#Pepe Mujica
deadpresidents · 1 month
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A decade ago, the world had a brief fascination with José Mujica. He was the folksy president of Uruguay who had shunned his nation's presidential palace to live in a tiny tin-roof home with his wife and three-legged dog.
In speeches to world leaders, interviews with foreign journalists and documentaries on Netflix, Pepe Mujica, as he is universally known, shared countless tales from a life story fit for film. He had robbed banks as a leftist urban guerrilla; survived 15 years as a prisoner, including by befriending a frog while kept in a hole in the ground; and helped lead the transformation of his small South American nation into one of the world's healthiest and most socially liberal democracies.
But Mr. Mujica's legacy will be more than his colorful history and commitment to austerity. He became one of Latin America's most influential and important figures in large part for his plain-spoken philosophy on the path to a better society and happier life.
-- Here's a gift link from me to bypass the paywall and read this wonderful New York Times interview of lifelong activist, revolutionary, and former Uruguayan President José "Pepe" Mujica, who is still trying to pass along his hard-earned wisdom and political philosophy even as he's likely dying from cancer.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Jose Mujica! (May 20, 1935)
President of Uruguay from 2010 to 2015, Jose "Pepe" Mujica was born in the capital city of Montevideo, and became active in radical politics in the 1960s when, inspired by the Cuban Revolution, he joined the Tupamaros – National Liberation Movement, a left-wing guerilla group. Engaging in protracted insurgency against the government, Mujica was captured and escaped prison multiple times throughout the 1970s and 1980s, before being released on amnesty in 1985. Soon after, Mujica entered the electoral arena under the banner of the Broad Front coalition, and the charismatic Mujica quickly became a leader of the left in Uruguay. Mujica's election in 2010 was part of a "pink tide" of left-wing electoral success in Latin America, and as President he pursued progressive policies such as the legalization of marijuana and raising the minimum wage. He also became known for his thrifty and simple lifestyle while in office, declining to live in the presidential palace and using a 1987 Volkswagen Beetle as his transportation.
"It is a mistake to think that power comes from above, when it comes from within the hearts of the masses."
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welele · 6 months
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O del Farcry 6
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amor-barato · 5 months
Eu não sou pobre, eu sou sóbrio, de bagagem leve. Vivo com apenas o suficiente para que as coisas não roubem minha liberdade.
Pepe Mujica
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'I extend a fraternal hug to my colleague Pepe Mujica. I am sure that he will be able to win this new battle against the disease. We respect his long political career and his contributions to Latin American integration. I hope that soon we can meet to talk about the direction of our Great Homeland.'
Jose Mujica, the former president of Uruguay and 'the world's poorest president', has been diagnosed with oesophageal cancer at 88 years old
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tilbageidanmark · 26 days
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Pepe Mujica, Uruguay's former president, and the only politician I admire, is battling cancer.
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brazilmakesnoise · 2 years
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Lula e Mujica
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absurdlakefront · 25 days
I think that humanity, as it’s going, is doomed.
We waste a lot of time uselessly. We can live more peacefully. Take Uruguay. Uruguay has 3.5 million people. It imports 27 million pairs of shoes. We make garbage and work in pain. For what?
You’re free when you escape the law of necessity — when you spend the time of your life on what you desire. If your needs multiply, you spend your life covering those needs.
Humans can create infinite needs. The market dominates us, and it robs us of our lives.
Humanity needs to work less, have more free time and be more grounded. Why so much garbage? 
Former President of Uruguay José "Pepe" Mujica, How to Be Truly Free: Lessons From a Philosopher President
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faz-o-l · 10 months
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Chico Buarque, Janja, Maria Bethânia, Lula, Caetano Veloso, Paula Lavigne, Aloizio Mercadante, Dilma Rousseff, Pepe Mujica
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unspokenmantra · 5 months
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Filme: Human (2015) Direção: Yann Arthus Bertrand
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Lula and Pepe to help Cuba open up
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Former Uruguayan President José “Pepe” Mujica is planning a trip to Havanna together with Brazilian leader Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to persuade the Cuban government of Miguel Díaz-Canel to pursue the path of greater openness regarding foreign relations and economy, it was reported Thursday in Montevideo.
 According to the weekly Búsqueda, Lula is “very concerned” about the situation the island is going through and the supply problems to which a large part of the inhabitants are subjected. The outlet also said Lula invited Mujica, with whom he maintains a very close relationship, to travel together before the end of the year.
The Brazilian president is also worried about protests by Cuban citizens in recent years against what they consider to be restrictions on their freedoms.
Continue reading.
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desertoparticular · 1 year
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Facebook: Anonymous Report
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4rbu2t0 · 1 year
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O dinheiro deixa o ser humano doido.
O corre das notas é algo inevitável já que só comemos, estudamos, temos saúde, se tivermos algum dinheiro, se desejamos qualidade de qualquer coisa, tem que ter $$.
Então dinheiro é felicidade? Sucesso? Saúde? Educação? Amor? Tempo ? Paz ?
A relação do dinheiro com coisas essenciais é algo terrível, não deveríamos depender dele pra sermos felizes, ou termos saúde e sucesso, deveríamos poder acessar tudo isso de forma segura e estável pelo estado, pois pagamos impostos no consumo o que faz com que os bilionários nunca sejam atingidos, nunca direcionem sua fortuna pra ajudar a sociedade e ajustar a desigualdade.
O interesse não é esse, pois é justamente o sistema atual que favorece esses grandes bilionários, inatingíveis, isentos de impostos.
Estes utilizam a mão de obra mais desvalorizada para obter lucros absurdos, enquanto sua poupança estufada com R$ 999.999.999.999,00 rende o salário de dez mil funcionários por mês, que causa a proteção dessa classe favorecida, enquanto 99% desfavorecidos estagnados socialmente passam fome, inclusive os trabalhadores reféns funcionários da empresa do tal bilionário. Revolução, revolta, barriga ronca de fome e não temos força pra luta de classe.
Pra cima povão, banco é agiota legalizado!
Fique rico ou morra tentando - 50 cent
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gagarinpost · 29 days
Pepe Mujica!
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Textos fronterizos
El milagro de los panes y los peces Cultura es un todo complejo El hombre es un bichito vanidoso-José Mujica Tomando en cuenta, la inmensidad del universo y la infinitud existente, más allá del microscopio, por muy potente que sea, la frase de Pepe Mujica, cobra mucho mayor significado, importancia e interés. Bob Dylan La frase: “el hombre es un bichito vanidoso”, encierra una profunda…
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Credit: Ricardo Stuckert
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