#Penderecki concerto grosso
n4682 · 1 year
aight so here we go. as requested by popular demand:
the cryptid classical music list - pt. 1: what
just a quick warning: most of these will be pieces in the "contemporary classical" genre, which means there will most likely be a lot of dissonance. and also most of it is just weird.
also tumblr has an audio limit, so im splitting this into multiple different posts
alright lets get this list started.
Alfred Schnittke - Concerto Grosso No. 1
I - Preludio
II - Tocatta
III - Recitativo
IV - Cadenza
V - Rondo
VI - Postludio
And starting off strong, we have Schnittke's Concerto Grosso No. 1.
It's an interesting work because if you analyze the structure, it's very similar to a baroque-era concerto. The instrumentation is also very similar, consisting of two violin soloists, string orchestra, and harpsichord. The only difference is the addition of a prepared piano (which is a piano where stuff has been put between the strings in order to give it a different sound).
However, the piece itself is very modern. There are a few execptions, specifically the beginning of the Tocatta and various places throughout the Rondo.
This is a very eldritch-horror-esque piece due to its use of Ligeti-esque micro-polyphony. What Schnittke does is he takes each induvidual section of instruments and splits it up, similar to divisi. However, he subdivides it into 8 or 12 parts instead of a more normal two or three, leading to a very dissonant and unique sound.
Honestly, if you want to start listening to this, listen to the Rondo first; it's the most accessible movement in my opinion, but whatever order you take this in is up to you.
Performance provided:
Soloists: Gidon Kremer, Tatiana Grindenko
Orchestra: Chamber Orchestra of Europe, cond. Heinrich Schiff
Krzysztof Penderecki - St. Luke Passion
Part I:
O Crux ave
Et egressus
Deus meus
Domine, qui habitabit
Adhuc eo loquente
Ut quid, Domine
Comprehendentes autem eum
Iudica me, Deus
Et viri, qui tenebant illum
Misere me, Deus
Et surgens omnis
Part II:
Et in pulverem
Et baiulans sibi crucem
Popule meus
Ibi crucifixerunt eum
Crux fidelis
Dividentes mero
... in pulverem mortis
Et stabat populus
Unus autem
Stabant autem iuxta crucem
Stabat mater
Erat autem fere hora sexta
[Alla breve]
In pulverem mortis/In te, Domine, speravi
[side note: i was typing the above on my phone and it took like twenty minutes ::( ]
So. Penderecki's St. Luke Passion. Where do we begin?
The St. Luke Passion is an interesting one, because out of all the gospels Penderecki could have chosen, he picked the one that Bach never made into a passion. And the references don't stop there, whether it be the use of a baritone to represent Jesus, or the B-A-C-H (Bb-A-C-B) motif.
The work is totally atonal, and there are a lot of jumpscares. Like a lot. The music is also incredible, and its use of timbre is incredible. (listen to the "Et surgens omnis")
In addition, Penderecki makes great use of the choir, using them for vocal effects alongside singing (listen to the "Popule meus").
Performance provided:
Soloists: Izabella Klosińska (soprano), Adam Kruszewzki (baritone), Romuald Tesarowicz (bass), Krzysztof Kolberger (Narrator/"Evangelist")
Choir: Warsaw National Philharmonic Choir, Warsaw Boys' Choir
Orchestra: Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Antoni Wit
Link to Spotify Album
George Crumb - Black Angels: 13 Images from the Dark Land
I - Departure
1 - Threnody I: Night of the Electric Insects
2 - Sounds of Bones and Flutes
3 - Lost Bells
4 - Devil-music
5 - Danse Macabre
II - Absence
6 - Pavana Lachrymae (Der Tod und das Mädchen)
7 - Threnody II: Black Angels!
8 - Sarabanda de la Muerte Oscura
9 - Lost Bells (Echo)
III - Return
10 - God-music
11 - Ancient Voices
12 - Ancient Voices (Echo)
13 - Threnody III: Night of the Electric Insects
Okay, do you remember what I said at the top about the music getting weird? Well this is peak weird.
Black Angels is written for string quartet with a few interesting modifications. The score requires you to use electric instruments, which are a weird choice. In addition, the score calls for each player to also use a series of percussion instruments and their voice in addition to playing their instrument.
And there are the avant-garde aspects of this as well. Every modern playing technique in the book is used in this, such as playing on the wrong side of the fingerboard, applying large amounts of pressure to the bow, bowing behind the bridge, and plenty more.
I'm gonna be entirely honest: this music sparks a weird reaction. If I try to listen to it as background music, it makes me dissociate a solid 80% of the time. So apporach at your own risk.
Oh yeah, and also there are a lot of jumpscares.
Performace Provided:
Miró Quartet
Daniel Ching (vln), Sandy Yamamoto (vln), John Largess (vle), Joshua Gindele (vcl)
Alexander Scriabin - Piano Sonata No. 5 in F# Major (Op. 53)
Okay, we're finally venturing back into more tonal territory. And we're coming back with my favourite lunatic composer of all time: Alexander Scriabin.
I'll talk about him a little bit later along the list cause I have a better piece to reference, but for now just know that he once tried to end the world with music. Anyways, back to the sonata.
The 5th Piano Sonata is in one movement and spans a lot of keys. It contains some really pretty moments, as well as some moments that make you feel a bit overwhelmed. It's also very hard. But nontheless, it's still an amazing piece, and much more accessible than his later works.
Performance Provided: Sviatoslav Richter (pfte)
Alberto Ginastera - Concerto for Harp and Orchestra (Op. 25)
I - Allegro giusto
II - Molto moderato
III - Liberamente capriccioso - Vivace
i'm just gonna be entirely honest with this one: the whole piece slaps.
Alberto Ginastera was an Argentinean composer more commonly known for his Danzas Argentinas (Op. 2). But nonetheless, the Harp Concerto, the Piano Concerto No. 1 (we'll get to that one later), and the Piano Sonata No. 1 (not on this list) all slap.
Performance provided:
The Harp Concerto is probably the most accessible out of the three works I just mentioned, and that's because it goes hard. Because the harp can only be tuned to 7 different pitch classes at a time, and since they cant be tuned to double flats or sharps, it forces the music to be very tonal.
And this is they key to the work: the limitations of the harp are easily dealt with, and the harp doesn't feel overused.
Soloist: Nancy Allen (hrp)
Orchestra: Orquesta Filarmónica de la Ciudad de Mexico, cond. Enrique Bátiz
And thats it for part 1! I didn't even know that there is an audio limit on Tumblr, so I've had to leave some works out of this one, but stay tuned!
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musicainextenso · 7 years
Continuing our contemporary composers week, I’m bringing forward one composer whose work I want to get more into. Kryzsztof Penderecki is one of the major names in Polish music of the past century, and he has written across different genre, including symphonies, operas, chamber music, and various choral and orchestral works. He reached international fame through his string orchestral work, Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima. Because of his use of tone clusters and uneasy harmonies, his music has appeared on horror and suspense film soundtracks, including Poltergeist [1972], The Shining [1980], and Shutter Island [2010].
Penderecki - Concerto Grosso
This work is a call back to the Baroque genre, and works as a concerto for three cellos and orchestra. Here the composer isn’t only looking backward in genre, but also in his tonal language, which is less shocking as it was in his earlier more avant garde works in the 60s and 70s. But the trio of cellos adds a range of richness over a colorful orchestral backdrop, and has made this work popular with orchestras around the world. It is in one continuous movement.
Stay tuned this week for more music by contemporary composers, here on Musica in Extenso - Nick O
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hotguysfugue · 4 years
top 100 pieces of western art music (2020 edition)
it’s been approximately a year since i posted my 2019 list, so here goes nothing!
100. Antonin Dvorak - Symphony No. 8
99. Bohuslav Martinu - String Trio No. 1
98. György Ligeti - String Quartet No. 1
97. G.F. Haas - String Quartet No. 2
96. Arnold Schoenberg - Verklärte Nacht
95. William Walton - Violin Concerto
94. Samuel Barber - Violin Concerto
93. Maurice Ravel - Trois Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé
92. Bela Bartok - Concerto for Orchestra
91. Krysztof Penderecki - Threnody
90. G.F. Handel/Johan Halverson - Passacaglia
89. Max Grafe - Moon Cycles
88. John Cage - 59 ½ for a string player
87. J.S. Bach - Harpsichord Concerto No. 1
86. Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 1
85. Jennifer Higdon - blue cathedral
84. Sergei Prokofiev - Violin Concerto No. 1
83. George Crumb - Makrokosmos III (Music for a Summer Evening)
82. Paul Hindemith - String Quartet No. 4
81. Alban Berg - Violin Concerto
80. Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 10
79. Luciano Berio - Sequenza XIVb
78. Steve Reich - Music for 18 Musicians
77. Charles Ives - The Unanswered Question
76. Eugene Ysaye - Solo Sonata No. 2
75. Tomás Luis de Victoria - O magnum mysterium
74. Sergei Prokofiev - Sinfonia concertante
73. Maurice Ravel - String Quartet
72. György Ligeti - String Quartet No. 2
71. Witold Lutosławski - Partita (for Violin & Orchestra)
70. Pierre Boulez - Anthemes
69. Augusta Read Thomas - Incantation
68. Erwin Schulhoff - Five Pieces
67. Gustav Mahler - Symphony No. 6
66. Krysztof Penderecki - Cadenza
65. Steve Reich - Music for Pieces of Wood
64. John Luther Adams - Dream of the Canyon Wren
63. Caroline Shaw - Valencia
62. Brian Ferneyhough - String Quartet No. 6
61. G.F. Haas - Solo (for viola d’amore)
60. Paul Hindemith - Viola Sonata
59. Iannis Xenakis - Metastasis
58. Andy Akhio - to wALk Or ruN in wEst harlem
57. Dmitri Shostakovich - Violin Sonata
56. Jessie Montgomery - Starburst
55. John Corigliano - Symphony No. 1
54. Kate Soper - Ipsa Dixit
53. Grazyna Bacewicz - Concerto for Strings
52. Alfred Schnittke - Concerto for Piano and Strings
51. Ben Johnston - String Quartet No. 4
50. Igor Stravinsky - Petrouchka
49. Dmitri Shostakovich - Symphony No. 10
48. Arnold Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire
47. Folke Rabe - Basta
46. Bela Bartok - String Quartet No. 4
45. Jennifer Higdon - Viola Concerto
44. Elizabeth Maconchy - String Quartet No. 11
43. György Ligeti - Lux aeterna
42. Herbert Howells - Elegy
41. Olivier Messiaen - Quatuor pour la fin du temps
40. J.S. Bach - Violin Sonata No. 2
39. Arvo Pärt - Fratres
38. Alberto Ginastera - Piano Concerto No. 1
37. Igor Stravinsky - L’oiseau de feu
36. John Luther Adams - The Wind in High Places
35. Alberto Ginastera - Harp Concerto
34. Silvestre Revueltas - La noche de los Mayas
33. William Grant Still - Afro-American Symphony
32. George Rochberg - String Quartet No. 3
31. Jessie Montgomery - Source Code
30. Ben Johnston - String Quartet No. 7
29. Bedrïch Smetana - String Quartet No. 1
28. Caroline Shaw - Entr’acte
27. Igor Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps
26. Alberto Ginastera - Violin Concerto
25. Kaija Saariaho - Nocturne
24. Grazyna Bacewicz - Quartet for Four Violins
23. György Ligeti - Sechs Bagatellen/Musica Ricercata
22. Salvatore Sciarrino - Capricci per violino solo
21. Dai Fujikura - Fluid Calligraphy
20. Sky Macklay - Many, Many Cadences
19. Alberto Ginastera - String Quartet No. 1
18. György Ligeti - Violin Concerto
17. Luciano Berio - Sequenza III
16. Jessie Montgomery - Strum
15. George Crumb - Black Angels
14. Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8
13. Iannis Xenakis - Naama
12. Luciano Berio - Sequenza VIII
11. Toru Takemitsu - Rain Spell
10. Andy Akhio - NO one to kNOW one
9. Alberto Ginastera - String Quartet No. 2
8. Alfred Schnittke - Concerto Grosso No. 1
7. Caroline Shaw - Partita for Eight Voices
6. John Luther Adams - Canticles of the Sky
5. György Ligeti - Mysteries of the Macabre
4. Maurice Ravel - Introduction & Allegro
3. Jennifer Higdon - Violin Concerto
2. György Ligeti - Requiem
1. Kate Soper - Voices from the Killing Jar
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hotguysfugue · 5 years
These are my 100 favorite works of western classical music as of June 22nd, 2019, in comparison to the list I posted a significant while ago (2017?)
1. Ligeti - Violin Concerto
2. Schnittke - Concerto Grosso No. 1
3. Shostakovich - Violin Concerto No. 1
4. Ravel - Introduction & Allegro
5. Ginastera - String Quartet No. 1
6. Bartok - String Quartet No. 4
7. Shostakovich - Symphony No. 10
8. Ligeti - Le grand macabre
9. Shaw - Partita for Eight Voices
10. Stravinsky - Le sacre du printemps
11. Pärt - Fratres
12. Ligeti - Musica Ricercata (and variant thereof: Six Bagatelles, as transcribed by Ligeti)
13. Crumb - Black Angels
14. Ginastera - Violin Concerto
15. Bacewicz - Quartet for Four Violins
16. Messiaen - Quatuor pour la fin du temps
17. Walton - Violin Concerto
18. Ravel - String Quartet
19. Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 9
20. Bernstein - Candide
21. Schoenberg - Verklärte Nacht
22. Berg - Violin Concerto
23. Howells - Elegy
24. Bartok - Concerto for Orchestra
25. Montgomery - Strum
26. Dvorak - Violin Concerto
27. Schubert - Erlkönig (and variants thereof: Ernst; Liszt)
28. Saariaho - Nocturne
29. Fujikura - Fluid Calligraphy
30. Barber - Violin Concerto
31. Walton - Viola Concerto
32. Grafe - Moon Cycles
33. Mendelssohn - Octet
34. Higdon - Viola Concerto
35. Dvorak - Piano Quintet No. 2
36. Prokofiev - Symphony No. 5
37. Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 10
38. Ginastera - String Quartet No. 2
39. J.S. Bach - Solo Sonata in G Minor
40. Hindemith - Viola Sonata
41. Shostakovich - Cello Concerto No. 1
42. Maconchy - String Quartet No. 11
43. Ligeti - Lux aeterna
44. Kodály - Cello Sonata
45. Xenakis - Naama
46. Crumb - Makrokosmos
47. Adams - Nixon in China
48. Reich - Music for Pieces of Wood
49. Stravinsky - L’Oiseau de feu
50. Ravel - Tzigane
51. Beethoven - Symphony No. 7
52. G.F. Haas - String Quartet No. 2
53. Sibelius - Violin Concerto
54. Vaughan Williams - Symphony No. 4
55. Mahler - Symphony No. 5
56. Shostakovich - Piano Quintet
57. Ginastera - Estancia
58. Prokofiev - Violin Concerto No. 1
59. Ferneyhough - String Quartet No. 2
60. Rautavaara - Cantus Arcticus
61. Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4
62. Beethoven - String Quartet Op. 95 “Serioso”
63. Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 2
64. Tchaikovsky - Souvenir de Florence
65. Schoenberg - Drei Klavierstücke
66. Ligeti - L’escalier du diable
67. Berio - Sequenza III
68. Britten - Requiem
69. Schoenberg - Pierrot Lunaire
70. Paganini - Nel cor píu non mi sento
71. Sarasate - Zapateado
72. Glazunov - Violin Concerto
73. Mahler - Symphony No. 2
74. Tchaikovsky - Capriccio Italien
75. Dvorak - Symphony No. 8
76. Rimsky-Korsakov - Russian Easter Overture
77. Shostakovich - Festive Overture
78. Holst - The Planets
79. Chopin - Piano Sonata No. 2
80. Shostakovich - Symphony No. 11
81. Walton - String Quartet No. 2
82. J.S. Bach - Chaconne (and variants thereof)
83. Henze - Fantasia for Strings
84. Revueltas - La Noche de los Mayas
85. Berio - Sequenza VIII
86. Schoenberg - String Quartet No. 3
87. Hindemith - String Quartet No. 4
88. Dvorak - String Quartet No. 13
89. Janáček - Idyll
90. Kodály - Duo for Violin & Cello
91. Reich - Clapping Music
92. Handel-Halvorsen - Passacaglia
93. Adams - Short Ride in a Fast Machine
94. Prokofiev - Piano Sonata No. 7
95. Vieuxtemps - Violin Concerto No. 4
96. Ysaÿe - Violin Sonata No. 3
97. MacDowell - Piano Concerto No. 2
98. Penderecki - Cadenza
99. Lutosławski - Cello Concerto
100. Shaw - Entr’acte for String Quartet
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hotguysfugue · 7 years
TOP 100 PIECES OF WESTERN ART MUSIC (completely subjective)
100. Beethoven- Creatures of Prometheus Overture
99. Mozart- Violin Concerto No. 4
98. Forsyth- Viola Concerto
97. Saint-Saëns- Symphony No. 3: Organ
96. Sarasate- Zapateado
95. Shostakovich- Suite for Variety Orchestra No. 2
94. Hindemith- String Quartet No. 1
93. Haydn- String Quartet Op. 74, No. 2
92. Elgar- Cello Concerto
91. Bach- Cello Suite No. 3
90. Shostakovich- Fugue in A Major
89. Vitali- Chaconne
88. Ferneyhough- String Quartet No. 2
87. Chopin- Nocturne in C-Sharp Minor
86. Grieg- Peer Gynt Suite
85. Dvorak- String Quartet No. 12: American
84. Verdi- Overture to La Forza del Destino
83. Tchaikovsky- Symphony No. 2: Little Russian
82. Mahler- Symphony No. 6
81. Schoenberg- Pierrot Lunaire
80. Britten- Requiem
79. Chopin- Fantasie Impromptu
78. Rachmaninoff- Symphony No. 2
77. Liszt- Paganini Etude No. 3: La Campanella
76. Ligeti- Violin Concerto
75. Shostakovich- String Quartet No. 9
74. Bach- Partita in B Minor
73. Mendelssohn- Violin Concerto
72. Beethoven- Piano Sonata No. 13: Pathetique
71. Prokofiev- Violin Concerto No. 2
70. Tchaikovsky- Serenade for Strings
69. Berlioz- Symphonie Fantastique
68. Bach- Partita in D Minor (excluding Ciaconna)
67. Sibelius- Symphony No. 2
66. Khachaturian- Violin Concerto
65. Walton- Viola Concerto
64. Haas- String Quartet No. 2
63. Mendelssohn- Octet
62. Beethoven- Egmont Overture
61. Strauss- Don Juan
60. Dvorak- Symphony No. 7
59. Tchaikovsky- Symphony No. 4
58. Shostakovich- String Quartet No. 8
57. Beethoven- Op. 129
56. Wieniawski- Etude-Caprices
55. Schubert- String Quartet: Death and the Maiden
54. Stravinsky- The Rite of Spring
53. Brahms- Piano Quintet
52. Mendelssohn- String Sinfonia No. 9
51. Rimsky-Korsakov- Capriccio Espagnol
50. Beethoven- String Quartet No. 14
49. Shostakovich- Festival Overture
48. Adams- Short Ride in a Fast Machine
47. Ginastera- String Quartet No. 1
46. Sarasate- Zigeunerweisen
45. Saint-Saëns- Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
44. Kreisler- Tambourin Chinois
43. Shostakovich- Symphony No. 5
42. Grieg- Piano Concerto
41. Bach- Ciaccona
40. Ernst- Der Erlkönig
39. Milstein- Paganiniana
38. Shostakovich- Symphony No. 11
37. Beethoven- Symphony No. 6
36. Bach- Sonata in G Minor
35. Mozart- Requiem
34. Bloch- Suite Hebraique
33. Pärt- Fratres
32. Tchaikovsky- Symphony No. 6
31. Henze- Fantasia for Strings
30. Xenakis- Jonchaies
29. Penderecki- Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
28. Rimsky-Korsakov- Russian Easter Overture
27. Schoenberg- String Quartet No. 3
26. Chopin- Etude Op. 25 No. 11: Winter Wind
25. Dvorak- Viola Quintet in E-Flat Major
24. Shostakovich- String Quartet No. 11
23. Howells- Elegy
22. Holst- The Planets
21. Shostakovich- String Quartet No. 10
20. Walton- String Quartet
19. Ginastera- String Quartet No. 2
18. Shostakovich- Cello Concerto No. 1
17. Verdi- Requiem
16. Hindemith- String Quartet No. 4
15. Bartok- String Quartet No. 4
14. Tchaikovsky- Souvenir de Florence
13. Mozart- Die Zauberflöte
12. Shostakovich- String Quartet No. 3
11. Sibelius- Violin Concerto
10. Berg- Violin Concerto
9. Walton- Violin Concerto
8. Schoenberg- Verklärte Nacht
7. Dvorak- Piano Quintet No. 2
6. Prokofiev- Violin Concerto No. 1
5. Shostakovich- Violin Concerto No. 1
4. Ravel- String Quartet
3. Shostakovich- Symphony No. 10
2. Ravel- Tzigane
1. Schnittke- Concerto Grosso No. 1
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