#Persona 5 headcanons
tsorrow · 2 months
persona 5 headcanons i have because this game makes me insane (affectionate)
Ren and Akechi are both insomniacs
Ren develops a HUGE phobia of needles post interrogation. he pretty much has to stop helping Takemi with her research because of it. doctors visits are a nightmare and he can’t even explain why
Ryuji’s knee would occasionally give out in Palaces. he would try and tough it out until they got to a safe room. once Futaba joined the team, she figured out pretty damn quick what was going on and ushered them to a safe room whenever it happened. Ryuji never put the dots together.
Ren and Ryuji have asked Yusuke to make fake IDs for them.
follow up: Sojiro would be a “i’d rather you drink in the house” type of dad, but he isn’t with Ren purely because it would be a violation of his probation (not like PT shenanigans weren’t but you get the picture)
After Shiho’s attempt, Ann started checking in on everyone’s mental health a lot more often. no one really noticed except for Ryuji (since he’s known her the longest) but he didn’t mention it.
Ryuji and Akechi had a long conversation about Featherman ONCE (mostly cause Akechi was insanely sleep-deprived at the time). it was the closest the two ever got to bonding and they never mentioned it again
Iwai was weirdly relieved when he figured out Ren was a Phantom Thief because before that, he could not for the LIFE of him figure out why a 16 year old boy wanted THIS MANY model guns. did it make much more sense? no. but at least it was a better reason than other criminal activity (as if Iwai didn’t accidentally pull Ren into yakuza business but shhhh)
for a while, Futaba and Ren were effectively fighting for custody over Mona. They eventually settled on a schedule Mona did not follow, much to both parties dismay
Makoto bakes and is really good at it. she’s the designated baker for everyone’s birthday
Haru will frequently mention something she’s done that seems benign to her, only to be met with stares of disbelief from everyone else (she forgets she’s rich)
follow up: Haru will also say the most batshit thing in the sweetest voice that throws EVERYONE off.
double follow up: she’s the only Phantom Thief Akechi is even close to genuinely afraid of (scary Haru my beloved 🫶)
when Futaba got access to Akechi’s phone, she would occasionally just fuck with small settings for funsies. it caused Akechi so much distress at such a bad time
Futaba also has a backup of Ren and Akechi’s text messages to use as blackmail later.
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taichea · 1 year
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the coffee bfs in college au i guess or maybe it’s just post canon who even knows i don’t even know. anyways. headcanons
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velvet-gloom · 4 months
Why the Phantom Thieves are banned from Dave & Buster’s
(Don’t take these too seriously, I’m just shitposting with no serious thought or edits)
Makoto: Roundhouse kicked a 40-year-old guy who tried to hit on Futaba and sent him to the ER
Futaba: Hacked the speakers and played unhinged nightcore dubstep remixes, was asked to stop, and proceeded to bass boost them
Akechi: Was one point away from setting the record on their DDR machine before he fucked up and proceeded to punch the screen hard enough to break it
Haru: Got WAY too into a game of laser tag, several children left crying
Ryuji: You know that one clip of the dude letting go of the bowling ball way too late and hitting the ceiling and breaking the sprinklers, flooding the whole place? That. He did that.
Ren: Used his third eye to play the rigged claw machines and beat their 1 millimeter margin of error, emptying two full machines worth of prizes before being asked to leave
Morgana: Was a cat
Yusuke: Was so appalled by the food that he snuck into their kitchen to prove he could make something more appetizing and more aesthetically pleasing. Got halfway done before getting thrown out
Shiho, who’s totally a canon member of the Phantom Thieves and always has been: Immediately helped Yusuke break back into the kitchen to finish the food. Also befriended a heard of 12-year-olds and had them distract security to buy more time
Sumire: The only one who’s still allowed in, but hasn’t had much reason to go since Akechi broke the DDR machine
Ann: Tried convincing the manager to let everyone back in, which ended in a shouting match after the manager turned out to be an asshole
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Hello can I please request a scenario where the reader messes with the character by saying “I like you too” instead of “I love you too” with Hu Tao, Furina, UMP45, STAR 15 and Makoto from Persona?? Thank you!!
(Genshin Impact/GFL/Persona 5)
Hu Tao, Furina, Shenhe, UMP45, ST AR-15, and Makoto's S/O messing with them
Adding in Shenhe because I felt like writing her! (As per usual)
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Hu Tao has to take a second to register what S/O had replied with.
"I like you, too"?
Hu Tao halts before her foot is out the door, turning around with a smirk and eyebrow raised.
(Hu Tao) "Oh? We're being like that today are we?"
(S/O) "Like what?"
Hu Tao taps her finger on their nose as she crosses her arms, smiling.
(Hu Tao) "I'm not leaving until you say it properly!"
(S/O) "Psh, no you won't."
(Hu Tao) "Unlike you, I don't need to be physically present at my job today, so I absolutely can!"
S/O had to relent after that. Because she was right, she would prevent S/O from leaving.
And even if they managed to get away, the prank Hu Tao would play as retaliation would probably not be worth it.
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Furina pouts when S/O didn't even say "I love you back". The audacity!
Her hands move to her waist, giving a harsh glare to S/O.
Well, as harsh of a glare as Furina can manage. If anything, it makes her look adorable.
(Furina) "You don't even want to say it back to me, your girlfriend?! Oh, you wound my heart!"
S/O chuckled at her dramatic response.
(S/O) "As if you didn't do this very thing to me last week!"
(Furina) "Hmph! Fine, be that way, for I will not declare my love for you if this is the response I should expect!"
She tilts her head away and begins marching away from the door, still pouting.
It was obvious she wasn't genuinely offended, but two could play at this game!
She could actually keep this bit up for weeks, if prompted.
S/O does not, lest they incur her verbal wrath for the next month or so and demanding a ransom of sweets.
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Shenhe stoically turns to S/O, noticing their lips were trying their best not to break into a full smile.
(Shenhe) "...S/O, did I do something wrong?"
They shook their heads and covered their laughter with one hand.
(S/O) "Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing, Shenhe. I just wanted to see your reaction."
Shenhe blinks and tilts her head in confusion.
(Shenhe) "What do you mean? All you said was that you liked me."
(S/O) "Oh, that's what you're referring to. I figured you were going to ask me why I said 'I like you' instead I love you."
(Shenhe) "That goes without saying, does it not? For us, it means the same thing."
S/O chuckled and couldn't disagree with that logic.
(S/O) "Got me there."
Shenhe, for her part, was still very confused.
What was the joke?
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45 frowns before she turns back to S/O, adjusting the hair out her face.
(UMP45) "Wow, so that's what I get after opening my heart to you?"
Those words were rarely said by 45, even less so when she was about to depart for an operation.
She looked genuinely hurt, which made S/O rush up to try to ease her anger.
(S/O) "S-Sorry! It was just a joke-"
They were interrupted when 45 broke into a smirk and cut them off with a kiss.
(UMP45) "Mhm, and so was that. Now, say it properly this time, would you?"
Both of them chuckled lightly before S/O gave the correct reply.
(S/O) "I love you, too."
(UMP45) "Not so hard, was it?
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STAR pouts when she hears S/O's response, making her face them.
STAR had a hard time saying it without blushing madly, and this time was no exception.
So to get that in response?
(ST AR-15) "Hey, that's not funny!"
S/O barely held back their amusement, making STAR's annoyance grow.
STAR flicks their forehead gently, taking care to not put too much of her T-Doll strength into it.
(ST AR-15) "S-Say it, already!"
With a tight hug around her, S/O gives in, but still laughing.
(S/O) "Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist. Love you too, STAR."
(ST AR-15) "Good..."
She squeezes them back before leaving the room.
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Makoto hesitates on departing, taking in what S/O had replied with.
(Makoto) "Like me?"
(S/O) "It's what I said!"
Makoto looks a bit disheartened at the response.
(Makoto) "I see..."
Before her mind could wander, it was brought back to S/O when she heard them chuckle.
(S/O) "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad! I just wanted to tease you."
Makoto's blush crept up on her cheeks for a brief moment before she cleared her throat.
(Makoto) "Ah, my apologies. I suppose I'm still getting used to this kind of banter in a relationship-"
S/O cut her off by giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her face burn red for a different reason.
(S/O) "Don't apologize. You're cute when you blush."
Makoto stammers over her words before simply sighing and smiling back.
(Makoto) "I'll just take the compliment...Next time, I should play a joke like that on you."
Which would be easy, if she had a sense of humor.
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discotenny · 10 months
Lost you once
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After your death, Akechi struggles to make the right choice.
Goro Akechi x Reader <3k words, angst, P5R spoilers, acceptance of death, Akechi cries a lot>
It’s the first time he sees you in months and it feels just like the first time he ever met you.
You’re lost in the station, looking around in confusion as you try to decipher signs that don’t look familiar. You accidentally bump into him and Akechi has to stop himself from letting out a yell, to stop himself from unleashing the culmination of a bad day onto some unsuspecting stranger.
Besides, you were already terrified enough, having gotten off at the wrong stop with little to no money left on your train card.
You chided yourself while explaining the situation to him- rambling self deprecating thoughts about being stupid for not refilling your balance, for falling asleep on your original train ride, and for bumping into him from behind.
He thought you were pathetic at the first meeting. A bumbling idiot, sweating with every word you rambled out- he had to hold himself back from letting his inner annoyance leak into his eyes.
Something about you sparked something strange within him. You reminded him a little too much of who he once was. And maybe that’s why he helped you that day. Why he bought you a ticket to Yongen-Jaya. Why he sat next to you on the train. And why he let himself accept your thank you gift of a half finished pack of gum.
Akechi made a joke that just one piece would have been less sad than a half eaten pack and he could see your lip tremble at his words. Akechi chose to ignore the strange guilt that came with the sight.
Following that, you promised one day you’d give him a proper thank you gift the next time you saw him. Akechi didn’t really believe there would be a next meeting, but it didn’t hurt to entertain the thought.
It’s the first time he sees you in months and it feels like the first time he saved you.
In another stroke of bad luck (or maybe fate), you find yourself falling into the Metaverse as you run away from some creeps trying to rope you into a ponzi scheme.
You’re terrified, shaking at the surreal and unfamiliar setting of a twisted version of Shibuya. From the corner of your eye you see running figures of blacks and reds. Out of instinct you hide, afraid of whatever monsters this strange world possesses.
That’s where he finds you. Hiding in an alleyway from sentient ATMs and shadowy businessmen. You’re just as scared as the first time he saw you, even more so in fact.
Once again he finds you pathetic, shaking like a leaf in the wind. But the sight of someone like you alive in the metaverse is a fascinating one he can’t help but admire. Deep inside he wonders if you’re different from others, but he squishes that thought.
He would have just killed you there, had you not immediately jumped into his arms when he first spotted you. Even worse- you had somehow guessed his identity under the mask- claiming the surprised sound he made was the exact same as the one from the train station.
He had every reason to kill you then and there, end your existence as he continued his mission to run away from the thieves, and no one would be the wiser as to where a pathetic nobody like you ended up.
Yet he didn’t. And that might’ve been the worst mistake of his life.
Because maybe if he killed you he wouldn’t have gone to dinner with you after. Maybe he wouldn’t have taken you home. Maybe he wouldn’t have spoken more and more with you.
Maybe if he killed you then he wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.
Maybe he wouldn’t desire your touch through every hour of every day. Maybe he wouldn’t go to sleep drifting to dreams of you. Maybe he wouldn’t live the rest of his days craving your form.
And maybe if he killed you, he wouldn’t have lost you.
It’s the first time he sees you in months and the way you run into his arms has never felt so wrong.
The last time he held you, he knew it would be the last. He spent the day showering you in love, kissing you all over, holding you as to savor everything you had to offer. He wanted you to feel safe in his last moments with you, how you always felt when you were by his side.
Going into Shido’s palace, he had every intention of never coming back.
He expected you to be devastated. Spend days crying in your bed over his disappearance. Be upset, maybe even angry at the thought of him abandoning you for his selfish goals. He expected you would be devastated, but he also expected you would move on eventually. That maybe your anger towards him would turn to hate, that your upset would turn to disdain. That you would look upon his imprint on your life as a dark part you would never long for again.
It’s for the best, he said to himself. As always, he ignored the guilt that came with knowing he would cause you turmoil.
But Akechi never expected you to come to Ren, begging him to help him. He never expected you to force them to take you, for you to venture willingly into the dangerous world of the metaverse- just for him.
Akechi looked into your eyes through his red mask and saw a flash of bravery that was never there before. The spark made him stop in his tracks, pause in his monologue, freeze over as he realized the best of you only came when he was at his worst.
But the guilt is squashed as soon as Ren opens his mouth. And all hell breaks loose.
The battle between the thieves and himself is something he wishes you never saw. Seeing his humanity break, letting loose the feelings he tried to keep you safe from, his desperation to prove he was worth living-
He tried not to look at you throughout the struggle. If he did, he knew his resolve would fall apart and he’d do nothing more than cry in your arms.
As he stands beaten and defeated in front of you and the thieves, he still doesn’t meet your eyes. Even as you try and comfort him with words of love and assurance the ringing in his ears tunes them out. He doesn’t hear your chiding, your cries, and he certainly doesn’t hear the first “I love you” towards him that slips past your lips.
As he accepts his defeat and his own inferiority, he notices a familiar presence creep out from the shadows.
The foul words that his shadow spits out make Akechi want to claw out of his own skin. Towards the thieves, towards himself, towards you- horrible words and terrible truths fill the air. Things he tried so desperately to hide from you.
His killings, his past, his life as a living puppet for Shido to toy with as he pleases- all of it is laid out for you to hear.
He notices the pistol attached to the shadow’s waist and recognizes the glint in his empty eyes. He swallows the defiance that rises from his throat, the part of him that wants to prove the monster in front of him wrong. Through it all Akechi realizes this is where he dies.
Acceptance is what causes him to raise his own gun towards the him in front of him.
And when his gun raises, you run.
It happens in a flash.
Two gunshots.
One towards him, one towards the button to raise the wall that separates him and the thieves.
Two people move.
You push him out of the way, he falls to the ground.
One wall.
And he can’t see you anymore.
Laughter in a mockery of his own fills the side of the wall inaccessible to him, descending in tone as they slowly disappear into the floor along with the source. Your shocked gasps and painful winces follow in turn.
He screams until his throat is raw, pounding at the wall as he tries to claw his way to the other side. He promised your safety, not this.
You speak to him the best you can, over the pain in your stomach and the agony in his heart. Shakiness lines your voice as you chide him, telling him to shut up and listen to you. Through your sentences you cry. And you let out the second “I love you” directed towards him, and the first “I love you” he actually hears.
By the time he can reply with his own declaration you don’t have it in you to answer. And despite his acceptance of his own death just seconds prior, acceptance at his own survival makes him want to do nothing but scream.
The months that follow leave him hollow, an empty shell at who he once was. He watches from the sidelines as the thieves save the world. He watches from the streets as Maruki makes a mockery of Tokyo.
And Akechi watches as you cry into his scarf, scared and terrified just as he remembered you to be the first time he met you. He holds you and he knows this isn’t supposed to be. He shuts his eyes tightly, squeezing your shaking form.
Akechi brings you to Ren because he doesn’t know what else to do.
But Ren’s changed. There’s a new sense of melancholy that’s settled in his soul, different from the overwhelming grief that’s taken over Akechi’s. The first words he speaks explain everything about this ‘new’ him.
“So this is what he meant.” Monotone. Void of all the underlying confidence and ego he used to carry himself with. Filled with nothing but acceptance of something the two of you cannot comprehend. Ren urges the two of you to come inside Leblanc and sit with him at a booth.
Akechi takes the inside of the seat and you grasp his hand as you sit down. After a moment of silence you’re the one that chooses to speak first.
“Why am I here?” The crack in your voice makes Akechi want to shatter.
You look up at Ren and your eyes plead in desperation for an answer. Akechi can’t help but look away, staring at the table as he refuses to bear witness to the cruelty of your situation.
Ren sighs and twiddles his thumbs on the wood. “Maruki came by yesterday. He offered me something in exchange for allowing him to merge mementos and reality together. I-”
Akechi sees red and stands up, letting go of your hand, pointing an accusatory finger towards Ren. “So you let this happen? You allowed him to do this?!”
“I didn’t! But I woke up this morning and everything… Everyone was different. All of my- our friends are somehow in these idealized, contradictory lives. It doesn’t make any sense… And I- I don’t know how to fix this.”
“And why aren’t you the only one affected huh? He offered you something but you’re still here-”
“It’s this. He offered me this.”
The walls of the cafe seem to dissipate as you soak in the information Ren just revealed. Akechi quiets, eyes widening as his hands fall to his sides. Ren looks away, a grimace finding itself on his features.
“I just wanted you to be happy, both of you. All of us. You shouldn’t have been involved from the start y/n. I- I shouldn’t have brought you with us and I regret it every single fucking day. It was my fault, I’m sor-”
You reach over the table and place a comforting hand on his own. “Please don’t apologize.” Despite the sadness that laces your words you’re smiling.
Ren returns your smile with a solemn one. He turns to Akechi, “When you disappeared after it felt like that dream was as good as gone. I didn’t know you were even alive until today…”
“So by bringing me back Maruki thought that would…”
“Fix us…” Akechi cuts in and his hands are shaking. The anger that claws up his body is familiar. It’s visceral, and he still refuses to look at you. “That bastard…”
The two of you leave Leblanc shortly after, accepting an invitation to come back tomorrow to discuss the situation further with Ren. The streets are quiet as Akechi leads you home, holding your hand but not looking at your stare.
“Goro…” He doesn’t need to meet your eyes to know you’re looking at him in pity. “I…” Your hesitation makes his throat close. Are you scared of what he might do? Are you thinking back to the last time you saw him angry? The last time you saw him ever?
“I… don’t want you to accept this reality.”
“What?” The smile that finds itself on his face is a front for his disbelief. His eyes are closed despite turning towards you and that makes you frown.
“Look at me, Goro.”
He doesn’t want to. The last time he stared at you up close was the morning of your last. The last time he looked in your eyes was moments before your passing. The last time he looked in your eyes was the day a part of him died.
But your hand gently grasps his chin and forces him to drown. He can’t stop the tears that fall from his eyes as his eyes finally meet your own.
“Reject this, please…”
Akechi doesn’t say more because if he does it’ll be a verbal acknowledgement that you weren’t supposed to be here. He doesn’t say more because if he does he doesn’t know what’s going to happen to you.
He was supposed to be your protector, but he’s reduced to a shaking child desperate to cling onto the one source of love in his life. The more you take him into your hold the more he crumples, letting out sobs in a reply he can’t bring himself to speak. He must look pathetic, he thinks to himself.
Your hand comes to his head, caressing his hair as he cries. Through sniffles and hiccups he allows himself to hug you back.
“I’m so, so sorry,” His voice is lined with water as he feels himself begin to grovel.
“I know,” your voice is soft yet all it serves is to intensify his turmoil.
“I don’t want to lose you again, I-”
“It’s alright.”
“Is it selfish that I want to say no?”
You pull away from him, holding him by the shoulders and looking up at him with your wonderful, shining eyes.
“It’s not selfish Goro. It’s just love.”
You kiss him, and your lips are just as soft as he remembers them to be. The same lips that would bring him out of nightmares and darkness. The same lips that would manifest a sense of love for himself that never existed without your presence. It’s innocence that lines your movements, just like the innocence that has followed you since the first day he ever met you.
When you draw back to take a breath he finds himself chasing after you in desperation. His hand comes to your chin as he tries to pull you closer to him, to try and merge your souls so yours can’t escape from his again.
There’s a sick feeling in his stomach that if your lips represent innocence, his represents the ever growing darkness seeping out from within him. With the merger of your love, Akechi doesn’t want to know if the product is something that can withstand what has to come next.
His lips supplement all the words he refuses to say. They pour apologies into your being and with every movement he hopes you understand just how much he missed you and how much he needed you.
When you part you’re panting, staring up at him in awe and wonder and it makes him want to sob.
“I…” Akechi wants to move away from your gaze, from any possible judgment he feels you may let out. Ironically, it’s the intensity of your look that keeps him chained to eye contact. “I cannot live in a world without you.”
“But you have to.”
He can’t bring himself to say that he knows but you know it’s there anyways.
“It’s going to be okay Goro.”
“How do you know that? It hasn’t been okay since… I haven’t been okay since.”
“I know because I believe in you,” your thumb rubs his cheek, red from the cold and tears. “I know you think that what happened is your fault but it was my choice Goro. You can’t take that away just so you can deny yourself the chance to live.”
The shine in your eyes is unmistakable. The same look you gave him before he never saw you again, bravery. Akechi grabs your hand because he knows what’s going to happen next.
“You can’t do this,” he chokes up, “You can’t sacrifice yourself again for me.”
You take a step back, still holding onto his cheek and looking at him with those incredible, shining eyes. “I love you, Goro.”
“I love you too. I love you, I love you, I-” He hopes if he repeats it enough it’ll convince you to stay.
“And because I love you, I can’t stand to see you this way.”
You kiss his cheek for one more time and whisper in his ear.
“Live your life Goro. Help Ren and save the world. And when we see each other again, tell me everything,” your lips leave his cheek so gently it's like you were never there.
“I will, I promise, I promise you I will,” his gaze glosses over as he takes in all of your form. Your warmth, your eyes, your kindness, your lips, your bravery, your smile, all of you. Akechi closes his eyes and there’s a silent I love you that doesn’t need to be said.
The embrace of your arms dissipates, his hand closes around nothing, and all that’s left in your wake is the glitter of sparkle and shine. It’s the last time he ever sees you in this life, but it’s nothing like the first time he lost you.
RAHHHHHHh !!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this !!!! I enjoyed writing this GOD I LOVE MT BAB TGEFUWHFIWEHFJQI !!!
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namelessheartz · 3 months
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Sumi and Hifumi from persona 5 royal when they're in love
(Yes Sumi got a bit of a style change after the events of p5r lol) (she's wearing contacts but can wear her glasses too) PROPS TO MY BESTIE KWOOMOCHI FOR GETTING ME INTO THIS EPIC SHIP
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mikeyismyboyfriend · 10 months
(Hey I'm back after 300 years
Anyways take a P5 x Reader headcanon thing AHSYJSJRIDHKS)
Persona 5 Thieves x Reader
Cuddling and what they're up for
Ren/Akira is mostly indifferent with it, but bro is down for anything. Snuggles? Sure. Basic cuddles? Of course. Lap cuddles? Fuck it why not. And he's damn good at it too. Protagonist power goes nuts.
Ryuji is kinda nervous about it at first but he gets used to it. Sleeps on your shoulder at least weekly and at most after five weeks.
(Platonic) Morgana is a cat. Daily.
Ann is the type of girl to say she likes to cuddle and only knows basic cuddling. You hold her and she holds you. She's alright at it, but it's her voice that does it in. It just feels so soothing.
Yusuke sees cuddling as an art form once you introduce him to it. You two will cuddle in the most extravagant poses for no reason. Not much else to it.
Makoto is incredibly inexperienced and incredibly nervous. But when she learns you will get lap cuddles all day. She likes to play with your hair and it's instantly relaxing.
Futaba is just all over you, she loves it. Whether it's because she had a stressful day or what have you. You are always the big spoon, no objections. She falls asleep instantly.
Haru is avid in cuddling. She reads a lot of romance books so she knows a thing or two. She's strong, but gentle. She is always the big spoon and whispers sweet nothings in your ear. She'll ask if you want her to give you head scratches or anything while she holds you. 10/10.
Akechi is... an interesting case. Pancake boy Akechi is always willing, but Murder Death Akechi will tell you no, straight up. He's a Two Face. Depends on the day. He holds you protectively even though there's nobody but you and him. You will not escape.
Sumire is a mix of Ann and Makoto. Super nervous at first, but says she likes to yet only knows basic cuddling. Her voice helps too, it sounds really sweet. That and she'll give you positive affirmation.
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blueoakshusband · 5 months
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More headcanon designs! The Phantom Thieves!!!!! I have more p5 headcanon designs on my Instagram.
Note: I used official artwork to draw over and design it all. EXCEPT!! Sophia and Zenkichi!! My cool online bro @kwoomochi designed base art for me to use, that I drew over for those two. As well as some other designs that I didn't post here. I don't claim the poses at my own at all, thanks.
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waywardnajsepticeye · 6 months
A classic one. Akira has autism.
Ann, Haru and Makoto are in a polycule.
Futaba is asexual.
Ryuji and Yusuke are dating.
Akechi likes tiger sharks (I wonder why....)
Akira has siblings (the other persona protags), but everyone assumed that he was an only child.
Morgana tries to stand on his hind legs to try to be "human". It's fucking funny.
(Royal) Sumire likes to knit. She knitted sweaters for all the PTs.
Akechi's favourite name to call Akira is darling. And if you consider Royal, Akira calls Akechi the Black Prince instead of the Detective Prince.
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akirasarchives · 2 years
[ʜᴄ] 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐮
sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs: what having akira as your boyfriend is like!
⤷ ᴀ/ɴ: gn reader // this is old like pre-royal old..
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listen..max charm akira? you’re gone. poof. so smooth
akira is so thoughtful and i mean it! he spends a lot of his money on you instead of buying things from the clinic to go the palaces and such
pls he was gonna give you the luck stone from the fortune teller then he got scammed
hopeless romantic! morgana can’t help but poke fun at him for it
BONUS! sojiro adores you! he’s constantly giving you things on the house
he will literally heal you / throw himself in front of you if you’re about to get hit with a critical attack he does NOT care
(morgana then proceeds to throw himself in front of akira)
LISTENNN!!! he buys so much gifts for you but when he gets the guts to actually give them to you..you’re getting gifts all of the time
like..akira?? we’re still friends here!!
tbh when the guys (yusuke, ryuji and akira) were in the bathhouse he mentioned how he liked you and they’ve forever been teasing him since
mostly ryuji
with the odd comment from yusuke
especially if you’re in the monabus and he sits next to you!!
you didn’t even know he liked you! since akira is so quiet himself it just seemed normal for him to be quiet around you,, and when he did speak you just figured it was how he naturally spoke to you
when you text him to hangout..he’s dropping everything. like finding the treasure? it can wait a day! (if it can)
definitely read a lot of things to increase his charm before he asked you out! you only deserve the most romantic “courting” (as morgana and yusuke would describe it as)
he definitely splashes out on gifts from the underground mall! chocolates, bracelets, lipsticks, perfumes, cd’s etc.!
he read some books too! although it was a literal embarrassing to purchase a book called “asking out the person of your dreams 101!”...it helped him a little even if he had to cover the name on the train
but even so he was sweating buckets when he invited you to a popular date spot for couples he’s read about in a magazine
he set up such an adorable picnic (with what he could afford) and although morgana was shoved into the basket he made the best of what he could
of course you said yes! not only was the weird mixture of his nervousness and charm prompting you to say yes but you’ve already pined after the messy haired boy for a few months now
he can fluctuate between super-attentive, nerdy bf to charming, go with the flow kinda bf
esp with morgana whispering ideas into his ear .5 seconds of the day
akira deffo is such a sucker for video games/manga’s so i’d imagine a lot of arcade and cafe dates where you two are chilling reading manga’s or doing hw
the rest of the group adore your relationship esp the girls
they love asking the two of you about your dates!! ann esp loves capturing candids of the two of you to send to the gc and fawn over
ann: look at these cuties!!
futaba: shame ryuji’s face ruins the photo
haru: wah… true love ❤️
ryuji… he’s asking akira some unhinged shit ngl
yusuke deffo asks to follow you and akira on a date so he can capture the feeling of love irl… turns out it’s kinda weird to have someone follow you and ur bf around
like… he doesn’t even speak to yous… just a shadow
n e way!!!
sojiro… he gives akira some pocket money sometimes 😭😭 (like £10 but shhh)
“go buy [y/n] something nice, kid” BROO
free coffee is normal for you, esp when you’re waiting for akira to get his bag together at the cafe
wins arcade plushies for you when he’s busy with shinya! if it weren’t for shinya helping his phantom thievery then he’d solely be there to win plushies
when he learns how to make curry and coffee, that’s all your eating when you’re over
and honestly…
now you’re a curry and coffee connoisseur
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thaisibir · 8 months
Phantom Thieves react to getting anesthesia: headcanons from a real anesthetist
Ren: wakes up unusually chatty, thinks the recovery room nurse is Sae in the interrogation room, talks about all the stuff he has to do to increase his social stats
Ryuji: won't shut up about being a Phantom Thief and rats out his friends as Phantom Thieves (fortunately none of the OR staff believe him because they chalk it up to post-op delirium)
Ann: confesses her undying love to the recovery room nurse taking care of her (which destroys Morgana)
Yusuke: wakes up reciting a very long list of all the hospital food he wants to eat, ends up not eating for a while due to having the terrible luck of previously undiagnosed post-op nausea and vomiting (PONV sucks, and known history of it in a patient definitely affects the anesthetic plan. A lot of drugs in our disposal have anti-nausea properties: propofol, decadron, zofran being the most common. But a bunch of others can do the exact opposite and cause nausea: opioids, anesthetic gas, etomidate (which I call vomidate) etc. It's a careful balance of what meds to use and which to avoid, and it depends on the patient.)
Makoto: wakes up alternating between yakuza movie quotes and swearing every other word from surgery pain (a bad habit she got from Sae, who swears like a sailor out of work stress when she thinks Makoto can't hear)
Futaba: takes fore-fuckin'-ever to get to sleep, gets slugged with enough medication to knock out a 100 kg 6 foot tall man (redheads are known for needing higher than average anesthetic to go past the threshold of consciousness and awareness. This is actual book knowledge plus my own clinical experience. Futaba would be a real chore to anesthetize.)
Haru: wakes up throwing hands, swinging fists and feet into OR staff, keeps asking for her axe, has to be restrained to the bed until enough sedatives kick in to calm her down (little kids, teenage girls and big healthy guys tend to wake up violently as the anesthetic wears off. The solution and wonder drug for this: precedex.)
Morgana: makes a weepy proposal to Ann, launches into verbal treatises and theories on the psychology of the Metaverse (which just sounds like incoherent meowing and yowling to the vets)
And for the honorary PTs:
Sojiro: the amount of gunk and spit suctioned out of his mouth before removing the airway device is through the roof (suctioning the mouth and throat is super important during emergence of anesthesia, so that stuff doesn't make the vocal cords spaz out and slam shut, which is laryngospasm, an airway emergency. Smokers tend to produce excessive oral secretions, and if they smoke enough, it can even look gray and brown. Lovely huh?)
Sae: has a low heart rate in the 40s that kind of unnerves OR staff, but that's only because she's very athletic (very fit people can have pretty low baseline heart rate, because exercise remodels the heart to optimize blood output for less work/heart rate. Normal heart rate range is 60-100 bpm, but I've seen Ironman type athletes have 30-40 bpm.)
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randoimago · 5 months
Hii could we have headcanons of Goro Akechi (ps5) as a girl dad? Despite thinking that he'd be like Shido, he'd absolutely be the overprotective, scares off all the boys, will move mountains for her kind of father 🥹 I can picture fatherhood healing him from the pain shido inflicted on him
Ofc, feel free to ignore if it's something you do not wish to write 🫶 lots of love 💓💓
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akechi
Note(s): I saw the request and I did it, but I like the idea of Akechi reluctantly adopting a kid since idk if he'd heal enough to actually have a partner to have a child with (or feel like he'd deserve it)
Also, I know in my rules it says I don't age characters up, but if it's for fun, platonic thing like this then I don't mind (I'll still be iffy about what kind of things I'll allow tho)
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Ends up accidentally adopting the child of a victim from one of the cases he worked on. He didn't want to (or mean to, he just offered his home for the kid to stay for a night while they tried to find other family).
As Akechi gets used to the idea of having a child, he realizes how afraid he is of messing up. He knows how he turned out and he doesn't want to put any burdens or guilt or anything on this child that lost so much.
He doesn't quite realize how protective he's gotten either. He'll just be out grocery shopping with the kid and see someone talking to her, just light small talk to the child and he immediately has a fake smile plastered on and getting the stranger to leave.
As much as he tries not to spoil his... daughter (it takes him a while to come to terms with calling her that. His face was priceless when she called him "dad" the first time), she definitely developed her own princess-like nature from him and so he can't help but cave and get extra desserts if she asks nicely. That said, he still makes sure she does her chores and gets good grades.
School is another thing I can seem him reminding himself to be careful with. He always pushed himself to be the best in school so he could accomplish his goals. But she's a child. She should have a childhood. So while he does want her to have good grades to decide her own future, he also makes sure she's not too stressed and that her teachers aren't hard asses.
Yeah Akechi isn't letting her have a boyfriend (or partner in general) until she's twenty-six (and he ups the year each time she mentions it). He remembers what a jerk he was with all his pretending. And he also remembers how idiotic some of the Phantom Thieves were (not to mention Joker being a playboy) so he is not trusting her with any boys.
The door stays open if she brings girls or anyone else over just to make sure.
He honestly can't quite believe how attached he's gotten to his daughter though and how much things have changed. When she smiles or hugs him or even just sticks her tongue out because he was a smartass, it makes him happy. His smiles are more real and he finds himself enjoying being a father.
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taichea · 1 year
girlies ;;;
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velvet-gloom · 4 months
My first playthrough of P5R had me max out Makoto’s romance literally the day before stealing Sae’s heart and now I’m just imagining what that whole experience must have been like for them
They confess their feelings after growing closer and then have just enough time for a night together before doing their most dangerous heist, both knowing that if things go wrong, they’ll never see each other again. Makoto can’t stop worrying about all the shit the police are doing to Ren, and more than anyone she’s afraid when she sees the news about his apparent suicide. Then she finally gets to see him for the first time since his fakeout death and they have this quick moment where they realize “oh shit, we didn’t tell anyone else we’re together and now just feels like a really bad time to casually mention that” so she can’t even tackle him with a hug and yell at him for how much he scared her. They have to wait for an actual chance to be alone before they can even properly process everything they’ve been through from the perspective of them as a couple, and the first time they get that chance it’s just them crying together and hugging each other so tight it almost hurts.
It’s probably around that point that Ren realizes that he’s not used to having someone genuinely worry for him like that, ESPECIALLY after Shido ruined his life and he got dumped in a new city. He has this moment of “oh my god this girl cares about me more than I even knew was possible and I would do anything she asked if I could get her to stop crying.” He starts apologizing and saying that he doesn’t deserve her and she immediately fires back that she doesn’t deserve him, and then that turns into them each saying how amazing they think the other is and the crying turns into laughing. Then they laugh even harder when they realize they still need to figure out how to tell everyone else
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Hiiii since it’s my birthday really soon, can I get Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Chiori, UMP45 and Makoto from P5 celebrating readers birthday?? Maybe a surprise party?!?!?!?!
(Genshin Impact/GFL/P5) Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Chiori, UMP45, and Makoto celebrating Reader's birthday
Oh god, I hope I'm still on time for this.
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Hu Tao pops out of absolutely nowhere and scares the hell out of (Y/N), but she is beaming with energy.
Despite the fact the clock had just struck midnight, and S/O was in their own room.
(Hu Tao) "Soooo, what do you plan on doing? Got any cake for today?"
(Y/N) "Hu Tao, I'm trying to sleep. We can talk about this in the morning...Actually, how did you even get in my house?!"
(Hu Tao) "Details we can discuss after your birthday plans! Now, what do you want for today? I can try my best to get you a good sale!"
(Y/N) "Well, it's not a coffin or ghost, I'll tell you that much..."
(Hu Tao) "Wow, buzzkill! I guess I won't treat you to Xiangling's today after all!"
Hu Tao is definitely the type to throw a surprise party, though it's not much of a surprise since she appeared in their bedroom.
Later when it's actually a humane time of day, she invites them over to her home to celebrate properly!
She still wishes they could've had the celebration late at night though, Hu Tao had a lot of jokes planned...
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Normally, Yae is supposed to do a formal recital of wishing a pleasant birthday.
But to hell with that, that was boring.
Yae decides to wish (Y/N) a happy birthday in her own way.
(Yae) "(Y/N), I expect to have a good meal today."
(Y/N) "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?"
(Yae) "Perhaps, but surely you don't plan on going anywhere mundane to eat for such a very special occasion, right?"
(Y/N) "N-Not if it's going to bankrupt all of my Mora!"
(Yae) "Oh come now, I do not eat that much."
(Y/N) "Wait, why am I paying for you on my birthday?!"
(Yae) "Well, thank you for offering! You're such a kind soul!"
(Y/N) sigh
She doesn't really host a party for (Y/N), at least not by herself. But at the very least, she'll make it a damn entertaining day, for better and worse.
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Oh, (Y/N)'s birthday. Neat, Chiori supposed.
(Chiori) "Yes yes, happy birthday and all that."
(Y/N) "Hah, calm down there Chiori, you're getting a bit too excited."
(Chiori) "I hope you don't expect me to have cake and balloons ready to spring out at you."
(Y/N) "Frankly, I'd be more shocked if you did."
(Chiori) "At least you understand that part."
Bluntness aside, Chiori handcrafts (Y/N) a nice present before their very eyes.
A handmade gift could speak more than a million bought gifts ever could.
As much as Navia would disagree with her.
(Y/N) has better chances of Chiori throwing them a surprise party as they would surviving a lightning strike from the Raiden Shogun herself.
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45's smile seems to soften when (Y/N) enters the dorm, though it was nearly pitch black.
(UMP45) "Well, you took your sweet time coming back."
(Y/N) "45? Why are you in my-"
UMP9 leapt out from underneath the table as the lights came on. HK416 was leaning against the wall while G11 was face first on the same table, sleeping away.
And in the middle appeared to be a cake that looked...ambitious, to put it kindly.
(UMP45) "Happy birthday.~"
UMP9 blew on a party horn, the small paper unfolding and making a small doot noise as her arms extended in joy.
HK416 simply shrugged and grunted, and G11 was still comatose.
(Y/N) "T-Thank you guys! You didn't really need to-"
(UMP45) "Not really, but I figured it'd be fun to celebrate something special with you."
Her smile only seemed to grow when (Y/N) joined her, watching the chaos unfold as UMP9 tried to cut a cake, despite the fact the knife was getting dangerously close to G11's unkempt hair.
(UMP45) "Thought I'd bring the squad along to have fun too. Clearly it's working better than I thought."
(Y/N) "This is already so chaotic though!"
(UMP45) "Exactly."
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Makoto is caught off guard when (Y/N) enters the room, holding a small cake with a candle in it.
The cake itself seemed terribly made, as it looked like it'd crumble if one simply stared at it for too long.
(Makoto) "U-Um...Welcome back! I tried to make something for you myself and...you see how that worked."
Makoto sighed but (Y/N) laughed, giving a comforting hand on her shoulder.
(Y/N) "I appreciate it, still. But hey it smells really good!"
(Makoto) "And the taste...?"
(Y/N) took a bite out of it, and smiled, turning back to Makoto.
(Y/N) "Honestly, not bad! I'm not dead yet!"
Makoto chuckled as she sighed.
(Makoto) "Well, I suppose that's good reassurance."
Makoto would fail instantly at a surprise party, mostly because she'd spend too much time to get it ready, only for (Y/N) to walk in way too early.
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discotenny · 11 months
Someone you cant have
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HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLO :D god its been so long for me to check ur blog and i have been meaning to send rq form last year but sadly i was to shy for that :,) im so happy ur still uploading and doing well 😭 but may i request a reverse part for "Someone you cant have" now with akechi ?
Goro Akechi x Reader ~ falling for their rivals significant other <Jealousy, mild reference of yandere!Akechi, mentions of murder, etc>
KABDKDBDK thank you for sending in a request!! Sorry to keep you waiting for part two after all this time lolol. Hope it was worth the wait <3 As always I tend to write using they/them pronouns for the reader insert unless requester specifies. Mentions of names will be y/n.
Something about you had captivated him from the first meeting.
A stranger who sat next to him on the train when there were tens of open seats. Who looked at him with eyes that begged for help from a creep following you around. Who whispered a promise of a warm meal once the whole debacle concluded. Who he willingly went into the streets of Shibuya with, against all his mind and stomach's better judgement.
"Thank you," you said to him with the most sincerity he's ever heard from a person. "I couldn't make it up to you enough. Where do you want to go? I’ll pay for everything.”
Sincerity... that's what it was.
You were so open and true to yourself it was almost frustrating. He chalked up your kindness at your first meeting as a one off instance brought about by unsavory circumstance. But even after, at your unexpected dinner for two- you were just so, so honest.
Honest in the way you expressed the troubles in your family life. The difficulty handling the troubles in your school. The troubles of romance you've found yourself in. You were charming. Funny. Interesting.
Which is why he didn’t mind exchanging phone numbers. It’s why he didn’t mind more dinners and more train rides. It’s why he didn’t push away the kindness you’d show him and the gifts you’d give him. It’s why he started reciprocating the acts.
And it’s why a funny feeling started to grow in the hole in his chest- fighting against the urge to put all of his attention into his mission. Interest- is what he called it.
Love, is what it really was.
When you mentioned a boyfriend he was disappointed. He of course saw it coming, after you’ve spent nights complaining over growing feelings and him giving you advice in turn. But Akechi was fine with the disappointment, and he was fine admiring you from nowhere closer than across a table. Akechi would be fine just admiring from a distance.
Coming soon, he’d complete his mission and he would never see you again. Akechi chooses to ignore the bitterness that comes along with that last idea.
The more the dinners and gifts and kindness occurred, the harder his fall was to ignore. His gifts started to get more and more romantic when viewed from a certain lens, his stares started to get more and more longing. But as noticeable as it was, Akechi couldn’t help himself. You, in all of your kindness, funniness, and all of your interest, were a brevity of light in his hell of a life.
One night, you show up to dinner and say you’ve got a surprise for him.
“Oh? What’s the occasion?” A butterfly flies around in his chest and he can’t help himself but smile. Sincerely, he smiles.
“I wanted to thank you, for all the advice and help you’ve given me these past few months,” you look into his eyes and it makes his heart flutter. “Let me go get him really quick.” You stand up so quickly and he doesn’t have any time to register what you just said. Akechi sighs as he watches you leave the restaurant.
You come back and Akechi has to physically hold himself back from lunging at Ren.
Ren, who you hold hands with. Ren, who’s smiling after you. Ren, who looks at him with surprise. Ren, you boyfriend.
“Akechi?” He says, eyes widening.
“Ren.” He replies, gripping the table underneath him.
Of course.
Of course
Of fucking course.
“Oh! I didn’t know you guys knew each other,” you clap your hands with a smile, seemingly not noticing the glares emanating from Akechi.
Ren’s arm finds itself on your waist and Akechi wants to scream. “Yeah, we’re friends,” Ren’s tone is casual as he smiles at you.
“Mmhm, you could say that,” Akechi forces out a smile so insincere you can’t help but question it.
“I didn’t know Akechi was the one buying you all those gifts, treasure,” Ren says.
“And I didn’t know Ren was this boyfriend of yours, y/n,” Akechi sneers.
“Ah, sorry I never mentioned names to you guys,” you chuckle, honest to a fault. Unaware of the smugness growing within your partner. Unaware of the heartbreak that falls upon your friend.
Ren goes onto explain that you wanted to introduce your ‘two favorite boys’ to each other after months of talking about one to the other. That this dinner, which was supposed to just be you and Akechi, was going to be intruded on by Ren. He says it all with a smile that makes Akechi want to throttle him.
What a lovely surprise, Akechi thinks.
He tries to keep his cool despite the anger clawing at his chest. Betrayal from you for not telling him that this piece of garbage was your boyfriend. Envy towards Ren for having yet another thing Akechi longed to have.
Dinner concludes quicker than you pictured as Ren has a curfew to abide by. He leaves the restaurant to wait outside, you wanting to talk to your friend.
“You seemed uncomfortable with tonight, I’m sorry if I pushed this on you Akechi…” one glance at you shows all the truth in your statement and Akechi hates it.
He hates that he’s let himself trust in your honesty, in your gifts, in your dinners, in your kindness- he hates your truth and he hates this clawing in his chest.
But what kind of friend would he be if he left you feeling so guilty? After all, you’d just run into his arms afterwards.
“I was just surprised, is all. I’m sorry that I made you upset,” Akechi smiles, insincere once again.
“Are you sure?” You look at him with the most curious eyes, “I’m sorry if I made things weird by introducing him, really.”
“Please, don’t worry about it,” Akechi attempts to console you by putting a hand on your shoulder. “I’m just happy you’re happy. After all this time of complaining, haha.”
Your hand meets his and squeezes it slightly. “Thanks Akechi, it really means a lot.”
He takes one more look at you, holding his hand and smiling so, so genuinely at him.
“Anytime, y/n,” He says.
You leave the restaurant with Ren and he sees him pull you tight as you walk away. He sees the way you stare at him, lovingly, in a way that you’ve never looked at him. He sees you go to intertwine your hands. He sees Ren hold your chin and bring your face closer. Akechi looks away.
Admiring a distance is bullshit if he’s just watching you be stolen away by him. Admiring from a distance would be fine if it was anyone other than him.
It’s just gonna be one more reason as to why he needs to plant a bullet in your boyfriend’s skull.
Ren's part, it kinda sucks because it was before my writers glow up ehehehhehehe
Hope you enjoyed it! I got so excited writing for my pookie Akechi that I ended up finishing this in an afternoon lolol. Also I ended up placing an order for persona merch because of this JFDSJJKFADSFJ. I just love my baby he's my forever boy &lt;3
Let me know how you guys think I characterized him!! I love my babby rsfwaeajfjrewo
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