#Park de la Ciutadella
hsmagazine254 · 1 year
Barcelona Unveiled: A Complete Guide to Food, Shopping, Parks, and Historic Sites
Barcelona Unveiled: Discovering the Best of Food, Shopping, Parks, and Historic Sites Barcelona, the vibrant capital of Catalonia in Spain, is a city that beckons travellers with its captivating blend of history, gastronomy, shopping, and natural beauty. From its stunning architecture and rich cultural heritage to its delectable cuisine, trendy shopping districts, and picturesque parks, Barcelona…
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stillunusual · 4 months
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Parc de la Ciutadella
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eleni-cherie · 3 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 0.3
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
21st April
Barcelona, Spain
"Wished I could travel around again, like when I was a kid.. haven't done that in years."
Cassandra heaved a sigh and sat back at the bench in parc de la Ciutadella. Trying her best to shield her eyes from the sun that still flared from in between the trees. Preventing her from drawing properly.
She needed that little distraction from all the medical things. It had been an intense week once again at the hospital and that was one of her favourite spots.
"Around the world like you do, you know?" Her lips pressed into a thin line as she peeked at Taehyung who was sitting beside her, sunk into his seat and legs widely spread in front of him. Untamed raven hair hanging into his eyes behind round sunglasses. "Okay, maybe not exactly like you do," she laughed under her breath, "But still, I'm quite envious of you for that."
"It's not as much fun as you imagine it though.." he chuckled while mindlessly observing a group of tourists gathering in front of the impressive fountain in the park. The song on the playlist sitting between them faded and a soft piano melody began playing instead.
"Sure, having to be on the run from interpol probably takes the fun out of it but.." She dragged a breath. "It's still better compared to being stuck at one place."
Cassandra often liked to pretend the job didn't phase her too much, especially since not even a full year had passed of her officially practicing it. She tried keeping a professional distance to the patients and even her colleagues, with the exception of Stella. Sometimes it was easier, sometimes not. She wasn't sure which path was the right approach yet. She hoped with practice there would come knowledge.
The only thing she knew was that day hadn't been one of the great ones. Not only because of the tantrum by her assistant colleague Pavlo, a big sleazy jerk who definitely wasn't made for any profession that required contact to sick humans, but even before that. That was why she was thankful for Taehyung randomly showing up that day. Waiting for her at the ER entrance as always. 
She didn't say it out loud, but his random visits were always a welcoming break from the monotony of her daily life. And she appreciated them. Even if they were usually for just one day. It was the one day she looked forward to the most, despite never knowing when it'd come and if it'd ever come again. Because being friends with someone like him had the disadvantage of having little to no contact the rest of the time.
Still, even if not much, the time they got to spend together always reminded her how exciting and fun that city could be. With the right company at least. It reminded her there was a life outside of the hospital.
Taehyung looked at her, pensively. He never realised how hard her job must've been and he gave her an empathetic pout. "Stuck.. that bad, huh?"
She sucked on the little rest of her melon lollipop before throwing the plastic stick into the bin next to her. "Sometimes, yeah."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"There's not really much to talk about.. but thanks." A weak smile graced her lips, not quite reaching her eyes. Truth was she'd have liked talking about it with someone but couldn't because a) medical confidentiality and b) it was a sad story and she didn't want to dump it all onto him. They might be friends, oddly enough for some, but she didn't want to scare him off with all her emotional baggage.
Amyloidosis. Why on earth would a seven-year-old have that?
Her heart clenched just remembering it.
"Well, I know a place that might distract you at least." His cheery voice caused her to perk up with curiosity, watching him pausing the music to shove the phone into his pockets. 
"Really? What place?"
He flashed her a grin filled with mischief and promise before standing up. Motioning for her to follow. "You'll see."
Whenever he'd come to Barcelona before meeting Cassandra it was mainly for a job, a layover or to lay low when interpol was on their tail. However, he'd still got around a fair amount of times and there was a small tapas bar in the basement of a narrow alley that he liked a lot. It wasn't nearby, but she looked like needing good food and a drink right now.
Intrigued, the coppery-haired girl packed her drawing utensils and swung her tote bag over her shoulder before following him out of the park to his parked car. Perhaps she shouldn't be so trusting of a thief she'd not even spent two handful of days together and yet she was. Finding herself heading west in his car when they stopped at a red light.
He let his long fingers absentmindedly drum to the soft beat playing on the radio while waiting. Humming along to it. 
Cassandra got curious to where he was bringing her to and attempted to ask after all, but faltered when she watched him slid off the sunglasses. Using them to push back his hair that was unrulingly covering his vision due to a spring blow coming from the cranked down window. She took in his musing eyes and the soft edges of his features. Skin shining in a warm undertone, much warmer than hers in the city's afternoon glow.
"Traffic's unbearable," he sighed then and turned to her, catching her gaze already resting on him.
Her long eyelashes fluttered and she looked away to the lines of cars in front of them. "I-it's because of roadwork at the ring road. Everyone's detouring."
"Ah," he replied with a bashful smile. Seeing vehicles at the front moving then, much to his relief. And he prepared switching gears when an unexpected whistle made him grow stiff.
"Well, well, well.. who do we have here!"
That seething voice instantly triggered his memory and made the blood in his veins freeze. He internally cursed, glancing to his left. His eyes recognising that sleazy lopsided grin from its source. It was one of the goons he owned his wounded arm last year to.
The man, not much taller than him and surely not smarter, was leaning against a street lamp, a half-lit cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he pushed himself off. The grin widening in a threatening mannor as he took the butt from between his teeth and tossed it to the ground, glance never leaving his.
Taehyung's jaw clenched and he faced Cassandra with concern. Meeting her already inquiring look. 
"Cas, buckle up and hold tight. Okay?" He expected her to pelt him with questions but instead, she just nodded and sank lower into her seat. Gripping her seatbelt tightly.
"Hey, I think we still got to settle an outstanding score!" the guy sneered then. Preparing to make his way over to them when thankfully the cars in front of them disappeared. And he  instantly shifted gears, flooring the gas. 
The thug shouted after them in anger and Taehyung knew this wasn't over. Catching a glimpse of the man in the rareview mirror, waving over another one before getting into the red car parked besides them.
"I'm sorry, Doc, I think we have to postpone it." His face turned apologetic as he navigated himself through the busy streets. "I'll stop somewhere so you can -" The sentences was left unfinished as a loud pang! echoed and next thing he noticed was the side-mirror, cracked into tiny pieces. "Fck."
Cassandra's eyes grew. Staring at him with bewildered bambi eyes. "Was that a bullet?"
"I fear so."
Quietly, she folded her lips and sunk even lower into her seat. "Damn, so that's what it's really like to hang out with you, huh cool guy?" she joked and he glanced at her, astonished.
There was mild concern on her face, paired with irritation in her eyes. But he realised they lacked fear or panic. She wasn't terrified like most people would be in that situation. It seemed nonsensical, almost comically absurd. And he chuckled under his breath.
"Sometimes, yeah. Keep your head tucked down, okay?" He shot her a smile before sliding out the gun from his waistband underneath his loose-fitted shirt and she nodded vigorously.
Cocking the magnum he glanced over his shoulder, spotting the red car nearing them fast. It was only a couple of vehicles behind them. In that moment, someone leaned out of the passenger window and Taehyung instantly sat back again. Shifting to a higher gear and taking a sharp turn into another street, earning loud honks and curses from two other drivers. With the advantage of the new angle, he fired a couple of shots himself. Each one piercing the red car's front tyres and eventually causing it to come to an abrupt halt in the middle of the street.
He drifted to the next side-street, heading for the exit to the ring rode highway in the north then. There was no time to think themselves safe, though, with the piercing sound of multiple bullets hitting his car's trunk. And he saw two motorbikes following them in the rearview mirrow.
"Would you do me a favour?"
Cassandra arched a brow at his apologetic smile. "W-what favour?"
"Hold the steering wheel for me - just for a few seconds. Can you do that?"
"W-what? Why?"
He sighed. "I might be a great marksman, but I can't shoot behind me while also driving."
"I can't drive though! I don't have a license." Taehyung stifled a laugh, finding it ironic that only now she chose to panic and that over something, in his opinion, minor.
"Just keep the car on the road for five seconds, that's all." He gave her an reassuring smile and Cassandra gulped. Eventually agreeing, not having much of a choice after all when another bullet hit their car. So she leaned over and gripped the steering wheel, holding it tightly. Thankfully not many cars were in front of them on the highway. 
Five seconds. Just five seconds, she kept telling herself as Taehyung turned in his seat and with a deadly precision aimed and hit the motorbikes' tyres. The vehicles along with their passengers stumbling and collapsing to the ground. And he quickly took the steering wheel back.
"Good girl," he grinned at her proudly. Cassandra feeling her cheeks heating up at his affirmation. She peeked at him then as she straightened in her seat, "Your aim is quite impressive." He could've aimed at the passengers - it must have been easier - but he still chose to only shoot the tyres. She noticed that.
He mumbled an embarrassed 'thanks' before clearing his voice. "You know the city well, don't you?"
She nodded.
"Alright, do you know any abandoned area close by?"
Cassandra sat back, thinking hard as she chewed on her lips while trying remembering anything.
There was the forest and mountains, but they couldn't be reached well by car.
"Ah, remember I said one of the main roads is closed due to constructions? It's a big stretch of the road. That part should be pretty abandoned save for the warehouses close by."
He nodded, trusting her words. They didn't have much time to come up with an alternative now anyway as a third bike had appeared in the distance. "Lead the way."
"Take the next exit," she instructed him an they headed east. No vehicles around them as they left the main road segment. Soon encountering the roadblocks in the distance with the construction area behind it. He took a sharp turn, sliding down from the road and towards the block of grey warehouses beside it to park the car behind one.
"Go to the backseat and stay low, got it?" he instructed and before her lips could even part in protest, he had already left.
With a huff Cassandra shuffled and did as she'd been told. Unable to contain her curiosity, however, she dared to peep out a few times. Trying seeing if she could catch a glimpse of anything.
She didn't.
He had probably headed towards the construction area. Keeping the action as far away from her as possible hence why he'd hidden the car there. So she sat back down, bringing her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her angled legs and waited.
It felt like an eternity passed and she was unable to hear anything, assuming there was indeed no one around. And she began to feel stupid. Wonderung if he had perhaps left her there altogether. He hadn't struck her like such a person, but as she got out of the car and looked around the empty area, her heart sank in disbelief.
Had he really just left her there in the middle of nowhere? No. No way.
Puffing out her breath, she started walking out of the warehouses towards the main road. Determind to walk all the way back to the city if needed when her eyes caught a black car and a motorcircle parked at the construction area in the distance. And she abruptly paused in her tracks, quickly retreating behind the wall of a warehouse to observe. 
There were several people standing around the escavated area. Shouting incoherent words to each other. Then suddenly another person appeared behind one of the construction vehicles and shot at them, hitting one of the men on both shins in the matter of a single second before disappearing again. Two others quickly ran away then to jump behind a pile of gravel next to a hole. Shooting at the vehicle now.
They stood so far away that the gunshots sounded like faint plopping noises.
The other man's head popped up again and that was when she caught a better look on him - it was Taehyung. Clearly. She should've known from his aim. He shot at a cargo net hanging from a crane, causing it to cut in an instant and the cargo dropping right next to the two men. Cracking open and heavy bags falling onto them, burying them.
Cassandra held her breath. Seeing her friend then coming out from his stash to examine his work and she decided to check the situation out herself. There was a guy with clear gunshot wounds wailing on the ground and Taehyung might've also been injured, she had to.
In the meantime, Taehyung dragged out the unconscious guys from underneath the bags. Dropping the last one's arm, he wiped over his forehead with the back of his hand. It was exhausting but he knew he couldn't leave them underneath. Surely the cops would soon be there, taking care of the rest. All that was left for him was to tie them up just in case they decided to come back to their senses earlier than he wished.
He grabbed a rope wrapped around a pipe then, beginning to tie it around their wrists and ankles when a dull noise echoed behind him and he turned around in alert.
He saw one of the men he thought were unconscious, kneeling down on the ground and holding his head, wincing. And above him stood Cassandra with a shovel, panting heavily. She caught Taehyung's surprised glare then, flashing him a grin.
"He was creeping up on you."
His lips parted, ready to scold her for leaving the stash but before he could properly react, a flashing from the direction of the cars caught his attention and he shoved her behind a stack of logs. A shot ringing through the air the second they hit the sandy ground.
Her round eyes stared at him startled as he was towering over her with a stern look. The tips of their noses a breath away from brushing against each other. 
Cassandra had noticed the tiny moles on his face before. The one under his eyelashes, the one on the round tip of his nose, the one at the edge of his full lips. But it was only with the close proximity of it almost touching hers that she really saw them, taking them all in. And her breath hitched when catching his eyes skimming over her features, too.
Taehyung's chest rose and fell against hers. He swallowed, holding her gaze a second longer and almost getting completely lost in the depths of her irises' warm gradient, when another shot rang above them. And he quickly retreated and propped himself back up. The small golden pendant usually hidden underneath his shirts, slipped out and dangled in the air between them.
He grabbed his revolver from where it had fallen next to them, taking the empty capsules out and filling new bullets in before aiming the magnum at the direction of the shortly joined cars. Shooting at the backup the others must've called beforehand. He stroke the shooters with one bullet each despite the long distance, hearing a series of yelps until the last one was down.
And Cassandra silently studied him from where she was still laying on the ground. His usually gentle almond eyes, sharp and hard as they were focusing on their target. Arms flexing with every recoil.
In that moment she indeed believed he looked like the coolest guy she knew.
She didn't notice the ringing in her ears from all the firing. Only when she saw his outstretched hand towards her, she realised it had ended and she grabbed it, heaving herself up.
Brushing off the dirt from her uncovered legs, when the distinctive sound of sirens shrilled in the distance. And the two exchanged an alarmed glance. "To the car!" 
They began running over the uneven construction area, the warehouses in close sight when Cassandra suddenly felt the ground beneath her feet shifting and giving in. She tripped in an unwary moment and the next thing she knew, she tumbled down an excavated hole.
"Cas!" Taehyung yelled out. Not wasting a second before skillfully sliding down himself to check on her.
She groaned in pain as her limbs had tried to absorb the shock, but she still attempted staying up from the gravel. Biting back a hiss then when a piercing ache crossed her senses, forcing her to pause. And she sank back down. The skin on her legs and hands burning.
"Your leg," Taehyung muttered then as he knelt down. Cassandra furrowed her brows, not understanding what he meant only to see her right knee being covered in blood. The graze quite big and deep, burning like hell along with all the other abrasions. And a persistent pain in her ankle.
"Is it serious? Can you move your leg?" Taehyung asked with concern in his voice.
"Sure I can I jus- ouch!"
"So that's a no. Is it broken?"
"No, I can still move it -" She winced at her anew attempt. She could move it indeed, it was just very painful. "It's most likely just sprained."
It was quite ironic. Of course the only way for her to actually get injured was by tripping and falling. Not bullets or anything. How embarrassing. She felt like an utter nuisance. All she wanted was to help and instead she was a burden.
Much to her astonishment, she watched him turn around and scrunch down in front of her then.
"Get on."
"We got no time to spare, just get on," he commanded and she gulped at his serious tone, making her guilt only grow. She quickly obeyed, wrapping her arms aroung his neck and allowing him to hook his hands around her knees to lift her up. 
The hole thankfully wasn't too deep, but nevertheless steep and walking it back up with another person on his back definitely wasn't an easy task. They didn't have any other option though, the sirens drew nearer. The police probably on the highway parallel to this road, soon reaching the exit and them, so they needed to hurry. And she was clearly not in the state to climb up on her own.
Cassandra was holding onto him tightly. Feeling bad for Taehyung having to carry her back to the car in a piggyback ride. Afraid she was too heavy for him despite the firm grip on her legs so she squeezed them tighter against his waist not to slip out.
Reaching the car in no time, he placed her down onto the passenger seat with a deep set crease between his brows. Rushing to the driver's side then and engaging a gear, he rushed the car out from the warehouses and onto a field road, towards the direction of a side road leading back to the highway.
"How - how bad is it?" His face was guilt-driven as he glanced at her, redirecting his focus onto the road then. "Where's the next hospital? We need to get it treated."
"No, don't worry. It's nothing serious. Just need to bandage and cool it at home." Cassandra only waved him off with a wary smile. Much to Taehyung's growing frustration. He only frowned, brows furrowing with reasonable doubts. "Home? I should bring you to a doctor!"
"I am a doctor," she pointed out, earning an eye-roll from him.
"And you can patch up yourself?"
"Uh, yeah why not?"
"Cas, I'm getting you a doctor. Another doctor."
"No, you won't," she retorted, persisting, "It's honestly nothing severe and they won't be able doing anything but bandage the wound and tell me to cool the ankle and keep it lifted, anyway. Trust me."
Dragging out a breath he gave in. Not thinking he'd be able winning any argument with her persistent stubborness and an attitude comparable to a child's 'so what?' mindset.
"How did this even happen? I just looked away for a second.." he mumbled then, more to himself than her really. He was driving at speedlimit, trying his best not to overdo it as they didn't need the police's attention right now.
Cassandra could only face him with an sheepish grin. "Well, there's a reason I became an internist and not a surgeon. I'm clumsy as hell, if you haven't noticed yet." She tried joking, hoping to lighten the mood.
At least she could laugh about it, he thought. His stern expression mitigating, breathing out a chuckle himself over her self-irony.
Now that she mentioned it, he'd indeed noticed her left-handed behavior at times. Dropping things, hitting her limbs, tripping.. There was always a random bruise adorning some place on her skin.
"Yeah, I surely wouldn't want to get operated by you," he deadpanned then making her audibly gasp before breaking into a fit of giggles. And he exhaled, shaking his head as his lips formed a crooked smile. "You're something.. you know that?"
She huffed, folding her arms. "Something good I hope." 
He smirked, almost missing the right turn. "Always."
Eventually reaching her street with no patrol cars in sight, he parked a bit further away from her building just in case and helped her out of the car. Offering his hand which she gladly accepted. Watching her hobble out since she was still unable to properly bend her right foot.
"Let me help you." His voice was low, almost a whisper and he took her hand, wrapping her arm around his shoulder before hesitatingly placing his hand around her waist.
Cassandra didn't object, putting her pride aside as she undoubtedly needed a little assistance and so he led her down the sparsely illuminated narrow pavement.
It was barely past 9pm, but the sun had set already. The only other additional light being the blue flickening of tv screens coming from behind closed balcony doors. 
Taehyung kept internally cursing while supporting her limping self. His grip around her waist getting firmer as his other hand squeezed her fingers which were hanging from his shoulder. "Cas, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. I should've paid more attention."
"Seriously, Tae, don't let it get to you," Cassandra countered with an reassuring smile, not wanting him to feel bad for her own mistake.
She had been used to things like this happening. Random cuts and bruises without exactly knowing where they came from. It was normal to her. Though, admittedly, such a large wound along with a strain was a new level she'd reached, but it was still her own doing.
Something Taehyung didn't seem to accept so easily though, as she only earned a mildly irritated huff and scowl from him. 
In his opinion, she was way too laid back for someone with a large open wound on her knee, scratched and bleeding, and a strained if not broken ankle that made her unable to properly walk without flinching. He suspected her to be downplaying it and pretending not being in pain for his sake. However, it was quite evident by the way her jaw clenched and she bit down on her tightly pressed lip whenever she turned her face away, thinking he wouldn't see.
Perhaps she was also just as prideful and stubborn as he was.
He led her out of the elevator, down the hallway towards her apartment's door and after she fiddled with the keys for what felt like a minute, doing so with only one hand proving harder than she thought, she managed pushing it open and he hurried her inside and to where she pointed the bathroom was at.
Taehyung let her take a seat on the small bathtub's edge then. One foot on the blue rug while the injured leg was stretched out along the bathtub so she could inspect the wound better. Good thing that wounds and blood always fascinated her, made that workfield much easier.
The dried blood covering her shin, got cleaned first with the water jet of her shower. It was surely just a flesh wound.
However, it was still rather extensive. If she had been wearing long pants it might've been prevented, but her shorts hadn't provided any kind of cover when she'd stumbled down the gravel and asphalt.
"My emergency kit is under the sink, could you fetch it for me?" she asked, eyes too focused on inspecting the wound to look at him.
He quickly obeyed, handing her over the blue box and watched her opening it like a mechanic would open their toolbox. All kinds of supplies inside. Gauze, rash creams, small brown bottles of oitments and bigger, clear bottles he couldn't really identify.
"Pledget," she suddenly ordered, stretching her hand and Taehyung only eyed her with an amused smile over her unusual bossy tone.
Confused about the lack of acknowledgment, she glanced at him before her eyes widened. Giggling embarrassed at herself when rememering she wasn't in the hospital but her own bathroom. "Sorry, force of habit. Behind the mirror I store pledgets. And in the bottom drawer I have a small wash cloth. Please wet it and give them to me."
He smirked before he picked everything in her list. "Anything else I can assist you with, Doc?"
"No, that's all for now, nurse," she smirked back as she accepted the pledgets and the cloth from him. Beginning cleaning the wound from the dirt and tiny particles and trying her best not to wince with every touch of the wet fabric on her open skin. And Taehyung pitied her. Still feeling like all this was in some way his fault, no matter how much she denied it.
He grabbed the cloth from her then and Cassandra was about to object when she watched him kneel down in front of her. Silently taking over in cleaning the wound. Flustered, her breath halted for a moment when his fingers gently prushed over her shin to keep her leg steady.
"Y-you don't have to."
"I know."
And she folded her lips, leaving him work in silence. When he deamed the wound to be free from any foreign material, he put the cloth away and glanced up at her in anticipation. "What now?"
She swallowed before offering him a smile. Motioning with her chin to the blue box. "There's a disinfectant spray. Spray some on a pledget to disinfect it."
He hummed with a nod and she observed him follow her instructions. Both growing quiet again until she flinched at the disinfectant's cold burning. His hand gently pressed her leg back down, holding it in position. "Almost done," his voice soothed her, quietly demanding for her not to move. And Cassandra bit the inside of her lips, nodding. Not only her wound tingling, but every fibre of skin covering her body was. Like fizzy powder being sprinkled all over it.
"N-next use the cream saying 'dexpanthenol'."
His concentrating brows furrowed while he spread the cream. And Cassandra had to look away.
Dammit, she thought and closed her eyes. Why was it suddenly so warm in there?
She felt like melting into a puddle right into the tub.
Before she even realised, he had began to wrap gauze around her knee. "Tell me if it's too tight." His usually chesty voice hollow now, his mind preocuppied with racing thoughts. Almost missing her cough out a hum as she was still unable to form coherent sentences.
Cassandra had been so used to be the one taking care of others, especially physically, that having someone who wasn't her parents or grandparents, taking care of her felt not only strange and unusual, but also oddly pleasant. And she smiled gently.
"Thank you." Now she just needed to rest and cool the ankle.
Taehyung nodded only, packing everything he had used back into the blue box.
"Least I could do, really," he sighed then, a rueful smile tucked on the corner of his lips, "I'm sorry, Cassandra, I -" He looked down to the blue rug he was sitting on. "I guess it was foolish to make you hang out with someone like me. Should've known it was a bad idea."
A frown nestled onto her features hearing his words and she slid her leg down from the bathtub, sitting properly now. "You didn't 'make' me, Taehyung. I hang out with you because I want to. Because I like hanging out with you."
Glancing up at her briefly with a raised brow, he quickly shook his head. She said it so matter-of-factly, but it felt undeserved.
"Even after today?"
"Especially after today. And besides, you told me to stay in the car and I didn't listen.." She sighed, averting her irises in shame. "So I'm the sorry one."
"Right, but I should've known you wouldn't listen," he shrugged nonchalantly, "It was to be expected really."
She huffed out a puzzled laugh. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"
Taehyung grinned, flickering a finger on her forehead with a chuckle. Cassandra flinched at the unexpected gesture, rubbing the spot with a whine.
"It means that you, Cassandra, are curious, impatient and defiant like a child. So of course you wouldn't listen."
His words had the potential to offend or hurt someone, but the tender expression on his features let her know of their affectionate nature. They weren't meant anything but teasingly, he wasn't actually scolding her. Yet, she couldn't help but pout.
"Besides," he said then and lifted himself, standing in front of her now, "If you hadn't knocked off that guy with the shovel, you might've been the one treating me again instead. So if anything, I owe you."
Frankly, it didn't make sense to Taehyung that she was apologising when she'd have had all the right to yell and cuss at him for endangering her.
Why wouldn't she throw him out of her flat already? Why wasn't she terrified or scared?
Now that he thought about it, she hadn't been before either.
When the shooting began, a little, but after that? She had been rather composed. More than most civilians would've been in her position. And it confused him even more, but it also impressed him.
"Weren't you scared at all?" he wondered then, eyes dropping with a pensive look, "You could've been injured more severely than this."
Cassandra was buffled for a moment but seemed to understand what he was hinting at and her doe eyes became even rounder, contemplating his words.
Yeah, she should've been terrified. But she wasn't. And hadn't been. Why?
He watched her pushing herself off the tub, attempting to stay up. Carefully, she eventually managed standing on one foot while the injured one lightly touched the ground for balance. Her brown eyes radiating warmth at her following words.
"I wasn't, no. You were there after all, so I didn't have a reason to. I knew you'd protect me. And you did."
His lips parted, startled. "I, I see.." He coughed in an attempt to mask his flushed smile. He hadn't expected that.
She trusted him. She trusted him enough not to be scared. The thought made him irrationally proud.
"I mean," she chuckled then, trying being casual about it, "You didn't lie, your shooting skills are pretty mad. I'm impressed."
He huffed, scratching the back of his neck as his other hand automatically went to the gun in the back of his waistband. "Ah yeah?" he smirked for a brief moment before his lips pressed into a thin line again. "Cas, seriously now though. Why aren't you mad at me? Why would you.. still want to spend time with me?"
"Told you already."
He sighed in frustration, unsure if she simply didn't get it or pretended not to. "You know what I mean. You're a doctor, a good person. You help others. You literally save lives, while I.. I don't do any of that. I'm a literal criminal. Sure, not as ruthless or devious as most.. but still a criminal. A bad guy."
His bubble, it was bursting. He could feel it. The bubble he kept escaping to that past half a year. The little delusion of feeling normal he had clinged to.
Cassandra remained silent, her stern gaze staying on Taehyung's despite him looking away. Blame written all over his gentle features and in a way, the way he perceived himself ached her more than the strain. Especially since she knew him and his friends weren't ordinary criminals. 
And it also upset her, the way he portrait her. Placing her on a pedestral. As if she was a perfect being who couldn't do any wrong.
"Just because I'm a doctor I'm not a saint, and you ain't a demon for being a thief."
The firmness in her voice made him perk up, eyes keen to prove him wrong.
"Come, I need to show you something," she said then and gently tugged him by the wrist.
Wordlessly, he let her hold onto his forearm as she led him with small steps across the hallway into what turned out to be the living room.
She turned on a lamp in the far corner, illuminating the space.
The room was as organised as Cassandra's thoughts, every piece of furniture and decor at its place neatly. A flat-screen on the wall and in front of it a broad sofa stuffed with soft pillows and colourful plushies, and underneath the dark coffee table, a carpet of bright but soothing colours. The window big beside it, with several smaller to medium-sized plants lining up on the windowsill.
She came to a halt, positioning them both in front of the wall opposite to the window then.
There was a corckboard with all kinds of tickets, photos and postcards from around the world pinned onto it, gracing a small part of the wall, while the majority was occupied with posters. Film posters, to be precise.  
"Some of my favourite films," she plainly stated, peeking at him expectantly. And Taehyung breathed out, allowing his gaze to wander over each one of the posters decorating the space. Then going to the tall shelves in the corner with numerous old dvds. His lips falling slightly agape when taking everything in. "You.."
Crime films, heist films, neo-noir, gangster-comedies. 
That explained some things.
After what felt like minutes of silence, he eventually spoke up again.
"Great films."
"Yeah?" she asked, beaming when seeing him nod in approval.
"Of course." He faced her then with knitted brows. "You know films aren't very realistic though."
At this she only scoffed when seeing an shit-eating grin spreading on his lips. And she nudged his side. "Oh, I know. But some are based on real stories, so close enough I'd say."
They shared another glance before Taehyung eventually broke into a fit of laughter. With her promptly joining him, recognising the absurdity of it all. Both laughing over what felt like their own little inside-joke.
"You really are something, Cas.."
23rd April
Interpol branch office
Seoul, South Korea
"Agent Kim? I forwarded you the video the colleagues from Spain sent over," Jungkook, the newest and youngest addition to the robbery department explained with an eager tone. Making Seokjin perk up and avert his eyes from the file case on the computer screen. "They said it might be of interest for us."
He hummed, waving Namjoon over who had been walking down the corridor with a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Moving the curser to Jungkook's message then. Sensing the younger agent hovering expectedly over him when Namjoon finally joined them and he opened the file. All threee watching the video intently, processing the scene.
"I'd recognise this gun work anywhere, that's Kim Taehyung," Namjoon stated, excitement evident in his voice. Seokjin agreed with a grin. "Not bad, how many goons were there? Nine?"
"I count eight, but still."
His superiors' steadfast statements astonished Jungkook. After all the video quality of the security camera from the construction area in East Barcelona was quite low and grainy, partially due to the lack of light. It was mainly shapes visible. No details.
"You mean one of Park Jimin's accomplices? Are you sure?"
Seokjin wanted to almost scoff at the doubtful tone in the young agent's voice but remembered he had only arrived there from the academy two months prior, after Hoseok had transferred to organised crime to become the department head there. So of course Jungkook couldn't know everything yet.
"Pretty sure," Namjoon flashed him a dimpled grin then, patting Jungkook's shoulder.
"I know these guys in and out," Seokjin exhaled dramatically then, "Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi, who joined them five years ago." His brown eyes wandered to the whiteboard across the room where their photographs along with important details greeted him every morning when entering the office. "The only one I don't recognise is this girl."
"She might be connected to Jimin, too, since Taehyung was there," the younger agent suggested.
"Possible," Namjoon stirred his coffee and took a sip, "But the only other woman we know in Park's life is Arabella Valentine and it's surely not her."
Jungkook's brows furrowed in astonishment. "And you're so sure because.."
At this Seokjin laughed out, quite entertained by the youngster's naivity. "Because Jimin's the only one whipped for her, contrary to his partners who'd never trust her. And I can't judge them for that, I wouldn't either," he added, closing the file he faced his younger colleague then. "So I doubt Taehyung would join hands with her if Jimin didn't force him to. But I neither see him nor Yoongi around, so Kim was probably on his own."
Jungkook nodded with a contemplating expression, deep in thoughts. "Maybe she was just a bystander who happened to get involved then?"
Seokjin hummed at Jungkook's reasoning, musing over it for a moment. "Possible. Wouldn't be the first time. Keep an eye on that in the future, though. In case we see her around again."
"Of course," he nodded with a serious tone, about to return to his desk when Seokjin called out for him again.
"Who were those other guys by the way?"
"Oh, according to the case file a gang called Ojitos."
"I see, thanks."
As far as he remembered those were the same guys the three fellas had got into a fight with last summer. So he concluded they'd recognised Taehyung and therefore gone after him.
That girl, however.. whoever she was, it remained a mystery for now.
25th June
Barcelona, Spain
The day seemed never-ending and Cassandra almost tossed her stethoscope to the ground, slamming her locker close. It was one of those days where pretending not caring didn't work and everything was a bit too overwhelming. Sucking in a breath, she changed into her normal clothes and left the hospital as quickly as possible. Fearing if she looked back, it might just swallow her alive.
It was days like this that made her doubt her choices.
The only thing she looked forward to on the whole way home was food and the ice cream she had stored in the freezer. Hence why she almost forgot to check her mailbox, hurriedly grabbing the few envelopes from it and skimming over them when a postcard that peaked out from among the letters, caught her attention. And she paused.
Eagerly, she tucked it out. Seeing the famous white opera of Sydney surrounded by the sea on its front.
Her brows furrowed. Not recalling knowing anyone who visited or lived there so she flipped it to read the text on the backside for any clues.
"some films shot here:
matrix 1-3, mission impossible 2, two hands, the hard word
thought this might make up for your lack of travel :)
Her face lit up, instantly recognising the sender. Taehyung.
She hadn't seen him in awhile, the last time he happened to pass by Barcelona being some months ago. And she wondered if that meant he was thinking of her during the months apart, just like she was thinking of him. Always wondering where in the world he had been.
Now she had her answer. Along with two new films for her watchlist.
And she smiled.
next chapter: 0.4 here
Don't forget to like, reblog & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame @nanakamami
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useless-catalanfacts · 10 months
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Paintings by Josefa Teixidor, also known as Pepita Teixidor (1875-1914). Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
Josefa Teixidor is considered the best flower painter in the Catalan Modernist movement, an art movement where flowers and nature were very present. She was celebrated during her life, and she was chosen as one of the three artist who would represent Catalonia in the Universal Exhibition held in Paris in 1900, together with Ramon Casas and Santiago Rusiñol.
Despite the recognition of her work, at the time women weren't usually allowed to exhibit their work in art galleries. Josefa Teixidor, together with other Catalan women artists of the time like Lluïsa Vidal, Visitación Ubach, Antònia Farreras, and Maria Lluïsa Güell, fought for the right of women to exhibit their art in Barcelona. Her success allowed her to exhibit her work here and also in France. She was also involved in the Catalan feminist magazine Feminal, that gave support to and published about the work of women artists, scientists and industrials.
She was awarded both in Catalonia and in France. Soon after her early death at 39 years old, she became the first woman who was neither a saint nor a queen to have a statue dedicated to her in Barcelona, Catalonia's capital city. (Even nowadays, Barcelona only has 14 statues of women who aren't saints nor queens, and that is including fictional characters. For comparison, Barcelona has at least 168 statues of real men in that category).
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Inauguration of Josefa Teixidor's bust in Barcelona's Parc de la Ciutadella public park. 1917. Catalonia National Archive.
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Bust to Pepita Teixidor nowadays.
Sadly, most of her work is owned by private collectors, only the three paintings included in this post are owned by a museum (MNAC). However, MNAC owns a huge collection and exhibits only a fraction of it, and none of Josefa Teixidor's works are displayed.
While making this post, it was difficult to find images of her work in good quality, because for some reason MNAC didn't have her works uploaded to their online catalogue. I sent them a message about it, and they answered the next day with the three works uploaded on their website (many things can be achieved by complain at the right people!). I hope making these paintings publicly available, together with this post, will make Josefa Teixidor more present in our minds. Sadly, she has been forgotten by most of society, while her male contemporaries like Rusiñol and Casas are still among the most famous artists of all times in our country. When we think of Modernist painters, from now on I hope we also think of Josefa Teixidor.
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reminiscingtonight · 8 months
here are some barcelona recs from someone who lives there, other than things barça related:
- the beach, especially in the mornings or during sunset
- for a pretty view of the whole city: tibidabo/temple expiatori del sagrat cor, túro de la rovira, mirador del nen de la rutlla, mirador de l'alcalde, MNAC
- shopping: passeig de gràcia, portal de l'angel/ciutat vella - try to avoid la rambla if you can
- if you like gardens: teatre grec/jardins de laribal, jardí botànic de barcelona, parc del laberint d'horta, parc de la ciutadella (+ hivernacle del parc de la ciutadella, a greenhouse in the park)
- for architecture/pretty things: parc güell, casa batlló, la perdrera, casa vincens gaudí, sagrada família (most people take their pictures in plaça de gaudí), recinte modernista de sant pau, arc de triomf, catedral de barcelona, el pont del bisbe, el mural del petó, palau de la música catalana, plaça reial
- food is very personal so just some general things: if you want to go to mercat de la boqueria, mercat de santa caterina is a better option with less tourists, try not to go to restaurants in the very busy and touristy streets, trust me the quality is bad, if you want to eat paella, eat it for lunch (it's not supposed to be a dinner food) at a specialized rice restaurant, and be prepared to eat dinner after 8/9PM haha
i didn't expect this to get this long, but here you go 😂
Don't mind me, gonna go ahead and jolt all of this down 😅
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because-she-goes · 1 year
summer girl
warnings: tooth achingly sweet fluff, domestic!matty, them being heckin adorable. Enjoy!
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“Matty, put down the camera for two seconds and look around you! We are in the most beautiful city in the world with some of the best art in the world. The land of Pablo Picasso, Antoni Tapies, Manolo Valdes and Joan Miro!” Nora, clearly, was elated to be on their honeymoon. Matty and her had thrown around ideas for the trip for a full 3 months before making a decision: Rome, Paris, Greece, Australia, Japan, Amalfi Coast, Ireland, Miami… until they landed on Spain. It then took another two weeks to narrow that down to Barcelona and come up with an itinerary and to-do list. La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, The Picasso Museum, La Boqueria all being Nora’s picks. Matty decided on a sunset walk on La Rambla, the aforementioned Fundacio Joan Miro, Parc de la Ciutadella, and going to see a FC Barcelona game at Camp Nou. At every art museum, Matty would make the comment that Nora’s art was leagues better while she wandered around in awe - it never failed to make her giggle and blush.
The pair had been running around for a week or so now, Matty taking every opportunity to photograph Nora at their various stops and compliment her outfits and hype her up a bit. His favorite of these photos was taken at a secluded quiet beach they had found one afternoon, and it was like something out of Baywatch. Nora, in all her bikini-clad glory coming out of the crystal blue water. He thought his heart stopped at that moment and almost dialed for an ambulance. How was he this lucky? Not even in his dreams did he imagine this perfect of a wife, of a vacation, of a life. He was brought back to reality by her waving a hand in front of his face and giggling at him. “Like the bathing suit, Handsome?”
“O-oh god yes, Honey. You look positively drool-worthy in it.” He stuttered.
They took another dip in the water, dried off and changed into their walking clothes. She had gotten the most beautiful white sundress for the trip, lacey and delicate. Matty was in his summer uniform of a tee shirt, some sort of dress pants or jeans and sneakers. He currently was wearing Nora’s favorite of his to steal: it was a white shirt that had “I’m a little devil from Niagara Falls, Canada” written across the chest with a little cartoon. It had been put through the wash so many times now that the collar was starting to get loose and holes dotted the hems. The comforting shirt also allowed for his arm tattoos to be out on display, Nora was going a bit insane ogling them as they walked holding hands. Deciding they both needed to cool down a bit after being in the blazing spanish sun all day, they stopped for some shaved ice and coconut water.
That night for dinner, they went to a tapas bar and drank red wine like it was water. They sat in a quiet corner of the restaurant and giggled away as they recalled the early days of the relationship and their trips to London and New York to visit each other - always greeting the other with a ridiculous sign and flowers at the arrivals gate. The band in the bar was playing some Pete Rodriguez and basa nova as the two spent what felt like an eternity talking.
“You know, I have that Mets hat framed somewhere in storage from your first trip to London… kept it all these years later.” He confesses bashfully, half drunk.
“Well, good thing I still buy that candle from the time you came to New York for my birthday.” She reciprocates. The idea of the other keeping mementos of each other and their early love is enough to make them cry.
“Okay, before we get too emotional here, wanna go back to the hotel, Handsome?”
“I’d love nothing more, Honey.”
When they stumble back into their room, Nora runs for the closet where she was keeping his surprise wedding present. Matty was fixing them both glasses of kalimochos - red wine and coke from when they met, still being their drink of choice.
She grabs the guitar case and walks back to the small suite’s living room. “My love, come here for a minute… got something for you!” Nora’s voice rings as she calls him over.
“One second, Darling… just gotta grab something as well.” A devious giggle follows. He walks to their bedroom and grabs a neatly folded printed receipt from the side table.
“Alright, buttercup… let’s see what you’ve got.” She unsuccessfully hides the guitar case behind her back and giggles when she pulls it from him as he makes a reach for it. “C’mon don’t tease, baby. Lemme see what you’ve got in that… I wonder what it could be.” His eyes glimmer in the light and a smirk falls on his stupidly perfect lips.
“Here you go, baby… Had the hotel people drop it off while we were at the beach earlier.” She holds out the case and he gives her a wink as he grabs it. Opening it quickly, his face drops. Within it is a beautiful black Spanish guitar with cowboys sitting around a fire carved into it and “Singin’ Cowboys” engraved and covered with red paint. Matty’s heart stops and his eyes mist over. It is the most stunning, well-crafted instrument he’s ever held in his own hands. He takes it out and begins to play the start of “Iris” by The Goo Goo Dolls and his stomach sinks - it sounds even prettier than he could’ve imagined.
“My love… this is the greatest gift anyones ever gotten me. I love it so much, gonna treasure it for the rest of my life. I love you, baby… so so much.” He tells her as he looks up at the angel before him. How could she possibly be real? He wipes some tears from his eyes and kisses her with such tenderness and warmth that it takes her back a bit and knocks the wind out of her. When they disconnect for air, she holds his face for a moment before kissing his forehead. “My sweet boy.” She whispers.
“My sweet girl.” He kisses her nose and taps it quickly. “Now, beloved, here is yours. I couldn’t physically get it here because it’s being shipped to New York currently, but I made sure to print out the order and a copy of it to give to you while we were here.” He nervously twists his rings around his finger… a habit he’s picked up since their New York wedding months ago.
“Oh, please Matty you didn’t have - oh holy shit… is- is this real?” She quickly asks, reading the paper over and over again to verify its real. An authentic Antoni Tàpies, one she’s always dreamt of since she learned about Spanish art in high school. She must’ve told Matty a hundred times about the art in Barcelona and all her favorite artists in Spain.
“Very real, baby… Hopefully you like that specific piece. I thought it had a cool energy to it and matched some of your work. What with the the hands and semi-heart above them.. Plus it’s from the 60s which I remember you always saying was one of your favorite decades in art!” He scratches the back of his neck as he rambles and tries to remember what she’s told him over the years and the information the seller gave him.
“Matty… Les Mains is one of my favorite pieces of art like ever… You’re insane oh my god! I love you and thank you thank you thank you, Handsome!!” She runs into his arms, still clutching the piece of paper in her hand. She knocks him back at first from the force of the hug, but quickly his arms wrap around her waist and he kisses her head.
“Love you too, baby. Can’t believe I am lucky enough to spoil you for the rest of my life and have you forever.”
“Me neither, Handsome.. and for the record, having you as my husband is the greatest gift I will ever receive.”
“Couldn’t agree more, Wife.” He kisses her again and in that moment it feels like time and the world ceases to exist. Just him and Nora in Barcelona… husband and wife.
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filmap · 2 years
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The Hours and Times Christopher Munch. 1991
Park Parc de la Ciutadella, Passeig de Picasso, 21, 08003 Barcelona, Spain See in map
See in imdb
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goldenphlox · 2 years
I spent many years in Barcelona and would love to hear more about your plans there!!
It was a relatively short trip, sadly. But my brother joined me and we went to Ciutadella Park, La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and Casa Batlló! We also explored the gothic quarter, ate paella, went to la rambla de mar, and hit up this really cool dive bar last night! Met some super cool people, I’ll be sad to leave in a few hours :(
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soaresdanielatblr · 15 days
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Park de la Ciutadella , Barcelona
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thedreamytrek · 2 months
Top 15 Free Things to Do in Barcelona
1. Wander Around Plaça Reial
2. Visit Barcelona’s Museums for Free on Sundays
3. Stroll Down La Rambla
4. Relax at One of the City Beaches
5. Join the Locals at the City Festivals
6. Stroll Around Ciutadella Park
7. Visit Barcelona’s Largest Flea Market
8. Get Lost in the Barri Gòtic
9. Take in the Façade of Sagrada Familia
10. Travel to the Past at El Born Cultural & Memorial Centre
11. Enjoy the Best View of Barcelona from an Old War Bunker
12. Explore Montjuïc Cemetery
13. Window Shop on Passeig de Gracia
14. Lose Your Way in El Raval
15. Admire Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar
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weditchthemap · 5 months
What makes Barcelona the perfect holiday destination?
Barcelona, the cosmopolitan capital of Catalonia region in Spain, is one of the most popular holiday destinations for a reason. This vibrant city offers the perfect mix of everything: from practical considerations to fun activities. So, in this article, we will have a look at some of the things that make Barcelona the perfect city for your next holiday!
Accommodation options
Barcelona's accommodation scene is as diverse as the city itself, covering everything from luxury hotels and boutique inns to hostels and serviced apartments. Budget travellers can opt for the comfort of affordable hostels, while those looking for a more luxurious experience will have plenty of high-end hotels with panoramic views to choose from. The Lugaris holiday beach apartments Barcelona are also a brilliant option for couples and families looking to stay right on top of the beach. Therefore, whatever the needs, you can always find the right accommodation for you. 
Culinary scene
No discussion about Barcelona is ever complete without mentioning its mouth-watering culinary scene. The city is truly a foodie’s paradise, brimming with trendy cafés, tapas bars, seafood restaurants, and traditional Catalan taverns. The local cuisine is highly diverse, but for the picky eaters, finding international options will also not be a problem. Additionally, La Boqueria Market, located in the centre of Barcelona, is a must-visit for gourmets looking to savour fresh produce, meats, and artisan foods. It also makes for a great day out, experiencing the hustle and bustle of a local market. 
Sun and the sea
Barcelona's golden coastline stretches over 4.5 kilometres, offering a beach for every mood, from the never-sleeping Barceloneta to the serene Caldetes beach. The beautiful beaches are absolutely perfect for soaking up the sun, swimming, enjoying water sports, sipping on a cocktail, or going for a sunset walk. It is an ideal place to recharge from the city and, the best part is, the weather is warm and sunny throughout the year!
Rich cultural heritage
The city’s rich history is visible in every street and square, providing a range of cultural exploration opportunities. The Gothic Quarter, with its narrow medieval streets and historic buildings, tells the story of the city’s Roman and medieval past. Meanwhile, the magnificent works of Antoni Gaudí, including the iconic Sagrada Família and whimsical Park Güell, showcase Barcelona’s unique contribution to modernist architecture. Museums like the Picasso Museum and the Joan Miró Foundation offer insight into the minds of famous artists who found inspiration in the city. Barcelona is also home to lots of cultural festivals and events, which are also an awesome way to get a glimpse into Catalonia’s vibrant traditions.
Nightlife and entertainment
When the sun sets, Barcelona's nightlife takes centre stage! From the Gothic Quarter's intimate bars to the beach front clubs in Barceloneta, the city has a buzzing atmosphere, with venues for different tastes and styles. Live music, from flamenco to modern electronic beats, fills the air, ensuring that every night out is an experience. For those seeking entertainment, you can also visit the Gran Teatre del Liceu for an opera or any local theatres for unique performances.
Family-friendly attractions
Barcelona is not just great for friends and couples, but for families with children too. There are lots of exciting activities for both adults and the little ones, including the Barcelona Zoo, L'Aquàrium de Barcelona, and multiple water parks. For a more educational day out, interactive museums like CosmoCaixa have hands-on scientific exhibits. Moreover, the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc is also an exciting sight for people of all ages, presenting a show of water, light, and music. 
Outdoor adventures
Barcelona’s geographical diversity boasts ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. The city's parks, like the expansive Parc de la Ciutadella, provide green spaces for relaxation and a picnic, while the Collserola Hills, with their breathtaking views of the city and the sea, are the perfect spot for hiking and biking. Water sports enthusiasts can enjoy surfing, snorkelling, diving, and kayaking in the majority of Barcelona’s beaches, making the city a true playground for adventure seekers.
Football games
Barcelona's football scene pulsates with electric energy, encapsulating the city's spirit and passion perfectly. Home to the iconic FC Barcelona and the majestic Camp Nou stadium, the city is a football wonderland for all the sports enthusiasts. However, even if you are just a casual viewer, attending a football game in Barcelona will undoubtedly be a memorable experience. 
Shopping opportunities
Barcelona is also a shopper's paradise, home to a blend of luxury brands, boutique stores, and local craft markets. The Gràcia district is always buzzing with trendy shops and fellow fashion lovers, while the Encants Market is a treasure trove of antiques and vintage clothes. The city has so many spots to buy one-of-a-kind souvenirs and crafts, or simply enjoy some window shopping. 
There you have it - if all of these reasons don’t make you want to pack your bags straight away, we’re not quite sure what will! With so many amazing things to do and see, Barcelona truly deserves the popularity.
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usaupcomingnews · 9 months
Exploring the Hidden Gems of Barcelia: A Traveler's Paradise
Barcelona, a city of endless charm and allure, has long been a favorite destination for travelers seeking sun, culture, and vibrant urban experiences. While the iconic landmarks like La Sagrada Família, Park Güell, and La Rambla are must-visit attractions, there's so much more to Barcelona than meets the eye. To truly uncover the soul of this magnificent city, one must venture off the beaten path and explore its hidden gems.
1. El Raval: A Cultural Melting Pot
Tucked away from the bustling crowds of tourists, the El Raval neighborhood is a melting pot of cultures, art, and history. Stroll through its narrow streets, and you'll discover a treasure trove of street art and graffiti that adorns every corner. The MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art) is a must-visit for art enthusiasts, showcasing cutting-edge contemporary works.
2. Bunkers del Carmel: Panoramic Views of the City
For the best panoramic views of Barcelona, make your way to Bunkers del Carmel. This hidden gem offers breathtaking vistas of the cityscape and is a popular spot among locals to watch the sunset. It's a bit of a hike to reach the top, but the view is worth every step.
3. El Born: History and Gastronomy
El Born, another charismatic neighborhood, is steeped in history and offers a more intimate experience of Barcelona's past. Wander through its cobblestone streets to discover hidden squares, medieval architecture, and the mesmerizing Santa Maria del Mar church. After your exploration, indulge in the area's vibrant food scene, with tapas bars and cafes offering mouthwatering Catalan cuisine.
4. Bicing: Cycle Through the City
Barcelona's bike-sharing system, Bicing, is an excellent way to explore the city's lesser-known corners. Rent a bike and pedal your way through charming alleys, along the waterfront, and through parks like Parc de la Ciutadella. It's an eco-friendly and adventurous way to discover hidden gems at your own pace.
5. Palau de la Música Catalana: Architectural Marvel
One of the most beautiful concert halls in the world, the Palau de la Música Catalana, is often overlooked by tourists. Designed by the renowned architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner, this Modernist masterpiece is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take a guided tour to admire the stunning stained glass, mosaics, and intricate architectural details.
6. Gràcia: A Bohemian Retreat
Escape the tourist crowds and head to Gràcia, a bohemian neighborhood known for its relaxed atmosphere and quirky charm. Explore the Plaça de la Virreina and Plaça del Sol, where locals gather in cozy cafes and bars. Don't miss the annual Festa Major de Gràcia, a neighborhood festival that transforms the streets into a riot of colors and decorations.
7. Montjuïc: Nature and Culture
Montjuïc Hill is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural attractions. Visit the Montjuïc Castle, the Joan Miró Foundation, and the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc. You can also enjoy a leisurely walk through the lush Montjuïc Park, which offers respite from the city's hustle and bustle.
Barcelona's hidden gems await the intrepid traveler willing to explore beyond the guidebooks. While the city's famous landmarks are undeniably captivating, it's the lesser-known corners that reveal the true essence of Barcelona—a city brimming with culture, history, and surprises at every turn. So, when you plan your next visit, remember to leave room for adventure and the joy of discovering the hidden treasures of this traveler's paradise.
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merlinsbane · 1 year
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Barcelona Parc de la Ciutadella thedollsfactory Get ready to be inspired by the captivating images of thedollsfactory as they take you on an educational adventure through Barcelona's Parc de la Ciutadella. Explore the park's rich history, marvel at its architectural beauty, and uncover hidden treasures.
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binicarsmenorca · 1 year
Menorca is famous for mayonnaise, gin, cheese, handbags, belts, leather items, ceramics, jewelry, and footwear. Mahon, the capital city of Menorca, and Ciutadella, the former capital, are the best shopping markets for tourists. However, Alaior, Cala Galdana, Ferreries, Calan Porter, Es Mercadal, and Santa Tomas also have attractive markets. In addition, you can rent a car at Menorca airport in Mahon and quench your shopping splurge in a day. Let's dig deeper into Menorca's popular markets for shopping. Shopping in Mahon Mahon is the island's capital city and has been since the 17th century. The island's only international airport is in Mahon, and no matter which town or destination you choose, you will have to pass through Mahon. Shopping is a visual treat in the city as hundreds of small boutique shops in the upmarket sell various art and crafts. Placa Esplanada and Placa Baixamar, two tourists' favorite markets, stay open for shopping during the weekdays. You can also buy fresh fish and unique delicacies from the Mercado de Pescado fish market from Tuesdays to Fridays and paella, seafood from the local cafes, and chic ham from the stalls. A special mention to La Ventana Gourmet, one of the popular stores in Mahon where you can buy national products unique to the island of Menorca or Spain. If you are an international traveler, don't forget to try meat delicacies, cheese, dried fruits, and nuts. The store also sells canned olives, rare balms, seafood, handmade pasta, several types of locally produced vinegar, and a large section of fresh homestyle bakes and pastries. They make perfect souvenirs to carry back home.
Shopping in Ciutadella Ciutadella is the former capital of Menorca, located at the westernmost section of the island. The culture is quite quaint with Moorish architecture, a stark contrast to Mahon's urbanized shopping centers. You will find many local artisans set up beautiful shops at Friday and Saturday during the weekends, retailing the best handmade products you will ever come across. You can buy handicrafts at the summer market in Carrer de Perre Caplloncan from evening 10 PM to midnight. However, the most unusual store in Ciutadella is Simply Menorca, located inside a historic building featuring eccentric design. The shop sells only original men's and women's garments, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Shopping in Es Mercadal Es Mercadal is home to some of the best pastries in Spain, like Ensaimadas, Amargos, and Carquinyols. If you like food, you will find plenty of stalls selling fresh food and produce at local shops. The town also hosts many lovely cafes and bars for tourists. So, if you get thirsty between shopping, use our rental car in Menorca and visit one of the bars.
Shopping at Castillo Castillo is one of the largest shopping centers in Menorca, which promises a great shopping experience and offers wholesome entertainment. You will find everything here: classic garments, unique jewelry stores, shoe stalls, gift shops, and goodies. After shopping, you can drive up to the water park or the landscape garden using a cheap car hire service in Menorca and enjoy the beautiful weather. There's also an amusement park and go-kart center nearby for a quick recluse.
Hopping from one shopping market to another with a reliable car rental in Menorca is the best way to explore the shops. In addition, the island has many art galleries where unusual souvenirs are sold to tourists. Most shops in Menorca are open Monday through Saturday. While there are certain exceptions, most local markets and stalls open from 9:00 to 13:30 and again from 17:00 to 20:30. Many restaurants provide service until midnight. Stores near the beach remain open throughout the day to attract more customers. Finally, don't forget to buy Avacaras, the high-quality leather shoes created by local artisans. They are Menorca exclusives and aren't available anywhere else in the world. If you are looking for car hire services in Menorca , book a car on the Binicars website.
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roaming-horizons · 1 year
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narrie · 1 year
bestie I’m going to Barcelona in august and I think you’ve been so as a tourist what should we go see
we weren't there long enough for me to have amazing insider tips rip so all the go-tos: park güell, sagrada familia, the cable car, mercado de la boqueria, montjuïc fountain light show (get there earlier to get a seat + usually there's a dance group who'll do a performance 30min or so before), ciutadella park, arc de triomf, bunkers del carmel (at sunset preferably, although i saw that the police is kicking ppl out before 8pm bc noise complaint rippp), barcelona cathedral (go on the roof), usually camp nou but it's unforch closed rn, the beach, and loadssss of walking around to see all the beautiful architecture (casa battló, casa mila, casa padua, gothic quarter etc etc). idk how long ur gonna be there but there are also amazing spots close to barcelona (some beautiful beaches) so look that up on pinterest or tiktok if u have time!
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