#Photo Shoots
taylorz-nicholasg · 11 days
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Oh, boy 🔥
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nocturnalazure · 25 days
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Put some miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
Wе could break it in if you know what I mean
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kirajw · 1 year
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acciohunks · 4 months
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I can’t keep you off of my mind
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ojcobsessed · 6 months
oliver shared more photos from his recent louis vuitton shoot for glass magazine's winter 2023 issue which comes out later this week.
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Aesthetic photo dump #11 ✨🩵
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hudson-bay-girl · 4 months
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Just a few random pics of Gary Oldman to bless your day! 🥰😊
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IMDB boat portraits.
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popping-your-culture · 6 months
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bloody-bee-tea · 1 year
24 Days of Mingcheng 2022 Day 15 - Photo
This was yet again inspired by @felinesomnambulist with this tweet, which you should really check out if only for the photos 👀
Jiang Cheng knows he walked into a trap the moment he steps into the Nie house.
Nie Huaisang is waiting for him, clearly vibrating out of his skin in his excitement, and Jiang Cheng closes his eyes to take a deep breath.
“There is no emergency,” he then says, careful to keep his voice even and when he opens his eyes, Nie Huaisang at least has the decency to look sheepish.
“Depends on your definition of emergency,” Nie Huaisang says and before Jiang Cheng can start to snap at him, Nie Mingjue steps into the hallway.
“Hello, Wanyin,” he says and then levels Nie Huaisang with a look. “What did we learn about using the word emergency?” he asks, his voice in that tone you use with very small kids and Nie Huaisang deflates.
“To never use it for non-critical situations because people will stop believing me when I use it so liberally.”
“And is this a critical situation?” Nie Mingjue asks him next and Jiang Cheng can tell that Nie Huaisang wants to say yes, but he clearly knows better than to do that.
“Not really,” he finally admits and Nie Mingjue nods.
“So now you’re going to do what?” he prompts and winks at Jiang Cheng when Nie Huaisang turns back around to him.
“I’m going to apologize to A-Cheng for scaring him. I’m sorry,” he dutifully says and Jiang Cheng simply can’t help it, he has to laugh at his crestfallen look.
“Apology accepted,” Jiang Cheng says, finally taking his shoes off. “Thank you, Mingjue.” He gives Nie Mingjue a bright smile and watches in confusion how he looks at everything but Jiang Cheng.
“Sure,” he mumbles out and then immediately flees the hallway.
“Did I do something?” Jiang Cheng asks, forever concerned that he’s annoying the Nie brother’s beyond belief but Nie Huaisang shakes his head at him.
“No, he’s just like that, don’t mind him,” he waves off even though Jiang Cheng knows that Nie Mingjue is not like that with everyone and then blinks his most innocent eyes at Jiang Cheng.
“So, it’s not an emergency but you clearly want something. What is it?” Jiang Cheng asks with a sigh, rubbing a hand over his forehead because he can guess what it is.
If Nie Huaisang thought he could only get him to come here under a pretence, Jiang Cheng can very much guess why he’s here.
“I need to post some more pic to my Instagram,” Nie Huaisang very predictably says and Jiang Cheng turns around on his heels.
“Absolutely not,” he says, putting his shoes back on.
Nie Huaisang runs a semi-successful photography account and Jiang Cheng has to admit that the pictures he takes are gorgeous. But Jiang Cheng is not a fan of having his photos taken and he likes it even less when they are posted online anywhere.
So the answer is very much clear.
“A-Cheng,” Nie Huaisang whines, immediately rushing forward to hang off Jiang Cheng’s arm. “Please. Please please please please,” he chants out, but Jiang Cheng is not deterred.
“No. Huaisang, you know how I feel about having my photos taken.”
“And you know how I’m going to make you look amazing. Breathtaking. Heartstopping even.”
Jiang Cheng groans but the worst part is that Nie Huaisang is not even wrong about that.
Jiang Cheng modelled for him once before and the pictures were absolutely perfect and he had been looking really good in them. Hot enough even that it also prompted Nie Mingjue to do a double take on them and if that hadn’t been quite the ego boost.
Nie Huaisang notices him waver the moment it happens and he pounces without hesitation.
“Come on, it will be a dark colour scheme and you can look like a very hot mafia boss, alright? I’ll need you to glare at the camera and let’s be honest, who is better suited to that than you?”
Jiang Cheng hates to admit it but Nie Huaisang certainly knows how to cater to him enough that he is actually nodding his head.
“Fine,” he bites out and then shoves a finger in Nie Huaisang’s face. “But you owe me. Big time!”
“I know,” Nie Huaisang nods. “And last time I made good on my promise to spoil you, right? So this time will be the same.”
Jiang Cheng hates to admit it but it’s true. Nie Huaisang had treated him to dinner and a movie–one that Jiang Cheng knows for a fact Nie Huaisang hated. So it’s hardly as if he can refute this.
“Fine, fine,” he says again, this time softer. “You can treat me like a damn mannequin again, whatever,” he grumbles but Nie Huaisang only smiles at him.
“You are the best friend anyone could wish for,” Nie Huaisang tells him and it’s honest enough that Jiang Cheng believes him.
“Whatever,” he mutters, uncomfortable with Nie Huaisang’s sincere gratitude. “Where do you want me?”
“My studio, of course,” Nie Huaisang says and starts to push him to the room.
Jiang Cheng allows it because fighting now would no longer make sense. 
Studio is a very generous name for the spare room the Nie brothers have in their apartment, but Jiang Cheng knows better than to say that to Nie Huaisang directly. And he does have to admit that he set it up nicely by now, even though there is still a desk shoved in the corner for the rare days Nie Mingjue can work from home.
And seeing the desk makes Jiang Cheng freeze in a panic.
“Mingjue, he’s not–we’ll be doing this alone, right?”
“A-Cheng, you know my brother doesn’t care for this, and I know better than to put you under that kind of scrutiny.”
“Well, you don’t care enough to not put me on your account.”
“But I do care enough to keep your crush away from you while you already feel vulnerable, that surely has to count for something?” Nie Huaisang blinks his eyes at him innocently again and Jiang Cheng goes bright red in the face.
“I don’t have a crush,” he then hisses out and it makes Nie Huaisang laugh out loud.
“True. You’re in love, my mistake.”
“Huaisang!” Jiang Cheng almost shouts at him, embarrassed enough that he wishes the ground would just open up and swallow him whole.
He never told Nie Huaisang that he’s in love with Nie Mingjue, but clearly it wasn’t necessary anyway because of course Nie Huaisang would notice something like that.
“Relax, I approve, no need to faint now,” Nie Huaisang says when Jiang Cheng continues to clearly be embarrassed and his words somehow make it even worse.
“There is nothing to approve of though,” Jiang Cheng whispers, because he knows that Nie Mingjue would never look at him like that. Jiang Cheng is his little brother’s best friend–of course he would never look with something like love at Jiang Cheng.
“Mh, if you say so,” Nie Huaisang cryptically says and then steers Jiang Cheng towards the outfit he clearly wants him to wear.
“This?” Jiang Cheng asks, because that is just ridiculous. The shirt seems a tad bit too big for him and knowing Nie Huaisang he’ll want him to wear it half unbuttoned and Jiang Cheng is not going to do that, no matter what.
“This,” Nie Huaisang nods. “And I’ll do your make-up and hair.”
“I fucking hate this,” Jiang Cheng sighs out but he dutifully takes the rest of the clothes Nie Huaisang has picked out for him.
“But you love me, which is why you’ll do as I ask of you.”
And again with the flutter of his eyelashes.
Sometimes Jiang Cheng wants to blindfold him just so he can no longer use them as a weapon against everyone.
Jiang Cheng doesn’t comment on Nie Huaisang’s last words—even though he’s right and damn well knows it too—and instead turns towards the little changing area Nie Huaisang has set up in one corner.
“Turn around,” Jiang Cheng hisses at him when Nie Huaisang makes no move to do that and Jiang Cheng is met with an eyeroll that Nie Huaisang clearly picked up from him.
“You have nothing I haven’t seen already,” he sighs out but after one last glare he dutifully turns around. “Fine, fine, gods, you and your modesty, one could think you’re prudish.”
“I just value my personal space,” Jiang Cheng snaps at him and they both very tactfully don’t mention that Wei Wuxian is the reason for that.
He has a habit of barging in unannounced at all times of the day and he has never given a single thought to Jiang Cheng’s personal space—apartment or otherwise. But that means he has caught Jiang Cheng in all kinds of situations—some more embarrassing than others—and since he doesn’t know how a decent person behaves he has ribbed Jiang Cheng  about all of these instances mercilessly, clearly not noticing that Jiang Cheng has never laughed along with him.
Jiang Cheng knows that it’s futile to try and tell Wei Wuxian about his personal boundaries but that is the reason he enforces them all even more with everyone else.
“Done yet?” Nie Huaisang asks after not even a minute and Jiang Cheng tries to stay calm.
This is how Nie Huaisang gets shortly before a photoshoot—impatient and bossy. It’s nothing new and Jiang Cheng knows that it won’t last, so he doesn’t comment on it.
“Done,” Jiang Cheng says, buttoning the shirt up as high as he can, if only so that maybe Nie Huaisang won’t unbutton it completely.
“This will do nicely,” Nie Huaisang says with a critical once over and then points at Jiang Cheng to sit so that he can do his make-up.
This part Jiang Cheng actually likes; Nie Huaisang has a talent for make-up and no matter what he decides to do it ends up looking amazing. Plus, Jiang Cheng doesn’t mind wearing it even if he can’t be bothered to put it on himself and so he sits still for Nie Huaisang and his many brushes.
“Now the hair,” Nie Huaisang says after a while of working on Jiang Cheng who sighs inwardly.
He doesn’t bother with his hair most days because he simply doesn’t care enough but he knows that Nie Huaisang wants every strand to fall perfectly and so he endures even that.
It takes longer than everything else together.
“Perfect,” Nie Huaisang finally exclaims, stepping back to take in Jiang Cheng as a whole. “Mh, maybe not,” he then mutters and steps in close again, reaching for the buttons of the shirt.
Jiang Cheng catches his wrist in his hand in warning.
“Come on, A-Cheng, I promise you’ll still be modest,” Nie Huaisang says, wriggling his fingers in anticipation and Jiang Cheng lets go of him after a long moment.
Nie Huaisang quickly unbuttons the two top buttons and puts a necklace around Jiang Cheng before he clasps his hands together.
“Now you’re perfect.”
Jiang Cheng dreads looking in the mirror but he does get up to take a look at himself and he has to admit that Nie Huaisang is right. He looks amazing.
“So?” Nie Huaisang asks, clearly fishing for compliments of his work and Jiang Cheng can at least admit that.
“It looks good.”
“I know, but thank you,” Nie Huaisang—the insufferable brat—gives back and then directs Jiang Cheng to stand in front of a photo wall.
“How do you want me?” Jiang Cheng asks, now nervous all over again because he never knows how to act in these kind of situations.
He feels stiff and robotic and surely Nie Huaisang is going to yell at him for ruining his perfect vision.
Nie Huaisang doesn’t answer him, though, too busy setting up the lights and checking everything through his camera every once in a while but finally he seems done.
“I want you like this,” he says and gently tilts Jiang Cheng’s head back a little bit, just enough to put his throat and his exposed collarbones on display.
Jiang Cheng holds the position for all of five seconds before he slumps.
“Huaisang, I feel ridiculous,” he complaints and fights the urge to step out of the light entirely.
“Nonsense, A-Cheng, you look amazing. Come on, just pretend—mh, just pretend you caught Wei Wuxian stealing your stuff and you’re about to break his legs for it. I need that glare.”
Jiang Cheng takes a deep breath, trying to center himself and then he glares at Nie Huaisang. He’s not so much imagining Wei Wuxian stealing his stuff, but more that Nie Huaisang is because he thinks that might come across better.
It seems as if he’s right.
Jiang Cheng continues imagining how he yells at Nie Huaisang in various situations and allows him to manoeuvre him around as much as he likes and it seems to do the trick.
It almost feels as if no time at all has passed before Nie Huaisang declares “Done!”
“A-Cheng, we’ve been here an hour,” Nie Huaisang tells him and Jiang Cheng blinks at that.
“Oh, I didn’t notice.”
“Did you have fun, maybe?”
“Don’t push it now,” Jiang Cheng snaps at him and leans over Nie Huaisang’s shoulder to look at the pictures.
He does have to admit that they look good already, without any tempering.
“I’ll post those two to my Instagram, alright?” Nie Huaisang asks and shows Jiang Cheng the pictures in question.
“Yeah, fine,” Jiang Cheng says and finds that he really means it.
He looks good in them, less like himself and more like someone fierce and reassured, someone comfortable in his own skin. He likes how he looks.
Nie Huaisang has barely posted the pictures when Jiang Cheng hears Nie Mingjue walk up on the other side of the door.
“Huaisang!” he yells out, banging on the door and Jiang Cheng turns towards Nie Huaisang, his eyes wide.
“What is going on?”
“He is following my Insta account,” Nie Huaisang tells him, still busy with saving and organizing the pictures. “Also? He has a huge crush on you. And another also? That is his shirt you’re wearing. And while we’re at it, I just remembered that Xichen is waiting for me, goodbye.”
With that Nie Huaisang walks over to the only window in the room, pulls it open and simply climbs out.
They are on ground level so it’s not that much of a feat but Jiang Cheng stares after him as if he just started to fly.
“What the fuck,” Jiang Cheng mutters over Nie Mingjue’s continuous banging on the door and he allows himself a moment to really understand what Nie Huaisang told him.
He’s wearing Nie Mingjue’s clothes, Nie Mingjue has a crush on him and Nie Huaisang just posted pictures of Jiang Cheng posing in these clothes on his Instagram account, which Nie Mingjue is apparently following.
It only allows one possible conclusion and Jiang Cheng prays to the gods that he’s right about it as he opens the door.
Nie Mingjue freezes almost immediately, before he lowers his hand, raking his eyes up and down Jiang Cheng’s form.
“I—see,” he then finally gets out and Jiang Cheng presses his lips together so he doesn’t snort at that.
Though he doubts he would fare any better should Nie Mingjue ever wear Jiang Cheng’s clothes.
“Huaisang said this is yours,” Jiang Cheng says and pulls the hem of the shirt in a way that reveals even more of his collarbone.
Nie Mingjue tracks the motion avidly and Jiang Cheng goes just a little bit hot.
“It is,” he finally admits and when he meets Jiang Cheng’s eyes there can no longer be doubt about the fact that he’s just as gone over Jiang Cheng as he is over Nie Mingjue.
“It’s comfortable. I might keep it.”
“I have a much more comfortable sweatshirt you can have,” Nie Mingjue blurts out. “It’s made out of boyfriend material.”
Jiang Cheng stares at him for a moment before he bursts out laughing and Nie Mingjue groans.
“Oh, fuck me, that was horrible,” he mutters out and it just makes Jiang Cheng laugh harder. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” he grumbles when it doesn’t seem as if Jiang Cheng is going to stop any time soon and he tries his best to get himself back under control.
“No, that was—not that bad actually,” he then tells Nie Mingjue and takes a step closer to him. “I would like to try it on, if that’s alright with you.”
“Fuck, yes,” Nie Mingjue says and pulls him even closer with a hand on his waist. “Please,” he then adds, much softer and Jiang Cheng leans in to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“Alright,” he agrees and then kisses Nie Mingjue for real.
It’s not ideal, with how they’ll have to thank Nie Huaisang for this eventually, but right now Jiang Cheng wouldn’t have it any other way.
Especially not when he gets to go home with not only the shirt and the sweatshirt but also a new boyfriend.
Link to my ko-fi
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nocturnalazure · 4 months
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The Squad
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ethanslaterupdates · 1 year
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New/Old pics of Ethan from his photoshoot with Brian Ray Norris (2019)
(See more pics of Ethan 📸)
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Be our Valentine! Harvey shot another magazine cover with Jen Rosenstein!
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Axl Rose
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hudson-bay-girl · 3 months
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I'm not ok! I'm really not ok! 😫😫
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