#Performance Parts Store USA
ridingsportsusa · 4 months
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 months
Tomorrow X Together on new music, US tour: 'Never expected' fans to show 'this much love'
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Members of Tomorrow X Together, the wildly popular K-pop group, have come of age during a rapid ascension in the music industry. Quickly after the quintet debuted in 2019, they started winning top awards and peaking on both Korean and American charts. Last year, the group's third album hit No. 3 on the Billboard 200, they headlined Lollapalooza and won a MTV Music Video Award.
Since their beginning, TXT's music has kept to the narrative of a boy's journey through life. As the members themselves have matured in the spotlight, the process of growing up has been influential for the discography.
Just as people reach reflection points on the cusp of moving from one part of life into the next, TXT's newest release, "minisode 3: TOMORROW," finds the guys contemplating their past and hoping for the future.
"This album is all about being reminded of the promises of the past and going on a search for 'you' who I shared a promise with," Taehyun, 22, told USA TODAY.
'minisode 3: TOMORROW' furthers Tomorrow X Together's narrative
This album is Tomorrow X Together's third under the "minisode" title. These releases have always been a bridge that connects the larger chapters in quintet's music.
As for "minisode 3: TOMORROW", it speaks about life and reality, said Soobin, 23, the group's leader.
The new album references Tomorrow X Together's prior moments, highlighting how nostalgia intersects with growth.
"We had a look back on some of the lyrics of our past songs and the music videos like 'Nap of a star'," said Taehyun. Lyrics in the lead single "Deja Vu" also give nods to some of the group's first singles "9 and Three Quarters (Run Away)" and "CROWN".
With this album, the members wanted to capture their unique identifying quality: Storytelling.
Over the years, the members have become more involved in the creative process, said Hueningkai, 21. "As we try and channel our honest, personal stories into the album, I think it helps me realize more and more who I am as an artist."
Understanding Tomorrow X Together's creative process
The members have become more ambitious when it comes to sharing their perspectives within their songs. "Rather than drawing inspiration from an outside source, I think it provided us with an opportunity to look back on our own lives," said Soobin.
"It's a crucial part that we cannot miss out on in order to make sure our stories more compelling and convincing," said Taehyun.
In particular "Deja Vu" is full of impact, said Beomgyu, 23, exhibiting "how much we've grown and how far we've come." The song infuses rage and emo rock, underscoring TXT's versatile sonic range.
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Tomorrow X Together US tour, reflecting on debut anniversary
In support the latest release, TXT is set to embark on its third US tour May 14. The group will be performing in eight cities including Los Angeles, New York City and Washington D.C.
The members are looking forward to seeing their fans and visiting cities they haven't been to yet. As for the shows, Beomgyu said there's "so much in store," adding, "I'm excited to show you guys what we have prepared."
The group celebrated its half-decade anniversary March 4. The last five years have been filled with many accomplishments and accolades. Stand-outs included performing at stadiums for Soobin to attending and performing at the MTV VMAs for Beomgyu.
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For Yeonjun, 24, he is thankful the members have made it safely to this point and he hopes to continue this in the future.
"The most important thing would be that we will still be together all the members and our beloved MOA," said Yeonjun. "My hope is that a decade into our debut, we would still be dancing and singing in front of our fans together."
On theme with "minisode 3: TOMORROW" and its reflection of the past, the members are proud of how far they have come.
"I never expected that I would end up receiving this much love and I think it's a huge blessing and I'm so grateful for that," said Yeonjun.
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork, Davy Jones, and Micky Dolenz with Ben Savage, Rider Strong, Jeff Sherman, Danielle Fishel, and Rhino managing director Harold Bronson on the set of the Boy Meets World episode “Rave On” (aired on November 17, 1995). Photos by ABC Photo Archives/Disney General Entertainment Content via Getty Images, and unknown.
“‘I’ve sung Monkees songs all my life,’ quips Tork, 53, between chomps of a candy bar on the ‘Boy Meets World’ set in Hollywood. ‘I had almost forgotten how [to sing other songs]. I have never sung anything else in 30 years. In the shower, I sing nothing but Monkees songs. The same songs over and over. I sing all the parts. That’s all I ever sing.’
Well, not really. In fact, Tork released his own album this year, ‘Stranger Things Have Happened.’ ‘It’s kind of middle-of-the-road, up pop,’ he says. ‘Micky and [ex-Monkee] Mike Nesmith sing backup on a couple of songs. If it isn’t available in your local record store, you can get it by calling 1-800-Not-Ribs-0!’
In the ‘Rave On’ episode, Cory (Ben Savage) and Eric (Will Fredel) enlist the help of three of their parents’ friends (guess who?) after their plans to combine an underground party and a surprise wedding anniversary party backfire.
‘I was in the show last year playing the same character,’ says Tork, who plays Jedidiah, the father of Cory’s love interest, Topanga (Danielle Fishel). Dolenz also has previously been on the series as family friend Gordy.
‘My thing is I am, like, some guy who shows up [that] the parents had met 20 years ago,’ offers Jones, 49. ‘I sort of, like, house crash.’
The reason?
‘I’m here to protect you,’ he says wryly.
‘He’s the eldest, you see,’ pipes in Jones. ‘You probably figured that out.’
Yes, your birth dates were printed on the back of your first album, ‘The Monkees.’
‘They lied [about my age],’ Tork confesses. ‘They lied because they didn’t want anybody 24 [in the group].’
‘I didn’t realize that,’ says Jones, the youngest. ‘What’s your name again?’
‘George Harrison,’ Tork deadpans.
[...] The trio still seem to exude the goofy chemistry that endeared them to millions of teeny-boppers in 1966. Sitting in the empty bleacher area of the darkened sound stage, the group jokes and banters around. Though Tork has already chatted with the set visitor, he’s decided to sit in with Dolenz and Jones.
So what’s it like to be performing together and not playing the Monkees?
‘That’s all I have ever done in my life is to play a character,’ replies Dolenz, 50, who sports a tiny ponytail. ‘The Monkees was a character I played.’
‘No! No!,’ Tork retorts. ‘You were that character.’
Dolenz looks up at Tork. ‘Are you going to do this interview for me?,’ he says with mock disdain. ‘Thank you.’
‘I am here to keep the record straight,’ Tork says with a smile.
‘I always approached [the Monkees] as a part I was playing,’ Dolenz says. ‘I remember Bob Rafelson, the director and creator, talking about it and the original brief on my part was Jerry Lewis. They wanted a Jerry Lewis-type. They wanted a Huntz Hall-type. They wanted a Will Rogers-type.’
‘And,’ Jones interrupts, ‘a Peter Tork-type.’
‘You’ve got to remember, the reality was that the Monkees was not a band,’ Dolenz continues. ‘But a TV show about a band. We became a band in every sense of the word. But we do a lot of acting. Peter just did a thing on “Wings,” didn’t you?’
‘Yep,’ Tork replies. (Tork’s appearance as himself on ‘Wings’ airs Tuesday.)
‘I just did “The Love Bug” for a movie-of-the-week,’ Dolenz says. ‘I’m doing a series for USA called “Pacific Blue” where I play the mayor of Santa Monica. I’m also directing.’
Though Jones isn’t a big fan of sitcoms, doing ‘Boy Meets World’ is ‘a fabulous way of getting exposure’ for their upcoming 30th-anniversary tour.
‘What I find so incredible,’ Dolenz concludes, ‘is the entire project only lasted two years. I have had dinner parties that were longer than the original project. And here we are!’” - Los Angeles Times, November 12, 1995
“The networks and studio then (stupidly) told me the Monkees appearance was not be ‘an event’ for them unless I could get all four. Did I mention networks can be stupid? They ordered me to enlist Mike Nesmith, too. Micky had warned me this would never happen, but I valiantly tried; called Mike Nesmith at home. He listened to my pitch and, after a rather long moment of silence, in his slow Texan drawl, he flatly told me, ‘I'd really rather not.’ Micky explained that, for years, Mike was not very anxious to appear as a Monkee -- he'd moved on. [...]
Maybe a half-hour before our evening taping, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall, lanky fellow with dark glasses and big sideburns slip by me and into the dressing room area. Michael Nesmith had shown up! All four of the Monkees were here in the same place -- for the very first time in years and years. I could see them through the little window to the area, shaking hands, hugging, laughing. Unbelievable!
As a major Monkees nut from when the show originally aired on NBC, this was dreamlike. I couldn't figure it out. Mike told me there was no way he wanted any part of this. My friend, Harold Bronson, who co-founded and was running Rhino Records (and arguably the biggest Monkees fan in the world, next to me), explained to me that Rhino had recently re-released all the Monkees albums on CD and they had all gone multi platinum. Because the guys were all going to be gathered, he invited Mike down to take photos with Davy, Micky and Peter backstage on our set with their platinum records!
My boss, Michael Jacobs, found me gawking through the window, slapped my back and said, ‘Sherm? Go get him!’ He said that Mike Nesmith was physically here in this building and, as a producer, it was my duty to go get him to appear with the other guys. I explained, again, that Nesmith had turned us down. He repeated, ‘Get! Him!’ He literally pushed me through the door.
Sort of awestruck and scared at the same time, I paced up to the four guys. Micky saw me and said, ‘Hey Jeff, come meet Mike!’ I came over, shook his hand and introduced myself as the fellow who'd called him a couple of weeks ago. He stared at me a beat, then half nodded. Mike went back to talking to Micky and the guys. It was very warm between all of them. It was truly beautiful. I heard them talking about maybe going into a rehearsal hall together, ‘See what we sound like,’ Mike said.
My mouth dropped open. This was rock 'n roll history and I was standing right there witnessing it. All the guys were really into it, started making plans of when and where. I didn't want to interrupt this, sort of backed away. Turning, I saw my boss staring at me through the window, insistently pointing at Mike. I took a deep breath, walked back up. Mike slowly turned to me. I said something like, ‘So, Mike, you know we're shooting the show in a couple of minutes. Since you're here and since it would be such an incredible --’
‘I'd really rather not,’ he twanged. He stared me down, then returned to chatting with Davy, Micky and Peter about an out of the way rehearsal hall he knew about where no one would bother them. I backed out of the room, through the swinging door and Michael Jacobs said, ‘Well?!’ I explained that Nesmith did not want to be on our show. Michael explained that no one ever wants to do these things, but it was my job as a producer to get back in there and convince him. Two network people walked up and seconded that.
Fearing my job was on the line, I took a deep breath and went back in. Covering my abject fear and loathing with a nervous grin, I slowly walked back up to the guys who were all excitedly talking about meeting up and jamming. Micky, then Davy, then Peter saw me nearing again. I never got a word out. The last one to turn, very slowly and deliberately, was Mike Nesmith. Laser beams were shooting from his eyes through my soul. He slapped his knees, slowly stood WAY up and said one last time, definitively, slowly and with a deeper tone -- ‘I'd... really... rather... not.’ I think I maybe whimpered ‘'K,’ gave a wimpy finger salute and somehow escaped from the room.
Emerging again, my boss, the network folks and now our entire staff moved back from watching me through the portal. ‘Well!?’
‘He'd... really rather not,’ I sighed, and hurried off to look for something to drink and update my resume.
The rest of the night was dreamlike. The whole week was, in fact. It was electric rock 'n roll literally and emotionally in that t.v. studio. Great laughs, great energy. Everyone there knew this was a rare and special night. Even the moments with actor Dave Madden (Manager ‘Reuben Kincaid’ from The Partridge Family) were huge laughs. Everything was perfect.
Nesmith never did appear on the episode, but it was incredibly thrilling to see Micky, Davy and Peter perform live together. They sang live to playback tracks they'd recorded together earlier in the week -- and YES -- they really played and sang and REALLY PLAYED AND SANG amazingly at the session. I was there. What great musicians and vocalists they were together. What classic interplay and rhythm in their acting, as well! The episode was incredible and got huge, huge ratings. [...] I hope people will go back and watch the ‘Rave On!’ episode -- and think -- Mike Nesmith was just maybe 50 feet away!” - Art Brodsky, Huffington Post, March 4, 2012
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followthebluebell · 2 years
Hi there! About a week ago I got a two month old puppy (a pomsky, so cute! ♡) I was thinking of trying to train her to be an emotional support animal, is there any advice or resources you could point me to to help me do so?
aww that sounds super cute! <3
ok, before i really delve into this topic, i want to cover the differences between an ESA, a service dog, and a therapy animal. This is specifically about the US, even more specifically about California. Different countries may have different standards and I know different states have different laws about service animal accessibility.
So, an emotional support animal (ESA) is a pet with a job. They don't have to do anything in particular. Their job is to Simply Exist, and that's a pretty important job. They don't have access rights (ie, you can't just bring them everywhere you go unless pets are specifically allowed) but they do have housing rights. Pet-free housing has to make an exception for ESAs. Personally, I think every emotional support dog should complete basic obedience training at the very least, because that's just part of dog ownership.
There's no registry or certification for ESAs. Any online certification or registry you see is an outright SCAM. Please don't support them. All that's required is a letter from your therapist/mental health professional (which has to be kept up to date, btw) that says your mental/emotional health benefits from having an emotional support animal. And even that is only required for housing reasons. In the US, ESAs are exempt from paying pet fees with regards to housing.
you can just... call your dog an ESA.
A therapy animal is specifically trained for therapy in a public setting (ie, hospitals, hospice homes, etc). Some programs exist to train them specifically. These animals have to go through specific training to ensure they are calm and confident around strangers since their literal job is 'give comfort to this stranger'.
They typically go through a veterinarian's assessment and, again, you won't find any reputable online 'therapy dog certification' programs. Again, these are scams. Therapy dogs DO have to complete certifications through an actual program to be recognized.
Therapy dogs don't have public access rights either or reduced/waived housing fees. They are not service dogs.
There's a lot of cross-over between therapy dogs and facility dogs. Facility dogs are generally attached to specific facilities, like schools, health care facilities, or courthouses. They're typically handled by professionals, while therapy dogs are usually owner handled. Therapy dogs are generally privately owned dogs that volunteer their time with a specific organization and visit different places.
Finally, you've got service dogs. Right off the bat, I want to point out that, for the first time, I'm specifically saying 'service DOG' and not 'service ANIMAL'. This is because, in the US, the only service animals recognized are dogs and miniature horses (usually used for mobility work since they live a lot longer than dogs). No other animal can qualify as a service animal in the USA. Just those two species.
Service dogs are medical equipment. They are specifically trained to assist their disabled handler in day-to-day living. As medical equipment, they have public access rights (ie, they can go to the grocery store or school with their handler). These dogs go through extremely rigorous training to ensure they are calm, confident, and comfortable in public settings. The training tends to be pretty expensive both in time and money. It can take up to two years to fully train a service dog and they can wash out at any time. The drop-out rate for service dogs is somewhere between 50-70%.
Service dogs can perform all kinds of tasks. The most commonly known ones are probably guide dogs, but there are also hearing dogs, mobility dogs, medical alert dogs (this is where most of Truffle's tasks are), autism service dogs, and psychiatric service dogs.
Where I live, it's fully legal for an owner to self-train their service dog. Service dogs in training also have access rights in my state. Mileage may vary there, because some states don't allow that access except to certain dog training programs.
Once again, online registries and certification programs are a scam. In the US, there's no registration or certification for service dogs. Some counties may provide service dog tags, but these aren't required anywhere. Service dogs also aren't required to wear vests or anything that identifies them as service dogs.
Service dogs don't have UNLIMITED access rights--- service dogs aren't permitted in sterile rooms, for example, or areas where their presence would be an undue hardship (like a walk-in aviary in a zoo is fully in their rights to deny service dogs entry, since their presence could upset the birds). If a service dog is being disruptive or destructive, they can absolutely be required to leave.
anyway, that's a lot of words to say if you want your dog to be an ESA, I recommend finding a nice dog positive reinforcement training class and enrolling. While your dog is a puppy, just... let them be a puppy for a while and don't take their training too seriously. Get into some fun puppy socialization classes. The worst thing I ever did to my dog was make him grow up too fast.
your dog is a literal baby right now. he's gonna have a baby brain for a while. he's gonna be silly so just enjoy that while it lasts. There's no timeline for him to complete.
At the very least, I think pet dogs should be able to complete the Canine Good Citizenship (CGC), so that's a solid place to start.
The AKC (American Kennel Club) has some pretty good resources on that, since it's their test and all. And I'm a big fan of puppy culture in general, since it puts a lot of emphasis on socializing your dog with unfamiliar situations.
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pearlcscent · 1 year
☆ ana luisa fun facts
libra sun leo moon, my venusian fiery girl
her family moved to the usa before she was born; her parents were able to secure great jobs but they require a lot of travel/commitment so ana doesn’t see them very often.
she was raised in a brazilian community, and she had relatives that would watch her after school from time to time.
she became close with her neighbours and often hung out with them and their kids.
as ana’s interest in singing grew, her parents got her a vocal coach at age 9 that ended up mentoring her up until recently.
ana took a “break” a while after seven left; she just needed some time off and hasn’t gone back. she started smoking then.
her vocal coach is still very present in her life, acting almost like an aunt to her. she’s one of ana’s closest friends and probably the biggest mother figure in her life.
ana was quite a lonely child although she could mask it very well; on the outside she was a happy girl with a big smile on her face, always down to play, as charming and friendly as can be; she did everything in her power to fit in and be liked (still does).
i haven’t settled on how seven and ana met although i know she befriended him much to his dismay.
she looked at seven and saw herself in him, so she had to get to know him the way she wanted to be known herself.
ana was definitely annoying at first, always sticking by him regardless of his disregard for her. she didn’t ask a lot of questions at first because she knew she’d find out why and how and what eventually. she talked to him like they had known each other for years, treating him like an imaginary friend who was supposed to know all of her trauma and experiences since day 1. it led to seven asking questions and overall curiosity, which lead to regular conversation, which lead to them becoming actual best friends
eventually you would never see one without the other and they’d spend hours and hours just talking. they’d spend nights together on the roof of ana’s apartment with snacks and eventually alcohol, talking. some days just being in each other’s company was enough, and it was nice.
one day seven heard ana singing and it blew him away. she hadn’t shown that part of herself to him yet and it was the final puzzle piece she was  holding onto. something about sharing that with him felt very scary, since all that people would praise her for or pay attention to her was her singing. she didn’t want to perform for seven in order for him to like her. she wanted him to like her for just who she was so she never sang around him or mentioned she was part of the choir in her church.
ana grew up religious; relying on God for comfort and company. all of her community was very involved in the church, and the most time her and her parents would hang out together would be at church. she was part of the choir and she adored being on stage; it was the only time her parents seemed to pay attention to her and they’d parade her to show off the precious doll they call daughter. this was the start of her superiority complex but also need to be constantly performing in order to get an ounce of attention.
her relationship with God changed once she and seven became closer. suddendly religion was in his voice and mind, then his stare, his touch, his company and loyalty… she didn’t need God anymore, she had seven. and once he left, her sense of faith crumbled and i think she’s still trying to figure that out.
ana thrifts a lot! she also has diy-ed quite a lot of the stuff in her room. she loves to find antique and cool looking items, she loves clutter and making her room look lived in in contrast to other spaces in the house. ana has painted her room a million different times.
she bagged a job at her local thrift shop after going there so much and helping out people in the store (her friendliness and charming smile make her very good at costumer service) despite not having any openings at the moment. the lady that runs it grew a liking to her.
i think ana is looking for a seven replacement unconsciously, and g is the one for the job. we’ll see how that goes for her <3 
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sloggervlogger · 8 months
Hairless Chimp's Tightrope Walk #shorts by SloggerVlogger Hairless Chimp balancing act. An amazing tightrope walk performed by Jambo. No hands are needed. Shop/Merch Links with worldwide delivery: Biggest collection of T-shirts, stickers, caps and much more rawshutterbug Redbubble @ https://rb-ambassador.pxf.io/HairlessChimp #AD #RedbubbleAmbassador Amazon USA Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/sloggervlogger #Ad #AmazonAssociate Travel, Days out and zoo hyperlapse YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/WatchAndSubTravel Customizable T-shirts, stickers, apparel, homeware and much more rawshutterbug Zazzle: https://www.zazzle.com/collections/hairless_chimp_jambo-119785925986234731?rf=238978496872225031 Amazon other countries through my website @ https://msvrvisual.weebly.com/amazon-merch.html rawshutterbug photo4me: Quality wall art @ http://bit.ly/rawshutterbugPhoto4Me The links are like my sidekicks – affiliated buddies! If you decide to buy something through them, I get a tiny high-five in the form of a percentage. And the best part? Your wallet stays blissfully unaware since there are no additional costs for you to worry about! via YouTube https://youtu.be/-4hiymj4btQ
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itsmelowkey27 · 7 months
The United States is a vast and diverse country, offering a wide range of experiences for travelers. From bustling cities to serene natural wonders, there is something for everyone to explore and discover. Whether it's the iconic landmarks of New York City, the breathtaking beauty of the Grand Canyon, or the vibrant music scene in New Orleans, each destination in the USA has its own distinct charm.
One popular destination for travelers in the USA is New York City. Known as "The Big Apple," New York City is a melting pot of cultures and offers a myriad of attractions. Visitors can explore famous landmarks such as Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. The city is also renowned for its world-class museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art. Additionally, Broadway shows, shopping on Fifth Avenue, and dining at diverse culinary establishments are all part of the unique experience that New York City has to offer.
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Another must-visit location in the USA is the Grand Canyon. Located in Arizona, this natural wonder is one of the most breathtaking sights in the world. The vastness and beauty of the Grand Canyon are truly awe-inspiring. Visitors can hike along its rim or venture into its depths on various trails. The canyon also offers stunning viewpoints where one can witness unforgettable sunrises and sunsets. Exploring this geological marvel allows travelers to connect with nature on a profound level.
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New Orleans, located in Louisiana, is another captivating destination in the USA. Known for its vibrant music scene, rich history, and unique cuisine, New Orleans offers a distinct cultural experience. Visitors can immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere of the French Quarter, where jazz music fills the air and street performers entertain passersby. The city is also famous for its annual Mardi Gras celebration, which attracts millions of visitors from around the world. Exploring the historic neighborhoods, indulging in delicious Creole and Cajun cuisine, and experiencing the warmth and hospitality of the locals are all part of the allure of New Orleans.
Accommodation costs can vary significantly depending on the location and type of accommodation you choose. In major cities like New York City or San Francisco, hotel prices tend to be higher compared to smaller towns or rural areas. To save money on accommodation, consider alternatives such as staying in budget hotels, hostels, or even renting a vacation home or apartment through platforms like Airbnb. Additionally, booking in advance and being flexible with your travel dates can help you find better deals.
Transportation: The United States is a vast country with a well-developed transportation system. When it comes to air travel, prices can vary depending on the time of year, airline, and destination. To find the best deals on flights, consider using flight comparison websites or signing up for fare alerts from airlines. If you are traveling within the country, domestic flights can sometimes be more affordable than long-distance train journeys. However, trains can offer a scenic and comfortable way to explore certain regions. For shorter distances or city exploration, public transportation options like buses or subways are usually cost-effective.
Food: Food expenses can vary depending on your preferences and dining choices. Eating out at restaurants can be relatively expensive in popular tourist areas or upscale establishments. To save money on food, consider exploring local markets and grocery stores where you can buy ingredients for self-catering meals. Many cities also have affordable food options such as food trucks, street vendors, or casual eateries that offer delicious meals at lower prices. Taking advantage of happy hour specials or dining during lunchtime when restaurants often have discounted menus can also help stretch your budget.
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Activities and Attractions: The United States offers a wide range of activities and attractions, but some can be quite costly. Prioritize the attractions that interest you the most and research their admission fees in advance. Many cities have free or low-cost attractions such as museums with suggested donations or public parks where you can enjoy outdoor activities. Additionally, consider purchasing city passes or attraction bundles that offer discounted rates for multiple attractions. Taking advantage of free walking tours or exploring nature through hiking trails can also be budget-friendly options.
How to get there:
To use the public bus in New York, just stand at the stop, and as your bus approaches, just signal with your hand that you want the bus to stop. Fares are $2.75 for standard buses, and $6.75 for express buses. Fares can be paid in cash, by MetroCard or using contactless via the OMNY system. If paying in cash, you need to give exact change, and be aware that only coins are accepted as fare – no bills.
Where to stay:
First, we spent a few nights at the budget-friendly Freehand Hotel. The Freehand is part hostel, with smaller-than-average rooms, great common areas (including a nice rooftop), and lower-than-average prices, and part boutique hotel, with stylish decor and good service.
Where to eat:
This temple of Jewish appetizing in Soho is over the top in every way and pulls it off entirely: The lox comes on towers, the waiters yell “HOT BAGELS!” whenever there’s a fresh batch out of the oven, the breakfast sandwich costs $18 (it’s worth it, almost), and the French toast is one of the best things you can eat in NYC.
What to see and do:
New York is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations in the world, due not only to its museums, galleries, and Broadway shows, but also to its sporting events, shopping, and food areas. If you plan to visit this city,
To visit the Statue of Liberty, you must book your ticket or access pass, which includes a roundtrip ferry ride around the statue, so you can take great pictures of Lady Liberty.
Admission costs start at $31 USD per person, which depends on whether you want to access the pedestal, go to the crown of the statue,
Total budget:
Not bad in 4days in the world s most expensive city
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gambeque · 1 year
soo cool to see another remjob, she came to my college and performed and i have been hooked ever since. please part unto us your favorite remi song, im partial to doctor and sally myself
hell yea that's cool. i missed her concert at my college last year i'm hopin she'll do a USA tour again soon 🙏
my favorite song tho ahh maybe guy or liquor store?? also ok the songs she recorded at electric lady go hard
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Gold and Silver For Retirement
Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) can be supported with actual gold and silver, yet not very many investors know about this reality. They are excluded from all capital additions charges, so in the event that your investments perform above and click here to learn more beyond a significant stretch of time, it can bring about colossal savings.
Expanding your retirement portfolio with precious metals is generally required assuming you properly figure out resource allocation (see the Ibbotson study). Furthermore precious metals typically ascend during times of disrupting occasions like conflicts, psychological warfare, expansion, flattening, slumps in the stock market and the US dollar. Precious metals generally return huge profits in these conditions.
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GoldStar isn't a coin vendor, however it will work with sellers who trade precious metal coins and bullion for your IRA on your directions.
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Setting up a personally managed IRA with GoldStar is simple. I will talk about this at the Money Show in Las Vegas in May. Subsequently there are just three moves toward follow.
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The metals are stored at HSBC Bank USA's New York precious metals vault, which is one of the world's biggest and is utilized by COMEX and other significant products trades. Yearly storage expenses are charged at a level charge of $90 each year no matter what the size of the account.
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Eminem:  A Year in Review, 2022
From turning half a century old, late in the year, to being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, Eminem has had a stellar year.  The year 2022 was a busy time in the top-selling artist’s career.  He marked 20 years for 2 albums in his repertoire, The Eminem Show as well as the 8 Mile Soundtrack.  Celebrating both, two new anniversary albums were created & brought out with extra songs for them both including a handful of instrumentals on each.  There was also an album created for his many, many hits:  Curtain Call 2.  All three projects came with posts online offering clothing, collectibles & more. A lyric video for the great 2010’s Won’t Back Down, featuring Pink, was a highlight for some fans that have been enjoying the skills put into Eminem’s lyric videos that are included in Shady Records signed artists’ videos as well.  In part of the celebrations for Curtain Call 2, Eminem’s cover of the album was made into a mural in his hometown, Detroit, Michigan USA.  
 Further, Eminem was part of the all-star Hip-Hop halftime show at the 56th Superbowl which made history as the first ever all hip-hop/R&B line-up.  To celebrate the season Eminem gave us Shady Football that offered a clothing line to enjoy.  His restaurant, Mom’s Spaghetti Detroit celebrated big in New York as well as Los Angles & also hit their first year in business at a stationary location. As well, Marshall’s memorabilia shop, The Trailer, located above Mom’s Spaghetti in Detroit, had also been up & running for a year as of September 29th, 2022. As well, this year fans saw Marshall make it out to be a wonderful piece of the Detroit Lions Football club’s Hardknocks series on HBO Plus.  Eminem made his fans truly happy to see him sporting sunglasses & a smile at the event, showing the world he was full of quick wit & good humor.  In early Fall this year Eminem was XXL Magazine’s cover once again, but this time for their 25th Anniversary issue. Along with the cover Marshall gave us an incredible article & an equally incredible photo shoot.  It was an amazing year for the fans of Eminem, even without the “new” album some wanted so badly.  
 Getting in on the fun, Eminem took part of the B.A.Y.C’s (Bored Ape Yacht Club) spree that was running like wildfire during 2022.  Doing videos, making appearances & performing came from this venture in 2022 for Eminem.  To give fans an incredible look into the man behind the amazing art, Marshall & friends separately took a seat with PaulPod, a podcast that spanned weeks with manager Paul Rosenberg at the helm.   The Youtube’s 50 Million Subscribers Club, Minions, Elvis, Shazam, UFC & Spiderman all meant something to Eminem fans as he joined all of these aforementioned in this year, 2022.  Eminem took you to the cleaners, he took you to the trailer park.  He also gave us his early musical influences (over 100 listed) on Spotify & so much more – all for his fans.  What will 2023 have in store for our favorite superhero, Marshall B. Mathers III?  Only time will tell.  One thing I’ve learnt - you can’t rush an artist for their art, they must feel it so that you will, in turn, feel & experience it yourselves.  The saying goes:  All good things to those who wait.  2023 – here we come!  ~
 From C./Inkhouse5
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ridingsportsusa · 3 months
Premium Performance Parts for Motorcycles in USA #performanceparts #moto...
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bongianimuseum · 1 year
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Nato nel 1928 a Osaka, in Giappone.
1947 / Frequenta l'atelier del maestro Jiro Yoshihara, dove produce la sua prima opera "Høie".                       
1948 / Prende parte alla mostra "Sette artisti d'avanguardia" presso il department store Kintet-su a Osaka.                                                                                                                                                          
1950 / I laureati del Gakuin University Kansai in Hyugo.                                                                              
1953 / Partecipa alla prima mostra del gruppo Genbi, con Jiro Yoshihara,. Diver si giovani artisti che espongono si uniranno al gruppo Gutai .                       
1954 / Fonda Gutai con Jiro Yoshihara. Partecipa alle più importanti mostre Gutai.                                         
1955/ Alla prima mostra Gutai presenta un lavoro rivoluzionario per essere vissuto e goduto dal corpo: "Prego, camminate qui". Il lavoro è stato ricostruito nel 1993. 1956 / In occasione della mostra a cielo aperto Gutai mostra la sua opera realizzata attraverso l'utilizzo di un cannone a mano che verrà presentata alla Biennale di Venezia del 1993, in cui bottiglie di vetro contenenti pigmenti sono gettati ed esplodere il colore direttamente sulla tela 1957 / Mostra il suo video pionieristico arte alla mostra Gutai prestazioni. Un altro dei suoi lavori, un lavoro sonoro, che può essere considerato come musica concreta, è inserito nella Raccolta Centro Pompidou...                
1970 / Produttore artistico per 1000 spose al Festival EXPO
1976 / Partecipa a un progetto di Mail Art che coinvolge 60 paesi e con una rete di 8000 scambi. Crea una strada con 10.000 giornali lungo il lato del fiume Mukogawa 1992 / Mentre continua a produrre nuove opere, diventa Presidente della Japan Society Arte e Cultura di disabili-persona (ora Arte Giappone) e organizza la prima mostra su larga scala di persone disabili in Osaka. Nello stesso anno viene intervistato di Jane Kennedy Smith per il quotidiano più famoso giapponese, Mainichi Shinbun 1993 / Invitato a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia come membro del Gutai 1994 / Invitato ad esporre al Guggenheim (New York) 1996 / Shimamoto viene proposto come candidato per il Premio Nobel per la Pace in riconoscimento delle sue attività pacifiste da numerose riunioni Bern Porter, il medico che ha fatto la bomba atomica sganciata su Hiroshima.
1997 / Unico artista giapponese dopo la Restaurazione Meiji ad avere la sua foto in Storia dell'Arte, pubblicato da l'America Album
1998 / Invitato come uno dei primi quattro migliori artisti del mondo dal dopoguerra, insieme a Jackson Pollock, John Cage e Lucio Fontana, a partecipare a una mostra al MOMA (USA) 1999 / Invitato ancora una volta a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia, con David Bowie e Yoko Ono 2000 / Tiene una mostra a Parigi (Unesco) e propone una collaborazione artistica in Francia, co-sponsorizzata dall'Unesco del Giappone e dalla Felissimo Museo. Inizia la creazione di un lavoro enorme che sarà conservata da 100 anni a Shin Nishinomiya (Prefettura di Hyogo. 
2001/ Invitato alla manifestazione Giappone Anno a Londra. Alcune opere sono assegnati alla Tate Modern da inserire nella collezione.
2003 / Invitato a partecipare alla Biennale di Venezia (Extra 50)
2004 / Performance con un elicottero vicino a Venezia.  Performance Nyotaku a Ca 'Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna (Venezia). Tre opere ora appartengono alla collezione della galleria.
2005 / Performance con Elicottero a Trevi e mostra al Trevi Flash Art Museum.  Mostra personale a Reggio Emilia (Pari & Dispari Agency, Italia). Realizzazione dell'opera piccola d'arte nel mondo, utilizzando nanotecnologie, per realizzare immagini sulle estremità delle setole di uno spazzolino da denti (in collaborazione con Ritsumeikan Università di Kyoto)
2006 / Invitato ad esporre alla ZONE ZERO a Duesseldorf. Invitato ad esporre alla Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival. Exhibition e Performance della gru a Napoli. Invitato ad esporre alla Tokyo International Art Fair
2007 / Espone quaranta opere prodotte dal periodo Gutai ai giorni attuali nella mostra "Shozo Shimamoto: Action Colors 1950-2006" presso la Galleria Pier Giuseppe Carini di San Giovanni Valdarno. Presso il Fashion Museum di Kobe tiene la performance Felissimo WHITE PROJECT; le opere realizzate vengono esposte allo Hyogo Prefectural Diplomatic Estabilishment e al Kobe Fashion Museum. Presenzia al P3 Project per la Biennale di Venezia; qui si cimenta in una performance, Bottle Crash, nel Chiostro di San Nicolò, organizzata in collaborazione con l’Architetto Luigi de Marchi presidente del “ABCOnlus”. Viene coinvolto nell'organizzazione di un evento a Pechino, "Art Challenged Project", cui partecipano molti artisti disabili arrivati dal Giappone. Alcuni dei suoi lavori più rappresentativi vengono esposti nella collettiva "Artempo" organizzata da Mattijs Visser e Axel Vervoordt nel Palazzo Fortuny di Venezia. 2008 / Il 7 maggio realizza una performance a Punta Campanella, Napoli, coinvolgendo un gruppo di danzatrici vestite da spose con la testa ricoperta da bicchieri saturi di colore. Il 9 maggio fa una performance nel chiostro della Certosa di San Giacomo di Capri lanciando il colore su otto tele disposte a terra e su due contrabbassi disposti a lato delle tele, ricoperti da spartiti musicali e sorretti da due giovani donne. Sempre alla Certosa di San Giacomo di Capri espone alcuni suoi lavori nella mostra "Vento d'Oriente".   Presso il Museo Magi ‘900 di Pieve Di Cento (BO) si tiene la mostra Shozo Shimamoto / Yasuo Sumi - I colori della pace, con una performance nella sala Modigliani del Museo. Il 13 novembre 2008 presso il Museo d' Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce di Genova “Shozo Shimamoto. Samurai, acrobata dello sguardo”, curata da Achille Bonito Oliva.
2009 / In occasione di Roma. Road to Contemporary Art , sono esposte sue opere in diverse mostre: Hofficina d’Arte, a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva; Palazzo Barberini, “Cose mai viste II” a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva, dedicata alle opere delle collezioni private degli artisti. Palazzo delle Esposizioni, in collaborazione con la Fondazione Morra, l’Archivio Pari & Dispari e l’Associazione Shozo Shimamoto. Partecipa alla mostra collettiva “Madre Coraggio: l’arte” a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva che si tiene all’interno del Festival di Ravello. Tiene una mostra personale presso la galleria “VV8 artecontemporanea” di Reggio Emilia, in collaborazione con l’Associazione Shozo Shimamoto, dal titolo “La danza del colore”, in occasione della quale ha luogo una performance del coreografo Mauro Bigonzetti e quattro ballerini della Fondazione nazionale di danza Aterballetto che animano gli abiti da sposa realizzati da Shimamoto nell’azione di Punta Campanella.
2011 / Sculture e grandi tele provenienti dalle performance di Venezia, Punta Campanella, Capri e Genova sono esposte nella basilica di Santo Stefano di Bologna in occasione di Arte Fiera OFF in una mostra a cura di Achille Bonito Oliva. Mostra personale presso la galleria “Nicola Pedana” di Caserta. Mostra personale presso la Fondazione Morra di Napoli. Assieme a opere di grandi dimensioni sono proiettati due video di Mario Franco che documentano le performance di Piazza Dante a Napoli (2006) e Punta Campanella. Viene invitato a condurre due performance presso il Moderna Museet di Stoccolma in Svezia in occasione dell’evento “AN EXPERIMENTAL CONFERENCE ON ART AND SCIENCE TO CHALLENGE THE MID-SUMMER SUN” dove reinterpreta la performance con il cannone del 1956 e quella su palcoscenico del 1957.
2012 / Dal 14 marzo al 5 maggio 2012 la mostra personale “SHOZO SHIMAMOTO” c/o la Axel Vervoordt Gallery di Anversa (Belgio). Mostra personale "Shozo Shimamoto, Opere 1950-2011" a Palazzo Magnani a Reggio Emilia. Partecipa alla mostra "Explosion: Pittura in Azione" al Moderna Museet di Stoccolma. Mostra "Dipingere il Vuoto" al MOCA di Los Angeles con una sala dedicata a Shimamoto.
2013 / Partecipa a Milano  al  progetto internazionale di Mail Art  "INviso" curato da Ruggero Maggi. Prima del 25 gennaio  2013,  l'anno della morte, partecipa a Salerno al Progetto Internazionale "Wunderkammer Artistamps " a cura di Giovanni Bonanno, con  una delle ultime partecipazioni alla mostra Collettiva Internazionale in omaggio ai 70 anni di Marcello Diotallevi svoltasi  a giugno. Prima retrospettiva dopo la morte alla Galerie Hofburg a Bressanone con una ventina di dipinti  a cura di  Vittoria Coen. Prima antologica milanese di Shozo Shimamoto  allo Studio Giangaleazzo Visconti di Milano  con 30 opere presentate  in grado di ripercorrere la ricerca dell’artista giapponese.
 2015 / Collettiva internazionale “Add &  Return” con la partecipazione di 97 artisti dal titolo: “VIRTUAL FLUXUS POETRY” che lo Spazio  Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno dedica all’artista giapponese Shozo  Shimamoto come  evento  contemporaneo ed indipendente  progettato in concomitanza con la 56th Biennale Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia 2015, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani.
2016 / CRUCIFIXION - Shozo Shimamoto, ArtVerona I Art Project Fair 2016 - i7 Spazi Indipendenti Italiani, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani, Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno.
2019 / SHIMAMOTO - CAVELLINI – COHEN, IDENTITY OF ARTIST / Marginal Active Resistances, a cura di Sandro  Bongiani, Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno
2023 / MEMORIAL SHOZO SHIMAMOTO 2013-2023 . ”Relazioni marginali sostenibili “avere un’idea per capello”.  Mostra Collettiva Internazionale, per il decennale della scomparsa dell’artista giapponese  a cura di Sandro Bongiani e Ruggero Maggi. -  Galleria Sandro Bongiani VRspace e Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery di Salerno.
In  Giappone
Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Tokyo, Museo d’Arte di Fukuoka, Museo di Kitakyushu, Museo d’Arte di Hyogo, Museo d’Arte Moderna di Osaka, Museo di Nara, Museo d’Arte di Takamatsu, Museo d’Arte di Ashiya, Museo d’Arte di Miyagi, Museo d’Arte di Shizuoka, Museo di Gifu, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Osaka, etc.
Tate Modern (Londra), Museo Nazionale di Arte Moderna di Roma, Art Center di Milano, Paris Gallery, Mail Art Museum (Berna, Svizzera), Galleria Internazionale di Arte Moderna Ca’ Pesaro, Collezione Bongiani Ophen Art Museum di Salerno, etc.
Il sito ufficiale di  www.shozo.net  
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marshallbmathers · 1 year
Eminem:  A Year in Review, 2022
 From turning half a century old, late in the year, to being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, Eminem has had a stellar year.  The year 2022 was a busy time in the top-selling artist’s career.  He marked 20 years for 2 albums in his repertoire, The Eminem Show as well as the 8 Mile Soundtrack.  Celebrating both, two new anniversary albums were created & brought out with extra songs for them both including a handful of instrumentals on each.  There was also an album created for his many, many hits:  Curtain Call 2.  All three projects came with posts online offering clothing, collectibles & more. A lyric video for the great 2010’s Won’t Back Down, featuring Pink, was a highlight for some fans that have been enjoying the skills put into Eminem’s lyric videos that are included in Shady Records signed artists’ videos as well.  In part for the celebration of Curtain Call 2, Eminem’s cover of the album was made into a mural in his hometown, Detroit, Michigan USA.  
 Further, Eminem was part of the all-star Hip-Hop halftime show at the 56th Superbowl which made history as the first ever all hip-hop/R&B line-up.  To celebrate the season Eminem gave us Shady Football that offered a clothing line to enjoy.  His restaurant, Mom’s Spaghetti Detroit celebrated big in New York as well as Los Angles & also hit their first year in business at a stationary location. As well, Marshall’s memorabilia shop, The Trailer, located above Mom’s Spaghetti in Detroit, had also been up & running for a year as of September 29th, 2022. As well this year fans saw Marshall make it out to be a wonderful piece of the Detroit Lions Football club’s Hardknocks series on HBO Plus.  Eminem made his fans truly happy to see him sporting sunglasses & a smile at the event, showing the world he was full of quick wit & good humor.  In early Fall this year Eminem was XXL Magazine’s cover once again, but this time for their 25th Anniversary issue. Along with the cover Marshall gave us an incredible article & an equally incredible photo shoot.  It was an amazing year for the fans of Eminem, even without the “new” album some wanted so badly.  
 Getting in on the fun, Eminem took part of the B.A.Y.C’s (Bored Ape Yacht Club) spree that was running like wildfire during 2022.  Doing videos, making appearances & performing came from this venture in 2022 for Eminem.  To give fans an incredible look into the man behind the amazing art, Marshall & friends separately took a seat with PaulPod, a podcast that spanned weeks with manager Paul Rosenberg at the helm.   The Youtube’s 50 Million Subscribers Club, Minions, Elvis, Shazam, UFC & Spiderman all meant something to Eminem fans as he joined all of these aforementioned in this year, 2022.  Eminem took you to the cleaners, he took you to the trailer park.  He also gave us his early musical influences (over 100 listed) on Spotify & so much more – all for his fans.  What will 2023 have in store for our favorite superhero, Marshall B. Mathers III?  Only time will tell.  One thing I’ve learnt - you can’t rush an artist for their art, they must feel it so that you will, in turn, feel & experience it yourselves.  The saying goes:  All good things to those who wait.  2023 – here we come!  
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Interview with upcoming artist (November): Doug Kwartler
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These days you're mostly performing as a duo (in the Lied To's, with Susan Levine).  Do you write differently when you know your songs will be part of a duo? Are there any of your songs that work better solo?   
In general, if I'm lucky enough to catch an idea, I'll just write.  Lately since we've been full speed ahead with The Lied To's, I pretty much presume everything will be heard by Susan and that most likely we'll try it out.  Sometimes it doesn't work for us together, so I might store it in "the vault" for a possible solo thing or a future Lied To's thing.  I can usually tell once a song is done whether or not it might work for The Lied To's or not.  Songs that have maybe a bit more of an eclectic or unusual feel or chord progression or melody tend to get slotted more for "solo" stuff.
Tell us a bit about your solo performing career before the Lied To's -- what got you into songwriting and performance?
I started playing the tennis racquet at around 10 years old.  I'd jump around my room to The Who or Rolling Stones or The Eagles.  At 15 I started playing guitar.  I was still inspired by those groups, but I had also discovered Rockabilly through The Stray Cats. That led me to Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins, Eddie Cochran, Buddy Holly...those guys were ahead of their time.  I also liked 70's a.m. rock and other more "songwriter" stuff.  In 1984 my brother brought home Born In The USA and I got very much into Springsteen.  Then that led to Dylan, The Beatles, Tom Petty, Woody (and Arlo) Guthrie, Emmylou Harris, Pete Seeger, Fleetwood Mac, Pat Benatar, Lead belly, Joan Jett, Debbie Harry.  Also, my dad would listen to Johnny Cash, Elvis, Judy Collins, Willie Nelson, Simon & Garfunkel, The Everly Brothers, which all influenced me..   My first performance was when I was 16 and it was a recital at the music school I took guitar lessons at.  I played Johnny B. Goode with a full band.  It was great.
When I moved from Long Island, NY to Amherst, MA in my junior year of high school, I auditioned for and joined one of the popular high-school rock bands at Amherst Regional High School.  They were called Circus.  I became the lead guitarist.  I didn't really fit stylistically.  They were very much influenced by bands like R.E.M. and The Talking Heads, which I liked a lot.  But my guitar playing was definitely more rockabilly and blues oriented at that time.  That being said, it was a blast being in that band.  I was a pretty shy kid and when we played our first concert at the rec center and there were all these girls around us watching, I was hooked.
My first solo performance was at UMass Amherst when I went to school there.  I did a crazy performance of Psycho Killer and Squeeze Box.  I was so pumped and nervous that I was jumping around the stage and people didn't know what to make of me.  A friend of mine still has an audio recording from that night.
I was in a few other bands in college and early after college.  I had moved back to Long Island and I started writing in my mid 20's. I would record my songs on a 4-track tape recorder in my parents' basement.  I formed my first original band, Wheel, in the mid 90's.  Then my first original "Americana" band, Foundry, in the late 90's/early 2000's.  Then it was just "The Doug Kwartler Band" and then after I moved back up to MA and eventually met Susan, we formed The Lied To's.  Between all the bands/projects I've had, I've put out 9 "official" albums.
The other hat you wear is as producer and recording engineer. What do you enjoy most about that work? Does your producing inform your own songwriting or performance?
My producing doesn't really inform my songwriting but production in general, and listening to other producer's work can affect my songs sometimes, and certainly my production.  I think the thing I most enjoy when I produce and arrange is when the song is done and I play it for an artist and they're happy.  That moment, when I'm waiting for either a text or email or phone call after I sent them the mixed tune..that waiting is suspenseful for me and its always a great feeling to see/hear them so happy once they've listened.
I've been lucky enough that after about 23 years of recording and producing others, my clients have been really happy with my work. The other thing is to actually get paid for something like making music and helping others realize their musical ideas is amazing.  Music recording, production and performing has saved me from the dread having to work in a "traditional" office.  It still ain't easy, but for me, it's a lot better than that!  And then of course working with hundreds of great musicians and great people.  That's very rewarding.
Doug will be playing on Saturday, November 5th, 7:30 p.m., in the Somerville Songwriter Sessions, along with Tim Foley and host Sam Bayer, at the Somerville Armory Cafe, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville MA. (Great music, great food, free parking.) $15 suggested donation. Questions? [email protected]
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
Auto Performance Parts In USA
Auto Performance Parts In USA
Basically everything that could be been superseded with novel OEM or adjusted present retail colleagues on help with redesiging its display or overall style. Conceivably of the most un-troublesome thing you can do is to override your stock coordinating wheel by thinking about buying a controlling wheel, from post-retail retailers, to surrender your vehicle a to-date sportier look as well as better managing.
A couple of critical clues to consider while hoping to buy directing wheels from various suppliers are:
1) Ensure you are buying the right assessed wheel by saving an edge to evaluate your continuous one. There are many sizes and conditions of affiliate's trade controlling wheels accessible so if you are dubious you can ask the vendor preceding choosing a purchase.
2) The new wheel ought to be the ideal size, which is pleasant for you without keeping your viewpoint on the dashboard or instrument board.
3) While hoping to buy directing wheel from a particular electronic store you have various choices. You can buy from standard retailers or even wholesalers who are endeavoring to dump excess stock or more prepared models. The plans you will get are much more conspicuous than that of ordinary close by stores and the assurance of different styles and assortments are more bounteous since floor show space isn't an issue.
4) Deciding the specific style to buy really depends upon your own tendency and taste. You can without a doubt facilitate within or look of your vehicle with 3-4 talked coordinating wheels, different assortments, boomerang or ultratech style wheels or even capable Equation 1/GT style running execution controlling wheels just to give a few models.
5) Next on the summary is picking the sort of finish you really want. A couple of popular models are vinyl, wood, cowhide and even carbon fiber coordinating wheels. Picking the right kind can add a tasteful and rich touch to within your vehicle.
6) Last yet not least, in that frame of mind of checking whether it is the right size to guarantee it is truly pleasing to the hold, since you will use it to drive for huge distances, to ensure security making the rounds.
Following picking the right one to get you as of now need to consider defending your new pursuit. There are countless choices while hoping to buy a directing wheel cover. The cost and created nature of these particular covers runs altogether yet it should be no issue to find one at the expense range you can make due.
Supportive clues to be aware while hoping to buy a controlling cover are:
1) Be very cautious about the total cost. It is easy to find directing wheel deals with that cost only five bucks yet can be overall around as much as fifty bucks. Here the final result will normally mirror its cost since the expense of the thing really helps in choosing the certified idea of the product.
2) Try to check the total expansiveness of your controlling wrangle outskirts around the hold unequivocally. This information is significant in closing the right wheel cover to purchase. If you are don't have any idea, another choice is essentially give the year, model and make of your vehicle to the seller so they can really take a gander at their diagrams to choose the genuine viewpoints for you.
3) Next comes the kind of material you would like. Directing wheel covers come in calfskin, wool, sheep skin, terry material, texture, and vinyl. If calfskin is your choice, you ought to be familiar with the quality. Top grain cowhide, which is actually the most elevated place of the hide away where the hair creates, is smooth to the touch. One phase underneath, in sorts of significant worth materials, is known as parts or mellowed cowhide's. The finish of these grains is cruel anyway makers will commonly buff and apply plasticides on the grain to make them have every one of the reserves of being top quality. Anyway, this particular material doesn't have the very feel and surface as that of top grain cowhide. You can expect to pay around thirteen to fifteen bucks for lower grain cowhide and some place in the scope of forty to fifty bucks for top grain calfskin.
4) Bear as an essential concern the possibility of the straightforwardness of presenting the cover and how it fits on the genuine wheel. You need to pitch a fit without it being exorbitantly close. Many covers are expected to helpfully slip on or stretch over the entire edge of the coordinating wheel while others are planned to be sewn right onto the real wheel. Restricting string and needle are commonly given cowhide covers that have pre-punched holes in them at this point. You ought to just line the cover to the wheel to guarantee there is a comfortable fit.
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Dropping or Changing Before a Request has Sent
You might drop or change your request whenever preceding shipment. In any case, in the event that the request has proactively been handled a 10% expense will be charged in the event that you decide to drop.
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Establishment and Fitment Issues
In the event that the item has been introduced, the item is yours, except if there is a fitment issue.
On the off chance that there is a fitment issue if it's not too much trouble, email us at [email protected] with the issue and go with it with photos of the fitment issue.
In the event that photos are excluded then the return will be charged a 15% restocking expense.
On the off chance that the item is to be sure deserted a return mark will be given and a substitution will be conveyed.
Due to the secondary selling nature and the way that our items are hand-assembled, slight differences might be available and little changes might be expected for establishment.
Test accommodating our items before the underlying establishment is strongly suggested. On the off chance that you choose to return the thing instead of have a free substitution conveyed, there will in any case be a 15% re-loading charge applied to the discount as well as transportation expenses.
Autoparts 965 backs every one of our items with a fitment ensure when they are appropriately introduced by an expert body shop. In the event that the thing has been harmed or modified (broke, twisted, scratched, painted) the thing is at this point not pertinent for a return.
Transporting Harm
Assuming you have accepted your item and it is harmed if it's not too much trouble, reach us promptly with photos of the harmed item and the crate it was delivered out in.
Autoparts 965 quality really takes a look at each part that leaves our office. On the off chance that the item is harmed it is most likely because of transportation and a case should be made with the delivery transporter.
All harms should be accounted for to Autoparts965 Office in somewhere around 5 days of tolerating the bundle. no special cases.
Wrong or Missing Items
On the off chance that you have gotten an erroneous item if it's not too much trouble, send us an image of the item alongside your Request Affirmation Number to [email protected].
We will give a return mark right away and when the bundle is dropped off at your neighborhood FedEx area we will convey the right thing. If it's not too much trouble, test fit and twofold check that you have gotten the right item prior to introducing.
When the item is introduced we can't bring it back. Assuming your request is feeling the loss of a thing, kindly contact us in the span of 5 Days of accepting your request.
Lost Bundle On the way
Whenever you have accepted your following number if it's not too much trouble, watch out for the following number consistently. During these times it is normal for postponements to occur.
In the event that a bundle is postponed in excess of a couple of work days if it's not too much trouble, contact us right away. On the off chance that the travel data seems erroneous kindly reach us.
The previous we get a blunder inside FedEx, DHL, or USPS the better opportunity we have of remedying it. In the event that the bundle has been deferred for over 3 weeks, it is logical lost and we should record a case with the transportation organization prior to pushing ahead.
Visit for more information :- https://autoparts965.com
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carboncanvas92 · 2 years
Some Known Questions About Dent Rx.
Paintless Dent Repair NJ JohnnyDents provides specialist paintless dent elimination companies for your automobile. Whether you're mending an very early cars and truck's physical body or switching out a broken window after a serious auto accident, our group of volunteers will definitely perform your project when it's practical and quick. We'll take care of every task needed for this unique company. In addition, we have our very own expert auto repair work solutions that feature both frequent and considerable paint replacements. We are proud to serve Philadelphia and South Jersey locations consisting of Cinnaminson, Cherry Hill, Hamilton and Voorhees, NJ. We know that everyone has been inspired by our area's awesome area. We are all about creating sure every individual who is brand new to Philadelphia is a component of a maintainable, varied, unique urban area in which one-third of the populace resides and works in high-wage work. We comprehend that your opportunity is useful and that’s why we deliver a range of cost reliable mobile services. For you, we think you'll find an less complicated method right here, and we feel it's your duty to be knowledgeable of what we point out we offer. For that, we can easily recommend products when we believe that our consumers will find ingenious, efficient methods to save amount of money. We will certainly assess your investments to help make sure they provide the greatest level of quality you've ever found. No longer are going to you possess to invest thousands of dollars at a body system shop or stand by numerous times for your car to be restored. Rapid City Paintless Dent Repair -new attribute and new innovation aid you spare time and deal with a amount of vehicle repairs you might not have or else handled along with. The CarFix® course will definitely proceed to be accessible with December 2, 2018. Check out out CarFix, the very most comprehensive and reasonable brand name search attribute right now on call. *Keep in mind that this program has a minimal quantity of products. Rather we’ll deliver a entirely taught, extremely skilled service technician to your residence or place of job. The educated experts will definitely take over the job, supply high quality job, care for our attendees, and supply your home with the best possible working conditions that you are looking for. We will conduct all aspects of your company. Every part is special. We are continuously working on you and are consistently taking actions to ensure that you comply with your customers' desires. We pride ourselves in fixing your automobile’s cosmetic demands, generally in under a couple of hours and regularly at a fraction of the expense of a physical body store. For example, if you have a tiny car in my studio you'll be capable to repair your car with our on the internet solution right now but not without a lot of hand-operated labor. We obtain every cars and truck we get coming from the very most impressive vehicles so obtain them when they're on call. With our brand new company, you'll have an exceptional service warranty. Saving you opportunity, sparing you amount of money and producing your vehicle satisfied again that’s what JohnnyDents is all about!’’So what goes along with all that all the brand new autos we get our cars and trucks developed in to every year? Well all the cars that we're going to see in 2018 are going to be Chevrolet. Some will certainly be coming from Ford and some coming from GM. So, what we've observed merely in the year has been Chevrolet in the USA. Paintless Dent Repair Paintless dent repair service has been utilized for lots of years due to the efficiency of the techniques included. This has led to a much more significant decline in the quantity of oral job required. After one time, these items are usually made use of by numerous individuals who have possessed to wait for years for their brand new ailment/enhancement to happen as a result of. This is a tiny financial investment, but it can save you something in the long run if you carry on the service. Our technicians are able to remove small dents from the body of your vehicle without leading to any type of damages. We can easily also avoid scrapes, stains or various other complications after we acquire your vehicle. We do our greatest to put with each other an outstanding solution from a excellent client. We may likewise offer extensive customer service, as properly as added services for our dealers. Say thanks to you for checking out our office today. Motorists, browsing for economical paintless dent repair work that will definitelyn’t take up a whole lot of time, may get in touch with us today. We're below to offer you with a qualified repair and maintenance program that will certainly offer you 100% contentment, while providing you a secure, quick and easy installment. * If you have any inquiries pertaining to our high quality, replacement, or maintenance course please contact one of our experts. See our FAQ's for more relevant information on how to speak to us.
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