zelda-freak91 · 1 year
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Linktober Day 3: Friend, Helper, Companion
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deductivisms · 6 months
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mu phai(nopepla)
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sirislayer · 2 years
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wefindourselves · 8 months
Listen/purchase: The Olive Tape
The Olive Tape is a collection of new, exclusive songs & poems by 24 artists, compiled to raise funds for humanitarian aid in Palestine.
All proceeds will go to the PCRF and Anera. As of this moment, the IOF’s current assault on Rafah leaves a staggering population of over a million Palestinians trapped with nowhere to go. There’s never been a better time to give your support to notable foundations with proven track records in the area.
This tape was produced by a group of artists who care deeply and some of whom are tied personally to the occupation of Palestine.
If you have the time, at least listen give it a listen.
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pharawee · 2 years
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LOVE IN THE AIR, Episode 8: Not just wind, but a typhoon.
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gac-nho-cua-mach · 1 year
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Hai người ở bên nhau, thật ra sợ nhất là cái ngấy của cuộc sống. Tình yêu sợ nhất không phải kẻ thứ ba hay những điều ngoài ý muốn khác, mà là từ "ngấy" đó. Tình yêu trên thế giới này, phần nhiều là đôi bên nhìn nhau chán ngán và rồi không cách nào gần nhau được nữa.
{Tình đầu khó phai | Lục Xu}
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stormyoceans · 2 years
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he's my sweet darling baby angel child and if anyone even just looks at him the wrong way i WILL start biting and maiming and killing and committing grand scale arson
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heretherebedork · 8 months
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How many times does Phai have to tell Chao he's not interested in having a relationship before Chao accepts that he, you know, doesn't want a relationship?
I don't get people being mad at Phai. He's always been clear that he's not interested in more and has never once hesitated to be clear about his wants and it's not his fault Chao latched onto him like a puppy.
Phai is not interested in a relationship or in coming out and, you know what, it's a shitty choice but it's his choice and someone being in love with him doesn't mean he has to change his mind.
I love Chao deeply and his crush is adorable and he's a total sweetheart but Phai has never led him on. Phai has never lied about what this or what he's looking for or wants.
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I just get what Phai is supposedly doing wrong? Sure, his reasons for staying in the closet are shitty but that doesn't mean they're not realistic and he's never lied to Chao about any of it, not even a bit. Not once.
Chao can go out of his way to go things and to love Phai but if Phai doesn't love him back or doesn't want to be in a relationship with him as well... Chao's wishes don't overrule his!
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spectres-fulcrum · 8 months
I did finish binging the Alexander docuseries last night but by the end I had a migraine so I went to bed early and just hung out on my phone cause my mind was so not up for bed but it was the most light my head could handle(If I didn't move).
Overall, I did really enjoy it and I learned a lot. I didn't care much for the battles of Alexander in my fandom days, caring more for the relationships and people around him. I also just find imagining action pretty hard. I'm semi okay with Star Wars battles in space but I've like. grown up with them. They don't count. So I learned a lot about Alexander the tactician I think.
And I really did love the acted parts. Like can we get a full drama on Alexander, some TV network???? It could be SO LONG. Cause if there's one thing about Alexanders, they will never sastifyed. The Great, Hamilton, Claremont-Diaz, Kallus. Also: I hated the nicknames Heph and Alex(It's Phai and Xander thank you very much) but the stupid nickname Ptol grew on me. Ptol is so stupid but so cute. But I will never shut up about the lake make out scene cause it's so perfect and Phai giving Xander a place to be human and back out is so perfect.
I really did love the Persian parts too. It was great contrast, and perhaps happiness. Love between Stateira and Darius, luxury, Stateira's actions driven to protect her daughter in contrast to Phillip disowning Alexander when Alexander didn't like him siding with Attalus hoping his new wife would grant him a son, Barsine having to grow up so quickly. Memnon is always love for me and they did him very well. Darius deserved so much better than to be slain by a traitor. I could rant about Hephaestion being in Babylon after the death and how if that was accurate then in my fanfic where he and Drypetis fell in love during the Persian campagin then I could've used that for a good scene but it wasn't accurate so it was all hurt/no romantic comfort :(((((( And I'm kinda salty they changed that up not knowing what they were missing. But I'm not going to rant. (She had Bagoas though at least!)
I wanted so much more. Wanted Aristotle and the boys at Mieza and the flashbacks to taming Bucephalus(I cannot be bothered to check if that is the correct spelling) and more of the Persian royal family(Drypetis! Being strong during Stateira's death! Sisygambis!) and Bagoas and mentions of Phai being Xander's Patroclos and oh and Darius's brother and his daughter Amastris in the baggage train and more of the companions(Not including Leonnatus is a crime imo. Just cause I like Leonnatus).
Like I recognize they needed a small cast but also-a girl can dream. A girl can dream of what she was teased with. One day, maybe we'll get a proper series. *le sigh* I did really like that Lloyd historian guy too.
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umitvar · 2 months
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the infirmary is so chaotic that it reminds phai of lal qila. the terror from back then, how it choked, how helpless he felt. it has been long enough that he is more confident in his skills as a physician, though that truth does not make the panic ebb away. nurses, physicians, patients' loved ones, run from one place to another, the smell of blood metallic in the air, adrenaline swimming through his veins. although he is not a physician here, they let him help with patients nonetheless, and if there is someone he knows he needs help with, he does not shy away from asking it. when someone new enters the infirmary, phai is quick on his feet, eyes looking them over for any visible injuries. "hello, are you hurt?" his voice is gentle, panic pushed to the background, knowing calming your patient down is a vital step. "tell me what's wrong, and i will do my best to help."
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wildgorgeousthing · 2 months
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the phacceptance
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miss0atae · 8 months
I like Pie but he is not very good at establishing boundaries as he may think he is. I felt a bit sad for Chao. I wish they really took the time to talk more. Chao wants to really date him, while Pie seems to be lost on what he truly wants.
I can't stand that Type guy. He is a poison. Te and him should go somewhere else and bother others.
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dengswei · 9 months
turns out i have in fact not moved on from thanuphai because every time i see alan take care of jeff in pit babe i'm like THIS COULD'VE BEEN WHAT THANUPHAI HAD BUT WE WERE ROBBED
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allocrest · 5 months
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bad sleep
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pharawee · 9 months
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"Hey, hold on! Isn't this a one-night stand?"
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I knew it was gonna be internalized homophobia, but also I am so mad at Phai.
It's not an excuse to treat people like crap, and also most of your friends are out gay men. Get your shit together, dude.
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