#Palmetto Records
"That was mine,"
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palmettoshitposts · 2 years
Kevin Day Cannot Read Tone (1/1)
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stop-being-the-rabbit · 11 months
thinking about how utterly insane it must have been for the students at palmetto when the news got out about thanksgiving. everyone knows one of the minyards killed someone and obviously they all assume it's the knife-wielding twin with the criminal record but then turns out it's fucking aaron. normal, premed student katelyn's-boyfriend-aaron. on trial for murder. i just know the rumour mill had a fucking field day
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4straydogs · 7 months
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muahaha i nvr see fem andreil but i WILL force them on u
neil mostly doing DIY shows singing covers for like v spare cash
getting more money as an emergency fill-in for real bands who need back up vocalists
accidentally scoring a gig w palmetto when renee gets nodes like on pitch perfect
palmetto also crazily scores a position as the opening act for the southern leg of the MONSTERS tour with lead vocalist andrew minyard & controversial new bassist kevin day (she used to play for ravens but got injured, gave monsters lots of mainstream press)
neil & andrew fall in love on tour while neil narrowly escapes her fathers men and discovers the moriyamas own the corrupt record company her father got her a contract w when she was a wee babe
they write a duet together
sm1 shld write this cuz im spitballing but SPORTS LESBIANS AHHH
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I love Andrew Minyard as a criminal justice major. Just imagine the possibilities that could happen!! He'd 100% write a paper about nature vs nurture that is about himself and Neil (only if you read between the lines can you tell that tho)
Oh man!! An idea is coming into my head as I think about this!!
Okay, okay, so imagine the following.
Andrew is in his The Serial Killer's Psyche class when he learns about the more recent recent killers, including The Baltimore Butcher.
He lowkey becomes fascinated with the whole thing.
(It's the knives)
And goes down a rabbit hole looking into anything and everything regarding the Wesninski family.
He learns that Nathan was married and had a son, Nathaniel, with a member of another known mafia family from across the Atlantic, Mary.
The son would be the perfect killing machine for these two.
But then he learns that Mary and Nathaniel died tragically in an unknown form.
"The family wants to keep their privacy in these hard times." The press says.
Despite Andrew researching for days (he even went to the library once!) He can't find any record of how they died, but their death certificates have the same time stamp on them so at least he knows they died at the same time.
After finding out as much as he can about the family, he is (and he would never admit this to anyone at all ever) solely on the side of the cops in believing that Nathan Wesninski is The Baltimore Butcher despite there not being enough evidence, etc etc.
Having learned all he could, he all but forgets about the Wesninski family.
Fast forward to the next semester when Kevin tells him they are going to Arizona because he found them a new striker.
As Neil is trying to catch his breath from Andrew hitting him, Andrew is suddenly excepiencing a new phenomenon to him "familiarity"
For some reason, this flight risk reminds him of someone, but he can't quite remember who.
This is new.
Not remembering something.
Is his memory failing him for the first time ever?
He blames it on his meds and moves on
Everytime he sees Neil after he moves to Palmetto, he has the same feeling.
Ever. Single. Time.
It is increasingly aggravating and intirely too intresting.
After weeks spent trying to remember who Neil reminded him of, filing through every person he's ever encountered, and Neil's skitish behavior, he decided that Neil must be a threat.
Why else would his instincts tell him not to trust Neil?
Why didn't he react to the Moriyamas coming south that fall?
Why couldn't he fucking remember where he knew Neil from???
His shell cracked a little bit and he decided on impulse that Neil was going to Eden's with them
Andrew was practically vibrating with rage by the end of that night.
"Who are you?" Andrew asked.
"Wha- I don't understand? I'm Neil?"
"No. I know you, but I've never seen you before." Andrew watched as Neil tensed, wondering what was running through the runners head.
"We don't know each other." Neil made as if to walk away, but he didn't make it far before he had to grab the wall to stabilize himself.
"I know you." Andrew said, grabbing his shoulder.
"No, you don't." Neil shoved him.
"Do you work for the Moriyamas?"
"You think I'm a mole?" Neil scoffed, but it was more slurred with the drugs in his system.
"You're something. And I know how to properly dispose of a body." Andrew said lowly, threatingly, putting both hands on either side of Neil, caging him him.
"So do I." Neil's voice was steady, and he shoved Andrew back as far as he could before taking off.
Neil feeds Andrew half-truths the next day at Wymacks, saying that he must have seen him on the street somewhere. He honestly had no idea why Andrew recognized him.
Andrew doesn't believe that, but he believes Neil's half-truths about his family and lets him go.
Eventually, the familiar feeling is exchanged with actual recognition, and the books continue on as normal
Andrew gets out of Easthaven and sees Neil with his blue eyes and Aubrun hair and brused face, and Andrew freezes for only a moment.
But for that moment, it's like a Christmas tree lighting up in Andrew's head.
Neurons firing and connecting dots he didn't know went to together.
Nathaniel Wesninski stood next to his family
Nathaniel Wesninski protected his family while he was in rehab
Nathaniel Wesninski has been alone with Kevin every night for the past 4 months
Nathaniel Wesninksi was a runaway
Nathaniel Wesninski was alive
Nathaniel Wesninski
Andrew doesn't know what to do with this information yet, so he does nothing
He goes about his decided itinerary for the day
He still doesn't know what to do until "I never understood why he liked knives."
Everyone else was thinking Riko, but Andrew was thinking Nathan.
He decides then and there that he's not going to say anything until Neil tells him.
Neil's "I'm Nathaniel" hits Andrew like a gut punch.
He already knew it but now it's confirmed.
When Neil goes missing, Andrew was the first to tell coach about Nathan's release from prison.
He persuades Coach (read: stares down repeating "Baltimore") to take them to Baltimore because that's where Neil is.
Books go on as normal
Life seemingly goes back to normal after summer break.
They start the new semester with significantly fewer worries, and Neil is figuring out his newfound freedom.
Andrew is in his Advanced Psychology class when Nathan Wesninski is brought up again.
The professor - fortunately for her sake - doesn't mention Neil or Nathaniel at all but assigned them an imaginative assignment
They are to pick a serial killer and study what is known about their at home life and write a paper about what it might be like to grow up in that kind of enviroment
Andrew was going to ignore this assignment, but Neil found out and thought the whole thing was hilarious.
Neil finds out that Andrew was entirely too fascinated by the Wesninski family.
"You liked me before you even met me."
Eventually, they decided that Andrew didn't have to write the paper.
"Mr. Minyard. It is your turn to present."
Andrew and Neil walk to the front.
"This was a single person assignment, Mr. Minyard."
"I think a first-hand account is better than anything I could have come up with. Don't you think?"
"First hand?"
"Hello Andrew's classmates. I'm Nathaniel Wesninski, but please call me Neil. Fair warning. If you ever call me Nathaniel, I will kill you."
They spend the rest of the class basically ragging on Nathan the entire time
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schmergo · 3 months
If I had a podcast-- which I don't think I could ever do because people say I have a strange and off-puttingly untraceable accent and vocal quality that would probably distract from any audio content I'd put out-- but IF I had a podcast, I'd slowly start slipping weird stuff into that boring little stretch in the beginning where the hosts greet one another before talking about that week's content.
Like, I know the audience is only ever half listening to that part anyway. I know I am. I don't really care about if one of the hosts is "wearing a super cute new sweater she got from the TikTok store" or if another one is planning a hiking trip with her fiance. I want to hear about some small Appalachian town's niche cryptid legend or whatever.
So first I'd slowly start slipping in mildly contradicting information to test the waters. "Oh yeah, we're going on a beach trip next month, so I might be recording from this beach house. I'm excited because I haven't been to the beach in years." And slip that in for like 3 months in a row (but not every week) and see if anyone notices.
Then start making up pets. Then change the pet's name. Change it again. Add another pet that I've had since college.
Then briefly reference my nice next door neighbor Brian who watches the pets when I go to the beach house next month.
Change the pet's name again and this time casually mention my daughter. My daughter loves the beach. She's so excited to go to the beach house next month. She's never been to the beach.
Next episode I mention I'm looking for a good petsitter for my upcoming trip. Mine fell through.
Next episode, I just throw in there, "Yeah, I'm just busy stocking up for the beach trip. Sunscreen, new towels, water toys, bug spray, cave sloth spray. Yeah, the beach has a cave sloth problem right now, but they say attacks are really rare."
Next episode (this is a true crime podcast) I mention that this episode hits close to home because there's a missing person case in my neighborhood. My neighbor Brian's daughter went missing. People think the noncustodial parent took her out of state. She's probably safe, but we're all worried about her.
Next episode, I'm leaving for the beach tomorrow. I'm bringing my (only) dog with me. I spent forever cleaning out my car. Took forever getting the bloodstains off the upholstery, you know how it is. How do those even get there?
Next episode I just casually mention, "Spiders don't bother me, but I'm a little squeamish about palmetto bugs. And cave sloths. The thing that creeps me out about them is that when they take you into the pocket dimension in their cave, nobody from your previous life remembers you anymore. Oh, and I don't mind mice, but rats are a big NOPE."
I'd casually refer to myself as a childfree adult in the next episode.
Then I'd talk about how I wish my fellow podcast host could buy the apartment next to me. It's been vacant for years. Nobody has ever lived there since I moved in.
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ashestoashes7 · 2 months
I feel like something like this has to happen at least once to either Neil or Kevin. Someone mistakes Kevin Day for a lacrosse player and Andrew drags him away before his resulting rant can be recorded by surrounding parties. Or someone mistakes Neil and no one manages to get him away in time to deescalate the inevitable PR nightmare.
They were too busy making sure Kevin didn’t self-destruct to deal with the fact that Neil is sitting right there (regardless of who their mistake was centered around) and Neil is not very good at keeping his mouth shut.
Random Person: are you that lacrosse player? The one with a two? The Palmetto State Foxes won the…championships, right? I’ve just been thinking about getting into lacrosse and—
Neil, watching Kevin be dragged away: I know it’s not your fault that the complexities of Exy escape you and it must be really, really hard to be playing catch up whenever your fake friends mention something even mildly interesting, but attempting to drag him into whatever popularity contest you are failing is so laughably audacious that I’ll give you a chance to remove your many faults from my sight before things get ugly. No? You’ll have to tell Coach I tried, then. There isn’t much of a difference between lacrosse and Exy? No, keep talking. They’re walking away? Aww, are you surprised? That’s because they have more than one functioning brain cell. A foreign concept, I know, but there’s a reason they left you to come up here alone and it isn’t because they were generous enough to believe whatever far-fetched story you wove them. Consider yourself lucky I’m here instead of Kevin. Don’t look so worried, it’s only a chat.
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smalls-words · 1 year
No Pants and Breakfast?
Summary: Natasha comes to annoy you again. Or does she?
Pairings: Devil!Natasha!Romanoff x Fem!Detective!Reader, Peggy x Reader (daughter/mother), Maze x Peggy (growing friends).
Warnings: Flustering and touching, mentions of touch deprivation and a love of hugs.
A/N: The first drabble for the Devil of My Word series! Last thing on my list to write for before this weekend :)
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*gif not mine*
With another day on the horizon, you were already off to a fantastic start as Natasha showed up at your doorstep. 
“Natasha.” You sighed, still feeling like it was too early in the morning.
“Good morning, Detective.” She grinned, noticing your sleep shirt and lack of pants within the summer day. 
“Natasha!” Peggy came running in from her bedroom, all dressed and ready to go.
“Baby, baby, baby. Mama has had a really long night.” You chuckled softly. “Could we keep the noise down a bit?”
“Sorry, Mama.” Peggy smiled, hugging you before going back to Natasha. 
“Is Maze here?”
Natasha nodded and pointed to the door. “Right outside for you, little sh… sugar plum fairy.” She caught herself, chuckling when she saw your evil eye.
“Okay! Bye Mama, bye Natasha!” She giggled, running out the door.
As soon as the door closed, Natasha wore a bright grin and took off her suit jacket. Underneath, a beautiful white long-sleeve shirt showed off her shoulders and overall stature as she walked closer to you. 
“Come on, now, dear - don’t be shy. What’s all this tiredness about?” She asked with a smirk.
“Shy? You think I’m shy?” You retorted as you put some bread in the toaster.
“Well, if you're not shy, what are you?” She said with a smirk as she was taking a sip from your coffee.
You glared at her briefly before taking your coffee back, noticing her hand coming to your waist but too tired to actively stop it. “I’m a brilliant detective, that’s what.” 
“And why is that?” She queried, stepping close enough to have her hand fall to your lower back and slowly rub her thumb along your skin.
“Look at my track record and you’ll see. Minus the Palmetto incident.” You chuckled lightly.
All of a sudden, you wore a grin. It surprised Natasha, but that surprise grew when your hand moved to her waist too, fingers creeping underneath the hem of it to feel her perfect and warm skin.
“Why don’t you be a good detective and tell me what you’re feeling, then?” She smirked, leaning a bit over you.
“Why don’t I be a great detective and tell you what you’re feeling?” You quipped.
With your pants-less body near hers, she took a chance. “Alright then. Go for it.” 
You studied her body language for a definitive twenty seconds before smirking. “Elevated heart rate, slight clamminess to your hand on my back. Tinge of red in the outer lines of your cheeks, just... here.” You lightly touched the spot just in front of her ear, on her cheek.
“Not to mention the fact that you're leaning in, trying to avoid and possibly even ignore the flustered feeling in your chest... Am I wrong?”
When you saw redness bloom across her face, you cackled cheekily and jumped out of her arms, pointing at her. “Aha! You are flustered! Oh, it feels so good to be on the other end of it!”
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Ha ha. Come on, get it all out.” 
You teased her for a few more seconds before your giggling was interrupted by the toast popping, leaning slightly to get the hot toast onto the plate. Then, as if Dad was listening to Natasha’s thoughts, she noticed the curvature of your chest move forward slightly.
*No bra, no pants…* She thought to herself, grinning as she caught you mid-spin and held your chin. 
“That was damn fine detecting, Y/N. What do I owe you for winning?” She purred, leaning in towards you.
But cheeky little you put a finger to her lips, stopping her from moving closer. “A drink, because I haven’t had one all week since you went on your miniature holiday.” 
At her confusion, you rolled your eyes playfully and stepped away from her hold. “You don’t remember me telling you? I’m only comfortable drinking alcohol around you.” 
“Ah, yes, now I remember.” Her heart warmed as she spoke, her mind making sure to solidify that note in her memory.
As you walked around the kitchen to prepare yourself some breakfast of fried eggs on toast, you began anew. “So, what brings you to find me this early in the morning?”
“Well, after the holiday, I realised something. I… missed you.” She murmured.
“Aww. That’s sweet.” You cooed teasingly, cracking another two eggs and putting some more bread in the toaster.
As she circled the counter and her hand came on top of yours, you stopped. You could feel her eyes shut as she hugged you by the waist, leaning her chin on your shoulder. 
“Natasha?” You murmured. “Are you feeling okay?” 
She paused. “It’s… It’s just been a while since I last saw you. I wanted to talk to you, or even if I couldn’t do that, I wanted to see you.”
“It’s been a week and a bit.” You replied, confused whilst you turned off the stove. 
You turned around slowly and saw her dejected face. “Oh, Natasha, I… I didn’t know… You’re touch deprived?” 
She hid her face in shame, wanting to remark your detective skills again, but you pulled her back by the softest touch on her cheek. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay, I completely understand. I was the same before Steve and Peggy came into my life.”
Her eyes met yours and you smiled warmly. “Do you want a hug-?” You were cut off by her immense, beefy arms wrapping under yours and holding you close.
“I haven’t been hugged in so long.” She whispered by your ear and you tightened your hold on her slightly.
“Oh, Natasha…” You cooed, rubbing your hand along her back before she flinched when your hand went higher.
She melted into your embrace when you adjusted and kept your hand only on the lower half of her back, avoiding her wings’ scars. 
You pulled away from the hug as you heard the toaster pop again. You gently kissed her cheek and slipped out of her arms, her eyes taking in how graceful and quiet you walked. “Want some?”
She nodded and waited patiently for you to plate her some breakfast, two fried eggs and two toasts. “It looks wonderful, Y/N. Thank you.” 
You smiled dearly at her, your head tilted slightly. “You’re welcome. Now eat up - we have a case to get to by noon.” 
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tidalwaveofcolor · 7 months
Cross Country Runner Neil Josten AU
Neil Josten seemed to appear at Palmetto out of nowhere. Or that’s what his team thought anyways. From his obvious lack of knowledge about the sport to his almost nonexistent record in high school, his teammates were nearly convinced that Neil had simply appeared one day. From what his teammates knew, Neil was recruited late in his senior year, well after cross country season had passed. In fact, it was rumored that he was originally recruited for the track team but was switched due to unforeseen circumstances. Even after months of summer training the team barely knew anything about the mysterious runner.
His avoidance of the team was truly impressive. Neil managed to dodge all invitations to group hangouts. Always being well equipped with a sheepish smile and convenient excuse.
“Sorry Daniel, I would love to go out tonight but I agreed to tutor a classmate tonight. Maybe next time?”
Even his roommate barely knew a thing about his schedule. According to him, Neil was out of the dorm before he woke up and asleep before he came back.
So, the team did what any person in this situation would do. They theorized. At fist only rational explanations for their teammates strange behavior turned into bizarre stories that soon became a running joke in the team.
Neil Josten however couldn’t remain a recluse for long. With his team growing more and more nosey by the day, he found himself giving ground. Letting his attitude slip and occasionally granting his team small truths about him. Not enough to give away all his secrets but enough to sate his teams burning curiosity.
Seemingly content with what little Neil had given them, his team backed off. That was until he made the mistake of talking to Andrew Minyard, the goalie for the exy team. In Neil’s defense it wasn’t really his fault. He never wanted to go to the student athlete event but his coach had forced him to. It also want his fault that Andrew was the most interesting person there. Now Neil had to deal with not just one but two sports teams butting into his private life. And, debatably worse, Andrew Minyard had taken an interest in Neil and seemed intent on uncovering all of Neil’s secrets. Neil had a feeling this was going to be a long five years of college.
Sort of a work in progress. Not sure if I want to actually turn this into a fic but who knows.
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Young Adult Book Releases - June 2024
🦇 Good morning, my bookish bats. I hope you have a good book, hot cuppa, and sweet snack within reach! No TBR is complete without a few young adult novels, and plenty were released in June! Here are a few YA releases to consider adding to your shelves.
🩷 June 4 🩷 ✨ Looking for Smoke - K. A. Cobell ✨ Moonstorm - Yoon Ha Lee ✨ Now, Conjurers - Freddie Kölsch ✨ Heiress Takes All - Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka ✨ Two Sides to Every Murder - Danielle Valentine ✨ Wish You Weren't Here - Erin Baldwin ✨ Four Eids and a Funeral - Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé & Adiba Jaigirdar ✨ Annie LeBlanc Is Not Dead Yet - Molly Morris ✨ Past Present Future - Rachel Lynn Solomon ✨ Storm: Dawn of a Goddess - Tiffany D. Jackson ✨ London on My Mind - Clara Alves ✨ The Breakup Artists - Adriana Mather ✨ One Killer Problem - Justine Pucella Winans ✨ Lockjaw - Matteo L. Cerilli ✨ If You Can't Take the Heat - Michael Ruhlman ✨ Louder Than Words - Ashley Woodfolk & Lexi Underwood
🩷 June 11 🩷 ✨ Six More Months of June - Daisy Garrison ✨ Hearts of Fire and Snow - David Bowles & Guadalupe Garcia McCall ✨ Love, Off the Record - Samantha Markum ✨ How to Get Over Your (Best Friend's) Ex - Kristi McManus ✨ The Ghost of Us - James L. Sutter ✨ There Is a Door in This Darkness - Kristin Cashore ✨ The Wilderness of Girls - Madeline Claire Franklin ✨ Dead Girls Talking - Megan Cooley Peterson ✨ Icon and Inferno - Marie Lu ✨ Furious - Jamie Pacton & Rebecca Podos ✨ The Color of a Lie - Kim Johnson
🩷 June 18 🩷 ✨ Bad Graces - Kyrie McCauley ✨ Old Palmetto Drive - S.E. Reed ✨ Masquerade of the Heart - Katy Rose Pool ✨ With Love, Miss Americanah - Jane Igharo ✨ Hearts That Cut - Kika Hatzopoulou ✨ The Calculation of You and Me - Serena Kaylor ✨ All Roads Lead to Rome - Sabrina Fedel
🩷 June 25 🩷 ✨ Markless - C.G. Malburi ✨ We Shall Be Monsters - Tara Sim ✨ Children of Anguish and Anarchy - Tomi Adeyemi ✨ Crashing into You - Rocky Callen ✨ Six of Sorrow - Amanda Linsmeier
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constelationprize · 7 months
A background detail in the books that facinates me is that the Foxes were on the verge of being dismantled. And by detail I mean that it's a fact so widely known that we hear about it from chapter 1, just as passive knowledge Neil has before even dreaming of playing with them.
It ends up staying fairly background because Neil has... Bigger worries, but it is very much present for the whole series. There are plenty of descriptions of how Palmetto thought the Foxes would breathe life into the town; How Wymack lives practically alone in one of the apartment complexes built out of the expectation.
For four years, the Foxes placed dead last, and if they do it again, they ARE getting demoted from Class I. Of the original team, there was only Seth left. And if you do the math, that means that people were leaving up until the semester before TFC begins, because there are nine players including Kevin, who was an assistant coach, and Neil is replacing another recruit. Seth's death brings them down to nine again, and the ERC's response to that is to start a discussion on whether the minimum number of players should go up to 12. If it weren't for the intervetion of Coach Rhemann, they would have gotten disqualified anyway when Andrew went to Easthaven. PSU was against signing the girls, and both the university and the ERC fought back against making Dan captain.
They are not only fighting for their lives out here, they are straight up losing.
That puts a lot of things into perspective, I think. For one, I think it really explains a lot about Kevin's relationship to the Foxes. Like, imagine knowing your second – your last – chance at a life is under threat, and out of nowhere, the best player in your league offers to help you. And then he does it by saying all the effort you've made up until now was useless, that all your fighting wasn't enough. I'd resent him too.
It also says very interesting things both about who Wymack is as a person and exactly how big of a deal he must have been as a player, that he keeps facing these incredible odds and getting just one more chance. And even when he knows he's running out of strings to pull, he keeps on, because "one more chance" is what his team is supposed to be about anyway.
And then they turn around and not only break their own records by making past the first rounds, they go all the way up and dethrone the undefeated champion of their league for first place. It's no wonder not even they believed they could do it.
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otdiaftg · 11 months
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The Raven King - Chapter Thirteen
Day: Tuesday, November 14th Time: 10:10 AM EST
"Let's talk about the season," Wymack said, because it was his job to keep them moving no matter what tragedy tried to set them back. "I spent most of yesterday talking to the Class I coaches about our situation, starting with Coach Rhemann." Neil dimly recognized the name, but he was too tired to place it. "I've got a conference call with the ERC this afternoon to determine our status," Wymack said. "I don't know which way they're going to swing. Andrew's still enrolled as a student at Palmetto State. Easthaven and the registrar's office agreed this morning to let him finish the semester long- distance. That means he's still contracted with us, so we're within regs. This is a bit more drastic than having him benched with an injury, though. An injury is treatable and calculable. Andrew's current treatment isn't that black-and-white. But," Wymack continued, "Rhemann has taken ourside. He offered to speak on our behalf if need be, and he's helped reach out to the others." Neil finally recognized the name. James Rhemann was the head coach for the USC Trojans, one of the Big Three in NCAA Exy. USC didn't have Edgar Allan's flawless record, but the Trojans were known for their sportsmanship. They'd won the Day Spirit Award seven years straight and had yet to receive a single red-card: an impossible feat considering their long history and their ranking. It made sense Wymack would turn to them for help first. "As of this morning, the vote across the Class I teams is almost unanimous," Wymack said. "They want us to finish the season." "They—what?" Dan almost choked on it. "Why? They've never supported us before." "Does it matter?" Matt asked. "If they'll fight the ERC for us, I'll take it." "It's not a guarantee," Wymack said, holding up a hand to calm them. "The ERC has to listen, but they don't have to accept. I just wanted you to know there's still a chance for us. That means we have to bring it today like the news is already good, get me? So change out and get down to the court. I want one lap for every time you've ever said the NCAA's never had your back." "Oh, Jesus," Nicky said. "We'll be running all day." "Better get started, then," Wymack said. "Move out, maggots."
Art used with permission by ForTheLoveOfExy. Thank you @fortheloveofexy!
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 7 months
We know that Neil had to repress a lot of things from years of being on the run and hiding.
And we've seen what it looks like when he loosens that control just a tiny bit (handing Riko his ass on television, etc).
He only starts drinking after his father's dead.
he'd be the most unhinged creature ever I hope the Foxes record it cause it would be something to behold. Imagine someone with his life skill set, trauma and a lifetime of supressing himself finally have his inhibitions completely obliterated by booze. He'd be a Palmetto State University LEGEND they'd be talking about his drunken escapades for years.
Wymack torn between being happy that Neil let loose and acted like a dumb college kid for once and wanting to murder him for the potential criminal charges and property damage he racked up as a result.
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aftgficrec · 1 year
Anonymous asked: anything around Wymack and Kevin having father son bonding or something like that.
Our fandom loves Dadmack! -A
NB: find the original ask here in this new twinyards bonding post
previous recs for Kevin & Wymack:
Kevin & Wymack 1 here
Kevin & Wymack 2/Kevin with a child here
post canon Kevin & Wymack here 
Wymack raising Kevin here
Kevin & Wymack paternity convo here
‘domestic bliss’ here
‘Somewhere Other Than Here’ here
‘the prince in the raven tower’ here
‘And Then There Was One’ here
‘How You Live On,’ ‘Missed Signs (accepting help),’ and ‘how did i get here’ here
‘A Record of Life,’ ‘Welcome,’ ‘Home,’ A Dad By Any Other Name’ and ‘Those days we rise above the stars’ here
‘Call it new’ here 
‘Searchlights’ here
you may also like:
‘Right Where It Begins’ here
‘The Way We Are’ (completed) here
‘Oh my Queen, we are here again’ (strained relationship) here
‘quicksand’ here
‘lionblood (flowin' through my veins)’ here
‘Made of Stone’ here
‘the name of the game’ here
‘The Cards We're Dealt’ (updated) here
Father’s Day, ‘08 by rekikiri [Rated G, 1717 Words, Complete, 2023]
twenty two years late, kevin finally gets to spend a fathers day with wymack.
tw: implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism
unexpected pride by teddy_writes_not_ted_talks [Rated T, 959 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 1 of Disability Pride Oneshots (etc), NB: part 8 is Wymack-centric 
Kevin Day struggles with staying grounded in a body that doesn't always feels like his. He learns that sometimes all you need to do is ask for help. The first in a series of Disability Pride Month fics.
tw: dissociation, tw: ptsd, tw: implied/referenced abuse
the lovers, the dreamers and me by dayurno [Rated G, 26315 Words, Complete, 2023]
“Coach,” Neil starts, parsing the words in his head to digest them into something more believable. Fortunately, before Neil further makes himself sound insane in front of his father-in-law, the door to Coach Wymack’s office swings open, revealing Andrew with a small child tangled in his legs. Andrew is as blank-faced as always, but the child peers at the room warily, his eyes big and green. Even without words to introduce him, they all know who this is. Coach Wymack audibly sucks in a breath. Alternatively, when the adult Kevin Day regresses in time to his six-year-old self, the Palmetto State Foxes are forced into a state of disarray. It is as the saying goes: it takes a village to raise a child.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: disordered eating
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright by Harmonique [Rated G, 3181 Words, Complete, 2023]
Part 3 of AFTG whump, part 2 here 
Kevin is sick, but it's fine. He's been raised in the Nest, he's not allowed to be weak. He'll be fine. (he won't :) )
tw: vomit, tw: nightmares, tw: implied/referenced abuse
Consequences of Coaching by Bookworm1063 [Rated G, 4812 Words, Complete, 2022]
Sometimes, the line between being an Exy coach and being a parent is very thin indeed. Or, five times Wymack was more father than coach, and one time being a coach had nothing to do with it.
Cats In The Cradle by emmerrr [Rated T, 2019 Words, Complete, 2017, Locked]
“Maybe you should go down there,” Abby says. “Keep him company for a little while.” David takes a long sip of his coffee without breaking eye-contact with Abby. She acts casual, but David knows what she’s getting at. “I’m sure he doesn’t want me getting in the way,” he says. “David,” Abby says gently, then seems to struggle to figure out what she wants to say next. “It’s just — have you spent any time with Kevin alone at all since finding out he was your son?”
an imperfect picture is still just right by belncaz [Rated T, 3784 Words, Complete, 2017]
After Wymack learns Kevin is his son, Kevin leaves to go on vacation with the other Foxes. Here's what I imagine happens on David's end as he grapples with a new part of his identity.
The truth in the dark by KweenKevin [Not Rated, 489 Words, Complete, 2018]
Part 3 of Does that make me crazy?, part 5 here
The truth is this: all Kevin ever learned was Exy, and were he used to play for his mother, he now a new person to play for
let me know what piece i've lost by orphan_account [Rated G, 799 Words, Complete, 2018]
Having a son was a new thing to Wymack. A new, very confusing thing. Kevin was a, and he would say this reluctantly through gritted teeth, fully grown adult.
An Understanding by wesawbears [Rated G, 730 Words, Complete, 2016]
The conversation between Kevin and Wymack when Kevin finally gives him the letter and tells him the truth in The King's Men.
trans Kevin and Dadmack prompt fill by @willowbird [Tumblr Fic, 2023]
Dad’s trip bullet fic by @jeanmoreaudefensesquad [Tumblr, 2022]
Sign language education! Dadmack by @this-is-my-main-i-follow-from [Tumblr, 2021]
wymack getting married and wanting to have another child + kevin’s reaction hc by @gthechangeling [Tumblr, 2020]
Kevin thoughts on his father meta by @robincross [Tumblr, 2017]
let me and Andrew do the talking and My father comes to all of my games art by @rainbowd00dles
endless list of families-david wymack & kevin day edit by @mint-and-memories
They all deserve a different childhood art by @masslowart
#1 Dad and Dadmack art by @nerdzewordart
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offender42085 · 1 year
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Post 1022
Jabe Ira Carney, Florida inmate S15074, born 1983, incarceration intake in April 2008, at age 24, scheduled for release April 2027
Manslaughter, Driving with invalid operators License, Fleeing LEO, Reisting LEO, Possession of Heroin
Jabe Ira Carney has the name of his buddy tattooed on his arm, a permanent reminder of the man killed when Carney lost control of a vehicle in a drunken-driving crash on Interstate 275.
Carney and Jason Michael Gibson were in residential drug rehabilitation in St. Petersburg when they left to go drinking in Manatee County in February 2006. Carney, and a passenger survived the roll-over crash. Gibson died at the scene.
At trial in March 2008, Carney's attorneys tried to convince jurors that Carney was not behind the wheel at the time of the crash. The jury deliberated for nearly six hours. Carney was found guilty of DUI manslaughter.
Carney was sentenced to 25 years in prison for crimes that included DUI manslaughter and fleeing to elude a law enforcement officer. His driver's license will be revoked for the rest of his life. Prosecutors pushed for severe punishment, hoping a long stint behind bars would serve as a deterrent.
Carney's friends and family, including his mother, urged Circuit Judge Janette C. Dunnigan to find compassion and not put Carney away for decades.
Defense attorney Jeffrey C. Young of Sarasota asked Dunnigan to sentence Carney to the bottom of a range of prison sentences -- about 12 years. Young noted that the victim also had been drinking.
The friends and family of Carney explored the tension between rehabilitation and punishment. Locking Carney up for a long time, the supporters said, does nothing to help him solve the drug and alcohol addiction that landed him in jail.
A store surveillance camera recorded Carney getting into the driver's seat hours before the wreck on I-275 north of Palmetto. Carney's blood-alcohol level was 0.111 percent -- above the threshold at which Florida motorists are considered impaired.
"I really messed up this time," Carney reportedly told the Florida Highway Patrol.
Last year, Carney ignored a court order to appear for trial on the manslaughter charge. Carney was arrested after a police chase on Interstate 75. He was in possession of heroin.
Carney said he was trying to evade capture because he was wanted for skipping trial.
Dunnigan found little sympathy for Carney, who was also convicted on a felony-level charge of driving with a suspended license.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
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memories (T), 900 words
Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard
author's note: is it silly? is it angsty? who is to say.
The Palmetto State administration has taken a real interest in the Exy team this year. Neil, who sat through a meeting listening to the school’s leadership decide if his trauma was too problematic for the school’s image, thinks this is pretty rich. But regardless, each player leaves practice the night before their first home game with “swag bags” full of random school spirit items.
When they get back to the dorms — banished by Wymack from returning for night practice — Andrew and Kevin toss theirs toward the trash can. Kevin disappears into the bedroom, and Andrew lights a cigarette by the window. 
Neil sits on the other end of the desk and dumps the contents of his bag between them. There’s an insulated water bottle, boxy looking headphones, a bottle opener, a fox-shaped stress ball, a T-shirt, giant sunglasses, various noisemakers. There’s also some sort of bright orange, tube-shaped instrument. Neil turns it in his hands, noting the mouthpiece and the line of holes along its side.
“A plastic flute?” Neil wonders. 
Andrew snorts. “You’re so uncultured. That looks nothing like a flute.”
Neil raises an eyebrow, and Andrew trades him his cigarette for the instrument. He inspects it for a moment before fitting his fingers over the holes and bringing it to his lips. There’s a harsh whistle, then Andrew readjusts his fingers and plays the melody of Ode to Joy. 
Neil laughs when Andrew finishes and tosses the instrument to his lap, plucking his cigarette out of Neil’s hand. 
“Why do you know how to play that?” Neil asks. 
“If you’d gone to public school, you’d know too,” Andrew says, turning to blow smoke out the window.
“You met me at the public school I attended,” Neil points out, and Andrew shakes his head.
“Elementary school,” Andrew says, and Neil has no argument — he was home-schooled through his upbringing in Baltimore. “Recorders are cheap and simple to learn, and elementary schools are required to provide some kind of music education.”
It’s strange to imagine Andrew at that age. Andrew does not talk about his childhood, so Neil doesn’t know much. He’s hit with a wave of desperation, though — he wants to know what Andrew was like twelve, ten, five years ago. He wants to know what formed the man in front of him. He wants to make sure there were some bright spots — he can’t stand the thought that Andrew would have no good memories at all from growing up. Even Neil has some good memories.
“That sounds… fun,” Neil tries. Andrew shrugs, shifting his gaze to the windows, and Neil thinks that’s that. He’s working on shoving his burning curiosity down when Andrew sighs.
“My fourth grade class played the national anthem at an Oakland Athletics game,” he says. “We were terrible.”
“You sounded pretty good,” Neil says, poking Andrew’s knee with the recorder. 
“I couldn’t carry them all.”
“Seems familiar,” Neil says. “So you’ve always been effortlessly good at everything you do?”
Andrew shoots Neil a look. “Not this. I practiced.”
Neil stills at the significance of this admission — at the vision of a young Andrew who cared about something enough to try. It’s an effort to keep the turmoil stirring in his chest off his face.  Andrew studies him for a moment, then takes another drag of his cigarette and looks out the window. 
“My foster parents at the time worked a lot, so it was just me and this other kid at the house most of the time. She was a few years younger than me. I made a deal with her that if she stopped trying to steal my recorder, I’d play for her every night before bed.”
Andrew’s voice is flat, his face blank, but there’s a distant look in his eyes. Neil waits to see if Andrew will continue, but instead he stubs out his cigarette and slams the window shut. 
Neil pokes Andrew with the instrument again, this time at his shoulder. Andrew narrows his eyes at him. 
“Play another song?” Neil asks. 
“There are better things I could be doing with my mouth.”
Neil’s pulse jumps at that, but he tamps it down for later. “I liked listening to you play.”
“I only know Ode to Joy and the Star-Spangled Banner,” Andrew says. “Are you feeling patriotic?"
“I could muster the spirit,” Neil says. 
Andrew rolls his eyes, but his lips twitch. He swipes the recorder out of Neil’s hands and brings it to his mouth, closing his eyes. 
As he plays, Neil tries to imagine it: Andrew, but smaller. Softer. Already introduced to humanity’s worst, but not yet conquered by it. He imagines this Andrew closing his eyes and playing on a baseball field surrounded by other children, or at the foot of a younger girl’s bed. 
Andrew finishes the song, then chucks the recorder vaguely in the direction of a bean bag chair. He frowns when he meets Neil’s eyes.
“Stop that,” Andrew says, gesturing to Neil’s face.  
Neil tamps down on a smile and shrugs. “I’m just proud to be an American.”
Andrew swings his legs over Neil’s pile of treasures and hops off the desk. Neil assumes Andrew has reached his limit for the night, but he feels a tug on the sleeve of his sweatshirt. He lets Andrew guide him into the bathroom. His fingers stay gripped in Neil’s shirt as he turns on the shower — he uses that grip to push Neil back against the counter as the water warms up. 
“I hate you,” Andrew whispers, then pulls Neil down into a kiss. 
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