#Photo Rejuvenation manchester
skinimageuk-blog · 5 years
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finelinevogue · 3 years
Can you expand on that topic of Harry buying that island for Y/N to conserve like you touched upon on the 73 questions thing you wrote please?
oooh yes!! i didn’t think this would be something that people would bring up but i’m excited to talk about it!! enjoy;
oli - 4, felix - 3, belle - 3 weeks
“What about this one?”
The same question Anne and Harry had been repeating for the last two hours. Neither Anne or Harry could decide on an island that they both thought you would absolutely love - an island that Harry would buy somewhere new for you to conserve and protect, for future family vacations and eventually potentially even retire to, whenever that day may come.
He had originally thought about purchasing a large plot of land along the coastline of Italy, because it had always captured a special place in Harrys heart. He loved the people, the culture, the weather, the food and he loved you when you’re bathing in the Italian sun. The boot-shaped country was the one in which you and Harry had spent your first holiday together. It was where you’d had your honeymoon. It was where, you’re pretty sure, that Oli was conceived. It held so many precious memories, so you both thought it time to make the country more permanent in your lives and purchase a house over there.
Unfortunately, due to coronavirus, Harry wasn’t able to physically go anywhere and house, or island, hunt - especially with a 3 week old baby. Belle had been born on October 2nd and she was an absolute angel - as happy as can be. Oli and Fix were currently looking after her, whilst Anne and Harry sorted through the mess of trying to organise the gift of a lifetime for you. Luckily you were out with a friend, shopping for baby clothes and a little something for yourself, for the day so Harry could complete his surprise in secret. Harry already held property in Malibu, New York, Japan, London and Manchester. He, until recently, had an apartment in San Fransisco, but he never used it and so the money that he got from selling that was going to be spent buying an island for you.
He always remembers one of the first conversations that he ever had with you and it was about how you wanted to change the world. You’d answered “I think i’d buy my own island and start conserving the planet one bit of land at a time, until I save it all!” Now obviously you were being very optimistic and silly with your dreams, but that’s all you thought they’d be - dreams. Harry was willing to make them a reality though. Okay, perhaps not world domination but he could start small and give you the thing you’d dreamt of even as a little girl.
“Mum—” Harry sighed, knowing he would reject it just like all the other ones she’d picked out for being either, too small, too big, too dangerous, too humanised. He didn’t care about price, he just wanted to get it right. He looked over to her computer, seeing what she’d found and brought up on her screen. “Shit, wait…”
This was it.
“Mhm?” Anne smiled knowingly.
“Give me details.” Harry asked her, pulling over his notepad and pen to jot down key information. He wasn’t planning on buying today, but he was planning on making inquiries so if he thought something needed negotiating then at least he’d have the information to hand.
“Okay, um,” she looked over the screen. Harry had only seen glimpses of the the island from the photos but even now he was fully invested in it, “it’s in Phuket, Thailand. Minimally developed on. 110 acres, but you know…”
“Could lessen due to climate change, yeah.” Harry noted and looked to his mum to see if she was continuing or not.
“They are allowing an income potential so you could build and make profit from it. Then again the island itself is $160 million so it’s going to be 7018 before you even start making a profit.” Anne joked, but Harry sighed. “What, love?”
“$160 million.” Harry pondered, thinking whether this is all worth it. It’s a huge investment and potential waste of money, but it was for you.
“You’re a near billionaire Harry. What else are you going to do with all your money? You could build back half of that money just from releasing a new album with no promotion. Imagine if you released a documentary or something too. You work hard, Harry, and you will continue to, so is it so wrong to treat yourself to something nice?”
“It’s not for me, though.”
“Well then, there’s the question you to need to ask yourself.” Harry looked at his mum quizzically before she responded. “Is Y/N worth it?”
Well that was a stupid question.
“Looks like Y/Ns getting her island after all.” Harry grinned so wide, feeling so happy that he was doing this for you. You deserved this so much. Yes it was a bloody huge investment and risk, if Harry was being honest with himself, but you were ridiculously worth it. So much so that he would have bought the island even if it were double that price. Harry sighed in relief and slouched back on the chair, thinking about how happy you’re going to be when you find out. Obviously there was so much paperwork and calls that needed to be made, so it was going to take some time, but to see your face at the end of this was going to be so worth it.
“Cuppa tea then?” Anne asked, slinking out of the chair and standing up.
“Yeah, go on—” The sounds of rattling keys and the front door opening broke Harry’s sentence, making him look up at his mum in panic. Time had flew by so quickly that he’d not even realised you could’ve actually been home anytime now.
Shit, you were home.
“Quick mum, help me hide all this. Wait mum, you’re going to have to sneak out the back because Y/Ns going to have too many questions otherwise!” Harry shot up from the kitchen table and started to gather bits of paper and close the laptops down. Luckily Harry was using his work laptop and Anne had brought her own so they didn’t have to worry about clearing browser history.
“What and you can’t just say you were hanging out with your ol’ mum?” Anne asked, laughing as she packed up her stuff because she knew just how demanding and stubborn her son was.
“I love you and call me when you get home safely okay?” Harry asked, chivying her out of the back door quietly and pecking her cheeks in thanks for everything she’s done for him today.
“Alright. Love you!”
Okay, act normal Harry.
“Mummy!” You heard Oli shout from the other room. You furrowed your eyebrows as you entered the house, dropping off your shoes and bags at the door before heading into the living room, where you knew you’d find the kids.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, looking around the room to see everything was in order. In fact, your heart melted at the sight of the siblings. Oli was sat upright against the sofa and had his baby sister laying on top of his stomach with hers, and Fix was sat just to the side of them - patting his sisters back rhythmically. It was a sight for sore eyes.
“Baby Belle just smiled.” Oli beamed brightly and you smiled back at him. Even though it was slightly irrelevant of him to shout for you because of this, you couldn’t help but awe over the fact the siblings were so loving for one another.
“Did she now?” You took out your phone to take a few pictures of them. “Smile again for mummy then, all of you.” You giggled as Fix pulled the cheesiest smile and Oli did his signature smile too - no teeth and raised eyebrows so high to the sky. You even caught a golden photo where Belle was slightly smiling too. “Are you okay in here still?”
You didn’t want to feel like you were abandoning your kids, because you would never, but you needed just a day to yourself to rejuvenate and help overcome the post-natal depression slowly. As much as you so very much loved them, it was hard for you sometimes. Belle was going to be sleeping for at least another hour, so you weren’t too worried about her. Oli and Fix were ever so sensible too, simply watching Teen Titans on Cartoon Network whilst they babysat their sister. You were only a shout away if something were to happen, which made you wonder where Harry was.
“Yes mummy.” Fix nodded his head whilst keeping his eyes glued to the TV.
“Everything all right in here?” Harry’s voice came from behind you, but you’r felt his presence a lot sooner before that. He stood behind you, peering into the room to check everything was in order.
God, you’d missed him today.
“Yeah, Oli tell daddy why you called me.”
“Baby Belle smiled daddy!” Oli retold the story just as animatedly as the first time, but keeping as still as he could so not to disturb his sister.
“Did she now? You must’ve made her happy then.” Harry slunk one of his hands around your waist and squeezed the pudge that had situated there. He absolutely loved the way you’d become curvier after giving birth. He said it gave him a bit extra of you to love on, to which you always cried at the words because he never failed to make you feel so beautiful.
“I try daddy.”
“I try too.” Felix added, obviously wanting his dad to know he wasn’t not helping in taking care of Belle.
“Good boys. Proud of you both.” They both smiled after their dads words, “Now you both behave and look after Baby Belle whilst I go make mummy a cup of tea okay?”
“But come back, daddy.” They both replied and you gave them a final warm smile, before making your way to the kitchen to make a warm, milky, beverage.
“Nice day?” Harry asked, following you into the kitchen. His hand was placed lowly on your back and guided you into the room.
“Lovely, thanks. Just missed you all.” You sighed and turned around to kiss him in the middle of the kitchen. Your lips moulded to his perfectly and he tasted so sweet, you probably so sour from your lemonade you’d had earlier.
“Miss you always.” Harry murmured against your lips and then pulled away, not before giving you and extra peck though.
You walked over to the kettle and switched it on, whilst Harry collected the mugs from the cupboard you were too small to reach. He picked out one with the letter H on and one with the letter of your first name on, knowing that you’d drink from each others letters as always.
“Been busy today?” You asked, dropping teabags into the cups and leaning against the counter side as you waited for the kettle to take its’ boil.
“Kinda.” He smirked to himself, trying to dodge that question and any others you might have about the day. “Glad you’re back home though.” He walked to you and cupped the back of your head lightly, guiding your face up to his.
“Thank you for being my home.” You smiled at your cheesy comment and then lead your lips to his again.
“You are a dream, my love.” Harry said, looking deep into the eyes he could fall in love with all over again.
Just as you were about to touch lips with his you heard the wails of your tiny daughter and sighed in sync. You chuckled as you flopped your head onto Harry’s chest. As much as you wanted to stay and soak up all the love he was about to give you, your children were a priority - especially a crying baby.
“Well, your dream will have to wait hun.” You patted his chest before walking out of the room, Harry watching you go before whispering ever-so-carefully under his breath.
“But yours won’t.”
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silicaracing76 · 3 years
What To Take Into Consideration Before You Acquire A Hifu Leotard.
Am I Permitted To Use The Term "botox" On My Website?
Various Other Therapies.
What Is Hifu Body Forming?
Dont Forget The Side Effects
Elegance And Also Cosmetics: Botulinum Toxic Substance Products.
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All treatments are executed by fully qualified as well as experienced medical professionals at our skin clinics in Leeds, York & Manchester. The procedure can be performed on the face as well as body to offer quick, long-lasting tightening up of the skin. The light beams are emphasis onto the fat cells creating reduction in fat deposition and also skin firm. We carry out one of the most sophisticated and also effective HIFU treatments as well as HIFU facial procedures from our state-of-the-art facility at the heart of London, supplying a range of therapies to match all purposes and also budgets.
How long does HIFU face lift last?
3D Face (HIFU) Lifts, tightens and tones the face working deep within the skin. Rejuvenates the collagen levels, tightens loose skin and greatly reduces wrinkles and the signs of aging. Used by leading medical expert's results will last between 12-18 months from a single session.
It targets particular locations of the face and neck, independently; Eyebrow Lifting, Dewlap Line Lifting and under eye Wrinkle Reduction for general skin tightening up as well as rejuvenation. Outcomes vary from one person to another depending upon your skin high quality as well as how much sagging has actually happened. We offer a totally free appointment at the facility to provide you a sensible viewpoint around if the non-surgical facelift will work for you. We have actually had outstanding results at our center utilizing the Ultraformer III and also have many prior to and after photos to reveal you. However, if we really feel a surgical facelift is the much better alternative for you we give truthful advice as well as never ever over-sell. The HIFU sends out focused ultrasound power to boost the skins deep assistance frameworks.
Other Therapies.
It is particularly reliable for professional enhancement in the jawline, cheek, as well as perioral areas. Beauty Salon in Crystal Palace, G7C's service technicians utilize Hifu skin tightening up technology to tone your face. The regenerated skin will certainly begin generating even more collagen and also elastin thanks to the solid facial tissue toning action advertised by the non surgical face lift device. Face muscular tissues that shed toning such as the sides of the mouth, over time are raised rejuvenated and firmed, making you feel much more youthful.
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During therapy, the 3D-HIFU face handpiece is put on the skin as well as kept in one area at once. This treatment may feel a little awkward around the jaw line but usually this treatment is discomfort free. When utilizing this method of therapy, your skin will certainly be lifted and also tightened up by your skin's own all-natural recovery procedure. Noticeable results will certainly also produce a sensation of vibrant skin as well as a visible enhancement in great lines, wrinkles, as well as face contouring. and also High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is the most up to date to excel in this location in just one single session.
What Is Hifu Body Sculpting?
https://bedfordshire.facelift365.co.uk/ are additionally unable to perform the procedure if you are expecting or breastfeeding. HIFU has actually become one of the most searched for raising therapies for face and also neck.
High Intensity Concentrated Ultrasound is the most up to date medically tested technology for face lifting and the improvement in the look of lines and wrinkles in one solitary session. After the face therapy, you can resume your activities instantly since the high-intensity ultrasound has actually not damaged the skin's upper layers. Nevertheless, slight swelling and also redness might happen, although it will certainly diminish swiftly. You might likewise be somewhat sensitive to touch or experience a minor prickling feeling, which may persist for a couple of weeks. During rare occurrences, short-lived neighborhood tingling and wounding may additionally take place. Right away after the treatment, you can observe that the skin has tightened up to some extent. The effects escalate over the subsequent weeks, as more collagen is formed, along with the retraction of the connective cells.
Dont Ignore The Side Effects
Our non-surgical face lift therapy making use of the most up to date HIFU ultrasound technology can be the best treatment for you. 4.5 mm-- Much deeper still, at around 4.5 mm, where the deep skin layers fulfill the muscle mass, HIFU causes contraction, causing an additional reduction of creases with a visible training and toning effect. Recent scientific research studies go over just how HIFU is a secure, effective, and noninvasive treatment that can be used to improve facial creases and skin laxity.
HIFU ile Tek Seansta Yüz Germe - RaillyNews
HIFU ile Tek Seansta Yüz Germe.
Posted: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
High Strength Concentrated Ultrasound likewise referred to as" Ultrasound Facelift as well as has become one of one of the most searched for lifting therapies for face and neck. The 3D- face HIFU hand item is put on your skin one location each time. You will certainly face some sort of heat and small vibration when the power is being launched. Though the treatment may be a bit unpleasant around the jaw line, it is not agonizing. As the ultrasound waves are focused throughout the therapy locations, you will really feel little amounts of energy transmitted via to precise midsts below the skin.
During therapy, the 3D-HIFU face hand piece is put on the skin and held in one area at once. The hand piece will after that be positioned on the following location of therapy.
The full impact takes 2-3 months for the new collagen to form in the skin. The outcomes are lengthy enduring and also individuals can resume their normal tasks as soon as they finish the session.
You will certainly experience a minor resonance as well as warmth whilst the energy is being penetrated. The handpiece will certainly after that be placed on the next area of therapy. It might really feel somewhat awkward around the jawline but usually this treatment is discomfort free. Prices Learn a lot more concerning our prices for each and every individual treatment below at RJ Aesthetic.About United States RJ Aesthetic is a high-grade aesthetic facility offering facial renewal therapies to its clients in Ilford.
What is the best facelift procedure?
The deep plane facelift is generally considered the most comprehensive and long lasting type of facelift. This facelift involves the layer of muscles under your facial skin. These muscles are responsible for much of the drooping or sagging you may experience in your face as you age. signing up here /p>
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enginemimosa30-blog · 4 years
claim So long Cellulite In simply 8 Weeks! charm expert Kate Shapland Shares Revolutionary recommendations.
salon Launches therapy To help Mums return Into Pre
Manchester To lack Intensive care Beds 'within Days'.
What Is consisted Of In The Free consultation?
When Is Hifu Treatment Not suitable?
focus On: Cryo.
Aircast calf Cryo Cuff wrap Hot Cold treatment Compression ice Pack Cryotherapy.
No downtime-- you might apply makeup quickly following therapy. This ingenious process tones, tightens as well as firms the skin on the face.
How long wear chin strap after facelift?
You must wear the chin strap continuously for the first two weeks after surgery except while eating and showering/cleaning incisions. The strap helps fight the forces of gravity immediately after surgery and helps improve any swelling.
Great lines and also creases on the face and drooping skin around the jowl area. Costs for Levura HIFU Treatment will vary according to the size of the location being treated as well as the complexity of the treatment. The HIFU modern technologies we use target the four layers of skin that influence physical look; especially, the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, as well as surface muscular aponeurotic system.
Manchester To lack Intensive care Beds 'within Days'.
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It has been evaluated by professional clinical and health and wellness professionals as well as people coping with cancer. It has actually been accepted by Elder Medical Editors, Dr Jim Barber, Specialist Medical Oncologist and Dr Lisa Pickering, Professional Medical Oncologist.
Once a doctor has actually targeted all the locations to be treated they provide the HIFU energ while consistently checking how the cells reacts, adjusting as needed, for safe, reliable delivery of HIFU energy. The device has extremely innovative software application that makes it possible for treating specialists to obtain photos of the prostate. The pictures are made use of to draw up as well as target precisely where HIFU should be supplied. This advanced innovation consists of a console where the doctor plans, screens as well as readjusts HIFU treatment, a transrectal probe as well as a chiller, which is a security tool that keeps the rectum cool during therapy.
To commemorate the intro of this cutting edge therapy we have a special offer which integrates mesotherapy with Hifu for simply an added ₤ 50. Why not contact us to book in-- we make certain you'll love the outcomes. You will certainly see some of the results quickly, with continuing renovations in the 6 months following your treatment. There is no downtime with HIFU treatment, enabling you to return to your everyday activities quickly after treatment. Ultraformer gives instant results, though suitable results can come 60 days after therapy.
When launched from the therapy centre, clients return home to recuperate even more comfortably. Throughout the procedure a catheter will be put into location via the penis to aid with urination and also will commonly stay in area for 1-3 weeks. Surgeons can target and deal with percentages of tissue, minimising damages to nerves around the prostate responsible for maintaining urinary continence as well as sex-related feature. The clinic is easily situated on the A365 right here in Melksham, that makes us exceptionally simple to locate.
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This is a little operation that assists boost the circulation of pee before you have HIFU. Improving the circulation of urine suggests you may have fewer bladder issues after HIFU. Urine leaking from the bladder can be an adverse effects of having HIFU treatment. This is more likely if you have actually currently had external-beam radiotherapy.
What age should you get a facelift?
Although people in their mid 40s often see the best results, the optimal age to get a facelift depends on each person's individual circumstances, which are unique to their face. In most instances, individuals in their 40s, 50s, and 60s are the best candidates for facelift surgery.
What Is included In The Free appointment?
Prost8 UK have selected to give away one of the most advanced HIFU treatment equipment as component of our project. For that reason, we have been led by top specialists to pick the Sonacare Sonablate unit, or equipment to similar criterion. After the HIFU treatment, people will remain in recuperation for concerning 2-4 hours.
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Reliable at dealing with a wide range of facial conditions and also problems that you might have. Coronavirus is having a big effect on people living with cancer cells. Online Community An anonymous network of people impacted by cancer cells which is free to sign up with.
What are the different types of facelifts?
From Head to Neck: The Different Types of Facelifts For You To ConsiderFull Brow Lift. Temporal Brow Lift. Mid-Face Lift. Eyelid Lift. Lip Lift. Corner of the Mouth Lift. Neck Lift. Facial Rejuvenation.
The string will be totally soaked up by the body within nine months, and the renewal result will last for in between one and also a half to two years with no further stimulation. With mindful reinforcement, the effect may persist for longer.
When Is Hifu Treatment Not ideal?
Share experiences, ask questions and also speak with people that comprehend. Our Cancer Cells Information Nurse Experts are devoted cancer cells nurses readily available to talk with on our Macmillan Cancer Support Line. This information has been written, revised as well as edited by Macmillan Cancer cells Support's Cancer Information Advancement team.
concentrate On: Cryo.
How long does facelift last?
A face-lift can give your face and neck a more youthful appearance. cryolipolysis -lift results are not permanent. With age, the facial skin may begin to droop again. In http://offerquartz15.nation2.com/cryo-wellness-brentwood-essex , a face-lift can be expected to last 10 years.
Aircast calf Cryo Cuff cover Hot Cold therapy Compression ice Pack Cryotherapy.
Using a HIFU, or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, device called the Ultraformer III, we have the ability to give a far more comfy choice to the Ultherapy therapy while being as efficient. The therapy we offer lasts between minutes as well as has no downtime, triggering just small inflammation. Our HIFU treatment begins with ₤ 400, yet the specific cost of the entire therapy will certainly be extremely depending on your individual scenarios and how many sessions you require to achieve your desired results. The treated area may be a little red/pink yet this will go within a number of hours. • Crepey as well as wrinkled skin throughout the face and also internal arm, décolleté, abdominal area, inner thighs and knees, and so on . Please note, however, that each individual may react in different ways to the treatment. To attain this, our HIFU modern technologies target the four various layers of skin that influence physical appearance; especially, the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, and also shallow muscle aponeurotic system.
The HIFU ultrasound facial method has been established for many years to make certain that the treatment effect is more powerful than before, however it will take a little bit of time after your session to see great results.
Though some clients might observe a lifting effect instantly after treatment, HIFU boosts the production of collagen, so full results will certainly not be evident till time has been taken for collection sources to integrate in the skin.
This can take throughout three to six months, during which the skin is raised progressively.
Consequently, this implies that your HIFU facial outcomes, though calm, will look entirely all-natural.
Throughout treatment, ultrasound energy is made use of to target the deepest layers of the skin and produce a thermal effect, stimulating the manufacturing of collagen as well as elastin for a natural-looking solution to sagging skin.
An HIFU facial, is a noninvasive therapy for facial aging which is currently thought about among the most effective anti-ging therapies available worldwide.
As a result of aging, SMAS (Shallow Musculo-Aponeurotic System) becomes much less elastic, collagen fibers stretch, and also the frame damages.
The innovative treatment uses ultrasound to produce warm at a deep level in the skin which then damages targeted skin cells, causing a natural reaction by our bodies, to try to fix them.
decrease Cellulite With Nivea.
Your consultant will certainly recommend which kind of HIFU is finest fit to your problem. Making HIFU offered to males across the UK is the major driving pressure of Prost8 as a charity and our aim is to elevate funds and also campaign to release a minimum of one system in each of the 14 UK NHS areas. HIFU will provide literally countless guys with the chance to receive less intrusive therapy and also maintain maximum capability ongoing. The Sonablate is amongst one of the most advanced HIFU innovation offered for prostate cells ablation. HIFU is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment choice that allows males to return to their typical lifestyle in days, maintaining patient lifestyle.
You will be inspected by a nurse upon arrival as well as given an injection to clear your bowels. You will have been recommended not to eat or drink for a number of hrs ahead of arrival. HIFU treatment is provided as either whole-prostate HIFU or Focal HIFU.
Does a facelift make you look younger?
- Patients who have undergone a facelift rate themselves as looking an average of 12 years younger after surgery, according to a study in the February issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery®, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
Getting to the center by airplane, train or cars and truck couldn't be less complicated. Below are some of the various ways you can reach the clinic, depending on which direction you're concerning visit from. Generally some enhancement can be seen within 3 to 4 weeks following therapy, with further improvements developing for as much as 6 months.
No, you can go back to work and typical life immediately after the treatment. Ultraformer fast fire speed means complete face treatment takes only minutes. Nevertheless, Ultraformer applies without anaesthesia in a high portion of cases - in fact, numerous clients report no pain with treatment. This treatment occupies to 1 hour relying on the variety of locations you wish to treat without downtime required, people can be available in also on lunch breaks and also return to work without any issues. No, we wouldn't recommend pregnant females to undergo this procedure.
Once we eliminate the gel and also you will certainly see an immediate lift, which will certainly remain to gradually boost over the following nine months. Following your Ultraformer III procedure, you will certainly be able to continue with your everyday activities.
Is a facelift major surgery?
A facelift often will enhance the appearance of your cheek, jaw line and neck region but is considered major surgery.
You will see prompt results, however, results will certainly continue to create and enhance 3 months article procedure. The individual price of the entire treatment will certainly be very dependant on your specific circumstances and also how many sessions you require to attain your desired outcomes. For this therapy, there is no demand to do anything particularly to prepare. However, we would encourage you to put on comfy garments, as well as likewise eliminate any makeup that you are using.
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tenorthrone87-blog · 4 years
Teesside Fat Freezing
beauty Salon Launches therapy To assist Mums come Back Into Pre
Manchester To run Out Of Intensive care Beds 'within Days'.
What Is consisted Of In The Free consultation?
When Is Hifu Treatment Not ideal?
concentrate On: Cryo.
Aircast calf Cryo Cuff cover Hot Cold therapy Compression cold Pack Cryotherapy.
What Treatments Are readily Available For Skin Tag Removal?
No downtime-- you may apply makeup quickly complying with therapy. This ingenious procedure tones, tightens as well as firms the skin on the face.
Great lines as well as creases on the face and drooping skin around the dewlap location. Costs for Levura HIFU Treatment will differ according to the dimension of the area being dealt with and the intricacy of the therapy. The HIFU modern technologies we use target the four layers of skin that impact physical look; especially, the skin, dermis, subcutaneous fat, and superficial muscle aponeurotic system.
Manchester To lack Intensive treatment Beds 'within Days'.
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It has been examined by expert medical as well as wellness experts and also individuals coping with cancer cells. It has been approved by Elder Medical Editors, Dr Jim Barber, Specialist Clinical Oncologist and Dr Lisa Pickering, Expert Medical Oncologist.
When a medical professional has targeted all the locations to be treated they supply the HIFU energ while continuously keeping an eye on just how the tissue responds, adjusting as required, for safe, effective shipment of HIFU power. The device has extremely sophisticated software that enables dealing with cosmetic surgeons to acquire pictures of the prostate. The photos are made use of to map out and target specifically where HIFU need to be delivered. This cutting edge innovation contains a console where the medical professional strategies, monitors as well as changes HIFU treatment, a transrectal probe and also a refrigerator, which is a safety device that keeps the rectum cool during therapy.
To commemorate the introduction of this advanced treatment we have a special offer which combines mesotherapy with Hifu for just an added ₤ 50. Why not get in touch to book in-- we're sure you'll love the outcomes. You will certainly see some of the results right away, with proceeding enhancements in the 6 months following your therapy. There is no downtime with HIFU treatment, permitting you to return to your day-to-day activities instantly after therapy. Ultraformer offers prompt outcomes, though ideal results can come 60 days after therapy.
Once released from the treatment centre, individuals return home to recuperate even more easily. During the treatment a catheter will be taken into area with the penis to assist with peeing and will typically remain in area for 1-3 weeks. Specialists can target as well as deal with small amounts of tissue, reducing damage to nerves around the prostate in charge of maintaining urinary continence and also sex-related feature. The center is easily located on the A365 below in Melksham, that makes us incredibly simple to discover.
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This is a little operation that helps enhance the circulation of urine before you have HIFU. Improving the circulation of urine suggests you might have fewer bladder issues after HIFU. Pee leaking from the bladder can be an adverse effects of having HIFU treatment. This is most likely if you have actually currently had external-beam radiotherapy.
What age should you get a facelift?
Although people in their mid 40s often see the best results, the optimal age to get a facelift depends on each person's individual circumstances, which are unique to their face. In most instances, individuals in their 40s, 50s, and 60s are the best candidates for facelift surgery.
What Is included In The Free assessment?
Prost8 UK have chosen to give away one of the most sophisticated HIFU treatment devices as part of our campaign. Because of that, we have actually been led by leading specialists to choose the Sonacare Sonablate unit, or tools to similar requirement. After the HIFU treatment, patients will certainly remain in healing for regarding 2-4 hrs.
Effective at dealing with a variety of face conditions and also concerns that you may have. Coronavirus is having a substantial impact on people coping with cancer cells. Online Community An anonymous network of individuals influenced by cancer which is totally free to sign up with.
What are the different types of facelifts?
From Head to Neck: The Different Types of Facelifts For You To ConsiderFull Brow Lift. Temporal Brow Lift. Mid-Face Lift. Eyelid Lift. Lip Lift. Corner of the Mouth Lift. Neck Lift. Facial Rejuvenation.
The thread will be entirely absorbed by the body within 9 months, and the rejuvenation result will last for between one and a fifty percent to two years without any further stimulation. With careful support, the effect may continue for longer.
When Is Hifu Treatment Not suitable?
Share experiences, ask concerns and talk with individuals that comprehend. Our Cancer Cells Information Registered nurse Specialists are committed cancer cells nurses readily available to speak to on our Macmillan Cancer Cells Support Line. This details has actually been created, changed as well as modified by Macmillan Cancer Assistance's Cancer Information Advancement team.
focus On: Cryo.
Aircast calf Bone Cryo Cuff wrap Hot Cold treatment Compression cold Pack Cryotherapy.
Making use of a HIFU, or High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound, tool called the Ultraformer III, we are able to supply a much more comfy option to the Ultherapy therapy while being as reliable. The therapy we provide lasts in between minutes and has no downtime, triggering just mild inflammation. Our HIFU treatment starts from ₤ 400, however the private price of the whole therapy will certainly be highly dependent on your specific conditions as well as the amount of sessions you need to achieve your desired results. The cured area might be somewhat red/pink however this will certainly go within a number of hrs. • Crepey and old and wrinkly skin throughout the face as well as inner arm, décolleté, abdomen, internal upper legs as well as knees, and so on . Please note, however, that each individual might respond in a different way to the treatment. To achieve this, our HIFU modern technologies target the four different layers of skin that affect physical look; especially, the skin, dermis, subcutaneous fat, as well as shallow muscular aponeurotic system.
The HIFU ultrasound facial approach has been developed throughout the years to ensure that the therapy effect is more powerful than previously, however it will take a little time after your session to see great results.
Though https://dover.hi-fu.co.uk/ might notice a training effect instantly after therapy, HIFU promotes the manufacturing of collagen, so complete outcomes will not appear till time has been considered collection resources to construct in the skin.
This can take during three to 6 months, during which the skin is raised progressively.
The reason that the therapy takes some time is that the sound waves pass through deep into the skin to advertise the all-natural production of collagen progressively.
In addition, the 'wearing off' of results is additionally progressive and can extract from over 9-12 months.
An HIFU facial, is a noninvasive treatment for facial aging which is currently taken into consideration among the very best anti-ging therapies readily available worldwide.
Because of aging, SMAS (Shallow Musculo-Aponeurotic System) becomes less elastic, collagen fibres stretch, and also the framework weakens.
The revolutionary therapy uses ultrasound to develop warm at a deep degree in the skin which then damages targeted skin cells, creating an all-natural response by our bodies, to attempt to fix them.
Your consultant will certainly advise which type of HIFU is best suited to your problem. Making HIFU available to males across the UK is the primary driving force of Prost8 as a charity and our aim is to increase funds as well as campaign to deploy at the very least one unit in each of the 14 UK NHS areas. HIFU will supply literally thousands of males with the opportunity to get less invasive treatment and keep optimal performance continuous. The Sonablate is among the most advanced HIFU innovation offered for prostate cells ablation. HIFU is a non-invasive, outpatient treatment choice that allows men to go back to their normal way of living in days, preserving patient lifestyle.
How do you tighten sagging jowls?
Exercises 1. Yawning and opening the mouth as far as possible, then closing it very slowly without letting the teeth touch. 2. Puckering the lips outwards. 3. Blowing the cheeks up as far as comfortable. 4. Chewing with the head tilted slightly up. 5. Grinning as widely as comfortable then slowly tilting the head up and down. More items•
You will certainly be examined by a registered nurse upon arrival and offered an injection to clear your bowels. You will have been encouraged not to eat or consume alcohol for several hrs ahead of arrival. HIFU treatment is provided as either whole-prostate HIFU or Focal HIFU.
Reaching the facility by aircraft, train or cars and truck could not be much easier. Here are several of the various means you can get to the clinic, depending on which instructions you're pertaining to check out from. Generally Hi Fu Botox option Daventry definition can be seen within 3 to 4 weeks complying with therapy, with more enhancements creating for as much as six months.
No, you can return to function as well as regular life right away after the treatment. Ultraformer fast fire rate implies complete face therapy takes only minutes. Nonetheless, Ultraformer applies without anaesthesia in a high percentage of cases - in fact, several individuals report no pain with treatment. This therapy occupies to 1 hour relying on the variety of areas you wish to treat with no downtime required, patients can come in even on lunch breaks and also go back to function with no issues. No, we wouldn't suggest expectant females to undergo this procedure.
When we eliminate the gel and you will certainly discover an instantaneous lift, which will continue to slowly improve over the adhering to 9 months. Following your Ultraformer III treatment, you will certainly have the ability to continue with your everyday activities.
Is a facelift major surgery?
A facelift often will enhance the appearance of your cheek, jaw line and neck region but is considered major surgery.
You will certainly see immediate results, however, outcomes will certainly continue to establish and also enhance 3 months blog post procedure. The private expense of the entire treatment will certainly be extremely dependant on your individual scenarios and the number of sessions you call for to achieve your wanted outcomes. For this treatment, there is no need to do anything particularly to prepare. Nonetheless, we would recommend you to wear comfy garments, as well as likewise eliminate any kind of make-up that you are putting on.
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skinimageuk-blog · 5 years
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jamesmakeup4-blog · 4 years
how To obtain a Stronger vaginal Area - Bucks Vaginal Tightening lotion evaluation.
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claim So long Cellulite In just 8 Weeks! appeal master Kate Shapland Shares Revolutionary recommendations.
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What Is Hifu Treatment For Face?
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Once the beams get to the relevant depths of the skin, they will assemble, creating small and also unseen 'micro openings' within the skin. Our non-surgical Vaginal Tightening up therapy making use of the innovative FemiWand ® modern technology. The FemiWand ® uses High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound that has an enduring record of method for medical applications.
claim So long Cellulite In simply 8 Weeks! appeal expert Kate Shapland Shares Revolutionary advice.
This week I have an additional session on my tummy location, It does take some time, yet it does work. Had the fat freeze in December and i am so delighted with the results, I have actually gone down two dress dimensions. I'm currently a dimension 16 and also have actually scheduled in for another 8 applicators, i can not fault this organization at all! the only adverse responses i have is that it made me go to the toilet so typically but that's easy to understand as my body was just eliminating the waste. I previously had an instance of the guy boobs so I got a cryolipolysis treatment to decrease these. I'm pleasantly stunned by the results and also I have almost no fat because location anymore.
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having my 2nd treatment of cryo done, have seen a large distinction after my very first treatment on my belly. my skin does feel tighter however i haven't seen any results yet as it does take 6-8 weeks to see results so i am intrigued to see what results i get. came in for hifu face lift last month as well as decided to get my jaw area and neck done too after talking with the specialist. i was a bit terrified in the beginning as i do not like unpleasant treatments yet it was not uncomfortable it just really felt uncomfortable in particular areas.
is There An Age limit For This kind Of surgical Procedure?
When I was called for my appointment, they attempted to market me a course of 3 treatments. I was skeptical regarding the therapy so refused on the basis I would see if I got any outcomes first. When I asked what the success rate was for this treatment, the individual telling me concerning the treatment she claimed she really did not have any type of numbers and also Outcomes vary from one person to another.
really happy with my face lift treatment, would suggest to any person and would suggest choosing the complete jobs as it is totally worth it. I have seen results after 3 months and also my face looks extraordinary, i am extremely delighted.
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The treatment i had actually opted for was the shallow treatment, so simply waiting for results. I have my 4th session of ultrasound reserved for following week and also I am truly happy with the price at which my double chin is beginning to decrease in size. The parking is a bit aggravating though as no person discussed initially that there was no totally free car park available outside but when I called in, a charming lady offered me instructions to a nearby parking area. great service and team member, rates are inexpensive and also worth the money. I would extremely advise this therapy if you have any kind of worry about the firm of your girl little bits.
What Is Hifu Treatment For Face?
The focus of the thermal power is specific and aids manage the tightening of the muscle mass and also intensity to curb the invasiveness. The procedure guarantees outcomes as well as convenience for every individual and also takes the quickest time feasible to return to the normal routine. try it out here is likewise appropriate for those with various other genital concerns, consisting of genital prolapse, endometriosis, pelvic leisure as well as pelvic discomfort. There are no contraindications for FemiLift if you are taking the birth control pill, have a contraceptive dental implant or have previously had a hysterectomy. FDA approved because 2014 for the treatment of post-menopausal vaginal atrophy with dyspareunia which leaves several females unable to make love because of dry skin as well as discomfort on infiltration. The FemiLift CARBON DIOXIDE laser provides power around 0.5 mm deep right into the genital skin and also creates small, white, ablated dots of damaged cells on the mucosal cells inside the genital canal. The FemiWand is a nine-minute treatment, boosting vaginal muscle mass toughness and rigidity - as well as the effects can last for greater than 2 years.
To start with, this non-invasive genital treatment technique is painless as well as calls for no downtime. Besides, it only takes 20 mins, therefore do not conflict with your regular life. As claimed previously, this is a non-invasive vaginal area tightening technique. The method is well created to bring back and repair genital walls without needing to utilize numbing or anesthetic creams. Various clinical as well as logical investigates have been done on this technology. It is accredited safe as well as authorized for usage in medical method. A study by the United States National Institute of Wellness in December 2015 confirmed that the treatment is secure, efficient and also non-evasive, as well as has a favorable long-term result on skin laxity.
It has actually been just over a month since I had the femiwand treatment. I was truly hoping that the therapy would have dealt with the damage of being overweight and so on i had a treatment at the brand-new center in birmingham, i have to say it is a lovely center as well as it is a reward that they have parking on site. the center itself is very clean and neat and all team are well specialist. i was offered a drink on arrival and was offered the wifi password as well as if i desired any magazines. I had the fat freezing therapy at the Bham facility, and i must claim it worked out. It had not been uncomfortable in all as well as i had a very enjoyable experience.
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The ultrasound process focuses the thermal energy on the superficial muscular aponeurotic system of the genital cells. This results in tightening of the muscular tissues which consequently tightens up the muscle mass.
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teeth bleaching therapy.
Many clients report no pain and also require no downtime after the treatment. Therapies are scheduled at 4 or six-week periods, and many customers see gain from 1 or 2 therapies. The treatment is ideal for healthy and balanced women over the age of 30 who are searching for genital rejuvenation. Customers who are breastfeeding or expectant are not recommended for the therapy. We advise clients to wait at least 3 months after a typical giving birth prior to having the FemiWand ® therapy. most popular Anti-Ageing Therapies Greenford of this procedure is to boost the quality of life. Women who do well in recovering their vaginal canal tightness often tend to be a lot more confident as well as have admirable self-confidence.
Other long-term results of the therapy consist of tightening up as well as renewal of genital cells. Customers must have the wish for a tighter, extra youthful-looking vagina to receive FemiWand ® . Because every female's physique is various, your aesthetician will certainly go over the optimum variety of treatments to match your demands and objectives. Genital tightening with FemiWand ® needs no downtime, and also customers can return to regular life instantly following the procedure. FemiWand ® is the perfect choice to extensive, intrusive surgery to recover the youthful appearance and also feature of the vagina. FemiWand ® is a 20-minute procedure that can be carried out on your lunch break.
This is since the PSA blood test is general to prostate cancer.
Raised Hifu Solution Promotes Natural Collagen can not tell a physician whether a man has serious prostate cancer or otherwise.
This aids the doctor target the cancer cells so that less of the healthy and balanced tissue is harmed.
The probe likewise makes use of ultrasound to create photos of the prostate while your surgeon is treating it.
It can additionally be duplicated must your cancer cells repeat, and also it does not omit various other treatments if called for such as radiotherapy or surgical treatment.
Your PSA degree can additionally be increased by various other, non-cancerous conditions.
On the various other hand, tightening the vaginal area helps sexually active women to enjoy their room matters with their hubbies. Also if vaginal canal looseness is rarely talked about, it is a crucial condition that can make women feel unfortunate, disappointed, ashamed, and also uncomfortable with their bodies.
wonderful center
I had the shallow as well as the muscular procedure done as I have actually had 2 children sen vary from leak. I did not experience any kind of discomfort or discomfort and also I am looking forward to feelin results hopefully this treatment will aid me as well as tighten points up! I had the femiwand treatment done yesterday at the Manchester center as well as was instantly placed at convenience by the medical professional. The areas i had actually done are now looking very radiant as well as I'm really happy with the outcomes, I will certainly for sure be returning in for one more therapy. Aftercare treatment was given and also its been two days as well as im sensation great. I had actually undertaken the treatment for the femi stick vaginal treatment, as well as it was somewhat uneasy. Nevertheless the specialist was very gentle and provided me with a lot of aftercare suggestions and also was very pleasant as well as welcoming.
What is the best cellulite treatment?
Best results according to research studiesLaser treatment. Different types of laser treatments are used to treat cellulite. Subcision. Vacuum-assisted precise tissue release. Carboxytherapy. endermologie® Ionithermie cellulite reduction treatments. Radiofrequency. Laser-assisted liposuction. More items
let's discuss ... City Skin.
Much more recently, HIFU has been effectively used for cosmetic therapies consisting of skin laxity. Make use of the switch listed below to reserve a genital tightening up consultation. A women professional will get in touch to review your requirements. The ultrasound is flawlessly secure, and unlike lasers can go beyond the surface area of the genital cells to increase the effects of the treatment. A PRIVATE cosmetics facility has actually been purchased to remove an advert advertising its genital restoration treatment after the UK's advertising guard dog regarded it "misleading" as well as "careless".
Why does my stomach look like it has cellulite?
Cellulite most definitely occurs when you gain weight — in women, it tends to be most noticeable in the areas where women are prone to gain the most weight (the stomach, thighs, and backside) — and when that body fat grows, it enlarges and pushes against the connective fibers under your skin.
The locations I had them on were a little bruised for a few days yet quickly cleared up. It's not a magic wand as well as I really did not end up being model thin overnight, so any individual that assumes that is what will certainly happen will certainly be disappointed. My improvement is coming along great as well as I would definitely reccomend vivo facility. Had the Cryolipolysis treatment and so far the outcome is impressive I have actually dropped a jeans dimension certainly recommend this treatment. My partner mores than happy i enjoy would highly advise this treatment if you have actually had children or struggle with leak. i bought additional applicators for the location and determined to have a few sessions done. I really did not tell my pals and also people that knew me, remarkably everybody was seeing I was bring down.
What is the best cellulite cream?
Best Overall: Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream. Best Splurge: Augustinus Bader The Body Cream. Best for Arms: Revision Skincare BodiFirm. Best for Legs: Body Merry Cellulite Defense Gel-Cream. Best for Stomach: Glytone Slim Design Cellulite Day Cream. More items•
The nurse was lovely yet no before photos were taken ... so also if I did get a training course, there's no way of understanding it's worked !! She told me that the therapy would not firm my skin in all in spite of the advert on wowcher claiming it would certainly !! The therapy lasted half a hr, wasn't particularly uncomfortable yet I am not holding my breath for any kind of results. The exact same 'salesman' after that attempted to market me some lotion before I left. Too aggressive and inadequate knowledge about their therapies or success prices. The therapy has been created with the exact same modern technology that has been efficiently used in non-surgical renovations. Merely, this includes sending out multiple ultrasound beams right into the skin.
my husband has additionally seen a difference because area as well as is happy with what he has seen. i would definitely have a secound therapy to tighten up the location a little extra. I have had a HIFU treatment with Vivo Center and have actually had wonderful results.
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bellaspauk-blog · 4 years
A Detailed Idea about Beauty Salons for you
As a response to the growing list of clientele, Beauty salons around the world have sprung up who even with the recession blues spend quite a lot of money on beauty treatments.
Professional beauties treatments to both men and women are offered by these salons provide also known as a beauty salon like Beauty salon manchester. There is a spurt in the availability of mud baths, massages, aromatherapy, and other such services by the salons recently with the growing demand for natural beauty treatments.
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Offered by the salons include hair coloring, hair extensions, eyebrow reshaping and design, pedicures and manicures, leg waxing, arm waxing, and facial hair removal along with a range of rejuvenation and facials treatments besides the haircuts and styles, the most common beauty treatments.
Like photo rejuvenation, microabrasion, ear piercing, collagen treatments, and capillary correction, some beauty salons even offer specialized skin and beauty treatments. Attractive discounts and packages on the services are offered in the form of summer specials or bridal packages and so on. You can also opt for accessories and makeup In addition to this for special occasions.
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You need to evaluate the services that you require when choosing the beauty salons. Checks with the salon whether can you just walk in for availing the services or you need to make an appointment. You will have to take a prior appointment at the salon if you want a special service then in the majority of the cases. These salons offer Lashes extension Manchester.
Finally to the price of the services of a beauty salon, it all comes down offers along with the reputation of the professionals there. At a salon near you, you can choose to work with an affordable cosmetologist and stylist while the higher price is charged by popular stylists for their services.
It is best to stick to it to get the best beauty services for all your needs if you find the services provided by the beauty salon to be adequate.
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thesportslounge · 4 years
MLS, Inter Miami Set to Acquire Blaise Matuidi from Juventus
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Photo: sbisoccer.com
With Andrea Pirlo taking over the Head Coach job from Maurizio Sarri, Juve is looking to rejuvenate the squad. Inter Miami seeking to take advantage.
By Marco Di Dionisio
August 10, 2020
With the change in the Head Coaching role in Turin, Juventus are looking to bring in fresh, young talent. One of the first players expected to leave the team is Center Back, Blaise Matuidi. Reports from Italy, from the Gazzetta dello Sport, specifically, claim the defender is close to signing with David Beckham’s franchise, Inter Miami.
Matuidi, 33, is a France international, who was part of the French squad that won the 2018 World Cup. He was also part of the France team that finished as runners up in the Euro 2016 tournament. He has been with Juventus since 2017 where he won all three Serie A titles with the team.
If Inter Miami is able to close the deal, they would be getting a physical and experienced Center Back, who would join the ranks of Mikey Ambrose, Grant Lillard, Dylan Nealis and Andres Reyes, among others, in the back line.
It’s possible that a player of his caliber will require a Designated Player tag. Inter Miami have one open slot alongside attacking midfielder, Rodolfo Pizarro and wing man, Matias Pellegrini.
New franchise, Inter Miami have had a difficult start in their first MLS campaign, where it is still seeking its first win, and where it finished at the bottom of its “MLS Is Back” Tournament group.
The French international will also team up with David Beckham again, after playing alongside the Englishman at PSG in 2013. The signing should bring some optimism back into the Inter camp following an unexpectedly rough MLS start for the franchise. Beckham recently called for patience as many had very high expectations for the new franchise, perhaps too high as results have shown.
"Sometimes the road is long and you need to take a breather," Beckham posted on Instagram. "Manchester United, Real Madrid, La Liga and the Premier League wasn't built in a day” wrote Beckham.
The Frenchman’s Wikipedia page has already been updated, showing him as an Inter Miami player. While it looks more and more likely that will be the case, we haven’t received confirmation of the move just yet.
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stephaniemarlowftw · 5 years
A Gaze Among Them is due out May 10th from Southern Lord / U.S. Tour announced for June.
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"BIG|BRAVE are big and oceanic, their music flowing and crashing like waves...Robin Wattie’s clear, piercing vocals, which occupy an emotional zone right at the point between ecstasy and abject despair.” - Pitchfork  
"BIG|BRAVE have somehow made a ruthlessly loud record that is also fascinating, and consistently elegant." - Drowned in Sound
BIG|BRAVE share the first full track "Sibling" from their incoming album, A Gaze Among Them (Southern Lord, May 10th) by way of a brilliant video by Mathieu Ball & Robin Wattie. Watch and share the video now on YouTube.
Since their inception in 2012, BIG|BRAVE have explored terrains of experimental rock with a clear focus on the key principles; space, volume, and raw emotion. The essence of BIG|BRAVE's magic has always been the way they balance these dynamics, and particularly how much sheer power comes from the beautifully quiet moments.
The same principles are the starting point for the new album, only the approach is different, beginning with the question "How do we take very little and make something bigger than what we actually have?" vocalist and guitarist Robin Wattie explains further "the biggest challenge was to not do what is easiest. i.e. what we knew worked for the last albums or what is, for us, easy to write. With A Gaze Among Them, Mathieu and I put ourselves through the ringer - I did not want to do what seemed to me to be a ‘logical next step’ in what we could do musically. I wanted to go back to our original concepts and work from there - space, tension, minimalism and voice (finding melody and musicality in pieces that consist of one note for longer than ten minutes, for example) were the primary concentrations I wanted to push."
In the process of revisiting their early intentions, BIG|BRAVE have boldly evolved, emerging with a thrilling new body of work that is all at once refreshingly new, explosively heavy, dynamically loud, beautifully minimal, carefully repetitive, and totally and utterly cathartic.  
A Gaze Among Them features Robin Wattie (vocals, electric guitar, guitar amp, bass amp), Mathieu Ball (electric guitar, guitar amps) and Loel Campbell (drums) with guest appearances from Thierry Amar (Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Thee Silver Mt Zion) on Contrabass and Seth Manchester's synth overdubs. The album was recorded with Seth Manchester at Machine with Magnets in Pawtucket Rhode Island. 
The beautiful image adorning the cover (created by Robin Wattie) further demonstrates that BIG|BRAVE have blossomed. The trio sound rejuvenated and confident, and A Gaze Among Them is the sound of a band truly honing their craft, and feeling totally satisfied with it.  Compelling. Necessary. Important.
A Gaze Among Them is available for preorder via Southern Lord and on Bandcamp.
May 16 Nurnberg, DE @ Kantine %
May 17 Berlin, DE @ Urban Spree %
May 18 Poznan, PL @ LAS %
May 19 Prague, CZ @ Altenburg 1964 %
May 21 Haarlem, NL @ Patronaat %
May 22 Antwerp, BE @ Kavka %
May 23 Lille, FR @ La Bulle Café %
May 24 Bristol, UK @ Rough Trade %
May 25 London, UK @  Raw Power %
May 26 Glasgow, UK @ Stereo %
May 27 Newcastle, UK @ The Cluny %
May 28 Brighton, UK @ East Street Tap % 
May 29 Paris, FR @ Instants Chavirés %
May 30 Brussels, BE @ Magasin 4 %
May 31 Mannheim, DE @ JUZ %
June 1 Winterthur, CH @ Gaswerk %
June 3 Wurzburg, DE @ Cairo %
June 4 Hamburg, DE @ Schute %
June 5 Malmo, SWE @ Plan B %
June 7 Gothenborg, DWE @ Skjul Fyra Sex 
June 8 Stockholm, SWE @ Slaktkyrkan
June 14 Wilkes-Barre, PA @ Karl Hall
June 15 Philadelphia , PA @ Johnny Brenda's ^
June 16 Raleigh, NC @ Pour House ^
June 17 Atlanta GA, The Earl ^
June 18 Birmingham AL @ The Nick ^
June 19 St. Louis, MO @ Fubar ^
June 20 Omaha, NE @ Midtown Art Supply ^
June 21 Colorado Springs, CO @ Triple Nickel *
June 22 Denver, CO @ Hi-Dive *
June 24 Milwaukee, WI @ Cactus Club *
June 25 Chicago, IL @ Subterranean Downstairs *
June 26 Detroit @ Sanctuary *
June 27 Boston, MA @ Hong Kong *
June 28 Brooklyn, NY @ Kingsland *
June 29 Portland, ME @ Geno's * 
^ w/ Primitive Man
* w/ Dreadought
% w/ MyDisco
A Gaze Among Them, Tracklisting:
1. Muted Shifting of Space
2. Holding Pattern
3. Body Individual 
4. This Deafening Verity
5. Sibling
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Artist photo by: Rachel Cheng
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dawnjeman · 6 years
Coastal Interior Design Ideas
  Hello everyone! I hope you’re having a great week so far! I am not feeling very well these days and I am having to repost this today but I’ll come back tomorrow with a new post!
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Today’s  post is all about coastal interiors. In particular, this shingle waterfront home we see above. Designed by Emeritus, Jonathan Raith Inc., Elizabeth Walker Raith & Ellisa Hallen Design (Photos by Tom Olcott & Nantucket Architectural Photography), this home is a perfect example of how a coastal cottage should be! Architectural details are evident as are the relaxed, comfortable yet tailored interiors.
Let’s go on a little vacation, shall we?
  Coastal Interior Design Ideas
This stunning Nantucket shingle beach house is a dream, inside and out!
Emeritus Development.
Elizabeth Walker Raith Designs.
Jonathan Raith.
Elisa Hall Design.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Crisp White Kitchen
Similar White Paint Color: Decorators White by Benjamin Moore.
Countertop is white marble.
Sink: Rohl.
Similar Brass Faucet: Rohl.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Get the Look:
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  Range & Backsplash
The wonderful French range is from Lacanche – Color: Armor.
Floating Shelves: Rejuvenation.
Pale Grey Backsplash Tile: here, here, here & here.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Crisp White & Brass
Cabinet Pulls: Schoolhouse Midvale Pull.
Appliance Pulls: Schoolhouse Edgecliff Appliance Pull – Natural Brass.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
How dream is this cottage?! I love the layout of this home – everything feels cozy and connected!
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Similar Color
Stonington Gray by Benjamin Moore.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Living Room
Lucite coffee table is from Wisteria.
Wall art are crafted by Nantucket sculptor Mark Rae.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Get the Look:
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Imagine feeling the warm ocean’s breeze coming in…
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Dining Area
This gorgeous coastal dining room features a custom banquette, vertical shiplap, slipcovered dining chairs, coastal wall art glass and a clear glass globe lighting.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Get the Look:
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  Bar Cabinet
The dining room also features a White Oak bar cabinet with whitewashed finish, which is sanded down and clear coated.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Powder Room
This small powder room features half-wall shiplap paneling, grasscloth wallpaper, custom White Oak vanity and wall-mount faucet.
Mirror: Small: here. Large: here.
Lighting: Jamie Young.
Wall-Mount Faucet: Newport Brass Wall-Mount Faucet – More affordable choice: here.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Coastal farmhouse bathroom with floor-to-ceiling shiplap. Vanity is White Oak.
“Bubble” Floor Tile: here – in white: here – in Marble: here & here.
Beautiful Art: here, here, here & here.
Similar Mini-Pendants: here & here.
Hardware: here.
Faucet: Grohe.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Bathroom Cabinet Inspiration
Similar Blue/Grey Cabinet Color: Hearthstone 1601 Benjamin Moore.
Beautiful Bathroom Mirrors: Here & Here.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Indigo & Tan Coastal Bedroom
I absolutely love this bedroom! The light tan wall color, similar to Manchester Tan by Benjamin Moore, and the linen bed works beautifully against the indigo elements.
Similar Bed: Here.
Bedding: Here.
Nightstand: Here & Here (dresser).
Indigo Pillows: Here.
Rug: Serena & Lily.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Dreamy Bedroom
This coastal bedroom features vaulted ceiling, shiplap walls and a fresh color palette mixing greys, mossy greens with pale pink.
Similar pale pink pillows can be found here.
Fabric: John Robshaw.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Pendant Light
Natural Jute Lighting: here, here, here, here & here.
Photo by Tom Olcott.
Every Sunset
Soothing bedroom with built-in window-seat and media cabinet with drawers (corner).
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
What a view! The White Oak built-ins feature leather pulls.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
Bedroom Decor
Comfy textures and soft colors bring this bedroom together.
Photo by Nantucket Architectural Photography.
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Studio McGee.
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Beautiful Paint Colors: Latte SW 6108 by Sherwin Williams, Halcyon Green SW 5213 by Sherwin Williams, Outerspace SW 6251 by Sherwin Williams, Naval SW 6244 by Sherwin Williams, Leisure Blue SW 6515 by Sherwin Williams, Software SW 7074 by Sherwin Williams, Online SW 7072 by Sherwin Williams, Svelte Sage SW 6164 by Sherwin Williams, Rosy Outdlook SW 6316 by Sherwin Williams, Ceiling Bright White SW 7007 by Sherwin Williams, Extra White SW 7006 by Sherwin Williams.
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via Pinterest (Apartment Therapy).
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Studio McGee.
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soccerportal · 6 years
How United prepared for Stoke in Dubai
Jesse Lingard & Luke Shaw explain how the training camp in sunny Dubai has rejuvenated the Reds. - Read It Here: http://ift.tt/2B0jdrH - For More Latest Manchester United News, Photos, Videos and Discussions, Follow @CarloGordon and @mancunian_red
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torentialtribute · 5 years
How Cristiano Ronaldo is edging Paulo Dybala out of Juventus
It's extremely unlikely we will ever see Cristiano Ronaldo playing for the same team as Lionel Messi . But Ronaldo's transfer to Juventus last summer presented us with the next best thing: the Portuguese superman combining with Messi's army, the Argentina No 10-in-waiting, Paulo Dybala.
At the beginning of the season the pair posed for photos together at the Bianconeri's training center in Continassa. Dybala looked as pleased as punch with his new companion. The club's fans and directors were excited by what the veteran could teach the younger man in terms of consistency, focus and preparation.
Fast forward eight months and Ronaldo is flying in Turin, with 28 goals in 42 games, and his incredible one-man show against Atletico Madrid in the Champions League. Yet it has been a frustrating campaign for Dybala.
Paulo Dybala (left) seemed delighted when Cristiano Ronaldo joined Juventus last summer
The pair posed for jokey pictures on the club's training ground (left); but Ronaldo's all-powerful presence has diminished Dybala's once pivotal role in the Juventus team
Italian sports paper Tuttosport report that Dybala will be sold to fund new forward signings
So much so that Italian sports paper Tuttosport is now reporting that the Old Lady are looking to rejuvenate their attacking line -up following their shock exit from the Champions League at the hands of Ajax – by selling Dybala.
Juventus are reportedly willing to cash in on star striker Dybala in order to raise funds to sign one of Joao Felix, Mauro Icardi, Federico Chiesa or Moham ed Salah this summer.
There are no problems with Ronaldo – he and Dybala get on and respect each other.
"I am lucky, I play with Lionel for the national team and Cristiano with Juve," Dybala has said. 'Not many people have had this opportunity. I have learned a lot from Ronaldo. ”
They even blended their goal celebrations during the 3-0 home win over Frosinone in February. They both scored and mixed Ronaldo's dramatic leap into the air and 'Siiiiiiuuuuu' ('yessssss') shout, and the mask gesture Dybala makes his hand over his mouth. Dybala invited his followers on Instagram to name their new move, suggesting 'Siuuumask'.
And most players would be relatively satisfied with Dybala's tally or five goals so far this season in Series A and five in Europe.
Dybala isn't 'most players', however. He has struggled to make a consistent impact in 2018-19 and regularly resembles a fish out of water in coach Massimiliano Allegri's XI.
Age : 25
Born : Laguna Larga, Cordoba, Argentina
Position : Forward / Attacking midfield
Clubs : Instituto (2011-12), Palermo (2012-15), Juventus (2015-present)
International : Argentina – 18 caps, 1 goal
Honors : 4x Serie A, 3x Coppa Italia, 1x Serie B
Allegri doesn The select Dybala for every game. Cristiano is one 'untouchable' in attack, Mario Mandzukic is the other. The Croatian is the epitome of a warrior, one of the hardest working players in the league, helping the defense and foraging on the wings. His sacrifice and tireless running allow Ronaldo to save his 34-year-old legs for counter-attacks or back-post sprints.
Allegri is one of world football's finest tacticians, and his trophy-loading spell in Turin is notable for formations that get the best out of the people available. Allegri doesn't force players into his preferred schemes, but molds his approach around them. Seems like common sense, but so many top coaches, past and present, refuse to be so malleable.
This season 4-3-3 has been the order of the day at the Allianz Stadium. The way Juve deploy, it doesn't contain an orthodox No. 10 operating centrally behind the forwards, or a second striker. The idea is to give Ronaldo the liberty to do as he wishes, but this has cost Dybala.
The 25-year-old has been operating slightly further away from the opponent's goal this year, which explains a drop in his league goals. After 18 starts last season he had scored 17 times. This year he only found the net on five occasions in 22 league starts.
Dybala has ceded free-kick duties to Ronaldo, who, for the record, has been particularly impressive in that department. Dybala is a rare talent, an intoxicating dribbler, but is yet to hit the heights of this campaign.
His trademark of cutting in from the right and shooting with his miraculous left foot has been all too infrequent in 2018-19 . The Jewel, as Dybala is known, is too good for the bench but doesn't have a natural role in Allegri's current incarnation of the Bianconeri.
Dybala has scored fewer goals this season and seen his position on the pitch changed
Ronaldo is in red-hot goalscoring form at Juve with the team set up to fulfill his needs
Regular observers of Dybala and Juve maintain that his best role is as a second striker in 4-3-1-2 or 4-4-2. But with Ronaldo, Mandzukic (who is likely to sign a new long-term contract) and emerging wonder boy Moise Kean, they are well stocked for forwards.
The wide roles in attack are less than ideal for Dybala. Journalist Filippo Conticello of the Gazzetta dello Sport says: "Dybala doesn't possess the physical power of Federico Bernardeschi, and when he is selected, finds himself further and further away from the other team's box. This was evident in the disappointing loss away to Genoa. Plus, we all know how gifted he is, but he's not a leader. "
Dybala is unlikely to be given a decent run as the withdrawn forward in the near future, hence the rumors of a departure.
Dybala, who has appeared 18 times for Argentina, including a fruitless cameo at last summer's World Cup, was a £ 23m signing from Palermo in 2015. But the view is that he could fetch three or four times that now.
In the past two decades Juventus have been willing to sell their biggest names for the right price. Barely months after winning the 1996 Champions League they sold striker Fabrizio Ravanelli and midfielder Paulo Sousa, and let Gianluca Vialli leave for free, reducing their wage bill significantly.
Juventus have never been afraid to sell their big names and Dybala could be the next to go
A move to the Premier League could be on the cards, alongside or against his pal Paul Pogba
The Italian giants cashed in on Zinedine Zidane and Filippo Inzaghi in 2001, and used the profits to sign Pavel Nedved, Gianluigi Buffon, Marcelo Salas and Lilian Thuram.
More recently they sanctioned Paul Pogba's return to Manchester United for £ 89m. The Frenchman was hugely popular in Turin and arguably Series A's best midfielder. But the wise heads at the Allianz Stadium knew they could not reject such a juicy offer.
"For a while we have known that you will make a big sale this summer," Conticello says. 'One of the big earners will leave, to generate cash. The two names are dyed Dybala or Miralem Pjanic. Two years ago when Dybala was in the best form of his career, Juventus would have demanded € 200m (£ 173m) for him. Now they would accept € 100m (£ 87m). "
Season 2017/2018
Season 2018/2019 Games Played 46 48 46 39 Games Started 35 41 38
Minutes Played 3085 3370 3376 2550 Goals 23 19 26 10 Assists 9 8 6 4 Goal Involvements 32 27 32 Mins / Goal 134.13 177.37 129.85 255 Chances Created (inc. assists) 81 78
For Juve fans, the notion of Dybala boarding a plane to England or Spain is a lot less painful now Ronaldo is one of theirs. He has had great times, including a goal on his debut in the 2015 Italian Super Cup, four consecutive league titles (barring an unlikely collapse this season) and three Coppa Italias. And he single-handedly knocked out Barcelona 2017 Champions League.
The favorites for his signature are Atletico Madrid, where he would be treated like a king, and Bayern Munich, who have recruited Latin stars Arturo Vidal James Rodriguez in recent years. Another option is a swap with Inter striker Mauro Icardi. It's no secret Juve are on Icardi, but Dybala is reportedly happy with the idea of ​​a switch to the blue and black half of Milan.
He would also be perfect for any Premier League side requiring a bit of flair in the final third. For all their searing pace in attack, Liverpool misses Philippe Coutinho's creativity from attacking midfield, which is Dybala's area of ​​expertise. If Chelsea get around their transfer from FIFA and sell Eden Hazard, Dybala would be a good replacement, even if their styles aren't identical.
Manchester United are ready to start their summer transfer overhaul as they have made contact with Juventus about a swoop for Dybala according to Calciomercato . He has until the end of the season to convince Juve to keep him. Questions about his temperament and versatility remain, but the man known as The Jewel still has time to sparkle.
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footballnewspapers · 5 years
Resurgent Man City resume title quest against in-form Wolves
Resurgent Man City resume title quest against in-form Wolves
Guardi­ola’s men will want to close the seven-point gap at the top of the table create­d by Liverp­ool’s win
Championship side Rotherham were swept aside 7-0 at the Etihad, with third division Burton suffering an even more painful fate in a lopsided first leg of League Cup semi-final, when City scored nine goals without reply. PHOTO: AFP
MANCHESTER: Pep Guardiola’s rejuvenated…
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The mighty power of the simple Post-It Note protest
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In the emotional days following the November 2016 election that put President Donald Trump in power, no one had any idea they might find a shred of solace in words scribbled on a mundane office supply. But underground, in the depths of a New York City subway station, a powerfully expressive initiative fueled by thousands of Post-it Notes was underway. 
In the weeks that followed, thousands of people in search of catharsis paused their commutes to write down rejuvenating messages of hope, solidarity, and reassurance and stick them to the walls for all to read. Soon a colorful mosaic of an estimated 50,000 Post-its, now known as the Subway Therapy project, spanned the walls of Manhattan's Union Square station.
It was a simple act during an especially dark time, but the colorful collection of Post-its helped the country's outlook seem a little bit brighter. 
SEE ALSO: NYC's 'Subway Therapy' wall is transformed into a brilliant interactive holiday card
For nearly 40 years, Post-its have been a go-to resource for annotating documents, writing to-do lists, and leaving reminders. But somewhere along the line people around the world realized just how multi-functional the sticky squares could be. 
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Image: Vanessa Carvalho/Brazil Photo Press/LatinContent/Getty Images
In pop culture, Post-its have been used for infamous break ups and vow writing, and in the real world, people use them to pull pranks, make grand romantic gestures, create art, and even mourn lost icons like Apple's Steve Jobs. In the past few years, sticky notes have also been used to aid in something far more impactful: peaceful protest. 
The power of post-election Post-its 
I first spotted the Subway Therapy Wall on Thursday, Nov. 10, my first day back in the Union Square station since the Nov. 8 election.
Happening upon the words of complete strangers — simple messages like, "Your emotions are valid," and "We need each other," — was a reminder that goodness still existed. And after talking to others who contributed to or encountered the wall, it's clear I wasn't alone.
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Don't forget that there are some truly remarkable people in this world.
A post shared by Nicole Gallucci (@nicoleworldd) on Nov 14, 2016 at 3:26pm PST
"I was in a state of shock," said 23-year-old Chelsea from Yakima, Washington (who preferred not to share her last name,) recalling how she felt in the days after the election. "It felt as if the floor had been pulled from underneath me — like I was going through the five stages of grief simultaneously."
In an attempt to do something productive with her negative feelings, Chelsea traveled New York City for the first time.
"I actually stumbled upon the wall without even knowing it existed," she said. "That moment when I looked up from what I was doing and I saw that wall filled with those colorful bits of paper was indescribable. It was as if I could see the strings connecting everybody in their need for change. It was a therapy session that was free and I could write anything I wanted and not have to worry about feeling alone."
The 14th street subway has a thing called subway therapy and u express yourself on a post it note and put it on the wall. It was incredible. pic.twitter.com/3k3NRpTdDq
— chelsea lately (@chelsea_rane) December 5, 2016
Chelsea read as many notes as she could, absorbed the messages, and says she finally felt like things might be alright. "Those pieces of paper were tiny messages to us as humans that we can be change. If we try hard enough."
"It was a coming together of strangers across the country who wanted to make a simple statement that this is wrong and not normal, and we don't need to accept it," Sarah Flourance, a 31-year-old from Alexandria, Virginia said.
Flourance, who traveled to New York to visit a friend after the election in hopes that it would lift her mood, said she spoke with a few strangers at the wall, some of whom were in tears. "Right after the election, the isolation is what got to me and a lot of other people," she said. She felt the display helped ease her feelings of hopelessness.
Added my post-it to the 14th St/Union Sq subway station wall today #fdt #MotivationalMonday pic.twitter.com/zRzQ2j0qah
— 𝔖𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔥, 𝔟𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥𝔶 🌒🌕🌘 (@BookishFeminist) November 15, 2016
Kevin Nadal, psychologist and professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and the Graduate Center at City University of New York says he also contributed a Post-it to the wall.
He wrote a message of solidarity to "the most marginalized populations whose rights would be threatened" by Trump's rise to the presidency, and said the expansive unity of strangers helped restore hope for him.
"I wanted people to know they weren't alone," Nadal said. "I definitely felt scared, betrayed, and angry. The Post-it wall was validating." 
And while he knew others in New York City would share his post-election sentiments, Nadal said seeing seeing all those emotions "manifested in one place was viscerally powerful."
If you want to feel some hope, visit the Post-It Wall at Union Square Subway Station. Here are my favorites. #LoveTrumpsHate pic.twitter.com/GgiM3hZMFX
— Kevin Nadal, Ph.D. (@kevinnadal) November 21, 2016
So why Post-its?
In early 2016, well before the November election, "Subway Therapy" creator Matthew "Levee" Chavez set up a table, two chairs, and a sign that read "Secret Keeper" in a New York City subway station.
His setup included a blank book in the hope that passerby might decide to unload some internal stress by writing their secrets down on paper. Despite this, he often found that people preferred face-to-face conversations.
"For the next eight months or so, I had individual conversations with people that would stop by to sit and talk...About whatever they wanted to talk about." 
After the election, he said things changed.
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Matthew Chavez near his public art project: "Subway Therapy."
Image: Volkan Furuncu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
Chavez says he believes that "during crisis, writing can be a more effective and accessible form of expression than conversation." It's what inspired him to bring sticky notes and writing materials into the subway that November. The Post-its helped him reach a wider audience, since several people could write their thoughts down simultaneously, rather than waiting to chat with him one-on-one.
"The wall took a form that was fun, beautiful, and expressive," Chavez recalled. "In mass, sticky notes are incredibly inviting and they definitely helped people to open up."
A history of Post-it protests
Though it's been nearly two years since Chavez's Subway Therapy project, many of the notes have since been archived online and in several books, and memories of the wall remain for those who contributed or passed by. Though Chavez helped create one of the most memorable Post-it Note protests in recent history, his was far from the first.
In 2011, Wisconsin residents used the tactic when they protested policies by Republican Gov. Scott Walker that would weaken in-state unions. In addition to months of marches and other organizing efforts, protesters left hundreds of Post-it Notes at the Wisconsin State Capitol entrance in an attempt to share their concerns. Despite the protests, Walker's proposal ended up passing.
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Post-it Notes on state capitol in protest of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's budget repair bill.
Image: Allen Fredrickson/Icon SMI/Corbis via Getty Images
Later that year, Post-its made their way to London to serve as a beacon of light in the wake of a divisive act of violence. In August 2011, riots broke out across London in protest of a deadly police shooting that killed local resident Mark Duggan. In Peckham, London, thousands of community members responded to the tragedy with a "Love Wall" covered in notes with messages of hope and unity. The sentiment was so powerful that it spread to walls in Manchester and in other areas of London.
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A wall covered in Post-it Notes supporting Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement.
Image: Thomas Campean/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
The people of Hong Kong also used Post-it Notes to show support for the pro-democracy movement of 2014, when many called for the resignation of leader Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying. During what's since come to be known as the "Umbrella Revolution," activists and protesters wrote words of encouragement and their reasons for demonstrating on Post-its, creating a colorful display outside government offices. People in Sydney even covered the walls of Australia's Hong Kong House in solidarity.
The benefits of sticky note self-expression
While expressing oneself via Post-it Note has shown to be a therapeutic and unifying response to large-scale events, these notes can also provide comfort to individuals on a day-to-day basis.
"Self-affirmations are really helpful in helping to negate any harmful self-doubts or cognitive distortions," Nadal said, explaining that writing positive, reassuring messages on Post-it Notes "can help in increasing one's self esteem and decreasing any cognitive distortions."
A 2007 study by Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at California's Dominican University, found that the act of writing one's goals down seems to make a person significantly more likely to accomplish those goals. The study also found that writing reminders or to-do lists before bedtime may help people fall asleep faster. 
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Image: screengrab/subway therapy
It's clear the humbler Post-it has made the transition from bland office supply to powerful statement maker. Remi Kent, the global Post-it business director for 3M, said that the product's move beyond the confines of the workplace has only encouraged the brand more.
"Everyone who uses a Post-it Note puts their own unique touch on it — and it's exciting to see how consumers make it their own," she wrote in an email. "We believe in getting your thoughts out and your voice heard — and our products are the tool to help people do that."
Post-it Notes may be small, but they have the power to make mighty statements.
WATCH: This artist uses Post-it notes a canvas for art
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skinimageuk-blog · 5 years
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