#Pakistani economist
risingpakistan · 9 months
معاشیات میں اعلیٰ ڈگری رکھنے والے سرتاج عزیز
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ہارورڈ یونیورسٹی سے معاشیات میں اعلیٰ ڈگری رکھنے والے سرتاج عزیز انتہائی زیرک سیاستداں اور ماہر اقتصادیات تھے۔ نیشنل پلاننگ کمیشن میں ملازمت کے دوران بھی انہوں نے نمایاں خدمات انجام دیں۔ 1971 میں، انہوں نے فوڈ اینڈ ایگریکلچر آرگنائزیشن کے کموڈٹیز اینڈ ٹریڈ ڈویژن کے ڈائریکٹر کے طور پر اپنے بین الاقوامی کیریئر کا آغاز کیا۔ انہیں بین الاقوامی فنڈ فار ایگریکلچرل ڈویلپمنٹ کے نائب صدر کے طور پر بھی کام کرنے کا موقع ملا ۔ اپنے سیاسی سفر کا آغاز انہوں نے وزیر مملکت برائے خوراک و زراعت کے طور پر کیا، اس کے بعد بحیثیت وزیر خزانہ خدمات انجام دیں اور پھر وزیر خارجہ کا عہدہ سنبھالا۔ وہ 1985 سے 1999 تک پاکستان سینیٹ کے رکن رہے۔ 2004 سے 2013 تک بیکن ہاؤس نیشنل یونیورسٹی کے پہلے وائس چانسلر کے طور پر خدمات انجام دیں۔ 2013 کے انتخابات کے بعد انہوں نے قومی سلامتی اور خارجہ امورکے مشیر کے طور پر اپنا سیاسی کیریئر دوبارہ شروع کیا۔  
بشکریہ روزنامہ جنگ
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xtruss · 9 months
Imran Khan Warns That Pakistan’s Election Could Be A Farce
His Party is Being Unfairly Muzzled, the Former Prime Minister Writes From Prison
— January 4th, 2024 | The Economist
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Imran Khan, Former Prime Minister of Pakistan. Image: Dan Williams
Today pakistan is being ruled by caretaker governments at both the federal level and provincial level. These administrations are constitutionally illegal because elections were not held within 90 days of parliamentary assemblies being dissolved.
The public is hearing that elections will supposedly be held on February 8th. But having been denied the same in two provinces, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, over the past year—despite a Supreme Court order last March that those votes should be held within three months—they are right to be sceptical about whether the national vote will take place.
The country’s election commission has been tainted by its bizarre actions. Not only has it defied the top court but it has also rejected my Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (pti) party’s nominations for first-choice candidates, hindered the party’s internal elections and launched contempt cases against me and other pti leaders for simply criticising the commission.
Whether elections happen or not, the manner in which I and my party have been targeted since a farcical vote of no confidence in April 2022 has made one thing clear: the establishment—the army, security agencies and the civil bureaucracy—is not prepared to provide any playing field at all, let alone a level one, for pti.
It was, after all, the establishment that engineered our removal from government under pressure from America, which was becoming agitated with my push for an independent foreign policy and my refusal to provide bases for its armed forces. I was categorical that we would be a friend to all but would not be anyone’s proxy for wars. I did not come to this view lightly. It was shaped by the huge losses Pakistan had incurred collaborating with America’s “war on terror”, not least the 80,000 Pakistani lives lost.
In March 2022 an official from America’s State Department met Pakistan’s then ambassador in Washington, dc. After that meeting the ambassador sent a cipher message to my government. I later saw the message, via the then foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, and it was subsequently read out in cabinet.
In view of what the cipher message said, I believe that the American official’s message was to the effect of: pull the plug on Imran Khan’s prime ministership through a vote of no confidence, or else. Within weeks our government was toppled and I discovered that Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, had, through the security agencies, been working on our allies and parliamentary backbenchers for several months to move against us.
People flocked onto the streets to protest against this regime change, and in the next few months pti won 28 out of 37 by-elections and held massive rallies across the country, sending a clear message as to where the public stood. These rallies attracted a level of female participation that we believe was unprecedented in Pakistan’s history. This unnerved the powers that had engineered our government’s removal.
To add to their panic, the administration that replaced us destroyed the economy, bringing about unprecedented inflation and a currency devaluation within 18 months. The contrast was clear for everyone to see: the pti government had not only saved Pakistan from bankruptcy but also won international praise for its handling of the covid-19 pandemic. In addition, despite a spike in commodity prices, we steered the economy to real gdp growth of 5.8% in 2021 and 6.1% in 2022.
Unfortunately, the establishment had decided I could not be allowed to return to power, so all means of removing me from the political landscape were used. There were two assassination attempts on my life. My party’s leaders, workers and social-media activists, along with supportive journalists, were abducted, incarcerated, tortured and pressured to leave pti. Many of them remain locked up, with new charges being thrown at them every time the courts give them bail or set them free. Worse, the current government has gone out of its way to terrorise and intimidate pti’s female leaders and workers in an effort to discourage women from participating in politics.
I face almost 200 legal cases and have been denied a normal trial in an open court. A false-flag operation on May 9th 2023—involving, among other things, arson at military installations falsely blamed on pti—led to several thousand arrests, abductions and criminal charges within 48 hours. The speed showed it was pre-planned.
This was followed by many of our leaders being tortured or their families threatened into giving press conferences and engineered television interviews to state that they were leaving the party. Some were compelled to join other, newly created political parties. Others were made to give false testimony against me under duress.
Despite all this, pti remains popular, with 66% support in a Pattan-Coalition 38 poll held in December; my personal approval rating is even higher. Now the election commission, desperate to deny the party the right to contest elections, is indulging in all manner of unlawful tricks. The courts seem to be losing credibility daily.
Meanwhile, a former prime minister with a conviction for corruption, Nawaz Sharif, has returned from Britain, where he was living as an absconder from Pakistani justice. In November a Pakistani court overturned the conviction (Under United States’ Scrotums Licker Corrupt Army Generals’ Directions).
It is my belief that Corrupt to his Core Mr Sharif has struck a deal with the establishment whereby it will support his acquittal and throw its weight behind him in the upcoming elections. But so far the public has been unrelenting in its support for pti and its rejection of the “selected”.
It is under these circumstances that elections may be held on February 8th. All parties are being allowed to campaign freely except for pti. I remain incarcerated, in solitary confinement, on absurd charges that include treason. Those few of our party’s leaders who remain free and not underground are not allowed to hold even local worker conventions. Where pti workers manage to gather together they face brutal police action.
In this scenario, even if elections were held they would be a disaster and a farce, since pti is being denied its basic right to campaign. Such a joke of an election would only lead to further political instability. This, in turn, would further aggravate an already volatile economy.
The only viable way forward for Pakistan is fair and free elections, which would bring back political stability and rule of law, as well as ushering in desperately needed reforms by a democratic government with a popular mandate. There is no other way for Pakistan to disentangle itself from the crises confronting it. Unfortunately, with democracy under siege, we are heading in the opposite direction on all these fronts. ■
— Imran Khan is the Founder and Former Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf and was Prime Minister of Pakistan from 2018 to 2022.
— Editor’s Note: Pakistan’s government and America’s State Department deny Mr Khan’s allegations of American interference in Pakistani politics (Bullshit! Hegemonic War Criminal Conspirator United States and Corrupt Army Generals and Politicians of Pakistan Were Clearly Involved. It’s Social Media’s Modern Era, Not 1970). The government is prosecuting him under the Official Secrets Act.
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anyaraza · 1 year
Anya Raza is a Pakistani-Dutch filmmaker, writer and economist. Using her experience from the non-profit sector, Anya tells global stories that break stereotypes, encourage critical thinking and catalyze change. Film is one medium of storytelling Anya communicates in, along with her writing and stand-up comedy. Her debut documentary on dance and activism in Pakistan, How She Moves, has toured 18 film festivals globally, and won 4 awards and 2 nominations. Anya’s short films Even On The Mountain and Asma are in post-production.
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amandi-2024mi5016 · 28 days
Primary Research
Sample Information
sampling type: volunteer sampling
Sample size: 71
Age range: 14 - 63
Majority of participants were either in their late teens to early twenties or in their late forties.
64.8% of participants were female and 32.4% of participants were male. 
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There were a total of 9 different nationalities in the sample pool:
Sri Lankan - large majority
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Where they live (4 different continents):
Asia - Majority 
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Participants had a total of 28 different occupations (including retirement and unemployment):
Self employed 
Animation student/student/undergraduate student/uni student 
Chartered Architect 
Chief information officer 
Content creation lead
Data analytics 
Event coordinator 
HR professional 
Homemaker/ Housewife 
Human rights 
NGO officer 
Project officer 
Senior economist 
Software engineer 
Special needs teacher 
VP transformation 
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Highest level of education:
Secondary education or lower - 5
High school diploma - 13
Undergraduate degree - 27
Postgraduate education or higher - 23
Chartered accountant - 1
AIB - 1
Project Admin - 1
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umarfarooqzahoor · 4 months
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Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has shown his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring &
influential leaders of nations across the globe. Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best
Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERI Group, presently successfully handling business, investors in many companies, and entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct. 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five
children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
1. Sullivan Honor
2. The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
3. US Doctor for Africa Award
4. Social Good Award from UN Foundation
5. South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
6. Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
7. Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
8. Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] The US dollar continued to hit new heights against a weakening Pakistani rupee, and reached the 305 level during trading as the gap with the inter-bank rate widened further. The Pakistani rupee has found itself on a rollercoaster ride yet again against the mighty US dollar. The dollar crossed an unprecedented milestone, soaring past the Rs305 mark in the inter-bank exchange, as the rupee weakened by another 80 paisas against the greenback. With each passing day, the rupee’s value seems to be taking a free fall, leaving economists and citizens alike in a state of astonishment. As the dollar continues to flex its muscles, the consequences are far-reaching. The US dollar continues its steady flight upwards as the Pakistani rupee faces record-breaking battering in the currency exchange market. The American currency shattered records further as it opened the new trading session on Wednesday morning with a surge of 70 paisas in the interbank market. It traded at a record value of Rs303.75 against the local currency. However, a short while later, the value of the rupee slumped by Rs1.40 against the mighty greenback, and it reached the record value of Rs304.45 in interbank trading, according to currency dealers. In the open market also, the US currency has reached historic high levels as it jumped to Rs322 with an increase of Rs3 in just one day. During the 19 days of the interim government, the US dollar has appreciated by Rs27 in the open market so far. In interbank trade, the American currency has gained Rs16.5 during the sane period.   [ad_2]
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qudachuk · 2 years
Economists say cash-strapped Pakistan’s latest plan for economic recovery is likely to take a painful toll on its poor
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emergingpakistan · 2 years
Miftah Ismail
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Miftah Ismail (born 23 July 1965) is a Pakistani politician and political economist who served as Pakistan's Minister of Finance from 19 April 2022 to 27 September 2022. While only serving 5 months in office, he had to undertake hard economic challenges in office when the country was struggling economically. He also served on previous government from April 2018 to May 2018. Prior to that, he served as the Federal Adviser on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs, chairman of the Pakistan Board of Investment and an economist with the International Monetary Fund. Early life and career He was born on 23 July 1965 in Karachi, Sindh. Ismail received his B.S. degree from Duquesne University in business studies in 1985, followed by a Ph.D degree in public finance and political economy from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, in 1990. Ismail worked with the International Monetary Fund as an economist based in Washington, D.C. in the early 1990s. He returned to Pakistan to work for his family business, Ismail Industries Limited, in 1993. The business includes the manufacturing of confectionery (candies), biscuits, potato chips, and plastics and has an annual revenue of about 200 million dollars. 
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Political career Ismail joined the Pakistan Muslim League (N) in 2011 and served as the head and vice-chairman of Punjab Board of Investment and Trade from 2012 to 2013. During the 2013 Pakistani general election, Ismail served as a member of the election strategy team and the manifesto committee of Pakistan Muslim League (N).[6] In October 2013, Ismail became a member of the Board of Directors of Pakistan International Airlines. In November 2013, he joined the Board of Directors of Sui Southern Gas Company. Both of these positions he retained until 4 January 2014, when he was appointed as the head of Federal Board of Investment and was added as a junior member of the Prime Minister Sharif's cabinet. Under his leadership the Board of Investment underwent massive restructuring including winding up of its regional offices. During his tenure at the Board of Investment, the government of Pakistan formulated a new automobile sector policy that has attracted a lot of new investment in the automobile sector. Ismail has served as adjunct faculty at the Institute of Business Administration and also as chairman of the board at Karachi American School.  After being appointed as one of the key finance advisers to the Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi in December 2017, he stated that one of his top priorities is to help broaden the extremely narrow tax base in Pakistan which would strengthen the overall economy. He said that he would help design an economic policy that gives opportunity to the wealthy Pakistanis abroad to bring back their wealth. In other words, the government was ready to initiate an 'offshore tax amnesty scheme' soon. On 27 April 2018, Ismail took oath as Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs in Shahid Khaqan Abbasi's cabinet, where he served until 31 May 2018. He took again oath as Finance minister on 19 April 2022 and resigned on 27 September 2022 to pave way for Ishaq Dar the next finance minister. Courtesy : Wikipedia
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modernomy · 2 years
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Grayscale Might Consider Tender Offer If It Fails To Convert Gbtc Fund Into Etf
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tomatomediavn · 2 years
How important is an English business registration certificate?
Today's current English accounting terms
The financial translations this my business has done include: feasibility survey, audit report, overview principle, foreign contract, worldwide loan agreement, foreign learn, presentation, contract , financial statements, annual reports, accounting & banking documents, balance sheets, notices of invitation for bids, BH programs, business plans. products Translate finance documents used as evidence in major languages: English, Azerbaijani, Albanian, Arabic, Armenian, Afrikaans, Vietnamese, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Galician, French, German, Georgian, Yiddish, Greenlandic, Danish- Danish, Hebrew, Greek, Estonian, Zulu, Tibetan, Javanese, Japanese, Indian-Hindi, Indonesian, Iran-Persian-Farsi, Irish, Icelandic, Spanish, Italian, Kazakh, Catalan, Chinese, Korean, Kurdish, Croatian, Laotian, Latin, Latvian, Belarusian, Lithuanian, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Montenegrin, Mongolian, Moldavian, Bengali, Nepali, Norwegian, Dari-Afghan, Ottoman-Old Turkish, Dutch, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Urdu-Pakistani, Pashto-Pashto-Afghan, polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian,Serbian, Skopje-Macedonian-Slavic -Macedonian- North Macedonian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Swahili, Swedish, Thai, Taiwanese, Turkish, Czech, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, Khmer-Cambodian. so, if friends are looking for professional financial translations, I hope that here you will obtain shares and collateral this will make you to manufacture last decisions approximately your best. Settle the factual agency only for your possess financial Translations. Friends will fetch here this the complex interdisciplinary multi-dimensional thinking like is dominant, which is widely discovered today in a multicultural & linguistically distinct environment that brings again scientists & scientists. From fairly a range of academic activities portion a popular interest in the media phenomenon. Thank you only for your interest in finance Product Translation and whether you believe regardless of questions or concerns, please related my business. Gross businesses I will be delighted to welcome friends to my office to meet your hold financial Translation tastes and execute not hesitate to ask we to send you an proposal of the commerce I will comprise Prices are adjusted according to the new position.
at the enterprise gross Translations, I recognize that the modern need for right and two-way financial contents creates IT possible to partner with a reliable Product Translation service provider with infrastructure. And vibrant scientific basis potential to meet these requirements is a need. With the collaboration of economists and translators specializing in economic and commercial terms, & based more tables of separate accounting terms Accounting entry: The journal immigration that my business maintains for each client In particular, the unit I implement with the same number of dialect combinations:
Product Translation of balance sheet
goods Translate economic & technical studies
Product Translation products of monthly-annual reports
Translation of global world accounting standards-accounting sheets
bill Translation - commercial trade
Translation of business reports - discovery
Product Translation of financial statements
products Translate finance statements
Translations of documents of insurance funds or organizations
Translations of bank documents used as evidence
finished product Translate settlement statements
University idea Translation goods
Product Translation products of Promotional documents used as evidence - administration
business transaction Product Translation
commerce location Product Translation product
how to give manufacture certain your hold finance statements are translated correctly?
MNCs often believe branches & subsidiaries in each of the countries in which they operate. At the last day of the year, each foreign organization presents its own financial statements to the parent unit.
finance reporting each year is the benchmark for many significant trades and is fundamental to reassure potential investors about the finance stability of these entity. Therefore, they are considered essential to obtain long-term partners. So, in today's era of globalization, it's additional indispensable than ever for companies to translate their possess financial statements into by hook or by crook language.
What is the modern financial situation?
finance statements yield an general of an organization's finance position to a certain degree this specifically presents the organization's operating results & profitability for the last year. These include the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement & ≠ finance related shares of the business.
to satisfy a total financial statement, companies have transform outright their transactions into a single reference capital. This matter transition allows them to explain perfect transactions in multiple $currency worldwide.
products Translate financial statements
financial statement Translation is the process of converting an organization's foreign cash balance into the company's trade $ compare funds. This includes assets, liabilities, fixed assets, revenue, fees, profit & loss and full ≠ items denominated in international currencies. However, this issue has the potential to turn into intricate because the carrying amount of wealth and liabilities can differ with funds rates.
foreign accounting standards are needed to standardize cross-border digital accounts. This allows enterprises based in different countries to be compared more additional than one basis, ensuring the numbers are right across the board.
expression by method word Translation is not sufficient
Product Translation is the conversion of a message into almost similar terms that the intent audience is competent to understand and therefore submerge distinguished overhead just words. Along with that, in the Product Translation of finance statements, the Translation specialist have solve the numbers just like the detailed terms that are only needed in the accounting and financial world. That industry knowledge is needed to ensure this the documents comply with the purpose country's standards and regulations.
finance reporting is an valuable portion of running & commuting a enterprise. Yet, they are slightly intricate and augean to translate. Therefore, choosing a Specialized translation company this works with separate translators of finance documents will give friends the opportunity to get more the right Product Translation of the above financial statements. This matter ensures this your Translators understand the terminology and have the necessary experience to rightly handle these types of documents.
current rate diagram
while dealing with consolidated financial statements, one of the mostly common conversion methods is the modern exchange rate diagram. As its own common name suggests, this matter problem involves converting values ​​at the new exchange rate instead of using the historical rate.
nonetheless, the exchange rate is always fluctuating & fluctuates continuously from time to time. Any believe or loss arising from the transaction is jointly credited to a divide provision account at historical interest rates, known as the international funds essential method.
Excluding regardless of losses & gains arising from cash transfers, they bear stakeholders with a sure characterize of the business's dynamics.
some points to pay attention to while translating finance statements
The Translation of accounting documents used as evidence requires an in-depth plan of international accounting standards, as rules only for worldwide financial reporting vary from country to country. Financial statements need to be translated only for a internationally audience. So, the Translation staff also needed an in-depth thought of international finance Reporting Standards (IFRS). It is a establish of accounting standards aged by method accountants to display finance shares internationally.
while choosing a Product Translation agency, that is indispensable to be true and professional. Translators also needed a considerable awareness of these finance specialized. You should secure a Translation company that is known for its accuracy & methodicality to be definite that they will yield excellent quality Translations.
eventually, friends will require your cohort to be honorable. Confidentiality is of these utmost importance, as finance documents used as evidence comprise touchy data, therefore fabricate certain friends determine a reputable Translation agency this has a good reputation therefore you too rest positive this your Translation products are secure. Yourself to implement entirely silently and your bear information to be safe.
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With absolute prudence, my business keeps your hold documents safe from possible leaks. At the same time, my separate translators, with many years of experience in the finance area, will ensure that your bear documents comply with the same regulations of your have purpose country. .
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Business License in English - detailed acknowledge
Types of commerce documents used as evidence translated into English
Statutory documents used as evidence, constituent agreements, minutes, including meetings and meetings
enterprise rules;
the act of appropriating material & real estate values;
deductions from finance institutions more the authorized cash of the company;
certificate of unit registration;
Business License in government agencies;
certificate of characteristic of Goods and Services provided;
documents to/from the Tax Department;
enterprise documents;
commerce plan;
commercial offers;
agreements and Contracts;
default level ;
agreement and publication paper
accounting documents;
reporting in the bank on the Displacement of funds;
extracts from the State's Consolidated Register of legal Persons;
official and screen letter ;
finished product customs declaration (CCD), etc.
My agency offers a formal Translation staff & Translation staff Service, from written Product Translation of documents and documents used as evidence of complexity & regardless of type from English to Vietnamese and from Vietnamese to English , and ending with cabin construction at any a little event. My organization supports groups, groups and individuals.
Your documents used as evidence can be achieved certification by method a notary or attorney, & if critical, to be kept.
my unit is good quality
Our translators are members of Translation synergy & therefore their activities are regulated and popular. The advantages of my unit include the following:
characteristic and Reliability
not too long
total & right Product Translation
more than 10 years of experience in the industry of interpretation
comprehension in innumerable fields
carefully & methodically
private arrive to each client
punctual and civil
office suit & smart appearance
Written Product Translation goods
The business I work with is available in English, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Italian, as well ≠ languages ​​on seek information from.
The Product Translation topics of our Translators are well diverse and many. Feel free to related my company's experts only for better understanding. Here are just a few examples of what I translate:
personal documents (marriage or beginning certificate, Passport, etc.)
Contracts and agreements (buy & sell, non-disclosure agreements, letters of intent, shareholder agreements, etc.)
finance documentation (reports, breakdowns, summaries, etc.)
business correspondence
clip material (translation &/or transcription), subtitles
logistics & commercial documents and documents used as evidence (invoices, bills of lading, etc.)
Brochures & Promotions (catalogs, presentations, flyers, brochures, etc.)
Technical presentation and description, consumer manual, patents, tenders
production documents used as evidence
my unit adapts the texts to the goal language to make them simple to interpret & read only for native speakers. Documents are complaisant to be translated in any format, such as MSWord, Excel, PowerPoint, XML, XLIFF, etc.
Tomato Translation organization translates certificates from Vietnamese into foreign languages. My company offers Translation Notarization Services and whether important, my unit will apply processing measures only for Product Translation or document legalization products. A certification is an official document, a describe of 1 number legal fact, recorded more a standard design, for example, a birth certificate is a confirmation of these birth of a kid, and a marriage certificate. Is the relate of the official marriage registration.
certification Translation service
Product Translation of vehicle registration certification. Fundamental for job traveling freely abroad in your bear car.
Translation of certification of registration of rights . Compulsory practice of any action with property located in the territory of the country ≠.
beginning certification Product Translation. It is done if the kid was born in someway country & its own parents gain Vietnamese nationality. Perfect activities are done following the family arrives in Vietnam.
perish certificate Translation Information Technology plays an important occupation in the registration of foreign inheritance. That is critical this complete shares if in the document be translated without errors.
Product Translation of marriage/divorce registration certification. This is important if the courteous status change is made in by hook or by crook country and the two of spouses (or one of many them) are people of Vietnam. Along with the same movement of organizing picturesque weddings abroad, the Translation of marriage certificates is becoming more and more popular all year. Demand Product Translation of divorce documents used as evidence into international languages ​​when one of the couple has previously divorced and moved overseas.
Product Translation of these certification of ownership . It is critical in many cases, although that is generally significant while submitting a package of documents used as evidence to the embassy.
see pattern commerce registration certification in English
regardless of number of texts at no additional charge only for emergency case
my business works 24/7, translates 250 words per hour, up to 99+ pages per day (at gross speed)
optionally a group of experts
Over 1,000 local speakers from distinct countries work with my company.
my organization reduces the time to job and the Product Translation price due to the innovation of ALS
The employ of Product Translation memory & the proficiency to connect the gadget Product Translation engine allows friends to get it now translate even gigantic documents used as evidence.
What are the requirements for those certificate Product Translation product?
obtained certification Translation is an essential official document, such as while applying for a visa, studying in a country ≠, receiving a occupation proposal. The certificate is translated in such a way this its own constitution and joyful fully correspond to the unusual. Depending more the spot of submission, the Translation is notarized, stamped because of the Translation agency or apostied. Therefore, for example, in all cases, to submit documents used as evidence only for visa application, objective show the Translation with the same price of these Product Translation agency, specify the date of issue of the certificate, the translator's brand and number the related call of these Translation agency. Translation agency.
my unit Translate outright kinds of certifications
birth certificate
marriage certificate
divorce certification
perish certification
certification of name tipping point
TIN certification
we will translate your documents from Vietnamese to English
we will design excellent quality Product Translation of documents used as evidence of regardless of volume, complexity & specificity, not only into English but also into other dialect pairs (we work with 120 languages).
my business will translate the documents of the enterprise from Vietnamese to English without errors & inaccuracies
my unit will prepare the translated finished product according to the recent default and format
my organization will especially pay attention to true brand, date and geographical brand spelling.
Linguists with additional pedagogy in contact areas will translate judicial, economic, medicine, technical, scientific basis & ≠ types of documents ≠
if critical, my unit certifies the text of these Product Translation by method notarization or apostille
The company's entry to the international slick involves the Product Translation of documents into English. In these cases, a competent Professional translation finished product is guaranteed to solve controversial financial issues with foreign partners or buyers & insures you against possible financial losses.
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Ministry of Industries & Production Pakistan Jobs 2022
Ministry of Industries & Production Pakistan Jobs 2022
Ministry of Industry and Production Pakistan has invited applications for Specialists, Business Development Managers, Accountants, Economists, Research Assistants, and other posts advertised in today’s daily for Pakistani citizens. Candidates with Bachelors’s and Masters’s degrees in relevant fields from HEC-recognized universities or institutes are eligible to apply from today. Eligible…
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xtruss · 6 months
Pakistan’s Corrupt To Their Cores Army Generals Look Increasingly Desperate! A Heavily Fraudulent Election May Not Keep Imran Khan’s Fans At Bay
— March 14th 2024 | The Economist
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Illustration of a Ballot Being Shredded. Image Credit: lan Truong
Thief, Looter, Traitor, International Money Launderer Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League Party (PML-N) is Back in Power with the Help of Heavily Rigged Elections by the Pakistan’s Corrupt To Their Cores Army Generals, ISI, Politicians and Judges. Following elections last month, the thrice former prime minister’s younger brother, Shehbaz, has been installed in the ruling post. His Daughter, Lowlife, Looter, Thief, Corrupt and Stupid to her Core Maryam Safdar, is the New Chief Minister of Populous Punjab in result of Stolen Mandate of Imran Khan’s Party PTI. So why is Mr Sharif so glum? The 74-year-old “Lion of Punjab 😂😂😂” has said little publicly since the vote. Bunkered down in his mansion outside Lahore, he is said to be depressed.
He has reason to be. The PML-N’s success is much less than Mr Sharif was promised when he returned home last year. He had spent four years in exile in London because Pakistan’s Generals—Stage Managers of its Democracy—were against him. They rigged an election in 2018 in favour of his main rival, Imran Khan. But then they fell out with Mr Khan and reverted to the lion. A former cricketing god, Mr Khan is Now in Jail on Graft Charges. His Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party has been dismantled. PML-N was therefore expected to sweep the election and Mr Sharif to become prime minister for a fourth time. Instead, something unprecedented happened.
Despite the Army’s Myriad Ploys to prevent Pakistanis voting for Mr Khan, it seems most did so. Standing as independents, candidates linked to his party swept the country. Early counting put them on track for Two-Thirds of Punjab’s seats and an overall majority. At which point the Army Intervened to a degree that might make a Tin-Pot Tyrant Blush.
Army agents were allegedly sent into counting stations with alternative tallies. Salman Akram Raja, a Supreme Court Lawyer running as a De Facto PTI Candidate in Lahore, had been informed that he had won by 95,000 votes. And then—whoops—that he had lost to the PML-N Candidate by 13,500. Mr Sharif’s Party would otherwise have faced oblivion. As it is, it won only 75 of 264 seats. It cobbled together a majority by striking a deal with the Pakistan Peoples Party, which is run by another Fading Dynasty, the Bhuttos.
This might seem like Pakistani business as usual. The country has been ruled by the army, directly or at varying degrees of remove, throughout its history. In a cycle that Mr Sharif has been through several times, the Corrupt Generals put a Biddable Civilian in Power then, after he or she dares to act independently, switch to a different proxy or Army Rule. Thereby Pakistan has had Four Army Dictators and None of its 20 Civilian Prime Ministers has completed a Five-Year term. This helps explain why it is so badly governed. Having little prospect of a full term, Pakistan’s civilian regimes abjure long-term decision-making in favour of populist giveaways and graft. As recently as 2006, Pakistanis were better-off than Indians; now the average income in India is 60% higher than that in Pakistan.
A big question arising from this latest turn of the wheel is whether the army can maintain control. There are two reasons to think it could struggle. The first is Mr Khan. Perhaps unwittingly, given his erstwhile compliance with the army, he has channelled Pakistanis’ long-standing despond into anger at the military establishment. This has put Pakistani Politics on New Terrain. Had the Boak Bollocks Corrupt Army Chief, General Asim Munir, responded to the vote count by calling a state of emergency, as his predecessors might have, he would have risked an uprising. “There is This Sense That the Gravy Train Needs to Stop,” says Mr Raja, an Old Acquaintance of Banyan. “We Can’t Be Forever Governed by Two Families in Cahoots with the Powers That Be.”
The second factor endangering the status quo is a protracted economic crisis. The inflationary shocks experienced in many countries have in Pakistan combined with the effects of long-standing malgovernance to deliver chronic inflation, joblessness and balance-of-payment problems. Mr Khan’s ousting in 2022 now appears well timed for him. Mr Sharif’s decision to let Shehbaz (Both Brothers Certified Corrupt to Their Cores) lead an 16-month-long replacement government instead of calling early elections looks like a major blunder. It has hung the crisis around his party’s neck. With Pakistan’s 24th IMF Bail-Out set to expire this month, and a bigger loan urgently required, the new government will need to take measures that will make it even more unpopular than it is. Its prospects—and Mr Sharif’s hopes of rebuilding his party—appear dire.
The same could be true for the army-run establishment that Mr Sharif has unhappily rejoined. It may have got away with its latest election heist. But in the process Mr Khan’s supporters have made the Corrupt Army, ISI, Politicians and Judges Look Desperate and Vulnerable. ■
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anyaraza · 1 year
Anya Raza is a Pakistani-Dutch writer, filmmaker and economist. She is moved by the human spirit, and seeks to tell stories that stretch conventional definitions.Using her experience from the non-profit sector, Anya tells global stories that break stereotypes, encourage critical thinking and catalyze change. Film is one medium of storytelling Anya communicates in, along with her writing and stand-up comedy.
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quotesfrommyreading · 2 years
Women work hard—twice as hard as men.
All over the world, and for longer than records have been kept, that has been true. Historian Rosalind Miles points out that in prehistoric societies, “the labours of early women were exacting, incessant, varied and hard. If a catalogue of primitive labour were made, women would be found doing five things where men did one.” In modern tribal societies, she adds, “working unceasingly during the daylight hours, women regularly produce as much as eighty per cent of the tribe’s total food intake, on a daily basis . . . male members were and are doing only one-fifth of the work necessary for the group to survive, while the other four-fifths is carried out entirely by women.” In seventeenth-century England the Duchess of Newcastle wrote that women “labour like beasts.” Before the Industrial Revolution, “no work was too hard, no labour too strenuous, to exclude them.” During nineteenth-century exploitation of the factory system, “women were universally worked harder . . . and paid less” than men, “employers everywhere agreeing that women were ‘more easily induced to undergo severe bodily fatigue than men.’”
Today the “primitive” five to one ratio of women’s work to men’s has declined to a “civilized” two to one. That ratio is fixed and international. According to the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs: “While women represent 50 percent of the world population, they perform nearly two-thirds of all working hours, receive only one-tenth of the world income and own less than 1 percent of world property.” The “Report of the World Conference for the United Nations Decade for Women” agrees: When housework is accounted for, “women around the world end up working twice as many hours as men.”
Women work harder than men whether they are Eastern or Western, housewives or jobholders. A Pakistani woman spends sixty-three hours a week on domestic work alone, while a Western housewife, despite her modern appliances, works just six hours less. “Housework’s modern status,” writes Ann Oakley, “is nonwork.” A recent study shows that if housework done by married women were paid, family income would rise by 60 percent. Housework totals forty billion hours of France’s labor power. Women’s volunteer work in the United States amounts to $18 billion a year. The economics of industrialized countries would collapse if women didn’t do the work they do for free: According to economist Marilyn Waring, throughout the West it generates between 25 and 40 percent of the gross national product.
  —  The Beauty Myth (Naomi Wolf)
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quoted-text · 4 years
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Increasing Dimensions of HDI and reduced India’s placings
About HDI:
Human Development Index is a combined index of the life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators of a country. The index was developed by Mahbub Ul Haq, a Pakistani economist and ex-finance minister in the year 1990. The purpose of introducing such an index was to ” shift the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centred policies”.
In the year 2010, a new Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index was introduced. In a society where there is perfect equality, the difference between HDI and IHDI will be zero. And the greater will be the difference between the two indexes the greater shall be inequality in the distribution of food, health, and education.
New Dimension of HDI:
This year the amount of per capita carbon emission was taken into account for placing the countries. This metric is called the “Planetary Pressure Adjusted Human Development Index”.
Almost 50 countries will fall out of the category of “very high human development group” due to the introduction of this new metric. Australia shall fall 72 places whereas the United States will fall 45 places.
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umarfarooqzahoor · 2 years
Umar Farooq Zahoor Proceeding, A Step Further To Win Hearts
Meeting leaders and building a trustworthy network has always been advantageous for the human race. Considering this fact Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor has demonstrated his wisdom by continuously investing his time in meeting popular, inspiring & influential leaders of nations across the globe.
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Instead of being a very occupied person has decided to meet such personalities who are inspiring, holding visions of brotherhood, nourished with compassion & harmony.
Taking this belief a step further and proceeding towards his long-term vision aligned with the welfare of the nations across the globe, he recently met the former president of Tanzania Jakaya Mrisho. The fourth president of Tanzania is a very well-known personality and talking about his presidency, his citizens were very satisfied when he was appointed as a president of a republic nation between the office tenure of 2005 to 2015.
Let’s discuss this in detail to get further insights of the meeting and growth-oriented conclusions that were highlighted while strengthening the bilateral relations.
Umar Farooq Zahoor: A Popular Business Tycoon
Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor is one of the most popular and influential personalities in the present world. He has won millions of hearts in his personal and professional aspects. In addition, he has won many awards over the years as one of the best Norwegian-Pakistani businessmen. Presently he resides in Dubai with ample luxury. He was also the former director of AMERIGroup, presently successfully handling numerous business, an investor in many companies, and supports various entrepreneurs.
Not only this he is a role model for many youngsters residing in Dubai and other nations of the world. Apart from these achievements, he has always been a generous man who gets involved in helping needy people. During hardships like global pandemic he courageously helped businesses and people in need.
The Big COVID Real Estate Downfall & Umar Farooq Zahoor’s Concerns
Two years back the trend of the property industry lowering real estate prices was created. And this trend was expected to worsen soon. It is a well-evaluated fact that 30% of housing supplies are made solely by Villas. The lowering of rental prices of Villas & Houses continues to fall due to the cutting of jobs because of COVID. Still, the Housing market in Abu Dhabi had performed well in compassion to the other neighbouring states around Dubai. In those nations, the fluctuating demands had hampered prices.
Furthermore, in successive years many economists claimed that it would probably take two years to recover. But, in such a situation also influential & wise people like Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor considered it as an opportunity to evaluate and reassess. This reassessment and reevaluation contributed to global reluctance for investing in a volatile economic situation.
Further, this led to a change in the work model, i.e. hybrid model. Everyone currently is quite familiar with this model. The majority of staff chose to work remotely for at least two days as per the survey when it was initially introduced, later many switched it as a permanent work model.
Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete: Fourth President of Tanzania
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Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete was born on Oct., 7th, 1950. He was a Tanzanian Politician before being appointed as the fourth president of Tanzania. His office period was from 2005 to 2015.
When he was appointed as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1995 to 2005, he also served as Chairperson of the Southern African Development Community. The tenure was 2008–2009. Along with this, he served as a chairperson of the Southern African Development Community Troika on Defence, Peace, & Security during 2012–2013.
Putting light on his life, he is from Kwere heritage. He was born and raised in Chalinze District’s place called Msoga, in Pwani Region. His education is from the University of Dar es Salaam. Not only academic love, but Kikwete also shares his devotion to sports. That’s why he competitively played basketball during his school days.
In addition to this, Kikwete continued to play for ten years as a patron of the Tanzania Basketball Federation. He later married Salma and currently, they have five children. In 2013 he was ranked the sixth most followed African leader on Twitter as he had 57,626 followers.
Kikwete’s Awards & Honours
Due to his outstanding and excellence-oriented inputs in nation-building through his contributions, he has been honoured several times in his lifetime. Some of his recognitions are:
Sullivan Honor
The AAI African National Achievement Award in 2007
US Doctor for Africa Award
Social Good Award from UN Foundation
South-South Award for Global Health, Technology, & Development.
Africa’s Most Impactful Leader of the Year by the African Leadership Magazine in 2013
Icon of Democracy Award from The Voice Magazine in 2014
Leadership Excellence Award by Pan-African Youth Union, African Statesman of the Year by the African Sun Times, and African Achievers Award by the Institute of Good Governance in Africa in 2015.
These were some of the honours awarded to Kikwete to recognize his outstanding contributions in multiple spheres.
Meeting to Strengthen Bonds and Economic Ties
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The meeting of the leaders of two big nations Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor & Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete emphasised strengthening bilateral relationships. As it is an undeniable truth that coming together multiplies the efforts and accelerates the process of accomplishing success. The two intellectual minds further tried to nourish their bonds by empowering economic ties.
These will further help devise bilateral strategies for growth and development in successive months or years. Thereby, it would be helpful in swiftly achieving success collateral for both Tanzania & UAE.
Concluding Phrases,
These meet-ups are very constructive in developing bilateral strategies to support the growth and development visions of both nations. Cooperation and collective efforts had been proven to be beneficial since ancient times. These meetings generate healthier relationships tying the nations together in one string who dedicatedly work together. This meeting was also oriented towards these objectives & soon the objectives will be determined when milestones get accomplished.
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