#Peace Be Unto You
afrobeatsindacity · 2 years
Asake Caps A Great Year with An Stellar Debut Album: Mr. Money With The Vibe Review
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Asake's rise in 2022 has been nothing short of meteoric, and that is one of the few adjectives that can properly conceptualise his zero to hero run. "Accelerated" would be close second, but it is limited by its association with tyres and roads, and it does not have "meteoric's" effect in conveying vertical ascent in addition to horizontal displacement, or its connotation of a star, which Asake has now become. For an artist to begin a year in relative obscurity, and, 9 months in, be in pole position for artist of the year is simply unheard of. Head of Mavin music, Don Jazzy pointed out the conundrum on the hands of the Headies, Nigeria's premier music award, for next year: the next rated award, a crown given to the best emerging act of the year, and artist of the year, usually bestowed on the year's biggest and most influential artist may be won by the same individual for the very first time. Wizkid, Nigerian music royalty, took home the best artist award in 2012, only a year after his Next Rated nod, but Asake has done one better, finding room in his breakout year to assert himself as one of biggest Nigerian acts locally.
He released a four-track EP, Ololade Asake only two months into the year, seeking to test the market that "Omo Ope", his hit with Olamide had created a month prior. On the project, he offered a variety of sounds and themes. "Sungba" turned out the most loved track on the EP and quickly assumed the number 1 position on the Apple music charts, to be displaced only by the Burna Boy assisted remix a month later. Even more than chart position and numbers, the song reinforced Asake's sound, confirming what "Omo Ope" had already posited - that the Nigerian audience was in love with his unique mix of Amapiano, Fuji and contemporary Afropop. He would later stick to this blueprint for "Palazzo", "Peace Be Unto You" and most recently, 'Terminator'.
But the self-titled EP held more previews of Asakes future than 'Sungba' and its log drums. Olamide had already locked in a verse in 'Omo Ope', so to feature on another song would be overkill. Instead, he took the end of the opener, 'Trabaye', to pray for Asake and wish him well. While the childish and synth voices were still chorusing the 'Mo fe Trabaye' outro,  Olamide addressed his young padawan in a solemn tone, urging him on this journey to world relevance. Prayer is a staple in Nigerian folklore, it is a concept that cuts across, and goes beyond religion. Asake was born Muslim, but he draws inspiration from all three Nigerian religions in music. On Mr Money With The Vibe, he opens with 'Dull', beginning once more with the spiritual, which reveals a desire to commit every project into the hands of God in the opener.
"Dull" starts and ends with choir-like renditions, a trademark that will immediately be identified by any keen or even casual follower of his music. The track is less than two minutes long, and before Asake spends most of it chanting, repeatedly, "I swear I no o dull" he begins with "Oke agba ni mo gun yi o, e ma jen jabo/ Eyin agba mo be yin o, mi o shako" earnestly calling on ancestors, the deities of African traditional religion to guide his path and ensure he doesn't regress from his new found stardom. These moments of vulnerability, when Asake fears for his longevity, add a new and welcome dimension to his public personality, making a change from most of this year when he appeared as the classic gangster, with videos depicting him as the leather clad, motorbike riding and even gun sporting tough man.
And these themes of prayer and emotion run through the entire album. His songs released previously were a bold affront on the charts, and they capitalised on fast spinning beats to create music that was always dance-ready. The spaciousness an album brings allows Asake room to diversify from this somewhat, without losing his inherent style. Songs like 'Nzaza' and 'Ototo' utilize the heavy log drums and choir sounds that Asake is known for, but these are repurposed and slowed down, so that the songs can hold more spiritual, emotional value. The latter constantly digs into the spiritual, repeatedly mentioning "Oluwa" (God) as he begs for more money and blessings. More important than anything, though, he does not want to lose his quickly gotten relevance. The Nigerian music scene is highly competitive, and so many that attempt to crack national fame are not able to, and not for a want of talent. Perhaps even worse, it isn't uncommon for a new act to burst into the scene with a few hit tracks and sadly fade into the abyss forever, to be remembered only on occasions when people ask "where is X now?". This is Asake's biggest fear, and so he spends these tracks (and the opener) taking it to God in prayer.
The biggest fear of his fans, coming to this album, was not that. After releasing a series of hit tracks set in the same sonic range, many wondered how he would cram an album with enough diversity without losing a sense of who he is. It is on this point that Mr. Money With The Vibe is most successful, and elevates this body of work from very good to having a shout for album of the year. While many still believe that honour goes to Omah Lay and the sorrowful yet sexy Boy Alone, it is impossible to not credit the innovative ability of Asake and Magicsticks, who helmed production for the entire album. It is on a song like 'Dupe' that this quality shines brightest, for it borrows from Asake's formula, and is able to sound unique at the same time. Backed by a sax, Magicsticks gives the song a carnival, dancehall feel, as Asake urges you to let go of worries and be happy for where you've come so far.
On some other tracks, though, Asake sticks to the formula that has kept him visible for the best part of a year- crafting amapiano-inflected, danceable songs. 'Joha' and 'Organise' could easily have been part of his singles run this year, and expectedly they take the early lead in the chart rankings. Once more, Asake has given less attention to lyrics, leaning on Magicsticks' exquisite production to weave catchy melodies. He trades message for grooviness, so that though you may exit the songs without knowing what exactly it was about, you are sure to have had a good time listening to them. Magicsticks also flexes this ability on 'Sumonmi', which has stripped off Fuji elements from the rest of the album and doubled down on Amapiano origins. Asake gives the producer front seat in this track, his only contribution coming in the form of a simple sentence 'baby sunmo mi", repeated for its entirety, and it is left to Magicsticks to bring Amapiano to life with all the authenticity of its South African originators.
Asake's debut album is not the most cohesive unit, neither does it explore deep thematic material, but no one tuned to this album expecting much of either. The aspects you would expect, party starting music, memorable melodies and incredible (incredible!) production feature, and they are enough to push this album past mediocrity and into excellence. Asake was under massive pressure after that incredible run, but he has lived up to the billing on his first album, proving that the drive with which he began this year is very much alive.
Stream or Download: Asake - Mr Money With The Vibes
This article was written by Afrobeats City Contributor Ezema Patrick - @ezemapatrick (Twitter)
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mztahoney · 2 years
Asake – Peace Be Unto You (PBUY)
Asake – Peace Be Unto You (PBUY)
Asake – Peace Be Unto You (PBUY) mp3 download Rave of the Moment From YBNL Label, Asake dishes out new single titled Peace Be Unto You. Download below and Enjoy. https://www.honeyloaded.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Asake_-_Peace_Be_Unto_You_HoneyLoaded.com.mp3
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wiirocku · 9 days
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John 16:33 (KJV) - These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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amethystpath-writes · 2 years
You Will Not Fall
Nice to see you folks. It’s been a while, huh? :)
Villain was dying. If his scratchy and lazier-than-usual voice didn’t tell Lover that much, the twangy scent of iron seeping into her dress did.
“You have to stop the bleeding,” Lover pleaded. Her mind was fatigued with worry and panic. With her arms glued around Villain’s neck, there was nothing she could do but to be vocal.
“Oh hush.” Villain said, and gave a sharp inhale. Usually, Lover would have scolded Villain for letting him get this far, for taking those breaths his body could not afford rejecting. Now, she seemed to realize that it did not matter if his breaths were desperate so long as he was still taking them. In this very moment, neither were sure when Villain’s last measly breath would be. “Let me hold you like this one last time.”
“It does not have to be the last time!” Lover argued. “Let me save you. Let me run and get you help.”
“Why save me now just to save me again later?” Villain remained calm and reasonable as he noticed himself wheezing. “You know I cannot stay in their hold, and what will I do when they start chasing again? When they post guards at every inn, in every barn, and on every corner? I will always be hunted. I am a threat.”
Still in Villain’s arms, Lover continued to gripe. “They will realize,” she said. “I will testify to the bloody king on your behalf if I have to- tell everyone you are a good man.”
Villain laughed, and in doing so, he could feel Lover tensing despite his control over her- proof that he was loosing grip with reality, with life. “You really think they would give me a court case?” He smiled, cheeky, and had he not been focusing on Lover, she might have regained control of herself and smacked him on the cheek for giving a smirk at a time like this.
His smile fell before he cocked his head at Lover. “What would happen to you, huh? If you called to a teller and then fell back into my arms…the court might want to kill you. They would call you a witch for associating with me.”
“It would be a selfish move on your part to make me hold you like this if I did manage to call for someone.”
“Yet you have not managed.”
“You forced my arms into this embrace.”
“What a villain I truly am then, yes?” His chest did not raise as high as before. It barely moved- all of him barely moved. Villain blinked slowly, parted his lips slowly, and wetted them with a slow tongue…he was losing too much blood. “I have been losing my hold on you since I chuckled,” Villain told. “You could do whatever you wanted now. Call, leave, stay…it is all up to you.”
Lover tested his words herself, pulling her arms away, brushing them against his shoulders like a heavy snake. “I could not leave you.” One hand rested on Villain’s shoulder, while the other caressed his cheekbone.
“I would want you to.”
“Well, I would not,” she snapped.
Regaining a small piece of himself, Villain quipped, “This is it.” He coughed, but ultimately continued, “You can let me die- holding me or no- or you can make the call. But if you call, I will put every last ounce of my life into your stayed departure. You will not fall where I do, do you understand?”
The two were quiet for a moment- Villain’s arms laying uselessly beside him, but his eyes sparkling like he was watching his last sunset in Lover’s own eyes. “Leave me,” he begged. “Let me die. And you run- rid yourself of your blood-ridden dress. Let yourself live without the death sentence of an executioner’s axe or the scorch of a hot stake.”
Without a further moment’s notice, Lover’s hand slid away from Villain’s cheek, and she felt her stiff legs extending beneath her. “Villain, no. No! Let me stay with you!”
Her sudden tears almost instantaneously convinced Villain to release her, to let her sit back down if she so pleased, but he held his ground. Her weakened state of mind made it easier for him to control her, to make her face the woods which would lead her to her new home. “You will not fall here,” Villain promised, “but I must.”
“This is selfish!” she called over her shoulder, her voice cracking, and her legs continuously- and unwillingly- moving away. “I love you. I love you and I can save you. Let me!”
But Villain had already made up his mind. He would die here, in this bloody grass. He would no longer be chased. He would no longer hide. He would no longer jeopardize the only person who ever saw him for what he was- another passionate man, one so unfortunate to be gifted with a heightened mind, with powers only a god could possess.
“I love you,” Villain said, as loud as he could, “but you will forget me now, and you shall never find yourself familiar with my memory. My name is nothing, so as my hair and cheeks that you adore so much. Such features similar to mine will be thistles to your eyes, and a voice as melodic as you find mine will sound to you like two swords clashing in battle. You will hate me, Lover, and so you will let me die here without ever looking back.”
Lover was walking, to where she was not sure. Through the woods, over a hill, then through more woods until she stumbled into a town, one bustling with movement and childrens’ laughter. She was home. And home was not not a bleeding man in the woods.
(A/N) As much as I want this to be my big return, chances are it will not be. I post as I’m able to, and as I have the inspiration to do so. This semester has consisted of zero creative writing classes (which is my major), which means I truly have had no time dedicated to writing, except tiny drafts on Tumblr that I’m never able to finish. With that said, I miss this blog with all my heart, and I’m so happy to be posting something today. <3
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totallyseiso · 3 months
Got up to the dragon's gambit dlc in mechwarrior and you get to work with some guys from the azami brotherhood, and one greeted me with "as-salamu alaykum"
My character is a mercenary.
He wants me to be jobless
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calesleftboob · 8 months
Joy of the week is saying asalama alaikum to my Arabic teacher and getting a 'alaikum wasalama' back
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eorzeashan · 1 year
I've been so blind this whole time. It wasn't Zenos, it was Shinryu. The moment Nya fell in love was when Shinryu lifted him up to the heavens and let him be among the stars before the final fight, and it was so wondrous it took his breath away. The rest of the primals were summoned to carry you to the end of the universe as their pure, good selves, of course Shinryu-- the dragon of Gyr Abanian strength, suffering, and despair would bear you on its back. It deserved to ride the cosmic wind and sing of victory with the WoL astride it. The swell of its chorus drowning out the despair that sings for all....
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naijagospel · 2 years
[VIDEO & AUDIO] "Peace Unto You" - Mama Tee
[VIDEO & AUDIO] “Peace Unto You” – Mama Tee
Internationally acclaimed songwriter and record label boss Mama Tee returns with a new Christmas special titled “Peace Unto You” (John 3:16), featuring Emmanuel Awipi and Rume. “When in I felt led to write this Christmas song the revelation was that God chose Mary to carry his only begotten son and gave her and Joseph the responsibility of raising his son in order for him to fulfill God’s purpose…
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noxtivagus · 2 years
SEMBREAK 🫶🏼 gna be productive hehe
#🌙.rambles#random thought first but i love how 14 is basically apollo n i's lucky number ><#with ff14 n. when we were 14 y/o. & then 14 x 2 is 28. we were born on the 28th. 14 / 2 is 7. we were born sometime 7 in the morning#& 7 is the perfect number. you see. apollo when you're w me life is perfect 🥺#oh my god thinking abt it n i'm really grateful to have a twin. it means so much to be so be so comfortable n at peace with another#nyways i'm gna try to do what i can#i still feel v lost and confused. as usual honestly. as is my wont#but i love my curiosity. the way i question things. my desire to learn of everything#there's sm i have to do n i have regrets but#now i think. for this. it's still not too late to do what i can#there's always more to learn. n i'll do my best as to not make the same mistake as before#oh dear i keep on switching from different contexts but that makes it more interesting w the confusion here tho ig c:#it's not like. when i turn a year older. things r gna automatically change#but the idea of that milestone of that new number scared me rn i think. but it's not like. no. i can hold unto my youth#w/o any impending tasks to do rn w school placing a burden on me. i think i can actually rest now#not entirely from my mind but. without that pressure i'll definitely manage better n be more lenient n patient w my time#3 more days though ofc i'm anxious ;w;;#but i'll try to do what i can. even if it's not enough for me. even if that hurts. even if i'm not enough#maybe. maybe for someone else out there i am already worthy of. being proud of? maybe i have genuinely helped. even a bit#if i can be like that to others. if i can see others that way. then surely somewhere out there i too am the recipient of#similar love and care i give to others. right? even if i can only know for certainty within my own self. that's proof enough that it's real#n as long as it's real. living. then there'll always be hope.#not sure who'll read this but. a reminder to any other lonely soul out there#that said i'm gna try to yeah this break i wna fix my tumblr n a lot of stuff. sob goals i've had for so long#but that's alright. we have all the time in the world. no one but my own self is rushing me. i owe myself more patience#so i'll continue to try my best to just do what i can and be satisfied with that. i'm sorry if it's not enough.#but i'll try to not dwell on my regrets. i owe myself better than that. for all i've been through. you too.#& if i could just give back even a portion of all the kindness i've ever been given. i don't think i deserve it from you all but thank you#thank you nonetheless and. perhaps that would be enough comfort for me in this lonely world. a moment of respite from the pain.#& that could be enough. to hold unto what's important to me. to remember all that. ILL DO MY BEST
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afrobeatsindacity · 2 years
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Asake's debut album Mr.Money With The Vibe is finally here. Featuring 12 tracks, Mr.Money With The Vibe includes previously released bangers "Sungba" featuring Burna Boy, "Peace Be Unto You" and his latest single "Terminator"
Mr. Money With The Vibe follows his February four-track EP, Ololade Asake.
Listen, Share and Enjoy “Mr.Money With The Vibe”
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batterygarden · 30 days
blessed (satoru x fem & afab! reader)
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contents: breeding cursed technique fic, dead dove do not eat! (reader's technique is basically for conceiving strong babies), arranged marriage, stockholm syndrome, he's your second cousin so incest, explicit nasty smut & breeding, pregnancy, misogynistic society, crybaby reader, satoru is sweet ultimately, ominous but happy ending, weird montage of sex scenes + the past + the present, 3.8 k words
18+ pls MDNI!
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Divine fertility.
It’s gross—somewhere inside your brain (in a locked filing cabinet, underneath a false drawer and written in invisible ink), you’re conscious of the fact that it’s gross.
Your technique, its consequences, your life; everything you’ve been born unto is filth cloaked in blessings, but, on principle, you don’t allow yourself to look at things objectively. Disgust would only make things miserable and you’re designed to be happy. 
Blessed with a cursed technique to conceive, you’ve always had a role and it’s never been disputable—one of producing heirs. Your life was planned from the moment you were born, a whole future tied in a neat little bow—you’re lucky. That’s what everyone’s always promised. 
You’ve been told how happy you are so much that the words have seeped into your skull—you’ve long since found peace with Divine Fertility and what it means. 
More than that.
You want to be bred so badly it aches. 
You can’t go huge lengths of time untouched. You grow volatile when you’re empty too long, a weakness that chains you to your betrothed’s bed. But you’re most useful that way anyways. Hormonal and needy, but certain to pass your partner’s techniques—actually you’re more than useful as a clan member, you’re honored. Enough to marry the strongest man alive—your second cousin in your own clan. 
Whether you’ve always known it or not, you’ve always lived for Gojo Satoru. 
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“Do not come in Ijichi—fuck! Not…not right now.” 
Gojo stands a foot away from his bed when he says this, clothes half on while you kneel at his feet, sucking him absolutely dry. That’s as far as he was able to get this morning before you were trying to lure him back to you, looking up at him with giant, glassy eyes while you tugged the waistband of his boxers. He wasn’t about to turn you down. 
“Ngh your mouth feels so perfect. Wanna fuck it…” 
You pull back with a gasp, catching air wherever you can get it with your fiancé’s suffocating girth, nodding while you pump him in your hands. Your lips are spread for him then so he can thrust through them himself, staring down at your teary eyes while he sets a rhythm down your throat. 
You’re quickly gagging, he’s thick but also long and he’ll choke you if you’re not careful. But the relief he brings is worth it. Your craving for him didn't let up this morning even after a creampie and some cockwarming—this is just what you needed. 
He throws his head back when he’s getting close, fingers gripping at your hair but careful not to tug, and he does this cute little whine that has your pussy throbbing. So you touch yourself, too—some fingers to your clit in little circles have you toppling over the edge just in time to match your fiancé, swallowing his milky cum while his last batch leaks down your thighs, mixed with your own release. 
He’s panting when you pull away, eyes open but unfocused while the fog in his brain clears, his hand stroking your head absentmindedly. When he finally comes back to earth, he finds you’ve pulled his boxers up for him but remain clinging to his leg, squishing a cheek against his hip while fingers trace his inner thigh. 
He breathes out a little hooo.
“Did so good for me, pretty. Okay. Now I really gotta go.” 
He tries to take a step but you don’t budge, so he bends to see you better, making an expression of dumbfounded horror when he sees you’re crying. 
“Hey, hey—I’ll be back! What’s with the tears!” 
You sniffle while his big hands wipe at your face, frantic as he tries to make you better. Ijichi’s pacing footsteps are heard outside the door. 
“I don’t know, it just feels so—sniff—bad when you leave sometimes! I still want more of you!” 
Gojo frowns at that, rubbing your head some more. There’s a knock at the door which he ignores. 
“Baby… I want more of you too, but you know I gotta go. No days off when you’re the strongest. Can you be my tough girl, just a few hours?” 
You nod, your breaths calming. What is getting into you? Apparently your separation anxiety can’t even let your fiancé go to work without a break down. It takes you a minute to connect the dots and realize you’re likely ovulating—your hormones can make you a little crazy sometimes. 
“My pretty baby wants to be a mommy so bad, huh?” 
“I do! I really do, Satoru!” Your voice is a sob. Satoru has been going at it since the moment he came home today—told the maids to leave him alone, locked his door and folded you into the mattress.
“Gonna make me a daddy?” You clench automatically—just like Satoru knew you would. 
“Ye—ah! Wanna have your babies, need to give you babies so bad, daddy!” 
Your neck is craned as far back into the pillows as it can go, your entire body curling in ecstasy from your cousin’s heavy thrusting. Your words have his movements turning frantic, your legs folded up by his shoulders so your silver anklet with his name on it can jingle by his ear. Satoru lifts you then, utilizing his ridiculous strength and huge hands to pull your hips higher where his cock can split you easier.  He starts hitting so deep you see stars. 
Your head tends to scramble and slow when he fucks you like this, eyes barely open, blindly clinging to the man you were born to cling to while he makes a home for himself near your womb. It’s hard to focus on him like you want to, but if you did you’d see eyes drunk on lust and power…
Satoru Gojo can be a greedy man. Spoiled, too—He usually already owns what he covets and never waits long for things he doesn’t. But even the world at his fingertips, you at his fingertips, doesn’t fully sait that want like most would expect. For example, as much as Satoru owns you, he doesn’t feel he really has you until your body’s fucked out of commission in his grip, eyes blank and stupid while your cunt spasms around him, milking his cock for everything he has. 
This is when he’s got you, he thinks. This is when you’re his, like putty in his fingers, warmed up and malleable. This is when everything’s how it’s really supposed to be. 
The two of you don’t come out of satoru’s room the entire rest of the night, except when Satoru darts his hands out of his doorway to grab trays of food the servants dropped by. It’s exhausting the way you’re used, body split and bent and bruised so that satoru’s seed can take root, but it’s also addicting. You beg for more of him, latch any remaining strength onto his limbs while you cry out his name. Satoru’s cock is addictive in a natural way—stronger than any drugs. Your betrothed’s cock is addicting like food and water and air… sometimes it’s the only thing that makes you feel alive. 
Today marks the day you’re officially seven months pregnant. 
Despite the fact that your technique has you strong and glowing (this is what you were made for, everyone continues to insist), you spend much of your time in mild discomfort. You get the feeling satoru’s passed his ridiculously long legs to his baby, who’s adamant in kicking you constantly, plus your lower back is often sore.
Still, you go about your daily life as normal—lounging, eating, making infinite baby preparations and, of course, waiting for satoru to come home so he can fuck you. 
Lately your husband is the ultimate harbinger of gifts and treats—your pregnancy has been the opposite of helpful towards satoru’s impulse spending habits, not that it’s too great a concern with the family’s bottomless wealth. He rarely comes home empty handed. Today, he’s brought a teensy yellow beanie he apparently stumbled upon at a shop and some artisan ikigai strawberries—a favorite of yours amidst pregnancy cravings—satoru’s encouraging his child’s expensive taste that’s for sure. 
You’re currently spooning in bed to enjoy them, watching a cheesy hallmark movie while satoru feeds you bites—he’s focusing much more on you than the movie. 
Honestly, he doesn’t seem to focus on much else when he’s home at all… he finds pregnant you to be more than captivating. It’s like he could watch you day and night, doing the most mundane tasks to nothing at all—in his own words he’s fascinated by how precious you manage to be. Eyes following you like you’re the most engrossing little thing, cooing to himself when you’re particularly cute. It reminds you of how you used to treat your pet cat growing up. 
You’ve gotten used to the excessive attention and coddling—it’s not like you’d ever mind a little clinging, nor was satoru’s babying completely foreign in the first place. So you let him feed you without comment, enjoy his hands wandering over your belly and curves without fanfare. 
This process quickly gets messy though; red juice keeps dripping from the corner of your mouth towards your pillow only to be saved in the nick of time by satoru’s quick fingers, reaching around to wipe at your cheek again and again, having you lick his fingers clean for him each time he does. Things get even messier once he gets the bright idea to split each berry, biting before offering you the other half. 
“I like sharing with you, this way neither of us miss the best ones.” He says with his mouth partially full, reaching down to pop part of a berry into your mouth. You hum, mostly engrossed in your film, managing not to drool this time. 
But the next bite of berry he performs directly over your neck, dripping juice directly onto your skin when he does.
“Hey!” You start to turn but he holds you in place on your side, darting down to lick up the spill with his tongue. 
You whine when he does, sensitive skin set ablaze by your lover’s mouth. 
The movie is forgotten when things easily pick up from there—things easily pick up between the two of you, period. It’s not even your first time having sex today, you took his cock first thing in the morning after a particularly needy grinding display. 
But this time it’s extra slow, extra attentive—like Gojo’s savoring you to the fullest extent. The berries are an added component, dripping sweet juice on your skin once gojo fully undresses you, only for him to lick and suck and kiss you clean. Your pussy has his attention then for what feels like eternity, your husband’s soft lips kissing and kissing and kissing like he needs to clean your juices there too. You cum so easily—you always have, but pregnant and sensitive like this your rate is almost ridiculous. Satoru, adoring as he’s been lately, doesn’t even tease, just savors. Dotes and flexes his cuteness aggression through his careful arms. He’s cautious with that—his urge to squeeze you—thinks he ought to get a medal for the self control he has to be soft. He caresses and pets like you���re a newborn yourself, fucking you just as thoughtfully. 
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You’d only been alive ten short months the day the earth shifted upon Satoru’s birth. Of course you don’t remember it, but you know intimately well the way your own path was no exception to his influence. You were already confirmed to have a fertility technique, almost as rare as the six eyes themselves, when the strongest sorcerer of your time was born—the match up was obvious. You were groomed for it until his parents said yes, and then only more intensely once they did.
And as much as you love Satoru, as much as you’d live for him and die for him and anything in between—it was sometimes hard. You had to grow to love him, to accept his power over you. 
Because among the list of cons to a lifetime betrothal—a lifetime of devotion in your case—was that Satoru always knew you were his. You had an owner at the ripe age of seven, aged six and a half. 
And, unbelievable as it may be in hindsight, at times he was a tyrant. 
Tugging and clinging and pushing—at first he had as much respect for you as a child might for a cheap toy (the kind their well-off parents taught them were replaceable). 
And there wasn’t much you could do about it besides grieve and sulk—your parents didn’t let you talk back how you wanted, and Satoru wasn’t above tattling. 
You didn’t dare wish for a different husband—what with how lucky everyone insisted you were, but at times you’d wonder. What would it be like to be assigned someone polite and thoughtful, like satoru’s friend he brought around the estate from time to time…
Suguru never really got to know you enough to form an opinion on your character. It was rare he visited the extravagant Gojo estate in the first place, and when he did, Satoru often gave the impression that he wanted to keep you private. It was clear you were a permanent fixture on those grounds—just another layer to Satoru’s mystifying lifestyle. You were a complete contrast to Suguru’s friend, all reserved and polite; the only thing you really inspired Geto to feel was pity. 
Gojo was a little shit as a kid—still is in many ways—and sometimes even Geto himself couldn’t stand him. But Suguru’s always had a backbone. There was a reason he was capable of maintaining best friend status with the strongest sorcerer alive while others couldn’t (or wouldn’t) get close—and it’s that Geto knew how to tell Satoru off. He could see through Gojo’s dramatics and put him in his place—something you clearly had not mastered.
Geto saw your lenience first hand the first day Satoru tried to have the three of you hangout, watching in fascination as you protested, gave in, and then were immediately reprimanded for sneaking into a forbidden wing of the Gojo estate. Satoru got a mild scolding, a barely-there stern edge to the maid’s voice who caught the three of you—telling him that he knew better and that he had to think about his future wife’s safety as well as his own. You got a cold glare when the maid set sights on you, a tug of your wrist to your room where it was clear you’d go on to get a firm lesson on obedience. 
Once you were gone, Suguru spoke to Satoru in a hushed tone. “I feel kinda bad your girlfriend’s getting locked up now. Aren’t you gonna do something?” 
“She’s not my girlfriend, asshole!”
“You’re getting married someday. Same thing.” 
“It’s totally different. But whatever, yeah, I feel a little bad too. Probably I’ll break her out of her room later,” Geto watched Gojo absentmindedly pick a fuzz off his shirt—not a care in the world before he perked up to add, “Right now let’s play tekken.” 
And they did, but soon Geto brought you up again. This was the first time he’d met you, and really begun conceptualizing the situation Gojo was in—he couldn’t imagine being tied to someone like that at his ripe and girlfriend-less age of thirteen. The idea fascinated him.
“What’s it like, living with ___?”
“It’s fine,” Satoru sighed, going back and forth between different characters to try. “She’s annoying—got some needy physical touch technique so she’s always clinging to me in my sleep, it’s honestly creepy. But it’s fine.” 
This took Geto moment to process… 
“You sleep in the same bed?!” He put his controller down at that point, fully engrossed. 
“Yeah, ‘cause of her technique she’s like, unable to sleep alone basically. It’s weird. But other than that she’s fine I guess—a little slow. Her parents won’t even put her in school.” 
Suguru could think of so many questions he didn’t even know where to start. 
But what stood out most was how Satoru remained calm about the whole thing, at peace even. 
“Have you tried fighting it? Didn’t you say your mom does whatever you want? Tell her no.” 
Satoru waved a lazy hand at Suguru before he even finished talking.
“That wouldn’t work, ___ would just get betrothed to someone else, then. Her parents really want that for her. ‘Sides, she’s mine, Y’know? Even if she’s a weirdo it’s not like I’d give her away.”
It’s been years now since Suguru Geto has seen you last—he hasn’t been back to the Gojo estate since before his enrollment in jujutsu tech. He’s changed a lot since his starry-eyed youth, and he vaguely wonders what it will be like to see you again, if you’ve changed as well; over the years he’s found that his friend prefers to bring you up as little as possible, so he hasn’t had many updates. Though his primary focus is on the man he’s escorting, a dizzy and bleeding Gojo Satoru who managed to get hit by a scorpion curse while they were messing around on their mission. Gojo insisted on heading home after, despite shoko’s offer to provide more thorough reversed technique than his own, frowning but easily relenting when Suguru insisted on at least helping him get there. 
It’s late, not even staff around to notice as Suguru tugs Gojo along, supporting half the man’s weight through the threshold and fumbling to find light switches as he enters new rooms. But then you emerge, and Suguru can’t pick his jaw up off the ground when you do, this heavily pregnant girl in a frilly nightgown and bare feet, storming in with tears absolutely pouring down her face. After one heartfelt “Satoru!” you can’t manage to get out a single sentence you’re crying so hard, and Suguru watches the most mystifying thing: Satoru comforts you. His unserious asshole of a best friend (he thinks with fondness in his heart), a man who’s long since lost the will to show vulnerability in even the most gut-wrenching moments—Suguru watches as he meets you with this sympathetic, earnest frown on his face, crouching to let you hold him and mumbling little sorry’s. 
Suguru isn’t sure what they’re for, but he does know that Satoru has never seriously apologized to him for anything in his life. He’s expressed regret, learned from some mistakes, sure. But the word sorry, as far as Suguru knew, wasn’t in Gojo’s vocabulary. 
He says it a lot now, with this cooing voice that Suguru also finds foreign. He learns through some mumbled words you manage that your tears are from worry, that gojo promised he’d be home earlier and that he wasn’t answering his phone. Then your wails turn fresh when you notice gojo is bleeding. 
“Baby this is literally nothing—“ Geto, who saw Gojo’s initial wound and can actually see the man swaying on his feet, almost chuckles. He saves it with a cough. 
“—I basically already healed myself. You know nothing could ever happen to me.” 
This makes you mad, Suguru can practically feel how your anger tinges the air. 
“Satoru Gojo I do not know that and—hic—you’d do better to answer your phone next time!”
“Ahh yes ma’am, yes ma’am.”
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That secret filing cabinet in your mind rattles from time to time when you reach your ninth month pregnant. You’ve somehow managed to stave off any ill second thoughts towards your fate till now, letting it hit you last minute like something you’ve been putting off. It’s not that you’re unready for motherhood—you’ve reached acceptance of what’s to come—but you’ve developed a slight fear of your own personal eternity being reached. Slight because you’re excellent at burying and vaulting—slight because you love satoru and your baby so deeply. 
But around your nine month marker, sore and barely even able to fuck properly, your husband makes an off-handed remark. You’d just taken him on all fours, cumming so easily despite satoru’s unusually tame treatment, and were laying in the aftershocks with sticky thighs while satoru fetched you a warm washcloth. The bath water was also running loudly, so he had to speak up while he said, “I’m gonna look to see how soon an in-ground pool could be installed, bet it’d be good for your poor hips next time you’re pregnant.” He speaks while he opens up your legs, casually wiping your shared mess clean with a soft damp towel, like he has a million times. 
Maybe you’re tired, maybe it’s his casual tone paired with such a ludicrous sentence, but the idea of buying  a pool because of what should be temporary pregnancy ailments and the implication that you’ll have them again and again… it sends you in a spiral. 
It’s not unusual for you to burst into tears with your wacky hormones—satoru’s seen your puffy crying face, especially while pregnant, more times than he could count. So he isn’t particularly alarmed when he sees the silent drops rolling down your cheeks when he returns from the laundry shoot a moment later. But he is concerned, crawling up the bed till he’s hovering to kiss your shoulder, scooting behind you to spoon your lightly shaking frame. 
He doesn’t talk for a moment, trying to decide the best course of action. He’s familiar with the tears, sure, but he knows he’s not an expert on them, sometimes he tries to talk to them when he shouldn’t and vice versa. 
Eventually he settles on a little “I got you,” for comfort, his warm hands rubbing over your arms then your belly in what he hopes is a soothing rhythm. 
You think about telling him your issues, your deepest secrets, but you deliberate too long. Soon he’s kissing you again, pressing lips in a slow trail up your shoulder and neck before switching directions. 
“I love you,” he adds. 
You won’t tell him. You love him, too. The uck and grime of it all gets buried once again, shoved in the section of your head that stays locked up with high security. You turn around and, instead of answering, capture his lips in a salty kiss, the kind that starts out soft and clumsy—sweet. It doesn’t take long for your lips to get needy though, for the sweetness to be replaced with aching. The kind that always spreads between your thighs. 
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Thanks for reading eeeek! feedback and rbs appreciated! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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wiirocku · 1 year
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2 Peter 1:2 (KJV) - Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
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Quick glimpse of hospital swag. And weird shit people send me. Wet wipes and pee bucket are indispensable BFFs. Water in, urine out is key to healthy kidneys. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. And GBS merch is apparently a thing (go get some!). Unfortunately, child abuse is also a thing. Jesus says suffer the children and forbid them not to come unto me for such is the kingdom of heaven.
Whitney says I believe the children are our future, treat them well and let them lead the way…. Etc.
Get it together people.
I’ll post more later when I’m not so enraged by humanity. I’m on steroids so bear with me.
Sending you peace comfort and joy.
Much love from the wheelchair Xoxoxo Sufjan
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callme-darling · 4 months
soft, early morning sex with vincent
or; you’re awake before vincent for once and slowly wake him up in the way you know best
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word count: 1.7k
warnings: fem reader, Horny, sleepy sex, grinding, reader wakes vincent up for sex, no prep, p-in-v, some fingering, it’s pretty soft stuff ngl
a/n: this was inspired by a dream i had and forever altered my brain chemistry
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your eyes were still heavy with sleep, but your heart pounded steadily in your chest, your breath tense as if you had just run a short way. fleeting details of your waking dream still obscured the forefront recesses of your mind; the intimacy, the undeniable warmth and tenderness. you lay on your side, back towards the body occupying the other side of the bed. you shift carefully, mindful not to disturb the man still snoring softly beside you—the very man who, in your dreams, touched you with such devotion he was the reason you awoke nearly gasping for breath.
vincent looked peaceful, sleep one of the few stress-free experiences in his busy life. you smile softly to yourself, a soft hand brushing a strand of silver hair from where it had fallen over his brow. your gaze lingers over his features, the lines of his forehead less visible under the tranquility of sleep.
your heart, though calmer now, was still beating quickly in your ribcage, and the heat in your cheeks was becoming harder to ignore. your initial thought was to take a quick, cold shower. but the longer you looked at your lover, the more fierce these feelings grew, and the harder it became to deny them.
it was rare for you to wake before vincent, and even rarer for him to remain asleep after you stir awake. which, in your sleepy and lustful mind, called for the perfect wakeup plan.
it began with you placing warm, featherlike kisses on his cheek, the skin near his eye twitching minutely under the feeling. your lips diligently made their way from his face to the sensitive skin of his neck as your hands brushed over his shirt. the material bunched just above his navel, his skin soft as your fingers traced the faint ridges of his ribs.
then came the subdued moan from him. you stop your ministrations for a moment, bringing your face above his to study his rhythmic breathing. still asleep. your eyes flick back down to his neck, to where the collar of his tshirt exposed the top of his chest. with quiet determination, you sat up softly, allowing the duvet to fall from your shoulders.
the heat in your core was becoming near unbearable, and you were growing desperate to feel the hands of your dream on you in this life.
pushing the duvet down to his thighs, you were quick to replace the initial morning chill with your own warmth, hips ghosting over his until you gently rock them against his waist, stifling a faint moan with your lips pressed to the side of his throat. your hands were against his chest now, pushing his shirt up even further to expose his pale skin. your nails traced along his abdomen as your hips continued to slowly rock over his.
warm breath fanned across his neck with each whiny pant you let out, your shaky moans increasing in volume as you felt his half hard cock twitch under you, his hips shuddering to meet yours.
you bring your right hand to the side of his head to stabilize yourself. your eyes half lidded, you watched his face contort as his eyes fluttered gently, his teeth biting softly unto the plush of his bottom lip. the sight alone enough to have you leaning in to brush your lips over his, soft kisses quickly developing into a voyeuristic display of needy lips and even needier moans as vincent became more awake and aware of the current state of his darling girlfriend’s desperation.
his voice was thick with sleep, his accent barely intelligible, “good morning to you too, love- oh-“
you nearly whimper as you watch his eyes just barely roll back with a firm brush of your hips. his palms were warm against you as he gripped your waist, his fingers tickling the skin under your shirt.
“sorry..” you mumble, voice airy, “just needed you.” though, the way your hips moved over his seemed anything but remorseful.
the back of his head pressed into the pillow as his grip on your hips tightened, seemingly reigning in some control over your ministrations. you leaned down to trail wet kisses down his throat to his chest. he swallowed thickly, “fuck- …you look so good baby.”
your voice was tense, your panties becoming painfully uncomfortable, “please, please, can you fuck me?” you knew you sounded pitiful, but the ache in your core demanded some sort of relief.
a warm hand on your throat brought your mouth down to his, your lips soft and plaint as his tongue brushed against yours, drawing out a wanton moan from you. “how could i deny you, darling.”
you felt his hand dip under the waistband of your panties, groaning as his fingers explore just how wet you were able to make yourself. “what got you so worked up, hm?” you couldn’t tell if there was a teasing bite to his words, but the small smile on his face told you it was at least partial genuine curiosity.
you let yourself grind into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut as soft, wet clicks filled the room. your breath trembled, your hands splayed on his abdomen to keep you upright, “h-had a dream.. ‘bout you.”
his fingers worked expertly toying with your puffy clit as his sleepy eyes glimmered with want. “oh? about me… and what was i doing in this dream?”
“vincent, please- please i need you-“
“and you’ll have me, dear. but i want to know more about your dream first.” he chuckled softly, “there’s no rush today, let’s enjoy this.”
when you didn’t answer for a few moments, vincent merely groaned. he pulled his hand away from your core and pushed you onto your back. the mattress bounced softly under your transferred weight, with him now kneeling over you.
“tell me, what was i doing in this dream of yours to get you so riled up?” he spoke quietly, his blue eyes fixed on yours. his hand pushed his hair away from his face before ghosting over your stomach as he waited for an answer.
you sucked in a silent breath. “you were touching me, telling me how you loved me..”
oh, you hated how your core clenched at his smile, the grin bordering on teasing. his other hand came to brush as strand of your hair from your cheek as he leaned in closer.
“i know it wasn’t real, but it felt so good-“ you rambled with a hushed whisper, “fuck… and then you looked so good when i woke up..”
at that, he smiled down at you, planting a kiss on your temple, “who knew you could be made so needy from a simple dream.”
in keeping with his promise, vincent began to slide your panties down your thighs, a string of your translucent slick snapping against the soft skin of your thighs as he pulled the material away. you felt your cheeks grow warmer at the sight of your nearly soaked-through panties being discarded on the floor, eyes searching for vincent’s only to find his fixed on your weeping pussy.
“shit, you’re s’fucking wet..” his voice was low, and you caught how his dick twitched, hard in his pants.
you felt like you could pass out if he didn’t touch you. your head fell back, eyes big and pleading up at him. “please, i’m ready. don’t need prep—please-“
vincent hesitated a moment, gentle eyes peering into you. “…you sure?”
“yes, yes please.” you nod enthusiastically. “i need to feel you.”
he still seemed to have his reservations, but hearing you beg so readily for him had him groaning under his breath. and who was he to deny you, his pretty girl?
you could barely contain your excitement as he undid the drawstring of his sweatpants, pushing the waistband down far enough to have his cock slap against his lower stomach. your eyes were fixated as his hand stroked it, the tip leaking a bead of precum down the shaft, blushed a pretty pink.
a finger under your chin pulled your gaze back up to his face where a playful smirk had your cheeks flushed. “tell me if it’s too much.” even in such intimate moments, vincent never failed to put you first, and it made your heart race even more.
when you finally felt his tip line up with your entrance, you felt yourself tense up in anticipation. his lips were warm on your neck, “relax ma cherie… yes..” he groaned as he began to slowly sink into your heat, “just like that, fuck-“
your head fell back, eyes rolling as a breathless whine tumbled from your lips. it felt good, so fucking good. the way he was stretching you out on his long cock could make you lose your mind. you turned your head to the side, eyes fluttering as he shallowly thrusted into you.
“so tight, love, so fuckin’ tight..” he cursed under his breath, voice thick with lust.
you couldn’t respond, not with the way your needy pussy was finally being used like you needed. your hands found vincent’s shoulders, nails digging pretty crescents into his skin as he picked up his pace, fucking into you as your cunt squelched loudly with each thrust.
“you’re so pretty like this, so pretty and all for me.”
your knees were on either side of his hips, feet dangling in the air as you felt your mind go blank, a stream of whiny moans punctuated with every full thrust into your core.
you were so worked up and so close to the release you needed, and vincent’s skilled fingers playing with your clit again was the final push. your mouth fell open, eyes screwed shut as you felt yourself come hard around his cock.
“that’s it, fuck, you feel so good-“ your pussy clenched around his dick like a vice, his head falling to your shoulder as he came inside you, panting as his dick still throbbed in your core.
when you both finally regained your composure, you bring yourself to look at him only to find him wearing a lovesick grin on his face. he leans down, planting a sweet kiss to your lips before whispering, “good morning, my love.”
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jaggedjot · 1 month
Louis and Claudia are not just identifiable as American by way of their speech (“American? Your French is ugly.”) and movement (“You could tell from his walk, he was an American.”), but are posited by the narrative to be symbolic representations of postwar America itself (“The American vampires appeared to be as dull and plain as their tourists and soldiers were.”, “Do American vampiresses all wear pastels?”, “And are all American vampires as alluring as you?”). The pair set themselves up in France as “moneyed Americans”, described by Armand as having a “velvet-heeled arrival” despite the pair coming to the city on the back of a truck. That Paris has been left by the war with deep physical and societal wounds is treated as an inconvenience that they have to impatiently endure. Santiago picks at these stitches during the performative execution of the pointedly foreign Annika, invoking the paranoia of occupation with his line “[...] the next time you're in the pew, you turn to your neighbour and say, ‘Peace be unto you.’ They'll give you up... in a wink!”. It is telling that the only explanation Armand gives for his choice of victims to the coven is that they are profiteering from the suffering of postwar France (“Whilst their countrymen clutch ration cards, they've made quite a killing manipulating the black markets.”), a statement which seems to deepen their appetite for the ensuing slaughter. These are not resentments and histories however shared by Claudia, who may revel in the massacre but has already knowingly associated with a woman branded as a collaborator, or Louis, whose attempts to engage with the world through photography only further positions him as an outsider. This detachment is what causes Louis and Claudia to be regarded as interlopers, suspected to believe themselves to be too important to heed traditions, manners (“It's custom and practice for traveling vampires to make themselves known”) or the welfare of their temporary home (“We were constantly cleaning up for them.”). Though American soldiers played a role in the later stages of the liberation of Paris, the increasing presence of Americans in the city is framed as another more insidious occupation (“[...] our Anglican friends now invading Paris postwar”, “My dear American friend [...] who has dominated my mind”). As Americans, Louis and Claudia are granted more privileges in society than other black ethnics groups (“But I wasn't an Algerian. I was an American”). It is not just that the French theatre troupe composed of multinational actors now has “five out of every seven” of their performances in English, but the coven has been instructed by Armand to remake itself as “an English company” and speak the language offstage too. Armand’s welcoming attitude to increasing American influence in the city, how it creates a “more receptive” and “optimistic” audience, is not a simple or universal one. There is a distinct bitterness belying the fanfare accompanying Louis and Claudia’s arrival, particularly from Santiago (“I ask you, Maitre, was it worth the wait?”), but it is also notably still present in Armand’s lighthearted teasing (“Seventy-seven years and it still feels like a slight.”, “Five months removed [...] the Americans were finally coming to Pigalle.”). At least during these early months, Louis and Claudia seem to view Paris more as a static backdrop against which they can discover themselves and heal their relationship. This is a mistake that they will likely only realise when it is already too late, for this fragile and volatile setting is entwined with the tragedy that awaits them.
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babushkatty · 6 months
Tranquil SAGAU - Part 1
-> Part 2
Your isekai trip (or descension, as others called it) into Teyvat was as abrupt as it was underwhelming.
There were no midnight showers of gold and purple, reminescent of the wishing screen you would religiously open every hour or so, hoping to miraculously have 160 primogems to make another pull. No sudden change in weather as Teyvat welcomed you with the eagerness of a golden lab puppy. No sudden meetings of significant and powerful people (vision holders, archons, adepti or otherwise) that would either scorn you or worship you with the zeal of a fanatic either.
No, it was a very quiet and peaceful affair.
You went to sleep in your bed after another mundane day that was more a blur than a memory, only to wake up in the ruins of Old Mondstadt, on the back of a peacefully sleeping Dvalin -- feeling well rested for what seemed like the first time in years, free of the pain poor sleeping positions and even worse body posture developed into.
Old Mondstadt is so much more beautiful than you remember it being in the game, but it was understandable -- it wasn't a game anymore.
The wind sings the haunting melody of Stormterror's Lair as you simply sit on Dvalin's back for hours, at peace with the world and yourself. You forget entirely about the stress of assignments, of deadlines, of examinations stacked unto one another like a house of cards, of trying to fit expectations of your friends and family that you were never made to fit and simply let yourself be.
You breathe.
It was nice.
"All-Mother." Dvalin rumbles from underneath you and it breaks the blissfull trance. He turns his head to look at you, seemingly not minding you being completely sprawled out on his back like roadkill.
"I'm sorry, Dvalin, I think you mistook me for someone." You smile sheppishly.
He huffs, but instead of sounding annoyed he just seemed... Indulgent. It was a good sign to you, who were pretty much at his mercy -- if he wanted to, he could use you as his personal toothpick and you wouldn't be able to do anything against it at all, so it's for the best that the situation doesn't escalate like that.
Then again, Venti did say Dvalin was a gentle child. You didn't see any blood clot crystals on his neck or back, so you were probably in the clear. Worst case scenario, he'd dump you on the ground and you'd have a bruised tailbone.
He made a damn good bed though, you wouldn't mind lounging on him some more if he allowed it.
"You are the All-Mother, there is no mistake. But it is only natural to deny, you do not remember."
He brings his head back and nuzzles you. You quietly melt into a puddle of happiness as he purrs and rubs against you like an overgrown cat.
He was so soft it was criminal. It was like the 'if evil why hot' trend all over again, except this time it was 'if scary why soft' instead.
"Teyvat will remember for you, even when you do not. Your kindness, your warmth, your care - all shall be paid back in full and more, for you are the All-Mother and like any mother, mortal or otherwise, you deserve to be taken care of by your children."
You don't argue, if only because dragons are known for being stubborn. The atmosphere was too nice to waste on a petty argument.
"Do you know how I got here?" you ask instead.
You don't ask about the way back quite yet. You're not sure you ever would, if you were being honest. It just... Felt right to be here, in Teyvat, instead of back home.
In the back of your mind, you quietly wonder if you should feel guilty about not being attached to your old world, to your friends and family, all that much, but you dismiss the notion quickly. Feeling different than what you were taught was normal wasn't wrong, people were different from one another and trying to hold yourself to an impossible standard just because it was the average would only make you miserable.
Your world was slowly growing more accepting towards differences, perhaps in a few decades your emotional stance would be validated as well.
"Teyvat brough you here, that is all I know."
Dvalin huffs against you and you chuckle, a little ticklish.
You both fall silent after that and simple enjoy each other's presence and the ambience of Old Mondstadt.
Dvalin's willingness to simply be, without chatter or interaction, only made your resolve to stay stronger. No one back home understood your need to simply be in a room with another presence, both people doing their own things, everyone called you odd for it.
It was really nice.
"Call me (Name)."
☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* ✨ Author Note✨
I'm bad at naming things and I'm bad at tumblr - perfect combination!
It's a gender-neutral post/series (if I write more), I promise! (Or at least I'm trying my best to write it as gender-neutral, you have full permission to yell at me if I slip up so that I can fix it!)
The term "All-Morher" is not meant to assign a gender, it's meant to compare the Creator of Teyvat to a mother (as I tried to clarify with Dvalin), because mothers bring life into the world and the Creator brought life to Teyvat.
You know, like a mother.
Besides, gods are above something as silly as gender or race *gesturing wildly to Loki giving birth to an 8-legged horse*
I am aiming for a very soft and gentle AU, the terms Creator or Your Grace didn't fit into it at all! Teyvat knows its' All-Mother is an utter softie that doesn't care for religious worship and would rather chill, so its' adjusting to fulfill those preferences -- hence, no grand entrance, no throwing its' All-Mother into the deep end by parking their ass in front of Mondstadt gates and no scrambling to survive.
Just a nice, quiet day chilling with Dvalin.
Fun fact, I have never done the Sumeru Quest and I don't have the space for Fontaine, so that's gonna remain a thing for a long, long while yet.
I don't read the manga either.
We D'ballin, ✨who needs lore accuracy anyways✨
That being said, I am slowly going insane because of the windows in-between subjects at Uni. Who made that a thing? I just want to talk, I promise.
Yell at my bad english, I'm an english major so all yelling is appreciated.
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