#Persephone Solanaceae
prince-of-khrysalis · 6 months
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They invited themselves to her Official Wizard Business Tm
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poisonerspath · 3 years
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A baneful herb that is not necessarily deadly. Bittersweet Nightshade- Solanum dulcamara. Aka felonwort or felonwood Grows in woodlands, hedge banks and marshes, along fences and in bushes. (Wherever it wants really) it has a liminal “in between” nature that gives it a mercurial element as far as facilitation shamanic travel and spirit communication. This mercurial element is blended with its Saturnian properties. It is a five petaled “gateway” herb like the other nightshades. Dulce means sweet and amara means bitter “dulcamara” refers to the bitter and sweet taste of the berries. Used to protect flocks from the eyelid eye, to protect the home from lightning and to keep children safe. I personally feel this plant has a connection to the Persephone/Kore mythos in its nature. I fill a dish with the ripe red berries and pomegranate seeds in offering to the goddess at Samhain. Like many of the common nightshades bittersweet nightshade can be used I. Weather magic, which we see in its use against lightning. There has been debate over the years to the toxicity and psycho activity of this plant. While it does contain selteroidal alkaloids such as solanine it does not contain the key tropane alkaloids atropine or scopolamine. This is by no means exhaustive. You can learn more on my website linked in bio and in my book The Poison Path Herbal. #solanaceae #solanum #solanumdulcamara #bittersweetnightshade #woodynightshade #climbingnightshade #witchsgarden #veneficium #banwfulherbs #darkherbalims #witchcraft #occultherbalism #poisonousplants #poisonopath #thepoisonpathherbal https://www.instagram.com/p/CTQi4NHrrly/?utm_medium=tumblr
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femalechibiblogger · 4 years
My 15 Favorite Webtoon Comics
1. My Giant Nerd Boyfriend
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Having a boyfriend who's a full foot taller than you might seem adorable at first, but it usually just ends up causing a whole bunch of minor inconveniences. Follow Fishball as she navigates the Malaysian life with her 6'5" geeky boyfriend.
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2. My Name Is Benny
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Follow along with the adventures of weirdo Benny and her friends!
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3. Lore Olympus
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Witness what the gods do…after dark. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. Because it turns out, the gods aren’t so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology’s greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as it’s never been told before.
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4. Small World
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What do you do when you're having a bad day? Need a hug? Or just a laugh? Call your boyfriend of course! Follow along with Robin and Julien as they navigate in their own small world.
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5. My Deepest Secret
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Having a handsome, kind and caring boyfriend like Elios means the world to Emma. Even a look at him makes her heart flutters. But little does she know about a secret lies deep in their relationship. What is the said secret?
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6. Boyfriend of the Dead
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She’s a smart, independent young woman who’s kicking ass and struggling to make her way through the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Just her luck: one day she goes out searching for food and shelter and ends up finding a boyfriend instead. And, oh yeah, because modern love isn’t hard enough…he’s UNDEAD!
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7. in Security
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"In Security" is a comic strip centering around newlyweds Sam & Sedine and their crazy day-to-day life with friends and family. OORAH and BOOYAH!!
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8. I Love My Boyfriend
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The daily life of Akio and his boyfriend, Jin-Hien. (the art gets **significantly** better)
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9. Solanaceae
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Sal, a thief, concocts a get rich quick scheme to try and make Battam, a witch, fall in love with him. But upon learning him and his target share more in common than he originally thought, Sal starts experiencing feelings he’s never had before and must make a decision between money or love. 
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10. Stalker x Stalker
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What happens when two yandere stalkers fall in love with each other? 
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11. My Cute Boyfriend
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She was just an average student until she started dating a boy who is really, REALLY cute. Join in on the comedic and romantic adventures of these two high school lovebirds and their peers.
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12. My Weird Roommate
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He is a punk, and he is a nerd, can I make it any more obvious? When two complete opposites share a room. 
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13. The Angel in the Forest
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In a forest buried in a perpetual winter, a cowardly mouse is kidnapped by a lone and bitter bat so the rodent can nurture his future meal. However, soon things don't appear what they seem. Appearances can be deceiving and change with time.
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14. Sunny Side Skies
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Detached and lacking direction in life, Adam resigns himself to his day job at the cafe. There he meets the regular Chase, who is peppy, sugar-fueled - and his polar opposite.
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15. Erma
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Erma is like any other normal child. She goes to school, plays with friends, and even spends time with the family. It just so happens that she is the daughter of a ghostly spirit and tends to use her haunting abilities for everyday antics, whether for better or for worse.
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hekate1308 · 6 years
Drowley Hades and Persephone AU. Enjoy!
Dean was busy blessing the crops of the land. The people had prayed to him and sacrificed fruits in his temples; and even if they had been lax in their duties, he wouldn’t have been able to bring himself to punish them. He had never been a vindictive god.
It all happened so fast. One second, he was watching the plants fighting through the still-hard earth, smiling upon the first signs of life that made themselves known in the fields; and then everything turned black.
When he woke up, he felt like he was suffocating, or rather, like he imagined suffocating would feel like to a mortal.
He sat up and took in his surroundings.
Although he had never been here before, he knew exactly where he was.
The Underworld.
Small wonder he felt ready to crawl out of his skin; his domain was life, growing, thriving, flourishing life; this was a world of death and destruction.
“Ah, the God who calls himself Dean” a smooth voice made itself known and he turned around to see the Lord of the Underworld.
He had met him before, once or twice, when it had been necessary for all gods to convene. “Crowley. What –“
“Oh, just a little squabble with your father. I thought I could use some leverage.”
“Whatever he gets up to, I have nothing to do with it” Dean pointed out. After all, what did the God of agriculture have to worry about the God of war, unless another one of his battles ruined the fields again? And gods were not like mortals; there were no close-knit families.
“I am aware of that, and yet... You are not just his son, are you? let’s see how he feels when people start dying because the crops won’t grow.”
Dean’s blood ran cold. “This isn’t the people’s fault! They prayed to me! They worship me so I may –“
“Yeah, yeah, you hop around like a squirrel that borrows its nuts and then forgets about them so trees may grow. In that case, you better hope your daddy dearest reacts to my demands soon.”
As it turned out, he didn’t. Dean hadn’t expected it; his father could be stubborn at the best of times; and yet –
And yet.
He could feel earth slowly dying, and every day, it seemed like his own strength was ebbing away as he did so.
He had to do something.
And so Dean, God of Agriculture, of everything that lived and grew, everything that wasn’t death, began exploring the Underworld. He didn’t see much of Crowley at first; he seemed confident that he couldn’t escape; and yet that was exactly what Dean was trying to do.
He was surprised when, a few days into his exploration, he met someone else; obviously a half-God and looking rather annoyed. “You must be Dean. Father told me he had captured you.”
He had never known Crowley had a son. Maybe he had kept it a secret so no one would do what Crowley himself had done when he had taken Dean? “And you are?”
Oh. He had heard of him, but had believed it was one of those gods the mortals simply made up. “God of bargaining?”
He nodded. “Father gave me the job. Many try to bargain in their last hour, you see.”
Dean could easily believe that. “Any chance you know how to get out of here?”
Gavin looked at him with pity in his eyes. “Yes, but Father would have my hide if I told you, sorry.”
Dean shuddered for the first time in his life, and Gavin stared at him. “Is everything alright?”
“Everything is so... dead here. I cannot stand it.”
He stormed off, unable to stand still any longer. He was sorry to leave Gavin just like that; but he could hardly be blamed for it, since he was imprisoned in a world that was sure to kill him eventually.
Dean was surprised when, after he had been walking around and watching the souls of the dead for a while, Crowley appeared next to him. “You look pale. Let’s have dinner.”
“Let me guess, you don’t want to lose your hostage?” he asked tiredly.
“Something like that. You are certainly not mentally deficient.”
Somehow, Dean got the bizarre impression that coming from Crowley, this was supposed to be a compliment of the highest order.
At their dinner table, Dean looked down at his plate and began to laugh. He couldn’t help himself; this was too much; and he laughed and laughed and laughed like he hadn’t done since he had woken up here.
When he stopped he looked up to find Crowley staring at him – and not just him; the shadows of the dead had formed a circle around them, being drawn to the mirth they had left behind when  they had gone down to the underworld.
And for a moment, the darkness didn’t seem so hopeless.
“I...” Crowley was obviously lost for words. He cleared his throat and sat back, scowling at the spirits who quickly scampered. “I would like to know what –“
“I’m the God of agriculture, jackass. Plants are kind of my thing. And those? Those are pomegranate seeds. Nice try to bind me to this place forever.”
Crowley didn’t answer.
But as Dean started to carefully pick the seeds out of his meal, he could have sworn he heard him mumble, “No. Not mentally deficient indeed.”
After that, he saw more of Crowley, which rather surprised him. Certainly he should be discussing the terms of his release with his father? But instead, he seemed content to rule the Underworld from his throne and annoy Dean.
And after a while, he had to admit he didn’t even seem that annoying anymore.
It was the weirdest thing, but somehow –
It was –
He was –
The point was that Crowley could be quite charming and funny if he wanted.
“You know, I probably would have eventually kidnapped you anyway” he commented one day, strolling up to him. “It was time we had something worth looking at around here.”
“So you don’t think the souls are a charming view?” Dean asked. “I personally do love some wistful expressions in the morning.”
“Oh, I can always do wistful” Crowley told him with such a sincere expression on his face that he had to laugh.
What an enigmatic creature the Lord of the Underworld was.
“Squirrel, how are we on this fine morning?”
“Still being oppressed by death and destruction all around me, thanks” he said tiredly. He didn’t think he could truly die, but nonetheless he felt his essence diminish more and more. And he needed his strength – once he returned to earth, he would have to save the fields and the crops.
“And here I thought you were supposed to be cheerful.” Crowley snapped his fingers, and Dean felt some of his lost strength returning.
He stared at him, opened his mouth to thank him.
Crowley looked at him, an indecipherable expression on his face, then walked away.
The fights Crowley had with his son made the ground tremble and the ghosts hide in the most secluded corners of his kingdom. Dean usually stepped in and managed to calm them both down.
“Why do you care?” Crowley hissed one day after he had dragged him away from Gavin yet again.
“Because you do” Dean said simply.
“What –“
“Mom and Dad left me and Sammy to our own devices as soon as we got our bearings” he shrugged, “But you keep him close. You have to care about him.”
Crowley didn’t answer.
Dean had taken to now and then indulging in naps in order to refresh his energy, and one day he woke up feeling much better than in the days and weeks before.
He learned why when he took his usual stroll around the Underworld.
Plants. There were plants everywhere. Not those he knew best, of course; nothing bright and colourful and lively; mostly solanaceae ; but still, living, breathing plants, and he quickly made sure they had all the nourishment they needed.
“I thought you would like them” Crowley remarked casually and Dean turned to find him standing very close to him. “Like you said, I cannot risk my hostage fading away.”
“They’re beautiful” he said, getting up from his knees. “Thank you.”
Crowley was clearly taken aback by his gratitude. “Ahm, yes – of course.”
And then he faded into the shadows, as he was wont to do.
After that, they daily had dinner together, sometimes joined by Gavin; and Dean didn’t even have to pick pomegranate seeds off his plate anymore.
He and Gavin were sailing on the river Lethe, since they had nothing else to do; it seemed like very few people had time to bargain when they were trying not to starve, and of course Dean couldn’t do anything while he was trapped in the Underworld.
“Do you like Father?” Gavin asked suddenly.
Dean, who had been busy watching the souls who had chosen to reincarnate drink from the river, reeled around. “What?”
Gavin shrugged. “I know he likes you.”
“He kidnapped me” Dean reminded him.
“Still. He made plants grow. Here. Of course he likes you.”
Dean didn’t answer. Mostly because he was starting to worry that he did indeed like Crowley, as little sense as it made.
That evening, Gavin left them alone for dinner. Crowley’s hellhound with her three heads, Juliet, did not; but Dean had long since grown used to her.
They mostly stayed silent.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been surprised when Crowley, after they had finished eating and had gotten up from the table, shook his head and walked up to him with a few quick, decisive steps.
He reached out and touched his neck. “Tell me you want me too.”
Dean knew this was a bad idea. Crowley was still his gaoler, so to speak; and who knew what it would do to him and his already mixed emotions if –
He felt himself nod regardless.
The kiss they shared, he was rather sure, was the first of its kind in the Underworld.
After that, Dean’s captivity became decidedly more pleasant – and also harder to leave behind, when the time came.
And then a miracle happened. Apparently his father was tired of people dropping like flies instead of falling in the battle field, and he and Crowley’s fight was cleared up.
Dean almost believed Crowley looked somewhat sad as he told him. Almost. Or maybe that was just because he felt his own heart sink in his breast.
He cleared his throat. “SO I am free to go?”
Crowley wasn’t meeting his eyes. “Yes, you are. If you want, Gavin can show you the way –“
“Do you want me to go?” Dean asked.
“I got what I wanted.”
“Crowley, do you want me to go?”
“Even if I didn’t, you belong up there. Nothing could make you –“
“Yes. Yes, something could” Dean said slowly as he, now being free of all magical bounds and burdens that must have kept him here originally, he realized, pressed a hand to the floor and a pomegranate tree grew.
“Squirrel, what –“
“Do you want me to leave?” he demanded once more, looking him straight in the eyes.
Crowley swallowed. They both knew this was it, the moment of decision. If he let jis pride get the best of him now, if he would rather be alone than to admit –
“No.” It was quietly said, but it was firmly said.
Dean reached out and took a pomegranate into his hands, gently opening it. Then, never taking his eyes off Crowley’s, he swallowed a few seeds.
“You did what?!”
Dean sighed and looked at the God of Sacrifice. “I told you a million times already, Sammy.”
“But – but – that means part of you belongs to the Underworld now! You’ll have to go back there again and again!”
After a pause, Sam continued, forcing himself to sound calmer, “Is this about Crowley?”
“You love him.”
It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah” he admitted, “And the feeling’s mutual.”
“If you think so –“
“I know it is” he interrupted him, remembering the look in Crowley’s eyes as he had admitted he didn’t want Dean to leave.
Sam sighed. “Alright. But what are you going to do about the crops when you have to go to the Underworld –“
“I already thought of that. Talked it over with Crowley. We decided it might be a good idea to give the plants some rest, so there will be a new season.”
“A new season?”
“Yes. We’re going to call it winter.”
“Honey, I’m home!” Dean called out at the beginning of the new, cold season as he strolled into the Underworld.
Juliet ran up to him, her three tongues hanging out of their perspective mouth, clearly ecstatic taht he was back.
“Where’s your Papa, hm?” he asked, scratching her under her middle chin.
Arms wrapped themselves around him. Of course. His God of Death and Destitution, always lurking in the shadows. Dean smiled.
“Miss me?” Crowley asked into his ear.
He turned around to kiss him. “Of course. You know me – too much happy life can get awfully monotonous after a while.”
And then, for the first time in the history of the Underworld, Crowley joined his bonded in his laughter.
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beadandbones · 5 years
Here’s a sneak peek at Datura from the poisonous flower collection. I’m so happy with the results! The working title for this collection was Dark Beauty, but after much contemplation I feel like Rise of Persephone is much more fitting. Persephone was both the goddess of spring as well as the goddess of death. You know me, I love a good juxtaposition. 🖤 . Datura is a genus of nine species of poisonous vespertine flowering plants belonging to the family Solanaceae. They are commonly known as daturas, but also known as devil's trumpets. They are also sometimes called moonflowers, jimsonweed, devil's weed, hell's bells, thorn-apple and many more. All parts of the Datura are poisonous and can cause delirium or even death if too much is ingested. . If you’re loving the Rise of Persephone collection as much as I am, join The Coven newsletter to get your exclusive invitation to the new release. Link in bio @beadandbones https://ift.tt/2YFFQ1j
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prince-of-khrysalis · 10 months
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My necromancer, Persephone, and her exhaustion at being the YW continues
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prince-of-khrysalis · 11 months
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(Wiztober 2023 Day 18: First Love Second Lust)
The Wizard (tm) and The Schismist (tm) have a weird relationship if you believe the rumors
The rumors being that the two of them have been spotted just spending a lot of casual time in each others company despite being (according to Denkichi) mortal enemies and all??? I like to think after Denkichi quits his little cult I mean quits being a Schismist that the two become a bit less antagonistic, because he no longer has an excuse to follow her around in a non-weird fashion so he ends up just trying to catch her attention at any opportunity (that ISNT prime battle time, of course, he hadn't given up his goal of winning a duel with her), and Persephone is so fucking exhausted from the existential horror that was Lemuria+Novus back to back that she doesn't really care and actually allows it on occasion, now they're mortal enemies AND vent buddies and they're both going to tell the papers its not gay and they're both lying.
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
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Persephone Solanaceae | 💀Prime Necromancer💀
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
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That one Schismist who insists that he's The Wizard's equal, he can TOTALLY beat them in a fight, and he's just like some rando that fought the wizard one time before and got his ass beat instantly. Yeah. That guy^! I made a character outta him, say hello to Denkichi, Spiral's most pathetic man. Feat. a very tired YW (Persephone).
SO absolutely obsessed with the npc dialogue, compelled into basing an entire character around it, I've been possessed for days making him and I am THRILLED, I haven't made a new wizard in years, okay. The story goes as follows ofc, that being that Denkichi, a former Ravenwood student and heavy YW admirer, developed a very weird one-sided complex with her. That being that they are rivals - nay, MORTAL ENEMIES, destined by the gods themselves! Persephone may not even know his name but shhh!! He swears it to be true! So fella just up and joins the Schismists SOLELY to try and fight her and prove their rivalry. He doesn't know what the they are even doing<3 He has no clue why it even exists, he just heard they hate the YW and said haha bet?? Not as much as me though- It's going to lead to him becoming her new travelling companion after the events of Novus! In that he decides that the Schismists are annoying, not letting him fight The Wizard enough, and that if he just trailed after her like a lost little puppy... then he could have many more chances. Tada! B...Best friends... (Sidenote: In game the mob/boss is balance. But I wanted him to be storm in my version, so I could make fun of storm magic even further, AND so that he could be a yokai! He's a raiju, a sparky, blue golden retriever. My nonhuman wizard agenda prevails.)
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
👻 💐 and 🕷 for the oc ask... and for whichever oc you like !!
TYYYY STORMYY <3 These fit my darling Persephone quite well, so her it is! 👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any? >She's a necromancer of course, so naturally she has a whole heap of ghostly experiences! Mostly unwanted, as she's not actually a fan of undead. Most prominent is probably the various ghosts (including her best friend) that haunt her manor in Marleybone, she sits in the basement sometimes just to talk to them. They tend to be a good change of pace. And seem to find her necromancy comforting. 💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? > Dahlia karma choc - mainly because it smells like chocolate and she would fucking adore that, also because it symbolizes committment! Persie is loyal to a fault! Black ray petunias, for it's color and also symbolizing gloom<3 She's very gloomy<33 (Also death, misfortune, etc! Fits her!) Black orchid! Another gloomy flower filled with meanings of death and 'unending despair'. It is her favorite flower... It can also mean absolute authority. 👀 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? > MMMMMMM LOADED QUESTION. I wouldn't call most of her fears irrational, because most of them have a very strong basis! ;; And there is a long list. Biggest fear though, to keep me from rambling, is 100% to end up just like her mad scientist, morally bankrupt father. Genuinely keeps her awake at night to think she may one day 'change' and throw morals to the wind, too, worse yet that it might sneak up on her and happen while she's unaware.
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
for unhinged bingo, ur oc persephone the emo girl
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
👊💢 also im stuck in the same blizzard probably 😁🤞
AYYY🤝 I am so sorry to us both<3 Ty for the ask though!! Part 2 of me giving Persephone attention cause she lives rent free!
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
>Extremely, entirely, very very much!! She’s nothing but repressed and not so repressed anger, and despite being like 4’7 tries to attack anything that pushes her even slightly with the passion of a feral cat. It’s a problem for therapy I’m sure. It’s on sight!!
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
>The aforementioned need to fight anyone and anything?? The intense defensiveness of herself? Her undying lack of self preservation and refusal to learn/care about her own limits ala throwing herself into battle after battle until she collapses! Oh. And the lack of a filter. She’s very fucking mean and people will learn this within 5 minutes of speaking to her, bless y’all’s patience!
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prince-of-khrysalis · 9 months
6 for persephone
6. how do other people see your wizard? Oh she's incredibly unpopular lmao. She is, technically, the YW and does follow the storyline to an extent! So Persie does good... technically, but her personality and behaviors outside of Regularly Scheduled Wizard Work is just kind of awful to be around. She's very mean<3 Rude to everyone, overly hostile and aggressive and doesn't trust a single person no matter what, it makes it almost impossible to get along with her, or to WANT to? People see her as the callous Solanaceae heiress, just another Marleybonian noble who doesn't care for anyone but herself, most people straight up believe she's doing this for glory or fame -- and it's true she's not doing hero work because she wants to! But it's quite a bit different than that.
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prince-of-khrysalis · 2 years
LOVE UR PIRATES...now let's see the wizards
YESSS TY LETS GOOO (Once again I have a whole lotta wizards and I ramble a lot so I'll just pick a few!! For now.) OKAY!! Let's start with her highness, Persephone Solanaceae! Who is not, in fact, actually royal. But a Marleybonian noble known more for her infamous family name (and the horrible, terrible, fantastical rumors that surround it) rather than her actual title itself as the Heiress.
Growing up in a rather unorthodox setting (A mad scientist father will do that to you), Persephone has always been a bit off. And that is aside from the fact that she’s mean as sin and just awful to be around, as if she wouldn’t spit on you and call you peasant trash for breathing her air. (you may get the feeling you’re not actually the thing she’s so angry and disgusted with, hm!). She’s a necromancer with immense magical skill and knowledge, despite being perhaps one of the most glass glass-cannons to ever live. It surprised everyone when she volunteered to take the place of “The Savior Of The Spiral” after the original was put out of commission (Strange, some think, suspicious, others think), and she became intensely dedicated to this task. Grumpily so. Angrily so. Thinks everyone is annoying, thinks the Spiral should stop trying to die every other week. All in all though she may have an impressively vile personality she... appears to be trying to help. Or maybe she's just trying to avoid going back home to her manor in Marleybone. A prissy little rich thing with too many secrets.
And her (probably future girlfriend) Lilith Vitae! My awful not-so-little theurgist! Persephone and her are... opposites in MOST ways, so they have been petty rivals since childhood. And by petty I mean It's On Sight, they will fight! Lilith comes from a much more humble upbringing and is super, super upset about being a Theurgist, seeing it as too 'soft' for her. Healing is not what she's interested in, she likes fighting! Adrenaline!! Do you remember Morganthe's offer in Zafaris for the YW to join her? Lilith sure does. She was never the savior, even if that was the group she was stuck with for most of her teenage years, hearing THAT put ideas in her head. And she realized huh! That sounds fucking great, actually! Obviously at the time it wasn't an option but, years later? Long after said queen has been disposed of, and Lilith is now free of school and obligation? She thinks maybe SHE'LL go back to Khrysalis, maybe she'll pick up the remnants of Morganthe's army and influence, and maybe. Maybe she'll fill the empty role of queen and finally get to live up to her true potential! So she says! Lilith is highkey deranged and highkey trying to have a villain arc partially because she genuinely WANTS TO, and partially because certain people have led her to believe this is the best path. TLDR she's a punchy-boxer type fighter stuck with life magic and a lot of repression! Is also very gay for Persephone. Aaaand one more to round it out, let's go with Oceania Zenith, resident storm main. So yk it's bad. (sry storm mains.) Ocean was the INITIAL Savior of the Spiral! She had a natural connection and talent to storm magic from a very young age! and this was recognized by the Council of Light rather quickly, who came in to scoop up Ocean as fast as possible to start shaping her into the perfect savior. Well, what good that did! Since Ocean grew up to know so little of how normal kids acted that she was just painfully sheltered. She knew how to duel, how to fight, didn't know what a sleepover was or how to talk to people her own age. And she now has the ego of an Aquilan God and a hero complex to boot. So she became incredibly cocky and full of herself, because I mean, scoff, she's THE Savior. She can do no wrong, perfectly fine to idolize her though<3. She had no friends hah. Except Persephone, because apparently their mean energies were so powerful they attracted each other. (Or because Ocean felt a need to protect the weird little goth girl from the world.) But she's unstoppable really! She swears! Spoilers she is not unstoppable, and her arrogance leads her into a very awful, very super not good time! She's not the Savior anymore.
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prince-of-khrysalis · 4 years
Hello!!! I’m really interested in your au *o* can I get a brief introduction to the main cast if that’s ok?
Hey! Yeah totally!! I suck at summarizing so I’m sorry but, I have seven main kids-  THIS MIGHT BE KINDA LONG UH Persephone Solanaceae: A Marleybonian aristocrat who’s doing her best to not let the Spiral fall apart. She’s the necromancer of the group, and often a defacto leader against her own wishes. She’s the daughter of a notable Lord (who is also my main villain cough, cough, that doesn’t make things hard at all), and her entire family is known throughout Marley for their general prestige and eerie nature. Though she prefers machines to magic and is an excellent mechanist/engineer. Lilith Vita: My theurgist! She grew up on earth in an attempt from her mother to keep her protected from various magical dangers. But she found her way to the Spiral regardless, and attends Ravenwood reluctantly because she’s VERY upset about the fact that she’s a theurgist... she’s a big, big fighter, not the soft, sweet healer type. This also leads her to possibly teaming up with literally every antagonist oops - Nazar Senith: A sorcerer girl who is an actual antagonist herself! She’s a balance prodigy who was semi-adopted and trained by Persephone’s father as a child. (No, they don’t get along.) And to make a long story short, she’s wanted in several worlds due to the fact that she is an infamous serial killer with not an ounce of subtlety. She’s also very cheery and playful though, give her some crayons and she’ll be busy all day. Oceania Senith: My diviner who was “The Savior of The Spiral.” And Nazar’s big sister! She followed the main game plot closest out of them all, and along with a huge ego also had a hero-complex and a genuine desire to help and save everyone. She was a member of the Council of Light and was mentored as a child by the Lady of the Lake (storm ego storm ego-)  Due to... certain events, however, she’s now a ghost that can be found haunting Marleybone. Cordelia Ashdown: My pyromancer lady. She works for Persephone’s father, though she is the very definition of chaotic good. Also a self-proclaimed vigilante and arsonist, cough cough. She’s very motherly and gentle towards people younger than her but will not hesitate to beat someone into the ground who deserves it - in a ladylike way, of course. She’s also fully mute! So all the sass is portrayed through actions alone. Cerberus Delta: My shy, anxious conjurer boy who really just wants to be left alone - He is from Darkmoor, and accidentally joined up with some of the others by sheer luck. He’s also a werewolf, hence why he’s so spooked by humans and has a hard time understanding civilized society, but he tries his best...! Skadi Einherjar: A cursed, loner thaumaturge. She’s from grizzleheim, and prefers little to no company. The fate of the Spiral doesn’t mean much to her, and she’d rather care for Nithogg or focus on herself. She’s completely blind and uses her ice magic (with some other things) to ‘see’ the world, by sensing out the heat signatures of people/creatures. Along with that, she’s incredibly hard to injure not only due to that Ice-Magic-Tank-Ability, but also because she is actually undead, a resurrected zombie rose by, again, my main villain.(Literally everything in my AU is his fault.)
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