#Parents!Klaine my beloveds
cerriddwenluna · 2 years
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel (5/24)
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel
This diary belongs to Kurt E. Hummel.
Please do not read this without my express permission. (Yes, that includes you, Finn.)
Have you always wanted to find out what Kurt writes in his diary? Now is your chance! But, ssssht! Don't tell Kurt we stole it... ;)
Read chapter 5 now, below the cut and also on AO3 and S&C!
Read from the beginning
UPDATE: Now also with art under the cut!
Dear Journal, 
Today, I became a father.
Rachel had been having a lot of false alarms in the past week, so when I got the call, the news did not immediately sink in. We've had everything ready to go for weeks, of course, so I hung up with Jesse and called Blaine back from his traditional Saturday brunch date with Sam. 
Oh god. I don't even have words to describe how nervous and excited we were.
Labour took fairly long, as was to be expected with a first time delivery, but Rachel was a goddess (even if my hand and ears will never be the same again). 
She's just… She's perfect. The prettiest baby I've ever seen. Ten perfect little toes, and ten surprisingly strong little fingers, with two of the most gorgeous oval shaped eyes set in the most perfect little face. 
She already seems to have inherited Blaine's wild curls, and I can only hope she'll get his beautiful hazel eye colour as well. 
We've decided to name her Elizabeth Morgan Hummel-Anderson, or Ellie for short. 
Elliot likes to tease that we named her after him, which I will deny till the day I die, but it does make me love the goof even more when I see how excited he is to meet his favourite niece and 'namesake'. 
Thanks to the bet I lost with Blaine, he got to pick the middle name. I was worried he'd go for Leia or Lois, or something super geeky like Neytiri. Morgan is still a nerd reference, but at least it's a pretty one that I can live with. We certainly love her more than 3000.
Blaine is currently hogging Ellie, and they look so beautiful right now. He is softly singing her to sleep as they sway in the moonlight streaming through the nursery window. 
I can't remember ever feeling as happy as I do now. 
Best. Day. Ever.
~ Kurt
Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 6
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wowbright · 2 years
Fic: Enough
Klaine Valentine’s Challenge 2023: “You're the Best Thing” by The Style Council (Day 5 prompt)
Words: ~2,825 words
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Kurt wants to know why Blaine arranged dinner with the lesbians.
I’m back with more vignettes from my Mormon!Klaine universe for Klaine Valentines 2023! This vignette takes place right after yesterday’s One Body. Mutual pining, and Kurt thinks Blaine is straight. Kinda angsty but also a little comfort maybe?
My Mormon!Klaine Masterpost.
Notes: Jana and Liesl are Jan the jeweler and Liz her partner from 4.22 “All or Nothing.”
“Thank you for coming over,” Liesl said as they stood at the front doorway getting ready to leave. She reached out and put a hand on each of the elders, giving their forearms a little squeeze. The touch was technically against the rules, but so was the rest of the evening. Kurt wasn’t going to say anything. “I'm sure you're supposed to spend your time with people who are more likely to convert, but it really was a delight. I haven't talked about religion like that since I was probably your age, staying up until three in the morning with my friends and pondering the big questions in life. You two remind me of my younger self, in some ways. Yes, I know that makes no sense coming from an old German, Catholic lesbian. But please. Stay in touch. I want to see where your lives lead you.”
Jana crooked her hand around Kurt’s upper arm and leaned toward his ear. “I hope you’ll forgive me if I came on too strong. I'm terribly stubborn. Liesel can tell you. It's a fault as much as it is a blessing.”
Kurt turned toward her. The warmth of her smile lit up the evening. She was a paradox that way. She poked and prodded at long-covered wounds, awakening pain that Kurt had become adept at ignoring. But there was a goodness to her, a kindness, that shone through. She understood his injuries and wanted to mend them. But just as a doctor couldn't cure every patient, her understanding couldn't heal him. “Don't worry about it,” he said. “I’m just as stubborn.”
“I know,” she smiled wistfully and then, to his utter surprise and in a very unGerman fashion, hugged him.
She didn't feel like his mother. His mother had always been bigger than him. She didn't feel like his mother's mother, either. But her embrace felt familiar in a way he couldn't explain. Maybe Blaine was right. Maybe somewhere deep inside, we really could remember the friends we had made in the pre-existence.
Blaine was out of words. He'd used so many of them over dinner, and held so many back, and he was still holding words back now, because Liesl and Jana, who had been so easy to talk to, were behind them. And Kurt, who was usually the easiest to talk to but tonight felt impossible to talk to, was next to him.
Blaine was angry. He was hurt. Because he’s straight and it doesn’t personally affect him.
It wasn't true. It wasn't true at all. Kurt just kept assuming he was straight. And part of that was Blaine’s fault. But it wasn't all Blaine’s fault. Blaine had never said anything about falling in love with girls, or thinking they were sexy, or even wanting to marry one. Had he assumed he would? Yes. But he’d never claimed to want it.
And it should be obvious. How could it not be patently obvious? Kurt was everything to Blaine. His love meant more than anything. The church, his parents, his granddad, his bishop, the apostles and prophets—their opinions and judgments no longer mattered. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall join with his beloved: and they shall be one flesh.
That's what Blaine wanted. To be one with Kurt.
Blaine said it and said it, but Kurt never heard. I love you at the end of their morning prayers. I love you when they went to bed at night. I love you at random moments, when Kurt filled him with delight. I love you when Kurt cried. I love you more than you know. I love you more than anything. I love you. I love you. I love you.
There had been a moment at dinner, when Jana and Liesl had been talking about being young and in love—when you’ve met the right person, you know—and Kurt’s eyes met his, and for a moment, Blaine could've sworn Kurt knew how he felt, and felt the same way.
But then the moment was gone, and Blaine wasn't sure anymore.
Blaine might have the air of a Disney Prince. But that didn't mean Kurt was in love with him. It didn't mean Blaine was worth abandoning dreams of the Celestial Kingdom over.
“You're awfully quiet,” Kurt said when they were several blocks away from Liesl and Jana's house, having gone right past the bus stop in silent agreement that tonight was a night for walking.
“You are, too,” Blaine said.
Kurt didn't answer. He looked ahead. The sun was setting behind them. In front of them, the clouds were a steely gray.
Are you running toward life in service to the church, or are you running away from life outside?
Jana’s words kept repeating in Kurt’s head. Why had he come on this mission? His dad didn't expect it of him. His bishop had recommended it, of course; but after Finn died, he'd said they could delay it. He could stay in Lima and help out his parents for a little longer. There was no hurry. It could happen in God’s time.
But there had been a hurry for Kurt. He’d needed out of Lima. He’d needed to stop being so sad. And how could he stop being sad when everything reminded him of his family's loss? He didn't want to drive past McKinley High and see that accursed practice field out of the corner of his eye. He didn't want to run into his friends from the glee club, because they either talked about Finn or they didn't talk about Finn, and when they didn't talk about Finn, his memory loomed even more than when they did. He didn't want to walk past Finn's bedroom. He didn't want to go through Finn's stuff.
And he had planned for a mission, anyway. Ever since he'd been a little kid, he had dreamed about becoming a missionary. About spreading the gospel and Jesus’s love.
Also, it was expected of him. Heavenly Father expected him to go on a mission. It was necessary for Kurt’s refinement. Kurt had held no illusions that it would make him not gay. But he’d hoped it would make him holier. Maybe sacrificing two years of his life—never wearing anything interesting or dancing alone in his bedroom to loud showtunes or spending hours going through fashion magazines and redesigning the clothes he found in their pages—maybe that would teach him to sacrifice in other ways. If he could learn to live without the things that made life sparkle, then maybe he could learn to live without the hope of ever falling in love. He could adjust to what the Plan of Salvation offered him. He could stay celibate for a lifetime, earning himself a a wife and family and worlds without end in the afterlife. Or maybe he would develop the strength to marry Mercedes, if she converted, or someone like her—someone who understood him and made him laugh, someone he respected and loved. It wouldn't be like falling, but it would be good enough. Their children would make up for what their marriage lacked. Each day would be a struggle, but there would be rewards along the way.
Are you running toward life in service to the church, or are you running away from life outside?
It was easy for Jana to say. She had a life outside her convent. She had someone who loved her. Someone she could make a life with.
Kurt didn't. It felt that way, so often, with Blaine. But it wasn't real. When Kurt’s mission was over, he would go home, and Blaine would—well, maybe Blaine wouldn't forget him, but Blaine would love his next companion just as much. Blaine would keep on loving his companions and being patient with them and being kind to them, a perfect practice for loving the wife he would eventually be sealed to.
And sure. Maybe Kurt could find someone else. Someone gay who thought Kurt was smart and funny and kind and noble. Someone who found him attractive, who wanted to do more than just hold hands and hug in a brotherly fashion.
But Kurt didn’t want ‘someone.’ He wanted Blaine.
Kurt couldn't leave the church behind for a person who might exist, somewhere, maybe. He could leave it for Blaine. In a heartbeat, he would leave it for Blaine. Unlike what apparently existed in Catholicism, there was no room in Mormonism for that kind of love. You couldn't stay in the church as an unrepentant sinner. You had to make a choice between the language of your birth and the language of your heart.
But without Blaine? The church was the only language left that Kurt spoke fluently.
Are you running toward life in service to the church, or are you running away from life outside?
Kurt broke the silence again a kilometer or two into their walk, as they crossed the Danube. The usually green waters looked gray in the dwindling light. “You knew they were lesbians when they invited us,” he said.
It wasn’t a question, so Blaine didn’t answer. He sensed this was the beginning of a fight, and he wanted to delay the inevitable.
“You knew there wouldn't be any men in the house, but you accepted their invitation instead of sending the sisters over in our place.” Kurt’s voice was steady and deceptively curious, like that detective from the syndicated 1970s show who always pretended not to know anything even when he'd already cracked the case.
“They didn't invite the sisters,” Blaine said. “They invited us.”
“But why did you accept? You know we're not supposed to be alone with women. And given how moved you were by their love story, I hardly think you wanted to proselytize them. You do realize if they want to get baptized, they’d have to break up and stop living together, don't you?”
“You know why I accepted their invitation, Kurt.” They were in a park now, trees and grass all around them, the fluttering of the Danube echoing over their steps. The sun was gone. No one else was around.
“Because you were wrong, Blaine," Kurt continued as if Blaine had said nothing at all. "There is no same-sex marriage in the church. You can nitpick the language of the covenants all you want, but you know what they mean.”
Blaine gritted his teeth. “I was not wrong. It’s your business if that's the way you want to hear it, but that doesn’t make you right. Have you ever stopped to think that God inspired the phrasing used in the temple? Because the temple is scripture. The things the apostles say, the things the prophets say—unless they’re in Doctrine and Covenants, they’re not. And the Family Proclamation isn’t scripture, either. There’s truth in there—spouses should love each other, parents should love their children—but it’s not the truth. So if God doesn’t condemn same-sex marriage in the temple, maybe it means something.”
Kurt growled. He actually growled. “I can’t. I can’t with you.”
“Kurt. I’m not trying to make you angry. These are the things I truly believe, in my heart.”
“Are they? Are they really? Or are you trying to make me feel better because you can’t stand the fact that anyone around you might have been dealt a crappy hand when you got a terrific one? Because you don’t want the guilt of your own happiness?”
“Kurt. Don’t.”
Kurt turned to face Blaine. “No. It’s worse than that, isn’t it? It’s not for you. You do it for me. Because you care about me.” He said it like an insult, like it was a crime. Like love was an offense that needed to be punished.
“Yes, Kurt,” Blaine answered calmly. At least, his voice was calm. Inside, he was anything but. He was a deer hounded by wolves. He was an army of bees preparing to defend its hive. He was a mother bird whose eggs had slipped from the nest. “Because I care about you.”
Kurt’s skin was gray in the moonlight, but his teeth were white. “I don't want you to care!” He jabbed an index finger in Blaine's chest. “It's not your job, Blaine. Stop caring.”
“I can’t, Kurt.” Blaine felt tears pressing against his eye sockets, his forehead. It wasn't the time to say it, but he didn't know what else to say. “I can't, Kurt, because I love you. I do, and I can’t—”
“Love is overrated!” Kurt spun on his heels and began walking again, too fast for Blaine to keep up without jogging.
“Kurt, Kurt—” Blaine didn't know what to say. He wanted to finish his sentence, the one Kurt had interrupted, the one that was supposed to end and I can't stand this anymore, I can't stand the idea of you being alone for the rest of your life because I want to be in it, because I want to spend it loving you, in every way you want, kissing you and holding you and building a life together and making love to you and so many things, so many things I never imagined I would ever feel about anyone, if only you’ll have me. But Kurt was moving so fast, and he was so angry, and Kurt’s anger always made it harder for Blaine to say what he meant, made Blaine’s tongue tie up in knots that he didn't know how to undo.
“Love is overrated!” Kurt repeated, and then, in an exasperated stream, “They were nice ladies. There was nothing wrong with them. But you can't fix me with them, Blaine. You can't fix my life.”
Blaine put his hand on Kurt’s arm. It was a dangerous move, but Kurt had to slow down. Blaine wasn't wearing running shoes.
To Blaine’s surprise, Kurt didn't shake his hand away. He did, however, emit a very snappy, “What?”
Slow down, Kurt, Blaine meant to say. But what came out of his mouth was, “Love one another. You said it yourself, Kurt. It's the most important thing. Love one another.”
Kurt stopped in his tracks. His breathing changed. “But it's not enough, Blaine! Can't you see it's not enough?” The words started out sharply. But they weakened at the end, as if the wind had just been knocked out of Kurt. He covered his face with one hand and turned away from Blaine. He sniffled.
“Why isn't it enough?” Blaine asked.
“Because, because—” Kurt sobbed. “Because sometimes I feel like Heavenly Father doesn't care about love at all. That the Plan of Salvation is about something else. And I just can't figure out what, what it's for. And I want love to be enough, I do. But then there's all these other things, and these rules, and I get so scared, and I want to see Finn after I die, and what if we aren't in the same level of heaven, the church is supposed to bring families together, but I worry all the time that I’ll never see him again, and the gospel is supposed to be simple but it drives me up the wall, Blaine. I can never be good enough, there is no grace, there is no room for people like Liesl and Jana to live their lives and come to church when they want to and not get excommunicated for goodness sake. And maybe that's a good thing, because maybe if I get excommunicated I'll end up in the Telestial Kingdom and I will see Finn again, except then I won't see my dad or my mom and, and— I just want to love, Blaine. I want to love and be loved and be with the people I love. Is that so wrong?”
Kurt had been talking nonstop, barely a breath between phrases, gesticulating wildly with every utterance, as if he needed the help of his hands to pull the words out of his body and fling them to the stars. But now he went still. He went still, and looked at Blaine, and his voice softened. “Is that so wrong?” he repeated.
“No, Kurt. It’s right. It will always be right.”
Kurt collapsed into Blaine, his arms around Blaine’s shoulders and his face pressed into his neck, burning hot like the sun and sopping wet like the Danube. “I’m sorry, Blaine. You did nothing wrong. I’m so sorry.”
“I know,” Blaine said. He wrapped an arm around Kurt’s back—propping him up, trying to give him strength he needed. He raised the other arm and curled his hand around Kurt’s head, holding him close, praying that his love could be enough, at least for this moment. “I know, Kurt.” He buried his nose into Kurt’s hair and kissed him—not because he thought Kurt would feel it, or that if he felt it, he would understand what it meant. But because Blaine had to. “I want it to be enough, too.”
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justgleekout · 2 years
top 5 tropes/genres in Klaine fic!
AH! hard one!!! some of these are really broad and some are very specific but you just gotta role with me here!!!
canon compliant/divergent. especially season 3 and 5. I love reading missing scenes. they gives so much depth that the show could never reach on its own.
friends to lovers <333
sick fics/hurt comfort. but like,, in the soft way. not brain tumor amnesia, but like,, flu, baths, nose kisses.
single parent meet cutes. anything with a kid, kindergarten teacher!Blaine my beloved.
and while we are here. smut. I love me a good romantic smuff. al the touches and the ilys and longing stares and the closeness. does that even count as a genre???? idk but I think it adds to almost every story HAHAHAHA (never a must, always a plus)
send me a top 5! <33
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
@redheadgleek replied to your post “Mei, Maddy and Li: who are you? Rosemary: I'm you...”:
Is that a Hearing verse reference?
These girls mean so much to me. Rosemary isn't technically stronger than Mei, Maddy and Li. That's just the meme format and to be fair, Rosemary is my own OCs. I made her from scratch. I am God in her universe. Since she is my own, I guess she does feel closer to me. As in, her story was just me projecting heavily on a 5 year old girl.
(Also, in case you don't know, since it's not a Klaine fic, Rosemary in my child OC from the Snowbaz fic Paradiso.) (You can learn more about her here).
But to be fair, who would little Rosemary Natasha Srinivasan Snow-Pitch be without the Hearing verse girls? I based Rosemary a lot on my own family's experience, but the girls have influenced my life so yeah.
I have a post in my drafts all the way from 2015 with a review on Hearing verse and I never actually finished writing it, but I drafted it since I wanted to express why I love these girls. Basically, before Hearing verse, I had never seen such an accurate portrayal of adoption in any fiction at all. Any. Not even just fanfic. Like, my other two go-two fictional adopted kids are Bloom from Winx Club and Luke from The Sarah Jane Adventures but I also have Thoughts about those portrayals, especially Bloom's. (Iginio, turn on your location, I just wanna talk.)
The Hearing verse girls took me on a journey and not gonna lie, Mei's storyline did lead to a personal meltdown that lasted for a few weeks (oop?), but you know what I accept it, it only shows that it was incredibly well done. Never before had I seen my story, but also the story of my family, reflected back to me like that. Of course, of course, there are differences. My sister and I don't have a sister who's a biological child. My parents aren't famous. I am not famous. But it still hit many points and even parts that I didn't fully relate to, still had relatable things. As in, sure, my sister and I don't have a Maddy, but many rude comments that are thrown towards the family re: Maddy being a "real child" are so recognisable. I even wrote Hearing verse fanfiction (with adiwriting's permission) where the girls go through something that happened to me.
I think I can talk for ages about the girls, but know that I even talked about them with my own family. I didn't mention they're from Klaine fic, but I just talked about "a story that handles adoption really well" and I put them in my Adoption FAQ (that's another story).
And even in Paradiso 3, which is the story that features Rosemary, there is a small, sort of hint, sort of easter egg, sort of nod to Hearing verse which in turn is a sort of hint, sort of easter egg, sort of nod to my own life (the Wu family, the Kapoor family, the [REDACTED] family my beloveds).
But yeah, yes, it's Hearing verse.
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
meg !! icon !! how are u?? may I ask about your recent reads with a review + a rating <3 ok I love you
MYLE MY BELOVED!! Hello! :D i have been in the absolute worst reading slump so I only have two books </3
Last Night at the Telegraph Club <3: 4.5
I absolutely loved this book, it doesn’t get a full five stars, solely because I didn’t like the ending much 🧌 was it realistic? Yeah. But did it clear anything up? Not really </3 but overall it was super good and I would definitely recommend it :D
Glee Summer Break: 1.5 (an extra .5 because Klaine doesn’t exist in this world, and for “bad gnomance” which is a gnome cover of bad romance)
I ranted about the first glee book to my parents, and one morning a I woke up and this was on my nightstand 🦧 it was very swanky of them <3 that being said this book is literally horrible 🦧 like it’s casual homophobia, ableism and racism, is not it 😭
One of the plot lines is that Kurt has to be nice for the summer because his dad is scared he will become Tyra banks?? 🧌 anyways it’s basically props with extra steps, and it’s very boring 😭
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I've always been very strict when it came to the stories I read; they had to be finished, never a WIP and fully updated. I guess I did that because I would hate to see my favourite stories just stopping in the middle, but I realised that this is sort of unfair of me. So I want to change things up a bit and give myself AND our wonderful authors a chance and get into WIPs. Since I've never done that, I was hoping you'd help me out and recommend a few? I hope all of that makes sense and I feel like I should apologise to the authors out there for being so selfish. I'm working on that now :)! I do prefer Rating M or E, AUs and everything with Parents!Klaine but I'm still open for anything!
Here are the current WIPs that the three of us are reading:
Warbler’s Lonely Hearts Radio Show by @coffeeorderwrites
Warbler is beloved host of a late night radio show for New York’s ‘lonely hearts’.
Kurt isn’t a lonely heart but he is very annoyed
My Rhythm and Blues by @teddyshoney
Kurt's finally in New York, the city he's dreamed of coming to for so long and the place he should meet his soulmate, according to his mark. After a once-in-a-lifetime concert, he heads to Marie's Crisis for some drinks, and he meets someone whom he's been crushing on for years: Blaine Anderson, lead singer of Warbler Attack. The singer invites him, as a joke, to go on tour with the band, and Kurt takes him up on his offer, sending him off on a whirlwind romance he never thought he'd experience.
You’ve Got My Number by dizzywhiz
Kurt hates music theory, and music theory hates him, too. He decides he needs a tutor if he doesn't want to flunk out of NYADA, which he very much doesn't, so - enter Blaine.
Meanwhile, warblersong and sirelphaba have been internet friends since the early days of social media, having met on the Broadway musical side of Twitter. Years later, they're still friends - and years later, they barely know anything about each other.
The First of Many by  kuhlaine
Kurt Hummel is overworked, exhausted, and desperately needs a drink. Or two. Blaine Anderson is underpaid, heartbroken, and dreading the thought of heading home for the holidays. When the two meet at neighboring bachelor/ette parties in Las Vegas, they wake up with more than just hangovers - a sky high room service bill, and a pair of wedding rings.
Always Right Together by holdingdaylight
Kurt and Blaine have been in love for sixteen years. They've only been alive for eighteen.
Wild and Free by @scatter-the-stars
There are sides of fame that Blaine can deal with. Has learned to deal with. But when the story of his sexuality breaks, he is sure the attention and talk surrounding him will finally be the thing to break him.
Needing to get away, he finds peace and solace in the last place he expects. But he also finds Kurt.
Without the eyes of the world on him, Blaine finds himself living for the first time in years without fear or worry. But what he really finds himself doing is falling for the guy he never saw coming.
Can he get his happily ever after even though they live in two different worlds?
“My advise to the anon is to look at how much has been posted since the first date, and look at author’s track record.“
Solid Gold by @heartsmadeofbooks 
Ten years after breaking his engagement to Blaine, Kurt’s life isn’t the fairy tale he once hoped for. Forced to leave New York, he goes looking for a second chance, not expecting to find it in the town he always wanted to run away from, or with the man whose heart he shattered. ~~~~~
My Rhythm and Blues by @teddyshoney
Warbler’s Lonely Hearts Radio Show by @coffeeorderwrites
Hit The Switch by  dizzywhiz
Feeling complacent in their lives, Kurt and Blaine enter an intensive research study meant to explore the strength of married couples through temporarily switching each partner with a new "experimental spouse." Blaine is eager to take the opportunity to work on his marriage, but Kurt is more hesitant, prepared to just do his time and go back to normal life.
As it turns out, things quickly take a turn, sending them down a weeklong path unlike anything either of them could have anticipated.
Chasing Pavements by spaceorphan  
When Blaine Anderson moved to New York, he thought all his dreams would come true. However, living in the city is much harder than he thinks. Feeling lonely and sad - especially since his brother's wedding is quickly approaching, he gets drunk one evening and declares on social media that he's engaged himself. Now he has to find himself a fake fiance or admit to everyone that he made it all up.
Run Away Like The Sunshine by Pterodactyl
After ten years of pining, Kurt's certain that his chances with Blaine are over as he prepares to watch him walk down the aisle. But when the wedding goes awry, he convinces Blaine to run away to France to try and mend his broken heart and put Kurt's feelings to rest once and for all.
You’ve Got My Number by dizzywhiz
The First of Many by kuhlaine
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Klaine Advent Drabble 2020 - “Wanky” (NC17)
Summary: An unfortunate find in a secret drawer leads poor Tracy to believe that she's getting a dog for Christmas, and leaves Kurt stuck between a rock and a hard place: does he stick to his guns, or does he traumatize his sweet, innocent daughter for life? (1918 words)
Notes: Written for the @klaineadvent Drabble Challenge 2020 prompt 'learn'.
Read on AO3.
“Hey, guys!" Kurt sings from the front door, brushing snow off the shoulders of his coat before he crosses the threshold. "We’re back!”
"Sorry we took so long," Blaine says, "but we had a heck of a time finding ..."
“Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” Tracy squeals, leaping into Blaine’s arms the second he comes to a stop in their living room. "Both of you! Thank you so much!"
“Thank us?” He wraps his daughter in a bear hug, confused as all get out but in no way stupid enough to turn down a hug. “Thank us for what? Kurt?” 
Kurt shrugs, making a don’t know noise as he sheds his coat and hangs it, returning quickly for a turn in the hug rotation. "Brittany? Santana?" He looks expectantly at the ladies who have been watching their daughter all afternoon. "Do you know what's going on?"
Brittany, hands behind her back, shifts her weight anxiously from foot to foot, while Santana, arms crossed over her chest, looks nearly gleeful. It’s Santana's glee more than Brittany’s anxiety that makes Kurt’s back start to sweat. 
“It seems Tracy here was poking around in your naughty bits and found herself a little treat.”
Kurt and Blaine shoot her confused looks, though Kurt’s leans more towards annoyed.
“Can you be any less vague?” Kurt asks.
Santana grins. “No.”
Brittany carefully enters the conversation. “Tracy may have accidentally figured out what you guys are getting her for Christmas.”
"And what are we getting her for Christmas?" Blaine asks.
Brittany swallows hard. "A ... a dog."
Tracy dislodges herself from Blaine's torso and latches on to Kurt’s.
"What?" Kurt says, dumbfounded.
“Didn’t we specifically say no to a dog?” Blaine whispers. 
Kurt hugs his daughter tight, stealthily covering her ears with his hand. “We did."
"So how did she come to that conclusion?” 
“She found this.” A guilty smile flickers across Brittany’s lips as she brings a hand out from behind her back and shows Kurt something that makes his face turn paper white. He doesn't have to look at his husband to know that Blaine is wearing the same dropped-jaw, mushroom pale expression of horror that he is.
Brittany is handing him a black leather collar with a row of rhinestones across the front.
When Kurt comes to his senses, he reaches for the collar, eager to tuck it out of sight. 
Mortifyingly, Tracy intercepts it. 
She eyes it reverently. But then she sighs, her expression slipping from overjoyed smile to apologetic frown. 
“I’m sorry I snooped in your special drawer.”
“Didn’t we make it perfectly clear that drawer is off-limits?” Blaine asks, crouching to talk to her.
“You did.” Tracy hugs the collar to her chest, afraid the dog she has wanted for so long might be slipping away from her.
“Then why did you look in there?”
“It seems a little birdie told her it’s only off-limits because that's where you hide her presents,” Santana explains, maneuvering her shrinking wife behind the protection of her body. “Poor, impatient Tracy couldn’t resist.”
Kurt glares over Santana’s shoulder at Brittany, who completely disappears behind her wife. 
Blaine stands, ruffles his daughter’s hair, then takes his husband by the elbow and gives him a tug in the direction of the kitchen. “Excuse us, Peanut. I need to talk to your Papa alone for a minute.”
“Ok, Daddy.” Tracy releases Kurt and walks glumly towards Santana, sighing significantly as she slips into her arms, still hugging that collar to her chest.
That’s the scene that kills Kurt.
Tracy hugging that collar.
The collar he wears on his and Blaine’s "special" nights out.
The kind where they pretend they don’t know one another, and they flirt in a bar like strangers. Blaine picks him up with a proposition, money exchanges hands, and they spend all night in a room at a no-tell motel with Blaine riding him, pulling his hair hard, calling him his "good little bitch".
Yup. His nine-year-old daughter is hugging that collar.
“Oh my God!” Blaine says the second they're behind closed doors, a hint of amusement in his tone that gives Kurt an urge to flick him on the forehead. “What do we do? What do we do?”
“I hope we’re agreed that she doesn’t deserve a thing if she’s invading our privacy!”
“Yeah … well … hmmm …” Blaine waffles. 
Kurt’s eyes go wide. “Blaine!”
“To be honest, Kurt, I don’t know what you have against the family having a dog. Tracy has wanted one forever. It would be a good companion for her. Besides …” He looks down at his hands, twiddles his thumbs “… I … kinda … want one.”
“That’s great!” Kurt snaps, frustrated since he thought they were a unified front on this issue. “But tell me this - who’s going to take care of it? Huh? Who's going to feed it and walk it and clean up after it when it vomits on the floor at three in the morning? I’ll tell you exactly who’s going to do all of that! I will!”
“We can teach her to be responsible! She’s at that age!”
“This isn’t the way things like this are supposed to work! If she wants a dog, she needs to earn it! Not commit a misdemeanor! That proves she’s not mature enough! And if we give in, we'll be perpetuating that behavior!”
“Technically, it’s not her fault. You heard what Santana said.”
“Yeah, well, that only proves someone else is culpable. It doesn’t change the fact that Tracy broke the rules. In fact, if she thought her Christmas presents were in that drawer, that makes things worse!”
“This one indiscretion aside, she deserves a dog! She’s a straight-A student. She keeps her room clean without being told. She helps out with dinner, the laundry, the dusting. And let’s face it, between your trophies, my trophies, and all the other knick-knacks in this house, she deserves a dog for that alone!”
“I am not going to make this decision on the spur of the moment! We need to talk about boundaries, hash out rules!”
“Fair enough."
“Which we will do after the holidays!”
“And what do we do until then?” Blaine asks, his eyes brimming with the same disappointment Tracy’s had. He'd started getting excited when he thought Kurt might cave. Now Kurt's pulling a "we'll see". “She already found the collar. How are you going to explain owning that if we aren’t getting her a dog for Christmas? Which is in about a week, by the way.”
“We’ll be honest with her,” Kurt decides. “We’ll explain, in age-appropriate terms, why we have that collar.”
Blaine jerks back, the fringes of a chuckle tickling his throat. “So … she’s mature enough to know about your collar kink, but not old enough to own a dog?”
“I’ll … cross that bridge when I get to it, all right?” Kurt mumbles, his face turning bright red. "But for now, that's my final decision! End of discussion! Take it or leave it!"
Kurt turns on his heel and heads for the living room. He will not be manipulated into giving in, even if this whole thing did start with a misunderstanding.
He opens the door and spots Tracy rocking in Blaine’s recliner, looking at pictures on Brittany’s phone, while Brittany and Santana sit beside her, making encouraging comments. 
Tracy, still hugging that Godforsaken collar, looks like she’s been crying. 
Brittany looks positively devastated, as if she didn’t just ruin Tracy’s chance for happiness, but helped her get the dog of her dreams, then ran it over with her car.
Santana leads the conversation, which Kurt assumes is about clothes - one of Tracy’s favorite things to window shop. But as Kurt walks closer, he catches a peek at the screen, and his heart deflates. During his and Blaine’s conversation, Tracy had started a Pinterest board titled ‘My Favorite Dogs in the World’. Brittany and Santana are helping her add to it – teacup poodles, Pomeranians, Chihuahuas, a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ...
'That one's cute,' Kurt thinks when he spots the silky thing. 'That fur would be fun to style. We could do it together! A bright pink bow, maybe a sparkly barrette ...'
The sparkly barrette brings his mind back to his collar, and he gives himself a hard, mental shake.
'No. Don't waver. Stay the course.'
He approaches his daughter slowly, preparing himself for the worst conversation of his life so far. 
Kurt swallows hard. “Tracy?”
Tracy looks up at him with watery eyes. “Yes, Papa?”
Her bottom lip wobbles.
Ugh! This is going to be impossible!
“There’s something I need to explain to you … about that collar.”
Kurt crouches down in front of Tracy, meeting her eye to eye. “You see, sometimes when you buy a collar, it’s for a dog.”
“A-ha …” Tracy says, hopeful ... and mildly confused.
“And sometimes, two people … two grown adults who don’t own a dog ... might buy a collar to …”
Brittany and Santana both gasp when they realize what he’s doing. 
Brittany stares like a deer in headlights.
Santana, on the verge of a laughing fit, gets up and leaves the room.
“Yes, Papa?”
“Well, they might buy a collar because …”
“Because …”
"Because ..." Kurt looks at Tracy, silently wishing she'd catch on without him having to say another word. Not catch on to what they use the collar for, but catch on to the fact that no, they will not be getting a dog right now. He looks into her huge, brown eyes, so much like Blaine’s, her hopeful expression dimming with every second of this asinine explanation. 
Is he really going to do this? 
Is he really going to tell his beloved daughter that she's not getting a dog because that collar she found is one of her fathers’ favorite sex toys? That the last time they used it, Kurt was wearing it, and Blaine was riding him like a bronco, growling obscenities and smacking his ass?
No! He can’t do that! 
What responsible parent would!?
When Kurt first found out he was going to be a father, his own father gave him some valuable life advice. 
“When you become a parent, you sort of fool yourself into believing that you’re in charge. You're the teacher," his dad had said. "But in reality, parenting will put you on your ass over and over until you realize you know nothing. But you learn. And one of the most important lessons you’ll ever learn is to pick your battles. Because situations will come up that you’ll never dream of, things that you hope to never handle. But, in the end, when you’re debating right and wrong, you have to decide – are you doing what’s best for your child? Or what’s best for you? Because, surprisingly, the two aren’t always the same.”
In short, Kurt has to choose between psychological trauma, pet dog, or sticking to a rule that's rigid simply because bending it would hurt his ego.
When he thinks of it in those terms, the answer is simple.
His father, as always, is right - mostly.
The most important lesson Kurt will learn from this particular situation is that he needs to get a lock on that damned drawer!
Because watching their new pet tromp through the house wearing that collar is going to burn his eyes every day of his life until he dies.
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andersoncharm · 4 years
Don’t Read The Last Page- October 24, 2020
MiniPara: - Don’t Read The Last Page
Rating: PG.
Pairing: Seblaine. 
Sebastian: smythesm
Blaine: andersoncharm
When: October 24, 2020-  Two days after Blaine’s 24th Birthday.
Location: Sebastian’s Apartment- Boston, MA
Notes: Sam visits Blaine for his birthday week and gets to know Seb a little. He gives Blaine some unexpected news that could change Blaine and Sebastian’s lives…
Warnings:  Mentions of death. Parental Death (Blaine’s Mom), Mentions of toxic past relationships. Mentions of brief past Klaine.
Extra Warnings: (This hasn’t been brought up for a bit but, this RP is not Kurt Hummel friendly. You’ve all been warned.)
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine tipped a sip of his tea attempting to hide the smile that had overtaken his face as he watched his boyfriend and his best friend place the freshly carved pumpkins out on the balcony. The visual brought him a joy that he’d not felt in a long time and he wanted to hold onto the moment, freeze it in his brain and save it for a darker day. They’d done six squash and each one had a dreadful grin or the face of a pup, or little cat whiskers carved into the shades of orange and yellow. He, Seb and Sam had spent the crisp day doing various autumnal things that Blaine wanted to do in sort of a birthday weekend celebration and Blaine’s perpetually worried yet happy demeanor over the last few days, had somehow evolved to an even bigger degree of happiness that balanced somewhere between being thrilled to downright ecstatic. Sam being here had brought a little slice of his childhood into his new world and Blaine was over the moon with the feeling of having them both near. If only David and Nick could be here to make it all even better.
He fought the urge to light each of the pumpkins from his spot in Sebastian’s apartment, but refrained- Sam would be leaving soon to go back to Ohio with his family for a few days before leaving for Japan and Blaine could wait before he used his favorite bit of spooky magic. Sam had been in America for almost two weeks now and he’d been in Boston for four days, Blaine only wished he had more time here. He sat his cup down and went over and opened the balcony door as Seb and Sam turned to come back in, the purple and orange glow of the Halloween lights backing them as they stepped into the room.
“I know Sam’s got a long drive ahead of him so I’ve made a kettle of hot water for tea and a pot of coffee, the two of you can take your pick. And yes, Sam, there are about six different types of creamer to choose from.” He rolled his eyes at Sam’s grin and sat down to wait for them to come back. Sebastian came first and Blaine’s face once again threatened to crack open into another smile as his boyfriend snuggled into him, shivering from being outside. Blaine wrapped his arm around him and pulled him even closer before pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “It’s not that cold, baby.” He mumbled teasingly. Seb just grunted in response.
“God the two of you are so gross.” Sam mused with a smile as he came back into the room with the biggest coffee cup from the cupboard filled way too full and slightly sloshing over as he sat down at the end of the couch. “Gross, but like way better than the dude you dated in high school for those few months. Kurt? Did I tell you that I ran into him when I first got to Ohio? Still has major uh, god complex energy. God complex? Did I use that right? Yeah.”
Blaine’s stomach dropped a little at the mention of his brief, witch ex-boyfriend and he pulled Seb a little closer. Whether it was to keep himself calm or Seb safe he couldn't tell.
Sebastian’s POV:
Seb liked Sam well enough. He had brought him a plethora of Japanese candy and a Sailor Moon manga. Sebastian was touched by how thoughtful it all was even if the blonde man wrapped him in a giant bear hug that had lasted a little too long for his liking. Sam laughed at pretty much everything Sebastian said (“your voice is so monotone, dude! It’s hilarious!”) and was Blaine’s biggest cheerleader, had a giant grin and even bigger arms so what wasn’t to like? Ras liked him, too (probably because they had almost the exact same demeanor and ecstatic energy.) Sam fully embraced Blaine’s autumnal themed birthday weekend and didn’t make things seem third wheel-y. 
Sebastian nestled the last grinning jack o’ lantern on the bannister as Sam stood back and wiped his palms on his jeans. They had carefully carried all six of the pumpkins they had carved with Blaine out to the balcony to display. Blaine had made a show of making sure each pumpkin had a little white votive candle inside of it though Seb knew that he would just use his magic to make sure they shone bright and long all season. 
He nodded at Sam as if to signify that their work was done and they headed back into the warmth of the apartment. Sebastian immediately snuggled into his boyfriend’s warm arms, the scent of coffee and cinnamon candles instantly comforting. He wasn’t ready for the nights to grow colder and darker but he knew how much Blaine loved the colder months and so he welcomed the chilly air and tried not to grumble about missing his beloved sun too much. 
Seb peeled himself out of the other man’s strong arms, flipped Sam off and poured himself a cup of coffee with a little half and half. He clasped his mug and reveled in the feeling of the hot ceramic in his hands. Sebastian joined the other men in the living room and tried not to audibly sigh when he noticed Sam’s coffee (kind calling it that, it was mostly caramel creamer) slosh onto the arm of the couch. He knew Blaine would magic it but his Virgo tendencies were itchy with the want to spray the spot down with cleaner and scrub vigorously.  
His ears perked at the mention of Blaine’s ex. Sebastian felt the other man pull him a little closer and could feel the energy change around them. He sat up a little straighter and cleared his throat, “God complex, huh?” Sebastian took a drink of his coffee and watched Sam who seemed very chill as he sipped on his drink and gave Ras’s hair a ruffle. He could feel Blaine’s body tense to his side. “Humor us, Sam. What did he have to say?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine’s heart thudded in his chest as he waited for Sam to reply to them. This familiar icy feeling of dread that he’d grown accustomed to ignoring over the past couple of years slowly crept over his body even before Sam spoke what had been said into the atmosphere. He tried his hardest not to react, tired not to grip Seb’s arm too tightly as his stomach fell to the floor. Sam’s perky, nonchalance made Blaine feel crazy about his internal struggle, but one quick glance at Seb told him that he wasn’t alone in his struggle. All at once he was happy that Hunter and Tony had already left a couple of days ago after meeting Sam and weren’t here to hear this. Wouldn’t it be their obligation to the Order to do something about it? Kurt was a Witch. A Witch that now knew about Sebastian and Blaine’s very forbidden relationship… He was especially thankful that Freya was out in the moonlight so that she couldn’t tell him she told him so. No matter how much she cared for Seb and of course, Ras.
“Well, he was like standing there, looking like he stepped out of some magazine, you know how he was, remember? And then he just casually asks how you are. So I tell him how happy you are and how you’ve got this awesome boyfriend named Sebastian that treats you like an equal and not like, you know, a trophy wife like he did and this fucking dude just keeps smiling at me. His eyes got all big and crazy looking and man, ooh, he looked like that cat from Alice in Wonderland, you know? Anyway,  I’m glad you got outta that one as quick as you did.” Sam took a big swig of his too hot drink and winched but still managed to look so proud of himself for talking Seb and Blaine up. He really was a good best friend. But, all Blaine could feel was that shrinking dread. 
Blaine licked his lips, a permanent chill settling into his bones as he sat his tea cup onto the coffee table in front of them before leaning back against Seb. His body tensed and ready for a fight as if Kurt or the Order and Council would bust through the door at any second. “That’s so strange. We dated for like two or three months, I can’t see why he’d even care what I’m up to.” He forced a laugh and reached out for Seb’s hand, linking their fingers and squeezing tightly so as not to float away. “How long ago was this?”
Sam took another drink of his coffee and shrugged. “Like when I first got into Ohio.” He shook his head. “I saw him about three more times on my trip, he didn’t talk to me or anything, just seemed to be at a few places I went to, I wouldn’t worry about it, dude. Like you said, you totally shouldn't give a shit about what he thinks anyway.” His best friend stopped and looked up at the clock with a sigh. “Ugh, I guess I should go soon. I promise the next time I come though that I’ll stay longer than four days, alright?” Sam stood up and not so carefully went into the kitchen to discard his cup into the sink. He pulled Seb into a hug that looked like it hurt before standing up and pulling Blaine into an even stronger hug, crushing him against him. Blaine knew he was tense and that he was distracted and he hated that he wasn’t able to say a proper goodbye to his best friend, but his heart was thudding so fucking hard in his ribcage that he wanted to scream.
He was such an idiot. How could he have been so careless? How could he have forgotten that Sam’s family was from Ohio that sweet, oblivious Sam would have no clue that all the Facebook and Instagram and Twitter posts had been glamoured so that it looked like Blaine was still single to Witchfolk? The high from his Birthday weekend crashed down hard and he couldn’t even bring himself to speak after Sam had left. His body felt heavy as he made his way back into the bedroom to get dressed for bed. He ignored Ras’ pitiful look which made him feel worse. He was working on autopilot as he changed his clothes and he could feel Seb’s eyes on him, searching for answers that Blaine didn’t have. His hands were shaking as he ran them through his curls before finally looking up at Sebastian, lost.
“Fuck, Seb…”
Sebastian’s POV:
It was a good thing that Sebastian was in law school and had been trained not to wear his emotions on his sleeve and had a pretty perfect poker face because his stomach was tied in knots. He knew that he and Blaine needed to remain calm while Sam was around. Kurt was a witch. A witch knew about them and it wasn’t just any old witch, it was Blaine’s ex. Sure, they had only been together a few months but they way it had been explained to Sebastian, he was sure there was a grudge. He could feel his boyfriend’s rigid body and slight shake. “Fuck him.” The words were meant for Blaine’s feelings as well as a reply to Sam’s story.  
Sebastian awkwardly patted Sam on the back as he bunched him up into a hug. Blaine hugged his best friend and gave a half hearted goodbye and Ras gave him a few kisses and he was on his way out. Seb walked Sam to the door and wished him a safe trip. He watched Blaine silently head into the bedroom and sighed. 
“What does this mean, B? What do we do?” He pulled open the top drawer on his dresser to find the pack of cigarettes he had nestled in amongst his boxers. He felt too agitated to get into his sweats or get undressed for bed. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to sleep at all. Sebastian sat on the bed next to the other man, his cigarette in between his lips. “Can I get a light?”
Blaine’s POV:
Blaine gave a half hearted smile and reached out his hand and with a surge of energy and a flick of his fingers Sebastian’s cigarette was lit. Seb rarely let Blaine use magic with him aside from sex and he knew this was an attempt to make him feel better. He watched as his boyfriend took a long drag, his eyes blurring from staring at the reddish orange glow of the magic lighted ash. He worried his bottom lip as his thoughts raced through his head. What would he do? He could go to Hunter and Tony, warn them that someone may know about him and Sebastian. Someone that could do something about it, that might dislike him just enough to turn him in. But, would Kurt? They’d only been together a few months and while they hadn’t had the best break up and Blaine had gotten angry about the way Kurt had controlled every aspect about their relationship right down to what Blaine wore sometimes, surely that didn’t mean he’d try to have him killed. Right?
He blinked remembering the disdain in Kurt’s eyes when he said he didn’t want to be his legacy, descendant prize. He remembered when Kurt had reminded Blaine that some witches never found their fate and that they should just settle for each other since Kurt understood what it was like to lose a parent. Blaine remembered how upset he’d been when Kurt threw his mother's death in his face and suddenly it was all too much for him at once. He shook his head and turned back to look at his boyfriend. 
“Nothing. We’re not going to do anything, okay?” He knew it sounded insane and saying it out loud scared the hell out of him, but what was he supposed to do? “If we tell Hunter or Tony or my dad it will only expedite everything and I want to hold onto us for as long as I fucking can.” His voice was sharp, like he needed to convince himself and Sebastian. “Kurt has known about us for two weeks, surely he would have gone to the Council or the  Order by now, right?” Or he’s just biding his time…  He shrugged that thought off, knowing it was going to haunt his thoughts for the rest of his life, leaned in closer to Sebastian. 
“Whatever has to happen is going to happen. All I know is that I’m not leaving and I’m not going to let anything happen to you, okay? My top priority is keeping you safe and I plan on sticking by that.” He reached for Sebastian’s free hand and brought the back of it up to his lips and pressed a kiss to it, his eyes falling closed as he breathed him in. The overwhelming feeling of how much he loved this man and how much dying for him and them would be worth it overtook him and he wanted to scream and cry about how unfair the world was but Sebastian needed him to be calm and he needed to be calm for himself or he’d panic and where would that leave him?
“It’s going to be okay.” He mumbled the words, his conviction whooshing out of him as he scooted so that he was as close to Sebastian as he could get, his head pressing into his chest as he tried to steady his breathing and convince himself of the words' truths. It had to be okay.
Sebastian’s POV:
Sebastian took a long drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke up towards the ceiling. He stared at the ceiling fan for a few moments, the light making little blue dots swim in front of his eyes. Seb squeezed Blaine’s thigh and held the cigarette out towards him. “Hopefully this kid has grown up some.” He took a deep breath and his lungs wavered a bit from the smoke and the fear swimming low in his belly. Sebastian didn’t like the sound of any of the words Blaine was saying. It all sounded detrimental and uncertain and scary. “You’re my top priority, too, you know. I need you to be safe, too.” He bit his bottom lip and looked into the other man’s warm eyes. Blaine looked scared and sad and that made Seb’s stomach knot up and his anxiety spike. “We can get through this.” Sebastian didn’t want to turn his courthouse tricks on with Blaine but he wanted to calm the other man down and reassure him somehow. 
“Maybe we should lay in bed and watch a movie. I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep and I don’t want to mindlessly stare at my phone all night. You can pick what we watch.” Sebastian stood up and grabbed the sweatpants he had set out for that night off of his pillow. “The water is probably still warm in the kettle. I’ll bring you some chamomile tea.” 
So, even though his body felt sick with anxiety and his throat felt dry and his hands wanted to shake, he forced his voice to stay even and his hands to calmly grip the maroon mug that he filled with hot water for Blaine. Sebastian turned off the lights and plugged in the heating pad for Blaine, snuggled into his side as they watched Tangled and West Side Story. He drifted off to sleep before anything bad happened to Tony and Maria and wished on any star that happened to be out that he and Blaine would be okay.
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evelynspasta · 3 years
Blackbird by NotUnusual.
Blaine's parents move during Blaine's senior year, forcing him to attend a new school where he doesn't know anyone. It wouldn't be so bad, except he's being targeted by the school bully; Kurt Hummel. Blaine discovers that the best way to combat Kurt is to make friends with him, but can they actually get along?
a lost boy 'verse by Pterodactyl.
Kurt will not give up on finding Blaine. Prompt: husbands!Klaine finding each other again after one of them has been missing for a long time.
Chasing Pavements (WIP) by spaceorphan. 
When Blaine Anderson moved to New York, he thought all his dreams would come true. However, living in the city is much harder than he thinks. Feeling lonely and sad - especially since his brother's wedding is quickly approaching, he gets drunk one evening and declares on social media that he's engaged himself. Now he has to find himself a fake fiance or admit to everyone that he made it all up.
Dancing With Our Hands Tied by somefeministtheatrepls.
Kurt, Blaine and Rachel grew up on the same street, best friends practically since birth, obsessed with planning their dream weddings and their futures. So of course, when it comes time to execute, it decidedly does not go smoothly.
Bride Wars AU, though not how you think.
The Hating Game by coffeeorder.
Blaine can count on one hand the amount of people he has hated in his life. But Kurt Hummel is definitely The Worst.
Or: That co-workers AU where they hate each other (until they don't).
Warbler’s Lonely Hearts Radio Show (WIP) by coffeeorder.
Warbler is beloved host of a late night radio show for New York’s ‘lonely hearts’.
Kurt isn’t a lonely heart but he is very annoyed.
You’ve Got My Number (WIP) by dizzywhiz.
Kurt hates music theory, and music theory hates him, too. He decides he needs a tutor if he doesn't want to flunk out of NYADA, which he very much doesn't, so - enter Blaine.
Meanwhile, warblersong and sirelphaba have been internet friends since the early days of social media, having met on the Broadway musical side of Twitter. Years later, they're still friends - and years later, they barely know anything about each other.
Hit The Switch (WIP) by dizzywhiz.
Feeling complacent in their lives, Kurt and Blaine enter an intensive research study meant to explore the strength of married couples through temporarily switching each partner with a new "experimental spouse." Blaine is eager to take the opportunity to work on his marriage, but Kurt is more hesitant, prepared to just do his time and go back to normal life.
As it turns out, things quickly take a turn, sending them down a weeklong path unlike anything either of them could have anticipated.
If That’s What You Want Series by a_simple_rainbow.
Kurt Hummel has a shot at being Captain for the Slytherin Quidditch team if only he agrees to take Hufflepuff's star Keeper out of the picture before the first big game. Of course, what he doesn't know - and would if he'd only watch a film (*any* romantic film, really) - is that it's probably the worst idea anyone has ever had for way too many reasons.
And as luck would have it, Blaine Anderson has overcome many obstacles in his life, only to come out on top, but one he has never managed to get past...? His completely hopeless crush on Kurt Hummel.
(Hogwarts Klaine AU)
Pride & Prejudice & Superheroes by a_simple_rainbow.
Blaine, the reluctant superhero amateur with the lamest backstory ever. Kurt, the apparent snob with an impatient attitude and an aversion to expressing gratitude. They hate one another, but the universe has other plans if the way they keep running into each other is anything to go by.
College & Superhero AU. 
It Happened On A Monday by quizasvivamos.
When Blaine discovers that his boyfriend of seven years has been cheating on him for nearly two years, he teams up with an unlikely partner to exact revenge: the man who Sebastian has been cheating on him with. But even with a clear five-step plan, plans go awry as they’re so often wont to do.
About-Face (WIP) by quizasvivamos.
At the start of the Marching Band season his sophomore year, Blaine is the youngest Drum Major in McKinley High history. However, none of his peers believe he deserves the title, especially a handful of embittered upperclassmen, including one particularly stubborn Color Guard Captain, who challenges him in more ways than one.
If Music Be by Blurglesmurfklaine.
Kurt’s just trying to survive his last semester of college, which means making it through student teaching in one piece.
An Honest Man by Blurglesmurfklaine.
For nearly the past decade, Kurt Hummel and his best friend Rachel Berry have made their living swindling unsuspecting bachelors. Which proves to be pretty easy on his conscience, considering he doesn’t believe in love anymore. As they always say: “You can’t con an honest man... Good thing they don’t exist.” But their mark for their last con before they go their separate ways — Blaine Anderson — may just prove otherwise, and restore Kurt’s faith in love in the process.
Klaine Heartbreakers!AU, side Finchel, HummelBerry con artist duo. 
A Pinch Of Salt by TheNameIsBritney.
Blaine Anderson is the head chef for an up and coming restaurant, managed by former Broadway failure Rachel Berry. Kurt Hummel is an anonymous food critic whose reviews walk the line between detailed to perfection, and downright cruel (according to his victims). They meet one night in a flurry of passion and heat.But what Blaine doesn’t know is that Kurt is the critic who gave his restaurant an ego-crushing review not one week before they met.
The Cuffed Verse by skivvysupreme.
Skank!Kurt is a teensy bit shy about approaching Cheerio!Blaine.
Harry Potter AU by skintightsocks.
"Kurt, Rachel, Santana," Professor Schuester says. "Please tell me I didn't just catch you selling illegal potions again."
The Luckiest by wordplay.
Blaine broke Kurt's heart 3 months before high school graduation. Now, four years later, their group of friends reunites at a lake house to marry off two of their own. With luck, Kurt and Blaine will also be able to finally mend something that's stayed broken for far too long.
Indiscretions by shandyall.
As childhood best friends in the 40’s and secret high school sweethearts in the 50’s, Kurt and Blaine never would have guessed they’d both end up married to women in the 60’s. But even when the world they live in keeps them from walking hand in hand, there’s nothing they can’t face side by side.
Undiagnosed (WIP) by Esperanto.
“As he glanced at the calendar, Burt Hummel contemplated—not for the first time—how little he had in common with his only child.”
Burt Hummel doesn’t know how to connect with his son but when he discovers that Kurt has a serious problem, Burt will do anything to help him. Told from multiple perspectives, this is a story about what happens when a problem goes undiagnosed, and what happens when it finally is.
Don't Do It by BeautifulUnseen.
Kurt, who works for a letter-writing service, spends a summer writing emails to Blaine, who thinks Kurt is the guy he’s been dating for the past month. Kurt only has one rule: don’t fall in love. Of course, Kurt Hummel was born to push boundaries.
In My Life I Love You More by moongirl24.
It’s not easy being secretly in love with your best friend. Especially when your name is Blaine Anderson, the year is 1965 and your best friend is a boy.
To Be Myself by wowbright.
What if Kurt had been born 25 years earlier? A story about Gen X Kurt Hummel learning about love and, most importantly, learning to be himself, 1976-1985.
The Round Room by misqueue.
Something's not right with Carmen Tibideaux. After a strange encounter with her after hours at NYADA, Kurt cannot shake the sense he's being stalked: a whisper in his mind; a strange, cloying scent; a prickle on the back of his neck; and the return of an old, forgotten nightmare. Kurt finds clues in both his past and in his present, but none of them prepare him for the truth of what's out there. A Glee centric fusion with Cthulhu-esque horror and Star Trek: TNG. Canon divergent after 4x09 "Swan Song". 
Owl Post (UNFINISHED) by zavocado.
Its hard to stay chipper when everyone starts dating. Blaine Anderson has tried to find a nice boy to date now that his friends have paired off, but luck isn't on his side. The only boy he wants doesn't know he exists. Kurt Hummel knows who he wants, but its impossible. Blaine will never notice him. It could never work as long as he's a Slytherin. Hogwarts!Klaine AU.
Love Me Like a Hufflepuff by kookaburrito.
Everyone has warned him about the Beauxbatons boys, how they only break people’s hearts. But Blaine, a Hufflepuff from head to toe, cannot resist a particular Beauxbatons boy. Is it true love or just deceitful veela charms?
Harry Potter AU.
Mendacious by maanorchidee.
Blaine Anderson is McKinley’s biggest star. Everyone in school loves him. And he’s gay. Blaine Anderson has what Kurt Hummel wants. When Kurt finds out that Blaine’s hoping for the same scholarship at the prestigious NYADA, Kurt knows for sure that he deserves it more, but no one seems to agree. There has to be something wrong with Blaine. If Kurt could expose that, it’ll all be over for him. With a scholarship at stake, Kurt’s willing to go very far to find some dirt on everyone’s favourite student.
Talkative series by maanorchidee.
Blaine's first year in New York shouldn't be this nerve-wrecking, but it is. His trusty fanbase follows him. YouTuber!Blaine AU. 
 All the pretty things that we could be by maanorchidee.
Both Kurt and Blaine realise that their relationship is growing a bit strained, so when someone tells Blaine that a certain book can help them through it, he buys it without a second thought. Little do Kurt and Blaine know that this book is a portal to different dimensions where their lives are completely different.
All the dimensions have one thing in common: Kurt and Blaine have to find each other to prove that their relationship is worth fighting for.
I’d cry a river just for you by maanorchidee.
Seven years ago, Kurt and Blaine had a huge fight that ended a ten year long friendship. Now they unexpectedly run into each other in another part of the world. Can they let go of the past?
The Dalton Prison Study by lovetheblazer.
Kurt and Blaine are strangers in need of some quick cash when they both sign up for two week research study on prison life. Blaine's assigned to be a guard and Kurt is his prisoner. Can they find love (and each other) in such a hopeless place? AU Klaine based on the landmark Stanford Prison study conducted in 1971.
Bibs to Boyfriends by brighterworld.
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson were destined to be best friends since before they were even conceived. So it was no surprise when, as soon as they were born, they were practically joined at the hip.
But the world isn't always sunshine and rainbows, and Kurt and Blaine have to navigate through the beautiful, the ugly, and everything in between.
But it will all be worth it, if they're doing it together.
Warning: includes swearing, bullying, homophobia and homophobic slurs.
For as Long as it Always Ends with You by notyourdaydream.
When Kurt was seven, his mom was late picking him up from school. But maybe that would turn out to be a good thing.A love story spanning from the age of seven to twenty-two.
Once Upon by neaf.
Enchanted AU: Kurt Hummel loves New York, loves his job and his life in the city, but while everybody around him is lost in the fairytale of love, Kurt’s alone. That is, until the night the world drops an actual fairytale right in his lap.
The Fallacy of Trust by thelegendofjenna.
Kurt Hummel is a junior at NYADA, visiting his hometown of Lima for a few weeks. Blaine Anderson is a sophomore at the Lima campus of OSU. He has overbearing parents, a mostly-comforting girlfriend, and a lot to live up to. When they meet on the highway late one night, everything changes.
Supporting Characters by portmanteaux.
AU where Kurt and Blaine didn't meet until after college when they're both a little more grown up and sure of themselves. Echoes of cannon events throughout. A fair bit of Blangst. More talking about sex than descriptions of sex.
un(lost) (WIP) by realmsoffreedom.
"I'm not looking to be found. I just want to feel unlost."
Or, Blaine meets Kurt at a Pride parade, and gets a whole lot more than he bargained for.
When The Night Falls On You (PDF). 
In 1949 in Laramie, TN, Blaine Anderson, a precocious six year old, meets a new friend named Kurt Hummel. They grow to realize they may have feelings for each other and hide it from the world, but Blaine’s father discovers their secret. By their mid-20’s, they find each other as a soldier and an outspoken hippie. Can they reconnect and rekindle those hidden feelings for each other?
Sleepless in Brooklyn by heartsmadeofbooks. 
What if someone you never met, someone you never saw, someone you never knew was the only someone for you?
After his husband passes away, Blaine Anderson and his son relocate to Brooklyn to escape the overwhelming grief, but two years later, Blaine finds he still can't move on. That is, until his son calls a radio show and tells the host his dad needs a new husband.
Kama Seusstra by GSJwrites.
When erotica author Kurt Hummel follows the hot guy from the book convention party back to his hotel room, he thinks it’s simply a chance to spark his lackluster sex life. But when a scheduling change finds him sharing a speaker’s podium with his one night stand, he discovers that he has hooked up with Blaine Anderson, America’s darling of children’s literature.
Can the writer of a popular erotic serial find love with the author who has made bow ties the literary and fashion trend of children everywhere?
Kama Seusstra follows both their efforts to navigate an unlikely relationship as well as their stories: "Out at Home", an online erotic serial set in the world of professional baseball, and "The Brave Little Bow Tie", a children’s story about a bow tie trying to find his place in the world.
This is a story of sex, love and the hard choices we make to balance happiness and success.
In Orbit by hundredindecisions. 
Blaine starts attending NYU, and he and Kurt weave in and out of each other’s lives - as friends, exes, friends with benefits, and harder-to-define labels - while they navigate college, relationships, and adulthood in New York.
0 notes
cerriddwenluna · 2 years
Week 7 of the @gleedrabbleblog!
This weeks prompts: Coffee & Monster
"Kurt, are you okay?" Blaine asked as he approached his husband who was slumped against the kitchen counter. 
"Huh… wazzat?" 
Blaine gently took Kurt by the arm and sat him down, "Did you fall asleep while doing dishes?" 
"Yeah, I guess I must have," Kurt mumbled sleepily. "While you were on your business trip, your daughter kept me up all night and ran me ragged all day, and I'm exhausted." 
"Oh, so she's my daughter now, is she?" 
"She is when I'm mainlining Monster Energy drinks because regular coffee just doesn't cut it anymore." Kurt shot back with a smile.
Super last minute, but its not midnight yet lol 😅
Domestic!Parents!Klaine my beloved ♥️
Read it on Ao3
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redheadgleek · 7 years
Klaine Advent: Season of Grace
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Summary: Their reunion is only the beginning. A collection of drabbles (100 words) written for the Klaine Advent 2017. Pairing: Klaine (Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson) Rating: T
Chapter title lyrics taken from Vienna Teng’s The Atheist Christmas Carol and City Hall. Lyrics used in Day 16: Perform are from Vienna’s Never Look Away.
Masterpost: read on tumblr / AO3 or click below to read the whole collection.
When Blaine cups his jaw and surges forward in reunion, Kurt clings. He breathes in Blaine’s scent, rediscovers the texture and contour of his skin, drinks in his sigh of pleasure. In lonely nights his psyche supplied his dreams with phantom memories of Blaine’s laugh and fingers - dim in comparison to this reality.
Blaine had proposed with promises of a forever without fear; Kurt’s fears had whispered that they were too young, that their youthful attachment wouldn’t be enough to sustain them through vows of better and worse.
Wiser now, Kurt holds his love close and faces the future together.
Faint moonlight reflects off their bare skin, their noses brushing, breath mingling in shared space. Kurt’s hand traces hearts across his hipbone, reminding him of another November night, when they had been naive and sweet in love.
“Are you worried? About us?” Blaine flinches as Kurt’s hand stops.
“Why not?”
“Because I tried to live without you and it nearly killed me. Because we’re better together.”
“That’s it? That’s enough for you?”
Kurt furrows his brow, selecting words carefully. “You know I don’t believe in God. Or soulmates. I don’t believe that we were meant for each other in some cosmic arrangement, as lovely as it sounds. But... I know you and I choose you, Blaine. For now and every day and year to come.”
“Kurt. I choose you too.”
Kurt’s hand moves again. “I’m not letting go again. If we break, I’m bringing in bail buckets and duct tape with the marriage therapists, because you are it for me. The only future I’ll accept is the one where we die hours apart when we’re 102 and still fabulous.”
“Speak for yourself. I’ll only be 101. Kurt, no!”
Languid kisses quench giggles and unease as the day dawns anew.
Alone on the cold bathroom floor, with every carefully salvaged thread of hope collapsed into rubble, the tears stung and choked in their bitterness. He deserved this, after destroying their future. Karmic retribution for giving into his doubts and shattering Blaine’s - and his - heart.
It’s faded memory now, as Blaine, with sun-warmed eyes open with love, cradles him close and kisses him again and again. There will always be regret mixed with relief, but Kurt is more confident than ever in them; their foundation stronger now, fortified by forgiveness, trust, and faith in each other.
He smiles and kisses back.
Back then, before, a current of tension permeated between them, a sense of looming demise. Insecurities festering, Kurt reacted by pulling back and Blaine by clinging harder. Perhaps their end was inevitable.
So was their beginning. Though in fragments, their connection was undeniable.
Now, he drinks in the sight of Kurt, tall and framed in sun, packing pillows and trinkets, chatting easily - the kids and their sectional selections, Burt and Carole’s adventures in D.C., Rachel’s antics. Blaine’s heart stutters and thrills at the little casual mentions of plans for their life, their future, together.
Grace is a golden epoxy.
He returned to Ohio a failed little boy, life in shambles. Mixed with the heartache of his destroyed relationship was the mortification of slinking back home as a college dropout. Blaine spent most days in bed, with rimmed eyes that refused to spill tears.
An invitation from the Dalton Headmaster granted him asylum. His heart ached daily walking down the marbled staircase, past memories haunting a never-coalesced future. And yet, watching his boys flourish under his tutelage and example, he found redemption.
Like before, he heals, and forgives. When Kurt returns to him, his heart is open for a renewal.
You keep expecting there to be awkwardness, some reminder of the months spent apart. Before you shattered his heart and yours, more evenings than not were spent in stilted silence to stave off the volatile fractionation. The lingering pain of the breaking should taint this beautiful moment of reunion.
Instead, conversation is easy. He seems as eager to share his thoughts and dreams as you are in spilling yours, safe in shared vulnerability. You drink in laughter and love, intoxicated in his presence.
Warm lips and soft eyes seek yours. Embracing this gift of intimacy, you tug him to bed.
Lips seek yours again and again before moving to tug at your earlobe. Goosebumps rise in response to his traveling fingers.
From the first time, sex has always been easy. Together, you discovered communication with touch and passion, and over the years when words caused harsh reverberations, you relied on sex for reconciliation.
Now it feels like a sacrament, the fulfillment of the pledge to take genuine care of precious hearts.
He pauses his downward trail at the edge of your abdomen, eyes open and mischievous.
Lips part and your stomach vibrates as he blows raspberries across your belly.
“Maybe I should just move in here.”
“Move in?”
“I know you gave your landlord notice but is it rented already? Could we back out?”
“We’d have to share my room at Dad’s; it’s small though. I don’t think your parents would approve of us shacking up. We could find a new place, I suppose. Sunday, after the wedding?”
“I thought. I thought you would want to wait. Take our time.”
“Living together wasn’t our problem, we weren’t ready then. We’re healthier now. We can do this.”
“You don’t mind that Dave-”
“No. No unicorns though. Okay?”
“So okay.”
His parents, barely blinking at the news of their reuniting, had offered to drive to the wedding. He had resisted at first, not wanting the presence of others to break their sanctuary, but relented when Pam Anderson joined the caravan.
In the backseat, Blaine inches closer as icy harvested fields flicker past the windows, until his head drops onto Kurt’s shoulder, sleep slacking his mouth. Moments like these, precious in the mundane, were the ones Kurt had missed the most.
He meets his father’s understanding eyes in the rearview mirror and curls closer into the solid weight of Blaine’s trust.
“Barn chic” wouldn't have been Blaine’s aesthetic choice, but he tries to withhold judgement. Gossamer-draped branches cluster charmingly around hay bales and Blaine can see elegance interspersed with the fairy lights - Kurt’s touch.
Blaine acknowledges the deep twinge of regret for the wedding that will never be - hours spent choosing colors and locations, only for those plans to vaporize. And yet, he feels no rush, no reason to push for something that he no longer needs to believe their commitment.
Kurt’s hand rarely leaves his as they greet beloved friends. Blaine answers his blinding smile with one of his own.
“You dress up nicely.”
“So do you. That suit is impeccable.”
“Mmm. I couldn’t have picked better. May I tie this for you?”
“Kurt. We don’t have to do this.”
“I know.”
“I… I don’t want you to regret this.”
“I won’t. We won’t. Blaine. I was going to propose this time.”
“You were?”
“And then drag you to Vegas and skip the wedding entirely.”
“Not Vegas. Same-sex marriage isn’t legal.”
“Massachusetts, then. Or Indiana, I guess.”
“This is so foolish.”
“Foolishness is the key to us. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Make me your husband, Mr. Anderson.”
Kurt tweaks a light as he waits with Brittany. He (and Artie) did an impressive job, even with limited resources and atypical locale.
He loves weddings, the pageantry and extravagance that surrounds heart-felt vows of forever. Planning his own, however, had been months of frustration and devastation. The stress of bartering over flowers while dealing with school and work had frayed his surety in them.
They are too young; it’s a heteronormative tradition rooted in sexism; it doesn’t legitimize their love. He’s listened to reason before.
He wants to marry Blaine. Always.
Now the time is right, he will.
There’s a moment, walking down the aisle with Santana on his arm, that he nearly gives in to panic. He had been so certain two years ago when he had stood on marbled stairs and declared his love. Was he pushing Kurt into a decision that he wasn’t ready to make again?
Kurt turns on the step, amid the surrounding confusion dawning into awareness, and meets his gaze. Doesn’t look away.
There’s no doubt in Kurt’s eyes, misty with love, shiny with conviction. Kurt’s smile is for only him.
Apprehension vanishes. Blaine steps up and turns to say the vows.
There’s a moment, as Blaine glides the welcomed weight of silver over his knuckles, when everything clicks into perfect rightness.
Once he wore a ring fashioned from paper and promises which he exchanged for one representing forever without fear, a constant reminder of Blaine’s unwavering love. Against his finger, it had sometimes felt like a fetter. Only, in its absence, his hand had been both impossibly heavy and empty without Blaine’s anchoring presence.
In this moment, as his father declares them husbands, Blaine’s hands in his, nose brushing his, mouth greeting his, Kurt feels like he has finally come home.
The tempo changes, and Blaine - laughing, blushing, adoring Blaine - finally winds his arms around Kurt’s neck. Kurt can’t resist pulling him closer, relishing the feel of Blaine’s hips, the way their chests press and legs slot together.
Blaine tilts his head and sighs contently. “Brittany just invited us to a ‘wedding consummation ceremony’ with her and Santana.”
“An orgy?”
“Yeah. Supposed to bring good luck. You know Britt.”
“And what did you say, husband of mine?”
“I told her that there was no way that I could share. And that we don’t need luck.”
Kurt captures his lips. “Good answer.”
“When Blaine and I were engaged, I made a playlist of songs to perform for our wedding. Even after we separated, I kept adding to the list. Every song reminded me of Blaine, of what we meant to each other.
“One night when I was the loneliest and despaired our chances, I heard this song, and I knew. This was our song.
“Blaine, love of my life, my husband, this is for you:
“Let me uncover the silver in your dark hair The weight of your bones I want to witness the beauty of your repair The shape you’ve grown...”
Straw bales prick at his raw skin, but Blaine pays little attention; he pulls Kurt down firmer against him and chases his lips again.
“Isn’t it,” Kurt pants against his neck, hands everywhere, dipping down Blaine’s waistband, tugging his shirt higher, “the epitome of poor decorum to have sex at your wedding reception-”
“Uh huh.”
“With family and friends just feet away.” He lowers the zipper and pushes the cloth over Blaine’s hips.
“How long before Mercedes-”
“Kurt, less talking, more… more… Just-”
He feels Kurt’s smirk. “I love making you speechless. Mmmph!”
Blaine grins back. “Same, my love.”
Giggling, drunk on romance, Blaine removes Kurt’s tie, then slides his shirt down his shoulders. Their shower is unhurried with languid kisses tracing trails of water.
Kurt brushes his teeth and washes his face, his ring reflecting back at him, new and yet so familiar. He enters the suite wearing Blaine’s favorite briefs, only to be greeted with snuffling snores.
Blaine stirs slightly as Kurt tugs down the duvet. For the second time in just twelve hours, Kurt watches his beloved sleep. He’s not sure if he could love this man more; he falls to dreams resolved to find out.
Awareness drifts into consciousness. Blaine opens sleepy eyes to Kurt’s soft smile. Morning sun glints off their silver bands. “We’re married,” Blaine marvels.
“We are.”
“It feels like a dream.”
“A good one, I hope.” Kurt chews his lip.
“The best.”
“It wasn’t the wedding you wanted. Not our colors or flowers-”
“It was perfect.”
“You put so much effort-”
Blaine shushes him. “I get to wake up with you, talk to you, go to bed with you. Every day, sharing our lives, together. That’s all I wanted.”
“No regrets then?”
“Only love.”
“Your dork.”
Kurt pounces. “All mine.”
Awareness drifts into consciousness. Blaine opens sleepy eyes to Kurt’s soft smile. Morning sun glints off their silver bands. “We’re married,” Blaine marvels.
“We are.”
“It feels like a dream.”
“A good one, I hope.” Kurt chews his lip.
“The best.”
“It wasn’t the wedding you wanted. Not our colors or flowers-”
“It was perfect.”
“You put so much effort-”
Blaine shushes him. “I get to wake up with you, talk to you, go to bed with you. Every day, sharing our lives, together. That’s all I wanted.”
“No regrets then?”
“Only love.”
“Your dork.”
Kurt pounces. “All mine.”
Not that Burt would’ve complained if he had to stand in line all day to make his kid’s marriage legal, but thankfully, the line’s short.
Kurt steps up to the counter, defiantly holding Blaine’s hand; Burt’s struck again by his son’s courage. “One marriage license.”
The clerk slides the application across with a smile. “Birth certificates, IDs, and $60. Just sign under the line.”
Forms completed, Burt’s attesting as officiant, and - “It’ll be mailed in 2-4 weeks. Congratulations, Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel!”
Burt wipes sudden tears as Carole hugs the newlyweds. His kid’s grown up and he couldn’t be prouder.
They’ve been married three days, three serendipitous days surreal in their ordinariness. Kurt’s belongings are piled in boxes, waiting to be unpacked. Their apartment is tiny: a bed pushed to the corner, one dresser to share.
Once, Kurt had carved out special space for Blaine in his life, tried to fit him into defined compartments. Those boundaries, created to protect, only prevented growth and caused lingering pain.
Their success depends on variation from old patterns. Kurt opens the suitcase and dumps his clothes into the drawer.
Blaine kisses his cheek and Kurt draws him in, breath mingling, eager for more.
The overhead lights dim and Blaine eases up the armrest. The width of airplane seats are too narrow for comfort, but Blaine doesn’t mind having his husband pressed close.
Kurt’s already asleep, fingers curled in Blaine’s, overcome with exhaustion from their unexpected week since they made vows of forever. Giddy disbelief has faded somewhat in the realism of merging lives, but not the surety of that spontaneous decision.
Blaine knows too well how it can go wrong; this week, basking in deep happiness and reinforcing trust and intimacy, has been a testament to how good it could - and would - be.
Kurt tilts his head invitingly for another kiss. “Can’t we stay here forever?”
“We can come back. New York’s pretty close.”
Kurt twists in surprise, water sloshing. “New York?”
“Of course. It’s where we live.”
“Did you want to stay in Ohio?”
“I thought a fresh start… Chicago or L.A.”
“I’ve planned to return, even before. I already applied to NYU and Juilliard and a dozen others for next year. But if you want to move—”
“No! I just— I want you to be happy.”
“I’m so happy. Wherever we make our home.”
“Let’s go home then, love.”
Dalton burns.
Acrid cinders sting his eyes. Beside him, Blaine stares blankly at the ruins, silent since the call this morning.
Kurt steps to the edge of the fire zone, debris crunching under his feet, and questions the observers. Arson. Only partially salvaged. Oh, yes, it can and will be rebuilt.
In the past, Kurt struggled with connecting to Blaine in times of vulnerability and grief. His tendency is to shoulder on and normalize, the opposite of Blaine’s needs. Their fights magnified this difference.
In their destruction, he’s learned better. Kurt reaches out and provides the anchor his husband requires.
Dalton burns.
Blaine chokes on ashes as he takes in the mangled steel frames and smoldering embers. Beside him, Kurt asks questions; Blaine zones out, the details of how and why less important in this inescapable reality.
Dalton had been his refuge. He remembers the first time he walked through those doors, heart bruised and heavy, scared and defeated.
He wonders if this is a sign.
Kurt’s by his side. “The foundation’s strong. They’ll be able to rebuild.”
“There’s already a fund.”
The smoke clears. “Kurt, look. Our staircase.”
Kurt squeezes his hand. “It’s still standing.”
“Just like us.”
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accio-chris · 7 years
Klaine Advent Day 4 : Drink
In a world where no one believed in love or magic anymore, lived a tale older than time itself:
The tale about a boy and his soulmate.
The young boy was very different than anyone else around him. He was quite short and slender for his age, with head full of dark luscious curls that would often fall over his deep amber eyes whenever he moved.
Unfortunately for him, this was all a sharp contrast to the usual brown hair and blue eyes that surrounded him daily. Sadly, those differences made him feel even more like an outsider amongst his own.
Completely alone.
When the boy became teenager and could care for himself, he decided to seak a place for himself, somewhere he could fit just right.
"Blaine, sweetheart" his mother pleaded, "Please don't go. Stay."
"You know I can't, Mama" Blaine replied as he kissed her forehead for the last time.  "I have to go. I have to."
Adjusting the straps on his backpack so it wouldn’t slide off his shoulders as he hiked, Blaine did one final look through to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything.
Unzipping the back pocket of the pack, he reaches in and carefully rubs his finger along a worn-out silk handkerchief that he has had for a few years now.
Pulling it out of it’s clothed confinement, Blaine lifts the handkerchief up to his face to examine for the millionth  time. “KEH” he thinks to himself, a small smile gracing his lips as he brings it back down to carefully tuck back into the sack.
He has never really understood why he has had such a deep calm and connection to that piece of fabric. It wasn’t like it was handed down from an elder or anything. On the contrary, he had actually found it hidden in some bushes one summer afternoon while he was searching for his missing toy in the woods.
Shaking his head out of a trance, Blaine zipped the pack back up and tried his best to not look back at his mother. He knew if he saw those tears he wouldn’t be able to go.  
Leaving was hard enough on its own; seeing his mom cry was even harder.
Opening the door to his childhood home, Blaine told his mom one more goodbye and took his leave.
  Blaine traveled for days, days that turned into weeks, and weeks that turned into months. During that time he passed many villages, places where he would kindly stop and help harvest fields and tinker with run down farm equipment in exchange for food and rest.
While he found great enjoyment out of helping others and making lasting friendships, he just couldn’t find it in himself to stay in one place longer than two weeks at a time. His heart kept telling him that he had to move forward, that what he needed was further down the road.
A full year since he took those steps out of his childhood home, Blaine came upon a large city, with a big wall surrounding it. 
Finding his way inside, Blaine saw the stream of people, that seemed to walk in the same direction of what he assumed was market square. Following them, he soon found out that a nativity play was performed for the commoners.
Curious, as for the first time seeing such play, Blaine tried to push his way through the crowd to have a better place to watch.
Once in the front, he slipped on the melted snow and hit someone with his body. He felt a hot drink wetting his pants, but it was nothing in comparison to the other boy, whose clothes were soaked with what previously must been coffee.
"Oh no!" Blaine exclaimed, reaching for his backpack to looks for a cloth or something, but finding only his beloved handkerchief. "Let me help you!"
"Don't worry" the boy said, taking some tissues from his pocket to dry himself a bit. He didn't notice a small figurine falling out of his pocket. "Those are my commoner clothes, when I want to be incognito."
He didn't have time to get an answer, because at this moment two royal guards came and told the boy to follow them.
With a deep sigh, the boy followed the guards, arguing with one of them. Blaine looked after them, not sure what to do.
He was about to turn around and watch the play, when a splash of colour in the snow caught his eye. He kneeled and took a tiny, wooden soldier in his hand. It looked really familiar.
"Wait!" he yelled after the boy and the guards. The boy stopped and turned immediately. Blaine put the toy on his handkerchief to dry run toward them.
"What do you want, boy?" one of the guards asked, rudely. "Prince Kurt has to come back to the castle right now. His parents are awaiting him."
"Prince?" Blaine whispered, looking at the boy, who was watching him curiously. Then he remembered the toy. "I think it belongs to you, sir."
Prince Kurt looked at the outstretched hand. Blaine heard him gasp as he moved closer.
"Where did you get it from?" He asked in a soft voice.
"Right there, in the snow. It must fallen out of our po-" Blaine hurried to explain, but was stopped by Prince's hand on his.
"No, I don't mean the toy, but the handkerchief."
"Oh. I found it in the woods near my house, years ago. Is it..." ha had to ask, he had to know. "Is it yours?"
"No" the prince shook his head. "At least, not originally" he took the fabric with the toy and hugged it to his heart. "It belonged to my mother, she gave it to me when I was a small kid. I lost it on the day of her funeral."
"I'm so sorry" without thinking, Blaine stepped closer and embraced the prince.
The whole world seemed to stop and disappear around them. Nothing else mattered, just the two souls finding each other.
"Blaine" Kurt whispered, a lone tear coming down on his cheek.
"How do you know my name?" Blaine said in wonder.
"It's on the back of that toy. I found it on the same day I lost my mom's handkerchief."
"But how is that even possible?"
"I don't know. But whatever it was - fate, magic"
"A spilled drink" joked Blaine.
"It brought you here" finished Kurt. "To me."
"To you" repeated Blaine, before leaning in and kissing his prince.
A loud sound of cleared throat startled them. They both blushed furiously, avoiding looking at the guards. Kurt took Blaine's hand and they started walking to the castle.
"Let's go home."
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forabeatofadrum · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Thank you @urban-sith for the tag. I come with the gift of Rosemary, my beloved. (Also Ire thank you for your continued love for Rosemary, it even makes me forgive you for not understanding Klaine, I now named a background character after you.) 
Speaking of gifts, it’s Rosemary’s welcome party in e pare stella, from Simon’s POV!
There’s a lot of essentials. Cute baby clothes galore! But some gifts are really thoughtful.
Mitali Bunce gives us a book on Indian history. Penny and Shepard gave us books on magickal parenting. Don gives us a romper with a cartoon lobster on it. Emma and Angelo have some cute handmade art for her future bedroom. (We’re currently scouring the real estate advertisements for a new place.) (I fear that we might have to leave Salò.)
I specifically love my mum’s gift, which is a big sunhat. Rosemary would completely disappear underneath an 80 centimetres sunhat, but 40 centimetres is already too big on her. Baz looks like he’s about to lose it. It’s so funny.
Mordelia has the best gift, in my humble opinion. She insisted on giving a gift of her own, since Daphne and Malcolm disappointed (who gives a baby a fountain pen?), and she gives Rosemary a stuffed toy that’s clearly a bat.
Rosemary lets go of my mum’s hair and she makes grabby hands towards Mordelia. When Mordelia hands it over, Rosemary clutches the stuffed animal against her chest.
“That’s a bat! È un pipistrello.” I tell her.
Rosemary lets out some random delighted noises and everyone coos.
“Say thanks, Rosemary. Grazie mille!”
She doesn’t even try, but no one minds.
No Klaine or Zimbits this time, because I am stuck on both my Glee/CO crossover and my Zimbits Updates. 
Tagging: @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @esperantoauthor @redheadgleek @wellbelesbian @coffeegleek @facewithoutheart @caramelcoffeeaddict @bookish-bogwitch @20xbetterthanu@martsonmars @mostlymaudlin @sillyunicorn (welcome!) @captain-aralias @dragoneggo 
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ajw720 · 7 years
honestly, i think the entire fox strategy of keeping cc apart was ridiculous. promoting them together would have expanded the fan base hugely, but instead they polarised the fan base and made the fans of two stars who were in love on the show hate one another.
Anon, I honestly could not agree more. And this is why i had the hardest time excepting CC as real when I first tiptoed into this world. Because it makes NO LOGICAL SENSE.  
My parents are in their 70s and watched every episode of Glee (my mom did threatened to quit after Previously Unaired Christmas) and when we first talked about it, she said, I wish I had known. I would have loved Kurt and Blaine even more.
Now granted, my mom is not the target audience. Nor am I. But i know so many people who watched it with their kids who would have loved it.  And who would have enjoyed the BTS videos of them together, promoting Glee and Klaine. Who would have loved to watch the evolution of a healthy Klaine instead of the constant angst we got on screen that was a direct result of Ryan’s jealousy and Fox’s need to repress them.  
And instead Fox did the opposite and the result is a complete mess for all parties involved.  And the mistreatment of two beloved character for the second half of the series so Ryan could exhibit his displeasure to the world.
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Any fics where Kurt and Blaine both have troubled pasts? Maybe one has been abused or is an orphan? Idc what the story is
You should definitely check out our  abused!Blaine, abused!Kurt, orphan!Blaine, and orphan!Kurt tags. Here are a few to get you started. - HKVoyage
Fathers by OnceinYourLife
“I love my son, and my son loves Blaine. He matters to me.” While the glee club is in New York, Burt receives an unexpected visitor.
Stuck in Reverse by xcaellachx
Kurt finds Blaine on the side of the road, bruised and broken. He is shocked when he finds out just what Blaine needs from him in order to heal. Is Kurt up to the challenge to take on a lifestyle he has never experienced? With the help of his best friends, he decides to find out.
Lessons in Being a Man by Whatsername Lambert
Kurt is a beloved music teacher and, along with partner Dave Karofsky, proud father to 6-year-old Ellie. Blaine, his best friend, is a young Chicago lawyer who unwillingly becomes the leader of a statewide gay rights movement. When Kurt and Ellie’s home life turns violent as a result of Dave’s alcoholism, Blaine opens up his home to them. Brief Kurtofsky, Klaine later. 
Promises Broken by GleekMom
Fill - Glee Angst Meme: Blaine is removed from his home after serious allegations of abuse are reported to child protective services. How will Blaine survive life in foster care and a group home? But more importantly, will Kurt and his friends at McKinley continue to embrace him or will he lose everything forever?
Independent Living by @gleekmom
AU Klaine Fic: After the death of both his parents, Kurt Hummel has been living in foster care for the past 10 years. Now he’s 18 and has finally achieved his goal of Independent Living. But when he meets Blaine Anderson, he finally learns that being independent doesn’t necessarily mean being alone. (Warning: Seblaine History)
Unfound Family by @tonks42
After years in foster care, finding himself moving in with a new family has become all too frequent of a routine for Blaine. But in the aftermath of an attack at a school dance, Blaine finds himself living with a family that’s like nothing he’s experienced before. Life at the Berry’s home is a whole new world. Despite his struggles at McKinley and having to learn to live with Rachel, he doesn’t want to move on, especially considering the new friendship he’s forming with Kurt and the glee club everyone keeps trying to convince him to join.
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Any lawyer Blaine fics???
Lessons In Being a Man by Whatsername Lambert [PDF]
Kurt is a beloved music teacher and, along with partner Dave Karofsky, proud father to 6-year-old Ellie. Blaine, his best friend, is a young Chicago lawyer who unwillingly becomes the leader of a statewide gay rights movement. When Kurt and Ellie’s home life turns violent as a result of Dave’s alcoholism, Blaine opens up his home to them. Brief Kurtofsky, Klaine later. Future fic.
My Note: There is very very little Kurtofsky is this story.
Syrup and Honey by LauGS
AU!Klaine. Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson’s days.
Not As It Seems by fearlessly
Blaine had been frozen where he stood. The boy in front of him was gorgeous. He had never seen a creature so beautiful in his life and quite frankly, Blaine was awestruck. His eyes, they were like raging ocean storms yet they were gentle, inviting, and so utterly … organic. MPREG!Kurt and BP!Kurt
Come What May by Mrs Criss 2012
Four years ago, Blaine Anderson broke Kurt Hummels heart when he left. Now a smart and successful lawyer and poised to take over the family firm, Blaine is a shadow of the man he used to be. Struggling with conflicting emotions surrounding his parents, and trying to live in a world without his one true love, Blaine must discover who he really wants to be.
Tell Me by Admirer [ [PDF] or [EPUB]
Blaine’s never hired a prostitute before. But he’s sick of being the one used up and spit out so he wants to find someone he can use instead.
In the town of Lima, Ohio by crowned queen of bitchland  (PDF)
After the loss of his parents Kurt is left to raise his baby brother all by himself. Closed off, guarded and inexperienced, he shies away from the advances of a certain curly-haired lawyer who falls desperately in love with him. Will he let Blaine in, or will his walls keep him away? Read and find out :)
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