#Percy Platoon Headcanons
winterlogysblog · 1 month
What are your own headcanons on the percy platoon?
I have one i need to say percival shows affection to others(Anne,Nasiens, Donny, Lancelot) by giving physical touch from kisses, hugs etc.. and telks daily that he loves them and mean everything to him.Percival feels like that type person. Lol😚💕 what they reactions will if Percival doses this?
I do agree with your own headcanon, Percy does seem like the type of person to have physical touch as their love language. As for the others reactions I would say they would reciprocate it especially Donny, Anne thought he's being clingy at first but loosened up to it, Lancelot would give him headpats at most and Nasiens is left a blushing and stuttering mess all the time.
For the Percy Platoon Headcanons I do have a couple lol
During the time that Lancelot is known as Sin the fox, he would often climb on Donny or Nasiens' shoulders to rest cause he gets quite uncomfortable walking on all fours. In most cases he would fall asleep on Nasiens' shoulders reason being he finds his scent soothing and relaxing. Now he knows why it's like that.
Lancelot's HATES it when his hoodie gets dirty. Donny said it's his own fault because the hoodie is mostly white, he got a death glare from Lance right after that remark.
One the day of Percival's resurrection, King asked Sixtus to bring Anne, Donny and Lancelot over so that the first people that Percival would see when he wakes up are his friends.
When Percy woke up, it's a heartwarming scene. Everybody cried and they fell into each other's embrace. They stayed in the Fairy Realm for a while just have some peace and quiet while they catch up on what's been happening with everyone.
The conversation about Nasiens' true origins is a heartwarming and funny one. They're all supporting and happy for Nasiens and excited to meet his family but the moment their names are dropped all hell breaks lose. Donny didn't believe it at first, Anne freaked out, Percival got even more excited and Lancelot smiled through it all and with a pat on the back Lancelot welcomed Nasiens to the family, the team is confused for obvious reasons and that's when he told them about his family for the first time and things got even more chaotic after that.
Nasiens would sometimes ask Lancelot things about his family, in a way he wants to know them in a much personal level which he didn't get the chance too during his stay there. Lancelot didn't shy away from it and told him stories every chance he gets.
Percival gets drunk quite easily, he's not a lightweight per se he just doesn't know his limit. They often shy away from giving him too much and resort to just giving him non-alcoholic drinks.
Donny and Anne's alcohol tolerance is pretty average, they learned how pace themselves really well. It's mainly due to Lancelot's high alcohol tolerance and Nasiens' incapability to get drunk, they don't want to make a fool of themselves while those two are still sober. In the end, it's a race on who gets drunk first.
Anne and Lancelot have the best sense of style out of the group. Nasiens was once a part of this club but his card got revoked because of his chosen hair style. He'll get it back don't worry.
After an unfortunate incident with a poisonous mushroom that Donny accidentally ate, every single ingredient needs to pass the 'Nasiens is this poison? Test'
Anne is quite handy with a needle and thread.
Lancelot knows how to braid. He would braid Anne's hair when he's bored. Just don't ask him how he knows how to do this or he'll stop leaving your hair with an unfinished braid.
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smokerswifey · 1 month
What your personal headcanons for percy platoon?👀
Would love to hear your headcanons~
Thank you so much for answering I looooove recieving questions !!
These headcannons are for the Percy Platoon so :
• Percival
• Nasiens
• Anne
• Donny
• Lancelot, honorary member
▪︎ Percival cooks for the Platoon every day just like his grandpa did for him . Seeing his friends faces light up when they try his food makes his day .
▪︎ Anne loves tending to Donny's hair . Whenever it gets to long or too tangled for Donny to handle, Anne will huff, grab his hand and pull him to sit down so that she can take care of his hair . Sometimes she combs it or trims it or pulls it into cute hairstyles . Donny complains and groans loudly when his hair ends up being covered in little bows and ribbons but deep down he still appreciates it .
▪︎ The Platoon goes on daily jogs or do little exercices to help Nasiens build up his stamina .
▪︎ Sometimes Percival gets nightmares about his grandpa's death and wakes up in sweat and tears . Despite being sleepy, the Platoon always rushes to his side to comfort him . Donny throws his arm around Percy's. Anne uses her hands to wipe the tears tracks of his cheeks and push his hair out of his face, Nasiens squeezes his hands until they stop shaking and Lancelot curls up to Percy's side in his fox form. Even after Percy eventually falls asleep they still stay close to him, looking out for him .
▪︎ Everyone carries Lancelot around in his fox form . Donny keep him on his shoulder, Anne carries him under his armpits, Nasiens cradles him like a baby ( he only does this when Lance is asleep tho, cause he would never let him do that if he was awake ) and Percy hugs him to his chest .
Fuck these are really short, I wish I could continue but I'm really tired lol,I'll do a part two .
Thanks @mertylmylove for this I looooove answering questions like these !!
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taeloke · 2 months
Got more headcanons for percival platoon?👀
Sorry your headcanons were so good.!😚
I'm glad you like them! I was able to come up with them thanks to the ask. Let's see how an extension will turn out... 🤔
Once the Platoon learns Nasiens is a fairy, as soon as their shock dies down, Anne and Donny will ask if Nasiens can fly. Why? Because flying is awesome, dammit!
Either King or Tioreh will teach Nasiens how to float.
Donny misses his arrow-caused undercut that Percival gave him, but he will never dare to try getting his hair cut like that again. It's gonna happen, though.
Donny and Anne have gotten a lot closer in the 2 years they spent (mostly) alone on missions together... They've developed several inside jokes that they'll apologize to the team for later.
Lancelot subtly manipulated the team in minor ways, too. That's how he gradually improved their manners and toned down their exaggerated assumptions of what Liones would be like. He tried everything he could to prepare them, but he toned his morally-gray effort down after Anne confronted him about his secrets and lack of trustworthiness.
Sleeping in a cuddle pile became an unconscious habit for the Percy Platoon. Some members of the Tristan Platoon are jealous.
Donny cheats in carnival games and Anne complains about it until he wins the grand prize--then she hopes it's a gift for her or can be sold for a lot of money.
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hantheheart · 2 months
yknow what
i got some 4kota headcanons/thoughts
im gonna share em
Donny has the uncanny ability to make every single member of the Percy and Tristan Platoons to act their age. They'll be in the middle of doing something important and Donny will run over with a drink and yell "IM GONNA CHUG THIS, SOMEONE TIME ME!" and half the group are pulling out watches or something while the other half cheer and encourage him on and as soon as he's collapsed from not trying to breathe through that, they're back to serious mature mode. Percy often makes it much worse because he overestimates everyone else's limits and they're dumb teenagers, why would they pay attention to that. Meliodas has found them all in a heap before from trying some stupid thing Donny and Percy came up with in the middle of the night.
Lancelot and Anne are catty lil gossips. They talk mad shit all the time. Affectionately when its about their friends of course, but anyone else and they'll talk some life ruining shit up for the fun of it. They're Mean Girls TM and they definitely drag Tristan and Isolde into doing "spa nights" which is just them fuckin around with each other's hair and gossiping. Tristan is a closeted gossip, he feels bad about it but that boy can pin you like its nothing for the most inane, deep cutting things.
I definetly need someone to draw Anne putting a face mask on Lance while he talks shit about their friends or something. Tag me in that shit if you draw them being catty, i need that in my life
Thanks to his fairy heritage, Nasiens is just crazy good with plants and has a bunch he keeps in whatever place he stays in. He makes a point to learn what kind of smells his friends all like and find plants that smell like that. I don't know if perfume would be in his repertoire, but I can't imagine him not trying to make smelly things like that for his friends.
Jade gets on pretty well with Donny and the two of them tend to gravitate together when the groups convene. Something about being the "normal" guy of their respective platoons makes it easier for them to chat.
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keepmeinmind-01 · 4 months
Hi! Will Percival and Theseus meet again in the future? What's your headcanon on their past? I really enjoyed their friendship during the captivity. Having Percy so broken was heartbreaking. Yet he still looked at Theseus as someone who could save him (it was awful of Grindelwald to mock him for that). It was really validating when he told Newt about the vow after everything. Did the meeting rekindled something between Thes and Percy? I assume that Grindelwald knew about their past when he captured Theseus? What's his view on past and present relationship between Percy and Theseus?
mild spoilers for my fic keep me in mind!
but mostly just Theseus and Percival backstory
Hello and thank you for your question!! :D The way they meet is a little convoluted because of the wartime context, so brace yourself for a massive set of paragraphs ahaha.
Yes, they will meet again in the future. Percival comes back into the plot after I finish this arc (which ends with the canon plot of SOD) and start the next one. Until then, he’s essentially in a recovery facility. Then I have quite a few interactions, etc, planned for them, although I’m still building out the subplot that involves Percy for the last bit. If I ever get the numbers or dates weird, it’s on me LOL.
My headcanon on their past! I don’t know how historically accurate it is LOL but here goes. So I write Theseus as having gone to the front a few months after WW1 begins, being one of the first/the first surviving wizard to have broken Evermonde’s decree. A few million British soldiers did survive the entire war from start to finish, even if the average lifespan was quite short, so I imagine Theseus having served the whole way through (age 25-29). So he’d have the “Pip, Squeak, and Wilfred” set of medals.
I then imagine Percival has joined the war roughly at the time America entered, which would be in about 1917, where MACUSA was deliberately sending in higher level officers to essentially monitor the situation, keep a low profile, etc, as Percival is (in my headcanon) about 8 years older than Theseus and consistently a rank higher.
Theseus, like a lot of British soldiers, was deployed to France in 1914. I headcanon he was then reassigned to Ypres, Belgium in around 1916, after the Second Battle of Ypres but before the Battle of Passchendaele. Percival would have landed in 1917, earlier than the majority of American troops, who arrived in 1918 for the German Spring Offensive, because as a Senior Auror he wouldn’t have needed the same training time as civilian troops and was on a slightly different mission anyway.
So they both end being in the field in Belgium at the same time, but in different places. At this point, Theseus has been promoted from private to lance corporal to corporal and is commanding his unit section. Awful things were going on in Belgium at this time, in particular war crimes against civilians, so a lot of effort was targeted there.
I see MACUSA as sending a handful of people in not necessarily as foot soldiers, but more to keep an eye on things, passing through regiments, being more flexible on the Statue and so on, just because I feel like it aligns with US policy at the time, where they partly only entered the war (“belligerency”) to gain a foothold in the later international treaties and debates that’d follow. That and the early American attacks were ineffective and recycled some of the old tactics already used by European forces earlier on, so I could sort of see MACUSA wanting to do some kind of patriotic intervention.
So I imagine that therefore, in early 1917, Theseus is defending a Belgian village/civilians with his platoon. The village is lightly shelled to break the defence and then they’re attacked by the troops from the Central Powers. But the perimeter defence is killed, etc, and Theseus and the others end up having to surrender after a drawn out fight. It’s an incredibly tough fight where most of the Allied troops are killed along with lots of the civilians in proximity.
Therefore, the survivors of the platoon are taken as prisoners of war, including Theseus. As a corporal, Theseus probably wouldn’t have been interrogated for intelligence because there’d be the officer and sergeant ranking above him. But he uses magic during the fight to try and protect fellow soldiers and the Belgian civilians, a few things that aren’t really dramatic or noticeable (I don’t think he’d have had the power or reserves) but enough that the captors note this strange phenomenon.
Once Theseus is in the POW camp, Percival, who’s kind of bouncing around units/faking his death, etc, is in the area and senses a magical signature. Theseus gets interrogated a bit but has no special intelligence. Percival observes this and considers leaving him (in theory, the POW camps weren’t a death sentence, but they were pretty awful regardless) to continue his mission, but then after a few days of observation, Theseus is pushed to the point of doing accidental magic. So Percival has to just get him out ASAP as damage cleanup to avoid the Statue getting absolutely destroyed (although Theseus has already broken the Statue a load of times, especially in some of the earlier gas attacks, but this could get high level quite quickly in a POW camp vs on the chaotic battlefield).
Percival then breaks in and helps Theseus escape. But they’re caught and have to full-on apparate out as they’re about to be executed. That’s the incident they talk about in one of the earlier chapters where it was right down to the wire in terms of getting shot by a rifle LOL. Percival is “fresher” and a bit more skilled than Theseus, who’s been essentially living as a Muggle for a few years with rusty magic, so they fake new identities and join another unit. This is Percival’s first taste of being in the trenches for a long period of time and having to act fully like a Muggle. This goes on for a few more months where they’re actually fighting side by side until Percival gets an owl. Which is for the more senior Americans (which he is as a Senior Auror) out in the field to regroup in Ukraine, because the British Ministry has started a programme on the Eastern Front involving dragons.
I’ll be honest here, I can’t remember if I wrote that Theseus manages to get home and briefly report back to the Ministry or goes straight there with Percival (so please forgive the inconsistency on this, as I think I wrote Newt as believing Theseus “followed” him to the eastern front but it wasn’t quite as deliberate as that haha). They travel with magic, some help from other agents, etc. Percival has got a solid rep at MACUSA so they’re keen to get him there safe for his excellent leadership skills. Of course, when Theseus rocks up, Newt’s there too. Which gobsmacks Theseus but also is classic Newt ahaha.
From there until a month before the end of the war, the three of them are there. Percival and Newt both go back as soon as the programme fails (Percival because he’s extracted, Newt because he’s devastated/furious at the Ministry killing the dragons) and Theseus does clean up for that last month. Hence Newt having to pick him up when he goes back on a conventional troop carrier, as the Ministry doesn’t want to expose any of the wizards among the Muggle troops.
I headcanon that they become friends at first and then the spark grows until in Ukraine, where they do become lovers (and have a physical relationship LOL). It’s kind of a situational thing but the attraction is quite deep and they’ve been through a lot together. Then, after the war, it’s easy for Theseus to find Percival, and they start a sort of relationship again.
It lasts barely two months and devolves into hookups as the two get busier and busier with work and generally more distant in different continents. They end up going back to friends because it’s clear it doesn’t quite work for either of them. They’re not quite long term compatible, they decide, just personality-wise, with Percival being the more decisive in breaking it off. And then in about two years, Theseus meets Leta, by which point they’re colleagues with no trace of the old feelings.
Haha, that was so long. I didn’t manage to get it smoothly into the captivity part of the story because there wasn’t much pacing leeway unless I did a massive flashback, but once more, your excellent question has made me realise it’s got to get written in somewhere rather than just floating around in my head LOL. Or maybe I do it as a linked one shot. In a way, it’s kind of fate, because Percy saved Theseus and then Theseus saved Percy :D
I wouldn’t say it necessarily rekindled something in a significant sense. It definitely helped them both, just because Percival was so touch and affection starved for something from a normal person (sorry, Grindelwald) that he was just instantly hit with the feels, but Theseus is also still being eaten alive by his grief over Leta. So there’s a bit of that intimate spark from surviving something awful together there which almost straddles any kind of relationship description, whether it’s friends, lovers, etc. Sort of like they might be happy to experiment again in the future, and definitely are desperate to see one another again as friends if nothing else, but probably don’t imagine a long term romantic relationship together.
As Grindelwald knew basically everything about Percival’s life, he did know, as you’ve said :) I honestly think he didn’t care that much about the past relationship, to the extent where he’s like “Ohh, the Auror from Paris is the same man from Belgium?? Ohhh, I forgot.” He doesn’t massively approve of the war and might see it as being born of violence, being too physical, etc, but I don’t think he’d really be too bothered about it. The present one annoyed him because he could tell it was making Percival less loyal. I don’t know if Grindelwald romantically loves Percival so much as he loves him like an object (not like Vinda, with some more genuine feeling, but there’s only space in his heart for Albus).
I think he could even consider a relationship between Theseus and Percival, if it ever happened (I’m not writing them as endgame, but might play with the boundaries between friends and friends with something extra a little) as useful in some form, as it gets the targets together. He might feel a bit bad for Percival though, given how much he hates Theseus for tricking him, in Grindelwald logic LOL.
I hope this all makes sense :)
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winterlogysblog · 21 days
Random Headcanons
- Fairies smoke. They get high, oh they get so high. (Thanks @sydns for putting this idea in my head lol) The Fairy King's Forest has a spot where one can find the highest quality of herbs, one of the reasons why humans try to enter the forest in the first place. There are also far more crazier things that can be found in the Fairy Realm. None of the Sins know that King smokes because he didn't during his time with the Sins, his argument being that humans don't sell the good stuff. The first time anyone has actually seen King and Elaine smoke is at Gilthunder and Margaret's wedding.
- Goddess shed their feathers as they grow. It's kind of a weird sight to see
- Goddess and Fairies are known to have beautiful voices. The question of whose better is very subjective depends on who you ask. When a Goddess sings they bring a heavenly and ethereal feel. When a Fairy sings it's more enchanting and whimsical.
- Lancelot slept on Chastiefol once. Best nap ever.
- Lancelot became a bit overprotective over the Percy Platoon after the incident because he doesn't want anyone getting hurt again
- Lancelot didn't speak to Sixtus for months after Sixtus received Magliastira. Lance is just upset he didn't get a cool weapon
- Mael cried when he found out that Tristan named his swords after him
- Meliodas would sometimes talk to the horses in the castle stables, sometimes Ban would join in. King apologizes to the horses on their behalf
- Lancelot and Sixtus would use birds to carry messages to each other.
- Gowther taught Tristan how to curse in Demon language
- Gowther is Sixtus' favorite Uncle. "His weirdness is endearing." Sixtus said.
- Zeldris and Mael would sometimes have their own little tea parties in the Demon Realm. Meliodas found out about it and got upset he wasn't invited. "You don't even like tea." Zeldris argued. "That's not the point! It's the thought that matters, it's about a get together between brothers" after that they invited Meliodas, he really didn't last long.
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taeloke · 2 months
Percy platoon(Lancelot, Anne,Nasiens, Donny,percy) headcanons? Like on what they always do together or just random headcanons.👀👀👀
Gonna stream-of-consciousness this one-
Back when the team knew Lancelot as Sin, they first gave him raw meat instead of Percival's cooking. After a few nights of cooking that raw meat alone after everyone else ate, Lancelot made a complaint and they gave him his own gourmet serving ever since.
Whenever Percival's around, archery is a forbidden subject.
On some nights, they play social/icebreaker games together until they pass out. Games like Truth or Dare aren't allowed because Anne and Lancelot can't play without cheating. Well, Lancelot could...but he won't.
ANYONE who tries to fuck with their power of friendship will regret it. No exceptions. Sins and equivalent powers included. This is a law of nature.
"For the last time, Donny...that isn't going to kill anyone. Stop being such a scaredy-cat."
Nasiens has received countless basic-level medical questions from the others. He gives them routine checkups and has tried prescribing medicine for them, but they always forget to take them after the first offer. Lancelot simply refuses to take any medicine.
A while after the Cant incident, Anne was given one more chance to be in charge of the Percy Platoon's funds. The result was a financial disaster, even after Meliodas pardoned their debt.
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smokerswifey · 21 days
You any headcanons for newly awake percival and the percy platoon? (Anne,Donny Nasiens, Lancelot)?
There reactions, random headcanons.
Coming right up 😉😉
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