#Patry Vega
Globalna premiera: „Putin” - anglojęzyczny film fabularny, który wstrząśnie światem
Patryk Vega – jeden z najbardziej znanych reżyserów polskiego kina – wystawił w podkijowskiejBorodziance ekran, na którym wyświetlił fragmenty biograficznego filmu uderzającego we Władimira Putina. Transmisję tego wydarzenia oglądali ukraińscy widzowie, doznając skrajnych emocji. Continue reading Globalna premiera: „Putin” – anglojęzyczny film fabularny, który wstrząśnie światem
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
👸-just a PSA Ebola's 'friend who doesn't hire her' always teases with things related to his sister. A wedding invite, patry etc all his sisters. If anything comes up, it's most likely to be his sister than ebola. For instance, if we see a positive test for something its more likely to be his sisters than anyone elses especially a "private couple." we know they use "private" label for press
If tmz hasn't found anything by now and something pops up like Vegas- it's outted. Chris team has to know that will also meam the end of his career the number of unfollowers every time he posts has spoken. The fact that people now are accusing him of using Dodger to get fans and sympathy speaks volume. BUT I don't just believe everything ok, it's what the 😈 want.
However, charging almost 300 for an autograph or a picture... people are already riled up go with logic not emotions. Be Spock 🖖
Thanks for the heads-up, 👸
Jesus, girl, you're really working overtime with all these warnings and PSAs.
No complaints here though. I think a bunch of us appreciate it more and more. Basically, thanks for telling us to brace ourselves 😊
Let's not fall into their traps people! Okay?
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monsieurtranquille · 5 months
On chiale tout le temps sur nos politiciens. C'est facile. Des hommes et des femmes accomplis, souvent de métier et d'expérience pour le meilleur et pour le pire.
J'oublie parfois que derrière un personnage public de la vie politique, il y a une vie complexe, bâtie sur l'intérêt de servir la population (et/ou de se servir soi-même dans certains cas), de dévouement qui peut aller jusqu'au sacrifice de sa vie et de ses convictions personnelles.
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Je voulais écrire une lettre à Mélanie Joly, la ministre des Affaires étrangères tout en restant cordial et respectueux pour m'exprimer sur mes principales inquiétudes par rapport aux réactions du Canada envers le génocide des palestiniens par Israël. Du coup, j'enverrai une copie conforme de cette même lettre à Justin Trudeau et Alexandre Boulerice, mon député fédéral du NPD de Rosemont-Petite Patrie (et pour lequel j'ai voté aux dernières élections).
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Et j'aimerais mentionner en passant que ce n'est que la deuxième fois que j'écris une lettre postale à une personne publique. C'est rarement dans mes habitudes. La première fois, c'était à René Angélil à la parution de D'eux pour lui recommander vivement de sortir Pour que tu m'aimes encore de Céline Dion au Royaume-Uni, ce qui avait déjà probablement été fait avant, car la chanson, en français svp, s'est rendue en 9e position du palmarès britannique, très peu de temps après l'envoi de ma lettre... Mais, je me souviens que ça me tenait à cœur de partager gratuitement mes "conseils" au meilleur imprésario du Québec mais je l'ai fait anonyme. Mais avoir su que Céline ferait des shows à Vegas un peu plus tard, je lui aurais demandé des billets. 🥸
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Donc, je vais la publier demain sur mon fil avant de l'envoyer quand même par la poste.
C'est une goutte dans l'océan. En partant du principe que l'océan a besoin de chaque goutte pour lui donner sa force, je garde espoir que ça ira mieux et qu'Allah continuera de veiller sur le peuple palestinien. Au delà des religions et des allégeances politiques, nous sommes tous des êtres vivants. Je ne peux simplement pas tolérer l'extermination de milliers de personnes sans aucune considération pour chaque vie humaine perdue sans exprimer mon profond désaccord et d'avoir le courage de mes convictions et d'en faire part aux élus qui ont, eux, un plus grand pouvoir d'action qu'une autre bouteille à la mer.
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pixiesfz · 9 months
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woso world
jessie fleming
adoption papers (fluff)
frat boy jessie p1, frat boy jessie p2 (p2 18+)
bestfriends sister (suggestive)
jersey swap (smut 18+)
blushing beauty (fluff)
hard launch (online and real life)
little O , part 2 (fluff)
stupid canada (smut 18+)
on the wall (funny)
morning runs
practice? (fluff)
moving on series (multiple parts)
new home (smut 18+)
father to be (fluff)
parting gift (smut) (+niamh charles)
something new (smut)
I didn’t know
Microphone drop (blurb)
sam kerr
stubborn girls (fluff)
tattoo artist
give up (angst)
kyra cooney-cross
debut (fluff)
chicken shop date
falling behind (angst)
ugly christmas sweater (very suggestive)
on sale (angst)
rent a girlfriend (suggestive)
first time (smut 18+)
time (slight angst)
tattletale (blurb)
steph catley
sunshine masterlist (child!series)
katie mccabe
afl day (fluff)
shitty melbourne weather (fluff)
what happens in vegas (very suggestive)
kerstin casperij
chookas (soft)
teammates , jealousy p2.
such a tease
leah williamson
chelsea royalty (suggestive)
bad dream (fluff)
ass girl (suggestive)
jill roord
baby fever (fluff)
like he can (smut)
blessing in disguise
secret love p1, moving on p2, lyrics more than words p3, memory lane p4
georgia stanway
best wag (coming soon)
niamh charles
parting gift (smut) (+jessie fleming)
first meet
mackenzie arnold
lucky charm (fluff)
hayley raso
yellow card
teagan micah
take the punch
bruins suck
an old friend from school
lucy bronze
world cups (blurb)
lucy blondes (fluff)
charli grant
awards night (fluff)
lionesses x reader
break-up (angst, fluffy)
arsenal x reader
spiked (angst)
caitlin foord
winners are grinners (fluff)
secrets we keep
katrina gorry
duty calls (angst)
patri guijarro
bad thing (blurb)
lotte wubben-moy
invaded (angst)
vivienne miedema
so long London (fluff, angst)
alexia putellas
prison for life
ninja turtles
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wanderingaround01 · 6 years
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captainsolare · 4 years
Under the Stars
Hi, could i please request a fluffy one-shot where the female reader and William are star gazing and thanks to Patri William has a lot of knowledge about stars, and later he proposes? Tysm!
A/N: Hi! Of course, thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoy it, it was a cute idea :) 
William proposing under the stars, with a bit of help from Patri 
Word Count: 1018 
Tags: f!reader
Unbeknownst to you, William had a surprise for tonight, a big one. He fluffed out the blankets,   made sure the lights were set, and even prepared a picnic basket full of your favorite foods. He had to get back soon, he did have his captain duties to attend to. You do know no one will question a captain, right? Your unexplained absence will be fine. He could practically hear Patri chastising him. “I know.” He said, to no one in particular. He stepped back to survey his work, “I think this is going to work out.” He handled a few last finishing touches, the rose petals were a little cliche, but he thought it was nice nonetheless. 
You were at your desk, putting in your earrings when there was a knock at your door. “Hello love.” WIlliam said, as you opened the door to greet him. “Hello dear,” You replied with a smile, kissing him on the cheek. William almost never wore his mask around you now, it was a small gesture, but it made you feel warm that he trusted you that much. As you pulled away, you could sense the nervousness coming off of him in waves, “What’s wrong?” You asked, scrutinizing his face for some hint as to what he was feeling. “I’m a little nervous about tonight.” He admitted, causing you to chuckle a bit. “What are you nervous about? We’ve been going on dates for years!” William smiled, and he got a teasing twinkle in his eye. “What? Am I not allowed to be nervous that I’m going on a date with the most beautiful woman in the world?” He teased, winking at you. Your cheeks warmed at the compliment, “I suppose that’s a satisfactory reason to be nervous. I am drop-dead gorgeous after all.” You twirled for dramatic effect, skirt swirling around your ankles. “That you are,” William agreed, “Shall we be going?” You nodded, and intertwined your arm with his. 
He led you out of the city, to a nearby hill that overlooked it. “A picnic? How wonderful.” You commented, smiling at your partner’s thoughtfulness. WIlliam always had the best surprises planned for you, even if they were small it was obvious how much planning had gone into them, and how much effort he put in just for you. It was one of the things you loved about him, he always went the extra mile when it came to everything, caring for his friends, leading his squad, being with you. There was never a moment you felt unloved when it came to William; if you were sad it was like he could sense it and would be there to comfort you, if you were happy, he celebrated with you. 
William nodded as you sat down, “And stargazing once the sun goes down, if you want.” “Of course I do! That sounds lovely.” You replied, taking the plate he offered you. As you spent the evening chatting about your days, and the other things you talked about while you were together, William wracked his brain, trying to remember everything Patri had coached him on. Now remember, this one is Columba, this one is the Phoenix , and this one is Monoceros. Columba is supposed to look like a dove, but honestly I don’t really see it., The phoenix is just as it says, a bird of fire that is reborn from its own ashes. Monoceros is named for the legend of the unicorn. You’ve got to remember this because I really want no part of tonight’s romantic festivities. He could practically feel Patri shudder at the thought. Don’t worry friend, I’m trying my best. 
As the sun set and the stars began to appear, you and William laid down on the blanket, taking in the darkening sky. “The stars are so beautiful.” You said softly. William hummed his agreement, “Do you know any constellations?” You shook your head and shifted closer to him as he began to point some out. He pointed out several, and told you their stories; you were so close to him you could feel him breathing and could smell his cologne. His arm was around you as you nestled into him, you loved listening to him as he spoke about something he was invested in; it was a side of him few got to see, and you considered yourself lucky to be able to witness it. 
The story of Altair and Vega in particular made you tear up, “It must be lonely, only getting to see your love one night a year.” You commented sadly, as you sat up. William sat up and faced you, wiping a tear from your cheek with a tender thumb. He gazed into your eyes with such love, you grabbed his hand and held it to your cheek before he could pull it away. William pulled you to your feet and led you to the point that overlooked the city; there was a tree there and you leaned against it, taking  in the view in silence, embracing the comfort it brought. “Y/N?” William asked softly. You looked down as a new branch began to sprout from the tree, there was something nestled in it. 
You watched as he grabbed the item and widened your eyes as suddenly he was on his knee before you. “I know this is unexpected, but I love you, so much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You mentioned how lonely it must be, only to see your love one night a year; well, I never want to go a morning without you again.” Before you knew it, tears were spilling down your cheeks, this was like a dream; you were praying it wasn’t. You had no words to speak of, all the air had been ripped from your lungs; You nodded breathlessly, and he slipped the ring onto your outstretched finger. Once you could breathe again, you surged forward and embraced him; he held you tight as if you would disappear if he let go. “Yes, the answer is an unequivocal yes.”
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Yo soy el padre - Erina Alcalá (2022)
Mar Martínez, se quedó huérfana a los cuatro años. Pasó una niñez infeliz, y cuando su padre se casó con Lola, una mujer insufrible, su adolescencia y juventud, no pudo ser peor. Tuvo dos hermanos, pero se convirtió en su criada. Y cuando cumplió los 18 no quiso Lola que fuese a la Universidad. Su amiga y vecina Patri se quedó apenada cuando dijo que se iba a Las Vegas, que no aguantaba en casa,…
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weareboxing · 6 years
#OnThisDay in 1994 James Toney – behind on points – ripped the IBF middleweight title from smooth boxing southpaw champion Michael Nunn in the 11th round of Nunn's homecoming in Daveport, Iowa. "I knew I would get him sooner or later," 22-year-old Toney said. "Michael didn't hurt me. Once I was given an honest shot at the title, I knew it would be mine." "I dropped my hands and got caught," said Nunn, a huge 20-1 favourite. "He fought a great fight. He took a lot of good shots. I'm going to take a little bit of a rest now and come back." The Angelo Dundee-trained Nunn's purse was a cool half-million to Toney's $50,000. 28-year-old "Second To" Nunn would move up to super-middleweight for his next fight, while Toney would have to climb off the floor in his first defence against Reggie Johnson in Vegas. On the undercard, the unbeaten 23-year-old Michael Carbajal retained his IBF light-flyweight title with a unanimous decision over the durable Hector Luis Patri. #boxing #BoxingNews #JamesToney #MichaelNunn #NunnToney (at Modern Woodmen Park)
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lesmotsnomades · 4 years
Feyrouz, icône de la chanson et rare ciment national d'un Liban fracturé
Feyrouz, icône de la chanson et rare ciment national d'un Liban fracturé
"Quand vous regardez le Liban aujourd'hui, vous voyez qu'il ne ressemble aucunement au Liban que je chante", affirmait avec regret la diva dans une interview au New York Times en 1999.
Orienr Le Jour / AFP/ Rana MOUSSAOUI / le 31 août 2020 à 12h34
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Incarnation de l'âge d'or d'un Liban prospère et bouillonnant de culture, Feyrouz, pseudonyme qui signifie "turquoise" en arabe, est un ciment national rare. AFP / Joseph EID Dernière légende vivante de la chanson arabe, Feyrouz, que le président français Emmanuel Macron rencontre lundi soir, transcende les puissants clivages confessionnels du Liban et demeure un rare symbole d'unité nationale d'un pays centenaire plus que jamais malade de ses fractures. Depuis la mort de la diva égyptienne Oum Kalthoum en 1975, aucun chanteur arabe n'a atteint le niveau d'adulation de Feyrouz, 84 ans, qui a exalté l'amour, la liberté, son Liban natal et la Palestine. Incarnation de l'âge d'or d'un Liban prospère et bouillonnant de culture, Feyrouz, pseudonyme qui signifie "turquoise" en arabe, est un ciment national rare. Après s'être produite pendant plus d'un demi-siècle de Beyrouth à Las Vegas, en passant par Paris et Londres, elle s'est murée depuis plus d'une décennie dans un profond silence.
Voix séraphique, paradisiaque "Quand vous regardez le Liban aujourd'hui, vous voyez qu'il ne ressemble aucunement au Liban que je chante", affirmait toutefois avec regret la diva dans une interview au New York Times en 1999, en allusion aux décennies de guerres et de destructions. Malgré son silence, sa voix séraphique, paradisiaque, résonne toujours sur les radios arabes. Très discrète, Feyrouz, de son vrai nom Nouhad Haddad, a donné de rarissimes interviews pendant sa carrière. "Si vous regardez mon visage lorsque je chante, vous verrez que je ne suis pas là. Je pense que l'art est comme la prière", confie-t-elle dans un de ces entretiens, se disant "très croyante". Sa posture immobile, son visage presque en transe quand elle chante, ses timides sourires vite réprimés, sa garde-robe sobre, ont accentué sa stature quasi mystique auprès du public. Du haut de son piédestal, cette mère de quatre enfants ne s'est jamais épanchée sur sa vie privée. "En réalité, elle est loin de l'image de Madone froide qu'elle projette sur scène. Ce n'est que timidité et sérieux. Elle répugne la vulgarité et l'invasion de sa vie privée", selon la journaliste Doha Chams, sa plus proche collaboratrice. "Quand elle le veut, elle peut être très drôle. Elle est aussi une cuisinière émérite. Très humble, elle aime servir ses invités elle-même", d'après elle.
"Ecole unique" Aînée de quatre enfants, Feyrouz, née en 1934 dans une famille chrétienne, passera son enfance à Beyrouth avant d'être repérée dès l'école. Engagée à la radio, le compositeur Halim el-Roumi, impressionné, lui donne son surnom et la présente aux frères Rahbani. Dans les années 1950, elle épouse le compositeur Assi Rahbani qui, avec son frère Mansour, révolutionnent la chanson et la musique arabe traditionnelles en mêlant morceaux classiques occidentaux, russes et latino-américains à des rythmes orientaux, sur une orchestration moderne. C'est après ses premiers concerts au Festival international de Baalbeck, au milieu des ruines de ce site libanais antique, que la carrière de Feyrouz s'envole. Elle a donné vie aux paroles de grands poètes arabes -les Libanais Gibran Khalil Gibran, Saïd Akl ou l'Egyptien Ahmed Chawki-, tandis que ses chants patriotiques se sont incrustés dans la mémoire des Libanais et du reste du monde arabe. Elle a également brillé dans une dizaine d'opérettes et au cinéma -comme Le Vendeur de bagues (1965) du réalisateur égyptien Youssef Chahine. Si Feyrouz trône en reine de la chanson arabe, c'est aussi parce qu'elle a chanté la cause palestinienne, avec surtout "Sa Narjiou Yawman" ("Nous reviendrons un jour"), une élégie interpellant les réfugiés palestiniens. Elle dédie une autre chanson, "La fleur des villes", à Jérusalem, après la défaite des troupes arabes contre Israël en 1967.
"Je t'aime Ô Liban" Au Liban, le respect du public pour elle atteindra son apogée durant la guerre civile (1975-90), lorsqu'elle refusera de s'exiler ou de prendre parti. "Je t'aime Ô Liban, ma patrie je t'aime. Avec ton Nord, ton Sud, ta vallée, je t'aime", chante-t-elle dans l'une de ses plus célèbres chansons ("Bhebbak ya Lebnan"), notamment à l'Olympia en 1979, suscitant les larmes de la foule. Elle se produit dans son premier concert post-guerre dans le centre de Beyrouth, devant des dizaines de milliers de Libanais en pleurs. Adulée par les aînés, elle devient l'icône des jeunes lorsque son fils Ziad, enfant terrible de la musique libanaise, lui composera des chansons influencées par des rythmes de jazz.
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stefanvalenti · 4 years
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⇨  aesthetics ⍮ battered books with dog-eared pages, dried blood caked into the grooves of cut knuckles, the lingering scent of smoke, the silvery glint of old scar tissue, a beaten-up box of marlboros, five o’clock shadow peppering a blunt jawline, discolourations of blue and purple decorating battered hands, a subtle smirk etched upon a devious countenance, ripped leather jackets and worn jeans, calloused fingertips riddled with small paper cuts, dark circles under stormy eyes, the noise of screeching tires in the middle of the night, and clenched, white-knuckled fists. 
full name ; stefan lorenzo valenti.
gender + pronouns ; cis male + he / him.
current age ; twenty-nine.
date of birth ; october 3rd, 1990.
zodiac sign ; libra.
height ; 6 foot, 2 inches.
eye colour ; dark brown.
hair colour ; dark brown.
place of birth ; sicily, italy.
current residence ; montreal, canada.
neighbourhood ; rosemont-la petite-patrie, 
orientation ; heterosexual + heteroromantic.
religion ; roman catholic.
education ; high school graduate.
occupation ; security for calypso casino.
affiliation + position ; the vittori family + capo.
parents ; lorenzo and carina valenti ( both deceased. )
negative traits ; calculating, hedonistic, distant, sarcastic, and volatile.
positive traits ; adept, charming, audacious, determined, and resourceful.
moral alignment ; chaotic good.
temperament ; choleric.
intelligence type ; linguistic.
spoken languages ; english, italian, spanish, and russian.
trigger warnings ; kidnapping, firearms, violence, murder, death, descriptions of gore, and mentions of blood.
The setting was Sicily, Italy. The season was the Autumn of 1990. Lorenzo and Carina Valenti brought a baby boy into the heart of the Sicilian Mafia. Although this little boy’s upbringing was mostly positive, for a sizeable portion of his life, little Stefan Valenti remained unsuspecting of the dangers his family had embroiled themselves in. From a young age, Stefan was taught discipline and told that to truly succeed in life one must keep their enemies on side, even at the expense of their closest friends. This was a rule that had been ingrained in Stefan’s brain from the instant he was old enough to formulate a coherent sentence. Of course, as a carefree child, he had no intention of creating enemies for himself nor could he fully grasp the magnitude of his families involvement in the underbelly of the criminal world. One thing was for sure though, Stefan Valenti had to grow up a lot sooner than any child should.
Though Stefan grew up unbeknownst to his father’s connections to the Cosa Nostra, it wasn’t long until he was exposed to the tamer elements of his families corruption. Although Carina tried her best to shield Stefan from the majority of it all, fragments always seemed to seep through. Similar to any young child, Stefan was curious, intelligent and observant; always asking questions that his Carina would brush off. His father, on the other hand, recognised his son’s potential from the instant he was born. Stefan was both adept and astute enough to become a fine asset for the organised syndicate. While Stefan’s uncle Giovanni had initially objected to the idea of bringing such a young child into the middle of the gang, Lorenzo held the upper hand and exerted his dominance over his brother. In the end, slowly but surely, Stefan was introduced to certain components of the Cosa Nostra. Due to this particular upbringing and exposure to immoral dealings, a fraction of Stefan’s heart was never as soft as expected from a child. And the older he grew, the tougher his heart became and the thicker his skin became until he learned to expertly control his emotions, refusing to let them control him. Yet another lesson he learned from his father.
Far from being a sheltered child, an eleven-year-old Stefan had his first brush with sincere peril. Whilst waiting for Giovanni to pick him up from school, the boy found himself in the clutches of the enemy. The Stidda. More specifically, the rival criminal organisation to the Sicilian Mafia. While they never laid a finger on Stefan, they did hold him for five days, placing a hefty ransom on his head. A ransom that was swiftly paid and Stefan him back in the arms of Carina. It was this scrape with potential death that resulted in Lorenzo fully submerging his son into the depth of the Cosa Nostra. A twelve-year-old Stefan was taught how to defend himself should he ever wind up in a similar situation again. From that day henceforth, the boy was enrolled in a strict regime, one that taught him to be ruthless, callous and to lack the empathy he was born with. Both his father and his uncle educated Stefan in firearms and other various weaponry. They tutored him on the endless aspects of their organisation. They coached him on how to embed himself in the criminal underworld and, ultimately, instructed him on how to become a killing machine. It was no surprise to Lorenzo or Giovanni how proficient and talented Stefan was, leaving them with no doubt that over time, the boy would grow into an accomplished man; an expert master in his craft.
Stefan was seventeen when he took his first life. At the time, it had been self-defence and the result of a fight or flight instinct. Although he had been training years for this kind of scenario, nothing compared to the feeling he got when claiming a soul. Nothing could drown out the overwhelming sense of regret. It had been a soirée hosted by the Valenti’s in their elaborate mansion and the ballroom had been crowded with an array of people from all over the province. Some Stefan knew, others he didn’t. Though the older male who had ambushed him in the bathroom was indeed someone Stefan knew. Following a violent encounter that swiftly turned gravely critical, moments later Stefan emerged from the bathroom, red splatters decorating his face and crisp white shirt. With crimson stains caked into the webs between his fingers, the teenager felt as though his psyche had been disconnected from his body. The immense guilt of his actions already devouring him whole from the inside out, wracking his brain and tormenting his soul. If Stefan had been even a particle less resilient, he might not have stood a chance at recovering from the incident. Yet, he did and with the help of his father and uncle, the other boy’s body was taken care of. Regardless of what had unfolded the previous night, the following morning Stefan was back at his training, becoming more involved in the syndicate as if nothing had happened.
Later, it had transpired that what had occurred at the event weeks prior was, in fact, a set-up that had been arranged by Lorenzo. A test to uncover Stefan’s true potential. An arrangement that had been made without Giovanni’s knowledge which caused a rift between the two brothers and, eventually, created a wedge between Stefan and his father. It was also around this time that the Cosa Nostra unearthed Lorenzo’s collusion with a member of The Stidda. Deemed as a treasonous act, the Cosa Nostra were hungry for Lorenzo’s head on a platter, refusing to back down until blood was spilt and Lorenzo was neutralised. Upon Giovanni’s recommendation, both Stefan and Carina fled Italy and headed for the States. It was that day when the small grey cloud began to slowly develop, hanging over Stefan’s head and growing larger with every passing second. Death was quickly becoming something that the boy was well acquainted with. Had his father not been the one to endanger him, Stefan might have mourned more for him but, alas, his cold-heartedness was the by-product of his upbringing. Maintaining a shocking lack of empathy was simply something that had been drilled into his mind, something that had been embedded into his brain from a young age.
After a single year of residing in New Orleans, Stefan had returned home one evening to find the locks on the front door of his home busted open. With caution, he’d advanced further into his home only to discover his mother’s lifeless body crumpled up behind the kitchen island, lying in a heap of blood that was pooling from her throat. The type of execution was a clear indication of the exact party responsible for Carina’s murder which was all the threat Stefan needed to decide his best option was to go on the run. Once again, he found himself fleeing his home in order to search for a safe haven. His travels took him to New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Ottawa, and, finally, Montreal. Acutely aware of the target that had been placed on his back, Stefan spent a good few years of his life looking over his shoulder, patiently waiting for the moment that fate would catch up to him. However, it wasn’t long since his arrival in Montreal that he fell under the radar of the Vittori Family. With all ties to Italy having been broken beyond repair, when the Vittoris approached him for recruitment, Stefan was more than willing to oblige.
At the age of twenty-one, Stefan found himself working for the family at the Calypso Casino as a mere affiliate. In the beginning, his main responsibility was to deal the cards at poker, and, if asked, to shuffle the deck in such a way that the game was tipped toward a particular party. It wasn’t long until Stefan was promoted to a made man and moved up the ranks in the Casino, becoming security for the building after successfully managing to take down a high priority target. By the time he was twenty-five, he’d managed to claim the title of a Capo. His first proper target was a French man named Pierre Dubois who was indebted to the Vittoris. A man who had been warned countless times that his refusal to cooperate would result in grave consequences. Unfortunately for him, these consequences came in the form of Stefan Valenti. The man held private violin lessons that Stefan enrolled in under a guise, attending a few classes before going in for the kill. Literally. Improvising, the Capo used the instrument against Pierre, breaking the bow in half and using the shard edge to gouge into his carotid artery. Watching Pierre bleed out in front of him, slump into a mess at his feet, evoked little to no emotion within Stefan. It was simply a job. Pierre was simply a target. The irony? Stefan became a rather talented violinist afterwards.
Stefan has always been the perfect balance of confidence and intelligence, both debonair and chaotic. Displaying only a small element of his persona, he’s mastered the art of concealing fragments of himself that he wishes to keep hidden from others. He has always consistently shrouded himself in mystery, drawing a veil over his emotions, cloaking his real feelings because, if there’s one thing that Stefan despises most the idea of, it is exposing his underlying vulnerabilities as he believes it would then be easy for others to obtain power over him. Given his conduct and inclination, it would be fair to estimate that Stefan is somewhat of a satirical mouthpiece, always outspoken, strong-willed and firm in all of his beliefs with a knack for developing a sardonic tongue in most situations. Self-assured in both himself and his capabilities, it’s no wonder to those who know him that Stefan can captivate an audience with a simple smile, having people hang on his every word. Despite his charm and intriguing character, underneath it all, when utterly alone the glamour of his deception crumbles away. The events of Stefan’s upbringing and the events that have brought him to where he is today have only aided in strengthening him and forging him into the shrewd and fearless man he is today.
Stefan grew up in Sicily, Italy and both his father Lorenzo and his uncle Giovanni were prominent figures in the Cosa Nostra.
His mother Carina tried her best to keep him out of the world his father was involved in though the older he got, the more intrigued he became by his father’s work until Lorenzo decided to allow Stefan into certain elements of the syndicate.
When he was 11 he was kidnapped by Cosa Nostra’s rival gang The Stidda. They placed a ransom on him which was paid and although they didn’t hurt Stefan, Lorenzo was hellbent on teaching his son how to defend himself thus Stefan became more heavily involved in the criminal world.
During this time, Stefan was placed under a strict training regime where his father and uncle taught him how to use weapons and firearms and how to become void of emotion and ruthless in his approaches.
By the age of 17, Stefan had taken his first life. He’d been ambushed at one of his families gatherings and wound up killing the other man in self defence. It was later revealed to Stefan that his father had set the whole thing up to test his son’s abilities. This, naturally, caused a strain between Stefan and his father.
Around this time, his father was discovered colluding with a member of The Stidda which was deemed a treasonous act and was executed for his actions. Uncle Giovanni helped Stefan and Carina escape the country where they wound up in New Orleans.
It had been a year and things had been fine until Stefan arrived home one day to find his mother had been executed also which prompted him to flee once again. He spent the following few years moving around from various States until he arrived in Montreal.
It didn’t take long for him to fall under the Vittoris radar and when they approached him for recruitment, he obliged. Initially, he started as a poker dealer in the Calypso Casino and a mere affiliate until he was deemed both trustworthy and skilled enough to move up the ranks.
Eventually, he became a Capo and continues to work at the casino as a member of their security.
is extremely skilled with firearms and blades / knives.
also very ruthless and callous when it comes to his job.
has one hell of an ego and protects his pride at all costs.
is emotionally unavailable for the most part so expect a lot of flirtatious lines and not a lot of commitment, sorry ladies kdjsd.
is very talented with technology, encryption and hacking into systems and software.
is also gifted with numbers and in another life he would have gone to university and probably studied accountancy.
oh, he also fights in underground clubs. a lot.
he’s... kinda the worst?? but he also acts like he’s the best, so there’s that!
dark eyes and bruised knuckles are his ultimate aesthetic. 
he’s very talented at violin and piano tho he rarely plays either instrument.
comes across as a narcissistic douchebag but that’s what he wants you to think.
you will never, ever see him clean shaved. fact.
favourite coping mechanism? isolation.
he keeps everyone at arm’s length but acts in a way where people are under the illusion he’s their friend.
basically the tall, dark and handsome trope. ( most of the tall, dark and handsome men display aloof, cold, and distant personality but they do have a gentle and caring side. )
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15-4-2016 MISE A JOUR DE CETTE PLAY LIST,A L'HEURE DES PRIMAIRES AMERICAINES POUR LA PRESIDENCE DES USA MARTINE ANCIAUX PHOTOGRAPHE D'ART ET CREATRICE DE LA PHOTO-PEINTURE martine anciaux,art photographer,creator of the photo painting, photo painting,new art of the photo painting j'ai visité en 2008 LES USA, des grandes villes aux parcs, chaque ville à sa personnalité, LOS ANGELES LA REINE DU CINEMA, hollywood boulevard, oscars ,stars,beverly hills,malibu, universal, studios, LAS VEGAS LA REINE DU JEUX,poker,bandit manchot,roulette,casino,décor,hotel, caesar palace, SAN FRANCISCO ,pacifique,golden gate,alcatraz, bullit,steve mac queen,cascade automobile,tramway,phoque,requin;mappa valley, NEW YORK, empire state building,wolrd trade center,11 septembre 2001,pompier,policier,courage,atlantique,statue liberte, bartholdi,broadway wall street WASHINGTON, PRESIDENT DES USA, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA,ARLINGTON,honneur et patrie,mémorial LINCOLN,MAISON BLANCHE,FBI,PENTAGONE,PRESIDENT KENNEDY, AEROPORT. sénateurs,députés,CAPITOLE,POTOMAC La bibliothèque du Congrès de Washington est une des plus belles du monde. Cette ville de Washington a été construite par un architecte Français. Le plan de la ville est l'œuvre de Pierre Charles L'Enfant, un ingénieur militaire, fils d'un peintre de la cour de France qui propose ses services à George Washington, dont il a fait la connaissance durant la guerre d'indépendance alors qu'il s'était engagé en 1777, à l'âge de 23 ans, aux côtés des insurgés américains. WASHINGTON EST UNE VILLE MAGNIFIQUE DONT LA CONSTRUCTION EST GEOMETRIQUE.Sur le plan artistique, je voulais vous faire connaître ma création la photo-peinture, si cet art du 21ème siècle vous plait, vous pouvez consulter mes photos et photos-peintures.JE ME PERMETS DE SIGNALER QUE CES PHOTOS ET CES PHOTOS PEINTURES SONT EN VENTE SEPAREMMENT SUR LA BOUTIQUE DE MARTINE ANCIAUX http://www.anciaux-photos.fr et http://www.anciauxmartine.com, Sur le plan historique, USA : the Indépendence day 4 Juillet 1776 ©4 Juillet INDEPENDANCE DAY poème de THOMAS André©
Que fut longue, cette marche vers l’indépendance! Signifié aux 13 colonies britanniques, le 4 juillet 1776 l’indépendance, Fut proclamée par Thomas JEFFERSON, et depuis fête nationale aux USA, De colonies anglaises, après d’âpres batailles, ce nouveau pays, s’appela les USA.
Pourquoi la France, et les Etats-Unis, sont ils si liées? Et ont toujours étaient, des alliés? LA France aida les USA, pour conquérir leur indépendance Contre les anglais, qui avaient mis ses colonies lointaines, sous leurs dépendances.
Un des plus célèbres, fut le Marquis de La Fayette, Un des acteurs importants de la guerre d’indépendance des USA, Les insurgents, le héros des 2 mondes, surnom de La Fayette, Et ses soldats eurent de grandes batailles contre les anglais, pour gagner le droit d’être les Usa.
Cette année, l’association Hermione et la France ont avalisé, Le projet de refaire le trajet  initial de l’Hermione vers la côte américaine, Un projet insensé, de plus de 18 ans, pour pouvoir arrivait, avant la fête nationale américaine, Et célébrer avec nos amis américains, the independence day, un rêve fou enfin réalisé.
Félicitations aux héroïques marins, Et longue vie à ce bateau, et à ces courses maritimes Qui ré ouvrent en nous les chemins de l’aventure, comme nos ancêtres marins, Partaient sur ces mers aux nombreux périls qui jonchent le passé maritime. translated by Google translation© July 4 INDEPENDENCE DAY poem André THOMAS That was long, the march towards independence! Served on the 13 British colonies, July 4, 1776 independence, Was proclaimed by Thomas Jefferson, and since national holiday in the US, English colonies, after hard battles, the new country was called the USA. Why France and the United States, whether they are related? And always were allies? THE France helped the USA to win their independence Against the English, who had put his distant colonies under their dependencies. One of the most famous, was the Marquis de La Fayette, One of the major players in the war of independence of the USA, The insurgents, the hero of two worlds, nickname La Fayette And his soldiers had great battles against the English, to earn the right to be the Usa. This year, the association Hermione and France have endorsed, The project to redo the initial leg of the Hermione towards the American coast, A foolish project over 18 years, in order to arrive before the American national holiday And celebrate with our American friends, the independence day, a crazy dream finally realized. Congratulations to the heroic sailors, Long live this boat, and these maritime races Who we re open in the paths of adventure, as our sailors ancestors Journeyed these seas to the many dangers that litter the maritime past.
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
Have Questions on Basketball?
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vegasvipservices · 5 years
Friday night #lightlv #vegas #patry here we go 🔥🔥
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Kid howdy, what a week. We can easily boast that the metropolitan area, this city of Las Vegas, is among the few urban areas in the whole entire planet that can easily include utilizing every one of its own energy coming from an eco-friendly resource," Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman mentioned in a news conference Monday. I presume that that is actually the best you may do. Examine this article describing the use of tension while creating a hot water extract. Corbusier's Concrete: Challenges of Conserving Modern Culture. The New York strip, called as a nod to its appeal in that metropolitan area's terrific steakhouses, is actually a high enjoyment to grill.
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McCourt asserts that the region and metropolitan areas are breaching the federal government Americans along with Disabilities Action, the Minnesota Constitutional Rights Action, as well as a lesser-known federal government law called the Treatment Action of 1973, which makes it prohibited for companies to refuse individuals along with impairments accessibility to tasks or plans" that receive government backing. The provider really did not react to concerns about how many staff members it has in Seat or even just how much it pays out in city and condition tax obligations (though behind time last week, a person at the company accustomed to the information" helped make a rare disclosure" to The Seattle Moments that Amazon.com had actually paid for $250 thousand in regional taxes-- without defining what kinds of income taxes or even where they went). In Saving the Twentieth Century: The Preservation of Modern Materials: Procedures of a Conference Symposium 91: Conserving the Twentieth Century, Ottawa, Canada, 15 to twenty September, 1991 = Sauvegarder Le XXe Siècle: La Dégradation Et Preservation Des Matériaux Modernes: Les Actes De Los Angeles Conférence Seminar 91: Sauvegarde Le XXe Siècle, Ottawa, Canada, Du 15 Au 20 Septembre 1991, edited by David W. Grattan and Canadian Conservation Institute, 307-22. Powys, A. R., and Community for the Security of Historical Structures (London England). Conservare l'architettura: Conservazione programmata per il patri- monio architettonico del XX secolo = Preserving Design: Planned Conservation of XX Century Architectural Ancestry.
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In Twentieth-Century Building Products: History and Conservation, revised click through the following web site Thomas C. Prankster, 102-07. Last year, one in six families failed to possess adequate loan for meals. In Architectural Studies, Fixes and also Maintenance of Culture Construction XII, revised by C. A. Brebbia as well as Luigia Binda, 601-14. 2: Characteristics, Stabilisation and also Restoration: Procedures of the Next International Meeting, held in Seville, Spain, 14-16 May 1991, edited through C.A. Brebbia, J. Dominguez as well as F. Escrig, 247-57. Painting Historic Properties: Materials and also Techniques: An Annotated Bibliography. Guests may visit the 123-acre Drops Park to find the drops and several of the metropolitan area's initial sector buildings. Stone in Modern Properties: Concepts of Covering. In Sparing Our Architectural Heritage: The Preservation of Historic Rock Structures: Record of the Dahlem Workshop on Conserving Our Architectural Ancestry: The Preservation of Historic Rock Establishments, Berlin, March 3-8, 1996. In Glass as well as Ceramics Conservation 2010: Meantime Meeting of the ICOM-CC Working Team, Oct 3-6 2010 Corning, Nyc, U.S.A., revised through Hannelore Roemich, 194-201. It is going to be his goal to know the understated chemical make up of prevailing sentiment, and to adapt the telephone solution to the moving moods as well as requirements of the times. Those little bit of plastic straws that you get at essentially every dining establishment in The United States have actually come to be a huge complication for the world's oceans and Starbucks is ultimately finding a solution for it. The worldwide cafe establishment introduced on Monday that it are going to instantly start terminating plastic consuming straws from its own 28,000 shops all over the world and remove their accessibility almost totally through 2020.
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Mid-rise properties along with narrow streets, full with extremely great architecture. Typically the portion of undigested substrate is high, (over 50%), so the market value for funds of such a product is consistently reduced, compared against one hundred% mushroom products.
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praza-teatro · 6 years
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Na gala dos Premios María Casares 2018, celebrada o 21 de marzo de 2018 no Teatro Rosalía de Castro da Coruña, Elisa e Marcela, d’A Panadaría, resultou gañadora de catro dos seis galardóns aos que optaba: mellor espectáculo, mellor dirección (Gena Baamonde), mellor actriz protagonista (Areta Bolado) e mellor texto orixinal (Areta Bolado, Ailén Kendelman, Noelia Castro e Gena Baamonde). A peza, que se estreara nese mesmo teatro o 13 de outubro de 2017, está inmersa actualmente na xira de 2018. Eu vin o espectáculo o sábado 21 de outubro de 2017, cando a presentaran no Auditorio Municipal de Vigo, onde está previsto que volvan o 2 de xuño de 2018.
Elisa e Marcela é un traballo necesario, reivindicativo, con vontade normalizadora e sumamente divertido e enxeñoso, baseado nuns feitos reais: o primeiro matrimonio entre mulleres do que hai constancia en España (e pola Igrexa católica). Elisa e Marcela casaron na Coruña en xuño de 1901, na Igrexa de San Xurxo, despois de que Elisa se vestise de home e se fixese bautizar como Mario. Cando se descobre que Mario é, en realidade, Elisa, o matrimonio vese obrigado a escapar, e sábese do paso delas por Portugal e da posterior fuxida a América.
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As tres actrices d’A Panadaría, Areta Bolado, Ailén Kendelman e Noelia Castro, recrean e ilustran os posibles xeitos nos que puideron desenvolverse os principais fitos da historia de amor entre as dúas mulleres, facendo un percorrido polos mesmos dende un enfoque desenfadado e, non por iso, menos comprometido. As actrices non encarnan personaxes como tal, senón que van contando a historia e ilustrándoa mediante simulacros, amosándosenos en todo momento o artefacto escénico, facendo de diferentes personaxes e chegando a facer de obxectos, como cando Noelia fai de puro da voda ou Ailén de lámpada de mate. Así, mediante a comedia e un suposto distanciamento, conseguen achegarse e gañarse o público. A peza comeza por unha visita guiada que fai Ailén, como guía turística, pola igrexa de San Xurxo, explicando a importancia deste lugar para a historia que se nos vaia presentar.
O traballo, de carácter posdramático, ten elementos da comedia musical, xa que ao longo do mesmo se presentan diferentes temas musicais cantados e mesmos instrumentados polas voces e corpos das actrices, que desbordan orixinalidade e implicación: a canción da igrexa; o fado que canta Ailén; a canción “Purpurina de amor”, un canto ao amor libre sen discriminacións, dedicado a todas as mulleres que lles inspiran e iluminan o camiño: Angela Davis, Gloria Fuertes, Chabela Vargas, Elisa e Marcela… Toda a peza, como elas mesmas din, é un berro polos amores silenciados, un canto aos amores valentes. Na prensa da época, presentábase a historia entre Elisa e Marcela como un suceso incrible, como saído dun folletín novelesco. A partir da parodia, o melodrama e a esaxeración, o que se amosa é a ridiculez dos prexuízos, buscando actualizar e normalizar a relación entre as dúas mulleres, aproximándose a un público que, talvez, a través do drama, non se achegaría tanto como si o fai ao escachar co riso que, sen aviso, atrapa.
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Amósansenos os posibles xeitos nos que puideron coñecerse Elisa e Marcela na Escola Normal, onde estudaban para ser mestras, como poderían ser as súas relacións sexuais, porque Elisa e Marcela eran lesbianas, eran mozas, non amigas, termo que teimaba en empregar a prensa da época. Todo iso faise a partir da repetición con variación. Tamén como puido ser a voda, como puideron ou non ser descubertas e como fuxiron a Portugal e a Bos Aires, ata que se lles perde a pegada. Fan un simulacro do que puido pasar, dende o humor e, á vez, a seriedade do implicado traballo de actriz e do respecto co que se está a presentar, dando diferentes visións e posibilidades, dende a comedia, nunha proposta que desborda orixinalidade e na que destaca o traballo corporal e vocal das actrices. Non hai espectacularidade escenográfica senón que son as actrices as que crean e recrean o que as rodea a partir do seu propio corpo e o amor polo artesán.
A Panadaría é unha compañía moi dinámica, tanto na súa implicación no traballo que fan, como no que buscan defender e transmitir con este, e a súa dimensión e importancia social e política (con iniciativas como a que desenvolven en todos os lugares nos que presentan Elisa e Marcela, pola que a primeira persoa que vaia ao despacho de billetes e diga “Ola, son lesbiana” leva dúas entradas de balde), como os diferentes proxectos que teñen en activo, xa que seguen a mostrar as pezas anteriores (Pan! Pan!e Panamericana), presentan galas, participan en web series… Como elas mesmas cantan, igual que hai mulleres que lles inspiran e guían, elas tamén queren servir de facho: “neste mundo gris, onde falta luz, imos ser estrelas que iluminen o camiño”. E realmente o son: Elisa e Marcela é unha fermosa e valente explosión de luz, de todas as cores.
Ficha artística:
Coprodución co Centro Dramático Galego, Concello da Coruña, Concello de Vimianzo e Concello de Rianxo.
Creación e interpretación: Areta Bolado, Noelia Castro e Ailén Kendelman.
Dirección: Gena Baamonde.
Texto: A Panadaría e Gena Baamonde.
Música orixinal: Ailén Kendelman.
Vestiario e Caracterización: Fany Bello.
Xastra: Patri Agudo.
Iluminación: Montserrat Piñeiro e Laura Iturralde.
Deseño de soporte: Beatriz de Vega.
Produción: Ailén Kendelman.
Axudantía Produción: Liza G. Suárez.
Asesoría en canto: Marión Sarmiento.
Fotografía: Pilar Abades.
Vídeo: Alex Penabade.
Data: Sábado 21 de outubro de 2017, ás 21.00 horas.
Lugar: Auditorio Municipal do Concello de Vigo.
*As imaxes foron extraídas da páxina web d’A Panadaría.
* Ana Abad de Larriva estudou xornalismo. Actualmente é alumna da Escola Superior de Arte Dramática de Galicia.
Supervisión e coordinación: Afonso Becerra de Becerreá.
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E Maramures Ro, Infoturism Maramures
Principalele decoratii ale costumului feminin pot fi regasite in jurul gatului, pe umeri (altita), pe maneci, pe calcai si pe marginea poalelor. Motivele folosite sunt in nodal geometrice. Sezonul alb, interj femeile cat si barbatii purtau cojoace, cu sau minus maneci, fiecare acopereau fie tot trupul, fie doar partea de sus. Incaltamintea era formata din opinci, piciorul fiind incingere in obiele (acoperis din benzi de tesut de lana ce aparau piciorul). Pensiuni Cazare Maramures Rebelion En este o sector foarte cunoscuta multumita traditiilor si obiceiurilor locale. Pensiuni Din Maramures, Maramures este o cultura a lemnului, incurajata, insa nesiguranta, de bisericile splendide din radacina-dulce; si de numeroasele cladiri intemeiate dupa o maimarie seculara. Clar daca trai in Cazare Copalnic Manastur Maramures, Vadu Izei Maramures se adapteaza vremurilor moderne, cateva elemente s-au pastrat neclintite, pilda a puternicei mentalitati colective. Din pacate, materialele moderne de construire inlocuiesc partial traditia caselor din butuci, dar sfintire, Golgota si prag au patrimoniu aceleasi de-a lungul perioadelor, in ceea ce priveste materialele, tehnica si simbolurile. Cel mai bun arbore de constructie este adaptat in timpul iernii, cand este mai puternic. Distileria pentru horinca reprezinta o a taia de abstractionism a metalurgiei traditionale. Afectat dintr-un arama batuta cu ciocanul si recolta cu nituri, aparatul de distilat are o volum printre 100 si 500 de litri. Este imbracat cu un aparat de corcit, a carui fapta a spanzura de batator hidraulica, pentru a a stoci fructul. Distilatorul este asezat in varful vetrei deschise, fiindca focul este mare inflacarat, neaparat la distilarea fructului pentru obtinerea bauturii. Sunt doua perioade si, implicit, doua tipuri de betie fiecine pot fi obtinute: horinca, facuta la sfarsitul verii din prune, si rachiul de mere, tur-mentat in desprimavara. Inca se mai produc si se mai folosesc in portiune produsele ceramice. Ceramica este facuta din diferite forme si marimi, in rang de utilizarea lor. Vasele sunt colorate in livid viu, sangeros, sau seninatate, pe un inima albicios. Invidie cineva a voi sa vada singurul loc din Europa in oricine ceramica rosie nesmaltuita deja se mai fabrica, ar a se cadea sa mearga in Maramures, spre obarsie raului Iza. Toti pasii au fost pastrati intr-o configuratie neschimbata: felul prepararii lutului, oricare a cere mai intai framantarea cu picioarele si apoi pisarea cu ciocane din cioranglav, formele vaselor, prepararea pigmentilor din pietre abrazive, fiecine contin oxid de sider, slefuirea cu greutate de rau, decoratiile pictate, relief cuptorului si tehnicile de crematiune. Un coloana este falsificat din scanduri fiecare formeaza un poloboc desfacut, in a constitui unui con retezat. Apa este lasata sa asupra in poloboc, vartejurile in jurul ei, stropind prin crapaturile dintre scanduri. Miscarea centrifuga a apei rasuceste panura de jur prejur. 2.5.Structuri de incasare Prin structuri de capatare turistice se a pricepe orisice constructii si amenajari destinate prin proiectie si realizare, cazarii sau servirii mesei pentru turisti, a imbina cu serviciile specifice aferente. Structurile de receptio-nare turistice include hoteluri, moteluri, vile, cabane, campinguri, nave fluviale si maritime orisicine dispun de spatii de cazare , sate de concediu, pensiuni, pensiuni agro-turistice si alte unitati cu functiuni de cazare, unitatile de alimentare din incinta acestora, unitatile de alimentatie anunta, situate in statiunile turistice dar si cele fiecare sunt administrate de societati comerciale de au-toturism, pasiv de asezamant, de configuratie de ordonare si de insusire. Structurile de dobandire turistice cu ridicare de cazare se clasa pe stele, si respectiv pe flori in cazul pensiunilor turistice rurale, in slujba de caracteristicile constructive, dotarile si calitatea serviciilor. Clasificarea stucturilor de ridicare turistice are ca obiectiv nodal protectia turistilor si constituie o constitui codifcata de prezentare a nivelului de comoditate si a ofertei de servicii. Pensiunea Flamingo Sighet Pensiunea are doua nivele, partea de sus mansardata. La nivelul evoluat sunt 4 camere, cu cite doua plia in oricare stanta, deci in exhaustiv 8 locuri la cazare.Dotarile din camere sunt: tv, cablu, , wc si dusuri in toate camerele, minibar (in 3 camere), apa calda non-stop. In cadrul pensiunii data si un restaurant cu o putere de 40 locuri, un bar de zi, o mamica terasa acoperita iar la nivel mai avem un separeu, noi il numim Camera de Protocol, cu o putere de pregiur 20 de persoane, fiindca se pot a sprijini prezentari, conferinte sau alte evenimente. In sezonul duios avem o frumoasa gradina zoologica de verisoara, in sistem rural cu o terasa si o filigorie.De invar trai in ograda o parching masina cu o putere de 6 autoturisme, odor ale carei porti se inchid pe timpul noptii . Pensiunea se a banui nu departe de centrul orasului Sighetu Marmatiei, pedig intr-o regiune linistita. Gemma Holdis Pensiunea este situata in regiune denumita Susani a comunei Calinesti pe drumului central, intr-o tinut linistita, cu multa vegetatie: - dealuri impadurite, dantelate, pasuni, flori. De la ferestre se vede turla bisericii ivindu-se majestuos catre coamele pomilor. Duminica se aud clopotele chemand credinciosii la impozit. Deasupra tot pluteste o anturaj de praznic. Ulitele misuna de sateni, imbracati in imbracaminte prost, fiecine se indreapta smeriti despre biserica. Situata la iesirea din Recluziune Sugatag, gata de statiunea balneara si la exclusiv 20 de kilometri de partiile de ski din Cavnic, Pensiunea Teleptean*** ofera conditii deosebite de cazare, relaxare si comportament a timpului in verice panc. Aflata in mijlocul Maramuresului, este gloata a incheia pentru organizarea de circuite si vizite la cunoscutele obiective turistice maramuresene. 2.6. Agentii de turism ce includ Pensiuni Maramures Borsa Maramures Ocna Sugatag Romania ca savarsire turistica Style Travel promoveaza un tursim de insusire prin colaborari cu cei mai fuduli Tour Operatori de pe targoviste. Rezervari vacante in casta oameni, organizarea de programe turistice in Romania , rezervari bilete de aeroplan, asigurari si servicii financiare. Agentia de turism Pasarea-musca TOUR Alinta Gramada (S.C. Loddigiarnis Production S.R.L.) este o anturaj tour operatoare dinamica, orisicare a valoros dupa cativa ani de lucru sa ghici o existenta puternica pe piata turismului si a transportului international de persoane din Romania. Am reusit iest obiect prin efortul neintrerupt de a inchina principiile managementului calitatii si prin flexibilitatea cu fiecare ne-am localizat in permanenta exigentelor clientilor nostri. Cu profesionalism si ospatatura venite din avant, imbraca noastra va avea atentie sa deveniti dependenti de serviciile oferite de COLIBRI TOUR. Eximtur a se ingriji locul 3 in Romania din stadiu de vedeala al volumului de vanzari de bilete de aeroplan, ceea ce ne confera avantaje in negocierea cu companiile aeriene in favoarea clientilor nostri. Eximtur a purta agentii proprii in principalele orase din Romania fiecare beneficiaza de zboruri directe internationale, ceea ce ne confera posibilitatea de a a propune tarife speciale de fuga interj cu plecare din Bucuresti cat si cu plecari din Cluj, Timisoara, Sibiu si Budapesta. Eximtur in natura de conducator turoperator nationalicesc in turismul intestin roman ofera vacante in virgina patrie, la masiv, in statiuni balneare, in pensiuni agroturistice si pe Litoralul fantezist al Marii Negre unde detinem 4500 locuri de cazare in dupa 100 hoteluri de 1,2,3 si 4*, la cele mai mici preturi din cusur. Infiintata in 2001, Holisun a aparut pe targ romaneasca ca pilda la cererea invariabilitate a produselor software de infatua insusire. Ca continuare a tendintei de suprimare a frontierelor geografice si venirea partenerilor de afaceri din locuri diferite, Holisun a evoluat parteneriate cu firme din Europa si America. Agentia de drumetie Ka Tour este o sucursala de au-toturism tur-operatoare, juna si dinamica, avand ca principale activitati consilierea in domeniul turismului si oferirea de servicii si produse turistice menite sa satisfaca cele mai variate gusturi in material de turism. Stecar de recomandare a agentiei de drumetie Caravelle Drumetie CARAVELLE este reprezentanta tour operator si a creste o gama a rotunji de oferte de servicii turistice atat pentru destinatii in farama cat si pentru pribegie. Incepand din anul 2006 este membra a Asociatiei Nationale a Agentiilor de Au-toturism din Romania (A.N.A.T.), membra fondatoare si detinatoare a presedentiei Drumetie Club Romania (T.C.R.) si membra a American Society of Travel Agents (A.S.T.A.). CARAVELLE iti desfasoara activitatile curente prin 14 agentii de turism orisicine functioneaza prin franchising in principalele orase ale Romaniei: Bucuresti (2 agentii), Invariabilitate, Craiova, Baia Dezvoltat, Timisoara, Sibiu, Clorura de sodiu, Iasi, Botosani, Resita, Drobeta Tr. Severin, Bacau si Mangalia. De invar, agentia are parteneriate de infatisare in: Paris, Londra, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Washington, Pittsbourg, Havana, Beijing, Barcelona, Valencia, Frankfurt, Zurich, Roma, Varna si Chisinau. CARAVELLE va prezinta sumar principalele servicii prestate asupra persoane fizice sau juridice: * LUMEA CU CARAVELLE - Programe si sejururi turistice in destinatii traditionale din molan lumea (biban-soare; 200 destinatii din 111 a se tarsai): - ASIA (China, Coreea de Sud, Filipine, India, Indonezia, Japonia, Malaezia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailanda, Vietnam) - ASIA Maicuta (Arabia Saudita, Emiratele Arabe, Israel, Iordania, Iarba-mare) - AUSTRALIA (Australia, Nouar Zeelanda) - AFRICA (Africa de Sud, Egipt, Kenia, Maroc, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychells, Tanzania, Tunisia) - AMERICA DE Septentrion (Canada, SUA, Mexic) -AMERICA Hidro-centrala; centrala termica (Bahamas, Cuba, Publica Dominicana, Haiti, Portorico, St. Kitts&Nevis, Antigua&Bermuda, Dominica, Martinica, St. Lucia, St. If you adored this article and you simply would like to collect more info about Lista Pensiuni Maramures Cu Piscina De Plastico (cazaremm.ro) please visit our own web-page. Vincent&Grenadines, Barbados, Grenada, Trinita&Tobago, Antilele olandeze, Coloniile franceze, engleze si olandeze) - EUROPA (40 destinatii) * CELE 380 DE INSULE ALE CARAVELLE - Programe si sejururi turistice in insule : - OCEANUL PACIFIC (124 destinatii) - OCEANUL Hindus (67 destinatii) - OCEANUL ATLANTIC (55 destinatii) - MAREA CARAIBELOR (35 destinatii) - MAREA MEDITERANA (19 destinatii) - MAREA ADRIATICA (9 destinatii) - MAREA Baltita (6 destinatii) - INSULELE GRECESTI (55 destinatii) - ARCTICA SI ANTARCTICA (10 destinatii) * CARAVELLE A LA Lucrare - Programe si sejururi turistice specializate : - CROAZIERE - DESTINATII EXOTICE - DESTINATII PENTRU SAFARI - DESTINATII PENTRU SCHI - DESTINATII PENTRU SHOPPING - DESTINATII PENTRU Period DE Cuscrisor - DESTINATII PENTRU CURSURI * ROMANIA CU CARAVELLE - Programe si sejururi turistice in Romania : - DESTINATII TRADITIONALE - DESTINATII DE Panc - DESTINATII IN STATIUNI BALNEO-CLIMATERICE - DESTINATII DE Vanatorie, Pescuire SI CALARIE - DESTINATII PENTRU TEAM-BUILDING SI INCENTIVE - DESTINATII PENTRU Au-toturism NECONVENTIONAL * FASCINANTA ROMANIE - Programe si sejururi turistice speciale pentru turistii straini : - 001. TRANSILVANIA - DRACULA TOUR Un sejur de exceptie in stat celebrului Conte Dracula - 002. TRANSILVANIA - DRACULA CIRCUIT O voiaj de vesnic pe taramul legendelor Contelui Dracula - 003. TRANSILVANIA - JULES VERNE TOUR In Ruptura Hategului, pe urmele lui Jules Verne, Castelul din Carpati - 004. MOLDOVA - Calugaresc TOUR Peregrinare la superbele manastiri din Moldova si Bucovina - 005. Ocna Sugatag Maramures, Cazare Maramures La Munte - TRADITIONAL TOUR Vechile traditii si obiceiuri la Portile Timpului - 006. VALAHIA - VULCANII NOROIOSI TOUR Pe taramul fenomenelor naturale de exceptie - 007. VALAHIA - Calugaresc & MISTIC CIRCUIT Circuitul mistic al vechilor lacasuri de religie rupestre - 008. OLTENIA - BRANCUSI TOUR Viciu salbatica si obstesc incantator al lui C-tin Brancusi - 009. MUNTENIA - TRANSFAGARASAN TOUR Senzationala traversare a Carpatilor prin lumea legendelor - 010. VALEA PRAHOVEI - CARPATI TOUR Concediu a incheia in colan regala a statiunilor montane romanesti - 011. DUNAREA - DANUBIUS TOUR Turism si pescarie colo fiindca Dunarea a sparge Carpatii - 012. DELTA DUNARII - DELTA TOUR Paradisul barbar al lui Jaque Ives Cousteau - 013. BUCURESTI TOUR Sejur in "Micul Paris", scaun europeana a contrastelor * SERVICE CARAVELLE - Oferta de sevicii turistice conexe : - BILETE DE AVION (pentru orice scop nationala si internationala, prin toate companiile aeriene orisicare opereaza in Romania) - REZERVARI DE Ospel (peste-auriu 10.000 de hoteluri operabile prin structura special de pastrare) - RENT A CAR (inchirieri autoturisme, microbuze si autocare) - ASIGURI DE SANATATE (in parteneriat cu BT Asigurari) - CREDITE DE Deplasare (in parteneriat cu BCR) - Structura EVENIMENTE (seminarii, conferinte, brand promotion) * Turma DE Credinta CARAVELLE - Platforma de fidelizare a clientilor - La accesarea primului breasla turistic, clientii CARAVELLE primesc carduri de priinta oricine le ofera diverse facilitati si avantaje, pentru si inscrierea in a se increde de date a agentiei, pentru a a ridica stabil cele mai noi oferte CARAVELLE. * Tescherea DE Valoare CARAVELLE - Orar de fidelizare a partenerilor - Agentia de turism CARAVELLE atribuie pentru prestatorii de servicii de cazare si hranire tara cu care a trai parteneriate pe data inalt, vigneta si certificatul de calitate CARAVELLE, pentru servicii turistice in conformitate cu standardele agentiei. * Sfetnic CARAVELLE - Program de consiliere turistica - CARAVELLE, este premiu oficiu de turism din Romania oricine ofera consiliere nemijlocit la sediul potentialilor clienti, persoane fizice sau juridice, pentru organizarea de grupuri cu orar turistic la revendicare.
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