly follow him, bracing yourself for whatever earful he's bound to give you. 
The argument would always lead to him crying and shouting, Megumi just had the patience of a toddler who would blow up when he couldn't get anything that he wanted.
He was used to living his life with a silver spoon in his mouth and was too wrapped up in his own picture-perfect world to realize that other people around him were truly hurting.
You had gotten used to letting him blow some steam, calling you names, degrading your morals, and downplaying all of your insecurities, it was all just a loop. 
The same things he'd say over and over, knowing they'd elicit some sort of reaction from you. 
So you walked out. 
Not literally, since you two had lived together and an Uber ride to the closest hotel would have been at least $100 bucks tops—fucking California—you just walked to one of many guest bedrooms that were on the other side of the house.
Kicking off your heels as they clacked against the cold marble floors, the one thing on your mind was how much you just wanted the day to end.
"Oh hey, ___, I was just looking for you." You had caught sight of Toji closing the front door, losing his gray tie with the other hand as he was dressed in a dark suit.
The older man looked incredibly handsome even when he wasn't all dressed up. 
You were convinced there was something in the Fushiguro gene that just made every single one of them attractive.
"Me?" was all that you could manage, realizing that maybe you should've held back just a little on the champagne.
All of your compliments are thrown out the window at the mere sight of the self-made businessman.
You pretend not to notice him checking you out, shifting your weight to try to stop yourself from pressing your thoughts together as he advances closer to you.
"I was surprised you didn't say anything to me at the mixer," he grins, wrapping his muscly arm around your waist and leading you to the kitchen. 
"You know how much I despise those things, and I was hoping you'd come to keep me company," he teased, his head leaning on top of yours as he pouted. 
"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr.Fushiguro, I was just so tired from meeting everyone. I think I should actually end up in bed now." You mutter the last part, stopping in your tracks and taking a step back to shake yourself from his grasp.
Toji hesitates for a second, his eyes glancing over to the hallway that leads to his son's bedroom before turning back to you. 
"How about you make up for the lost time?" He smiles, leaning in closer.
You couldn't fully recall what had happened to lead up to the moment, but before you knew it, you were all spread out with your chest resting against the kitchen island.
Standing on the tips of your toes as your hands were held pressed against your spine by Toji’s palm.
Hiccuping on pleas as his hand rested itself against the curve of your ass as his hips smacked roughly against your ass. 
Watching the hilt of his dick disappear inside of your pussy burying himself inside of your stomach as you squirmed from the full feeling. 
Your dress had been ruined by the wet stains on the fabric as well as the huge tear that ran up your side when Toji tore it in frustration trying to get it past your hips. 
"You look even better without it anyway," he apologized before biting into your shoulder before you could respond.
"Ah, ah, not too loud, pretty girl." His gravelly voice cooed in your ear. 
A whimper slipped out of you, catching your breath for just a moment before his hands could turn you around.
Pushing you against the edge of the counter just to get better leverage to grab the back of your thighs.
Picking you up with ease, your legs wrapped around his waist as your arms knotted around his neck, straddling his torso as he lifted you enough for his tip to press against you and his lower stomach.
Lifting you with just one arm in to position himself back inside of you, the action leaving you gasping in pleasure as he bounced you on his cock. 
The weight of you fell, only burying the width of him to reach deeper parts of your body. Once he had gotten a good grasp around your legs, his pace was merciless.
The sound of skin slapping against skin echoed throughout the kitchen as you buried your face in the crook of his neck to keep yourself from completely melting in his hold. 
As your orgasm left you whining out his name, his hips piston inside of you through it.
Toji had caught you from falling back as he laid you against the kitchen counter, your back resting against the cold marbles as your chest rose and fell.
"You’ve never been fucked by a real man before, have you princess?" He sighs, spreading your thighs apart, before shoving back inside, your hips bucking against the bud of his thumb as it rubbed circles against your clit. 
“Just lay back and let daddy show you how a real man should cherish you.” 
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smoshyourheadin · 4 months
spencer idea!
he is having the reader over for like the 3rd ish time yes they met on a dating app
but this time reader is so excited because it’s their first sleepover and they play games and hang out!!!
I’ll Make You Banana Pancakes
pairing: spencer agnew x f!reader
a/n: ANON I LOVE THIS!! ugh he’s so cutie. also this is short n sweet but i hope u enjoy either way!!
requests are open <33
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it started with a swipe. spencer's profile, with pictures of him at comic-con and a shelf lined with action figures in the background of a picture of him and his friends, caught your eye immediately. your heart raced as you read through his bio, filled with references to your favorite games, movies, and tv shows. you couldn't believe your luck – it was like someone had designed a profile just for you.
your first conversation was effortless, flowing from one topic to another as you discovered more things about him that you adored. within days, you were spending evenings chatting about your favorite franchises and playing runescape together. you’d already met in person a couple of times, each date better than the last, leading up to this third and much-anticipated meeting.
and so here you are. stood at his apartment door, heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. he opens the door, and his warm smile puts you at ease instantly.
“hello there.” he says
“general kenobi!” you reply, in your best greivous voice.
he smiles widely at this, and you step inside. you notice the table set up with your favorite snacks – sweet and salty popcorn, sour patch kids, and a mt dew kickstart. the gesture is small but meaningful, and it made you feel seen, your chest growing warm as you settled onto the couch. you feel a blush creep up your cheeks. being known in this way, having your preferences remembered, makes you feel special. it’s a new feeling, one that makes you feel really, really happy, but vulnerable almost. you’re kind of shy at first, not knowing what to do with yourself, but the comfort of his presence makes it easier to relax.
you start with a few rounds of mario kart, laughter and warmth filling the room as you battle for first place. after a particularly intense race, you pull out your secret weapon – a copy of spyro for the ps4. you flash him a confident grin.
"watch me crush this," you declare, eyes sparkling with excitement. “it’s my party trick!”
as you play through the fight between spyro and gnasty gnorc, you expertly navigate the world as you chase and headbutt him, eventually earning all 500 gems.
you stand up and raise your hands in victory and shout “OH YEAH! told you!”
sitting back down, spencer tells you how impressed he is, and you bow. he tells you all about how he and his friends used to play spyro as kids, leading you to spend hours reminiscing about your favorite childhood games. the conversation flows, and by now pretty late, so you decide to watch cowboy bebop in his bedroom. cuddled on his bed, the familiar intro song plays softly as you sing along. it’s a perfect end to a perfect day.
eventually, you lie down with him, your legs tangling together under the covers. the closeness is comforting, a silent promise of many more nights like this to come. you drift off to sleep with a smile on your face, feeling safe in the gentle embrace of his arms.
the morning comes around, and you wake up to the sound of soft jazz music spilling from the kitchen, and the delicious aroma of pancakes. you then tiptoe to the kitchen doorway and watch him for a moment, completely absorbed in his movements. the sight makes your chest warm with affection, and you can't help but giggle softly.
your giggle catches his attention, and he turns around with a smile.
“morning princess. sleep well?” he says, turning back around to the stove
“mhm.” is all you manage to reply, head still foggy with sleep.
you walk over to him, heart swelling with emotion, and you gently kiss his cheek and lean your head on his shoulder, the moment feeling both intimate and perfect. you stand there in the kitchen, surrounded by the scent of pancakes and the sound of old jazz, enjoying the simple but profound pleasure of being together with your dream man. and you were happy.
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arkus-rhapsode · 22 days
So wasn't expecting to make this Gaming Hot Take of the day but after reading this from Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki I gotta be honest I had to write something
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So look, I can kinda understand this stance in a very retrospective sense as he says "Fostered from the beginning." Playstation 1 in particular didn't really make a big distinction between its original IP and its Third Party IP. It's why you had Crash Bandicoot or Cloud Strife as basically the mascot of Playstation when both come from third parties. Compared to the likes of Mario and Sonic who were not only their console mascot, but company mascots respectively.
But by now, Playstation has an undeniable back catalogue of first and second IP that it can either revive or rerelease if need be. Like if we're looking at like multi entry series and not just one offs, by the PS2, Sony had:
Jak & Daxter
Twisted Metal
Ape Escape
Sly Cooper
Wild Arms
Dark Cloud
Everybody's Golf
God of War
Rachet and Clank
And by the PS3 we have
Little Big Planet
Like Sony has their own catalogue that can stand on its own. Its not like they should be struggling now to play catch up.
Now if you read my recent Emio and Mages post, I am very well aware that in the age of modern gaming, a game doesn't get made without a team devoted to it. And with the rising production and time costs of making games, no company can release a hundred games and be profitable. So sadly some IP just do fall by the wayside in favor of others. Guerrilla Games isn't making Killzone anymore, because their efforts are spent on Horizon and Sucker Punch went from being the Sly Cooper guys to the Infamous guys, to now the Ghosts of Tsushima guys.
However, I feel like Sony has had some circumstances that compound this problem. Sony and Playstation are technically powerful machines-they want to fully utilize the hardware they're selling you for hundreds of dollars. It is their brand. However, the downside to this is because of this the rise in production costs, it's now taking much longer to make games that make use of the powerful hardware. We went from being able to release a full trilogy in a single generation to basically one. Its also made worse by the fact that Sony has been very active in shuttering studios and cutting costs. The biggest would be the loss of Sony Japan Studio, who were beloved for their more varied Japanese-y style games. It added flavor to the more Naughty Dog inspired games of the sixth and seventh generation. But now, Sony went all in on being that one big budget release that leaned more towards broader genres that could maximize the amount of sales like Uncharted, The Last of Us, Spider-Man, etc.
With this, a lot of mismanagement, its really made the PS5 era feel very sparse compared to the PS4. Now, I wanna stress this, I actually do not subscribe to the mentality "Playstation has no games." Playstation has tons of games beyond just their first party titles, some are exclusive like Final Fantasy 16, some are just way too powerful to be something that could be played on a switch like GTAV. Heck, I played Bomb Rush Cyberfunk on my PS5 and it's probably the game I've dumped the most time into this year. So yes, even if Playstation's first party offerings are few and far between, you're still capable of playing a lot of good games on this really expensive plastic box.
And maybe that's indicative of the fact that Playstation has always been about selling you the hardware on the basis of the hardware. Going back to the PS1, the main selling points was this was the haven for third parties after Nintendo really burned a lot of developers with the N64, and that this was a much more system than the N64. When you look at someone like Nintendo now, they're hardware is underpowered they live and die by the power of their software that only they can provide and no one else. But the playstation even if its not shooting out a new Jax & Daxter every year, they're still the place you can play something like Final Fantasy or Elden Ring at a really great clip. Perhaps Totoki was alluding to that reliance on hardware instead of software because in retrospect, they never really had that big homegrown system seller on playstation till the PS2 with things like God of War. And now fostering that, has made it hard to have that sort of Zelda or Halo that are so undeniably their companies IP and will move launch units.
But a reliance on just being the place where you can play games at a high fidelity, means that its still got competition from Xbox and PC. So Sony would have to offer a service the others don't and that can be software you find nowhere else. True story, I was genuinely conflicted about getting a PS5 or and Xbox X/S for my birthday because I knew I needed to at least have a strong machine to play with my switch. And ultimately I took PS5 because that was the console that would have God of War Ragnarok and Spider-Man 2. So yes, IP absolutely factors into purchases in my experience. And the fact that this generation Sony has really struggled to put out first party games, really makes that purchase factor feel so much thinner and thinner. When you know-you know Sony has loads of IP (Some that haven't left their respective console) that even a simple remaster on the PS5 could at least hold people over in-between their AAA releases. So to hear their CFO say that they don't have enough IP, gets very disingenuous.
To close this out, I wanna stress something. I don't think wanting to make new IP is a bad thing. Im glad Sony is willing to invest 8 years and millions of dollars into something new. But eventually, we reach a point where this has to be better managed. We have to have some smaller titles that can be released between the bigger ones. We gotta have some variation in the types of games we're getting from the platform holder. And sometimes leaning in on those fan faves for smaller titles would help. Are they gonna sell 10 million units? More than likely not. But if you balance the budget, having something move between 1-2 million units would be acceptable. Perhaps maybe allow more second party developers a crack at using that IP so your internal teams can work on the bigger blockbuster titles?
The PS5 generation has been a pretty all over the map one for Sony, and the more we learn about the thoughts and management behind the scenes, the more aggravating it can become when this platform does something really cool, but then seems to take two steps back. I genuinely can't tell you if I'll get a PS6. But if I do, it will probably not be out of optimism for classic Playstation franchises to return.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion launches this fall worldwide for PS4, Switch, and PC
From Gematsu
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Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion will launch for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam, GOG, and Humble Store this fall worldwide, publishers XSEED Games, Marvelous Europe, and Marvelous, and developer Team GrisGris announced.
In North America, physical $49.99 standard and $79.99 “Ayame’s Mercy” editions will be available for PlayStation 4 and Switch. The latter includes a copy of Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion with a reversible cover, a “Save Yourself” LED blue candle styled after the in-game save points, a 64-page artbook filled with behind-the-scenes content, a “Ayame’s Mercy” lenticular art card, an “evidence kit” containing items from the game, and an Amare Est Vivere “Medical Kit” metal outer case. This limited edition will be available shortly for pre-order through the XSEED Games Store and at participating retailers.
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Here is an overview of the game, via XSEED Games:
Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion follows three high school friends; Haruka Nanami, Nemu Takanashi, and Maria Hitsugi, as they explore the Amare Epatoentst Vivere Hospital, testing a local urban legend as the streamer Nemu seeks to boost her subscriber count. Unfortunately for the three girls, the legend of “Ayame’s Mercy” is true, and they trigger a decades-old curse that sends them into a dark realm. Together they must avoid the vengeful spirit of Ayame Kirishima and other horrors from the hospital’s dark past as they search for a way to dispel Ayame’s curse once and for all. The cult-classic Japanese horror franchise returns with new characters, a new setting, a terrifying new curse, and a brand-new look allowing for more thrills and chills! Players can freely explore the fully 3D rendered halls of the Amare Est Vivere Hospital in both third- and, for those brave enough to take a closer look, first-person viewpoints as they try to keep the girls alive. This new perspective complements the series’ visual novel-style storytelling, pairing updated visuals with gruesome descriptions and spine-tingling binaural audio accompanied by the original Japanese voiceovers. Featuring six chapters, with eight additional scenarios and plenty of Wrong Ends for players to discover as they uncover the truth behind “Ayame’s Mercy” and escape with their lives, Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion is the perfect entry point for new horror buffs while keeping longtime fans on the edge of their seats.
Watch the announcement trailer below. View the first screenshots at the gallery. Visit the official website here: English / Japanese.
Announce Trailer
Announce Trailer: Ayame's Spell
Live Action Trailer
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Anniversary 9 rundown:
Fate/Extra Record will come out in 2025 (and it'll be on the Switch, PS4 + PS5, and Steam)
New QoL update that when you're in need of a specific material you can go to what place it drops from the skill level menu
Now you can regenerate all three Command Spells instead of one per day
8 more previous event CEs, those from 2016-2017 (JP)/2018-2019 (NA) are obtainable in the Mana Prism shop
Previous Mystic Codes are now obtainable, along with previous Command Codes (including the 5 star ones)
Increased the number of team parties from 10 to 15
Two new append skills - first one increases crit damage by 20-30% and the second one lowers the skill cooldown by 1-3 (after activating a skill, this will kick in) and unfortunately no update to the damn coin system >:(
A revamp to the pity system, if you get the 5 star Servant featured, you can still get another copy of them when hitting pity, and there's also a counter for how many pulls on the banner
The next set of Rank-ups (featuring: 5 star Saber, 3 star Saber, 5 star Assassin, 3 star Caster, 5 star Rider, 4 star Assassin, 5 star Foreigner, 3 star Archer, 5 star Ruler, 1 star Assassin, 5 star Foreigner, 3 star Rider, 5 star Caster, and 4 star Caster)
The Anniversary Servant is Summer Space Ereshkigal (5 star, Beast)
Part 2 of FGO will end in 2025
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snapscube · 1 year
Do you also find it weird that inFamous 1 & 2 never got a port/HD version for PS4? I feel like a lot of the PS3 first party franchises got PS4 versions, but inFamous just didn't.
Not really "weird" as much as unfortunate :/ It tracks though. Yes, a few of the heavy hitter franchises got PS4 releases but if you really look at the larger catalogue there are SO many beloved games just completely left behind on PS3. The Ratchet & Clank HD ports, the first 2.5 inFAMOUS games, God of War 1 & 2, etc. I hope so much that Sony starts to appreciate their PS3 library more in the future and either nails down backwards compatible emulation on the next console, or puts more effort into porting. I'm not against playing games on old hardware but unfortunately with the PS3 specifically every console is like a ticking timebomb of unreliability, and these games deserve to exist on hardware with longevity.
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jeffgerstmann · 1 year
why does playstation still outsell xbox 2:1? is microsoft STILL paying for the 2013 drm debacle?
I think that's probably part of it, but I'd probably look at the entirety of the previous generation, not just the DRM shit. The Xbox One was an under-powered piece of tech. The PS4 did great, they had smart initiatives to court indies that also helped earn them a lot of goodwill, and all of that is still paying off for them this time around. Sony also has games and first-party franchises that people want to play, and unlike Microsoft, Sony has been able to produce and ship a pretty decent number of those games already. People used to always talk about how games like Uncharted and most of the first-party games were big, but not necessarily as big as Sony felt they could/should be, but even if that's actually true, those games add up. In a world where the differences in hardware between the two machines are kinda minor, being able to say HERE ARE OUR BIG EXCLUSIVE GAMES matters. Sony's also been pretty smart about which games they go after. Surely getting Final Fantasy would be enough to sway some number of people to buy a PS5 over an Xbox Series X.
I also think Microsoft probably needs to be smarter about advertising and educating the mass market about Game Pass? Like do people even know it exists? I guess I'm not the best judge of that since I don't really watch any TV at all, but like... there should be big Game Pass ads on sports games and shit like that. For the mainstream game player who kinda operates on a budget and has a different mindset than the "core" "player," I would think that selling them on "the Netflix for video games" or whatever would be kind of a no-brainer.
In short, Sony has better third-party support, particular with Japanese developers, and their first-party games seem like they're really resonating with people in a way that Microsoft's simply aren't anymore. Maybe Call of Duty or Fortnite are factors here, and their rise helped lower interest in things like Halo or Gears of War? Regardless, it really feels like Microsoft's first-party teams just don't have what the masses are looking for anymore and with due respect to Forza, Starfield is their only big bet (that we know of).
All of that said, though... Microsoft's fortunes in gaming have been spread out. Their first-party games appear on PC and even in third-party stores like Steam. Some percentage of people who might've bought an Xbox are now realizing they don't need to buy one at all. Microsoft has more or less said that they're OK with that trade-off, but it sure does make a lot of these comparison points look rough for them. Ultimately we don't really know what "success" looks like for the Xbox division anymore because their business is more diverse and weird than it used to be (or, to compare, the Xbox business turns on different metrics than Sony's does). They've always seemed like they're taking the long view on things, for whatever that's worth.
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majorasnightmare · 2 months
saw another dem/lib post that irritated me but most importantly made something click
i think for a lot of these people, the idea of voting is so intrinsically tied to the concept of preserving human rights that they miss the forest for the trees. like. in a democracy, it isnt supposed to be this overwhelmingly dire all the time. i think the idea of voting being a pleasant process that inspires no guilt regardless of what votes are cast or how or when is a concept utterly foreign to these people
so it bears repeating: democracy is not supposed to be like this. this is not democracy. you are supposed to directly, directly, contribute to policy making by virtue of your vote and not work through several appointed representatives whos opinions may differ wildly from yours and who can choose to straight up ignore you in favor of what benefits them. you voting for a tax increase on imported bread, for example, should meaningfully impact whether or not that tax increases and by what degree in a democracy
voting is not part of your birth control routine nor should it be
birth control is a resource you have an unalienable right to access and voting should not determine if you get to have it
voting determines the degree of tax money the state takes from the sale of birth control, if any, or if it even costs anything in the first place, as voted on by the needs of the community
a better future is so impossible to imagine that handling voting as the contextual tool it is feels like a personal attack on human rights to these people because thats how they conceptualize it. voting is not pleasant. voting is always stressful, and critical, and the idea of a vote not being meaningfully effective towards reaching an intended end goal feels anthithetical because voting feels like the only thing preventing human rights abuses
i promise you that isnt the case. voting will not save us because voting did not get us into this situation. the problem is deeper, the root cannot be cut at the ballot box, and you need to be able to conceptualize a better world where this cycle doesnt keep repeating, and then make it real on as small a scale as you can
this isnt a psyop or ahistorical. this is the reality of america being an oligarchal republic that calls itself a representational democracy that operates as a fascist state to the vast majority of the populace. fascism is not incoming, it is here, we cannot vote our way out of it, because voting is not a tool designed to stop fascism. you cannot unscrew the lid off your ps4 with a hammer.
voting in america determines how much weight a representative gives a particular topic or policy to determine if enacting those policies will meaningfully contribute to either their quality of life or their ability to stay in power, and voting is directly offset by lobbying who possess a stronger influence by virtue of manipulating capital. voting determines power at a local level, where its most powerful, but grows increasingly weaker the higher the scale and the more representatives between you and your intended official. thats why the electoral college handed trump the presidency in 2016 despite hilary clinton having the largest popular vote lead to date.
please stop blaming third party voters, non voters, people critical of the american government+biden+democrats+liberals on the internet, russian psyops+chinese psyops, etc for the fact that the american representative system of presidential election is functioning exactly as intended, and start dedicating that time and energy towards helping houseless people in your community find shelter from the heat and donating to aid palestinian aid freedom and resistance. change starts at home and home can be a single person. we can make a better world
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fyeah-tmnt · 1 year
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge - Dimension Shellshock DLC 
DLC available on August 31 on PC (Steam), Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox One Series X|S
Karai and Usagi join the fight! With both at your side there’s no stopping the Turtles as they kick, punch and party their way across the various new worlds in Dimension Shellshock’s Survival Mode.
 New Survival Mode
Different dimensions showing different TMNT eras
New music!
New character customization
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TMNT: Shredder's Revenge gets first paid DLC on 31st of August
Buy it here: Shredder's Revenge Wishlist it on Steam.
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poppeeta · 6 days
Now we're moving the party from my in-laws to my parents' farm. And I said party bc that's how it was originally scripted. We're so tired from the celebration we agreed to go non verbal during the whole trip, or else we will end up fighting (yep, that's how it gets between us but it's a good thing we know each other that well)
We feel like that donkey king gif where they're all staring at the abyss in a moving cart, let me see if I find it later bc I have no internet signal as I'm writing this.
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Anyways, we will continue celebrating but we'll turn it down a notch.
Small rant ahead
Also my mom is a liiiiitle bit manipulative and has serious jealousy issues and the fact that we just spent 2 and a half days with my in-laws and we're only spending one day with my own family is going to bite me in the ass.
And rob promised me we'd wake up early today and leave right after breakfast but then he went and fixed a ps4 joystick and only after that he remembered he had to change a tire.
It's nearly midday and the only one who's going to get it is me, because my family adores Rob and they'd never say anything to him, it's always me who's to blame for not spending time with them.
I'm so mad, I can't even look at him.
Anyway it's a good thing I took my meds today. No drinking for me. Today is a rest day
I am so angry I think I'll made Sam and Dahlia have their first kiss in this chapter only to make myself a little bit happier. Fuck the plot.
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blaiddfailcam · 11 months
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A couple of tricks for gififying Bloodborne on console
Understandably, not many people bother making gifs of Bloodborne as it still isn't officially on PC, and the workarounds to do so unofficially require a fair bit of hassle that most won't bother with, particularly if it requires purchasing a PS4/Bloodborne Machine for that sole purpose. To think one of the most visually enthralling games ever made is utterly without even a mod for photo mode... It makes my head shudder.
Thankfully, I'm a weirdo who finds joy in manipulating the camera on console versions anyway, because I was always too lazy to get a PC for the like 3 game series I care to play. So here are a few insights I've uncovered in my first few hours of reabsorbing the colorful (metaphorically speaking) sights that Yharnam has to offer.
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Wall-crouch, the Ol' Reliable
Just like in Elden Ring, standing near a wall in Bloodborne and then hunkering down so the Hunter is out of view allows for some wide FOV shots. Unlike Elden Ring, however, FromSoft hadn't devised a foreground object transparency effect, which can be somewhat irritating at times, but on the other hand allows for some fun perspectives.
Also unlike Elden Ring, there's no crouch button. This means one has to resort to the "Sit" and "Prayer" gestures, which are painfully slow when trying to capture enemies or transitory environmental hazards.
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Damn you, OTS monocular
The monocular is Bloodborne's equivalent of Dark Souls' binoculars or Elden Ring's telescope, but with some choice differences. For one, it doesn't put you into first-person perspective, but rather into an extremely zoomed over-the-shoulder, meaning the bottom and right of the frame are constantly obfuscated by the Hunter's shoulder and head, and any two-handed weapon will block the view entirely.
However, there are a couple of caveats. The player still has all the same gameplay functionality while in monocular mode, with the exception of running or locking on. This means that wherever they stand, the player can once again use the "Sit" or "Prayer" gestures to drop the Hunter out of view, making those close-up shots of smaller environments and objects once again feasible without having to crop out the Hunter and wind up with a muddy gif. (Again, this is a clunky method that doesn't work terribly well for enemy encounters, but it's not entirely impossible.)
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Bless you, OTS monocular
As mentioned, the player retains a good deal of mobility in monocular mode, making it possible to record panning/dolly shots with a careful mind for how to hide the Hunter's shoulder. If the player moves to the right, the Hunter slides almost entirely out of frame; moving uphill also drops the Hunter out of view, which is handy in a surprising number of places already.
Oh, but be sure to wear form-fitting gear. Having a shot fudged by a feathered tricorn can be frustrating. I suggest sticking to the Foreign Hood or Prospector Hood, as they maintain a trim silhouette while also hiding the Hunter's hair. Also be aware that shouldered parts of trick weapons and stick out past the Hunter's shoulder.
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That's all I've got for now, but it's been fairly helpful in getting all sorts of new perspectives on a game I've played dozens of times already since 2016 (I was a year late to the party).
You can probably detect hints of the Hunter's presence in some of these gifs, whether I had to keep just a smidgen of their shoulder in view or if the camera staggers with their footsteps, but I kind of like letting those slide sometimes.
I'll be experimenting with consumables later, particularly Pungent Blood Cocktails. Too bad they only work on so many enemies.
Until then...
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duskwingmoth · 11 days
God. The PS5 Pro news really is the last straw for me I only got this console because I REALLY wanted to be on that VII Remake train. Which seems so silly to me now, but it just isn't a sure thing the games will be on PC -- even less so that they'll be worthwhile ports. The fact that it mostly does run PS4 games a lot better was a big bonus to me, but it wouldn't be enough on its own to justify 500 dollars (in a year where we ALSO spent like $3k to build this PC!!!) It was a very tall ask. I just can't justify buying these things to myself anymore. They're tearing out the disc drive, they're building them like ass, they're gouging you on the price in the process, and the exclusives are all the goddamn same slop. I've taken a lot of bullshit as a lifelong Sony pony, as a born Nintendrone, as a girl who has a lot of sentimental attachment to these silly little specialized bits of hardware and the games I played on them, but it's all specially designed to push me out at this point. They are going to lose so many very loyal customers like me, and they SHOULD care about that. They don't.
The fact that I'm very likely going to drop Nintendo too makes me profoundly sad tbh. I'll hate on them all day long for their cruelty towards their own fans or not dropping prices on anything ever, not that it means anything when I turn around and pay their Nintendo tax every year. But Nintendo always does -- or used to do -- interesting and fun things with hardware. DS. Wii. 3DS. Wii U. All the stupid and underused (but conceptually cool) peripherals they've been doing ever since they entered video games. I love that shit. I love the sheer mechanical joy of playing a first-party Nintendo game, and couple that with their second-party developers' genuine care for storytelling for truly unforgettable experiences, so many games that changed what I thought was possible with games. But the bad stuff has really worn on me, and the long tooth on the Switch -- a console I actually don't like -- with no end in sight has made the gulf between Nintendo and the rest of the industry too stark for even me to ignore. They're sunsetting development on Splatoon 3 with no news of a successor, and as someone who has very much enjoyed that series, I want a refresh, I want better maps, I want them to shift the paradigm of Splatoon itself a little bit. I have little faith that they will, because I know Nintendo. Fall 2017, I got the Switch for my birthday, rather unexpectedly what with the scarcity at the time. I really wanted one on the recent promise of Metroid Prime 4. The long wait and the soft confirmation that it's a next-gen game first and foremost leaves a very bitter taste in my mouth. I'm frustrated, I'm tired, I'm bereft of money that could have improved my life. I am out of patience. I'll just build another PC specifically for games instead, and hook that up to my TV. I will be a little sad in the process. It won't be the same.
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satoshi-mochida · 2 days
LUNAR Remastered Collection announced for PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC - Gematsu
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GungHo Online Entertainment has announced LUNAR Remastered Collection for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC (Steam). It includes remastered versions of LUNAR: Silver Star Story and LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue. It will launch in spring 2025.
Get the first details below, via GungHo Online Entertainment America product coordinator Asca Akiyama on PlayStation Blog.
The Series That Started It All
When the games first released in the ’90s, LUNAR was a pioneer of its time, often credited as being one of the first JRPGs to become popular in the West. With the upcoming release of LUNAR Remastered Collection, we invite you to experience (or re-experience) this iconic title that shaped the JRPG genre.
A Timeless Classic, Reimagined
The remastered edition brings a host of exciting upgrades, including widescreen support, enhanced pixel art, high-definition animated cutscenes, and all-new English voice acting. Players can choose to either go old school with the original visuals or go remastered for a more modern look. Plus, a new toggle feature allows players to speed up battles, giving them more control over the pace of their adventure, while improved strategy settings make combat even more convenient. And for the first time in the series, LUNAR will be available in two additional languages: German and French, alongside English and Japanese. This image shows a party battling a Yeti. To the top right of screen, the UI denotes the battle’s speed, as the player can use L2 or R2 to speed up or slow down the clash.
The Adventure Begins – LUNAR: Silver Star Story
LUNAR: Silver Star Story begins in the quiet village of Burg, where a boy named Alex dreams of grand adventures inspired by the tale of Dragonmaster Dyne. Enticed by adventure and treasure, Alex and his friends set off on a quest, but with the sudden emergence of the Magic Emperor who wishes to control the world, it’s up to them to fight the rising evil and save the world from peril. This shows characters conversing with a white dragon. On-screen dialogue from the dragon states: “You may begin, children, Your future now rests squarely in your own diminutive hands.”
The Legacy Continues – LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue
Set 1000 years after LUNAR: Silver Star Story, LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue follows a young adventurer named Hiro, who encounters a mysterious visitor from the Blue Star while exploring an ancient tower. Named Lucia, she insists that she be taken to the ruler of their world, Goddess Althena. Together, Hiro and Lucia encounter the best of allies, the worst of enemies, and the darkest forces of destruction that threaten the whole of creation. This image shows a character hanging upside down from a rope. Flames rage on the floor below them. On-screen dialogue from the character states: “Oh no! The exit’s closing. Hurry!”
the Plot Thickens
The LUNAR series tells a classic tale of a young adventurer with a fluffy sidekick, who falls in love with a girl who may or may not be immortal. What begins as a light-hearted quest quickly takes a dark turn with the rise of an evil villain, subsequently placing the fate of the entire world in the hero’s hands. This timeless story, filled with dragons, swords, and treasures, is brought to life by an unforgettable cast of characters—from a young priestess who acts the perfect heiress at home but has a fiery temper, to a tragic villain who nevertheless has a flair for the dramatic. The games’ straightforward and effortless storytelling, combined with thoughtful character development, gives LUNAR its unique charm and enduring appeal. This shows characters wandering through a woodland village.
Iconic Art
The allure of LUNAR also lies in its amazing artwork in both the anime cutscenes and 2D pixel art. The blend of these two distinct art styles in the battles, events, and anime cutscenes made it a standout title when it first released. Even today, LUNAR‘s ’90s anime aesthetic holds up well in quality, and we’ve polished it even further for this remaster. This retro art style is a rarity nowadays, and playing this game will surely satiate your appetite for ‘90s throwbacks.
Watch the announcement trailer below.
Announce Trailer
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