#Pedanti Liveblog
pedanticat · 2 months
The best thing about 13 was Jack and Maddie and their interaction with Danny. But what made this episode special is how it revealed to me just how similar Danny is to his parents. He got his dad's temper and stubbornness while having his mom's sharp wit. Jack and Maddie may not be perfect parents, but they raised some good kids.
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pedanticat · 1 month
This moment is fascinating to analyze cause it reveals some interesting things about Danny's perception of himself. Fun Danny views Super Danny as someone burdened with responsibility due to his ghostly powers who have no family because of that duty. But Super Danny still sees the Fentons as his family despite being a full-time hero who isn't burdened with a double life. This is especially ironic given that Dark Dan doesn't seem to care about them and even actively try to ensure that they die so that he can be created. Though as seen in A Glitch In Time, we learn that he does miss his family.
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Super Danny also thinks that Fun Danny is a disappointment to their family due to their irresponsibility, which implies that Danny himself believes that his family views him as a disappointment. I love how such a seemingly silly episode provides so many interesting insights into Danny, which was later capitalized to its fullest in A Glitch In Time.
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pedanticat · 2 months
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As a kid, I always found it weird how Desiree was one of several ghosts that were treated as a villain, and now I'm even more confused as I rewatch Danny Phantom. While she does cause chaos with her wishes, she genuinely wants to give people their deepest desires due to her tragic past. She wasn't so much a villain but rather someone who had good intentions but didn't think things through.
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pedanticat · 2 months
Vlad can tell himself whatever he wants as to why Maddie chose Jack over him, but the real answer is that it's because she's just as bat-shit crazy (pun totally intended) as Jack. This right here is relationship goals XD.
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pedanticat · 2 months
This whole sequence was hilarious, especially with how they synched the music with Danny's punches.
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pedanticat · 1 month
This is one of my favorite Jack Fenton moments XD
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pedanticat · 1 month
Dan said what every single Danny Phantom fan brought up when it came to how oblivious Jack and Maddie were to their son having ghost powers.
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pedanticat · 2 months
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I've noticed there's a whole subgenre of Danny Phantom fics that will have Jack and Maddie be bad parents and I hate it since it feels like a a disservice to their characters. The two aren't perfect by any means and they make plenty of mistakes, but they love their kids more than anything else with them more than willing to risk their own lives to protect them. This is also why I've never vibed with fics that have Danny's parents rejecting or disowning Danny due to being half-ghost because for them to do something like that would be incredibly out of character. Hell, the show has several instances in which when they do learn Danny's secret, they don't love him any less with them fully accepting him.
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pedanticat · 2 months
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I never gave much thought to it until now over how Jazz wants to protect Danny from their parent's ghost obsessions. It's probably due to having to grow up with it herself. Though what's funny though is that Danny doesn't seem to be bothered by his parent's obsessions with ghosts.
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pedanticat · 30 days
These moments with Dan are fascinating to watch cause he acts like he's above human emotions, yet he's the embodiment of Danny's and Vlad's emotions. He knows how he should feel about Valerie, Sam, and Tucker but is unable to embrace those feelings. He awkwardly accepts hugs from his friends, admits that in his weaker moments he misses Tucker's dry sense of humor, displays frustration when revisiting his old home, and is legit surprised when he learns that Jazz knew his secret about being Danny Phantom.
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pedanticat · 2 months
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One thing I wish the show explored more in-depth was Vlad and Jack's dynamic before Vlad's incident cause before said incident, the two seemed like they were genuinely good friends. I also wish we'd got more background information about why Vlad, Jack, and Maddie were all researching ghosts in the first place.
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pedanticat · 30 days
The Ultimate Enemy feels like it was setting up this idea that Clockwork would have become a mentor figure for Danny, and I would have killed to see this come to fruition. It would have been a great place to take Danny's character moving forward. Clockwork is yet another one of those characters that should have been more relevant in the series, yet he wasn't.
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pedanticat · 1 month
I adore this moment from Reign Storm as it highlights Danny's heroism and selflessness. He puts on a brave face by insisting that he'll return but a part of him knows that he may not return from his fight with Pariah. Danny is such a great character, which makes it all the more infuriating that in season 3. Neither the new writers nor even the creator himself, Butch Hartman, understood Danny as a character.
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pedanticat · 2 months
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Why the hell wasn't Wulf in Danny Phantom more?!?! The fact that he doesn't return until season 3 is absolutely insane since he's such a cool character who would have been a great addition to Team Phantom!
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pedanticat · 2 months
If memory serves me right, this would be a constant thing throughout the series in which Danny would try to make Valerie understand that he isn't a bad guy nor are all ghosts evil but her prejudice/vendetta against them would blind her from the truth.
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pedanticat · 2 months
This scene is played for laughs but it does highlight that Vlad is a psychotic villain who's driven not necessarily by greed and power, but a desire for love and affection. Yet his view on what that means is extremely warped.
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