#Philly Madness
jcamilov06 · 6 months
Brandon Marsh's 2-run homerun vs. Atlanta Braves | March 29th, 2024
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domifucker · 4 months
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they are full of boyish whimsy
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bells12 · 11 months
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I did a garbage job making this, but I think it gets the point across.
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cookinguptales · 1 year
and I guess if it's disability pride month and I'm already feeling stroppy
every time someone comes at me with that stupid petition to save the mütter museum it's like
*leans forward into the microphone*
you're asking me, a disability rights writer and strong repatriation supporter, to try and save the collection of stolen bodies displayed in dehumanizing ways that made a fortune off of marketing disabled corpses as quirky and spooky and fun.
you're asking me to support the organization that fucking bribed gravediggers and lied about being a family member so they could steal the corpse of the (currently not concretely identified) saponified woman and put it next to the gift shop where they (at the time) sold soap lady on a rope.
you're asking me to support the organization that let donators "adopt" the skulls in the hyrtl collection without seeing an ounce of irony when they knew, they knew, that most of that collection housed the skulls of the disabled, criminalized, and impoverished. when we have josef hyrtl's notes where he talked about how it was better to steal the corpses of POC because they're cheaper. when they knew that not one of those people had the equivalent of $200 spent on them in their lifetimes, and that their lives often could have been saved if people had, but they also knew that these people were worth more to the museum-going public dead than they were alive.
when we fucking know that josef hyrtl's tomb was encased in concrete so no other grave robbers could return the fucking favor.
you're asking me! to support a museum! that I visited for a class on the history of medical ethics! and I had to go inside via a locked-to-the-public service elevator, unlike all my classmates! because a museum making money off of disabled bodies didn't have a dedicated entrance for living ones!
fuck you!
the saddest thing about the mütter museum is that I think some people working there really are dedicated to medical education. they gave me space to cry during that field trip after I heard a kid tell her dad that the body of a man who'd purposefully donated his body to the museum for education was going to give her nightmares. a real fucking person. one who'd willingly donated his body, the best-case scenario for that disaster of a museum. and her dad just laughed. because that's the vibe they go for there.
it's fucking dehumanizing.
I'm not against medical education; I actually think it's super important. but I've been to medical museums all over the world now, and the Hunterian model is not an effective way to teach. (though it does make lots of money, and has since Hunter first started having tea parties to show off stolen organs in bottles to his fellow rich friends in his fucking living room.) there are so many ways to teach about medicine and the history thereof without displaying, again, mostly stolen bodies in jars.
the depressing thing is that they know that there. I know that because their modern temporary exhibits tend to be really good. they're respectful and they're interesting and they're well-designed and they're deeply educational. I saw a few during various visits I had to make for classes. their exhibit on the way that medicine changed during the civil war? great! fascinating. important.
but the fact of the matter is that no matter how much their staff tried to get me in that building without missing too much of the tour the rest of my class got (but I very much did miss some of it) and no matter how much their staff acknowledged my concerns and no matter how respectful their modern exhibits are, the lion's share of their collection is still based on turning stolen othered bodies into a sideshow. that's their main draw and it's how they make their money. there is literally no way to thoroughly modernize a museum with a ghastly history while that's the case.
so uh no. I won't be signing your petition.
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ricketycr1cks · 2 years
thoughts on each of the characters’ development/ changes over the seasons?
Oh boy, I have a lot to say about this one. I think Mac has seen the most changes to his character and I’ve been pretty vocal about kinda being conflicted on his recent characterization. One of my main issues with it is that he hasn’t been as immoral as he was in earlier seasons(which is something I kinda see in all the characters but I’ll get into that later). Mac I think has fallen victim to being characterized by his feelings for Dennis at times which sucks because now a lot of his plots don’t revolve around him as a person but rather his feelings for another character/his attraction to men in general like now that he has came out they don’t know what to do with him. I mostly just wish they would remember that just because a character is gay or has a heartfelt moment doesn’t mean he has to stop being a seedy, terrible, person!! I know parts of it are intentional and supposed to satire Macs belief he has to be characterized by one thing because he is trying to find out his purpose now that he knows he’s gay , but I also think they have kinda just focused too much on his whole finding his identity or “thing” arc? Like I think him discovering his identity is important but also I think important other parts of his identity have been completely overlooked recently. I also feel like Mac putting anyone before him would have been out of character in earlier seasons even if he was in love with them!! It was kinda the whole point of the gang that the were selfish and always put themselves over everyone including other members of the gang. When they are taken hostage by the Mcpoyles they alI go against each other because, despite the fact that they are all very close, they value their own lives more than anyone else’s to a comical degree. With Dennis my feelings are a bit more complex, while I think making him outwardly constantly angry at Mac often bordering on cruel is out of character, it’s usually in response to Macs equally out of character treatment of Dennis if that makes sense? I think if they plan on making Dennis have repressed feelings for Mac then his characterization from the past couple seasons works, but if not then I don’t think it would make sense for the same Dennis who couldn’t go a day without texting or talking to Mac would act the way he has recently without it being under the guise of some sort of underlying emotions. With the gang in general the show has kinda as of recent seasons done this thing where the characters are simultaneously getting better and worse. We haven’t seen them ruin someone’s life or do a scheme that revolves around one of them or someone else getting seriously injured or just their general lack of care for anyone but themselves nearly as often as we did in earlier seasons . It’s like they want to reflect the characters lack of morality but aren’t working it into the story the same way they used to imo. Overall I still love the characters, I think there has been very minimal change in characterization of Dee, Charlie, and Frank (when there is differences in Frank or Charlie I think they are nonsensical characters enough that it often just plays as them being their “weird” selves and still works) and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the things I listed were somehow intentional because I do really think rcg and the always sunny writers usually know what they are doing (or at least I hope they do lmao) and I just hope that season 16 gives us some evil Mac and Mac and Dennis genuinely enjoying each others company again!
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fujimilovers · 6 months
blisteringly angry that my friends former abuser is playing victim online and crying about actually she was mistreated i swear to god…
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doctorwhoisadhd · 4 months
philadelphia is a dumb city that makes me mad Not Least because they called their orchestra "the philadelphia orchestra" whEN THEY HAD THE DAMN CHANCE RIGHT THERE TO CALL IT. THE PHILADELPHIA PHILHARMONIC. I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THOSE CLOWNS
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charmac · 1 year
how’s the sugar fic going i’m trying so so hard to be so patient and good
I’m so proud of you for being patient you’re doing a great job.
It’s coming along, still got a chunk to write though, there’s some interesting things in this chapter that are taking me some time to get down… as well as just, you know, general life distractions
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But this counts as research, okay?
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jinxster-azerolf · 2 years
I sketched this out while reminding myself to draw him looking outward
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I found it funny so I colored it :)
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grittystitties · 1 year
I can’t believe I missed the parker inside the harper inside the um the uh inside the harp wait no GOD the homer that did not leave the yard bryce good job yes
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realizashuns · 1 year
almost got mugged by some girl who started a convo with me on the train then sat next to me and kept eyeing my keychain on my backpack and I guess it was stupid of me to have my keys and pepper spray on it for everyone to see but like. I jsut got off work and I’m fucking tired leave me alone. I was only on for one stop because I just didn’t wanna walk 20 min but now I have adrenaline and like post adrenaline anxiety coursing through my body rn im also sleep deprived and hungry
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mansorus · 2 years
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The best 🐐 XOTWOD
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ricketycr1cks · 1 year
Mac is a Serial Killer part 2 where a murderer is on the loose that has been killing guys that look suspiciously like Dennis, so the gang decides to get Dennis to flirt with Mac in an attempt to get Mac to get close to killing him so they can catch him in the act.
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
I love all the amazing jokes happening around the writers fundraising for the str*ke :D further proof that its the creativity people want - the human beings behind the ideas. The execs are just the increasingly extraneous evil.
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lonestar-badash · 2 years
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No caption needed.
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jazzdailyblog · 1 year
Tenor Madness: The Historic Confluence of Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane
Introduction: In the vast realm of jazz history, certain moments stand out as defining milestones. One such moment occurred during the recording session for the song “Tenor Madness,” where two titans of the tenor saxophone, Sonny Rollins and John Coltrane, came together to create a legendary musical encounter. This rare meeting of musical giants produced a captivating and influential recording…
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