#Pimple removal services
ganitsoni · 6 months
Your Trusted Specialist for Best Cancer Doctor in Hyderabad
When it comes to dealing with pesky pimples, finding the right treatment and skincare expert is crucial. In Hyderabad, Dr. Venus emerges as a beacon of hope for those seeking effective solutions to tackle acne-related concerns. Let's delve into why Dr. Venus is renowned for offering the best pimple treatment in Hyderabad.
Professional Expertise: Dr. Venus is celebrated for her extensive knowledge and expertise in dermatology, with a specialized focus on acne treatment. With years of experience and a dedication to staying updated with the latest advancements in skincare, she has earned the trust of countless patients seeking relief from stubborn pimples.
Customized Treatment Plans: Understanding that each individual's skin is unique, Dr. Venus takes a personalized approach to pimple treatment. Through thorough consultations and skin assessments, she tailors treatment plans to address specific concerns and skin types, ensuring optimal results for her patients.
Comprehensive Solutions: Dr. Venus offers a comprehensive range of treatments to combat pimples effectively. From topical medications and oral medications to advanced procedures such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy, she employs a multi-pronged approach to target acne at its root cause and prevent future breakouts.
Emphasis on Skincare Education: Beyond providing treatments, Dr. Venus is passionate about educating her patients on proper skincare routines and lifestyle modifications to manage and prevent pimples effectively. She empowers her patients with knowledge on factors such as diet, stress management, and skincare products, fostering long-term skin health and confidence.
Patient-Centric Care: What truly sets Dr. Venus apart is her compassionate and patient-centric approach to care. She takes the time to listen to her patients' concerns, address their questions, and alleviate any anxieties they may have about their skin condition. Her warm demeanor and genuine empathy create a supportive environment where patients feel comfortable and valued.
Conclusion: For those in Hyderabad struggling with pimples, Dr. Venus is the trusted expert who offers tailored solutions for clearer, healthier skin. With her combination of professional expertise, customized treatment plans, comprehensive solutions, emphasis on skincare education, and patient-centric care, Dr. Venus stands out as the go-to dermatologist for the best pimple treatment in Hyderabad. Say goodbye to stubborn pimples and hello to radiant, blemish-free skin under the expert care of Dr. Venus.
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swarnacosmocare · 7 months
Clear Skin Awaits: Pimple Removal Treatment by Swarna Cosmo Care in Vizag
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Say Farewell to Pimples: Your Solution in Vizag
Pimples, often deemed a minor annoyance, can have a significant impact on one's confidence and self-esteem. In Vizag, where environmental factors can exacerbate skin issues, finding reliable pimple removal treatments becomes imperative. Fortunately, Swarna Cosmo Care stands as a beacon of hope, offering advanced solutions to banish pimples and restore clear, radiant skin.
Understanding Pimples: Causes and Concerns
Pimples, known medically as acne vulgaris, can stem from various factors including hormonal imbalances, excess oil production, bacteria buildup, and environmental pollutants. These bothersome blemishes commonly appear on the face, neck, shoulders, and back, causing frustration and impacting one's overall well-being. Despite numerous remedies available, achieving lasting results can prove challenging without professional intervention.
Introducing Swarna Cosmo Care: Your Trusted Skin Care Partner
Swarna Cosmo Care emerges as a trusted name in dermatology and cosmetology in Vizag, offering personalized solutions to address a myriad of skin concerns. With a team of skilled dermatologists and state-of-the-art technology, Swarna Cosmo Care is dedicated to delivering exceptional results for pimple removal and overall skin rejuvenation.
The Swarna Cosmo Care Advantage: Advanced Treatments for Lasting Results
Swarna Cosmo Care offers a range of advanced pimple removal treatments tailored to individual needs:
1. Laser Therapy: Utilizing cutting-edge laser technology, Swarna Cosmo Care provides targeted treatments to reduce inflammation, shrink oil glands, and stimulate collagen production, resulting in clearer and smoother skin.
2. Chemical Peels: Customized chemical peel treatments effectively exfoliate the skin, remove dead cells, and unclog pores, revealing a brighter complexion with reduced acne scars and blemishes.
3. Microneedling: This minimally invasive procedure promotes collagen synthesis and skin regeneration, leading to improved texture and diminished acne scars.
Experience the Swarna Cosmo Care Difference Today
With a commitment to excellence and a passion for skincare, Swarna Cosmo Care stands as a trusted destination for pimple removal treatment in Vizag. Say goodbye to frustrating blemishes and hello to clearer, more confident skin with Swarna Cosmo Care. Schedule your consultation today and embark on a journey to renewed confidence and radiant skin with Swarna Cosmo Care.
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slushyseals · 1 year
All videos showing people removing barnacles from sea turtles are not rescue videos, they're animal abuse- even if the video is "real".
Please report these videos as abuse and stop letting these people profit off rescue videos
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There are many videos where the "rescuer" is actually the one who attached the barnacles in the first place (some you can even see the hot glue underneath as they pull off the pieces). Unless you see the animal in a rescue center with a vet tech treating it, that animal is being abused. How so?
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The reason those growths are there is likely something far more dangerous that needs to be addressed. Healthy turtles do not get this level of growth on their shells. So if you see something like this, it’s a sign that this turtle is unwell and has been sick for a while. Scraping off the growths doesn’t solve the underlying issue. Also, doing so without any tools or pain medication can be extremely painful and stressful for the turtle. Often with this level of growth, barnacles will have borrowed through the turtle’s shell into live tissue. And just ripping them off like this without the expertise of a medical professional can do more harm than good. Not to mention that it is WAY stressful and not what the turtle needs most. Imagine if you had a the stomach flu or food poisoning and someone decided to “help” you by first detangling your hair, popping pimples, and exfoliating you when what you really need is fluids and someone to handle you very gently. It’s focusing on the wrong problem first and can worsen the underlying condition.
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If you see an animal "rescue" video, always think- how did they find this animal? (Is it likely they just found an animal- or did they put an animal in danger to play hero for clout and ad profits? How did this animal get into this terrible situation in the first place? (The number of giant snakes found wrapped around a dog is pretty unbelievable- usually it's a person abusing two animals they own.) How is this person running into so many animals in dangerous situations? (Especially when you look at their other videos and they reuse the same animals to "save".) I am outside daily and I don't come across anywhere near as many animals needing help like these content farm channels.
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Even when videos are real, if they are not a trained rescue worker they are often doing more harm than good! The people kidnapping tortoises and "saving" them by throwing them out into lakes and rivers might have just killed that animal. Many tortoises are land animals and aren't built for swimming like sea turtles, they can easily drown! A surprising number of people don't understand seals need to rest on shore, and end up killing babies and harassing adults by chasing them into the water. Baby seals can't swim for long distances, and chasing them into the water means their mom won't be able to find the baby after she's done hunting fish- the baby will slowly starve to death if actual rescue workers do not intervene!
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Heck, some people have found perfectly healthy and happy baby seals waiting for their moms on the beach, but because the person doesn't understand that the mom isn't there 100% of the time think the baby has been abandoned; a man kidnapped a pup when the rescue wouldn't send someone out to get the animal which not only hurt that pup whom he caused to be an orphan, but now that pup is taking up resources that could have been given to babies that actually needed it. Rescues don't have infinite resources and I don't want to put to words what can happen when they reach maximum capacity. (The guy was also very lucky he didn't get bit- seal bite infections are much worse than regular bites!) So many others people mistreat because they don't know better, like the baby seal that had people dumping water and ice on it like it was Free Willy. Or trying to feed them sandwiches. Both of these actions make life worse for the animal.
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That video of a dog as a service animal rehabilitating a baby seal? That was made by a couple idiots who likely scared the mother off and caused the baby to starve to death just so they could make their intentionally misinformative video knowing full well they were lieing! Dogs should be leashed and kept far away from any seal as they are a reason many seals are horrifically mauled to death each year! Videos like this are absolutely vile as they misinform the public who own dogs and may see a seal on the beach and think, "Oh! My dog is a good boy and can go play with the water puppy! They enjoy that!" Please do not do this! Seals shouldn't be encouraged to associate with or like dogs, that puts puts in danger not only of cross contamination with things that can make them very sick, but you don't know the temperament of any and every dog that seal will see in its lifetime. All it takes is one- and there are plenty of dogs who act fine around human children and vicious around a random seal they find. The babies don't even have a chance against a full grown dog! Their ONLY chance is that situation never happens; keep your dog leashed, because it will see that seal and shoot off before you can stop it. As well behaved as your dog is on the best day, it has free will and at the end of the day is a dog and will be an animal.
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Let's face it, most of us don't know the proper care of any and every wild animal we could run into and can only guess when faced with a genuinely unexpected situation. Any legitimate rescue video should start with the person contacting the local rescue to ask the experienced and knowledgeable staff what should be done if they themselves are not a trained rescuer. Often times the animal is perfectly fine, humans just see something they don't expect and misread what's going on causing a situation that didn't previously exist. Other times if there is an issue, the rescue will instruct the person what to do- which may be to keep an eye on the animal until trained rescuers can arrive. And lastly, please be aware of fake animal rescue channels and report any videos you see and inform others about this so these channels stop being praised and profiting from animal abuse.
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iamwinklebottom · 7 days
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THEME: “What You Don’t Know?”
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1. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
• I���m hearing the song “Say My Name” (the Calvin Harris version) by Florence and The Machine: https://youtu.be/SZhLrOghfTI?si=8gsXqoepo5M4Tqba
You are misunderstanding your ancestry and your soul’s origins. Genuine ancestor connectivity is needed. I offer personal ancestor connectivity conjure and ancestor readings.
Yes, it is possible to be many things at one time. Yes, it is possible to have a blood quantum of something that is “stereotypically” unrelated to your phenotype (how you look physically).
It’s time to wake up and find out who your ancestors really were/are. Stop guessing and following random narratives people online put out.
It’s okay to be wrong; what’s not okay is sitting back and blindly absorbing who other’s are and posing as things you’re not. It’s time to find out what you’re really made of. The truth may set you free and show you lots of wisdom, but only if you allow it.
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2. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
• I keep hearing “Olokun;” check out this video here: https://youtu.be/PrnJrCrFfHo?si=2auEL_c7CYIX9-07
This message is not for all of you.
You have to understand that you are indeed easily influenced. Be careful. Do not turn into a copy cat. It’s okay to be inspired, but do not steal from others.
There is negative energetic karma that comes from doing that.
Some of you have been stolen from.
Energetically protect what’s yours with spiritual work and affirmations. I do offer conjure services. I’m hearing “evil eye removal and protection conjure will assist you.”
If you’re interested in having someone with years of experience do these services for you, hello - check out my website: https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/conjure-services/30
There’s a lot of things that you cannot see. Seek for what’s below the surface in private, secretly. Build yourself up on the inside then let it ooze outside of you, high vibrationally.
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3. If this resonates with you, consider getting a personal reading here @ https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/advice-psychic-mediumship-divination/32
• I’m hearing “The Big Pay Back” by James Brown: https: https://youtu.be/HFNZOk00D74?si=TzSJXXsD3HMw3CLo
Your spirit team is heavy. This is not a drill. This is not a joke or a game. They’re very, very powerful.
Some of you honor Santa Muerte, Anubis, Santa Marta, or even Olokun. All of them, maybe. Again, take what resonates; do not claim these beings without knowing for sure who walks with you.
When people do wrong to you, it hurts these people in multiple areas of life all at once. Stop looking for the “pay back” to show up in their lives. Often times it’s not going to show publicly until “the pimple finally pops.”
You may even hear “meant to be” gossip about your enemies getting what they deserve later on when you’ve forgotten about the mistreatment and betrayal they took part in.
It’s almost like your enemies are being exploited just so the news can get back to you… not because you wanted that, but because that’s what’s meant to happen.
You’re supposed to collect the memories or “bones” from your enemies’ “sentencing;” don’t let this go to your head.
Know that you’re tough shit. Cleansing and protection work is still needed for you. I offer those kinds of services, if you’re interested: https://www.iamwinklebottom.com/shop/conjure-services/30
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E-Commerce Photo Editing service
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Retouch PH Photo Editor gives you Christmas Sessions 30% off photo editing services.
E-commerce photo editing is a specialized service aimed at enhancing product images for online stores, marketplaces, and websites.
Our Service:
Blemish, scar and pimple removal Background Removal & Replacement Color Correction Clipping Paths & Masking Shadow Creation Retouching & Cleanup
Our price starts from only USD 0.35 per image.
My E-mail : [email protected]
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oshi-nakadapiroki · 1 month
Nakada Hiroki Nakacha no Ma #55 @ Hiroki's GAME Parlor 2024.6.18 Notes [Eng translation]
[Due to NicoNama's services being suspended for the time being, this month's Nakacha was streamed on his gaming channel over at OpenRec instead!]
≫ Intro:
His voice is still raspy (from all the screaming and laughing as Majima I'm assuming)
🎶BGM ↓ 🎙Microphone ↑
He doesn't want to show his face cuz he's got the day off
He says he won't be doing a gaming stream tonight
He's not used to not having the comments pass by on-screen like they do on NicoNama but he'll try to answer our comments to the best of his ability
He tries to enlarge the comments but instead gets rid of them (sasuga)
He apologizes for not being able to stream the day before as planned
He thinks he'll be able to save this broadcast in the archives (it's still there!)
He doesn't read comments on his phone simultaneously when streaming Nakacha but he does when he's at Parlor
He turns his camera on and instantly announces he has a pimple on his cheek
His hair has gotten longer in the last couple of weeks! (The hairdye has faded too)
He doesn't like that the camera quality is as good as it is (then why not change back to streaming on your iPad like before 😭)
The BGM disappeared when he turned his camera on so he's clicking back and forth to get it back, fixes it, but now there's an echo (there's always some type of technical issue lol)
He removes his glasses but quickly realizes he can't see SHIT
This month's drink: Homemade gin soda 700ml
He's only had a few beers recently with some of the LycoReco male cast and action ensemble cast
We've all collectively decided Ono Kento's main scene was the Pants Man scene 🩲
Post-COVID, he thinks female cast members don't go out drinking anymore like the male cast members
One day after rehearsals, he went to Akabane (neighbourhood in northern Tokyo, next to Saitama) by himself and there was this place called Senbero which advertisied food and alcohol for just 1000¥ which he found surprising so he went inside - turns out he had to pay 5000¥ by the end of his meal
He looks like a man who got ripped off
He might have drunk too much (this man istg)
He tries to move the screens around his dual monitors and his mouse keeps making clanking noises on the table
He's remembering that time he forgot to shut off the stream once and had to have upper management remove it for him
He prefers the way the comments go by on NicoNama after all, it's easier for him to read
≫ Lycoris Recoil:
Everyone were really professional
The director Akira-san created a nice atmosphere where you could feel at ease. Hiroki feels like they were good friends and were joking around together every rehearsal
He's bullying Rintaro (affectionately) 🤖
He thinks the Bluray disc will be quite generous with backstage content this time, the cameraman were basically present all the time
After each performance, they had an evaluation meeting for the higawari scenes (he doesn't know if it will be included though; it might be a waste of space, he says)
As for the adlib scene in Robota's room, the director pretty much left it up to Hiroki and Rintaro to do whatever
None of the Guy Hard adlib was part of the script at all
Because they all liked Hiroki's donut adlib (Guy Hard scene) during rehearsals, the director left it up to him too lol He had to step it up each time
He rewatched Die Hard once
He didn't tell Misato (Chisato's actress) his adlib ideas because it wouldn't make them as interesting
He goes on to talk about how he tried to preserve the vividness of reality in his adlib scenes, how each performance is different (compared to if it was to be put in the anime). He thinks the play needed unscripted funny scenes like those as a break from some of the emotionally heavy scenes
He stayed up til 3 in the morning before senshuuraku, creating his own script, to write down the last adlib
Someone in the chat said he did the same thing for DisGOONie's Motherland
However, he couldn't go too meta with his adlibs (apart from senshuuraku) - compared to Yoshi's pantsu scene, that one was allowed to be more meta because it was an imaginary scene lol
Yoshi's pantsu scene wasn't even in the script in the first place!
It's not even Yoshi's scene at this point - it's just a weird old man who likes pantsu lmao
Majima's pantsu are indeed red in the anime but they're (supposedly) black in the preview on YouTube, and because Rintaro was having a hard time with his higawari scenes, they went with that one
Hiroki himself actually didn't want to do the black briefs scene 🩲 He came up with the maid café scene all on his own though (sorry everyone who had to see that) He'd been practicing it ever since rehearsals
That scene was actually so crucial for them as time was precious; they had to time it exactly and finish it in 1 minute and 32 seconds because of the BGM
He's having difficulty with his hair, it get's wavy due to the humidity
Also, his hair dye from last time pretty much disappeared in an instant, it didn't last for more than two weeks
He apologises for using the camera as a mirror
This month's snack: Fried chicken with sweetened vinegar and tartar sauce 🍗 And octopus, broccoli and basil salad 🥦
In the Guy Hard scene, initially Majima and Chisato would just look at each other, go "hmph!" and look away
When he told her she had big eyes, that was just him saying it in the spur of the moment
He was glad the audience seemed to enjoy his off-handed comments at Chisato
They made other comments too like "you've got a tall nose" and "your eyelashes are flimsy"
The pre-show announcement wasn't made by him nor Majima (then who was it?? ww) He isn't sure why they asked him to do it
Within the theatre hall, because of its rules and manners, there are certain words you must use during announcements (such as emergency guidance etc), that's why he didn't say it as Majima
↑ That was the thing he got a message about during last time's Nakacha livestream
He hopes he got a good balance between announcing it as neither Majima nor Nakada
He's flicking around with the aircon he bought himself (brand: Daikin). Since he lives in a rented apartment, it didn't come with the aircon
He's starting to feel the alcohol from just one glass tonight
Whenever he's had a particularly hard performance schedule, it's not the day after the final performance but the day after that when he feels like crashing
He hopes he's given a good performance to those who came to see it for the first time, those who have seen it alot of times, those who have never seen a stage play before, and those who simply like the original work
He thinks he didn't do as much action as Chisato but his moves were quite different in the sense that he had alot of jumping and longer distances to run
It was tough on the body cuz he had to raise his legs alot. He might have told this previously but when he tried kicking for the first time, his muscles were sore all over the next day
He's not used to gun action so that was really difficult for him. Rather than shooting, it's more difficult to look like you're getting shot
There's different types of impact when shooting; rather than pulling or pushing, he's more for gripping and squeezing
He thinks Mari (Fuki's actress) did her shooting impact really beautifully
He apologises to his own muscles for getting hit so many times lol
Majima's bones are probably torn to pieces lol
The first time he got shot, he actually threw up a little
Normally, you would stop the moment you get hit but because of Chisato's rubber bullets, he had to keep going each time
Before he got used to getting shot, he felt like the abnormal titans running
However, he feels like his reactions to getting shot was nothing compared to the action team - they're all pros, after all
He can't decide on his front bangs so he wants to get a headband
Shoutout to Tsukada Tomoki who's an action veteran in the ensemble cast; Hiroki and he met for the first time while on Toumyu Kishou Hongi, they got talking alot together on this stage (he even helped Hiroki out on the Guy Had adlibs)
Chat: "I want to see Hiroki with a sword soon" Him: "Please let the management know. If it's not just coming from me but from all of you, it will probably be decided. So please!"
Majima's whistling was also Hiroki's idea, it wasn't in the script. He was intentionally lowering the last tone to make it more eerie (the whistling was also a reference to Die Hard)
He doesn't remember what they discussed in the after-talk
He didn't mean to stay silent the entire time, he wasn't able to enter the dialogue naturally so he was just awaiting his turn. Then, Kento ended up introducing him
He thought the planking was gonna be a joke (until it wasn't)
He thought he would ruin the vibes if he kept talking for more than 30 minutes
"You gotta be careful with adlibs!" He talked all that time just because he wanted to say that line lol He came up with it the day before, it was for pantsu man's sake
He hasn't thought of any adlibs for Tensura yet
He's off to make another 700ml pint of alcohol 🍺
Aaand he forgets to turn the camera back on for 3 minutes before he notices
He's having his octopus and broccoli salad and reminds us that Majima is not officially affiliated with broccolis ww
He's always liked green as colour and thinks his shirt is cute (brand: TTT MSW, ¥14 300) There were three colours but he chose green 💚
The director of the LycoReco anime told him he wanted to make a Majima spin-off! It would focus on young Majima, Chisato and the Alan children
He wonders if there's any Alan children within Lilybell
He wants to know the story of Majima's parents, he wonders at what age Majima began thinking they way he does
Then again, if they're Alan children, their parents probably aren't in the picture anymore
As a viewer, he's excited to see if LycoReco ever gets a season 2
There's the theory that Yoshi isn't dead after all
He's mulling over the possibility if there were more artificial hearts, and if Yoshi had it put in or not since he still has the scar
He thinks it'd be lame if the heart actually was inside the carrier bag
Suddenly there's a bug in his room and he has to get up to let it out through the window 🤣 And he briefly changes the BGM to last boss music www
≫ Furuba:
He apologizes for not being able to be in Furuba The Final except for a video appearance
He can't think of a time when he's only had a video appearance before (he's had a voice appearance in the Wind Boys musical)
If there's no one there to stop him, his Aya appearance might be 30 minutes long. Yuki might cut him right off though (probably)
Although he's never been in a video appearances, they're always scripted and they're very strict about it so he hopes they won't ask him to improvise
"What's the point of improvising if you've only got one shot?"
Daily adlib video appearances are too much, they're too innovative (that's one way to put it lol) Even if the director Mori tells him it's fine with a smile on his face
He should just be in it already if he's gonna do daily adlib videos
Since it's Aya we're talking about, all of this might be possible because he just wants to bless Yuki
≫ Lycoris Recoil:
Someone in the chat mentions to all LycoReco fans that they can watch Furuba at d-anime Store and DMM TV, and Hiroki tells them they don't have to advertise it 🥺
He's getting frustrated over his hair again; he's got hairpins somewhere but he's not gonna go get them cuz he doesn't want to show his forehead
He seems really happy for the person in the chat who mentions LycoReco was their first irl stage play and they liked his Majima!
The chat asks how it was to perform at G-Rosso, he thinks it was very difficult (due to its height and how steep the steps were), both on stage and backstage, especially in the scene where he had to run at full speed then roll over
He tried searching his indirects (egosa) during the performances but majority turned out to be about Majima Goro from the game, Like a Dragon/Yakuza
He won't say anything else on the matter because he doesn't want to upset fans of the game
He's gotten quite used to how to handle the long coat, he thinks he's good at it
He felt like all air had been punched out of his stomach when he did the last fall
Him stocking the cans were at random each time, but they tried to choose the Gokigen can (imitating the old dairy drink Fukigen) when drinking. For senshuuraku, they absolutely had to choose Gokigen
He apologises for not being able to stream on NicoNama this month but hopes we can spend time together on this platform in the meantime
He thinks it was refreshing to stream on OpenRec like this for once
Congratulations to everyone born in June! 🎉
"We cannot live without you, much like the rainy season!"
No rollcall this month
He hasn't taken a bath in two days, perhaps that's why his hair is the way it is today
"Namaste 🙏"
≫ 2nd part of the stream:
He's feeling fuzzy because of those two drinks yet he goes to make another one
He thought he was gonna be cute and clap his hands on camera, then he looked over and got embarrassed over himself 😭 maji kawachii
He wants us to ask more about LycoReco because at this point he'll absolutely tell us things he shouldn't ww
He feels like the stream is lagging
He starts talking about his Majima wig but gets cut off by his Nanoleafs falling off the wall (he's got a 9 piece set)
He says his computer is paripi (shortened pronunciation of "party people" in Japanese) and sparkly
He wants to show it to us but there are some parts that are quite unsightly so he'll show it some other day
They had Majima's wig remade from scratch for this stage! The amount of hair increased and the silhouette also changed
It was very difficult for him to breathe while wearing Majima's bandages, especially due to his labored breathing from his final battle with Chisato
He wasn't scared to do the last fall, probably because he was in character - he would have been scared if he was himself doing that
He laughs when the chat tells him he fell beautifully
"'The BGM is a bit too loud'? As you wish~"
He wonders what we all think of Majima's fall, how it differs from the original work and what it implies - he says there's no right or wrong, each answer lies within us individually
The chat seems to have enjoyed how he lowered the volume on Robota's phone call
The chat was concerned for Yoshi's ears as well, although Hiroki is more worried about his eyes because of him eating Mintia and blowing his minty breath in Kento's eyes
y'all thought Majima's choice of weapon was a gun but it's actually his breath www Yoshi featuring the mint endurance championships
Hiroki was the one who came up with the marimo adlib for Robota when trying to come up with things that Majima resembled
For senshuuraku, he had already made up his mind that he wanted to do that one ("okaerinasai, goshujin-sama!") even if they repeated it from an earlier performance
He had to hit Robota's head at an angle that the noise would get picked up by the microphone on the inside, yet not hard enough that the mic would fall off (while also being careful not to break it since the head is just a prop 😅)
He's laughing as he shows the screenshot of him hitting Robota that someone sent him
He wants us to look forward to the backstage footage showing nothing but love for his hacker ("mai hakka ai")
They also had Majima likened to a swallow's nest in their drafts for adlibs
While they were thinking of their adlibs, Keigo and Kento were thinking about pantsu adlibs - the boys' dressing room were getting pretty rowdy apparently
He apologises for subjecting us all to his lame adlibs (which he himself found hilarious at the time)
He thinks Rintaro had grown lots as a person since the last stage
There were too many highlights backstage, he doesn't know if/how they're going to include all on the disc later
The chat updates him on all the winner poses Walnut did (Ultraman, Goku's kamehameha, Sailor Moon etc.) The kamehameha pose was for those in the audience in their 30s
He tried saying midori (green) and burokkorii at the same time and ended up with burori (also pronounced as Broly, a character in Dragon Ball) Not to mention Piccolo is also green, but not his hair
Everyone's trying to come up with green things in the chat, he says it's fine if the shape is mushroom-like
Suggestions: Suumo mascot, latok sea grapes, muscat grapes, melon pan, 1/3 of a dango, advocado
He tries to think of the shape but the only thing that comes to mind is a lightbulb
Apparently he had one more idea that he sang about in the wrong key so everyone backstage told him not to do it on stage? (Idk if he's saying 'key' or ki as in tree cuz the chat is mentioning この木なんの木 which seems to be an old song used in commercials which has been used since the 70s?)
Someone mentions Mike from Monsters Inc but he says that would have definitely offended some lol
Back when he did Furuba, there were lots of children in the audience that day and apparently he said a word that sounded like 'unchi' (poop)
Someone mentions Yoda in the chat and he bursts out laughing
If Robota had suddenly said Yoda at him, he absolutely wouldn't have been able to keep his cool
But if it would have been ok to mention Yoda, he might as well have mentioned Shrek too
Someone in the chat writes 誰かが座っているヨーダだ (which can also be read as 誰かが座っているようだ and then gets rid of any copyright *not*) Hiroki compliments their smart move
More NG options: The Mask, Keroro, Toy Story aliens, Grinch, TMNT
He's still going on about trying to picture Robota calling Majima Yoda ww He REALLY wishes he had done that one for the adlib 🤣
He goes on to tell us he doesn't actually know that much about Star Wars; he doesn't really understand the flow or in what order to watch, which is C-3PO or R2D2
Apparently someone told him he resembled C-3PO at one point (he probably did some robot dance moves or something)
He says he's gotten more muscular recently
His muscle training recommendation is planking, he does numerous sets for 2 minutes and then his body is trembling
He says 2 minutes might be too much for girls to handle
Even after 1.5 min he feels like quitting
The chat wants him to do muscle training rooting voice clips 💪
Someone in the chat wants him to say "lose weight, you pig!" (he won't)
He's looking sly over the fact so many seem to want that kind of voice clip
He has no plans of doing Natsu no Jin this summer 🙅‍♂️
He probably won't be doing Aki/Fuyu either due to his schedule
"Please adjust your schedule without trouble. Just prioritise yourself when it comes to your wallet. Valuing yourself the most, that's what's most important to me. That feeling makes me feel happy, or rather, it makes me feel at ease."
He wants to travel somewhere for summer but he won't have the time for it
He tells everyone to be careful now that the cold is going around
He asks if we have any more questions about LycoRico because after today he'll forget all about it lol
For dai senshuuraku curtain call, he intentionally bent the knee when directing the attention towards Chisato and Takina (compared to the other performances where he just gestured with his arm)
Recent 7-11 recommendations: Borscht soup (with a piece of bread)
Although it has meat, it's basically an onion soup
Someone asks him which scene he was the mosts moved by, he can't say for sure a certain scene at the moment but it might be the scene where Takina yells the heart is getting away
Again, it was Hiroki who came up with the idea of mentioning "who's the one to fall off the building" in the Guy Hard scene - he got permission to put it in there
Because the one who fell laughing from the building in Die Hard (?), Majima also laughed when he fell
He thinks finding a balance in today's world is important, and Majima found that in his own sense surely
Even if there's an overflow of good things, that doesn't necessarily cancel out the bad things
(He's going on a bit of a tangent justifying (?) Majima's way of thinking, it's hard to translate - he himself ends it with, "it's difficult")
He just wants to have a serious talk about Majima
"Was it a loss to fall or not?"
(He looks really deep in thought at this point)
That's all for LycoReco 🙌
He's got rehearsals starting again next month!
People are sending him both strawberries and watermelon Yells in the chat
He won't be tweeting tonight; it's no good when he's been drinking
He notices he's been streaming for 3.5 hours at this point
He says he won't be streaming any games today, yet he's still got Placid Plastic Duck Simulator open on the other screen
He totally just bought something in-game (the screen is still cut off)
And he's gone off to the bathroom 🚽
He's got a new pool for the ducks!
It's supposed to be a relaxing game but he can't get his game controller to work so he's stuck using his computer mouse and he keeps hitting it on the table (pls get a mousepad)
He's chewing some ice from his drink and has gotten a bag of Sapporo potato chips that's making alot of noise
His wipe camera is working!
He says BBQ chips are good no matter how old you get
His FENDI earring is hurting his ear now that he's wearing headphones
(His reactions towards the different ducks are adorable but his gaming and excessive clicking is insufferable)
He attempts to yodel the way they do in the game
There's a hot air balloon far away in the distance, he says he wants to go irl but he'd absolutely die from crashing it
He wants to go to the type of lodging that's in the game, but only for two days, then he'd want to go home
He takes a screenshot of the shark duck on screen, then ends the stream after 4 hours 🫶
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stardentalclinic · 11 months
Root Canal Treatment Specialists in Pimple Saudagar | Star Dental Clinic
Looking for the best root canal doctor in Pimple Saudagar? Look no further than Star Dental Clinic. We offer a wide range of dental services, including tooth fillings, extractions, root canal, crowns and bridges, braces/aligners, and more. Our team of experienced and qualified dentists is committed to providing you with the best possible care.
Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that removes the infected pulp from the inside of a tooth. It is a common and effective procedure that can save your tooth from extraction.
If you are experiencing tooth pain, sensitivity, or swelling, it is important to see a dentist right away. We can diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of treatment.
For More Details: Contact: 8055889900
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
Thompson’s not only right about the implications of the phrasing. She’s right about the real-world impact of what is, make no mistake, a devaluing of the creative process. Those who defend its use will insist that we need some kind of catchall phrase for the things we watch, as previously crisp lines have blurred between movies and television, between home and theatrical exhibition and between legacy and social media. But these paradigm shifts require more clarity in our language, not less. A phrase like “streaming movie” or “theatrical release” or “documentary podcast” communicates what, where and why with far more precision than gibberish like “content,” and if you want to put everything under one tent, “entertainment” is right there. But studio and streaming executives, who are perhaps the primary users and abusers of the term, love to talk about “content” because it’s so wildly diminutive. It’s a quick and easy way to minimize what writers, directors and actors do, to act as though entertainment (or, dare I say it, art) is simply churned out — and could be churned out by anyone, sentient or not. It’s just content, it’s just widgets, it’s all grist for the mill. Talking about “entertainment” is dangerous because it takes talent to entertain; no such demands are made of “content,” and the industry’s increasing interest in the possibilities of writing via artificial intelligence (one of the sticking points of the writers’ strike) makes that crystal clear. Perhaps the finest example of this school of thought can be seen at Warner Bros. Discovery, where David Zaslav ascended to the throne of chief executive by overseeing the Discovery Channel’s transition from nature documentaries to reality swill. The “content”-ization of that conglomerate’s holdings is the only reasonable explanation for the decision to rename HBO Max as simply Max — removing the prestigious legacy media brand that most clearheaded, marginally intelligent people would presume to be an asset. It lost 1.8 million subscribers in the process, but that’s merely the battle; it won the war, because when you visit Max now, the front-page carousel is a combination of scripted series, HBO documentaries, true crime and reality competition shows. It’s all on equal footing; it’s all content. But “Casablanca,” “Succession” and “Dr. Pimple Popper” are not the same thing — and the programmers of a service that pretends otherwise are abdicating their responsibility as curators.
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aahnafarjana · 1 year
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Basic Retouching
For pictures that only require minor modification, a basic retouching is frequently required. The noticeable faults in the images, such as stray hair, uneven skin tones, acne, and the red-eye effect, are typically rectified. In order to create a basic model photo editing service, the following methods are used:
➤Skin Smoothening ➤Lines/wrinkles reduction ➤Stray hair removal ➤Teeth whitening ➤Face/body liquefying ➤Color/tone correction ➤Blemish, scar and pimple removal
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skinbykayleigh · 2 years
Change Your Looks Taking Help Of The Best Esthetician In Your Area
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Are you thinking of doing a facial or want to care for your skin to fight against pimples, dark spots, and blemishes? Are you not satisfied with the work of your salon and spa? Well, it is time to consult one of the most experienced and highly professional estheticians in your area to look beautiful. Enhance your looks and skin quality like never before by taking facials and skin care services in Austin, TX.
If you cannot visit the best salon and medspa in your area, do not worry, as most of them do virtual consultations teaching and training their clients on how to take per and post care of the skin, particularly the facial area. You can master the tips and tricks; use the recommended products and feel the difference. However, if you visit the beauty clinic or the medspa of the best esthetician in your area, you do not need to worry about anything but to have a most enjoyable and relaxed session.
The beauty care you can enjoy
If you visit the best clinic managed by a notable professional, you can enjoy taking many esthetic services. Apart from doing the regular facial and exfoliating your skin, you can do an aromatic facial to relax your nerves and bring out the glow on your skin with the massage.
Again if your skin condition is poor for some reason and you get acne, dark spots, pimples, and blemishes, go for the professional esthetician services, where the expert professionals use some clinical skincare products to handle your issues and give you relief.
If you want to tone up your skin, reduce the fine lines on your face, soften the skin or diminish the wrinkles, then go for the fire and ice facial under the best expert esthetician in your area to ensure long-lasting effects. Now rejuvenate your skin like never before in Skinbyleigh Medspa Austin, TX by professional esthetician. This facial is for all age groups and all skin types.
You may need chemical peels to exfoliate the skin and deep penetration to remove pigmentation. It allows the scar marks on the skin to fade and give you a new and young look. Again you can go for Microderm abrasion treatment on your face and in different parts of the body at a minimum charge. Get your eyebrows done and make your eyelashes look beautiful with expert hands. Again remove unwanted hairs from different body parts by visiting the best salon and spa in your area.
Now rejuvenate your skin and look beautiful with various skin treatments, laser rejuvenation skin treatment, ipl photofacial treatment, chemical peel treatment, microdermabrasion treatment and more done by the best esthetician at Skinbyleigh Medspa Services in Austin, TX. Enjoy the salon and medspa sessions like never before and feel the differences.
Skin by Kay Leigh Licensed esthetician are experts in body and face treatments, among which the Microneedling, Dermaplaning, Laser Rejuvenation, Laser Vein Removal, and IPL are considered to be non-surgical medical procedures, and much more. Safe and professional medspa services, given in friendly and warm surroundings. Come and discover our beauty salon and located in Austin,TX.To discuss all available beauty services, prices and appointments, or email us at [email protected] or call us today at 512.368.8831. Your first consultation appointment is always free!
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Benefits of Hydrating Facial and Acne Extraction in Singapore
At Venus Beauty Century, we understand the challenges of maintaining beautiful skin in Singapore’s bustling environment. With a commitment to enhancing your natural beauty, we offer tailored skincare solutions that cater to your unique needs. Among our most popular services are the Hydrating Facial Treatment and Acne Extraction, designed to give your skin the care it craves.
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The Power of Hydrating Facial Treatment
A Hydrating Facial Treatment at Venus Beauty Century is designed to replenish moisture, leaving your skin plump and radiant. This treatment often involves the application of serums rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which work to hydrate and nourish the skin deeply. In Singapore’s tropical climate, factors like sun exposure and humidity can lead to dehydration, making regular hydrating facials crucial.
The process begins with a thorough cleansing, followed by gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. This allows the hydrating serums to penetrate more effectively. The treatment is often completed with a soothing mask and a facial massage, promoting circulation and relaxation. Not only does a Hydrating Facial Treatment help combat dryness, but it also aids in reducing fine lines and improving overall skin texture.
Tackling Breakouts with Acne Extraction
For those struggling with stubborn acne, Acne Extraction Singapore is a game-changer. At Venus Beauty Century, this procedure involves the careful removal of pimples and blackheads, performed by skilled professionals. Many people shy away from extraction, fearing skin damage, but when done correctly, it can prevent future breakouts and promote clearer skin.
After a Hydrating Facial Treatment, your skin is primed for acne extraction. The hydration makes the extraction process more comfortable and effective, minimizing redness and irritation. Post-treatment, your skin will feel fresh and rejuvenated, with a significantly reduced risk of future blemishes.
Combining Treatments for Optimal Results
When you combine a Hydrating Facial Treatment with Acne Extraction Singapore, you’re setting the stage for remarkable skin health. The hydration ensures your skin is not only clean but also well-moisturized, making it more resilient against environmental stressors. This duo addresses both hydration and acne, giving your skin the best chance to thrive.
At Venus Beauty Century, we believe that investing in your skincare is investing in your confidence. Incorporating these treatments into your routine can provide a comprehensive approach to skin health. Treat your skin to the care it deserves and embrace a more confident you!
Read Our Original Content: https://www.storeboard.com/blogs/beauty-and-fashion/he-benefits-of-hydrating-facial-and-acne-extraction-in-singapore/5887269
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irvincosmetics1 · 7 days
Skin Treatment in Gurgaon - Skin Whitening Treatment - Skin Brightening Treatment
Welcome to Irvin Cosmetics Skin Treatment in Gurgaon, your top spot for sophisticated skin care services. In Gurgaon’s Irvin Cosmetics Skin Treatment, everyone’s skin has its uniqueness well acknowledged by. The group of specialists that attend to people’s skins in our center come in different forms such as dermatologists or even estheticians, all having diversified roles starting from treating simple pimples up to fighting old age signs among other things including removing any scars left due to various reasons.
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swarnacosmocare · 7 months
Achieve Clearer Skin: Pimple Removal Treatment at Swarna Cosmo Care in Vizag
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Unveil Flawless Skin: Effective Pimple Removal Solutions in Vizag
Pimples, often seen as a minor annoyance, can significantly impact one's confidence and self-image. In Vizag, where factors like humidity and pollution abound, finding effective pimple removal treatments is crucial. Fortunately, Swarna Cosmo Care offers cutting-edge solutions to combat pimples and restore clear, radiant skin.
Understanding Pimples: Causes and Concerns
Pimples, scientifically known as acne vulgaris, can be triggered by various factors including hormonal fluctuations, excess sebum production, bacterial infections, and environmental pollutants. These pesky blemishes typically appear on the face, neck, shoulders, and back, causing frustration and affecting one's appearance. Despite the plethora of products available, achieving long-lasting results often requires professional intervention.
Introducing Swarna Cosmo Care: Your Trusted Skincare Partner
Swarna Cosmo Care, a leading dermatological center in Vizag, offers personalized solutions to address a wide range of skin concerns. With a team of experienced dermatologists and state-of-the-art technology, Swarna Cosmo Care is committed to delivering exceptional results for pimple removal and overall skin rejuvenation.
The Swarna Cosmo Care Advantage: Advanced Treatments for Lasting Results
Swarna Cosmo Care provides a range of advanced pimple removal treatments tailored to individual needs:
1. Laser Therapy: Harnessing advanced laser technology, Swarna Cosmo Care offers targeted treatments to reduce inflammation, minimize pore size, and improve skin texture, resulting in clearer, smoother skin.
2. Chemical Peels: Customized chemical peel treatments effectively exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and unclogging pores to reveal a brighter complexion with reduced acne scars and blemishes.
3. Microneedling: This minimally invasive procedure stimulates collagen production and promotes skin regeneration, leading to improved texture and diminished acne scars.
Experience the Swarna Cosmo Care Difference Today
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to client satisfaction, Swarna Cosmo Care stands as the premier destination for pimple removal treatment in Vizag. Say goodbye to frustrating blemishes and hello to clearer, more confident skin with Swarna Cosmo Care. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter, blemish-free future with Swarna Cosmo Care.
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dermexperia · 8 days
Acne treatment in Mumbai
Acne can be more than just a cosmetic concern; it affects your confidence and overall well-being. At Dermexperia, we understand the impact of acne and offer tailored solutions to address this common issue. Here’s a detailed look at acne treatment options available in Mumbai and how we can help you achieve clearer, healthier skin.
Understanding Acne
Acne is a multifaceted skin condition that typically manifests as pimples, blackheads, and cysts on the face, back, and shoulders. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to inflammation and infection. While it predominantly affects teenagers due to hormonal changes, acne can persist into adulthood, making it a persistent challenge for many.
Types of Acne Treatments Available
1. Topical Treatments: These are creams, gels, and lotions applied directly to the skin. Common ingredients include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids. These treatments help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent new acne from forming.
2. Oral Medications: For more severe cases, oral medications such as antibiotics, hormonal treatments, or isotretinoin might be prescribed. These treatments work internally to reduce acne-causing bacteria, regulate hormones, or decrease the production of sebum.
3. Chemical Peels: This treatment involves applying a chemical solution to the skin to remove the top layers and reveal smoother skin underneath. It helps in reducing acne scars and improving skin texture.
4. Laser Therapy: Laser treatments target acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. They also help in minimizing acne scars and improving skin appearance.
5. Light Therapy: This method uses specific wavelengths of light to kill acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation. It’s often used in conjunction with other treatments for better results.
Choosing the Right Acne Treatment
At Dermexperia, our approach to acne treatment in Mumbai is personalized. We conduct a thorough assessment of your skin type, acne treatment in mumbai severity, and any underlying factors such as hormonal imbalances or lifestyle habits. Based on this evaluation, we recommend a customized treatment plan that may include a combination of the above therapies.
Consultation and Evaluation: The first step in our acne treatment process is a detailed consultation. We analyze your skin condition, discuss your medical history, and understand your goals. This helps us tailor a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Treatment Options: We offer a range of advanced treatments, including the latest in laser and light therapy, chemical peels, and topical solutions. Our team uses state-of-the-art technology and techniques to ensure effective and safe treatment.
Ongoing Care: Acne treatment doesn’t end with a single visit. We provide continuous support and follow-up to monitor your progress and adjust treatments as needed. Our goal is to ensure that you achieve long-lasting results and maintain healthy skin.
Why Choose Dermexperia?
Expertise and Experience: Our team at Dermexperia comprises experienced dermatologists and skin care professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality acne treatment in Mumbai. We stay updated with the latest advancements in dermatology to offer the most effective solutions.
Personalized Care: We understand that every individual’s skin is unique. Our personalized approach ensures that you receive a treatment plan that is specifically designed for your skin type and acne condition.
Comprehensive Services: From initial consultation to post-treatment care, we offer a full spectrum of services to address acne and its effects. Our holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your skin health are considered.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to provide advanced treatments in a comfortable and safe environment.
Acne treatment in Mumbai has evolved significantly, offering various effective solutions to help you achieve clearer skin. At Dermexperia, we are committed to providing personalized and comprehensive acne care to address your unique needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a clearer, more confident you.
For more information about our acne treatment services, visit our website or call us to speak with one of our skincare specialists. Your journey to healthier skin starts here.
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sarojy · 27 days
Best Thyroid Surgeon Near in Pimple Saudagar
Welcome to Sarojay Clinic, we are experts in enhancing recovery and leading happy lives. Find out how our professional offerings can give you the glowing, confident treatment you’ve always wanted. At our clinic we have one of the best thyroid surgeon in Pimple Saudagar, our healthcare facility is home to first-class thyroid surgeons who are committed to handing out first-class medical services.
Expert Thyroid Surgery by Dr. Shweta Rajput-Jadhav, ENT Surgeon
Thyroid surgery includes removing all or part of the thyroid gland, which is a butterfly-shaped gland found at the base of the neck. This operation is often used to treat thyroid nodules, goitres, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid cancer. The sort of surgery is determined by the condition’s severity.
Complete removal of the thyroid gland, often performed for thyroid cancer or large goiters.
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Why Choose Us For Thyroid Sugary:
Comprehensive preoperative and postoperative care:
We provide thorough preoperative reviews to decide the most appropriate surgical method for each patient. Our dedicated team also provides comprehensive aftercare care to ensure smooth recovery and optimal results.
Highly Qualified Surgeons:
Our thyroid surgeons are board-licensed and have experience performing a wide range of thyroid surgeries. They are dedicated to providing the highest level of care and achieving high-quality outcomes for our patients.
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infohasinaph · 28 days
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Maternity Retouching Services | Photo Editing
As a professional, I edit photos. I pledge to provide you with 100% excellent service. I put a lot of effort into every task I take on and do it on time.
Pictures of babies, kids, families, models, and expectant mothers may have mistakes in Maternity Retouching Services them, even though they are adorable. Notwithstanding the photographer's extreme attention to detail, the finished image may still contain smudges, unwanted items, stray hairs, and other little imperfections. We offer a basic newborn retouching service to enhance the quality of your baby photos.
Removing dust particles, spots, scratches
Pimples, scars and blemishes removal
Skin smoothing with preserving texture
Retouch hair, lips, teeth and eyes
Correction of figure and face shape
Removal of unwanted objects, persons, background
Color corrections
Please mail me for a specific offer if your needs are different from mine in terms of price or images.
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