#Pachislot Rockman Ability
randomblognumberfuck · 5 months
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shadow-coolness · 9 months
I find it hilarious that in every universe but the main one Dr Light has biological children
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And this somewhat extends to Wily
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mewkwota · 2 months
Just wanna talk about rockman ability, a pachislot and japan-only game that is released in 2018, there’s a bunch of original characters in the game, one of them is a young robot girl named trancy, who can shoot missiles from her head and is a bit of a comic-relief that is in a fighter mood when she has to fight.
I've come across the characters for that game before! That said my knowledge of them is pretty surface-level, so I mostly know them by appearance and a brief bit of their backgrounds, Trancy included.
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Yo roll from Pachislot Rockman Ability looking pretty fine.
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iam-back · 1 year
Plot twist - people are ripping and extending pachislot music! Does this mean the weirdos from Pachislot Rockman Ability will finally have their true music revealed and I won't keep having to listen to Knuckles's Chaotix music anymore?
...Maybe. After all, I did put it next on the request list.
UPDATE!!! The Mario Pachislot music link was removed, unfortunately.
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miloscat · 5 years
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Roll-chan vs the female Robot Masters, low-res pixel style! (3 images)
This is kind of a thought experiment or very loose idea for an all-female Mega Man/Rockman game. It occurred to me that there were barely enough woman Robot Masters in the Classic era franchise to make a full boss set of 8, and naturally Roll would be the one to take them on with her Roll Buster (as seen in Rockman 1 mobile and the Marvel vs Capcom games), her trusty broom (from Powered Up and Tatsunoko vs Capcom), and her ability to turn her arm into household appliances to be used as weapons (in the Ruby-Spears cartoon). The latter would be her version of the Copy Ability, with each boss giving her a themed appliance/weapon like a souped-up whirlpool blender or rocket stove. Pretty cool, eh?
Shoutouts to Capricorn’s two Rockmen R fangames that star Roll, as well as Zynk Oxhyde’s romhacks that replace Rock with her in all the 8-bit games! More details on the characters chosen below.
1: The stage select screen. Centaur Woman (who is implied to be female in Shigeto Ikehara’s Rockman 6 manga), Virgo (one of the Zodiac-based bosses from the Taiwanese PC game Rockman Strategy), Splash Woman (still the only female Robot Master from a mainline game…), Quake Woman (an original character from the Archie Mega Man comic), Roll (in her Mega Man 8 outfit), Vesper Woman (also from the Archie comic, based on an unused design for Mega Man 9), Hypno Woman (from the Fully Charged (FC) cartoon), Coin Woman (from the gambling game Pachislot Rockman Ability (PRA)), Blasto Woman (also from FC).
2. Supporting characters. Dr. Emilia Light (Thomas Light’s adult daughter and replacement in PRA), Suna Light (Thomas Light’s child daughter in FC), Trancy (the third playable character in PRA), Tango (replaces Rush in Zynk Oxhyde’s romhacks, so I included her here too as Roll’s animal partner), Kalinka Cossack (in her Rockman Xover outfit), Nástenka (Kalinka’s android bodyguard in the Brazilian comic Novas Aventuras de Megaman), Plum (from Battle & Chase), Chaotique (an anti-hero rival character from FC), Piano/W. Waltz (a hybrid design I pieced together from Hitoshi Ariga’s unused Piano concept for a female partner to Bass in the Megamix manga (and used as a recurring enemy in Capricorn’s fangames), and the W. Waltz concept from a Hideki Ishikawa illustration that had a cameo in Dreamwave’s comic), Madam Y (also from Ishikawa’s illustration and used as an antagonist in Archie’s comic). I imagine their roles in a potential game could be similar to, respectively, Dr. Light, Roll, Auto, Rush, Dr. Cossack, Duo, Eddy, Blues, Bass, and Dr. Wily. The robot ones could be unlockable playable characters too.
3. Extra costumes for Roll. As in Powered Up, Roll could get some unlockable outfits (I didn’t draw any of the extra skins from that game because there’s too many, but they could be included too). Classic Roll, Pachislot Rockman Ability Roll, Battle & Chase Roll, Hyper Roll from the Marvel vs Capcom games, Mega Girl from the Captain N cartoon, Roll’s battle armour from the anime OVA Upon a Star, the Ruby-Spears cartoon Roll, the Novas Aventuras comic Roll.
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What do you think about the "Robot Masters" from Rockman (Megaman) Ability and their weakness? What do you think about all the characters from Rockman Ability? Check the Protodude Rockman's corner.
Apologies again for taking so long to get to this ask, but I will try to give it a go now. I won’t flood this reply with in-game imagery, everyone can see Vhyper and team’s work here: http://www.rockman-corner.com/2019/02/pachislot-rockman-ability-enemy-weapons.html#more
1.) Lever Man - When you think of a lever in pachislot, it’s like a slot machine. It’s got a round ball on top of a long metal bar, and you pull down on it to make the slots go. Lever Man has that for a hand, but he’s also a Guts Man clone with a fire element. So…that’s different. They do the best they can to make a lever something intimidating. But he sorta punches and charges with it. That’s not really how a lever works. He should just be pounding down on Rockman’s head with his ball. 
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The weapon equip is a flaming ball, that can shatter shields. But I still don’t think it functions like, you know, a lever actually functions. 
So Lever Man, while you are memorable for being a flaming Guts Man clone with a ball for a hand, you do not really live up to your name much. He is weak to a sword slice, because if he was a real lever, you could totally break the lever by chopping it off. Yep.
2.) Replay Man - Replay Man looks like a duck with a water globe for a stomach and a wheel valve on his head. However, he is actually modeled after the Japanese water turtle imp demons known as Kappa. Let’s hope Replay Man doesn’t act like them, because I won’t type the things they are known for doing! 
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He can create a shield simply by spraying water jets out of his hand. He is weak to Lever Man’s great ball of fire. Which makes sense for the ball crushing the shield, but not for fire putting out water. They didn’t think the element through, did they?
A Kappa’s weakness is politeness or losing in sumo wrestling. Rockman does neither to defeat Replay Man. That is highly disappointing. All Rockman should have to do is bow, and Replay Man should be defeated. And if his name is Replay Man, wouldn’t he just restart the battle against Rockman again, anyhow? And shouldn’t Rockman just receive a weapon that just generates extra lives, for more replays, instead? Poor name, poor design reference, poor character.
3.) Coin Woman - Finally, the good boss. Coin Woman is essentially Shadow Woman. So of course I love her. She attacks by throwing money at you. Take that!! Makin’ it rain Chuck E Cheese tokens!!
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Apparently, if you have Replay Man’s shield, the coins bounce back and destroy her. It’s like Metal Blade apparently, so you know her quarters are the deadliest weapon in the game. They’ve got shuriken designs on them, and the weapon equip is like a launcher that you just rocket coins out of. They also lock-on. It is awesome. A++++
4.) Choice Man - Choice Man is our Elec boss. He has a cool top hat, because he made that fashion choice. He can move very fast because he goes at the speed of light, and create clones of himself. That should be something Coin Woman does…
So again, it’s a boss who’s name doesn’t really match up to his ability. He should essentially be a walking, talking stage select. Or at least a character with multiple personalities that struggles to make a decision in battle without some gimmick that makes him choose what to do. Instead, he’s quick magic dude, with no good magic tricks. I doubt he can even do Trucy Wright’s ‘Magic Panties’ act! 
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Throw coins at him and boo him off the stage, and he dies pretty quick. Guess that makes sense. If you throw coins at magicians in real life, I think they are pretty hurt physically and emotionally, too. 
His weapon is basically a sparky electrode arm that fires off lightning strikes. I still don’t know what that has to do with a choice. Lightning strikes by chance…but this is not Chance Man’s weapon. 
5.) Reverse Man - Reverse Man is a little bat child. He flies around and annoys you. 
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Interestingly enough, he flies forward, and not in reverse. Also interestingly enough, he cannot make Rockman move in reverse. So once again, what is up with these terribly-named bosses who have little to no connection to what they are named for?!
He electrocutes easily, so lightning storms bring him crashing down. His weapon is a blade, which sorta resembles the tip of his tail? Because, because…yeah, I’ve got nothing on this. 
Nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana Bat Child!!
6.) Chance Man - Chance Man is just Napalmman.EXE, but he is heavily into his Daft Punk phase. He shoots lasers out of his cannon arms. Only harder. Better. Faster. Stronger. 
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He is only weak to a charged shot, because in order to even face him, you need to Get Lucky. There is only a small chance you will encounter him, so…hey, finally another boss who at least has a tiny bit of connection to his name. But that’s about it. Because I don’t know what else strobe light laser cannons have to do with chance. But he gets to be the second coolest Robot Master, because he is Daft Punk Napalman.EXE.
So there you have it. My impressions of the Pachislot Robot Masters. 
If you are also asking about the other characters, I still don’t mind either Rockman or Pokeball Blues’ designs. Despite being somewhat generic, they are unique enough of a mashup, but still feel like a callback to other versions of themselves. 
Roll and Trancy I’m mostly indifferent on. Trancy having bumpers on her head are at least an amusing and thought-out pachislot design. Roll’s design doesn’t do much for me - the Sailor Moon skirt and tie combo doesn’t feel like the best choice for her - but at least she has a bit more to her as a character in the game, and gets a chance to fight. 
Wily with bangs feels worse than Wily having a deeply-receding hairline. That gaudy scarf and suspenders…he’s a special Wily. Charles Nelson Reilly Wily.
Dr. Emilia Light, the world needs more fanart of. 
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themmnetwork · 6 years
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Pachislot Rockman Ability Update
Mega Man: Fully Charged isn’t the only place the Blue Bomber is seeing a hefty reinvention.
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cartoontriper · 4 years
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Coin Woman from Rockman Ability
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quietlydiabolic · 5 years
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Pachislot Rockman Ability
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kalinkaooc · 4 years
I was looking up Pachislot Rockman Ability because I remember us talking about Coin Woman and found Trancy. Have we not talked about how to add her? Obviously we’d have to give her a different backstory but more girls.
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randomblognumberfuck · 5 months
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Why he looks like a King x Magic Man fankid
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g4zdtechtv · 5 years
Cinematech - Rockman Ability (Pachislot)
Y’know, the one with Dr. Light’s daughter?
(View the Rest Here!)
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dailyrockman · 5 years
I just read about this game called "Pachislot Rockman Ability" and I was wondering if that once you're done with what you're doing now, you could start on the characters from that game?
I’ll definitely be doing them eventually, but not any time soon, sorry! XD
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Doodle of Roll from Pachislot: Rockman Ability!
I honestly love her design ;v;
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iam-back · 2 years
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