#Phoenix rising from the ashes
cosmichighpriestess · 2 months
I feel like a ghost sometimes. Invisible, uninvited, unknown, shunned, overlooked, misunderstood deeply, not real, a myth. I frighten the living with my presence unintentionally. They demonized me because I am the truth. People who are afraid of the truth, are afraid of their own fears and run away from me. I have never felt the need to be around others, I always felt more at peace alone. So when people want to run away, I never chase them and sometimes they wonder why I don't seek their approval, validation or love. Needing approval from anyone will lead you to not knowing your true self and being inauthentic to please people around you. I never wanted to be like other people unless I was very inspired by them, and I still only wanted to be myself so I was naturally authentic thus never needing approval from others.
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This comes from a deep inner self love of myself and all that I have overcome in my own life. I do not need, or want for much outside of myself and I don't need a lot of friends either because I am so self assured and have so much within me it feels like I'm giving too much and receiving too little in return when I spend time with others. I do love to give to others but not when that person is a bully or an abuser. I have even been very generous with them because getting revenge was never my cup of tea.
These people saw me, a person minding their own business and that seemed odd to them that I didn't want or need them for validation so they labeled me as odd, then proceeded to abuse and bully me just because I was different and they couldn't read me. I understand the root cause of other people's behaviors and actions towards me and so that is why it's so easy for me to understand them. I do not excuse their behavior but I understand why they felt the need to betray me, exclude me, be in a silent competition with me, put me down in front of others, belittle me, threaten me, bully me, abuse me etc. Because they felt threatened by my energy and presence. I threatened their demons by my authenticity and light.
When you look into my eyes I can see right through you, I can see right through anyone and that is why they run away, this is a gift and curse because it will trigger them into their own healing if they don't ignore their own self journey but it also means they will project their unhealed wounds onto me if they choose not to heal. I don't take this personal anymore. I can get along with anyone, but that doesn't mean I want to be around anyone. It's not personal. But people really underestimated my ability to let go of them because of my natural kindness, they thought I actually needed them.
But I never needed anyone I only chose them because I liked their personalities until I realized they were just using me. Then I suppose they thought I was disposing of them or discarding them because I moved on so quickly. But I was so used to people using me and I was so self assured that I could heal myself almost overnight from their fuckery. My love wasn't fake, and theirs was so I felt like I didn't lose anyone worth losing, in my mind-they lost a real loving, kind person with good intentions for them. But to them, they only saw my worth when I was gone. They didn't know that I had a silent inner confidence and true love for myself that I worked on silently. I was always a listener and not a talker. My music and vocal teachers were some of the best of the best, and they all taught me how to be confident while I was performing so I didn't have a choice, I had to be confident in order to not disappoint them and I wanted to be an excellent vocalist by my own free will.
My voice was always silenced and talked over since I was a child and even in previous lifetimes. Even while I was singing, especially in front of my abusers. I had a very unique perspective, creativity, wisdom and insight to share but no one thought I was anything more than my appearance. They just thought, I was pretty and I should be quiet to be more attractive. It's not like I had a speech impediment or that I said anything that crazy. They just saw me as an object and not as a human being with needs, not even realizing I was autistic and had extra needs.
All my needs were ignored because I looked fine. But there were days I looked like I was dying and no one cared, they expected me to fulfill all their needs while breadcrumbing me. Would you want to be around people if you were very psychic, could read their energy, read their body language, read their mind, while they talk shit about you and breadcrumb you and see and feel into their deepest hidden skeletons in their closets, their pains and insecurities and become them through their perspective, through their eyes? The blood of Yeshua ran through my veins, I could feel their pain so that I could heal them by mirroring their energy back to them. Why on earth would I be an extravert with that kind of ability? And why did people feel so entitled to my energy and justified abusing me?
This ability allows me to heal people I come into contact with, but also drains me and leaves me feeling depressed, angry, and sad taking on their own energy. I can understand them deeply but they cannot understand me because I am mirroring their own energy back to them so they mistake their energy as my energy. One thing was for certain, this world never welcomed me with open arms and I couldn't figure out a way to exist without suffering and I couldn't figure out how to leave this realm without disappointing everyone until I learned how to unlearn everything I was taught.
That traditional way of living did not feel fulfilling to me because I had too many gifts, too much talent, too much passion, too many other options to go on and too much to give to the world, that I'm not trying to settle for the original, regular cookie cutter, status quo human life that they wanted for me. I was never meant for a 9 to 5 job, and God wouldn't even allow me to stay there when I tried to do what I was told. I was rejected completely everywhere I went.
I move different because I am different -not better just different. Not separate just a little odd, because I have always been a dreamer, I have always believed in magic, I have always felt like an alien and I have always believed that there was more to this reality than meets the eye. I chose the path to real fulfilment by choosing myself over everyone from my past, and everything they wanted me to be. I have always chosen to see the good in others despite how much trauma they caused me and how much pain I've gone through, they were put there in my reality for a reason.
I am a radical optimist and I have chosen to forgive and love them as if they are me, other aspects of my consciousness in my own Universe. As a child I could see a higher perspective most people weren't aware of, and I could see clear solutions to the illusions of Earth that most people bought into through fear. I was fascinated by fear, and I wanted to understand fear by facing my own illusionary fears so I would stare into the darkness, into my triggers and my own darkness to see what I was so afraid of. I'm so sensitive to red flag signs that I pick up on them more than the average person.
Because I've seen so much and experienced it. I notice the small details most people overlook and sometimes I wish I wasn't so aware. People misjudged, misused, misunderstood, took advantage of me so often that it became a big cosmic joke in my reality where I had no choice but to forgive everyone and show them unconditional love, empathy and compassion because they couldn't see me, they couldn't even if they tried because their own ego was so negative and so misused they couldn't even see themselves so how could I expect them to see me clearly? They were hurting me so unconsciously I had to forgive them for myself because the resentment, the pain, the rage, the sadness was eating me alive and making me chronically ill for months. I had no choice but to let everyone off the hook. I am grateful that I chose to do that because I saved myself. No one else saves us.
Our reality bubbles trigger us into healing our own demons instead of pointing the finger until we can't take it anymore and surrender and just start laughing at every single trigger and at this big cosmic joke because it's just an intelligent simulation designed to evolve our consciousness. I choose love and forgiveness every single time because I am love and I love myself and I won't hurt myself anymore. They tried everything to make me bitter, cold hearted, and turn me into my pain but I came out with more love, compassion, wisdom and so much light to give. I am literally the phoenix rising from the ashes.
The enemy doesn't rob empty houses. I had a rich, golden beautiful treasure deep within me from my ancestors , from my past lives, from lifetimes of accomplishments, gifts, and pain and that is why they attacked me so much, I chose to be abused before I came to Earth because of my purpose I had to endure endless suffering but it's finally over because I learned the lessons. I forgive myself for projecting that reality by creating it within and I forgive all of my abusers because they were just playing that role for me to learn from. I felt so much rage, so many intense emotions while people thought I had the perfect life. Now I really will be having that perfect life they assumed I lived for so long. Because I forgive every single day. I am the pure consciousness that powers my world, I am All That Is, I am everything, I am the entire Universe because it's my Universe so I have the ability to trust in my preferred Earth reality version, and I choose to bring down heaven on Earth. No one else outside of me decides when that happens, only I do.
No one outside of you can tell you when it happens for you. You can live happily ever after whenever you decide to bring Heaven down on Earth, and you do that by being love first that you want to see, and you do that by choosing yourself first, and you do that by forgiving everyone in your reality because they know not what they do. Your energy, your true soul's essence is too important to be ignored and to be dimmed down just to fit in with everyone else.
Just be yourself and you will surprise and shock yourself with how much you can discover about yourself, don't seek approval from out there just find it within here and let yourself be happy because you deserve to know your true self. You can have it all right here and now, let everything come to you. Perseverance despite circumstance determines if you have really changed within and determine your future of abundance and success. Never let the flames of hell create the illusion that you can't save yourself. Get off the karmic wheel, forgive, drop off all the baggage of the past, all the burdens, all the guilt , the shame, the pain, all the curses they gave you and make your heart as light as a feather. That is who you are and have always been.
Reach for the stars, focus on gratitude for the lessons and never settle for less than you deserve by believing in the illusions and the breadcrumbs they give you. Appreciate everyone in your reality, even the ones you've rejected. Remember they are another you. Speak the new story into existence. Let go by feeling love. Feel to heal. Meditate. Find your center to find your way. Let the Universe show you better than you can imagine by letting go of your desires. Never chase anything, not even your dreams because that's still seeking approval which is the inauthentic version of you which leads to no success and only temporary gain and fulfillment and you will only watch everything run away from you. Bring heaven to you by choosing happiness and love. Remember life is about the journey and not the destination. Let your light guide your sight. I am here to serve you and serve the light.
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marthabeingmartha · 8 months
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cosmic-violet-witch · 3 months
Life is fucking beautiful 🥹🥹🥹 It’s devastating and heartbreaking at times, but overall I think the good outweighs the bad by far 🥺🥺
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werewolfsister · 2 months
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Nothing like finding a body in the trunk of your cherry red sports car after a hard day at work!
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exaltedfuzz · 2 months
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eszkayanelie · 2 months
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you guys remember that time that ema was homophobic
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lcfrsm0415 · 8 months
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caught red-handed
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clown-bear · 2 years
true siblings bond over bullying Phoenix Wright for making a girl cry on accident. #feminism
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inbarfink · 5 months
Okay, so I’ve seen some Ace Attorney Fans speculate that the screwdriver featured as a minor piece of evidence in ‘Rise from the Ashes’
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Is actually the same screwdriver as the one that was a major plot-point back in ‘Turnabout Sisters’. 
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Because, well, they look pretty much the same and also it is mentioned the screwdriver is from one of Miles’ previous cases… and Miles was the Prosecutor on ‘Turnabout Sisters’. Plus, it would explain why he’s so cagey about explaining it to Phoenix during RFTA. Obviously he wouldn’t want to bring this case up in front of Wright again.
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And, well, the thing is that all of these explanations do make sense and do make it sound like this was the authorial intent, but….. There is one thing that bothers me. 
The whole Thing with the RFTA Screwdriver is that Miles got it from the Evidence Room where the crime took place. And that Evidence Room is specifically mentioned to be a special one reserved for especially violent crimes involving members of law enforcement.
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And this doesn't apply to the 'Turnabout Sisters' case but.... feels like it’s meant to be the Turnabout Sisters Screwdriver, y’know? 
So, actually, you know what I think?
Well, after an Ace Attorney trial concludes and we find the real culprit and our defendant gets the ‘Not-Guilty’ verdict… it’s not like the Real Culprit gets Immediately Sent to Jail. They get their own off-screen trial to determine their guilt officially (as we saw briefly with Luke Atmey’s grand larceny trial in ‘The Stolen Turnabout’). 
So I think that after the story of ‘Turnabout Sisters’ ended for Phoenix and Maya and us the players, Miles Edgeworth also took it upon himself to be the one to prosecute in Redd White’s own trial. Either as a way to ‘double-check’ all that Phoenix has proven in his own trial, or as atonement for almost getting this guy off-the-hook in the first place, or because it’s pretty clear that Miles is one person that Redd doesn’t have specific dirt on, or probably because of some combination of the three. 
This case against Redd White is the AI-16 Incident that is labeled on the Screwdriver, and it covers all of the charges that have been put against White - not just Mia’s murder and the wiretapping of her law office but also his empire of blackmail. That we know have involved high-ranking members of the police, some of which have been driven to suicide by White.
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As such, this will qualify the Screwdriver to be placed in the Special Evidence Vault for Dead Cop Cases, while still maintaining the connection to ‘Turnabout Sisters’!
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mitskiluvr · 6 months
My dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called Rise from the Ashes 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
Me: yeah whatever. I don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw jake marshall in the evidence room
My buddy Ema pacing: damon gant is lying to us
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casstars · 9 months
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Little Ace Attorney doodle dump, some sketches I did while replaying rfta and Calisto Yew for anon :p
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threesacult · 1 year
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pov you are a bloodstain or perhaps a cool bug
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trlvsn · 1 year
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top 10 misunderstood pieces of advice
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dxntloseurhead · 1 month
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i’ve done it again :3
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werewolfsister · 1 month
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2,000 notes?!?!
Thank you!!!
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exaltedfuzz · 3 months
Ema and friends (and Klavier)
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