#PSA: Phantom Signature of Abyssal thoughts
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my activity is about as consistent as...uh...me making good comparisons, but somethin’ I wanna say ... 
IF...you have an idea...like, for a character interaction of some kind, or a ship, or...even like a fight or literally anything muse-wise...god please just fuckin’ tell me.  
110% guarantee i’m not gonna call it stupid or anythin’ like that...and...if you try and ‘hint’ at what you want, like tryna be subtle? It’s not gonna work. It’s not. I am incapable of picking up hints...you just gotta suck it up and tell me if there’s somethin’ on your mind like that, kay? 110% guarantee I’ll work with ya on it. Promise. 
...For real, I’m super dense. Even obvious hints fly right over my head. 
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Yoohoo, me again, everyone’s favourite disaster!! 
Just wanted to post a quick update... it turns out I'm not reaally in a great headspace rn, as a result, my focus is, like, all over the damn place. 
I know I’ve never really been consistent, but...well, except that, now, I guess. At least I'm consistently inconsistent! Ok that’s all for now bai bai~
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-smooches the mun-
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Whoa- time out pal. 
I dunno if I’ve ever said anything about this before, but if not…well, that’s on me I guess, but nows the perfect time to do it, i suppose.
anyway: Please don’t do this. 
The whole ‘’snuggles the mun’’ or ‘’smooches the mun’’ or ‘headpats you’ or whatever. I’m sorry if that’s like..IDK..something you like doing, or..something you think makes you friends with someone but it… really just makes me uncomfortable. 
Alright? We cool now? Cool? Cool. 
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Announcement of sorts!
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Yes yes, Hime is off her shits and has added 3 more new faces to the Roster. Their info is all up on my Muse Page already cause i’m THAT good babey  
First up! 
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Rumia - Touhou Project! 
A Friendly(?) Youkai of Darkness who totally won’t eat you up when you aren’t looking! I’m full of headcanons and love for this little bean, so I look forward to making her bother all your muses! 
NEXT  ! 
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Natsumi - Touhou Project (OC)  
An (actually) friendly shrine maiden found within a mysterious ruin upon the bottom of Misty Lake. She’s forgotten her name as of now, but it’ll come to her! (maybe). Feel free to give her dumb nicknames cause she can’t protest given how weak she is! The god she follows is probably long gone by now and her spiritual power is low...and her danmaku skills are severely lacking, and... You get the gist. Bully to your heart's content. 
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Kasane Teto - Wait that’s not Touhou that’s UTAUloid! 
Teto has arrived to sing of joy and love and share happiness across the world! Her voice ain’t the best, but she’ll give it all she’s got to catch up to her rival, Miku! She’s lovable, friendly and will egg you on with some next level cheerleading! Teto urges you to do your best today! 
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To Do;
yeah im technically still a WIP blog lmao, it’s just i’m at a point where you can’t really tell but get a load of this 
1. Verses. I mean like, properly write out who has what verses. This’ll be fun. 
2. I still need to write this one specific post about My Gilgamesh’s canon divergence, and maybe a lil bonus post for Kiyo gdi Lyra get it together
3. I need to make more shitposts 
4. I need to...have an easy to access repetoire for neccessary info (like headcanons and the aforemention canon diveregence posts) 
5. I kinda wanna put my muse info into posts ANYWAYS because YES the theme makes the text kinda hard to read i know but it was the best theme i could find fdsfsdsd 
6. gotta interact with more people, gotta interact more with people i kno 
7. Add more muses
8. Uhhh post this To Do list 
9. re write my rules tbh...just...look it’s been a while since i wrote them i wanna make sure everything’s gucci 
10!. Oh yea plannin on makin a about ME page too so you can learn about the most important person on this blog~!  
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Aight okay sorry for rapid fire changes LdsFsdfs but uhhh due to some stuff I’m gonna have to take Rumia off actually.  I’ll probably replace her with someone else though,,.
My bad, everyone.
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Update !
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Made some minor changes to my Rules page, and also added a page for more in depth information when it comes to writing NSFW with these magnificent muses of mine~ 
Please read it at your leisure:  Here’s a link!  (lemme know if it doesn’t work for whatever reason)
I look forward to RP’ing with you all! Have a nice day ! 
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