#Perthro Fam
Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 19 Group 94
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Blast: Nana Osaki, Yasu, Shin, Nobu
Perthro Fam: Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro, Samirah al-Abbas, Blitzen Freyason, Hearthstone Alderman, Mallory Keen, Halfborn Gunderson, Thomas Jefferson Jr
Submissions are still open!
Sorry, I got no propaganda for them yet :(
Perthro Fam:
Oh my god these idiots…. I love them so much. Blitz and Hearth (basically married) go to this wish-fulfilling god who takes them into employment and orders them to watch this homeless kid Magnus who just lost his mom bc he’s the chosen one or whatever. They have to make sure he doesn’t die. Anyway they spend two years pretending to be homeless and watching over Magnus and eventually they become really close, until Magnus dies (oops) and it’s revealed to him in the afterlife that they’re been lying to him this whole time and Blitz is a dwarf and Hearth is an elf. Instead of going for the usual “you lied to me! I can’t trust you anymore!1!” Magnus just… accepts it, and they continue to aid him on shenanigans in the afterlife alongside the awesome Samirah. The four of them go on a (basically illegal) quest to like stop the world from ending and they get so close like they learn that Blitz’s dad died when he was young and he was like the only one who truly understood him until he met Hearth, Hearth reveals to them that he comes from an abusive home (but like so bad I nominated this guy for the worst dad tournament. He treated his son like shit for being death and blaimed his brother’s death on him made him pay the blood debt etc etc) and that Blitzen saved his life and then MAGNUS tells them that losing HIS mom was really traumatic for him, especially since he fled the scene and was considered a suspect for her death, and we learn that Samirah has been bullied her whole life for being Muslim and because her mom (also dead) wasn’t married. Anyway Hearth is learning magic or whatever and his rune of choice is the perthro (hence the name) which signifies an empty cup, or hollowing oneself out to be filled with happiness and near the end Magnus calls them all his family of empty cups… it’s very emotional and I go batshit every time I read it. I am so sorry for making you read this
most of them are undead and are all chaotically aligned
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Clarifying Poll Nr. 3
32 notes · View notes