#Noteworthy hashtag
viaante · 9 months
Embracing the VIAANTE Spirit: A Vision for 2024
Viaante warmly embraces the dawn of a new chapter. With hearts filled with gratitude for the journey behind us, we eagerly welcome the New Year. Here's to fresh opportunities, renewed ambitions, and shared successes in the upcoming year. Welcome, 2024 - a year ripe with potential and promising endeavors! Steered by a collective spirit embodied in the essence of VIAANTE—Visionary, Innovative, Ambitious, Adaptable, Noteworthy, Trustworthy, and Empathetic—we welcome the New Year 2024 with a reservoir of gratitude and anticipation.
V : Visionary Endeavors
At Viaante, being visionary isn't just a catchphrase; it's a guiding principle. It fuels our aspirations to constantly seek innovative solutions, push boundaries, and anticipate industry trends. Our vision extends beyond the horizon, charting paths toward unexplored territories and shaping the landscape of possibilities for our clients and partners.
I : Innovative Solutions
Innovation is our heartbeat. It is in the DNA of every service, every solution, and every interaction. We thrive on challenging the status quo, sparking creativity, and fostering a culture that nurtures ground-breaking ideas. Through innovative methodologies and cutting-edge technologies, we craft solutions that redefine excellence.
A : Ambition That Ignites Progress
Ambition is the fuel that propels us forward. It's what drives us to set audacious goals, constantly raise our standards, and transform visions into reality. We aim not just to meet expectations but to exceed them, inspiring others to reach for greater heights.
A : Adaptability in a Dynamic World
Adaptability is our shield against the unpredictable. In a constantly evolving landscape, our ability to adapt swiftly and seamlessly is our strength. We embrace change as an opportunity to evolve, ensuring that our services remain agile and resilient, no matter the challenges faced.
N : Noteworthy Collaborations
Our journey is marked by noteworthy collaborations and partnerships. We cherish the connections forged along the way, recognizing the collective power of shared visions. Together with our partners, we have created a tapestry of success that stands out in a crowded marketplace.
T : Trustworthiness at Our Core
Trust is the cornerstone of every relationship we build. We uphold unwavering integrity, reliability, and transparency in all our dealings. The trust placed in us by our clients and partners is a testament to our commitment to delivering on our promises consistently.
E : Empathy as a Driving Force
Empathy forms the heartbeat of our organization. It's more than understanding; it's feeling and resonating with the needs of others. Our empathetic approach enables us to truly connect, understand, and cater to the diverse needs of our clients and colleagues.
Looking Towards 2024…
As we stand on the threshold of 2024, our spirits are brimming with anticipation and excitement. The year ahead holds promises of new challenges, boundless opportunities, and milestones waiting to be achieved. At Viaante, we are poised and ready, driven by our unwavering commitment to innovation, collaboration, and growth. In the tapestry of our services, VIAANTE stands tall as a beacon of excellence across Healthcare RCM, Healthcare Payer, Healthcare Pharma, Data Management, IT Solutions and Call Center Support. With a relentless pursuit of perfection, we've woven a legacy of reliability, efficiency, and trust within these industries. As we venture into 2024, our commitment to revolutionize these sectors remains unwavering. Join us on this journey of continuous innovation and unparalleled service delivery, as we redefine excellence across Healthcare, Data Management, IT, and beyond.
Log on to www.viaante.com for information about our services
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lucydacusgirl · 1 year
You guys are for real not listening to music by women? I thought it was a joke
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manaosdeuwu · 2 years
nooooo don't ask me about the deleted messages you're so sexy ahaha
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crabcrabcrabmeat · 10 months
Like I LOVE lil character quirks n flaws but there needs to be a character to flaw in the first place. Imagine if goto having athletes foot were given as much screentime as suletta's stutter or frozen anna's messy hair. Ok now stop imagining it, foot ppl
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today we start reading part two of lockwood and co’s the screaming staircase!!!
to celebrate here are some noteworthy moments from part one! [beware of spoilers!!]
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there is a lot of incredible world building in this first part, but one of the bits i keep thinking of is how much these kids not only think about death, but are quite literally surrounded by it. they are constantly being informed by death around them. this is heavy emotionally intense labor that we’re expecting out of these kids
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lockwood is a Silly, and he loves teasing lucy this is incredibly important information to me thank you for sharing this jonathan stroud
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again with the world building, kind of crazy how pervasive the problem is that you see preventative measures in everything. we had a fun discussion about this in the discord too
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okay lucy tell me how you really feel - but also the way his warmth for her is described (even when she is incredibly clueless) is so sweet to see. like talk about a crazy quote
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this is an incredible closing scene like HELLOOOOO??? i’m obsessed with the dramatics like this would’ve had me HOOKED as a kid!!
these are just some of the moments that really stood out to me while reading (i had several more too but just to not make this post a million years long ya know) - i’d love to hear other ppls top moments from part one. but also YAY PART TWO HERE WE COMEEEE!!
i’m reading Lockwood and Co as part of a book club. this week we read part two of The Screaming Staircase! you can join the discord here, or post on tumblr w/ the hashtag lockwood library to join in!
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edgecallskating · 6 months
How I Make Figure Skating gifs at SPEED
Fishing this from my notes because I think this is a fun question! If you'll permit me, a brief digression into how I do this!
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I used to do live figure skating commentary on The Bad Place™. The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter moved fast, so if I didn't get my gif up quickly it would get swamped in the hashtags and feed. So I got really, really good at making gifs on the fly during comps. So! Here's what I do: I have the broadcast running in two sessions: master live stream on the tv, gif stream on the laptop. I load the laptop session first so that it runs ever so slightly behind the tv stream. This gives me a couple seconds of buffer before pulling the trigger to capture video. I have Giphy Capture sized and ready over the stream on my laptop. Watch, capture, repeat. While the judges score or during the flood, I start cutting and uploading. I've streamlined my naming convention for files to conform to the convention SkaterName_CompYear_CompSegment_ElementName. I can search everything quickly based on any one of those slugs from my drive. Everything's filed by skater as well. Mid-way through the season I'm familiar with most of the programs, so I'm reasonably prepared for the Good Bits and can pay attention to those while the event is live. After the first couple of skaters I also know if the replay videos after the performances are worth paying attention to and capture accordingly. I'm also a former, long-time skater, so I like to think I have a skater's sense of what's likely to be memorable or noteworthy. I like calling attention to small moments in addition to the big ticket elements. But yes, I am fast! I do appreciate that I don't have to move quite so quickly on tumblr. If I don't get a gif up in the first 5 minutes after a skater's performance it won't disappear into the slobbering maw of The Algorithm. I really like that tags on tumblr stay active long after the competition is over, so gifs have a much longer life and more people enjoy them. THANK YOU to everyone who likes and reblogs my stuff. I do this entirely for fun and it gives me a lot of happiness to see so many people love these little sparkling moments of a sport I love. Big hugs to all of you!
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wulfhalls · 2 years
also actually when rhaenyra summons jaceluke when she's giving birth and jace is like where is daemon?? thereby implying daemon was hashtag present for the two other births and his absence being noteworthy now is something I feel very normal about
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
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i would actually love some nightwing recs from you
Aha! You activated my trap card <-(completely forgot how public they are with their nightwing obsession) (ps: i also talked nightwing recs here too <3 i simply love to talk about my baby boy)
My "area of expertise" is mainly Nightwing 1996, so that's where most of my recs come from. There was also Nightwing 1995, which was more of a test run for 96. I think it had 4 issues total? It's not bad, just not noteworthy either. I've been working on a big spreadsheet of info for 96, including trigger warnings, but im only like. 15 issues in. hashtag pain and suffering. Issue #1 already has a woman being threatened, I have it down as "attempted rape" in my list, and that kind of sets the tone for what you need to be able to handle to read everything in that series.
The biggest downside is that it's all pre Damian :( son boy i miss u and i wish u were in better comics. Tim is funny tho. The first arc in 96 is great scene setting, and Tim shows up in #6 to be a lil stinker :3. We establish Dick's goals, motivations, etc, as well as what the state of Blüdhaven is and who our main baddies are.
It's all a bit heartbreaking in retrospect. Dick fails. He wants to be more independent and remove himself from Bruce's shadow, Blockbuster is established as the big bad for him to bring to justice, and he wants to make things at least a little better for the people of Blüdhaven.
He ends up dragged back to Bruce by an invisible leash, he technically beats his main villain but only in the absolute worst way after losing everything (and continues to lose more after, losing things he didn't know he had), and Blüdhaven is destroyed.
Dick loses. It's a bad end. A tragedy even. And yet, because of the nature of comics like DC, his story continues. It continues in crossovers and fan service and whatever else might sell. His most personally meaningful story ended prematurely for fucking War Games. sorry I know I just complained about this but cmon.
There were some good storylines after that! But I'm still bothered by the fact that the Tarantula arc was cut off after like, 2 issues. Road to Nowhere (#94-95) really did go nowhere. But the concept was there and it had the potential to be a decent story about an abusive relationship.
Mobbed Up (#108-111), Renegade (#112-117), and Brothers in Blood (#118-122) are some of my favorite arcs, all post Blockbuster. But after those I kind of lost interest. Annual #2 also came out sometime after all those, and I can't stress enough that it is absolutely not worth reading. It was written an illustrated by men, reduces Babs and Kori to nothing more than romantic partners, and completely misrepresents older stories. They literally retell older Dick/Babs moments, but without anything that could make their relationship at all complex or questionable to the consumer. Dick saw her as a sister, but rather than use that as a sign of closeness and respect they cut out all reference to that entirely because god forbid relationships have any nuance nowadays. Annual #1 was alright. I think it came out in the first or second year of the 96 run, and it's a nice self contained murder mystery one shot that showcases Dick's workaholic habits, his want for a family, and his tendency to try and change himself to makes others happy. He also comes off as very accidentally arospec. There's a moment where he tries to get a woman to stay with him by saying things like "but I could learn to love you" and if that wasn't me everyday throughout my middle to high school years than I don't know what is.
Outside of 96, I wanna point out The Search for Ray Palmer: Red Rain. Which may not be a Nightwing story but is absolutely a Bruce & Dick story (with vampires!) I haven't actually read much of the original Red Rain because. Dick's not really in that one. The Ray Palmer spin off however has Dick hunting down his parents' killer: one vampire king, Bruce Wayne. If you find those posts about Dick initially being a vengeance hungry 8 year old interesting than this is about as close as actual comics get. In the main timeline, yeah, Dick wants revenge, but because he's 8 and really just going through it rather than being genuinely bloodthirsty he's very easily talked out of it. In the Red Rain universe there is no comfort. He's alone, and grief consumes him. Bruce killed his parents for that very purpose, because he wanted Dick to be consumed by grief and hopelessness like him. Getting Dick to be like him and getting Dick to be obsessed with him was kind of his entire goal from the moment he laid eyes on him. Bruce's main presence up until the end where he shows up is shown largely through Dick's hunt, through Dick's obsession. Bruce wanted them to be inseparable and he very much succeeded in the end. By the time Jason and crew cross paths with them it's already too late. Everything is as Bruce wanted it to be. So a yandere vampire brudick au, basically.
There's also Outsiders 2003, which I keep meaning to read but haven't quite gotten to. Dick leads another team, but Donna just died so he's even meaner and cagier than he usually is.
gah. i really wanna finish that nightwing spreadsheet. i'll probably post it once i finish the 1996 section, or at least get it caught up to where it stops before crossing over with war games.
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i've made a lot of these but theyre just things that i eventually wanna read, the dick grayson one is really the only one with anything in it rn <-(one track mind. and that track is called blorbo)
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writeronartblock · 6 months
God I wish Enstars rarepairs were more popular (but then again, they wouldn't be called 'rarepairs' now would they?)
Also, funny coincidence I've seen specifically in TsukasaP circles on Twitter (though for me it's mostly in Izukasa and Leokasa hashtags) is that most TsukasaPs are also PolyKnights shippers, and I think that's something noteworthy and kind of amusing
Shout out to all the bottom!Tsukasa in polyknights truthers, y'all are great
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rabbitcruiser · 10 months
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National Sock Day
National Sock Day was started by Pair of Thieves, an apparel company that sells socks, in order "to warm our toes with the commemoration of two toe-tapping historical events" that happened on today's date. First, the holiday commemorates the closing of the first revival of the Broadway musical On Your Toes, on December 4, 1954. A Lorenz Hart and Richard Rodgers production, On Your Toes first debuted in 1936 and was known for its incorporation of ballet. Following its 1950s revival, it was brought back again in the 1980s. The second "toe-tapping historical event" that the holiday commemorates is the final concert by the mother-daughter singing duo of Naomi and Wynonna Judd—the Judds—at the Murphy Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, on November 4, 1991. Wynonna went on to a solo career, and the duo sometimes reunited, most notably for a tour in 2010, but the 1991 concert is still considered to be their final bow.
Ostensibly, the holiday commemorates these two events, but the day also has another noteworthy positive reason for taking place. For every hashtag of #nationalsockday that is posted on the day, Pair of Thieves donates a pair of socks—up to a million pairs in total—to someone in need. Not only does Pair of Thieves give away socks on National Sock Day, but they also give them away year-round as part of their Give-Back Program. With it, they donate three pairs of socks to those in need for every pack of socks that are purchased.
The name "sock" comes from the Old English word socc, which means "light slipper." This came from soccus, a Latin word for a "light, low-heeled shoe" that Roman comic actors wore. This word has a root as well, going back to the Greek word sykchos. Garments similar to socks have been around since ancient times and first consisted of animal skins that were tied around ankles. Inhabitants of ancient Greece wore socks made of matted animal hair, while those in ancient Rome covered their feet with leather or woven fabrics. In the second century CE, Romans began sewing fitted socks called undones. Another early sock-like garment was the puttee. During the Middle Ages, socks covered the lower part of the leg and were brightly colored. Garters kept them from falling down. By about 1000 CE, socks were a symbol of nobility.
Machine-knit socks were first made in the late sixteenth century after the knitting machine was invented in 1589. Socks could be knitted six times as fast with this new method. Still, hand-knit socks continued to be made until the nineteenth century, when almost all socks began being machine-knit. At this time, socks were commonly made of cotton, silk, or wool. With the introduction of nylon in 1938, different materials began being blended to make socks. Other materials often used today besides those previously mentioned include polyester, acrylic, olefins, and spandex.
Socks can be many different colors. People tend to wear white socks with tennis shoes and darker socks with dress shoes. Art is sometimes put on socks. One proponent of such socks was President George H.W. Bush. There are various lengths of socks, such as knee-high, crew, ankle, and low cut. Today we celebrate all kinds of socks, as well as "two toe-tapping historical events." We also use the hashtag #nationalsockday in order to help provide socks for those in need.
How to Observe National Sock Day
Here are a few ideas on how to celebrate National Sock Day:
Use the hashtag #nationalsockday. With every post that is made, Pair of Thieves will donate a pair of socks to someone in need.
Buy a new pair of socks. If you buy a pack of socks through Pair of Thieves' Give-Back Program, they will donate three pairs of socks to someone in need. You can participate in this program at any time during the year.
Since the holiday takes place to commemorate "two toe-tapping historical events," you could celebrate those events. You could watch the 1939 film version of On Your Toes, or you could watch the Judds farewell concert.
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olreid · 2 years
Sorry for the prev ask I was high but fr you're so creative and smart and you make so many interesting connections. Is there anything you do in particular that helped you be that way? How can I be, well, smarter?
lol that's okay, i assumed. this is a sweet message and i often get messages to this effect but i don't really know how to answer them because - and i really don't mean this in a self-deprecating or self-effacing way - i don't see anything very unique or noteworthy about what i do on here. that is to say, i just talk about what i'm reading and watching and post whatever it occurs to me to post; it comes pretty naturally which makes it hard to pick apart in order to transfer whatever 'skill' might be present in it to someone else.
i don't know that i could give any advice on this topic i haven't given before. is there anything in particular that i do that someone else could replicate? probably. i listen to a lot of podcasts that do close readings of texts i care about; i pay attention to the emotional reactions various texts make me have and try to use those as starting points for investigation and curiosity rather than shying away from those feelings in embarrassment; i try not to close myself off from exploring texts that are cringey or mainstreamed or taboo for various reasons; i read and watch and listen to many things at once so the texts can talk to each other; i follow people online and talk to people irl whose analysis i trust and intellect i admire.
idk if this is helpful or not, but i think it also may be a case of being patient; five or six years ago i was #onhere following all kinds of people whose writing and ways of looking at the world i deeply admired yet feeling like i would never be able to produce anything even remotely resembling their work. i didn't even make any original posts on the blogs i had before this one because at the time it was too intimidating for me (hashtag prey animal pride) and i worried that i didn't have anything interesting or unique to say. and now, on this blog, people tell me that they appreciate what i say, like, often. so.
i'm aware this isn't really a hugely helpful answer but in my defense i think it's a pretty difficult question to be tasked with answering! at the end of the day i can't help you be like me, and i also wouldn't want to. i hope you find what you're looking for, though!
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aurora-313 · 2 years
I have a realization and a two and half questions.
Realization: I was so worried if orihime was gonna be able to restore ichigo’s hand but then I remembered hachi. Between the two of them they can get the job done and it’s be a nice icebreaker with the visoreds… I hope.
Question 1 and 1/2: Aside from unohana (and likely the squad 10 duo), who else in soul society had suspicions about ichigo’s origins?
And besides squad 13, kyoraku, and byakuya, who looked at ichigo and had to wonder if they were looking at kaien’s reincarnation? (You don’t have to name all of them, just any you think would be noteworthy.)
Question: You said we could ask about plot points and the like, so let’s see… are there any deleted scenes you really, really wish you could have squeezed in?
For your realization: No comment because spoiler. But I like where your head's at.
Question 1+1/2: Ukitake, Kyoraku by proxy, Unohana, Rangiku and Toshiro are obvious.
If not reincarnate, Renji had suspected a connection; especially after that first fight in Karakura where Ichigo summarily handed his ass to him and Byakuya had to step in.
Tousen, Aizen and Gin are cheating because they've known Ichigo was a Shiba scion since day 1.
Yamamoto and Sasakibe, maybe, believed a lost scion from a noble clan since they saw the runt halt the Sokyoku, and that might've influenced the decision to allow Ichigo to become a Shinigami sub too.
Initially Kiyone and Sentaro too, (and a boat load of 13th Division members) but they've been eavesdropping so they know Kaien and Ichigo are bloodkin.
Deleted scene: There's two that come to mind right now.
First one: When Kaien's staying over at the Clinic after the Ulq/Yammi battle (Chapter 14), Ichigo wakes up in the middle of the night and has a long involved discussion with Kaien's Hollow, while Kaien himself is sleeping off the booze (Hollow!Kaien complains about this). That went into my own suppositions on how a Hollow's persona is formed when they're created and explained why the Hollow willingly submits to Kaien's will.
I axed that because it gave away their game too quickly. While I've been hinting at what Kaien went through, what caused it and its aftermath, I want that still kept mostly under wraps so its a real gut-punch when people finally see it from his PoV.
Second one: Not deleted so much as alternate scene during the fight with the Ninth Espada Yarelli.
While trading barbs, Yarelli was supposed to take Miyako's form then Lisa's as a taunt hashtag foreshadowing, which would've led to Kaien coldly blitzing her on the spot without his mask. (She pushed the Miyako button... she shouldn't of did that)
Thing is, it didn't really fit with what I was trying to establish: that is, the fight was so beneath Kaien, he couldn't bring himself to take it seriously. Even summoning his mask was just him screwing around.
Thanks for the ask, mate! Always love answering them. :)
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jossujb · 2 years
One thing I find annoying on Instagram and probably Tiktok as well even though I only use Tiktok to watch some videos on an occasion, is that people seem to only interact with the niche hashtag society circle. And it’s not even remotely like oh I am just interested these subjects, like on tumblr you might be a certain kind of blog for sure. But on instagram every fucking post and reel and story are obvious as fuck in being just signaling to the algorithm hey I am here, advertise me further to these people I think will benefit my growth and relevancy.
I follow a selection or art related Insagrams, and some book related ones, and horror movies and whatever, handycrafts, martial art etc. but it is fucking annoying to see stories and posts wrele like 12 people tag each other to irrelevant mindlfulness and feelgood poorly disquised advertisements for their personal brand. They prompt you to ask questions and send messages, but there’s exactly zero change to get a reply, cos they’re not your friend actually, caring about the answer from an account that won’t give them any benefit interacting with.
I mean, I am not saying everybody you follow online needs to be your real friend or anything, that’s parasocial. But it’s the fucking worst ever when you *actually are* friends with irl with someone - but not social media sexy friend. Not someone you’d tag and publicly converse with, cos you’re small and cringe.
Do you even get what I am saying xD I feel like I might be rambling on an irrelevant topic. But I do like Tumblr in this specific way more, cos like, you don’t gain anything from interacting with anybody. There’s no benefit in knowing anybody, there’s barely anything noteworthy monetary value speaking, so like, if you’re gonna send an ask, write a reply, reblog with tags or follow, the only motivation there is, that you just felt like doing that. 
And that’s feels authentic, even when it’s cruel and mean. I can always be sure on Tumblr, that if someone said something nice to me, or dunked me so hard that I weep about it years later, that nobody benefitted from it whatsoever.
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tokenlauncher · 13 days
Fun Ideas for Your Own Unique Memecoin
Memecoins have taken the crypto world by storm, becoming incredibly popular for their playful and often humorous nature. These digital assets, inspired by internet memes and pop culture, have captured the imagination of both crypto enthusiasts and the general public. The rise of unique memecoins on the Solana Blockchain highlights the need for creativity in an increasingly competitive market.
Solana memecoins are particularly noteworthy due to their fast transaction speeds and lower fees compared to other blockchains. As a result, they provide an excellent platform for launching innovative and engaging projects. In this dynamic environment, creativity is crucial; standing out requires a unique concept that resonates with potential users.
This article provides fun ideas for creating your own unique memecoin using a Solana token generator. By exploring various aspects such as concept development, community engagement strategies, innovative features, tokenomics planning, visual identity, and launch strategy on Solana platforms, you can craft a distinctive memecoin that captures attention and drives adoption.
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Concept Development
Defining the theme of your memecoin is crucial for standing out in a crowded market. A compelling theme can be inspired by various elements such as:
Popular culture
Internet memes
Current trends
Leveraging these elements ensures your coin resonates with a broad audience.
Leveraging Current Trends and Memes
Keeping an eye on what's trending can provide endless inspiration. Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok are goldmines for popular memes and viral content. Your memecoin concept could:
Tap into viral challenges
Reference popular TV shows or movies
Play on global events or social phenomena
For example, during the "Squid Game" craze, a themed memecoin could have garnered massive attention.
Importance of Humor and Satire
Humor and satire play a significant role in attracting attention to your memecoin. They make your project memorable and shareable. Consider incorporating:
Puns or wordplay related to your theme.
Satirical takes on current events.
A well-executed joke or clever twist can spread quickly, drawing more eyes to your project. Remember Dogecoin? Its success largely stemmed from its humorous take on the Shiba Inu meme.
By defining a unique theme and leveraging humor, you set the stage for a captivating and engaging memecoin concept that stands out from the competition.
Community Engagement Strategies
Building a strong community is crucial for the success of your memecoin. Effective community building on social platforms can drive visibility and adoption.
Social Media Marketing
Engage potential users through platforms like Twitter and Discord:
Twitter: Use trending hashtags, memes, and engaging posts to capture attention. Regular interaction with followers can foster a sense of community.
Discord: Create dedicated channels for discussions, updates, and events. A well-moderated Discord server can become the hub for your memecoin community.
Influencer Collaboration
Influencers play a significant role in promoting your memecoin:
Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who resonate with your target audience. Their endorsement can provide credibility and reach a broader audience.
Content Creation: Encourage influencers to create content around your memecoin—videos, tweets, or blog posts—that highlights its unique features and benefits.
Promotional Campaigns
Running promotional campaigns helps generate excitement:
Giveaways: Organize giveaways where participants can earn tokens by completing simple tasks like following social media accounts or sharing posts.
Contests: Host meme contests or other creative challenges that encourage user-generated content and increase engagement.
Airdrops: Distribute free tokens to early adopters or active community members to incentivize participation.
These strategies not only build a vibrant community but also foster long-term loyalty and investment in your memecoin.
Innovative Features to Consider
Exploring beyond traditional meme attributes can set your memecoin apart in a crowded market. Consider incorporating gamification elements into your memecoin's ecosystem, similar to the way crypto gaming has transformed the digital landscape. These could include:
In-game rewards: Users earn tokens by achieving specific milestones or participating in community events.
Leaderboards: Foster competition by displaying top users based on their engagement or token holdings.
Achievements and badges: Reward users with unique badges for completing certain tasks or holding the coin for a specified duration.
Introducing utility tokens within your memecoin can also add value, making it more than just a novelty. Some ideas include:
Access tokens: Grant special access to exclusive content, events, or features within your community.
Transactional utility: Enable your coin to be used for transactions within partnered platforms or services.
Staking benefits: Offer staking options where users can lock their tokens in exchange for rewards, fostering long-term investment and stability.
These innovative features enrich user experience and provide tangible benefits, making your memecoin more attractive and engaging. Furthermore, integrating these elements with a well-thought-out tokenomics strategy can significantly enhance the overall appeal and functionality of your memecoin, creating a robust ecosystem that benefits all participants involved.
Tokenomics Planning for Success
A well-thought-out tokenomics strategy is crucial for the success of your memecoin. Focusing on key aspects such as total supply, distribution models, and incentives can help build a sustainable ecosystem on the Solana Blockchain.
Planning Total Supply and Distribution Models
Total Supply
Determine the fixed or deflationary supply of your memecoin. A capped total supply can create scarcity, potentially increasing demand and value.
Distribution Model
Allocate percentages for different purposes such as development, marketing, community rewards, and partnerships. For instance:
Development Fund: 20%
Marketing Initiatives: 15%
Community Rewards: 30%
Partnerships and Collaborations: 10%
This structured approach ensures fair distribution and supports long-term project growth.
Incentives for Holding and Using the Coin
Creating incentives for holding and using your memecoin encourages long-term investment and active participation:
Staking Rewards: Offer staking options where users can earn additional tokens by locking their holdings.
Utility Incentives: Integrate functionalities such as in-game purchases or discounts within an associated app or platform.
Reward Programs: Implement reward programs for active community members contributing to discussions or promoting the coin.
Importance of Transparency
Transparent communication about your tokenomics strategy fosters trust among potential investors:
Detailed Whitepaper: Publish a comprehensive whitepaper outlining your tokenomics plan, including supply details and allocation models.
Regular Updates: Keep your community informed through regular updates on milestones, fund usage, and future plans.
Transparency reassures investors about the legitimacy of your project, encouraging broader adoption and confidence in your memecoin. For more insights into designing a successful tokenomics, consider exploring various strategies that can be implemented to enhance the overall effectiveness of your tokenomics plan.
Why Visual Identity Matters
Visual appeal is critical in marketing your memecoin effectively on platforms like Solana. A strong visual identity can draw attention and make your coin stand out in a crowded market.
Tips for Creating a Catchy Name and Logo
Reflect the Essence: Choose a name that captures the spirit and humor of your memecoin. It should be easy to remember and relevant to the theme you’ve chosen.
Simplicity is Key: Aim for a logo design that's simple yet distinctive. Overly complex designs can be hard to recognize at smaller sizes.
Color Psychology: Utilize colors that evoke the right emotions. Bright, vibrant colors often work well for memecoins as they convey fun and excitement.
Consistency: Ensure your branding is consistent across all platforms, from social media profiles to community forums.
A memorable name and an eye-catching logo not only enhance recognition but also build trust among potential investors and users.
Launch Strategy on Solana Platforms
Launching your unique memecoin on the Solana Blockchain requires strategic planning. Key platforms to consider include:
Serum: Use Serum’s decentralized exchange for listing and trading your memecoin. Its fast and cheap transactions make it perfect for new projects.
Raydium: Take advantage of Raydium's liquidity pools and yield farming opportunities to attract early users. It works smoothly with Solana, giving users a familiar DeFi experience.
Steps to Launch
Prepare ICO: Conduct an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) on the Solana blockchain to generate initial interest and raise funds.
Engage Community: Use social media and influencer partnerships to build hype leading up to the launch.
Liquidity Provision: Ensure adequate liquidity by partnering with major exchanges and DeFi platforms in the Solana ecosystem.
Strategically using these platforms enhances visibility and adoption of your memecoin, setting you up for success in the competitive market.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is a memecoin and why are they popular in the crypto space?
Memecoins are cryptocurrencies that often feature humorous themes or references to popular culture. Their popularity stems from their ability to engage communities through humor and relatability, making them appealing to a broad audience.
How can I create a unique memecoin on the Solana Blockchain?
To create a unique memecoin on the Solana Blockchain, you can use a Solana token generator. Start by defining a creative concept that leverages current trends and memes, ensuring it stands out in the competitive market.
What strategies can I use for community engagement when launching my memecoin?
Engaging potential users can be achieved through social media marketing on platforms like Twitter and Discord. Collaborating with influencers and running promotional campaigns can also help foster excitement and drive adoption.
What innovative features should I consider for my memecoin?
Consider incorporating gamification elements or utility tokens within your memecoin's ecosystem. This approach goes beyond traditional meme attributes and adds value to your cryptocurrency, attracting more users.
Why is tokenomics important for my memecoin?
Tokenomics involves planning the total supply and distribution models for your memecoin. It's crucial for establishing incentives for holding and using the coin, such as rewards or staking, which encourage long-term investment and trust among potential investors.
How do I ensure my memecoin has a strong visual identity?
A strong visual identity is essential for effective marketing. Focus on creating a catchy name and logo that resonates with your target audience. This will enhance your brand's appeal across platforms like Solana.
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allencherer-blog · 20 days
How to Find Hiking Trails Near You
How to Find Hiking Trails Near You https://ift.tt/frKvL1J Are you itching to explore the great outdoors but unsure where to start? Finding hiking trails near you doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a beginner looking to stretch your legs, here’s a simple guide to help you find the perfect trail for your next adventure. Use Online Trail Databases and Apps In today’s digital age, your smartphone can be your best friend when it comes to finding hiking trails. Several apps and websites specialize in mapping out nearby trails based on your location. Apps like AllTrails and TrailLink provide user reviews, trail maps, difficulty ratings, and even photos, making it easier to choose a trail that suits your preferences and skill level. Consult Local Hiking Clubs and Groups Local hiking clubs and outdoor enthusiasts often have insider knowledge about hidden gems and lesser-known trails in your area. They may also organize group hikes, which can be a great way to discover new trails while meeting like-minded people. Check out community bulletin boards, social media groups, or visit outdoor gear shops to connect with these groups. Explore National and State Parks National and state parks are treasure troves of hiking opportunities, offering well-maintained trails with varying difficulty levels. Visit their official websites or contact park rangers to get information on trail maps, conditions, and any necessary permits or fees. Parks often provide visitor centers where you can pick up trail maps and get recommendations based on your interests and hiking experience. Ask Local Outdoor Retailers Outdoor retailers and stores specializing in hiking gear are staffed by passionate outdoor enthusiasts who are often keen to share their favorite trails. They can provide firsthand recommendations and up-to-date information on trail conditions. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice or browse through their selection of trail maps and guidebooks. Check Out Online Reviews and Social Media Platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and social media channels can offer valuable insights and feedback from fellow hikers. Reading reviews can give you a sense of the trail’s condition, scenery, and any noteworthy points of interest along the way. Additionally, social media platforms often have hiking groups and hashtags specific to your region, where hikers share photos, tips, and recommendations. Consider Terrain and Difficulty When choosing a hiking trail, consider factors such as terrain, elevation gain, and difficulty level. Beginners may want to start with shorter, well-marked trails that are easier to navigate. As you gain experience, you can gradually challenge yourself with longer or more rugged trails. Most trail databases and apps provide filters to help you narrow down options based on these criteria. Respect Trail Etiquette and Safety Once you’ve chosen a trail, familiarize yourself with trail etiquette and safety guidelines. Stay on designated paths, pack out all trash, and be mindful of wildlife and other hikers. Dress appropriately for the weather and terrain, carry plenty of water and snacks, and let someone know your hiking plans and expected return time. Finding hiking trails near you is not only a great way to stay active and enjoy nature but also an opportunity to discover new landscapes and connect with the outdoors. Whether you prefer leisurely strolls or challenging hikes, there’s a trail out there waiting for you to explore. So, lace up your hiking boots, grab your backpack, and embark on your next adventure—it’s just around the corner! The post How to Find Hiking Trails Near You first appeared on Dr. Allen Cherer |Hiking & Cycling . via Dr. Allen Cherer |Hiking & Cycling https://ift.tt/qv8UK4M September 01, 2024 at 08:11AM
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cuntboycael · 1 month
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
─── caelum. ; 18+ ; he/they. ( neo pronouns ok ! !) ; transmasc.
minors, ageless blogs, blank blogs, pro-c, sh/ed and bigots will be blocked. this account is just a silly little thing for me to talk about dead dove content i like , ships i enjoy and some things which i may fantasise about ! !
info ; i'm pretty much okay with most dead dove content, but the thing i talk about most is incest ! i ship across a wide range of fandoms , even if i haven't read / seen source. ( i can be very specific about the dynamics which i want my ships to have though. ) i tend to prefer more masculine bottoms and feminine tops. <3 ─── i'll be talking about fantasies / scenarios i enjoy. please use masc and neutral terms when referring to me, please !
boundaries ; no calls/voice, no explicit irl photos and face reveal, no meetups or real names etc. to be exchanged, ask for my paypal, dms are open to be friends ! ! i'm lowkey okay with threats and things you wanna do to me but they go to my inbox.
dead dove && kinks ; incest , shota , petplay, overstim, cnc (drugging, somno, rape), praise, degradation, dumbification, selfcest, sadomaso, bondage, exhibitionism, ageplay, feminization, aftercare and probably more.
hashtags ; #caelblogs for all posts that aren't reblogs, #caelyapper for non dead dove related posts, #caelsobbing for vent-y posts. mute if you're not here for them, thank you! i don't tag reblogs whatsoever.
completely useless stuff about me under the cut ! !
some noteworthy info ; i'm not very active ! ! i never really used tumblr alot and i still don't use it much but i'll try and be on as much as i can. i enjoy role-playing ships i like as well. i tend to engross myself in fandom alot, without reading or watching the actual canon source so , , sometimes the info i know is second hand ! additionally, while i enjoy dead dove content, it's only within fictional. i do not support it in irl ! !
if you are in the fandoms i like or enjoy playing the games i do , please don't hesitate to drop me a message ! i love making friends. <33
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