#jokes on you if you think theyre straight btw
prince-of-khrysalis · 8 months
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(Wiztober 2023 Day 18: First Love Second Lust)
The Wizard (tm) and The Schismist (tm) have a weird relationship if you believe the rumors
The rumors being that the two of them have been spotted just spending a lot of casual time in each others company despite being (according to Denkichi) mortal enemies and all??? I like to think after Denkichi quits his little cult I mean quits being a Schismist that the two become a bit less antagonistic, because he no longer has an excuse to follow her around in a non-weird fashion so he ends up just trying to catch her attention at any opportunity (that ISNT prime battle time, of course, he hadn't given up his goal of winning a duel with her), and Persephone is so fucking exhausted from the existential horror that was Lemuria+Novus back to back that she doesn't really care and actually allows it on occasion, now they're mortal enemies AND vent buddies and they're both going to tell the papers its not gay and they're both lying.
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funsizedshark · 7 days
pacing around in circles muttering to myself about daniel and louis and the years between the first interview and now...... daniel telling armand "he didn't even want me in the end" after offering to get on his knees for him instead... they didn't fuck but for decades "i really thought we did" / "do you want to now?"... daniel is old and dying in a penthouse full of impossibly young beautiful immortal beings and louis still laughingly offers something that daniel thought for years he'd gotten already. and then it turns out that not only he didn't, but something in him had assumed they did have sex and never explored that further and he's gone through this entire second interview so far under that assumption because that bridge has been crossed already. except it hadn't and when louis says "do you want to now" you can see the change in his expression like for the briefest of moments he really is considering it
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gorespawn · 15 days
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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attex · 2 months
You think fp and lttm have some self soothing behaviors?
i have been regularly thinking of answetring this ask (it was sent 3 months ago.) but i kept fucking forgetting. i think they do tbh but theyre akin to how they move around their puppets by default, yknow how some people move their hands when talking its like that for their Thinking in a way. it can be like when someones mumbling/talking to themselves cuz theyre really lost in thought or something. (insert joke about italians here) this applies to every iterator with a functional connected puppet...
this is just advanced headcanoning btw, read more cuz its kinda long and not formatted well
for the cringe siblings though i headcanon five pebbles would be touching his robe fabric a lot (especially post-rivulet where hes more concentrated on his own puppet and tries to use it more to ground himself to his own body), he does that out of stress usually as another little external representation of his emotions- i imagine a lot of the structure straight up moves and has a lot of its parts basically shifting and wiggling around, its more involuntary but i think pebbles moves and bundles up his cables that are normally used for local data transferring. he doesn't have much to reorganize within him internally a lot of the time (anymore...) so he basically moves his devices for it for the sake of the sensation of having/doing some sort of action
i think moon sometimes gently rocks her puppet back and forth when under-stimulated. though she usually lands back to staying very still (she does this before her collapse too anyway, she meditates in a way have you seen how she moves her puppet to the middle of her chamber and closes her eyes and has her halo move gently etc. AHHHHH its so cuteeee) also i draw her with hair like wires so um :) she braids them sometimes or caresses them. shes much more disconnected from her entire body so its Something to do at least. she will hold and look at the pearls or other items that creatures end up bringing to her also <3 post-rivulet she gets a lot to do with her structure. she very often rumbles parts of her to hum sounds and such, she does this with her puppet too but its more akin to humming a melody for the puppet lol. while every iterator can has a near-constant background hum and noise caused by many things, moon explicitly alters her internal humming to match external things she is experiencing- (unlike other iterators who don't usually have their internal "rhythm" match their external environment as well) i believe she developed this habit to be more in tune with her environmental location as it helped with not causing as much harmful interference to all that is around her (she has an older, not as performant/optimized can so she needed to adjust to function better), its beneficial for her workings too lol! her organic parts do need to be in tune with the life surrounding her to be able to keep stable.
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deerlottie · 2 months
T4t jackieshauna where they’re both perverts and freaks save me… Shauna would totally send Jackie excerpts from fucked up books like exquisite corpse by poppy z brite and be like “babe it’s us” and it’s paragraphs of the most grotesque and detailed descriptions of the two guys in the book killing people together and fucking and being sadomasochistic creatures (great book btw). They’re so possessive i’m gonna be sick. Jackie would get so hot and bothered from seeing how Shauna’s jaw clenches and veins pulse and his hands grip his chair when anyone gets too close to her and she loves how he’s not shy about it either. Shauna tweaking holding Jackie and yelling“NO! Mine!” Like he’s a little kid who doesn’t wanna share and Jackie loves it so much. Jackie’s a little different when it comes to being possessive. I think rather than being so overt about it, she’d watch from the sidelines eye twitching forcing a smile and going “everything’s fine what are you talking about haha” and she’s crushing a soda can in her fist and then the second she gets Shauna alone her hands are all over him, biting him, interrogating him like shes in the FBI and just caught the head of the most notorious cartel like “fuck her i don’t want anybody looking at you like that you’re all mine i hope she dies you’re mine forever” and Shauna being like “🤗😍🫡 yes ma’am! I’m all yours fuck her you’re all I’ll ever need”
okay lowkey just added the book to my Want to read list on goodreads LMOA
I NEVERRR know how to respond to ur jackieshauna messages because theyre so fucking good but goddddddd.....if he could get away with it, shauna would 100% just straight up murder whoever is talking to jackie at that moment. literally pull a gun from out of his ass and shoot them and rub their blood all over jackie's face before making out with her
and dont get me started on jackie...she'd have soo much fun flirting with other ppl just to rile shauna up. she also throws up in her mouth while fake laughing at some joke this dude told her, but anything to see shauna pissed off ;3 she knows shes about to be sore and bruised tomorrow morning
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hii im just adding on to my old one with more about me! new info will be in pink <33
uhh im an indian teenage (14-15 though i look younger) girl and she/her presenting. im very easy to tell im indian. i have brown/tan skin and dark brown eyes. i have black curly hair but the tips are dyed a dark red. my face shape is pretty sharp, heart shape i think?? and people say i look like a cartoon? i have bangs that curl and swoop across my face though they fall straight across my forhead when straightened. 
im pretty short too, easy to pick up lol im also INSANELY clumsy and fall down a lot, very high pain tolerance tho! physical touch is my love language >>> HUGS, FORHEAD KISSES, HOLDING HANDS, just laying across each other?? omg i love it all
I'm very energetic and it shows. Im bouncy and fidgety and easily excitable. I'm very friendly and silly, and just chaotic in general. I'm an ENFP and fit like all the stereotypes and everything. Or if you know Owl House, I'm exactly like Luz Noceda. I care a lot about my friends but im not sure if i show it enough? i come off as a lot at first and am very awkward Tons of people associate me with hyperactive adhd (not diagnosed )! I'm pretty optimistic and positive in general, UNLESS we're talking about my humour- its the corniest dad jokes mixed with dark humour thats a very aqcuired taste, i also LOVE inside jokes <33 Like my vibes are all cutesy and sunshiney except when you know me you know im Very Concerning™ (my friends say my bracelts fit my vibes perfectly and theyre like yellow and pink with hearts and smiley faces but say Death and Arsonist) uhh, im also the mom friend along with the chaotic gremlin?? Yes, lets get in trouble but only if you take care of yourself! (i always carry bandaids, pain killers, ect. though it might also be the part of me obsessed with medicine and healing lol)
i like to read! and hang out with friends! adventures and exploring and doing things im not supposed to
FIRE AND NATURE AND OOO ANIMALS  CREEKS >>> CAVES >>>> just finding little places where we can be ourselves together you know? i really love cozy fantasy and believing in magic and just have a sort of childish innocence (this world is depressing without it :pp ) which also leads me to be pretty gullible :sob: -
i also like to write, though im not very good at it. I doodle sometimes for fun. Crafts are fun too! I bake when i have time but i mainly hang out with friends <33 I love to try new things, though I'm not really good at it lol ALSO I'M BI-ROMANTIC AND ASEXUAL (questioning for both) so i dont mind girl or boy, just SFW thank you so much btw, i love ur hcs so much and its really creative :DD
I’m giving you two different fandom ships
Your Fandom Ship(s): Tim Drake (Red Robin, DC Universe) and Steve Randle (The Outsiders)
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Explanation: starting off of the parents I think that Tim would absolutely find you attractive and he would think that you’re one of the cutest people he saw all day. He would love your heart shaped face and love your curly hair with the red tips at the end and think that it made you stand out from other people, and I feel like his eyes would just be subtly on you as he walked by.  he’s also pretty short and I feel like it would be kind of a running joke between the both of you if you weren’t insecure about being short, of course. He’s not super clumsy, but he thinks the fact that you’re kind of a klutz is utterly hilarious and he will laugh at you a bit before helping you up with a smile. I honestly don’t hc him as being very interested in sex, so I think he would totally be fine with you being a sexual and willing to skip over that part of your relationship. He also really loves physical affection too, (to a limit) so I feel like he would be all about cuddling with you and hugging and kissing. But I also feel like he would need a break sometimes from that which you would totally respect. But he would love climbing through your window late at night, laying down in bed with you and just talking and having those deep late night conversations. So Tim is the type of person that doesn’t really use alarms and he doesn’t really get much sleep either. He’s very intelligent and mostly thrives on coffee and very much stays up late and doesn’t get enough sleep so I feel like he wouldn’t be as chaotic as you, but I feel like he would help wake him up a little bit in a way that even coffee can’t I feel like you guys would perfectly balance each other out because he’s definitely a bit more of a tired guy and you’re definitely a bit more oh my gosh, look at that look at this. Watch me do this! Type of person. It also works in vice versa because I feel like he could kind of be your melatonin a bit and help you kind of remember to relax calm down. Take one step at a time not in the way that’s squashing your excitement and chaotic kindness, of course, but more than a way that just kind of grounds you. He’s a bit of a nerd too and comes off a little bit awkward when he’s not in his red Robin superhero persona where he hast to be smooth and he’s just in regular old Tim Drake so I think you guys would kind of be together because you could bond over that a bit and kind of feel like the other person is way smoother or something than you and feel like you guys are really on the same page. I feel like Tim also kind of needs you because he definitely doesn’t take care of himself and it’s kind of funny your relationship because he’s going to tell you oh don’t break the law and you’ll be like well. You take care of yourself you have a broken arm you shouldn’t even be, doing that anyway and then you guys will both stare at each other like “shit. You have a point.” I feel like he kind of makes more nerdy jokes, but he would definitely appreciate your dad joke, humor and you guys have so many freaking inside jokes. It’s not even funny like you guys talk to each other around the rest of the bat family and they’re just so clueless as to what you’re saying because of how many freaking inside jokes you guys have referenced in one minimal conversation. He also loves reading so I feel like that’s something you guys could do together. Just have a little reading and music dates where you sit down and just vibe and then maybe later talk about your books and I feel like he’s the type of person that after reading a book would love to come up with all sorts of theories about it And things like that because he is a better detective than Bruce Wayne himself in canon. I feel like Tim would love film theory (the YouTube channel). Anyway, I feel like you guys could also go on hikes together and that’s something that he would enjoy. 
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Explanation: starting off with physical attraction I think that Steve would be very attracted to you and think you’re extremely beautiful. He would love your heart shaped face and the way you look like some sort of animated character just popped right out of television and in front of him and he would think that your hair is super cool, but he would never tell that to you until you were way further in the relationship. He is a lot taller than you and would love picking you up and spending you around and teasing you about being short and because you’re so clumsy, he would probably be jokingly calling you “dummy” a lot while fully knowing that you could definitely beat him in any academic test easy. He’s totally fine with you being as sexual as he doesn’t really care that much about that in the relationship as long as he gets to be with you. He would love physical affection, though it might take him a while to get used to it and you might have to do it later on into the relationship. Once it finally happens I think he would totally be in love with holding hands with you, kissing your cheek and things like that. as for your excitable personality and very ADHD chaotic gremlin vibe I think that you guys would be a great match together because he’s kind of a grumpy vibe and I feel like you would even each other out like you’re one of the only people besides his best friend that can make him smile and he’s one of the only people that can calm me down if you can’t focus because there’s too many things in the rumor something like that. He likes that you take care of him because sometimes he gets injured whenever he’s working on cars and it’s pretty convenient that you always have bandages on and alcohol wipes, and things like that. It also makes him feel cared for whenever you do it. He would laugh really hard at your dad jokes and I feel like you guys would have a decent amount of inside jokes as well. As for your kind of sunshiny side I think you guys would be a great pair because he’s kind of colder and grumpy so I think you guys would even each other out. He doesn’t get reading as much, but he would really love it if you read to him while he was working on cars so he had something other to think about.
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brainlessrot · 2 years
hihi!! can i get number 14 ( romantic ) for cater? i feel like hed be the type so say that lol. congrats on 1k btw!
here you go! i got a lil bit off the rails at the end, woops
✩ Toby's 1k special ✩
number: 14 -- "we'd make quite a cute couple" or! friends joking about dating, but theyre not really joking
Characters: Cater, Gn!reader
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You scrolled through your magicam, passing multiple photos of animals and some of your friend’s—there was one of Deuce asleep with multiple “tattoos” painted on his face with marker, clearly posted by Ace. Your legs rested on Cater’s lap, him doing the same as you—responding to the multiple notifications that clogged his phone.
“Hey, look at these comments!” He pushed his phone in front of you, the little diamond charm jiggled at the movement— you had a similar one, a set to match with him. Your eyes focused on the words on screen, under a selfie of you two on his magicam account, his arm around your shoulder as he pulled you in to kiss your cheek, a wide grin in your face as you squint. Multiple people had left comments like “since when you two had been dating?”, “you two look cute together!” “when is the wedding??” and the such.
“We’d make a cute couple, don’t you think? Everyone agrees!” He chuckled, a blush dusting his cheeks as he looked at you. You giggled, liking some of the comments.
“For sure, we would be one of those couples that give people cavities because they’re too sweet.” He nodded in agreement.
“We’d be one of those couples that are always telling each other to hang up for thirty minutes.”
“Don’t we already do that?” You laughed loudly, giving his phone back as you read a last comment; “just kiss already bro”.
“Ahh, yes, yes we do, maybe we do act too much like a couple.” He brushed his hair back, some hairs falling over his eyes.
“Maybe the comments have a point, we should just date each other at this point.” You felt your face warm up at the idea, your smile wavering as you thought that maybe you were pulling the joke too thin, not wanting him to realise your true feelings.
“Would you like to try?” You chuckled, treating what he said as a joke. Your smile fell as you looked at his face, completely serious as he observed you.
“Are you… serious?” You stared at him as he gulped, pressing his lips in a thin line before nodding. You couldn’t stop a smile from appearing in your face, letting your head rest in his shoulder. “Ace and Deuce are going to say ‘I told you so’ for the next three weeks straight.”
He chuckled, passing an arm around your shoulders and pulling you back to rest against his chest. He lifted his phone, ready to take another selfie, this time the comments would be right.
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dailymothanon · 2 years
More Alaska Headcanon Ideas (because I said so)
-Due to Alaska's crime rates being much higher than the national average (i know this is cause the lesser amount of people the greater the rates would be but shush) Alaska has very strong intrusive thoughts and it sometimes makes him distressed
-Alaska probably got Anomic Aphasia. I did notice Alaska struggles with names (mostly gov's) but like, most of the time he only says their names after another says it so like, yeah.
-Alaska knows things about the states, he can associate them with things, he knows what they look like and what they're like, he just can't remember their names for the life of him (like when he recognized Florida is the Sunshine State)
-The aphasia also is the reason why Alaska can't be bothered to try to remember what lanes he's in and just uses moose and or bears as a point of reference, that, and he tends to just know his way around via visual checkmarks
- things just blur together to him much more easily compared to the others, that's why he uses terms such as the Lower 48, Outside (anywhere outside of Alaska), The Bush (the majority of Alaska that isn't accessible by road)
-He can remember Texas' name well cause Texas says his own name a lot - usually to refer to things large in size (Alaska picks on him for it obviously)
-Alaska, California, and Hawai'i all have a small history together that no one really knows of and it all ties back to when Alaska was suffering under the Russian American Company
-this one is just a joke but yesterday I heard a kid say their parents were gonna go away to get wood for winter soon, so imagine if Alaska was like "no guys i do have parents theyre just chopping wood it takes a long time no they didn't leave"
-Raven is basically a parental guide/figure to Alaska.
-Alaska and California discuss bears (the peak of evolution)
-He does put his hair up sometimes, but humanity isn't ready to see that
-Alaska's room is full of trinkets i've decided. Mostly little souvenirs he's gotten from around his state. From finding things during hikes or cool little things from small stores
-Alaska and Florida are buddies. Reason being? Florida has stated before that he thought Alaska was mysterious and cool, and their debates of who is the more dangerous/badass state wasn't heated, also Florida respected Alaska's wishes of being left alone when Gov wanted him to call Alaska (i have some more examples)
-Since Alaska has been shown twice not caring about nudity, I would doubt he does not care much about what he wears either. He's also spectacular on heels btw. My excuse for thinking this is cause moose technically in a way travel on heels (the heels being their hooves)
-calling Snowmachines 'snowmobiles' makes you a loser in Alaska's eyes. Like why would you call it that.
-Alaska loves chocolate but very much is not all that for candy
-He likes to be straight forward and gets to the point pretty often, states like New York appreciate that
-His spatial awareness is ASS. Alaska bumps into doorways and furniture all the time and it's hell for both him and the smaller states
-He tends to work along the flow of the seasons rather than the days, for example, when its fall it's the state's final burst of energy to get things done before the winter stillness, bears and all kinds of animals do this too
-he does indeed hibernate. Maybe not every year, but he could use it
i'll update this throughout the day if more ideas come to me
Updated ideas:
-Alaska is very strong minded. Mostly due to living all this time throughout isolation, he's grown to learn how to stay sane for a very long time and remember who he is
-he tends to get homesick quickly, sure, he has a strong mind but thats mostly for his sanity. But yeah, when the states moved into the statehouse he was the probably the first to become homesick
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thievescanted · 8 months
cal-as-companion questions part 1
this is @omgkalyppso's fault btw
Where can your Tav be recruited? Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region? Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
cal can be found on the way to the grove just outside the nautiloid crash region, arguing with a man who, believing her to be dead, had been rifling through her bag. upon your interruption, the man will say he’s sorry for the mistake, but insist to you that he really did think she was dead. passing a DC 22 investigation check will reveal that there is something off about the way she breathes - it seems more deliberate than automatic.
when you realize she’s tadpoled too you can ask her to join you - she will be reluctant about it and tells you she doesnt play well with others. if you take her word for it though she says “Ohh ha that was a joke! No, we should definitely stick together. You could clearly use the help. No offense.”
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
astarion and shadowheart do nottt trust her lol
shadowheart: Are you quite sure we need her company? Far be it from me to question your judgement, but there’s something off about her. Something about her eyes, perhaps - they have this… cornered animal quality about them.
astarion: (looking over tav’s shoulder at cal, squinting - clearly is seeing something you don’t) Hm? Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine picking up another stray. Probably.
(after a long rest you can get the following banters if theyre both in the party:
astarion: you look cold, moretti. do you need a jacket? cal: you offerin’ me yours, sunshine? astarion: ugh. no, the last thing i need is for any of my clothes to come back reeking of cigarette smoke. i was only making an observation.
cal: you’ve got red on your collar there, astarion. what is that, tomato? or maybe - astarion: what? where? i - cal: (cackles) astarion: (sourly) oh, do fuck off.
they are playing undead chicken)
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
of shadowheart: So you're taking this one with us, then. She doesn't exactly seem the friendly sort, but then I suppose neither do I. of astarion: I'd be careful of that one. Just take my word for it, yeah? of wyll: He's coming along, then? No, I don't mean anything by it. He seems... (wrinkles her nose) nice. He seems perfectly nice. of karlach: (clearly not paying attention to you, very clearly trying to see karlach) Sorry, did you say something? I was admiring the view of the, uh. Landscape. Just appreciating nature. of lae'zel: Sorry, did she say she knows how to get these things out of our heads? Why are we following you? No offense. of gale: Gods, but that one can talk, can't he? Can't say I really understood any of it. Ugh, wizard shit.
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
cal will act soo annoyed about you choosing to help people (“Listen, I don’t mean to get in the way of your whole… (dismissive hand-wave) hero thing, but I do feel compelled to remind you that the matter of the fucking brain parasites in our heads is kind of time-sensitive. But by all means, let’s stop and help every sorry bastard we come across.”). she then proceeds to approve of it every time. she also approves of you giving people money. fucking with rich people nets huge approval. also she likes if youre kind of mean to people. dont worry about it
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
honestlyyyy i think cal will straight up leave the party if you encourage wyll to sign a new contract with mizora. she really values autonomy, and i think telling him to give up his life for that of his father would make her lose a lot of respect for you. she won't leave the party if you help the cult raid the grove, but it will drastically lower it to the point where if she disapproves further she may leave lol
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed? What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
she uhhhh died when she was 21, and was brought back to life by a woman named teverezhta; the condition for cal's revival was that she carry parcels for teverezhta around faerun. she doesn't know what's in them, or what theyre for (you later find out that one of the things she was delivering was shipments of the tadpoles youve been finding around - she was not aware of this). failure to comply with the terms of the contract would mean that tev could kill her automatically; however, the parasite currently gets in the way of this so cal has significantly more freedom. tev also can't currently track her by magical means
somewhere near ethel's house you can find a crow. if you speak to it it will just caw at you, with a note that the crow seems unusually intelligent (with animal speaking: caw. fuck off. caw.) the next time you long rest, the crow will appear in your camp and reveal itself as an half-elf man named emil, who informs cal that their business is not finished yet - tev may not be able to magically track cal, but if she finds she hasnt been doing her job, she'll find her and kill her herself. fortunately her current job is to continue investigating the cult
after this cal will explain her death and her contract to the best of her ability (she remembers neither, only that they happened). it's clear throughout the conversation that she worries youll see her as a liability
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game? Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
YEAH. so you later find out that there's a piece of. someones soul that was inadvertently stiched into cal's heart during her resurrection - the intention had been for her to be a vessel for this soul, but it didnt quite go as planned so the teverezhta family found a different use for her. HOWEVER that piece of soul in her heart does give her the ability to utilize limited necromantic magic. growing that soul would increase her range of abilities, but also make her less herself (she'll eventually develop a second shadow, and her reflection will occasionally be. not her)
the end id define as the "good" end would be one where tav helps free cal from her contract. im not entirely sure how that would happen just yet, but it would mean she would be properly Alive again, albeit with that soul in her still
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp? How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
> I need you to go back to camp. Cal: What, really? Won't you miss me? > I'll find you later - go wait there for the time being. Cal: Fine. I'll go stare at some rocks and wait for you to get back.
> Come with me - there's work to be done. Cal: Thought you'd never ask. Try to keep up.
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
NOT..... really? like cal and astarion realize pretty quickly that theres something Going On with the other in an undead or undead-adjacent kind of way, but will have agreed to keep their noses out of it. they'll allude to it in banter from time to time to get a rise out of the other, but its - mostly - friendly
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
emil will show up from time to time to annoy cal. he will flirt with the pc - to annoy cal - but nothing will ever really come of it. you can ask him about his family, and he'll give some answers. in a way that annoys cal somehow. he'll often show up as a crow, but he's like as not to appear in his genuine form
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner)
(upon finding the necromancy of thay): (sarcastically) Necromancy. How lovely. Ugh. We're not taking that with us, are we? I think that's real, actual skin on it. (if you give it to astarion): Listen, I like Astarion as much as the next guy, but are we really trusting him to be normal about that?
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shslpookiebear · 9 months
What is your fav ship for buki buki?
You always have such amazing takes btw shjdkdskakskka
my favorite ship for ibuki is probably ibuki x hiyoko or ibuki x chiaki but recently ive been much more partial to the former so ill write about that one
i started shipping these two mostly as a joke at first because i was like “murder girlfriends” because the two of them as ultimate despair did world tours of destruction
and then i started thinking about their characters more and i realized like NO WAIT THIS IS ACTUALLY FIRE
ibuki is the ultimate musician but she doesnt perform music in the “correct marketable way” shes a rockstar she wants to sing metal not pop ballads and so she breaks away from her band in favor of going on her own path
hiyoko is the ultimate TRADITIONAL dancer her art form is about beauty and grace and not straying from the path and with her grandmother breathing down her neck its not like she has any other options
ibuki looks straight out of an avril lavigne music video but shes bubbly whereas hiyoko would much rather pull on your pigtails and call you names. though they both definitely lack a filter
another thing is that hiyoko LOVES ibukis music, shes the only person on the island who doesnt think its hot garbage (even though i hc sonia totally loved it because sonias such a sweetheart she needs more love OKAY)
i think hiyokos reaction is indicative of how she in many ways admires ibukis freedom for being capable of forging her own DESTINY
post sdr2 is also interesting to examine because as i previously mentioned… murder girlfriends
i think its compelling to think about how you could spend 2 years with someone, seeing each other at your very VERY worst but now you live together so you have to deal with it
at first i think hiyoko would avoid ibuki not wanting to confront her own crimes or the very real feelings that wouldnt just dissipate because as much as the ultimate despairs were terrible they were also vulnerable people who were manipulated into thinking despair was something very real and meaningful (brainwashing video is voided as always get used to it)
but ibuki is persistent and doesnt take things personally and she is healing but so is hiyoko so they might as well do it together instead of making every interaction painfully stilted
and ibuki still a lovable idiot and hiyoko still doesnt fully understand if you dont have something nice to say dont say it
but theyre making baby steps and thats got to count for something
and ibuki serenades hiyoko in her own totally metal way >;3
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Might be being a little greedy asking another monsters and mommies au question, but I'd love to hear more about Carol and her sexuality journey in this please ❤️
i am so sorry, it is 2:30 am (EDIT: kept getting distracted so its now 3:30 am-) so i am not gonna do a sketch for this HFJKGHKFDHK (for now! i might come back later and reward you with one <3)
but you know me. you've seen my frantic rambling <3 you know i would LOVE to talk about carol's sexuality journey in my au! i very much respect matt's decision to not commit to darryl having internalized homophobia/being closeted, especially considering that it started as a joke, etc. but. but! i am a lesbian and i simply cannot see either of the wilson parents as straight and so yeah, carol's B plot is realizing she is a lesbian
A LOT OF THIS IS GONNA BE FAMILIAR TO YOU ISADORA but i havent talked about it before on tumblr i dont think besides vague implications, so! lets dive in!
of the moms, carol has the most like. baggage, i guess? not necessarily tragic backstory-wise - morgan wins that by a landslide - but she has a lot of small individual things that she has to work through, as opposed to the other moms mostly having to work through one big thing each. carol has issues with emotional vulnerability. carol has issues with internalized misogyny. carol has issues with infidelity. carol has issues with repressed homosexuality. carol has issues with the way she was raised. shes got a lot going on! luckily, all of them are extreeemely tied up in each other, which i think helps to make it so she doesnt have too much compared to the other moms? but it makes it a bit harder to pick out just one thing to talk about LMAO
before the start of the story, carol is already struggling with the fact that she feels like shes unfaithful to darryl because she is attracted, very very badly, to her secretary at work. she also is struggling with the fact that said secretary is a young woman. she never cheats on darryl (well. not in. the main au and definitely never before the forgotten realms-) but she still has severe catholic guilt about being attracted to other people at all. this guilt is pushed muuuch much hard once shes around mercedes and samantha all the time, because she is. painfully. attracted to them. mercedes especially, because mercedes very much encourages carol's attraction to her while sammy is more normal about it. samantha is convinced that carol could fix her marriage, while mercedes is going "dump him! join my polycule!" LMAO
this plotline is, mostly, tied up in carol's emotional vulnerability plotline, as thats her main plot! she has the same arc that darryl does, since theyre veeery similar characters (carol is more ruthless/less emotional internally than he is, but thats just about the only difference i cut between them). so, carol's arc with grant follows the same course as darryl's, except the yeet bigly thing goes. a little bit better! lol. grant is still rejected by yeet, and returns to the locker room very upset about it, etc etc. when carol gets around to talking to him, in contrast to darryl's conversation with grant about frank's death, carol instead talks to grant about the difficulties of being gay and how it can be really hard to be true to yourself.
SHOUT OUT TO @aximili FOR THIS BTW he talked to me about carol for a bit and it put some wind in my sails for the direction that this conversation goes LMAO
I AM a believer in grant coming out before the forgotten realms. however, i waver back and forth a lot on if thats true for this au specifically, because i do like the parallel plot of carol realizing that her son is gay at the same time that she is coming around to her own self-realization. regardless, either way, carol starts the conversation very much focusing on grant, focusing only on his feelings, etc. shes very stiff about it and, eventually, apologizes to grant and tells him that she really hopes that her actions dont make him feel like he has to repress his own homosexuality. grant is a smart little guy, and also sees the way that carol talks to her friends hbghjgbdhjfb and pretty much picks up right away that oh. oh. this is about my mother just as it is about me. he awkwardly prods her about it and for the first time in his life, grant sees his mom cry. he cries too, and they hug, and its emotional, but its good. its healing!
carol gets divorced from darryl post-s1. carol, mercedes and samantha form a silly little polycule. grant, terry jr, and lark all have to either make new friends or compete for nicholas's love because theyre suddenly all sort-of-brothers. nicholas has a crush on their lesbian sister instead and that completely kills their codependent little dating pool. all is good in the world <3 ("the twins literally caused the apocalypse-" all is good in the world <3)
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cheddar-inq · 1 year
three more scug designs!
btw usually ill refer to slugcats just with they/them pronouns but some of them will use pronouns like he/him or she/her depending on my personal headcanons for them i think arti and hunter use any pronouns but use she/her the most, rivulet uses he/they, and spearmaster uses any but primarily they/them idk man its just how i see them, call any of them whatever you like !!!!
monk is one of the few slugcats in the group with no glowing whatsoever, instead being able to grow flowers on their back these flowers can be picked without hurting monk, and if gifted to any creature will remove any hostility that specific creature has towards whoever gave it to them. the effect stays even if the flower is lost, and the flower doesnt mean the creature wont go back to being hostile.
its kind of like. "wow this is a great gift ok i wont beat the shit out of this person" and if you arent treating said creature kindly it will go right back to hating/wanting to eat you
monk is always at max karma and can grow karma flowers (although pretty rarely) alongside the normal ones. the karma flowers dont have the same effect as the normal flowers, just. normal karma flower !!
theyre pretty quiet, but super friendly and hate seeing people fight. they suck at breaking up fights, though, and usually just end up trying to find somebody else to break it up
bros also really short thank you for your time
monk uses he/she pronouns
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next up is artificer !!
artificer, along with a couple others like hunter and spearmaster, does most of the protecting for the group.
although capable of glowing, its not something she can do easily and its not something that really worth trying to do
Along with her normal explosion jumps/explosions, she can do a MASSIVE explosion which stuns and/or kills any creature in a pretty large radius. usually if theres a lot of creatures in one spot she'll go in, explode once or twice, and then come back so she doesnt stun/hurt any of the scugs in the group.
she can use the massive explosion once, maybe twice before needing to lie down and cool down. using it causes her scars to start glowing a bit and smoking and they get very hot which hurts arti a lot, so she doesnt use that explosion very often, only when she really needs to.
her usual explosions often work fine if she overheats from any of her explosions it has the same effect, but it starts a lot slower and just keeps building up- faint glowing, getting hotter, and starting to smoke
shes very protective over the others (at least, the ones she likes) and struggles a lot with keeping her emotions in check, as she has a habit of getting worked up over things and needing to sit down and calm herself down for a bit.
arti uses any pronouns, she/her preferred (she and hunter are partners. love them)
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aaand hunter !!
Hunter is based on a lantern mouse in terms of design. when sleeping, relaxed, or in bright spaces, she looks like the first design (dark red/orange-red one), but in dark places or when feeling a strong emotion they kind of "pop" to the lighter form and constantly glow (like a lantern mouse), their eyes and tail tip glow the most (eyes also get slightly lighter in color)
hunter is fairly serious but likes to slip jokes into conversation while keeping a straight face and not changing their tone at all, just to see if anyone will notice
shes usually hanging out near artificer
has the rot (of course how could i not) and sometimes it'll start to effect him more than usual, causing them a lot of pain and making it hard to walk. if it gets bad enough she can just collapse and wait for it to wear off enough for them to get up again
hunter uses any pronouns, she/they preferred (eheheh artihunter)
edit rq to mention: hunter does have scars, but theyre too dark to see on the darker ver and the glow from the other ver hide them (aka i forgot to unhide the layer with scars so here we are)
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artihunter doodle next
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
I think it's mad suspicious that people are quick to jump to believing Daigo is definitely only or very into women based on him being a cabaret club once onscreen, and that Mine is definitely into women because his secretary. Never mind one of these characters had an onscreen love confession about the other man because they don't even want to acknowledge it as something that was 100% romantic. Idk HOW so many insecure men started stapling themselves to Mine (oh it's probably the sigma grindset) but here we are I guess 💀 People can see things how they want, but... there's some braindead Reddit posts/threads about both of them on this topic.
My favorite moment was when one guy started projecting onto Mine saying he only dates supermodels 😭 Mans had a whole ass speech about hating fakeness, feeling unfulfilled and uninterested in the wealthy life of money and women, and longed for a genuine relationship. All of that? I don't know her.
they could have had mine and daigo make out for 5 minutes straight on screen in 4k and there would still be people arguing either of them were straight. but for a Real Talk and rambling moment look below the cut 🥴
i think the funniest bit about people saying mine's straight is when they reference the line where he says he could have any woman with all the money he collected- but that line like. is Immediately followed up by him saying he wasnt happy that way and judging by the rest of his speech, we can deduce he was just doing what he assumed would make him happy based on societal norms of having money, power, and women.
and theres nothing bad about saying mine's slept with women btw- i wouldnt turn the idea away, esp if you wanna consider it as comphet behavior. but even despite all that, it's really hard to say that mine didn't love daigo romantically when in official rgg guides and rggo stories it was stated one way or another that mine explicitly fell in love with daigo, the phrase being used only ever associated either with romantic feelings or immense adoration that you probably wouldn't use for a typical friend
also the bit about mine and his secretary is so funny cause i remember my friend- who didnt know a thing about rgg- was making me a mine amv as part of an art trade and when they saw him and katase they automatically assumed they were A Thing so i think its just instinctive heteronormativity: if man and woman on screen surely theyre together 🥴
with daigo it's so like. 🤷‍♀️ rgg's inability to have a woman on screen for more than five minutes without her dying kills them in shit like this cause aside from that cabaret scene where daigo's at his lowest and very-easily resorting to hedonistic practices to numb his pain, we never see him with another woman or even mention another woman. if you wanna add more to it, during an rggo story mine finds the concept of daigo spending the night with a woman instantly suspicious (for context, daigo was actually kidnapped and just lied to a bodyguard he was with a woman), suggesting that daigo isn't really known to do as such to people who really know him.
i forever live by the joke hc that he only ever hired hostesses just so he could vent and they contractually had to deal with him LMAO
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
give 5 of your favorite takane headcanons plzplz *big eyes*
this has been sitting in my inbox for a few weeks cuz i was trying to come up with something i havent drawn/talked about before but whatever Lets fucking go even if i repeat shit OK FIRST OF ALL. THE FUCKING SLEEVES. takane post str keeping the ene sleeves bc of sensory issues my beloved <3 i think he rly tries to laugh it off at first kinda like in denial but eventually gives in (or like in that comic i made haruka talks her into it and how its ok a lil bit too)
i also drew this in a harutaka i posted but takane randomly giving static shock to people when they touch them ajdhnsakdjskf <- something having the long sleeves also helps with cuz that way he doesnt have to actually touch anyone. victims of this most often are haruka (by accident) and shintaro (on purpose). also its hair randomly standing up bc. static. this makes no sense ofc but i think its a funny and silly way to translate takane's power in her physical body. the more time he spends as ene the more charged with random electricity its physical body is. RIP harutaka kisses they kinda hurt. u can make the our love is electrifying joke only like 3 times before it becomes annoying. eventually takane thinks haruka becomes immune but in reality he just gets used to it
this is kinda canon ig cuz of that saiyuki comic abt enoshima(was it enoshima. i might be misremembering LOL whatever the picture contest one) where its implied shes been playing for a living so streamer vtuber ene REAL. a hit bc its an insane fucking model to have. when asked who made it enes just like ohh sorry the guy who made is my teacher who died lol!!! maybe theres a bunch of conspiracy videos abt it because ene stops going online for 2 years and then theyre back but instead of a silent stream like it always was its THIS. huge hit though. its awesome. streamer takane is so real not only does he use its power for a job but its also basically "kay time to go to work *falls asleep*" takane being the only? mekadan guy who actually loves their power and actively uses it post str will never not be funny they/she/he/it takane btw. if you even care. bisexual nonbinaries eating hot chip and lying. blue hair AND pronouns. ALSO THE BLUE HAIR ive also drawn this a few times but takane chopping all its hair off+dyeing it blue my beloved. post str takane is never rly drawn with the long hair he has when she gets his body back but ummm i think itd be funny if post str they had it and cut it straight to short from there. i do not want to see the no9 novel ever tbh im fine with it being buried and dead but omg....takane design without the stupid fucking pigtails im BEGGING id kill to see a canon takane design without them. but i live in my delusion and in it theres short blue hair and pronouns!!!
not so much of a takane headcanon more of a general one but also sort of related. im so fascinated by what saeru must've told haruka and takane's parents. haruka was gonna die anyway so his dad wouldnt be surprised but theres No Body? i think for him he was probably a little gaslighted abt seeing him dead and by how he is described maybe he wouldve been fine with never looking at his son dead+convinced to have a closed casket by his old pal mr tateyama and just buried an empty casket for haruka.
but for takanes grandma its so complicated bc she had no REASON to have takane disappear like that. basically i think saeru gaslights gatekeeps girlbosses so hard like gaslights both’s parents to hell and back but especially takanes grandma bc harukas dad is more or less covered but with all its money and resources it can cover up haruka and takanes disappearances altogether so takanes just. Gone. and this poor womans rly has no answers, no closure, no nothing. takane just vanishes!!! grandma enomoto protagonist when. i think itd be funny if she went full on old woman conspiracy theory mode or just tries to move on with this huge mystery behind. takane and grandma reunion i want to see it. haruka with his dad too tbh im rly curious what theyd tell them and what theyve been told LOL
i think haruka and takane dont go back to their families immediately bc they have no fucking clue what to even say so they stay in the hideout for the time being (would the dan move to the tateyama house post str? i read this in a fic once i think itd make sense and i always go sniff sniff imagining mekatrio+mary saying goodbye to the 107 apt). but for takane it sort of becomes urgent bc um it starts becoming apparent she needs its meds and the dan does NOT have the funds so while haruka can wait it out takane is like forced to go back home. i think at first takane would try to pull thru bc with its powers he can still hang out and stuff but its rather haruka/shintaro/ayano being like UMMMM... YEA U NEED UR MEDS. yuukei quartet visiting enomoto grandma WHEN!!!!!!they go 4 emotional support/help to explain i thinks. i think they wouldve known her back then too cuz in the sixth novel haruka mentions they go to takane's house for ayano's bday party after the gaming event.
ummm... sorry this got long. sits down. sry theyre all moslty post str headcanons LOL post str my beloved
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aristotels · 2 years
Every anti-Slavic/anti-Eastern European depiction in North American media I can think of (not counting the spy movies like James Bond and Austin Powers)
Rocky movies - Ivan Drago is just "the big bad Russian" and we're meant to take it seriously.
Taken - Basically "Big Strong Eagle Daddy Must Save His Damsel Daughter from The Albanian Mafia Barbarians".
Hostel - Slovakia is full of people who'll scam, lure in, and torture tourists at will
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (Canadian) - I love this show, but the episode "The Tale of the Nightly Neighbours" doesn't sit right with me because it basically portrays the new Ukrainian family moving in next door as Satanists who hide their evil plans during the day but at night hunt people down for their dark magic. Luckily, they never pulled a "Slavic cult" thing again, so the series is good but if you want to watch it, skip that episode so you don't insult yourself.
Emily in Paris - This show is known for mocking everybody who's not American and straight: French, gay, Chinese, Black, Latinos... and Ukrainians in season 2 with Petra being the joke.
Monster High G3: Turned Draculaura and Abbey into Filipino and Indian which isn't the problem, but made them Americans when they're supposed to be Romanian and Russian. It was cherry picking because the other character racebent was made Colombian when she was Australian. But the Slavic girls are Americanized. Suspicious...
Hannibal Lecter is a Lithuanian cannibal, but this may not bother you depending on who you ask.
Orphan: Esther arguably promotes anti-Estonian sentiment with her being a psychotic serial killer who escaped an asylum and has the body of a child, which she uses to manipukate parents. She even (IN HER KID BODY!!!) takes on the role of a femme fatale in one scene.
I have found multiple good or more positive portrayals of Slavs that I can tell you in another post but I just wanted to get this off my chest. AYAOTD is specifically bad because this can easily make children discriminate against Eastern Europeans. In that episode, it's not like "they're evil demons/witches who happen to be Ukrainian" it's almost like "we do that in Ukraine, that's normal". They even say themselves they're from Ukraine. Yeaaaaahhhh.
thank you for your input!
i havent seen good/positive portrayals anywhere. all ive seen has been very negative usually, or even if theyre positive characters (like in casa de papel, where there was a serbian guy who was great) theyre still portrayed as not speaking english (spanish) and being basal or dumb.
i've added some more examples to my post https://aristotels.tumblr.com/post/690582106573799424/discrimination-of-slavs-isnt-xenophobia-its
and there is the thing that made me write the post, craig of creek where the russian boy speaks about him in third person and is a dumb big bully, which is really offensive.
btw if anyone has any more examples, let me know or tag me. i really want people to start taking this issue seriously.
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styrac0saurus · 1 year
watched a yt clip where a white woman was visiting her black boyfriend in a black-owned salon and the hairdresser was like ‘uhhh are you two dating? youre really dating a White girl? wtf hope you dont have kids’
and luckily a nicer black woman comforted the white woman before calling the hairdresser stupid for being so like openly against interracial couples like ‘black girl to black girl you are being stupid’ but 
it makes me think of a viet mutual i used to follow (i am also viet btw) who would actually be like ‘ugh theyre beautiful/awesome but its so unfortunate one of their parents is white’ like shut up bro i joke about white people too but there has to be clear context that theyre being racist or stupid or something, i dont generally joke about the general existence of white people anymore because i grew up a little, meanwhile you are just straight up parroting 1950s racial segregation talk 
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