#Empathy hashtag
seemabhatnagar · 1 month
Redefining masculinity: Choosing kindness, empathy, and respect
Can we rise above our physical traits to embrace a deeper responsibility in a world where biology defines us? A man is not merely a biological entity defined by physical traits; he embodies much more—values, morals, and the capacity for empathy, compassion, integrity, and respect. Yet, the disturbing increase in sexual assaults by men on females, from the most vulnerable toddlers to the elderly, raises urgent questions about the misuse of this inherent potential. Men are not confined to their biological existence; they are meant to be protectors, allies, and contributors to a just society. It's time to challenge and transcend harmful stereotypes, embracing a masculinity that values compassion over dominance, respect over aggression, and humanity over base instincts. Being a man is about rising above mere biology to embody principles that uplift and protect all members of society. A man should be a pillar of strength, not through physical dominance, but through his character, integrity, and compassion. He should embody respect for all, recognizing the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of gender, age, or background. A true man is guided by empathy, understanding that his actions have profound impacts on others, and he chooses kindness over cruelty, protection over harm. He should be a leader, not by imposing power, but by inspiring others through his example—standing up against injustice, supporting those in need, and fostering a culture of respect and equality. A man should take responsibility for his actions, continually striving to improve himself and contribute positively to society. In essence, a man is someone who honors his humanity by uplifting others, acting with integrity, and demonstrating that true strength lies in character and the capacity to love and respect others. He is not defined by dominance or control but by his commitment to nurturing positive change in himself and the society around him.
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viaante · 9 months
Embracing the VIAANTE Spirit: A Vision for 2024
Viaante warmly embraces the dawn of a new chapter. With hearts filled with gratitude for the journey behind us, we eagerly welcome the New Year. Here's to fresh opportunities, renewed ambitions, and shared successes in the upcoming year. Welcome, 2024 - a year ripe with potential and promising endeavors! Steered by a collective spirit embodied in the essence of VIAANTE—Visionary, Innovative, Ambitious, Adaptable, Noteworthy, Trustworthy, and Empathetic—we welcome the New Year 2024 with a reservoir of gratitude and anticipation.
V : Visionary Endeavors
At Viaante, being visionary isn't just a catchphrase; it's a guiding principle. It fuels our aspirations to constantly seek innovative solutions, push boundaries, and anticipate industry trends. Our vision extends beyond the horizon, charting paths toward unexplored territories and shaping the landscape of possibilities for our clients and partners.
I : Innovative Solutions
Innovation is our heartbeat. It is in the DNA of every service, every solution, and every interaction. We thrive on challenging the status quo, sparking creativity, and fostering a culture that nurtures ground-breaking ideas. Through innovative methodologies and cutting-edge technologies, we craft solutions that redefine excellence.
A : Ambition That Ignites Progress
Ambition is the fuel that propels us forward. It's what drives us to set audacious goals, constantly raise our standards, and transform visions into reality. We aim not just to meet expectations but to exceed them, inspiring others to reach for greater heights.
A : Adaptability in a Dynamic World
Adaptability is our shield against the unpredictable. In a constantly evolving landscape, our ability to adapt swiftly and seamlessly is our strength. We embrace change as an opportunity to evolve, ensuring that our services remain agile and resilient, no matter the challenges faced.
N : Noteworthy Collaborations
Our journey is marked by noteworthy collaborations and partnerships. We cherish the connections forged along the way, recognizing the collective power of shared visions. Together with our partners, we have created a tapestry of success that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
T : Trustworthiness at Our Core
Trust is the cornerstone of every relationship we build. We uphold unwavering integrity, reliability, and transparency in all our dealings. The trust placed in us by our clients and partners is a testament to our commitment to delivering on our promises consistently.
E : Empathy as a Driving Force
Empathy forms the heartbeat of our organization. It's more than understanding; it's feeling and resonating with the needs of others. Our empathetic approach enables us to truly connect, understand, and cater to the diverse needs of our clients and colleagues.
Looking Towards 2024…
As we stand on the threshold of 2024, our spirits are brimming with anticipation and excitement. The year ahead holds promises of new challenges, boundless opportunities, and milestones waiting to be achieved. At Viaante, we are poised and ready, driven by our unwavering commitment to innovation, collaboration, and growth. In the tapestry of our services, VIAANTE stands tall as a beacon of excellence across Healthcare RCM, Healthcare Payer, Healthcare Pharma, Data Management, IT Solutions and Call Center Support. With a relentless pursuit of perfection, we've woven a legacy of reliability, efficiency, and trust within these industries. As we venture into 2024, our commitment to revolutionize these sectors remains unwavering. Join us on this journey of continuous innovation and unparalleled service delivery, as we redefine excellence across Healthcare, Data Management, IT, and beyond.
Log on to www.viaante.com for information about our services
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t4tails · 2 months
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wiihtigo · 3 months
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these frauds
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everafter-life · 1 month
Thanks for the tag @doublefantasyqueer
Rules: Without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people
Not in any set order
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Not tagging anyone since i don’t know who has and hasn’t done this! So if you see this, view this as an @ everyone! Everyone is tagged
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theprestigegirly · 10 months
ok weird post!!! but!!!
i was on the bus today with this girl i’m friends with and we were talking about politics after she’d expressed this political view i didn’t agree with at all and she was all oh well you’re probably right and talking about how a lot of her (self described) political ignorance was because she didn’t really have a lot of empathy for the average stranger
and she was like why do you or like how do you and it made me think about it and it’s so hard to express!! but like!!
i find it so funny that i see through my own little eyes from inside my head and go about my life in this box but so does /everyone else/ like all of us are just the same inside seeing out of our little eyes around at other people in the big world and thinking about how all people are fundamentally the same makes me so emotional!!! it makes me cry so much!!!!
because like we all feel and we all have our own unrelated inconsequential to each other lives but the way we act around each other can change everything— if someone’s nice to me when i’m out and about it makes me feel so much better and safer and so much brighter about the world and i always want to do that for other people i always want other people to feel just a tiny a bit brighter about life where they can
and i am like suchhhh a complainer and i am such a skeptic of my hometown especially but i still always find myself crying when i take the bus home on my own and look out on it through the window because sharing space with other people is so poignant and so aggghhhh i love humans i love people and i have SO MUCH EMPATHY for the average stranger and i have so much hope that everyone can be good if people are good to them
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cloud-navi · 1 year
So I finally finished Transformers EarthSpark, lowkey love it. (Maltobots/Terrans)
Maltos (cont.) (Maltobots)
- Twitch Malto
I love how dedicated she is to her family and cares for them. Her strive to work hard to keep them safe like her determination to find a way out of the bunker when they get locked in for the first time is crazy. I think Hashtag getting taken into GHOST HQ really kickstarted her need to protect her siblings and family as she was so worried for Hashtags safety. Ngl the way she uses her wing blades (?) dual handed and her instincts in leading her family in the finale really reminds me Leo from TMNT, perhaps not all Leo’s but a few like 2012 and 2018-2020 (movie) Leo. I really think she took to Bee’s training a bit better then Thrash did and definitely used every little bit she did and inferred in that final battle. 
- Thrash Malto
I like Thrash, he’s a silly dude, I just find the whole episode with Swindles very difficult to understand. Okay so they played a mock battle (AvD) and that somehow lead to being insecure about how much Dot and Alex like you? My guy you just destroyed part of the house from game, its reasonable to not want giant robots inside the very much not robot-sized house. I don’t see the point in having that tent in the yard when theres a whole ass barn that the Malto’s decided to make more home-y and like an actual room for you. Its not a giant deal if you can’t go in Mo’s room but you can still talk to her from the window if she hasn’t come down yet.
I kinda think he might have some separation anxiety and that might be why he doesn’t like being separated from Mo that much but it was completely reasonable to not want them inside the house.
- HashTag Malto
Honestly watching her get easily distracted by the tablet while searching for an alt-mode really makes me think she could have ADHD (not just because of that but definitely feels like one indicator). I like the idea that she’s able to hack through the wifi which makes a lot of sense for bots to be able to do, like BV Soundwave on the satellite.
I love all the allegories in this show, really puts things into a perspective thats not technically real-life so its easier to see the problem, emotions and understanding of things when its not connected to you. When it’s connected to you then it feels more personal, thats why people don’t like to watch shows that could talk about topics that they deal with sometimes. I love the allegory they used the Transformers to show even some little ways that racism still exists even if its not the systemic side of the problem. The way the portray HashTag and the other bots when they find the ‘Transformers Go Home’ graffiti really shows how it doesn’t matter if you’re born there, if people view you as different they’re going to deem you not worthy of being there, as well as masking it like with things like ‘oh it’s directed towards Decepticons’ but everyone really knows that it isn’t and that’s blatantly a terrible thing to say regardless if it was “supposed” to directed towards one group of people (Decepticons) in a certain demographic (Cybertronians/Terrans).
I also love the allegory of found family the use in the same episode. Like how Robby stands up to Steven for making rude comments about the Terrans and how they aren’t “actually his family.” Robby stood up for the Terrans because they’re his siblings regardless of age or species, which ties back to the racial undertones of the episode as its so common for others to make comments about interracial families if its found family or just a mixed family that may or may not look more like one side then the other.
Making HashTag the one to get hacked by Mandriod makes a lot of sense as her need to protect her family (like Twitch) is strong and it shows that even in the pursuit of protecting the people you care about you can end up hurting them. Granted she was being hacked and controlled but it was her drive to protect that made her decide to get on the plat form and confront Mandriod. In the pursuit of protection, unexpected revelations and plan changes from outside factors can lead to hurting the people you love the most even if that wasn’t your intention or by your doing.
I love the understanding she has with Starscream, just in the few minutes if not hours of being controlled and forced to feel alone she was able to connect it to how the majority of victims feel while being abused, hurt and alone. She, unlike a good amount of bots throughout the franchise had high enough empathy levels to understand and connect to Star. I love that she listened to him and validated his feelings. Its one thing to hear someone tell you how they feel or what they’re thinking but its a completely different thing to listen, and Hashtag listened. (Literally almost cried at that scene Star deserves so much).
- JawBreaker Malto
He’s a real sweet heart and using him to make another allegory is perfect. The entire episode “Outtakes” is about him asking the other bots how they picked their alt-modes “because he wants it to pick the perfect one for him the first time.” While that sentence sounds just like he might be lazy and doesn’t wanna keep changing to find one that works best or is a perfectionist trying to get it just right, it actually is a better allegory for Gender Identity and finding what title you think fits you best. Through the episode he asks everyone how they ‘knew it was for them’ or how they picked it. The big thing Elita said was “listen to your spark, it will tell you when you find it.” Which is basically an elder gay telling a younger generation they’ll know in their heart when they find it.
All jokes aside, in the allegory the search for a “perfect alt-mode” is the same as the search for the perfect gender identity/pronouns and gender understanding in one’s self. JawBreakers search for an alt mode is like a queer persons search for a title or definition to understand who they are. Like a searching for sub-identities under main umbrellas. A Flier isn’t always a Seeker but a Seeker is always a Flier, its like trying to find which model plane you are compared to others, trying to find advice on how to pick which one best fits you.
I honestly didn’t think the dino-alt would stick with JawBreaker, it just didn’t seem like him to me but with little amount of episodes they could make I understand the need to give him one before the finale.
To me, giving JawaBreaker an alt-mode is kind of a double edged blade. The concept of using alt-modes as a form of gender identity is really interesting and using JawBreaker as a way to explore that 1) giving him an alt can represent the people that did end up finding an identity that fit them and how they feel but also 2) it takes away any possible rep for queer people that don’t have an ‘identity’ suitable to them. Let me explain: I use the term identity as a substitute for the whole explanation’al mess that is finding ‘gender terms’ that have a definition (transwoman, someone who identifies as a woman without necessarily being AFAB) that feels like them and similar to how they experience life in their vessel.
My “2)” point is that giving JawBreaker an Alt mode is giving rep to queer people that were able to find an ‘identity’ while also taking that away from queer people that struggle to find what fits them. Of course representation is still representation and its nice to see it even if it can’t exactly go both ways, which is fine.
⚠️ This is an allegorical theory, in no way shape or form does this apply to the entirety of the queer experience for everyone ⚠️
- NightShade Malto
Love them, very silly. They’re very smart and I love how they were a direct allegory for a different aspect of some queer experiences. While there’s people that know how they identify and what to call their feeling, and there are others that struggle with finding that, theres some that don’t think about it (like me) and some that don’t actively search for a term even if they want a title for it. NightShade didn’t know they’re identity fell under Nonbinary until they met Sam (love sam).
Not only that but how the creators continued the queer identity alt-mode theme with NightShade and how they picked theirs. At first NightShade felt already complete with how they were and didn’t feel like they needed an alt-mode (which is valid, and with the allegory its still valid because some people might not want/like ‘identity terms/labels’) but the creators also added the layer of self expression and how an ‘alt-mode’ can be another way to express yourself through their conversation with Truantulas.
I like NightShade’s pick I just don’t care for how they designed it. For any bird alt-mode honestly AirRazor’s feels like the best kinda bird design (not including the cassetticons).
⚠️ again this is not the queer experience for everyone, just an allegorical theory ⚠️
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yeonban · 1 month
PsyPass might be one of Tobias' best lives yet bc he's so much more relaxed there than in his main verse. It's actually ridiculous. He gets more sleep, less things to be cautious of (since his cc & hue never change from flawless and therefore he never has to think about losing his freedom etc), more fun people (whether they're enforcers or criminals), he gets to do whatever he wants without having to sleep with an eye open with the only addendum that he must keep an eye on Sibyl & regularly report back to Wammy's, no one is going to hunt him down for killing criminals as he always does since that's his job as an inspector, and he's spared from other vastly more dangerous missions in who knows which countries need Wammy's House's help. Truly couldn't have been sent to a better place
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mercyluvsyouuu · 10 months
Do we have any other low empathy autistic ppl here? I can't be the only one. If there is others, know that you're not alone <3
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anakinh · 2 months
okay i know i bitched about people saying aeor did nothing wrong when it's a full-on fascist mageocracy but i will say this. aeor making a how-to guide for killing the gods and making it so this knowledge will distribute itself all over the world if said knowledge is threatened is metal as fuck. like i understand why the gods wouldn't like it and would like to destroy it, i do, but. you know. nuance is important.
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munadyke · 7 months
totally not oversharing or anything<3
one of the reasons I've always been like hmm! I don't think I'm actually autistic is because I didn't think I struggled with empathy at all. but literally in the last few days I was like wait a min...they mean like really really feeling empathy, not just logically knowing you should be empathetical/being able to see someone's point of view from like a surface level understanding..like I have to remind myself that other people don't think and act the way I do and be like no girl! think of their situation! you know that x, y, z will effect them in this way! but i still get frustrated when people don't think or do things how I would...like are yall schewpid why would you act in such a manner
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glitchy-furby · 1 year
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new friend, this is Cappuccino the Pound Puppy! he's been at the antique store for months and i felt bad about him being all alone. now he can comfy with me and befriend my mom's pound puppy.
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terra-luna-nike · 7 months
i got told at work today that customer survey responders are saying they're "not being sufficiently thanked." i had to bite my tongue to stop myself saying out loud "and do they want me to make eye contact while i swallow?" to my boss.
like, holy fucking shit it's a customer service job. an unending procession of the dumbest people alive come into my workplace and refuse to read or understand anything while i spoon feed them the information they need to know and try to extract from them the information i need to do my job. they should be fucking thanking me. they should be crawling to me on their fucking hands and knees.
i had a customer the other day, tiny little woman who was all ate up with anxiety. she was trembling and visibly afraid of Doing Something Wrong or of upsetting me the entire time she was interacting with me. why can't they all be like her? ideally with the added freedom to fucking slap them to shut them up for a moment when they do the thing she did of constantly overapologizing for daring to inconvenience me in even the slightest manner.
i genuinely long to work a day at this job where all my customers genuinely believe i can fucking haul off and nail them right in the jaw if they irritate me.
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t4tails · 7 months
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wyrmwynd · 1 year
Was thinkin bc of tags I left on a post a few posts back but I remember when people were like "seriously do not call me dude" and I was like okay. I always viewed it as kind of neutral but I respect your choice I won't call you dude. But I didn't really Get It y'know I was like that's gender neutral from how I grew up. But I won't say anything right it's not my place. But now that people are trying to say "girl" is neutral like "go piss girl" and "help girl" or whatever I'm like OH. I get it now. If someone called me "girl" like that I would want to strangle them to death. I would feel bloodrage so intensely I would have to leave the premises. That's probably how people felt about me saying "dude look at this" and shit. I Get It Now
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fr-thrice · 2 years
-sees some g1 banes listed but they're not near fodder floor so I'll leave em and only yoink ones in danger
-theyre a pair and the girl is so cute colors
-sees the boy listed later today at a different price... where is the girl?..
-shes exalted
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