#Ping Bin Lee
artfilmfan · 4 months
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The Vertical Ray of the Sun (Anh Hung Tran, 2000)
cinematography: Ping Bin Lee
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calledeitaca · 2 years
135 planos que harán que recuperes la fe en el cine
Un maravilloso vídeo ensayo de hace diez años que en su momento se hizo viral. En el verano de 2012, Flavorwire solicitó a sus lectores que sugirieran aquellas películas que consideraban eran las mejores de la historia del cine. El resultado, un montaje que la revista de cultura editó con los títulos propuestos por sus lectores y que rinde un hermoso homenaje al séptimo arte. Si eres amante del cine, seguro que disfrutarás de los magníficos ocho minutos que dura el montaje de Flavorwire. Las películas de las que se han extraído los planos, en orden de aparición:
Man with a Movie Camera (Mikhail Kaufman), The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Roger Deakins), Baraka (Ron Fricke), Koyaanisqatsi (Ron Fricke), Days of Heaven (Nestor Almendros), Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams (Takao Saito, Shoji Ueda), What Dreams May Come (Eduardo Serra), Legends of the Fall (John Toll), Lawrence of Arabia (Freddie Young), El Topo (Rafael Corkidi), La Dolce Vita (Otello Martelli), The Tree of Life (Emmanuel Lubezki), Daughters of the Dust (Arthur Jafa), Chinatown (John A. Alonzo), Hero (Christopher Doyle), Kagemusha (Takao Saito, Shoji Ueda), The Night of the Hunter (Stanley Cortez), Ugetsu (Kazuo Miyagawa), Songs from the Second Floor (Istvan Borbas, Jesper Klevenas, Robert Komarek), The Black Stallion (Caleb Deschanel), Vertigo (Robert Burks), Manhattan (Gordon Willis), Apocalypse Now (Vittorio Storaro), Lovers of the Arctic Circle (Gonzalo F. Berridi), The Duellists (Frank Tidy), Powaqqatsi (Graham Berry, Leonidas Zourdoumis), Ran (Asakazu Nakai, Takao Saito, Shoji Ueda), Bombay Beach (Alma Har’el), 2001: A Space Odyssey (Geoffrey Unsworth), The Thin Red Line (John Toll), Cave of Forgotten Dreams (Peter Zeitlinger), The New World (Emmanuel Lubezki), Solaris (Vadim Yusov), The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Janusz Kaminksi), I Am Love (Yorick Le Saux), A Matter of Life and Death (Jack Cardiff), Onibaba (Kiyomi Kuroda), Blue Velvet (Frederick Elmes), No Country for Old Men (Roger Deakins), I Am Cuba (Sergei Urusevsky), The Fountain (Matthew Libatique), There Will be Blood (Robert Elswitt), The Human Condition (Yoshio Miyajima), The Proposition (Benoit Delhomme), Raise the Red Lantern (Lun Yang, Fei Zhao), The Godfather Part II (Gordon Willis), 2046 (Christopher Doyle, Pung-Leung Kwan), Beauty and the Beast (Henri Alekan), Melancholia, (Manuel Alberto Claro), Road to Perdition (Conrad L. Hall), Alexander Nevsky (Eduard Tisse), Sunrise (Charles Rosher, Karl Struss), Blade Runner (Jordan Cronenweth), Citizen Kane (Gregg Toland), House of Flying Daggers (Xiaoding Zhao), Wings of Desire (Henri Alekan), Atonement (Seamus McGarvey), The Last Emperor (Vittorio Storaro), Before Night Falls (Xavier Perez Grobet, Guillermo Rosas), The Last Picture Show (Robert Surtees), The Red Shoes (Jack Cardiff), Down by Law (Robby Müller), Amelie (Bruno Delbonnel), Chungking Express (Christopher Doyle, Wai-keung Lau), Children of Men (Emmanuel Lubezki), Black Orpheus (Jean Bourgoin), The Leopard (Giuseppe Rotunno), The Age of Innocence (Michael Ballhaus), Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (Frank Griebe), Raging Bull (Michael Chapman), The Fall (Colin Watkinson), The Pillow Book (Sacha Vierny), Martha Marcy May Marlene (Jody Lee Lipes), Nosferatu the Vampyre (Jorg Schmidt-Reitwein), The Third Man (Robert Krasker), Good Night and Good Luck (Robert Elswitt), The Scarlet Empress (Bert Glennon), The Man Who Wasn’t There (Roger Deakins), Talk to Her (Javier Aguirresarobe), In The Mood for Love (Christopher Doyle, Pung-Leung Kwan, Ping Bin Lee), The Man Who Cried (Sacha Vierny), Santa Sangre (Daniele Nannuzzi), The Passion of Joan of Arc (Rudolph Maté), In Cold Blood (Conrad L. Hall), 8 ½ (Gianni Di Venanzo), Brazil (Roger Pratt).
_________________ Fuente: Flavorwire.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung in In the Mood for Love (Wong Kar-wai, 2000)
Cast: Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, Siu Ping Lam, Rebecca Pan, Kelly Lai Chen, Joe Cheung, Chan Man-Lei, Chin Tsi-ang, Roy Cheung, Paulyn Sun. Screenplay: Wong Kar-Wai. Cinematography: Christopher Doyle, Kwan Pun Leung, Lee Ping Bin. Production design: William Chang. Film editing: William Chang. Music: Michael Galasso, Shigeru Umebayashi. 
Wong Kar-wai's In the Mood for Love has steadily risen in esteem over the two decades since its release, ascending from No, 24 in the 2012 British Film Institute's Sight and Sound critics' poll of the greatest films of all time to No. 5 in 2022.  It's an intense, elliptical love story, one in which there is no nudity, no sex scenes, and in fact not even a consummation of the affair. The would-be lovers, Chow (Tony Leung) and Su Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung), are as trapped in their Hong Kong rooms as they are trapped in their marriages, in their offices, and in the social conventions of the 1960s. In one marvelous sequence she is trapped in his room when their landlady, Mrs. Suen (Rebecca Pan), comes home earlier than expected and then stays up all night playing mahjong with the neighbors, preventing her from leaving and adding fuel to the gossip but also fueling their intimacy. It's a masterstroke that we never see their respective spouses or even receive direct confirmation of what Chow and Su Li-zhen suspect: that her husband and his wife are having an affair with each other. They can't redouble the scandal by openly pairing off with each other, and in the end the paralysis becomes so ingrained in them that they are unable to consummate their relationship even when they are liberated from their claustrophobic living arrangements. Wong frames them in the clutter of the offices where they work, focusing intensely on them as they meet in restaurants, using a variety of techniques such as slow motion and swish-pans, always with the effect of emphasizing their alienation. The score is often exquisitely appropriate, with themes by Michael Galasso and Shigeru Umebayashi as well as pop recordings by Nat King Cole and others. If I have a reservation about the film it's that the historical references -- the tension evident in Hong Kong as it approaches the handover by Britain to China, a 1966 newsreel featuring Charles de Gaulle, Chow's final scene in Angkor Wat -- strike me as an unnecessary attempt to give the relationship of Chow and Su a connection to something larger than just a frustrated love affair. The story is poignant and resonant enough without them.
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aidenleepingwei · 2 months
Aiden Lee Ping Wei - Environment-Saving Habits
Saving the environment isn't just a trend; it's a necessity. Our daily habits can significantly impact the planet, and adopting sustainable practices can make a world of difference. Let's dive into some easy, practical habits shared by Aiden Lee Ping Wei that help conserve our precious environment.
H1: Reducing Energy Consumption
H2: Switching to LED Bulbs
LED bulbs are a simple yet effective way to cut down on energy use.
H3: Benefits of LED Bulbs
LEDs use less power than traditional incandescent bulbs and last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
H3: Cost Savings and Efficiency
Although they may cost more upfront, the long-term savings on your energy bill make LEDs a worthwhile investment.
H2: Unplugging Electronics When Not in Use
Many devices consume energy even when turned off, known as phantom energy consumption.
H3: Phantom Energy Consumption
This hidden energy use can add up, leading to higher electricity bills and unnecessary energy waste.
H3: Tips for Reducing Phantom Loads
Unplugging devices or using a power strip to easily switch off multiple electronics can help reduce this waste.
H1: Sustainable Transportation Choices
H2: Biking and Walking
Choosing to bike or walk instead of driving is great for the environment and your health.
H3: Health Benefits
Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress, and help maintain a healthy weight.
H3: Environmental Impact
Fewer cars on the road mean less air pollution and a smaller carbon footprint.
H2: Carpooling and Public Transit
Sharing rides or using public transportation are excellent ways to reduce individual carbon emissions.
H3: Reducing Carbon Footprint
Fewer vehicles on the road result in less greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change.
H3: Cost Savings
Carpooling and public transit can also save you money on fuel, parking, and vehicle maintenance.
H1: Waste Reduction Strategies
H2: Recycling and Upcycling
Properly recycling materials and creatively repurposing items can drastically cut down on waste.
H3: What Can Be Recycled?
Common recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, glass, metals, and certain plastics. Always check local guidelines.
H3: Creative Upcycling Ideas
Upcycling transforms old items into something new and useful, reducing the need to buy new products and decreasing waste.
H2: Composting Organic Waste
Composting is an effective way to manage organic waste and enrich the soil.
H3: Benefits of Composting
Composting reduces landfill waste, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and produces nutrient-rich soil for gardening.
H3: How to Start Composting at Home
Start with a compost bin, add organic waste like food scraps and yard trimmings, and maintain the right balance of green and brown materials.
H1: Water Conservation Techniques
H2: Fixing Leaks and Drips
Small leaks can waste a significant amount of water over time.
H3: Common Household Leaks
Check for dripping faucets, leaking toilets, and faulty showerheads.
H3: DIY Fixes and Professional Help
Simple fixes include replacing washers and tightening connections. For more complex issues, consider hiring a professional.
H2: Installing Low-Flow Fixtures
Low-flow fixtures reduce water usage without compromising performance.
H3: Types of Low-Flow Fixtures
Low-flow showerheads, faucets, and toilets are widely available and easy to install.
H3: Installation Tips and Benefits
These fixtures can significantly reduce your water bill and help conserve this precious resource.
H1: Sustainable Shopping Habits
H2: Choosing Eco-Friendly Products
Opt for products that are environmentally friendly and sustainably produced.
H3: Reading Labels and Certifications
Look for labels like "organic," "fair trade," and "eco-friendly" to ensure you're making a sustainable choice.
H3: Supporting Green Brands
Support companies that prioritize sustainability in their manufacturing processes and business practices.
H2: Reducing Single-Use Plastics
Cutting back on single-use plastics is crucial for reducing pollution.
H3: Alternatives to Plastic
Switch to reusable bags, containers, and bottles to minimize plastic waste.
H3: Making the Switch
Gradually replace single-use items with sustainable alternatives to make the transition easier.
H1: Supporting Local and Organic Foods
H2: Benefits of Local Produce
Buying local produce supports the community and reduces your carbon footprint.
H3: Nutritional Value
Local produce is often fresher and more nutritious, as it doesn't travel long distances.
H3: Environmental Benefits
Supporting local farms reduces transportation emissions and promotes sustainable agriculture.
H2: Growing Your Own Food
Growing your own food can be rewarding and environmentally friendly.
H3: Starting a Home Garden
Begin with easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs, and gradually expand your garden.
H3: Indoor Gardening Tips
If space is limited, try indoor gardening with potted plants or vertical gardens.
H1: Green Home Improvements
H2: Insulating Your Home
Proper insulation can greatly improve your home's energy efficiency.
H3: Types of Insulation
Options include fiberglass, foam board, and spray foam insulation.
H3: Energy Efficiency Benefits
Insulation helps maintain a consistent temperature, reducing the need for heating and cooling.
H2: Installing Solar Panels
Solar panels are a clean, renewable energy source that can lower your electricity bills.
H3: How Solar Panels Work
Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, providing a sustainable energy source.
H3: Financial Incentives and Savings
Many governments offer incentives for installing solar panels, making them a cost-effective choice.
H1: Conscious Consumerism
H2: Buying Second-Hand
Purchasing second-hand items is an eco-friendly and budget-friendly option.
H3: Thrift Stores and Online Marketplaces
Explore thrift stores, consignment shops, and online platforms for gently used items.
H3: Benefits of Second-Hand Shopping
Second-hand shopping reduces waste and supports a circular economy.
H2: Minimalist Living
Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can reduce your environmental impact.
H3: Decluttering Your Home
Keep only what you need and love, and donate or recycle the rest.
H3: Environmental Impact of Minimalism
Minimalism promotes mindful consumption and reduces waste, benefiting the environment.
Adopting these environmentally friendly habits can make a significant impact on our planet. By making small, sustainable changes in our daily lives, we can collectively work towards a healthier, greener future. Let's embrace these habits and encourage others to do the same, ensuring a better world for generations to come.
1. What are the easiest ways to start saving the environment? Start with simple changes like switching to LED bulbs, unplugging electronics when not in use, and reducing single-use plastics.
2. How can I make my daily commute more sustainable? Consider biking, walking, carpooling, or using public transportation to reduce your carbon footprint.
3. What are the benefits of composting? Composting reduces landfill waste, lowers greenhouse gas emissions, and creates nutrient-rich soil for gardening.
4. How do I know if a product is truly eco-friendly? Look for certifications like "organic," "fair trade," and "eco-friendly" labels to ensure the product meets environmental standards.
5. What are some beginner tips for growing my own food? Start with easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs, use quality soil, and ensure your plants get adequate sunlight and water.
Follow Aiden Lee Ping Wei for more such posts!
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end-of-violence · 1 year
AO Bubb x Killswitch / Thuggin
EBK Bckdoe / Trish
EBK Bckdoe / Sanford & Son
EBK Bckdoe / Mani 128
EBK Bckdoe / Freddy Vs. Jason
EBK Young Joc ft. Big Sad 1900 / Prada Steppin
Westside Tut x EBK Young Joc / Thang On Me
EBK Jaaybo / MR EBK
Verde Babii / Stealthy
Yvnng Ecko x SSRICHH33 x Lil Hungry / Ping Bingin
ALLBLACK & Curren$y / Pelicans
Key Glock / Spike Lee
Gloss Up feat. GloRilla / BestFrenn
GloRilla / Internet Trolls
Kenny Muney / Muney Prayer
Cruddy Murda / Loaded
Cheecho / Hardbody
No3ree / Drag my Nuts
Allstar JR x Babyface Ray / Empty
Veeze / GOMD
Payroll Giovanni / Balcony Thoughts
Baby Money / TRAUMA KIT
Talibando Ft Babyface Ray / Swim Team
BabyFxce E / Master P
BabyTron Ft. Drego & Beno, Babyfxce E, RMC Mike, ShittyBoyz, Prince Jefe, & J1Hunnit / Waffle House
Skrilla Prince Dre Ybcdul / Diamonds Are Forever
Trippie Redd Feat. Chief Keef / ATLANTIS
Young Nudy feat. 21 Savage / Peaches & Eggplants
Gucci Mane, Kodak Black / King Snipe
DTE Lil DayDay x Luh Tyler x Luh JB / YiM Cypher
Luh Tyler feat. Trapland Pat / Can't Move Wrong
Luh Tyler / Dennis
Luh Tyler / You Was Laughing
Kickkone / Smoove Individual 2
Kickkone / Fakts
Kickkone / Ray Lewis
Mari Montana & Kickkone / No Coppin'
C Stunna Ft. Wizz Havinn & Loe Shimmy - Motion (Remix)
Dandre ft. V8 Marlo / In Dat Mood
Lil Wet / Haitian Tea
Trigga500k / Trimmer
Trigga500k / Ether
TrapSosa / Tailored Drip
Krept & Konan ft. Abra Cadabra / Dat Way
EBK BCKDOE / Trife God 2
EBK BCKDOE / Rookie of the Year
EBK Young Joc / Hotboiiz:4L
EBK Juvie Ju / Crooked Lifestyle
Wop Dell / Big Wop 3
Miiir & B'lon / 4 The Streets
RSBlulrick / Broken Promises
RSB Poopie / G-Code
BOE Mumu / Before the Fame
Yvnng Echo / Worth the Wait
Mac J / BlackTop Baby
Kai Bandz / The Bandman
C.M.L. & Band$ / Politickin N Mobbin
ALLBLACK / Born To Score
Shootergang Kony / Church Ain't Safe
Yhung T.O. & Cardo / Underground Legend - EP
DaBoii / 2k23
Bandgang Lonnie Bands / Can't Ban the Bandma 2
Payroll Giovanni / Ghost Mode
WB Nutty / Im Not an Artist
Los / 1000 Day Grind
Shaudy Kash & Top$ide / On the Yeah Side 2
Nuk / I Hope Y'all Ready
Teejayx6 / Fraudulent
BabyTron / Bin Reaper 3: New Testament
BabyTron / Out On Bond - EP
GrindHard E / Planet Enrgy
Talibando / WAR LORD
DaeMoney / Slae Season 3
WTM Solid / Matter of Time
Ghetto Baby Boom / Ghetto Mode, Vol.2
YBN LIL BRO / Slime City
YN Jay / Coming 2 Coochie Land
Gloss Up / Before The Gloss Up
Key Glock / Glockoma 2
Action Pack / I'm Action
TweakMode / Saved by the Scale
Young Nudy / Gumbo
Real Boston Richey / Public Housing, Pt 2
Kickkone / Dirty Laundry 2
Mari Montana / Outstanding Member
Fadess / Made For This
Goldenboy Countup / Love Golden 2
Luh Tyler / My Vision
Trapsosa / Last One Left
SCY Jimm / Trench Baby
Trigga500k / Trimmer
KP SKYWALKA / Grandma House (DELUXE)
Migo Lee / Wopskino Bin Ladin
youngfootsoldier / Signed 2 My Mask the Ep
Paco Panama / The Wire Vol. 1
NorCal 2023
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acinemashot · 4 years
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In The Mood For Love | 2000 | Directed by Kar-Wai Wong | Cinematography by Christopher Doyle, Pung-Leung Kwan and Ping Bin Lee
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nofatclips · 4 years
Filmed in Ether on the troubled production of In the Mood for Love
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genevieveetguy · 3 years
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- l didn't think you'd fall in love with me. - l didn't either. l was only curious to know how it started. Now l know.
In the Mood for Love (Fa yeung nin wah), Wong Kar-Wai (2000)
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movie-shot-stash · 5 years
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IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (2000) Faa yeung nin wa (original title)
Director of Photography: Christopher Doyle
Directed by: Kar-Wai Wong
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artofcinema · 7 years
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millennium mambo (2001) dir. hou hsiao-hsien
this happened 10 years ago. back in the year 2001.
drama & romance | qi shu, jack kao, tuan chun-hao
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somewatching · 3 years
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‘Looking for a Lady with Fangs and a Moustache’ (2019) Review: Soul-searching chai Link: https://letterboxd.com/adeeshaey/film/looking-for-a-lady-with-fangs-and-a-moustache/
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artfilmfan · 1 year
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Millennium Mambo (Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2001)
cinematography:  Ping Bin Lee
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Juliette Binoche in Flight of the Red Balloon (Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2007)
Cast: Juliette Binoche, Hippolyte Girardot, Simon Iteanu, Fang Song, Louise Margolin, Anna Sigalevitch, Charles-Edouard Renault. Screenplay: Hou Hsiao-Hsien, François Margolin. Cinematography: Ping Bin Lee. Production design: Paul Fayard. Film editing: Jean-Christophe Hym, Ching-Sung Liao. 
The Red Balloon (Albert Lamorisse, 1956) is a short film that won the Oscar for best original screenplay, even though it's only a little over half an hour long and has only a few lines of spoken dialogue. In it, a boy (writer-director Lamorisse's young son, Pascal) on his way to school finds a large red balloon that has become caught in a lamppost. He soon discovers that he can't take the balloon with him on a bus or into his school, but the balloon is waiting for him after classes. He's also forbidden to bring the balloon into his home, but it floats up to his bedroom window and he lets it in. Over the next couple of days, the balloon tags along, sometimes getting the boy into trouble, until it's finally punctured by a rock fired from another boy's slingshot and slowly dies. Whereupon balloons from all over Paris flock to the boy, who gathers them and floats away over the rooftops. It's a small charmer, with ravishing views of 1950s Paris by cinematographer Edmond Séchan. The balloon becomes emblematic of childhood innocence in conflict with the daily grind of adulthood, which is why I think it still strikes a chord with audiences and, in the case of Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-Hsien, inspired an hommage: The Voyage of the Red Balloon. Hou's film, which he co-wrote with François Margolin, is nearly four times the length of Lamorisse's and doesn't have such a neatly symbolic resolution. In it, a boy, Simon (Simon Iteanu), lives with his mother, Suzanne (Juliette Binoche), in a cramped Paris apartment. Suzanne is a puppeteer -- a profession that links her with childhood -- who hires a Chinese film student, Song (Fang Song), as a part-time nanny for Simon. Song is working on her own homage to The Red Balloon, and we see bits of it as she poses Simon with a balloon and films it floating around the city. But much of Hou's film deals with the domestic turmoil that surrounds Simon as Suzanne, a divorcee, tries to cope with juggling career and household problems. She leases part of the building to Marc (Hippolyte Girardot), who has been stiffing her on the rent and tends to pop into her apartment at odd times to use her kitchen and leave it a mess. She is trying to evict him so she'll have a place for her daughter, who lives with Suzanne's ex-husband in Brussels, to stay when she comes to Paris in the summer. Simon patiently endures his mother's frazzled nerves and finds a companion in Song, who quietly manages to bring a little order into the household. By film's end, nothing is really resolved in their lives, but a red balloon peeps into the apartment windows and floats above the skylight over Simon's bed, as if childhood has persisted for the time being against all the assaults against it. It's a poetic, meditative kind of film that gains its strength from immersing us into the lives of others. It seems to me to stretch out a little longer than it should, but it features another terrific performance by Binoche.
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michelaperenzoni · 3 years
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In the mood for love, di Wong Kar-wai, 2000
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videoframe · 7 years
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In the mood for love
2000/ Hong Kong - Chine
Director: Kar-Wai Wong
Writer: Kar-Wai Wong
Music: Michael Galasso /  Shigeru Umebayashi
Director of Photography: Christopher Doyle / Pung-Leung Kwan / Ping Bin Lee
Drama / Romance
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