#Pamela Bowie
omg-hellgirl · 4 months
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CRIMINAL MINDS — S4E02: The Angel Maker.
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Films Watched in 2023: 64. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) - Dir. David Lynch
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) David Lynch
June 11th 2023
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lilaceas · 1 year
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possibly-god · 8 months
Camp Counselor Angel
My pitch for bringing Sleepaway Camp (1983) into Camp Counselor Jason - full credit to @junkmix/@junkmixart for the universe
(Because CCJ is comfort media for me, and considering how much Sleepaway Camp is derivative of Friday the 13th, it felt natural to bring them together)
Background: Rather than being written off, Officer Frank presses to have creepy camp cook Artie's "accident" properly investigated. The revelations of said investigation lead to the shutdown of Camp Arawak, and the removal of "Angela" Baker from Martha Thomas' custody, being returned to their father's partner Lenny. Five years and much soul-searching later, 18-year-old Angel Baker (he/she/they/any) and his cousin Ricky seek to confront some trauma and apply as counselors at Camp Crystal Lake.
Angel: Angel acts as an activities leader (she's a crack shot on the archery range and leads a damn good sing-along, though he still tends to avoid water activities due to trauma and dysphoria), soft-spoken, witty, and disciplined while providing a listening ear and outspoken voice for ostracized campers. The kids don't always understand their identity situation at first (Angel's not always sure he understands it herself), but generally come around as kids do to new ideas ("Are you a boy or a girl?" "I'm whatever I want to be."). While exploring said identity, he discovered the many gender-bending musical artists of the times (Bowie, Prince, Queen, etc.) and developed a love of music. They still carry a bit of a torch for Paul, staying in touch after their short stay together at Arawak, but lacks confidence that those feelings could ever be reciprocated. Pamela is a steadfast supporter and good influence for Angel, vocally condemning his prior abuse and encouraging their self-expression and -advocacy. Angel has a bit of a competitive streak (feeling in some way she needs to "prove herself"), and has a friendly rivalry with Jason as he seeks to challenge his "Counselor of the Week" streak. No matter how fierce the competition gets, though, Jason is always there to help pull Angel back out when she starts going back in her shell.
Ricky: Ricky manages one of the boys' cabins, leading them in baseball games and prank raids while making sure the fun never goes too far at someone's expense. He's distanced himself from his mother since learning of her abuse of Angel, moving in with them and Lenny the year prior, and is a little confused but has the spirit supporting his cousin's identity (he's definitely the type to pull a "his pronouns are they/them!"). He still has a fair but to unlearn about masculinity, but just being around Jason (sweet beefcake that he is) is causing some notable improvement. He's also still foul-mouthed ("Watch your goddamn language, you little shits!"), and still unlucky in love, flirting with Carrie and Laurie to no avail. He's also maintained his friendship with Paul, and tacitly encourages his and Angel's budding whatever-it-is.
Stuff that could happen:
Angel making "the face" into a flashlight while telling ghost stories
Artie and Mel seeking revenge for their injuries and the closure of Arawak (possibly a guest appearance from Meg realizing what a bullet she dodged in this timeline)
Aunt Martha applying to Camp Crystal Lake as a nurse, trying to worm her way back into "her babies'" lives
Judy redemption arc
(Am I being massively optimistic about queer acceptance in the 80s? Absolutely, but isn't optimism kind of the point of this whole affair?)
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itsmejolie · 24 days
(hey this might be ooc but wtv)
say jolie if i were to persuade a friend of yours to start an ask blog, are you worried they might act a little off
(aka i want to start one for pamela or mayo man (elijah) but idk if it’s gonna be super ooc and im lowkey scared 😀👍)
ooc: bro u remind me of cherry hair, so super Bowie on Pinterest
anyway, it would be wonderful if any more of my friends made ask blogs so go for it!
my opinion? even if it's ooc it's fine and we're really just here to have fun :)
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vezzipuss · 1 year
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David Bowie, Pete Townsend & Pamela Stevenson, Circa 87 🙌
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sanctaignorantia · 1 year
I come to bring a compilation of information and yes all at once. The things here I took from old interviews so a lot could have changed throughout Luke's life (or not hehe) and other things are just my conclusions without confirmation (based on my searches on the internet).
Luke is a fun and intelligent person, a nerd full of charisma and style, loaded with the best British style he could have, a cigarette in one hand, a drink in the other, a smile and beautiful hazel eyes.
I hope you enjoy it because there are things about him that make me smile. :)
-> Luke Brandon Field (Luke Shoefield) was born on March 21, 1988 in Paddington which is a region in the City of Westminster, London, England.
-> His height is 1,83 m
-> He currently lives alone in an apartment in Los Angeles.
-> He is the son of Gary Shoefield and (probably and without confirmation) of Sharon Lorraine Price.
-> Luke is from a Jewish family. He grew up in a relatively Jewish neighborhood.
Here are some links about him:
IMDb | United Agents
Facebook 1 | 2
Twitter | Instagram | Spotify
-> Luke has as friends Daniel Sharman, Ian Bohen, Taika Waititi, Pamela Francesca and among others that I wouldn't know how to name, but to know more just visit his instagram. On his facebook there are very old and funny photos from the time when he studied. On instagram there are several pictures of him with his friends, his father and work. He was always fun and funny.
-> His name Luke is after Luke Goss, member of the English boyband Bros.
-> Luke's taste in music was influenced by his father from an early age, he was a fan of Glam Rock, Punk Rock and 70's Pop.
-> He is a fan of bands and musicians like Nico, David Bowie, Elvis, The Clash, Sweet, The Strokes, Lou Reed, T. Rex and others.
-> He has a band with Camila Gray called ROGUES.
-> Luke is an Arsenal fan.
-> Luke's godfather is an actor too and influenced him.
-> His favorite drink is Canadian Club.
-> Her idols are her father (Gary Shoefield) and Oliver Reed.
-> He went to drama school in New York when he was 18-19 years old (circa 2006) and had to live independently for the first time.
-> He went to Los Angeles in 2008.
-> Became the first person in England to be accepted by UCLA to study Drama & Film.
-> His first appearance in a film was in 2006 in 'Alien Autopsy'.
-> His first starring role was in 'Where the Road Meets the Sun' (2011) and here Luke won the Best Actor award at the Los Angeles Asian Film Festival.
-> He once said:
"I'd love to do a film set in the swinging 60's, a Michael Cane type role or a lower east side punk in 1970s New York. That would be fun."
-> He dreams of working one day with Woody Allen and Tom Hanks.
-> He grew up surrounded by Punk Rock, his home as a child was "two doors down where Marc Bolan lived".
Marc Bolan was an English musician, singer and songwriter. He was one of the pioneers of the glam rock movement in the early 1970s with his band T. Rex. (wikipedia) But Marc passed away in 1977 and Luke was born in 1988, but his mother was Marc's neighbor and grew up there in the 70s.
-> On the same street lived Paul McCartney.
-> At the age of 5-6 he was visited by Brian Connolly.
Brian Francis Connolly was a Scottish musician, best known as the lead singer of the British glam rock band Sweet.(wikipedia)
-> His father at that time (around 1994) was The Sweet's agent.
-> Luke's first show was when he was 6 years old with Gary Glitter and met him.
-> Luke was teased at school for being a David Bowie fan because everyone said he was too gay.
-> Luke has Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1973) as his favorite David Bowie album.
-> He was writing a book about Nico (originally it was going to be a screenplay).
Christa Päffgen was a German singer, songwriter, model and actress, better known by the pseudonym Nico.(wikipedia) And I couldn't find any other information about this, the interview I took this part from is 2016.
-> Luke describes Nico as "German goddess with an unusual voice".
-> When asked which song he would like played at his funeral, he replies: 'Afraid' by Nico or 'London Is The Place For Me' by Lord Kitchener (Aldwyn Roberts).
-> When asked if he would have a theme song he replies that it would be Reptilia from The Strokes.
-> He agrees that he looks like a vampire and that even people comment on it.
-> He says his reference for vampires is Bram Stoker.
-> When asked which he would prefer: Buffy or Angel, he answers Buffy. (All this part about vampires is from an interview for Muse by CLIO, where he talks about Lestat too.)
-> Luke's father worked in the entertainment business for 40 years, music, film, TV, aliens and holograms. Luke grew up with it so he frequented many studios and labels and was always on set or surrounded by notable actors or people.
-> In school he liked Shakespeare and musicals.
-> He would be a lawyer if he wasn't an actor, but he doesn't think it would suit him.
-> He returned to London after university and discovered a documentary that talked about fighting the remaining nazis that existed in London and this sparked his interest in their culture and religion. He spent a year and a half doing research and investigating, he discovered that his neighbor across the street (who was 91 years old) was part of this anti-nazi group and that even his late grandfather participated. He was greatly influenced by this story and it helped him rediscover his Jewish identity and feel comfortable with his culture.
-> Luke is not orthodox. When asked if all this helped him find a path to his religion, he replies:
"Exactly. I mean, I'm not Orthodox. But I feel peace of mind, a sense of... I've now found where I belong in some way. I'm sure it'll probably change in a year, but I feel good about it now."
-> He is the only member of his acting class from 9 years ago who managed to make a living out of it. He says:
"We've all come close, we've all been rejected. We all work hard. Nine times out of 10 you'll get losses, so it is for the thick-skinned. If you're not living, breathing, smoking it each day, it's not for you. I'm the only person in my acting class from nine years ago who makes a living out of this. If someone came to me at 16 and was like, "I want to act," I 'd be like, "Do it now. If it doesn't work out within two or three years, do something else you enjoy. Or find something to do and if you want to do it on the side, then great. Because if you put too much emphasis on it, it will hurt you."
-> Luke's father also lives in LA. Luke wants to stay close to his friends and family. He says:
"My dad lives in L.A.; he's my best friend. I step out of line, he'll tell me immediately. And I've got good friends."
"I don't think I could ever get to that place because my friends, my family, are the most important, the most constant, things in my life. Apart from my football team, of course."
(when he says my football team he means Arsenal because he's a fan.)
-> Luke likes to be professional (and very responsible) when it comes to money. He says:
"As an actor, I'm a professional. As a friend, I'm a professional. I'm there to do my job. But I also need to be professional about money. Obviously you have an accountant, but you need to do your own checks and balances. Otherwise you can get into a lot of trouble."
-> Luke is a person who runs after opportunities, who creates them without waiting for them to knock on his door. He says:
"Because you can't wait for opportunities. You've got to do it yourself. Like how I found out about that story that moved me about Judaism. What did I do? I decided to do research, write and get it into the public. And I sold it to the BBC. I'm not saying it will get made or that I'll be in it, but at least I feel like I have some control over my artistic destiny, rather than waiting for a manager or an agent to tell me there's an audition next week, or I might get this role. I think it's the same in any artistic pursuit. In music, you make a song, you try and produce it, you get friends to do it, you put it up on Spotify. If you want to do advertising, you come up with several ideas, then go to the agencies and pitch them. See if you can make that difference. I don't really feel like opportunities come too often. You gotta make your own."
-> During the pandemic (in 2020) he:
read Brian Southall's Sex Pistols: 90 Days at EMI;
when asked what he was watching he replies:
"Just started The Spy on Netflix, which is very watchable. Started off in isolation watching the mandatory Love Is Blind and Tiger King, but have delved into my Criterion Collection subscription. Just finished watching Betty Blue—a masterpiece!"
*And here I open a parenthesis to talk about the day he and Assad posted about Betty Blue on instagram. Luke had already watched the film in 2020 and then became a fan. On the day in question he thanks a friend for the movie poster. Luke has a collection of posters in his apartment.
practiced 120 push-ups on a machine he successfully set up;
his hobbies (during the pandemic so I don't know if he still does) was learning to cook and learning Welsh.
-> When asked what was the best work email he received during the pandemic, he replies:
"Happy Birthday, you throw the best bday parties, this must really suck for you... hahaha."
-> Luke would like to play villains, he says:
"It's interesting that the bad guy don't think they are bad."
I hope you enjoyed this short summary of who Luke Brandon Field is and I hope from the bottom of my heart that he gets everything he ever dreamed of and deserves because he truly is an amazing person.
sources: models1 | ECFS | Please Kill Me | Muse by Clio\ 2 | PressReader | BCB CHAT EP 6
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
I feel like you're the person to go to with this question so I'mma ask you: how do you dress groovy? I cannot for the life of me find any vintage-looking clothes anywhere and I have no idea how to look hippie-ish. Any ideas?
hii dear!! yes i'm definitely very passionate about groovy fashion 🥰
first of all, i apologise if this took a while but i had to research a few things in order to be as accurate as possible 🤍
i started dressing 60s and 70s five years ago and it was a bit hard for me too at first!
this is my advice:
look to your wardrobe first. find a few pieces that remind you of that era and start building your outfits from what you already have
ask your parents and grandparents if they have something specifically from that era or that might resemble that style
shop in thrift stores near where you live and these online stores:
invest in a few pieces that you feel might go with everything and slowly start to build your wardrobe from those.
where to take the inspiration?
what you should know when dressing 60s and 70s is there are three main trends you can take inspo from during both decades:
- the early 60s were largely a continuation of the conservative elegance of the 50s
- the mid 60s were defined by mod style and futuristic designs inspired by space exploration
- in the late 60s, fashion was all about the hippie and bohemian look and diy clothes
more info on 60s fashion here and here
- in the early 70s we have a continuation of what was trendy in the late 60s, so the hippie and bohemian look + diy clothes
- in the mid 70s punk fashion and hippie/bohemian fashion are prevalent
- in the late 70s we have a mix of disco, punk and hippie fashions (the latter of which was slowly dying out by this point)
more info on 70s fashion here and here
pick the style that most resonates with you, or mix them all up if you desire! remember that 60s and 70s fashion is all about youth, rebellion and self-expression: you can basically do what you want and what feels more like you.
if you want, you can buy a few vintage accessories (big sunglasses, rings, beads, bracelets, patches etc.) and use them to give some additional ✨spice✨ to each outfit!
remember that just like nowadays, back then not everyone was famous and rich - even though regular people used to get inspired by the celebrities of the time, usually outfits were pretty simple, so you don't have to go out dressed like elton john all the time, lol. stick to a few accessories that you really like and if you're feeling a little extra add more accessories and/or layers of clothing.
find a few style inspirations, like models, musicians and actors, and copy their looks.
here are the ones i take most of my inspo from:
- brian jones
- jimi hendrix
- jimmy page
- david bowie
- pamela des barres and the gto's
- the fool (design collective)
- george harrison
- rod stewart
- marianne faithfull
- syd barrett
- eric clapton
- stevie nicks
- kate bush
- vali myers
- john entwistle
- bebe buell
- agnetha fältskog
- anita pallenberg
- brian connolly
- brian eno
- cass elliot
- cherie currie
- david johansen
- jenny boyd
- nancy spungen
- neil young
- todd rundgren
- colleen corby
androgyny is a big part of groovy style so don't be afraid of taking inspo from male celebrities!!
you don't need a lot of money to dress like a hippie! remember that hippie fashion is all about abolishing consumerism and uplifting individual taste, so spending too much money to achieve that style is pointless :) people in the 60s and 70s LOVED thrift stores and finding older pieces to add to their wardrobes as opposed to buying pricy designer clothes.
jimmy page owned a 75-year-old coat in 1966 and pamela des barres was very much into 1920's fashion in the late 60's!!
this is all, i hope i was of help ❤️ sending all my love and encouragement to start your groovy fashion journey 🌺🍄
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sophiesophsofia · 10 months
What your favourite Irisia character says about you_part1
Violet - You choose the main character as it's the savest option (maybe a lil bit overated, but it's still a nice one)
Amber - She may be not everyones favourite, but she's yours and you're totally chill about it
Bluey / Forest / Bowie - Oh, you're cool, I like you
Twilight - Is she your favourite one, becouse she's well-written and interesting character or you just simp her ?
Pamela / Miguael - You're the one of classics
Veronica - Your social security number is 2
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sunsetdaydreamer · 1 year
Did anybody ask for this? No. Do I care? Also no.
People I am kind of obsessed with right now: an ongoing list
Jim Morrison
Phil Lewis
Pattie Boyd
Janis Joplin
Brent Muscat
David Bowie
Pamela Anderson
Mike Patton
Gerry Laffy
Joe Elliott
Johnny Depp
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stylecouncil · 2 years
was gonna say something about how it’s interesting how almost every single rock star in the 70s participated in that exact same groupie scene (like about 15 different scenes in pamela des barres book alone come to mind) and yet bowie is the only one who constantly gets called a pedo over it. almost like we as a society have a history of vilifying gay and bisexual men as predators. hmmmm. well I didn’t say anything.
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veale2006-blog · 20 days
Executive Order 13818 — Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
You are witnessing the death of the Pedo Elites and their twisted lifestyles. The false idols of the world are falling. It’s finally happening.
Celebrity homes for sale:
Ellen Degeneres, Johnny Depp, Mathew Perry, Eli Manning, Kat Von D, Shia Lebeouf, The Hemsworth brothers, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Brittany Snow, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Cindy Crawford and Rand Gerber, Gene Simmons, Bella Thorne, Tom Cruise, George Strait, Emily Blunt, Alonzo Mourning, Jemima Kirke, Kevin Jonas, Chelsea Handler, John McEnroe, Tommy Lee, Jason Derulo, Alicia Keys, Frankie Muniz, Keith Richards, Lil Wayne, Peter Thiel, Pharrell Williams, Loris Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, Rosie O’Donnell, Kellie Clarkson, Cheryl Tieg, Joe Pesci, Suzanne Somers, Adam Lambert, Meghan Markle, Sean Diddy Combs, Billy Joel, Gary Levinsohn, Dr Phil, Barry Manilow, Mel Gibson, Diane Keaton, 50 Cent, Heidi Klum, Ryan Seacrest, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Jennifer Aniston, Katharine Hepburn, Christie Brinkley, Nicholas Cage, Ricky Martin, Angelica Huston, Charlie Sheen, Burt Reynolds, Emilia Clarke, J.Lo & Alex Rodriguez, Simon Cowell, Kris Jenner, Jeffree Star, Gordon Ramsay, Jason Aldean, Pamela Anderson, Jerry Seinfeld, Jimmy Fallon, Dave Ramsey, Jon Bon Jovi, LeBron James, Matt Damon, J.J. Abrams, Sugar Ray Leonard, Ellen Degeneres, Sylvester Stallone, David Bowie, Clay Mathews, Michelle Pfiefer, David E Kelley, Shonda Rhimes, Rihanna, Pete Townshend, Britney Spears, Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner, Robert Redford, Steve McQueen, Shaquille ONeil, Glen Frey, Sammy Hagar, Stockard Channing, Michael Chiklis, Tom Petty, Serena Williams, Bill Russell, Kathryn Bigelow, Don Rickles, Bruce Kovner, Adam Neumann, Leonardo DiCaprio, Barb Ellison, Alicia Keys & Swizz Beatz, Kate Beckinsale, Robert Herjavic, Josh and Heather Altman , Soleil Moon Frye, Jim Harbaugh, Anthony Kiedis, Fredrik Eklund, Meghan Trainor, Gideon Yu, Hellen Miren, Taylor Hackford, Bette Midler, Todd Phillips, Mitt Romney, Dianne Feinstein, Miley Cyrus, Kelly Clarkson, A-Rod, Bobby Patton-LA dodgers co owner, Dwyane Wade & Gabrielle Union, Michael Amini, B-52 Kate Pierson, Bill Guthy, Victoria Jackson, Will Arnett, Zac Efron, Wayne Gretzky, Katy Perry, Derek Jeter, Mike Piazza, Shane Smith, Bryon Cranston, DJ Khaled, Leonard Ross, Ted Sarandos- Netflix co Ceo, Dustin Johnson, John Fogerty, Melissa Rivers, Jamie Lynn Sigler, Lena Dunham, Lyndsey Vonn, PK Subban, Robyne Moore
Cara and Poppy Delevingne, Big Sean, Steph Curry, Chris Bosh, Phil Collins, Liam Payne, Bryan Singer, Tom Ford, Robby Naish, Tom Brady & Giselle Bundchen, Anthony Davis, Emilia Clarke, Clare Bronfmsn-Seagrams heiress with ties to Nxivm, Jane Fonda, Carmen Electra, Morgan Moses, Bobby Cox, Danny Masterson, Evander Kane, Kate Winslet, Mark Teixeira, Jonah Hill, Judd Hirsch, Carlos Santana, Kennet Chesney, Brooke Shields.
G. Serpent symbolism is all over the catholic religion. In St. Peter’s Basilica in the vatican the pope literally sits in the mouth of a serpent as the tongue and preaches deception.The Druze bloodline of Jesus are the descendants of “Jethro” ,The Priest of Midian in The Bible & “Torah” (Exodus 2:18).
The 16th President Of The United States of America “Abraham Lincoln” descend from The Kahlooni family.
To Governments around the world, WE THE PEOPLE have a message for you;
For too long you have kept us at bay, indoctrinated and asleep, silenced and used but those times are over!
You have used our labor to enrich yourselves at our expense.
You have lied to us constantly through MSM to further ur personal agenda of global dominance.
You have sacrificed us in wars to for personal gain.
You have poisoned us to keep us dependent upon Big pharma
You have thrusted satanic idolatry to affect our future generations
You have played with innocent lives for too long, that ends now!
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The baby groupie
Let’s talk about early nineteen seventies to mid 1970s, rock ‘n’ roll and the Sun strip, when things were a bit different, let’s say to say at least anyway, groupies have always been a thing ever since there were musicians they were groupies no matter how high-level or low level the band were, So to be….. now in the 70s there was a phenomenon of what they called the baby groupies and the queen of the groupies which some of these women claimed to have held the title to, this is what Cameron crows film made in famous with based on Beene buell, live Tyler‘s mother, Stephen Tyler‘s daughter she got lied to do about her paternity but she still pictures of this man and she saw Steven Tyler just like him, and she knows I know she knows, Pamela Des bar, was 19/20 around this time, so when this phenomenon came along, she was considered old compared to these🕰️, these girls, some of them are fully grown women which was a disgrace😞Julia holy comb, these girls were 12 1314 at the most, and Iggy Pop even in his 96 song bragged sleeping with Sable when she was 13 I got with Sable when she was 13 her parents were too rich to do anything about it, or even care day then one day New York doll carried away, in which she began a very abusive relationship on his part, would like to question Debbie Harry because she was hanging around with all these girls such as Nancy Sable and Laurie when she was at the very least 10 years older maybe more like 15 so they were doing debauchery things with these girls , Maddox many years later said that she do it all again but the thing is she can actually consent because it’s statutory then I guess that’s in a weird way. I guess it’s okay but it’s not on the part part like I said when eggy pot rates stay away in 96 many decades later it’s like he even gave a shit, Sable isn’t with us anymore, I think she might have died of cancer in Vegas. I don’t know what she was doing. I would have loved to have the last years of our life. I’ve tried to look everywhere. I can’t find anything I can find the baby had to have started somewhere, I’m gonna do some, web research and find out where it all came apart Led Zeppelin dead especially Jimmy page a lot of the parents handed over guardianship and got paid for it so they were illegally taking these women. I mean girls across state lines which was illegal or they would leave them in their hotel rooms one of the girls, I can’t remember if it was sable or lorry said they lost their virginity to David Bowie and a threesome when they were 12 or 13 but these rockstars seem to get away with it if there is someone like Epstein it wouldn’t be the case or Weinstein because they rockstars is kind of seen as cool and Nikita, another one he did it book. scar tissue so where do we draw the line? Why do these rockers get away with it? Cause it’s so cool man rape is rape. You can dress up as much as you like a is a spade is a spade.
Also, and entry lawyer talks about this, some of the rockstars weren’t attracted to sables elder sister I think it was Queenie. I think she’s in one of the pictures. I don’t know which one is it’s hard to tell but Sable is the one with Debbie Harry. Oh no not in this picture. she is pictured with Jimmy funders of the New York dolls, poor Nancy got abused with she was only 21 when she died so can you imagine what she went through?
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inforhits · 3 months
Potret Pamela Bowie Melahirkan Anak Pertama, Berjuang Seminggu
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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Ambassador Dr. Pamela E. Bridgewater (born April 14, 1947) was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia. She earned a BA in Political Science from Virginia State University and an MA in Political Science from the University of Cincinnati. She taught Political Science at Bowie State University, Morgan State University, and Voorhees College while completing Ph.D. coursework through the American University School of International Service. She received an honorary Doctor of Law degree from both the University of Cincinnati and Virginia State University, as well as an honorary Doctor of Public Service award from Morgan State University in recognition of her many years of foreign policy work within the US Department of State.
She joined the US Foreign Service in 1980, serving as an analyst and diplomat in the Bureau of European Affairs, the Bureau of Oceans and Environmental Affairs, and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. She was appointed to serve as a political officer in South Africa, then undergoing a transition away from apartheid. She was not only the first African American woman to be appointed to the region but she was the longest-serving American diplomat in South Africa. She became Consul General in Durban, South Africa, working closely with Nelson Mandela until she was posted to Nassau as Deputy Chief of Mission.
After completing a term in the State Department’s Senior Seminar, created to train foreign policy experts, she served as Ambassador to Benin. She was appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. She worked as the State Department’s Special Coordinator for Peace in Liberia which was undergoing a second civil war. She led efforts to establish peaceful elections. She served as diplomat-in-residence at Howard University before taking an appointment as Ambassador to Ghana and as Ambassador to Jamaica.
She received two Presidential Meritorious Service Awards, the Department of State’s Superior Honor Award and the Secretary of State’s Career Achievement Award, among other public recognition. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #deltasigmatheta
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