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viaante · 9 months
Embracing the VIAANTE Spirit: A Vision for 2024
Viaante warmly embraces the dawn of a new chapter. With hearts filled with gratitude for the journey behind us, we eagerly welcome the New Year. Here's to fresh opportunities, renewed ambitions, and shared successes in the upcoming year. Welcome, 2024 - a year ripe with potential and promising endeavors! Steered by a collective spirit embodied in the essence of VIAANTE—Visionary, Innovative, Ambitious, Adaptable, Noteworthy, Trustworthy, and Empathetic—we welcome the New Year 2024 with a reservoir of gratitude and anticipation.
V : Visionary Endeavors
At Viaante, being visionary isn't just a catchphrase; it's a guiding principle. It fuels our aspirations to constantly seek innovative solutions, push boundaries, and anticipate industry trends. Our vision extends beyond the horizon, charting paths toward unexplored territories and shaping the landscape of possibilities for our clients and partners.
I : Innovative Solutions
Innovation is our heartbeat. It is in the DNA of every service, every solution, and every interaction. We thrive on challenging the status quo, sparking creativity, and fostering a culture that nurtures ground-breaking ideas. Through innovative methodologies and cutting-edge technologies, we craft solutions that redefine excellence.
A : Ambition That Ignites Progress
Ambition is the fuel that propels us forward. It's what drives us to set audacious goals, constantly raise our standards, and transform visions into reality. We aim not just to meet expectations but to exceed them, inspiring others to reach for greater heights.
A : Adaptability in a Dynamic World
Adaptability is our shield against the unpredictable. In a constantly evolving landscape, our ability to adapt swiftly and seamlessly is our strength. We embrace change as an opportunity to evolve, ensuring that our services remain agile and resilient, no matter the challenges faced.
N : Noteworthy Collaborations
Our journey is marked by noteworthy collaborations and partnerships. We cherish the connections forged along the way, recognizing the collective power of shared visions. Together with our partners, we have created a tapestry of success that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
T : Trustworthiness at Our Core
Trust is the cornerstone of every relationship we build. We uphold unwavering integrity, reliability, and transparency in all our dealings. The trust placed in us by our clients and partners is a testament to our commitment to delivering on our promises consistently.
E : Empathy as a Driving Force
Empathy forms the heartbeat of our organization. It's more than understanding; it's feeling and resonating with the needs of others. Our empathetic approach enables us to truly connect, understand, and cater to the diverse needs of our clients and colleagues.
Looking Towards 2024…
As we stand on the threshold of 2024, our spirits are brimming with anticipation and excitement. The year ahead holds promises of new challenges, boundless opportunities, and milestones waiting to be achieved. At Viaante, we are poised and ready, driven by our unwavering commitment to innovation, collaboration, and growth. In the tapestry of our services, VIAANTE stands tall as a beacon of excellence across Healthcare RCM, Healthcare Payer, Healthcare Pharma, Data Management, IT Solutions and Call Center Support. With a relentless pursuit of perfection, we've woven a legacy of reliability, efficiency, and trust within these industries. As we venture into 2024, our commitment to revolutionize these sectors remains unwavering. Join us on this journey of continuous innovation and unparalleled service delivery, as we redefine excellence across Healthcare, Data Management, IT, and beyond.
Log on to www.viaante.com for information about our services
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ebonytails · 3 months
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Happy Disability Pride Month!
The Disability Zebra for the Pride Animal series is finally here! (The series where I take requests and design animals based on flags) I designed this all the way back in March, and thanks to everyone's feedback, I was able to narrow it down! (Special thanks to @yomcloud for a lot of helpful notes :-]c) This will never be perfect, but I've gotten a lot of love and joy from myself and disabled friends seeing this little guy :-]
You can get this guy on Redbubble! For local conventions, I'll be selling this as stickers with the gray outline!
Fun Fact! Zebras are also used as a symbol to represent rare diseases! This is based on the quote "When you hear the sound of hooves, think horses, not zebras." In regards to what doctors should consider when diagnosing a patient. This ends up with many disabled people not getting the right diagnosis, being ignored, or their conditions not being researched enough. All this because something is considered "rare", when in fact people with these disabilities are still large in number, diagnosed or not- a lot of disabled people even feel that their diagnoses may even be more common than we think. Because of this, the animal has been embraced by what doctors may call "medical zebras", now being used to represent many different disabilities considered "rare" such as Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, CACP Syndrome, and many more!
If you are disabled or know someone who is disabled, this pride animal is for you! If you are or know someone who is considered a "medical zebra", I hope this zebra brings you joy!
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formulaonedirection · 10 months
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Partying with Lando Norris
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havinganfois · 1 month
Imagine conducting a trust fall with your f/o. Feeling their weight in your arms. Feeling the weightlessness of being caught. Trusting each other completely.
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blazemybeat · 2 months
Okay who skibidi rizzed @beetsoupxxo while time's at my house 🙏🙏
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nyxfaei · 2 months
soup fan?
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ghost-bard · 3 months
cant wait for the solevellan reunion in veilguard knowing aila (my poor sad oc) will try to kill him on sight
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stansavvy · 3 months
It goes:
9pm- Miss partner
10pm- Descend into rave induced madness
11pm- Be mentally ill for one(1) hour
12am- Organize playlist
1am- Wikihow
2am- Miss partner, look at Garfield images
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emilianadarling · 2 years
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fic: only as strong as the warrior next to you author: emilianadarling | beta: carogolden chapter: Inexorable (10/10 + Epilogue)  rating: E ships: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa/Han Solo contains: Canon Divergence - Emperor Vader AU (But Palpatine Found the Twins First), Sith Imperial Luke Skywalker, Unreliable Narrator, Forced Cohabitation, Slow Burn Into Roaring Burn, Retribution and Culmination.
The final installment of “warrior” is now live. 💖 Chapter 10: Inexorable and the story’s epilogue have been a labour of love and passion. I am so grateful for everyone who has helped to get this story over the finish line. 
Thank you so much also to everyone who has been reading along, leaving feedback, and encouraging this story into existence -- you mean the world!! 
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indi-glo-archive · 3 months
the young royals fandom is so fucking weird about sara and i hate them for it
#i don't even think it's that the whole fandom is weird about sara. there's a good bit of people who are chill about it#i think the people who are weird about sara just won't stfu about it#like. i have had two blogs. my current blog is very tiny too. and every time i've made a sympathetic post about sara i get a negative ask#i get told i'm just projecting and my own autism means i don't understand her as well as they do#i get told she's a uniquely terrible person for her actions when the show is about teenagers all making mistakes#and being complex people#i get bad faith interpretations of her every action that don't dismiss her potential motives or ways she's been mistreated#i get told 'well yeah she has autism but that doesn't mean she's allowed to [complicated way to say be autistic]'#and this is all while the rich white prince is repeatedly forgiven for fucking with his partner's feelings for 3 seasons#bc 'he has anxiety!! it's soooo hard being a prince!'#which like. i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. i'm the fucking ben hope guy and i try not to be hypocritical#but in the interest of not being hypocritical why him and not her#outside of racism and misogyny and selective ableism against people with more stigmatized disorders and classism#and also the shipping bias i mentioned the other day. bc people really glossed over him basically abusing his boyfriend this whole season#just bc they wanted wilmon endgame#it is. exhausting. fuck y'all fr#anyways. instead of responding to the ask i'm doing this vent post on a separate account#hashtag growth if you remember og indi-glo
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stesichoreanpalinode · 5 months
The UK Gold documentary on Bottom reminded me of how much I love watching these two guys do what they do
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quirkle2 · 4 months
Any head canons about Zombie Mob and after he's cured?
hrrmmmmm still kinda changin little things around for how zombies work in general bc im indecisive but im gonna use this ask as an excuse to talk abt How He Works
the other day i was thinkin abt his protectiveness over ritsu, and how it only reaches so far before it makes a full stop. it Would seem like he'd be alarmed at ritsu being hurt in any capacity, but that's not always the case. rly, it depends entirely on how ritsu reacts to the injury
remember, zombies don't have a good grasp on past events beyond their turning—a lot of them can remember faces and names and basic concepts but most things are lost in the froth. since zombies don't feel pain and therefore do not feel the consequences of an injury, their association with things like blood and seeing open wounds is not negative—why would it be, when they've experienced nothing negative from them? it is simply a Neutral Thing in their eyes
however, zombies are still human, and when healthy humans are hurt, they usually scream or cry or Something. hearing another human yell in pain is often a little harrowing, and on pure instinct zombies will sometimes flock to this noise in a very innocent mindset of wanting to aid. the thought process of hungry zombies hearing that is a little different, and they will prolly try to eat whatever is vulnerable and hurting. zombies that aren't hungry atm tho will simply wanna check it out
hearing ritsu scream will trigger that protective instinct in mob. seeing his brother's arm torn to shreds tho? Only if he's actively acting distressed. if ritsu got a gash in his leg but he's toughing it out even as it seeps blood, mob will simply just.stare. right at the open wound. and be Unbothered. he doesn't quite understand anymore that a hole in ur flesh is painful—he does understand pained sounds, tho
if ritsu is actively upset for other reasons aka the 17 mental illnesses he's developed mob will start getting antsy. u ever heard of animals actin weird before a big storm rolls in? kinda like that. he's distressed that his brother is distressed and he doesn't rly know how to make it better, so he just starts shuffling his feet and acting like he doesn't know where to go next. he also tends to plop his head down on ritsu's shoulder like i've mentioned (i think) and it's a 50/50 chance on whether that makes it any better
on the subject of his constant exhaustion, when ritsu finally does get mob to fall sleep he is Out and Unmoving and his body is so desperate for energy that he doesn't wake up for the next 21 fucking hours or more. ritsu actually regularly gets worried abt how long he sleeps. he's simply resigned himself to being 40% more stressed during his naps
zombie mob also loves water ! another remnant of Before—they had a stream in their backyard before everything went to shit and they had to leave, and mob Loved that thing. he'd sit in the backyard and listen to the sound of the water trickling for hours. nowadays, if they find any sort of stream or source of flowing water, it's very hard to get mob to leave. he loves listening to it and if it's coming from above and splashing to the ground he'll stand in the stream and be the most content zombie that ever lived. unfortunately he's also wet now. sorry ritsu
hrrmmmmm vaguely related to the first thing... mob is a bit like a cat that keeps knocking shit over when it comes to sneaking around settlement patrols. ritsu does his absolute best to steer clear of patrols by a long shot in general, but sometimes it's necessary to squeeze past one. normal mob is quiet and his steps are soft and while he's not the most graceful he's not a walking hazard—zombie mob is tho <3
he doesn't rly Understand that the goal is to not be seen and these people have guns and those guns can hashtag kill you to death, and ritsu can only do so much to "tell" mob to be quiet. he doesn't understand any of the hand signals he gives him, any of the Shush gestures, and mob is absolutely fascinated by this vase—oh it broke. oh neat, footsteps and yelling that's fun
most of the time they get by unscathed.but sometimes mob will do the worst possible thing at the worst possible moment and those r the times ritsu gets truly and genuinely frustrated w him. poor guy can't help it he's a zombie.ritsu knows this .he pushes on
in regards to patrols, actually, it's interesting to think about how zombies Learn. they,, seemingly don't. a lot of the times, the consequences of something bad they do is either pain, or death, and since they don't feel pain ... well u can't exactly learn from that. a lot of the times, zombies will keep doing one thing over and over again, even if it's actively killing them, until they die from it
zombies are attracted to noises and smells, so it stands to reason that mob might be inclined to walk right up to a patrol car. there's people here ! let's check it out. and zombies do this all the time. all a patrol car has to do, rly, is keep its engine running, and zombies within earshot of it will flock and then get killed
mob, interestingly, is in a position to Learn as a zombie. not many zombies keep their lives after running into a patrol car, but mob has protection, and people looking after him. mob has walked away from patrol cars w his life many times. and i think he starts to understand that they're dangerous once ritsu gets hurt
it takes a couple rounds of it to get it through his head, but the next patrol car he sees and considers venturing to, he thinks about what happened last time this occurred—the screaming from ritsu, mainly—and he stops. if mob were suddenly alone, and ritsu was gone, he'd surely walk right up to that patrol car and get shot in the head for it. it's not like he'll feel it. but ritsu is with him, and he doesn't want his little brother to scream like that again, so he decides not to, and lets himself get led away from the car
tome notes this change in behavior w Great interest and ritsu is honestly just glad he'll now experience approximately 3 less heart attacks per month
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tatney · 2 years
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okay so this HAS to be one of those clichéd scenes in like high school centred movies where a character runs through a basic assortment of personality traits in the list of cliques and social groups in their school to the newcomer
but also if a group of vampire girlies looked at me like THIS
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yeah no i’d be repacking my bags and booking it to the nearest garlic and silver crosses supply store (i assume those are commonplace in new england)
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jazzymadness · 1 year
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yaay I finally finished this!! I haven't seen anyone else ship Hashtag and Starscream but I really love them in Earthspark so here you go xD
find updated template here
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thecubes · 9 months
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i know its 2012 but this is really sending me
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marbledproxies · 10 days
i do NOT understand the jeffben ship whatsoever. even as a middle schooler i couldnt stand it :iamshakingmyhead:
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