#Personalized iPhone 6 Case
kinopio-writes · 6 months
Hi!!!! I’d like to request Vox and a reader who just refuses to get like new technology at all because they’re like “I don’t wanna waste money when it still works!” Like their phone case could literally be hanging on by a thread and they’d still refuse to get a new one
You don’t have to do this request if you don’t want to, take care of yourself and drink water❤️
A/N: Thank you. I keep forgetting to drink water every day. The only time I remember to drink is whenever I eat. Take care of yourself, too. And I’m the same as the reader you’re describing, lol. I still have an iPhone 6 and it’s still working. The battery drains so fucking fast though.
Warnings: None
Vox x Reader who’s a minimalist
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• while Vox is someone who owns (I think is) a multi-billionaire company and never had to think of not buying things he needed or wanted, he might agree with you about the money part
• he’s like Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls or Scrooge McDuck (rich as hell but doesn’t like wasting money)
• but the thing is, he owned technology
• if it were any other stuff, he would be okay with it (it’s your money, after all. You do you)
• but it’s literally what his brand is built around
• he could just…give you a new one
• “No! I don’t want a new one.”
• he’d take offense to that
• because he already put all of your personal information in, from the apps you downloaded to your photos and, heck, your passwords, too
• and he did all of that without syncing it with your old phone (yeah, he knows everything—it’s not creepy at all)
• he knew you were complaining about the darn thing and decided to give you one
• so…why didn’t you want it???
• “Because it still works.”
• he’d just give you the deadest pan (not a word) ever
• your phone was old as hell, so the battery is pretty chemically fucked up
• it was also a device that he no longer puts any new updates in (because everyone else already moved on from it), so your phone was pretty outdated
• like, extremely outdated
• all of which meant that there would be some slight difficulty with communication
• and this man thrives from Facetiming you (he’s a busy guy)
• there would probably be more times you Facetime him than actually seeing him in person (assuming you don’t live with him. He probably has cameras there regardless)
• you’d keep complaining about how he keeps bugging out after a certain time has passed in the call or how it’s already gone down to 5% or how your phone is overheating because you’re charging it while calling him or how it’s just searing hot in general every time you use it—speaking from personal experience, lol
• it’s the reason why he decided to give you a new phone (he wanted longer calls without you having to hang up every 20 minutes because you needed to charge it)
• but noooo—your stubborn ass still insisted on using it because ‘it’s still working’
• ...yeah, no, he’s not taking any of that shit
• he’s still going to give it to you whether you like it or not
• his proposition is that, okay, you can use your old phone, but you have to use the new one for calls
• that’s all he’s asking for, really
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One of the little details I really loved in Mutant Mayhem is that Donnie has an iPhone 6+/6S+, and April has an iPhone 5S/SE
It's such good character flavor and says a lot about who they are/ their life (at least it does to me) and I love it so so much
For reference, the iPhone 15 came out this year. The 5's and 6's aren't even on the IOS anymore and are basically the oldest iPhones you'll see anyone use. The only people I see come in with these models are young teens who inherited hand-me-downs, and 60+ yr olds.
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Donny uses a two-part case that surrounds the screen bezel and home-button, which is super reminiscent of the custom print cases that were popular in the 2010's.
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The amount of care and personalization expressed on their phones really speaks to how much they value them, much like a young teen with their first smartphone would.
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And also April's cute egg charm
That's flavor baby!!!
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deedala · 1 year
🚀 Macy's tag game tuesday 🔭 yay!! thanks for more tgt SPACE MACE and thanks for tagging me @celestialmickey @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey !! 💕💕💕
you can call me: deanna🌱
pronouns: she/her
sun sign + favorite flower: scorpio and poppies🦂💦🌱❣️
what time did you wake up today? 6:30 am✨
what kind of phone do you have? mint green iPhone 12 🤳
pick one: beach, mountain, desert, or forest? fuck thhis is hard...beach i guess...but also mountains. can i pick two actually?? beach and mountains???🏖️🏔️
favorite vegetable: broccoli 🥦🌳
last person you talked to on the phone: my mom💛
last person you texted: my bestieee🍪
you’re at the smoothie shop, what are you getting? something mostly peach i hope🍑🥤
you’re at the zoo, which exhibit are you seeing first? elephants! 🐘🐘🐘
last movie you saw in theaters: doctor strange in the multiverse of madness🔮
last movie you watched at home: sdklja watched that red white and royal blue movie and had no fucking clue what was happening 😂
something that sparks joy: hot coffee, good fics, playing with my daughters hair, peace and quiet
and finally, what’s your current obsession? kind of obsessed with youtuber mike's mic's appropriately unhinged recap videos 🎤
and ofc gotta tag some nuggets in case they wanna play too! @michellemisfit @harrowhark-a-vagrant @too-schoolforcool @transmickey @tanktopgallavich @grumble-fish @scurvgirl @sickness-health-all-that-shit @gardenerian @mmmichyyy @juliakayyy @sleepyfacetoughguy @crossmydna @suzy-queued @heymrspatel @mickeysgaymom @m4ndysk4nkovich @ardent-fox @mikhailoisbaby @callivich @thepupperino @energievie @tellmegoodbye @suchagallabitch @purplemagpie @lingy910y @jrooc @rereadanon @gallawitchxx @grossmickey @milkmaidovich @lizelandre @sirrudo @vintagelacerosette @maizzycakes @canticle-of-apotheosis 💖
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8 Toxic TikTok Relationship Advice Trends You Really Shouldn't Follow
1. “Cheat just in case.”
This piece of advice was posted as a TikTok by a user who suggests that women who find their significant other to be shady or suspect them of cheating should go out and cheat as well.
The reasoning is that if at some point the woman finds out, in fact, the significant other was disloyal then the woman shouldn’t feel too bad since they “cheated just in case.”
This is the TikTok user's advice as opposed to talking it out with your partner and having a genuine conversation about bettering the relationship.
2. “You shouldn’t text first because it’s desperate.”
A TikTok user suggests that women should not text first because it is the man’s job to do so.
She also says that it shows signs of desperation and implies that you’re prioritizing the man and that’s “bad.”
In reality, people who have feelings for someone and like them should text them. If they don’t respond or mess around then move on.
3. “Send mixed signals.”
A TikTok user suggests sending mixed signals to create a manipulative relationship where you can hold “the power.”
The user says that creating mental games and confusing the other allows you to get your way.
This toxic relationship advice can create really poor mental health environment, and potentially cause someone to think negative thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not worthy to be in a relationship,” which can be very harmful.
4. “Be sporadic with your text replies.”
This Tiktok user says that a good way of making someone fall in love with you is by spacing and randomizing your text replies.
This user suggests replying quickly and also waiting hours to make them sweat and become attached.
This can in actuality create a poor relationship environment and negatively affect the mental health of the other person.
5. “Drop her if she uses the dog filter.”
A TikTok user suggests that guys should “drop” their girlfriend or loved one if they use filters like the puppy filter on Snapchat.
The reason suggested is that it’s fake and they are trying to look good for someone.
This toxic idea implies that women can’t enjoy a puppy filter and look “cute” or good for themselves.
6. “Keep searching your ex on Instagram”
A TikTok user posted a video that shows a smashed-up iPhone with the caption that reads “keep searching your ex on Instagram.”
The user is implying that he or she broke their significant other’s smartphone because they were looking up their ex.
Looking up an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend on social media behind your significant other's back might create trust issues and a toxic relationship, but controlling behavior like monitoring a partner's phone activity can border on abuse.
7. “Track their phone’s location.”
Although many use this feature for safety reasons, this TikTok user suggests going on their significant other’s phone without them knowing to track their loved one.
This creates trust issues for both people as they will always be wary of each other's activities.
8. “Try a cheating test on them”
Several TikTok users have given this piece of “advice” suggesting to direct message your significant other via a fake account to test their loyalty.
This creates an unnecessary conflict and there are better ways to discover your significant other’s loyalty.
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
Harry and Meghan Netflix special.
Episode 1 Notes:
1. From the outset we are told this is a first hand account, using footage from their own archives. And members of BRF have declined to comment.
2. For some ridiculous reason, first scene is at an airport arrivals lounge. Private jet Harry's documentary starts with scenes from a commercial airport. Lol. Appary he has just landed at London in March 2020. Probably traumatic because this was the first time they had to take commercial lol
3. It's quite evident that this started as a video diary (Meghan's idea?) around March 2020. Way before they finalized the netft deal. So ...this is how they pitched to platforms? This is the behind the scenes look? Scheming bastards.
4. They are addressing all the little criticism - private jets. How little she knew of Harry. Media scrutiny. Archie. How she gave up everything to marry him and then he voluntarigave up his life to join her world.
5. There is a LOT of footage of the kids. Basicat it's their iPhone gallery made into a movie with piano music.
6. She and her friends really overexplai. That she was single "SINGLE" for a couple of months in summer 2016. And travelly the world with her girlfriends. And that those trips were planned to enjoy the world. Girl doth protest a bit too much.
7. Oh btw they met on Instagram. Lol new twist. And she got to know his through his ig feed. Lol. He is photographer ok guys. And he asked to meet her. So not a blind date.
8. They also show their private chats. URghhhh!
9. Harry is such a doofus. All he wanted was to get married and that's a bit creepy ok. It comes across as if he would have married anyone.
10. Nacho is there. URghhhh
11. Meghan didn't know him guys, at all. Did not know anyone. But told all her friends. Hahaha... And they are all here telling us she didn't know. Hahaha... And well... it would all be cute but it's them. So Diana is mentioned a few times. We get to know about their first meeting. And then it cuts to commentary from the day Harry was born, and how special Diana was and how everyone loved baby Harry. Sneaky!
12. We see a lot of footage of innocent diana talking about Harry and Harry doing cute stuff. Just in case we forget. Harry says he doesn't have early memories of his mom. But, dear viewers, we do, right? So that's more important. We all loved Diana.
13. Everybody who has ever spoken/written anything favorable about the couple is in this series. Noone who could present the other side. It seems a bit glaring.
14. So much royal footage. So much of the queen. If she was alive she definitely would have been offended at this. I'm sure. This is disrespectful. Because it makes it seem like "Meghan against the institution". Instead of Harry and Meghan the lovestruck couple.
This is the undertone that I think Meghan may have wanted to distance herself from.
15. When Harry talks about his childhood it does make a but of sense, esp with the skiing footage and Eug and Bea look overwhelmed.
16. He says what she shared in panorama was her experience and truth. Even if it was obtained in the wrong way.
17. Harry is such a simp. Meghan tries to be, but personally she seems like she is overacting even in their old home videos and facetimes. How is that possible?? And Harry says she is so simar to his mum. ewww... the mommy issues!
18. Lol there really are Diana's pictures on the wall in a tiara in the nursery. Didn't Harry hace any private pictures of her he can show his children because this was literally from a magazine photoshoot. WTH!
19. When he talks about his mum's death, they show a photo of the two brothers. With William looking at Harry, and Harry staring into space. That's heartbreak. Truly. The only time I wished the brothers were still close. What would Will think if he sees this??
20. This episode does a good job at presenting Harry's childhood issues. And his fears. He seems self aware. And you empathise with him up to that point. But then I wonder, with all of this, how could Meghan make this whole thing about herself?? His problems are real and massive and he had so much support. And she and him, they make this all about her not being able to adjust and how unfair it was for her to leave everything behind (for all of 1.5 yrs lol).
21. I think, this maybe one of the reasons that Meghan hasn't liked this series. We get to know the Harry that we liked and loved and thought we knew. It makes her feel.like a nobody. And he overcompensates ofr that constay. But the showrunners, director, Netflix won't overcompensate. They tell us who us the more valuable one.
22. Harry is White Knight-ing in Africa. You know, the wayward, heartbroken lad who just wants some warmth and acceptance... It's a bit much, this narrative. esp in these times. This impression of Africa the land of authenticity and finding yourself, even if true, is something we should all avoid now.
23. Harry's issues are so obviously here, I believe if Meghan hadn't come along he might have stayed on the straight and narrow. She didn't value and respect his heritage. And he mirrored her to be able to keep her. (My opinion from this episode)
24. Whenever Lindsay Roth speaks, I feel like she is auditioning for the best friend's role in a Hallmark movie. Whenever nacho comes on screen I want to scream, he is a skeez.
25. They show Harry's tiny makesft tent. To quell the glamping rumours.
26. Abigail Spencer and her bad extensions. Uffff!
27. There's some friend of hers called silver tree. Lol what? Who is this woman? I bet she is a stand in for Gina Nelthorp Cowne. Poor Gina, was ghosted but would have loved to do these interviews.
28. They are saying that initially it was much easier for her to come to London and stay at KP with him. And then they would drive to Windsor and walk around frogmore and have all this space and privacy without anyone ever noticing. So much privacy in london. Hmm.... The exact life they left behind. Weird (not!)
29. It's all bad media, intrusive media.
30. Pictures of the Halloween party, the night before the news of the relationship broke. Eugene's costume, yikes! Also, did they take permission from her to use these photos because she is a literal princess. The palace would and should protect her. (IMO)
31. Harry says, after the news broke, he didn't know what he was walking into. Lol poor dude never thought Meghan would be thriving on getting papped every where. She really did milk this opportunity and was probably acting all innocent in front of him. Because his concern seems genuine, her shock less so.
32. Some of the news headlines, articles, voiceovers they show here are not from this period. They are from.much later, before the wedding. Not from 2016 i remember back then everyone loved her. And she got a lot of positive press, esp in the UK.
Thank you!!!
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Harry and meghan Ep1
1. From the outset we are told this is a first hand account, using footage from their own archives. And members of BRF have declined to comment.
2. For some ridiculous reason, first scene is at an airport arrivals lounge. Private jet Harry's documentary starts with scenes from a commercial airport. Lol. Appary he has just landed at London in March 2020. Probably traumatic because this was the first time they had to take commercial lol
3. It's quite evident that this started as a video diary (Meghan's idea?) around March 2020. Way before they finalized the netft deal. So ...this is how they pitched to platforms? This is the behind the scenes look? Scheming bastards.
4. They are addressing all the little criticism - private jets. How little she knew of Harry. Media scrutiny. Archie. How she gave up everything to marry him and then he voluntarigave up his life to join her world.
5. There is a LOT of footage of the kids. Basicat it's their iPhone gallery made into a movie with piano music.
6. She and her friends really overexplai. That she was single "SINGLE" for a couple of months in summer 2016. And travelly the world with her girlfriends. And that those trips were planned to enjoy the world. Girl doth protest a bit too much.
7. Oh btw they met on Instagram. Lol new twist. And she got to know his through his ig feed. Lol. He is photographer ok guys. And he asked to meet her. So not a blind date.
8. They also show their private chats. URghhhh!
9. Harry is such a doofus. All he wanted was to get married and that's a bit creepy ok. It comes across as if he would have married anyone.
10. Nacho is there. URghhhh
11. Meghan didn't know him guys, at all. Did not know anyone. But told all her friends. Hahaha... And they are all here telling us she didn't know. Hahaha... And well... it would all be cute but it's them. So Diana is mentioned a few times. We get to know about their first meeting. And then it cuts to commentary from the day Harry was born, and how special Diana was and how everyone loved baby Harry. Sneaky!
12. We see a lot of footage of innocent diana talking about Harry and Harry doing cute stuff. Just in case we forget. Harry says he doesn't have early memories of his mom. But, dear viewers, we do, right? So that's more important. We all loved Diana.
13. Everybody who has ever spoken/written anything favorable about the couple is in this series. Noone who could present the other side. It seems a bit glaring.
14. So much royal footage. So much of the queen. If she was alive she definitely would have been offended at this. I'm sure. This is disrespectful. Because it makes it seem like "Meghan against the institution". Instead of Harry and Meghan the lovestruck couple.
This is the undertone that I think Meghan may have wanted to distance herself from.
15. When Harry talks about his childhood it does make a but of sense, esp with the skiing footage and Eug and Bea look overwhelmed.
16. He says what she shared in panorama was her experience and truth. Even if it was obtained in the wrong way.
17. Harry is such a simp. Meghan tries to be, but personally she seems like she is overacting even in their old home videos and facetimes. How is that possible?? And Harry says she is so simar to his mum. ewww... the mommy issues!
18. Lol there really are Diana's pictures on the wall in a tiara in the nursery. Didn't Harry hace any private pictures of her he can show his children because this was literally from a magazine photoshoot. WTH!
19. When he talks about his mum's death, they show a photo of the two brothers. With William looking at Harry, and Harry staring into space. That's heartbreak. Truly. The only time I wished the brothers were still close. What would Will think if he sees this??
20. This episode does a good job at presenting Harry's childhood issues. And his fears. He seems self aware. And you empathise with him up to that point. But then I wonder, with all of this, how could Meghan make this whole thing about herself?? His problems are real and massive and he had so much support. And she and him, they make this all about her not being able to adjust and how unfair it was for her to leave everything behind (for all of 1.5 yrs lol).
21. I think, this maybe one of the reasons that Meghan hasn't liked this series. We get to know the Harry that we liked and loved and thought we knew. It makes her feel.like a nobody. And he overcompensates ofr that constay. But the showrunners, director, Netflix won't overcompensate. They tell us who us the more valuable one.
22. Harry is White Knight-ing in Africa. You know, the wayward, heartbroken lad who just wants some warmth and acceptance... It's a bit much, this narrative. esp in these times. This impression of Africa the land of authenticity and finding yourself, even if true, is something we should all avoid now.
23. Harry's issues are so obviously here, I believe if Meghan hadn't come along he might have stayed on the straight and narrow. She didn't value and respect his heritage. And he mirrored her to be able to keep her. (My opinion from this episode)
24. Whenever Lindsay Roth speaks, I feel like she is auditioning for the best friend's role in a Hallmark movie. Whenever nacho comes on screen I want to scream, he is a skeez.
25. They show Harry's tiny makesft tent. To quell the glamping rumours.
26. Abigail Spencer and her bad extensions. Uffff!
27. There's some friend of hers called silver tree. Lol what? Who is this woman? I bet she is a stand in for Gina Nelthorp Cowne. Poor Gina, was ghosted but would have loved to do these interviews.
28. They are saying that initially it was much easier for her to come to London and stay at KP with him. And then they would drive to Windsor and walk around frogmore and have all this space and privacy without anyone ever noticing. So much privacy in london. Hmm.... The exact life they left behind. Weird (not!)
29. It's all bad media, intrusive media.
30. Pictures of the Halloween party, the night before the news of the relationship broke. Eugene's costume, yikes! Also, did they take permission from her to use these photos because she is a literal princess. The palace would and should protect her. (IMO)
31. Harry says, after the news broke, he didn't know what he was walking into. Lol poor dude never thought Meghan would be thriving on getting papped every where. She really did milk this opportunity and was probably acting all innocent in front of him. Because his concern seems genuine, her shock less so.
32. Some of the news headlines, articles, voiceovers they show here are not from this period. They are from.much later, before the wedding. Not from 2016 i remember back then everyone loved her. And she got a lot of positive press, esp in the UK.
PS: these are just my first impressions. I do the same for ep2+3, provided I can sit through this nonsense for 2 more hrs.
Thank you so much for this. I have so many questions.
To start with, Harry's IG was private and incognito. So how exactly did she know whose. DM's to slide into?
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deathbyautopilot · 2 years
We Control the Narrative - On Website Eugenics, Homestuck, and Your Problematic Favs
Written by Sophia 🌀
I entered the digital realm at about 10 years old, just barely witnessing the shift from the web to apps. I played Runescape on a dusty old desktop fitted with Windows XP and would browse open forums for games I would never play. But as much as I try to remember the endless dotcom online world, works like Kate Wagner’s 404 Page Not Found expose just how far gone that era truly is. For two decades now, the internet has been gradually appropriated by a powerful few, corralling an expansive and free userbase into an easily controlled market.
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Kate Wagner effectively captures the fleeting memories of the open internet in a time before apps, and the "thrill of the hunt" that came from this open landscape. Any hyperlink you navigated through could have opened up into a new world; knowledge you could have never imagined, groundbreaking new media that nobody had seen before, or complete communities redefining what it meant to have a personal blog.
This quote pulled from internet historian Olia Lialina summarizes the landscape best:
“It was a web of sudden connections and personal links. Pages were built on the edge of tomorrow, full of hope for a faster connection and a more powerful computer.”
But in a post-iPhone world, the shift towards streamlined and prescribed apps neglected the web into obsolescence. Maximalism gave way to minimalism, UIs gradually deteriorated, urging you to download their new app or subtly manipulating the content that browsers would expose users to. As a 90s kid, Wagner watched this happen in the fall of MySpace, where personal archives were purged simply because it was not profitable to keep them around. For me, it was the fall of Adobe Flash, and the creative media that it took away.
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Adobe Flash and I go way back, with my most memorable internet experience happening on April 6th 2016, when the multimedia webcomic Homestuck released the flash video  [S] Collide as the conclusion to Act 6. Since its debut in 2009, Homestuck has become a legend of the early web; a rich and expansive digital narrative that the Atlantic dubbed “a story that could only be told online”. By blending IM chatlogs as dialogue, GIFs as panels, flash media, fully animated videos with complete soundtracks, and a one-of-a-kind narrative, this interactive site would draw in millions of users with each update and bridge the divide between forums, personal blogs, and social networks like Twitter.
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When Adobe Flash went down in 2020, Viz Media (having recently acquired publishing rights) made little effort to preserve this 8000+ page time capsule. This prompted fans of the series to come together to compile the Unofficial Homestuck Collection, an optimized, offline version of the original site, even offering language filters to correct its less tasteful writing choices. This was an invaluable act, but it also represents a process of corporate neglect, and this ongoing cleansing of any media online that is deemed unworthy of preservation. Wagner compared this to a series of minor Libraries of Alexandria being burned to the ground, and rich personal narratives being buried beneath a controlled legacy of human history. 
“The artifacts of internet life are personal—that is, not professionally or historically notable—and therefore worthless.”
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Homestuck fans are split between those who recognize it as a postmodern masterpiece comparable to Ulysses, and those who would be happy to see it left in the rubble of the old web. I understand the desire to leave the unfavourable behind us, but accepting the latter narrative gives in to what Wagner called “Website Eugenics”; A process of devaluing the maximalist, often personalized and gaudy, or in some way flawed in favour of the minimalist, rigid professional class standards being set for the contemporary web. In the case of “dated” media, either cringey personal blogs from middle school or crass lowbrow humour, they will be posited as a damper on material history, when in fact it is deeply human.
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The more that we accept a narrative of some remnants being of value, and others being a poor reflection of our popular culture, the more that we allow an oppressive power dynamic to play out. Internet historians, archivists, and cultural commentators like Kate Wagner are doing what they know combats this agenda; revel in the legacy of the early web, retain all that you can, and do it authentically.
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 13x19 Funeralia 
“Oh hey bitch” “Did we see her last episode?”
“Her drink is purple” “Who the hell is this guy? He’s fkn stacked” laughter
“Um hello” laughter
“Her phone has a headphone jack. I wonder what it is. iPhone 6 maybe?” “what the fuck is happening? It’s not her party, but she’s the only one dancing. I don’t understand what’s going on” “wait. That’s the person she gave the purse to. Is the purse ok? I want to know what’s in the purse.” laughter “ok” “what time is it anyway?” “he went from drinking coffee to drinking beer.” “wait a second” laughter
“How does he not plow through a ball handler joke without laughing at himself?” “you done swallowing yet Sam? Fuck he swallows everything he sees” “middle aged man walking through a child’s playground with a knife. Excellent” “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone ride a rail like that.” “that’s not ominous” “He’s fkn coping on that horse thing” “It’s almost like heaven is only 2 sets” “what the fuck” “I didn’t realize Idaho is the Gem State” “idk if I’ve ever been to Idaho.” “that’s not creepy at all” “why would you keep a warm cheeseburger? Put that in the fridge” “is she watching them jerk off or what?” “Maybe the reapers are into that sort of thing. Idk” “is he like a robot or some shit/“ “LaVeau is the Frenchiest name I’ve ever seen” “Just channel your inner angry French man and pronounce the name. You end up grunting since there’s nothing left to pronounce.” “CFO? Fuck her. SHe’s worth too much money anyway. Eat the rich” “how do we know that?” “You just happen to pull that out of your ass in that exact moment? Quite the ass” “Jessica has the same timbre as Eileen. She’s also unique to look at” “that’s a lot of blood” “She’s burning people she doesn’t like and the reapers coming to get them?” “His name was Collin” “That skirt looks really soft’ “Go wash your fkn hair bro” “I thought she said she’ll text you in a dress not an address” “Is this dude a golem or something?” “just knife this bitch. Come on now” “a few holes? Like your eyes and your mouth or what?” “paperwork” “9? We’ve killed them all? It’s that easy?” Keep in mind that Cas killed like thousands of angels
“You’re all a bunch of dicks, anyway. It’s fine” “sounds like a whole other show. Hell yeah brother. Let’s see it. I want that show” “Anyone ever turn that into fanfic?” “This looks like some random bar in Vegas” “Would Crowley be stuck in another dimension’s empty?” “really?” “Ya’ll be through so much together. You’re going to point a gun at her/“ “who the fuck are these people?” “what the hell is this pink dumpster?” It’s Portland dude
“You’re fucked now, asshole” “well that was easy” “not even going to stay for the speech? Come on now” “That gun is small enough to fit in a purse. Come on now” “it’s like a purse gun” “man that skirt looks really soft” “it’s gotta be that soft velvety material” “what are we doing? Stabbing his ass?” “Can’t we just kill Death instead? I feel like that’d be easier” “I didn’t see that coming. She tried” “what’s with the South Park moral of the story?” “She didn’t make the cloth noise when she left.” She’s not an angel
“Oh I didn’t realize only angels made that noise” it’s the feathers
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh” “Didn’t they have millions of angels at one point? If there were millions and they can keep the power on with 9, I’m really impressed. Are they trying to make the case for small government, because it’s not working for them” “you disrupted the natural order of things” “Given the chance, wouldn’t anybody kill Sam?” “Is this some fkn religious cult now with forgiveness and shit? Oh yeah Lucifer” “what’s up with Sam’s swallowing? ALL THE TIME? You’re not going to rehydrate off your own saliva”
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 6 months
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Stonefly - Subfamily: Perlodinae
With special thanks to a dear friend of mine currently in Squamish, another new insect order can now be described on this blog. Joining the insect is the order "Plecoptera". These insects are typically flat-bodied with large membranous wings folded over their back. Many species have cerci protruding from their abdomen and the winged adults are found in close proximity to water. The reason being is primarily two-fold: they spend their time as a predaceous nymph (called a naiad) in water and they are relatively weak fliers (despite their large wings) meaning they won't venture too far from their spot of emergence. At most, they might travel a short distance and search for a mate. Species like this are more commonly known as Stoneflies. With a description like this, they are quite similar to other water-associated insects that gain wings and leave the water as adults such as Alderflies, Mayflies and Caddisflies. However, once you learn the exact shape and construction of their bodies, you'll never mistaken one of these for something else. Even Fishflies are distinguishable given their unbelievable large wings! The common name "Stonefly" apparently arose from a behavior at their armored naiad stage: they cling to large stones as they live underwater and try mightily not to get pulled away by the current as they snatch other animals for food (adults are either herbivorous or do not eat at all).
With water currents in mind, it seems to be a miracle that these insects can even hatch without getting pulled away to oblivion. I think that using a current to aid in dispersal is very clever (assuming the locations are suitable). Moreover, Stonefly eggs have a coating that allows them to stick to passing rocks or other pond debris to give them a (hopefully) suitable place to hatch and feed. When pulled from the rock, they will flail downstream aiming to grab another rock, or else become food for passing fish. With this information in mind, it's no wonder this specie is frequently used as fantastic fish bait. I'm not an angler myself, but if an ample source of naiads (not larvae in this case) can be found clinging to rocks, it might be your lucky day. Myself of course, I'd be content seeing the insects in person and later in a photo. Although great fish bait, we should monitor these insects very carefully. Depending on the specie, the naiad stage in the lifecycle of this family of insects can range from 6 months to 3 years (during which there could be as many as 30 naiad molts). With such a long development time, we can't be too hasty to take too much. Secondly, like Caddisflies, Stoneflies cannot tolerate water pollution, making them an indicator of environment quality. A biologically based monitor of the water sounds perfect in my opinion.
Pictures were taken on March 15, 2024 in Squamish with an iPhone X. Happy First day of Spring!
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gimletagain · 2 years
Harry and Meghan Netflix Ep1
1. From the outset we are told this is a first hand account, using footage from their own archives. And members of BRF have declined to comment.
2. For some ridiculous reason, first scene is at an airport arrivals lounge. Private jet Harry's documentary starts with scenes from a commercial airport. Lol. Appary he has just landed at London in March 2020. Probably traumatic because this was the first time they had to take commercial lol
3. It's quite evident that this started as a video diary (Meghan's idea?) around March 2020. Way before they finalized the netft deal. So ...this is how they pitched to platforms? This is the behind the scenes look? Scheming bastards.
4. They are addressing all the little criticism - private jets. How little she knew of Harry. Media scrutiny. Archie. How she gave up everything to marry him and then he voluntarigave up his life to join her world.
5. There is a LOT of footage of the kids. Basicat it's their iPhone gallery made into a movie with piano music.
6. She and her friends really overexplai. That she was single "SINGLE" for a couple of months in summer 2016. And travelly the world with her girlfriends. And that those trips were planned to enjoy the world. Girl doth protest a bit too much.
7. Oh btw they met on Instagram. Lol new twist. And she got to know his through his ig feed. Lol. He is photographer ok guys. And he asked to meet her. So not a blind date.
8. They also show their private chats. URghhhh!
9. Harry is such a doofus. All he wanted was to get married and that's a bit creepy ok. It comes across as if he would have married anyone.
10. Nacho is there. URghhhh
11. Meghan didn't know him guys, at all. Did not know anyone. But told all her friends. Hahaha... And they are all here telling us she didn't know. Hahaha... And well... it would all be cute but it's them. So Diana is mentioned a few times. We get to know about their first meeting. And then it cuts to commentary from the day Harry was born, and how special Diana was and how everyone loved baby Harry. Sneaky!
12. We see a lot of footage of innocent diana talking about Harry and Harry doing cute stuff. Just in case we forget. Harry says he doesn't have early memories of his mom. But, dear viewers, we do, right? So that's more important. We all loved Diana.
13. Everybody who has ever spoken/written anything favorable about the couple is in this series. Noone who could present the other side. It seems a bit glaring.
14. So much royal footage. So much of the queen. If she was alive she definitely would have been offended at this. I'm sure. This is disrespectful. Because it makes it seem like "Meghan against the institution". Instead of Harry and Meghan the lovestruck couple.
This is the undertone that I think Meghan may have wanted to distance herself from.
15. When Harry talks about his childhood it does make a but of sense, esp with the skiing footage and Eug and Bea look overwhelmed.
16. He says what she shared in panorama was her experience and truth. Even if it was obtained in the wrong way.
17. Harry is such a simp. Meghan tries to be, but personally she seems like she is overacting even in their old home videos and facetimes. How is that possible?? And Harry says she is so simar to his mum. ewww... the mommy issues!
18. Lol there really are Diana's pictures on the wall in a tiara in the nursery. Didn't Harry hace any private pictures of her he can show his children because this was literally from a magazine photoshoot. WTH!
19. When he talks about his mum's death, they show a photo of the two brothers. With William looking at Harry, and Harry staring into space. That's heartbreak. Truly. The only time I wished the brothers were still close. What would Will think if he sees this??
20. This episode does a good job at presenting Harry's childhood issues. And his fears. He seems self aware. And you empathise with him up to that point. But then I wonder, with all of this, how could Meghan make this whole thing about herself?? His problems are real and massive and he had so much support. And she and him, they make this all about her not being able to adjust and how unfair it was for her to leave everything behind (for all of 1.5 yrs lol).
21. I think, this maybe one of the reasons that Meghan hasn't liked this series. We get to know the Harry that we liked and loved and thought we knew. It makes her feel.like a nobody. And he overcompensates ofr that constay. But the showrunners, director, Netflix won't overcompensate. They tell us who us the more valuable one.
22. Harry is White Knight-ing in Africa. You know, the wayward, heartbroken lad who just wants some warmth and acceptance... It's a bit much, this narrative. esp in these times. This impression of Africa the land of authenticity and finding yourself, even if true, is something we should all avoid now.
23. Harry's issues are so obviously here, I believe if Meghan hadn't come along he might have stayed on the straight and narrow. She didn't value and respect his heritage. And he mirrored her to be able to keep her. (My opinion from this episode)
24. Whenever Lindsay Roth speaks, I feel like she is auditioning for the best friend's role in a Hallmark movie. Whenever nacho comes on screen I want to scream, he is a skeez.
25. They show Harry's tiny makesft tent. To quell the glamping rumours.
26. Abigail Spencer and her bad extensions. Uffff!
27. There's some friend of hers called silver tree. Lol what? Who is this woman? I bet she is a stand in for Gina Nelthorp Cowne. Poor Gina, was ghosted but would have loved to do these interviews.
28. They are saying that initially it was much easier for her to come to London and stay at KP with him. And then they would drive to Windsor and walk around frogmore and have all this space and privacy without anyone ever noticing. So much privacy in london. Hmm.... The exact life they left behind. Weird (not!)
29. It's all bad media, intrusive media.
30. Pictures of the Halloween party, the night before the news of the relationship broke. Eugene's costume, yikes! Also, did they take permission from her to use these photos because she is a literal princess. The palace would and should protect her. (IMO)
31. Harry says, after the news broke, he didn't know what he was walking into. Lol poor dude never thought Meghan would be thriving on getting papped every where. She really did milk this opportunity and was probably acting all innocent in front of him. Because his concern seems genuine, her shock less so.
32. Some of the news headlines, articles, voiceovers they show here are not from this period. They are from much later, before the wedding. Not from 2016. I remember back then everyone loved her. And she got a lot of positive press, esp in the UK. She seems to out the responsibility of "protecting her" solely on him. Strange.
PS: I have shared this same on another blog (sassy). If you don't want to publish this please let know, I get it.
thank you for this! honestly, I woke up at 4 am this morning thanks to my toddlers and scrolled dm with dread anticipating how much more crap the RF has to put up with. But there’s actually very little beyond the workings of a totally deranged narc who took iPhone videos of everything over the past 6 years. (Who the f does that? This isn’t normal.)
My jaw dropped reading Oprah and the reactions on my IG feed. It’s not like that now, at all.
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haloslips · 11 months
@msmargaretmurry replied to your post “now that i'm thinking about it i use discord the...”:
this is literally the first appealing description of discord i have ever read
​oh god i don't want to overpromise haha, i should i said i use it like i used aim/msn/skype more than email but
it's just like the most comprehensive/easy to use way to talk to people one on one for me? like i said in the tags of that other post i use mostly for dming, and it's easy to do short or long messages bc i can use it on my phone and any desktop if i want a full keyboard. it's also nice that from a dm i can easily go into a voice call or a video call with that person, which is again helpful as a person with an android whose loved ones all have iphones. you can pin things in messages to a pinboard, and you can reply to specific messages idk and it's so much nicer than twitter or tumblr dms which both make me want to cry trying to communicate thru them.
i do think servers can serve some functionality as well - i don't use servers that have more than like... 6-7 people in them except in very rare cases where the larger server has a limited and specific purpose and i have every one of them muted except for a specific @ notification.
but in servers with like, 2-5 friends, i've had so much success in using them instead of like a 3/4 person group chat. just being able to have like 2-3 different channels to talk about something specific in one while we just like have whatever going on in the other has made me personally feel a lot less anxiety participating in group conversation which is a personal bonus
plus it has some fun features that make me laugh when i'm talking to my pals!!
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impishcupid · 1 year
The newest IOS update is a HUGE win for the disabled community
this is gonna be like 90% infodumping, but I LOVE all the new accessibility features! IOS 17 is projected to be released at sometime in September, but I wanna get my grubby hands on it NOW
The General Stuff
They’re updating the phone app and messages, allowing fun banners to be added to contacts when they’re calling you! As well adding better search filters to messages, and a heap of other stuff! Check out this link for the full update notes and details
2. Live Voicemail
Apple is taking it back to the days of answering machines, now as people leave voicemails it will show a transcript on the caller interface, allowing you to pick up the phone mid-voicemail and accept the call! Perfect for users with social anxiety bunking new numbers!
3. Check In
Users will be able to set a list of contacts, as well as a location, and when they hit the location it will send a mass alert to everyone in the set list, detailing where you are, what time it is, and you can choose for it to even say your battery level! Of course this is useful even for able people, but as someone who faints and sometimes forgets to send check ins to my mom, I’m so excited for this!!
4. Audio Message Transcriptions
HUGE win for the deaf and HOH community!!! Now, voice messages will include a transcript directly underneath that will try its best to provide subtitles! The first of many wins for the deaf community!
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5. Hand Gestures
There’s a bunch of new stuff for facetime, but this one is my favorite. You’ll be able to set on-screen reactions (the example they used was confetti) when your hands preform a certain action, which i’m 99% sure will have to be configured by the user. If that’s the case, those who use sign language will be able to create reactions to specific signs! I can’t wait to set mine to rain confetti when signing congratulations, or hearts when signing Love! Of course it’s available to both abled and disabled people, but the possibilities!!
6. Airdrop
WOW they added so much to airdrop! This feature alone may be what pushes me to get my mom an iPhone. In the new update, you’ll be able to share information by simply tapping your iphones together (Ive been calling it applepaying data)
You can tap a new friends phone to send them your contact, and fancy banner (mentioned above)! You can also now just tap phones together to share general data, like multiple photos from your camera roll or a link!
This is all done with end-to-end encryption, which makes it a bitch and a half for anyone malicious to try to decrypt
7. Journal
OKAY APPLE I SEE YOU! Journal is like the love child of the health app and siri suggestions- it uses machine learning to pinpoint what your average routine is; your jogging route, your work playlist, even your favorite reaction meme can be turned into suggestions to add to your entry in the journal app!
The idea is to help build routine- which myself as an autistic have so many issues trying to do- and promote better mental health. They’re doubling down in their health app update, but that’s coming up!
The best part of the journaling app, is that it’s TRULY private. Once you’ve set your password, not even apple can see the data you’ve stored. This data is not sold to anyone, because they can’t even read it.
8. Airpods
for the full tech jargon explanation, look at the apple website!
Airpods will now be adapting to different noise levels! If you’re wearing your airpods in a crowd, it will kick in with noise-cancelling (as best a small earbud can)! However if someone starts talking to you while noise cancelling is active, airpods will evaluate the best mix of noise-cancelling and media volume to ensure you can hear the person talking!
9. Maps
i’m unsure how this one may help the disabled community, but I figure it’s an honorable mention! Maps will now let you download a specific area TOTK style, and allow that map/route to be used offline! Perfect for hiking trails or roadtrips with dead zones! As well, Maps will now alert users where charging stations may be along their route!
10. THE GRAND SLAM BABY (Visual Lookup)
It’s unsure if this will be used with live camera, or if you have to take a photo of the Thing, but when IOS 14 drops they’re introducing Visual Lookup! This feature will read out any text selected (perfect for signs or small text), as well you can look up specific items in the photo! Plant enthusiasts can identify the plant in a youtube video, fungi fun-guys can look up if this mushroom will kill you or just make you see God! I’m excited to use this feature with my mom, who sometimes has difficulty reading small text but can get embarrassed when it’s read to her!
11. Sensitive content
Yes! Your very own Iphone blacklist! It’ll scan all incoming data for your set Sensitive content, and much like Tumblr will pop up a “are you sure?” window!
12. The Health App
Finally, the one that will help everyone everywhere. Health will now let you choose your current mood, your daily mood, and general mental state. The best part of this, is Apple will be adding legitimate mental health assessments into the app (taken at your convenience), making it the closest to a real diagnosis without a doctor! You’ll be able to save a PDF of your results to share with your care team/doctor!
As well, if you’re in crisis, apple will now send you articles and resources regarding your crisis!
And the cherry on top of this update, is med reminders! Apple will ping your phone, your watch, anything to tell you it’s medication time! You can log several medications with several times to take them!
that’s all folks!
In conclusion, despite apples cash grab approach and complete monopoly over the tech industry, these features will be life changing to some disabled iphone carriers! I know i’m over the moon for some of them, and I’m already babbling to everyone with apple about them!
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late-to-the-fandom · 2 years
1, 15, 20 for Renathal, 3, 11, 14 for Elisewin?
Thank you for these, I love them ☺️
1. Describe their phone case.
Renathal has used the same cheap IPhone case for years. Denathrius bought all his harvesters staff medallions cases with Revendreth’s logo on it when the department was first established and Renathal can’t bare to part with it, which is why his phone has remained upgraded for so long.
15. Describe their computer. Is it a sticker covered laptop? A high-tech gaming computer?
He has an out-of-date desktop in his office at work that he was promised years ago would be temporary. He also has a Microsoft surface laptop, purchased after much research and never regretted (he believes it’s the best combination of sleek aesthetic, easy transport, and high performance). No stickers, but he did buy the dark red model. No games downloaded (he’s not much of a gamer, unless there’s someone else to play with).
20. What’s in their email inbox?
Renathal‘s inbox is a thing of hyper organised beauty. He keeps it meticulously empty, everything organised into folders: one for student questions, one for staff questions, one dedicated solely to Denathrius’ emails, and a secret one marked Archive where he’s saved every email Denathrius ever sent that contained some sort of compliment about Renathal so he can revisit them occasionally (there’s about 6). He recently made the decision to move the Maw Walker’s emails from the Student Concerns folder to her own folder marked Exchange Student Concerns (for ease of keeping track of her progress, of course).
3. Do they use nicknames for their contacts or do they list contacts by full name?
Wow, this is amazing since this actually comes up soon, if I ever get the next chapter written. The Maw Walker’s contacts are all nicknames and for a very specific reason. (Renathal starts off as Hot Blonde and later graduates to Ren with a red heart symbol next to it)
11. Are they the kind of person who takes selfies?
Not for herself, no, but she’s not especially camera shy and will take selfies to send to other people.
14. You’ve just stumbled across their tumblr blog! Describe it.
It looks like a bot account. Default picture, no visible likes, and the name is something like thisismytumblraccount. She would have created it only to stalk someone specific for work reasons.
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studtea · 2 years
recently, i have been increasingly frustrated at my addiction to my phone. i looked at my screen time and realised that on average, i spend nearly 2 hours a day on my phone. i know that for some, this statistic is even higher.
while some of this is for work or for keeping in touch with friends and family and doing things i enjoy, a lot of it is just me unconsciously scrolling in a self soothing cycle that actually makes me feel really bad and adds up to at least 16% of my year spent on my phone which is horrifying!
i have tried most tricks without success, but recently created a new one that is working quite well for me so i thought i’d outline the steps in case it helped anyone else.
🌿 this is for setting time limits on specific apps:
1. open the “shortcuts” app on your iphone
2. press “automation” (should be the centre button on the bottom task bar)
3. press the plus sign to add a new automation
4. create personal automation
5. select “app” from the list of options
6. choose to open “clock” whenever the app you are trying to decrease your time on is open. you simply need to set a timer for how long you want to spend on that app per day. IMPORTANT! you must select “don’t ask before running” to make sure it runs
now, each time you open that app, a timer will start and go off when your time for that day is done. it won’t lock you out like some other apps so if you need it for work, like i do, you can still access it.
i hope this helps other people! please let me know if anyone has any other tips and good luck detaching from your phone! 🫡
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audio-luddite · 2 years
Wretched Excess.... or not?
It is fun cruising the internoise. There are people who drive a Ferrari to work, if indeed work they do. The tiny percent people have money to spend and lots of help doing that.
I was baited into looking at a video from TAS about the old / new personality Michael Fremer. He is a recognized Guru for LPs and has a legitimately good reputation in professional recordings. He has movie music soundtracks and other cool stuff in his resume'. He also has a stupid expensive audio system.
I should also say it is very very good. But the expense cannot be overstated.
The video is a tour of his audio system. To be sure his main job is to review equipment and that entails a revolving door of hardware. But he does admit to owning a lot of 6 figure devices. Hey watch it and be amazed.
The word dumbfounded comes to mind. Holy Shit. Things like that.
There are some blogs and discussion boards that are amazed and actually hostile about this video. That is unfair. He has made lots of money and it is his business. If you got it flaunt it baby. For that even if I had a couple million to spend I would not get any of this stuff.
Fun thing is towards the end of this he does a party trick. This is what I really want to talk about here. He has a set of calibrated microphones that sit in your ears like earbuds. They turn his head into a legitimate binaural recording device. He assures us this is very accurate reflection of his experience. He played his system and sat in his chair. You can hear what he hears. I was on my headphones and it was impressive.
Now this was YouTube playing on my laptop, but it claims a High end (ya sure) sound card and has a funky music system logo embossed on the case. The earbuds were from my Iphone when they had a jack.
The music was clear and frankly impressive.
So much so I tracked down the artist and the album. Lori Lieberman a very good singer songwriter. Jazz and American songbook type music.
Fun fact my generation had two songs that perplexed and fascinated us. "American Pie" by Don Mclean, and "Killing Me Softly with his song" by Roberta Flack. Apparently Ms Lieberman went to a Don Mclean concert and was so moved she sketched out a poem on a napkin about it. That was shared with two others who helped write that song. It did not become a hit until R. Flack recorded it after hearing the original version while on a flight. Then those two partners tried to hide her contribution and even deny she was involved. Lawyers made money.
Explains why she quit the music business for a long time.
I listened to much of this album on Itunes in my car on the way home from work. I liked most of it. The song that Fremer played through his trick microphones was "Truly".
When I got home I fired up the franken-amp and the other stuff necessary for a couple hours to get it all warm and magically aligned. After dinner and home roasting a batch of coffee and a brutal aerobic workout I sat down to listen.
My goal was to listen to the same stuff that Fremer played on his six figure system on my four figure system with some consumer grade good stuff. I did this.
To be sure Iphone buds and my laptop are not SOTA. Fremer's system is about as SOTA as it can get. So the stuff I heard on my full size system was better. There was more clarity and I need another go to be sure but I heard deeper into the venue and arrangements and supporting musicians. Pretty damn good.
The album is available in all the fancy streaming formats and of course vinyl. I may buy it if I convince myself all the tracks are my cup of tea, or home roasted coffee.
Aside from everything else Fremer can pick high end albums like few others can.
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harry-carmichael · 2 years
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Full Name: Harold James Carmichael-Green
Birthday: May, 28th
Age: 45
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Religion: Anglican
Religious Level (1-10): 6
Birthplace: London, England
Current Residence: Town house in Belgravia, London
Height : 5ft 11 (180.3 cm)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Asexual though not even he knows that.
Love/Romantic Preference: Biromantic 
Relationship Status: Single
Languages Known: English, French, German, some Chinese
Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and such was the case for Harold and his older sibling. While the former was gradually molded into becoming the next CEO of their father’s business, Harold was met with lesser expectations. Although he would have been cunning enough for the job, being second to be born meant getting the crumbs, something he resented both his parents and sibling for.
And so, he tried to prove his worth to his father, studying both journalism and business in Oxford, but even with the proper education, his father preferred to send him on the other side of the country, officially to have someone keeping an eye on the Eastern branches of the conglomerate, unofficially to get Harold off of his back and manipulate him into finding something else to do. While in Oxford, he made the acquaintance of Adeline Liddell and immediately found himself charmed with her intellect. His parents didn’t approve of his frequenting a woman whose family made a fortune in gambling and casinos but Harold figured then that he might have found the right person for him. Figured. Because it wasn’t long before things turned sour. One day, they were doing well and the next, she refused to see or speak with him. He focused his attention on what his family told him mattered, and the woman became a distant memory over the years. His family connections did their magic, and it wasn’t long before he landed a job on tv. Millions of eyes watching him sounded appealing to a young man who had been put in the spotlight by his family his whole life. The young man didn’t suspect then that this found vocation had all been carefully orchestrated by his old man and began on the sports channel, commenting football and endearing many with his natural charm and his enthusiasm for the game. In doing so, he found himself on his way to the midday news at the BBC. When his colleague at the evening news decided to put a halt in his career to focus on family, Harold simply had to ask and replace him.    
Car: Tesla Series 3
Phone: iPhone Pro 14
Music Genres: Dreads a slow tempo, puts him to sleep.
Estimated Net Worth: Excluding his family’s personal fortune, he’s worth a good handful of millions.
Accent: PR
Josephine Grace De La Villardière || Mother || alive
Henry Romuald Carmichael-Green || Father || alive
Evelyn Liddell || Daughter || alive
Drinking (1-10): 4 - Almost exclusively drinks wine and fine liquors, never in an excessive way
Swearing: 1
Smoking status: 0
Drugs: 0
Cooking proficiency: 6 - He likes it, when he finds time for it.
Intelligence: 8 - She is great at what she does but she seriously lacks in emotional and social intelligence.
Emotional/Social Intelligence: 4
Creativity: 3
Temper: 3
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