#Pink lazers are shooting from the sky.
mazerunnermusical · 2 years
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gojology · 4 years
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back to homepage pairing : megumi fushiguro x gender neutral reader warnings : minor cursing and some fluff  wordcount : 1371 a/n : HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! so i hc megumi as having 2 dogs in this au,, and i had no idea what to name them since correct me if i’m wrong he doesn’t name his divine dogs in the actual manga. i named them kuro and shiro (black and white) since they’re both black and white. yeah i know, real creative. LMFAO ████████████████  100% Complete. Enjoy your game.
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    Megumi Fushiguro was a simple man.      Nothing interested him much besides his work, and his dogs. But who could blame him? He was good at the things he enjoyed, and that was one of life’s most straightforward principles.       That was, until he met you.       He found himself doing things that old Megumi would simply scoff at for you, going on random dates on a whim, actually going out to do stuff aside from hanging out with the two friends he had, doing sappy stuff just for you- you really did magic on him, and even he didn’t know what you particularly did for him to fall so hard.       But nonetheless, he did.       That’s how you found yourself in a quiet place that Megumi had brought you to, some place that you’ve never heard of before. Distant chirping of the birds was music to your ears as you sat on the picnic blanket, legs splayed out, and enjoying the refreshing weather. This was your first Valentines day together, and Megumi was determined to make it otherworldly.       Droplets of dew still remained on the blades of grass, the sky was clear and a soft shade of blue. Trees rustled around you two, and an expansive tranquil pond was just in front of you, a few lily pads laid about, and if you squinted your eyes enough you could see a few frogs croaking.      “This place is cool, Megumi!” you beam as soon as he sits down with you with a grunt, a picnic basket in his hand. His two dogs, Kuro and Shiro trailed after him, sniffing at the air and drinking in the new scent before eventually running off not too far to presumably play.     You turn to sneak a glance at him, and he’s already looking at you back unsurprisingly. His legs also splayed out, he gives you a quick peck on the cheek before staring off into the pond as well.       “I used to go here often as a child, no one really knew about it other then my sister and I. Nice and calm, isn’t it, (Y/N)?” he says, digging through the picnic and pulling out two simple onigiris. He hands one to you, before licking his lips and staring down at his tuna one.       “Yeah.” you breathe in the air, and you could’ve sworn it felt fresher here. “This is perfect.” closing your eyes, you enjoyed the cool shade underneath the tree that you and Megumi had picked out prior to this date, sighing happily.        He scoffs a little, opening his pre-packaged onigiri, the crinkling of the wrapper enough to make your stomach rumble. You hadn’t eaten since yesterday, eventually opening your eyes and doing the same.       “I thought you wouldn’t like it...” you feel his eyes shoot lazers into your neck, and you look back at him, just to reassure that you were listening. “I don’t know, I guess it’s because living in Tokyo you’d expect me to take you out for something expensive, but I just assumed you’d like this better for some reason and I regretted it as soon as we started packing.”        You noted how he spoke with a tinge of nervousness, and you smile at him, just as a way to coax him to continue on.       Megumi looked down on his lap, taking a large bite out of the onigiri and sticking his finger into the tuna paste, he whistles loudly, and you hear distant thumping against the soil grow louder.      Shiro and Kuro were rapidly advancing towards the pair of you, and your heart softens. This was something you loved about Megumi, he didn’t think about himself a lot of the time.    Even if he didn’t realize it, he expressed more compassion then most people you’ve met. As the dogs lapped away at his fingers, he laughed like a child, talking about how it tickled under his breath. Rolling up his sleeves after they were done, he swirled his hands in the ponds a few times before flicking them, the water droplets seeping into your clothing.       You giggle and he turns back up to look at you, expression softening as he realizes that some of the water had gotten onto your skin. “Here, love, we have a few extra napkins-”      “What? No, that’s not necessary, dumbass.” you laugh. “It’s just a few droplets of water, I’ll be fine.”       “I got it all over you, dumbass.” he retorts back, chuckling dryly.      “As I said babe, I don’t mind~” taking a bite out of your onigiri as you say this, you just now realize how lucky you are. Spending time with the love of your life, Megumi Fushiguro, eating yummy food and watching the world pass by. It was something truly to remember. The banter and the nicknames was one of your favorite things about dating him.      Sighing in defeat, Megumi shakes his head, grumbling under his breath before getting up.       “Hey grumpypants, where are you going?” pulling at his leg, you look up at his looming figure, patiently waiting for an answer. Your half-eaten onigiri forgotten.        “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” leaning a little, he kisses your forehead. “I just wanna do something..”       “Nooo! Don’t leave me!” you dramatically bend back, the back of your hand limply placed onto your forehead.       He looks at you with a confused expression.       “Sarcasm.” is all that leaves your lips, and you try not to laugh at his expression that follows afterwards, almost like it was saying, “Ohhh! God I’m stupid.”      “You should probably put your onigiri back into the basket though, Shiro and Kuro are gonna wreck the poor thing apart.”     Megumi’s face lit up in realization, bending down even further and placing it back into the basket before giving you an awkward thumbs up and an even awkward-er grin.       “Thanks. See, this is why you’re the best significant other ever.” he trails off, before straightening and looking down at you, silent. Opening his mouth to speak, you brace for something unexpected. Otherwise, why would he be so dramatic about what he was about to say?       “I love you, by the way.”      Or it was that.       See, you two were in a fairly new relationship. “I love you’s” weren’t very prominent, but when it happened you swore you were the happiest person alive.      “I love you too.”       A flicker of relief shows in his dark eyes before disappearing, and he walks off into a pathway down the deep forest. He probably knew the area well, and so you place the back of your head on the tree trunk, content with life.  ‧₊˚✩彡.      “Hey, anyone home?” you hear a distant voice, and you open your eyes slightly, your eyesight adjusting to whoever could be there. The sky was growing dark, you realize, and you hear the slight buzzing of cicadas.       “Megumi?-” waving your limp arm around to touch his body, he places a reassuring hand onto yours, and your heart rate goes down by one million.      “Hey. You were knocked out cold, babe.” it wasn’t often he used babe, but you still loved that nickname.       “Oops.” giving him a lazy grin, you look down at whatever he’s holding, and a small but vibrant bundle of native flowers look back at you. Vibrant purples, reds, pinks, and yellows, large and small. All of them equally as beautiful, you gape at them.        “...Did I mention that I also liked flower gathering as a child...?” Megumi breathes out nervously, as if you’d do something to him if you didn’t like the arrangement, but you were truly speechless.       The guy seriously went out and gathered beautiful flowers for you- LITERALLY handpicked- and he expected you to be disappointed?      Just how bad was his self confidence?      “I don’t like them.” his face falters and your heart almost explodes, all you wanted to do was hug the poor baby. “I love them!”       Megumi looks almost surprised, as if he wasn’t expecting that, before a small curve to his lips formed.       “Thank you.” is all he could muster.        Standing up, you wrap your arms around his neck loosely, and he drops the flowers onto the picnic blanket (thankfully!). He too wraps his arms around your figure, and he so desperately tries to hide the blush forming quickly on his cheeks, but he fails to do so. 
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty (Lin Beifong x reader) Part 5
a/n: brooooo. liinnnnnn. pulllll uuppppppp brooooo. kiss?? kiss for monty?? right here?? please?? also this took like. two fucking hours to write lmao. i just want that to be known.
Warnings: This is VERY angsty and sad. Proceed with caution.
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You waved Opal off with the others as the airship left. It was sad having to see her go. You knew she’d do great training with the other airbenders. She was so sweet and clever. Opal seemed excited to join the other benders at the air temple. Even though you felt happy for her it didn’t stop the ping of jealousy in your heart. Maybe if you had finally become a bender your mother and father would’ve been proud of you. Maybe they would finally love you.
You glanced to your side. Lin stood next to you with her arms were crossed and and a frown on her face. She looked annoyed and tired. You snickered. “What are you laughing at?” You shook your head, grinning. “Nothing. Couldn’t help but realize how grumpy you are. Sad to see her go?” Lin scoffed. It seems like you were right. 
The sky was pink and purple as the sun set. The metal shields whirred to life, slowly covering the pretty sky. You watched them sadly as they closed in on one another. The sky was so beautiful at night. If only you could see it.
The metal roof was cool underneath you. Azure was curled up in the collar of your turtle neck sleeping. Ruby pecked at the bird seed in your hands gently. The lights in Zaofu glowed softly, illuminating the streets. It was really a beautiful city.
Lin was more distant lately. She didn’t seem to pay any attention to you or care about the others. You knew that it’d happen eventually, but it still hurt. It made  the stone in your stomach roll more. It sunk heavily underneath the surface and jabbed at your heart. The anxiety of being abandoned still jostled and tore at your soul. It never seemed to go away. At this point you figured it never would.
 Thirty years was a long time. So much had happened in thirty years. A lot of loss and heartbreak had tore you down, leaving you on the ground defenseless. Even though life seemed to always strike you down you stilled waited. Waiting for a miracle to happen as you laid there reflecting. Now, it seemed like it was your chance. It didn’t matter how long it could take. You’d always wait for Lin.
She still held a fondness for you. Her eyes softened for a second once she saw you and she wasn’t as snarky. It was a start. As much as you wanted to kiss her face and hold her close, Lin needed time. She was impatient but you weren’t. The waiting game was something you were incredibly talented at. Thirty years of waiting you thought was the test. Now, it seemed like it was more of a test than ever. You glanced up at the covered sky. The stars had always comforted you before, it was a shame they were hidden now.
Ruby stilled in your hand, peering into the distance. “What is it Ruby,” you asked, jutting your head forward. Your eyes narrowed and your brows tugged together. Azure pecked you in the neck for waking him up. “Sorry drama queen, but you gotta go home!” Immediately, Azure flew out of your collar. You watched him go until he was out of sight. “Ruby, go fetch Lin! Bring her to me.” She sqwaked and flapped her wings. Grabbing your grappling hook, you aimed it at a crevice in the building in front of you. The button was smooth once you pressed it with the pad of your thumb. It shot out immediately making a soft swoosh sound. It clinked softly against the beam you aimed it at and swung you forward. Rotating your hips, you glided into the air. You wiggled slightly for better control and momentum. Your boots met the roof and your grappling hook quietly zipped back in place. Once you got to your destination,  you rolled onto the pavement with a soft thud. In the distance you could see them. Four people were creeping at a window. Korra.
“What,” Lin groaned, tugging her pillow over her head. Ruby shrieked and pecked at her fingers. She tried swatting at the bird but to no avail, Ruby wouldn’t let go. “Ow! Little shit. When I find them they’re gonna-”
Boom! Lin bolted up from her bed, flinging open her door she saw Mako and Bolin tumbling onto the pavement. Bang, Bang. Lin snapped her head. Speak of the devil.
There were two weapons clutched in your hands tightly. They were shooting out some weird metal pellets. You grunted as you swiftly dodged some sort of water arm. “Lin,” you shouted, “They’ve got Korra!” Lin broke into a sprint, guarding Mako and Bolin as they came back to their senses. Her scanned the area quickly and followed where you aimed. Four people stood in the middle of the court yard. There was a woman flailing her arms at anyone who dared to come closer, along with a lady that was creating explosions with her mind.
 Lin rose her fists and the metal around Korra’s attackers surrounded them. Your pellets hit the metal as soon as they came up. You cursed, taking cover behind a fallen pillar and loaded your pistols again. Suyin and her sons ran to you raising the rest of the metal around the attackers. All four of them were trapped.
“We have you surrounded it’s over!” Ruby landed on your shoulder as you trained your eyes on the target. “Good girl Rubes,” you whispered, stroking her softly. Suddenly, a rumbling noise shook the ground under you. Lava lazily slid out from the metal panes. “Lava bender,” you shouted, “Everyone, hop back!” You jumped back a few feet from the quickly pooling lava. The metal fell with a creak from the lava. It surrounded them, pushing you all fifteen feet away from Korra.
“No way. That guy’s lava bending! That’s awesome!..ly not good for us,” Bolin murmured. You stifled a laugh. Lin glared at you with her fists clenched. You shrugged in reply before getting back to the fight.
An explosion was sent your way for what felt like the twentieth time. You barely dodged it; the wind of it grazed your side. Ruby fluttered about, dodging their attacks swiftly. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to be by your side or fly from the danger. You couldn’t blame her; you wished you were back on the metal roof and not having your joints aching like hell. Ducking, you behind a metal pane as soon as another explosion swept by. Your boots skidded onto the pavement. Ruby flew to your side immediately. “You’re doing great girl,” you comforted her. 
Lin, Mako, Bolin, and Asami joined you behind the metal cover. “What should we do,” Bolin cried as he and Mako started hurling fire and rocks at the attackers’ way. Asami crouched in nothing but her nightgown. “Hey Asami?” “Yea?” You handed her one of your daggers. “Just in case,” you said, sending her a smile. She looked thankful as she gripped it.
“Look,” Lin shouted, pointing to the airbending guy. “They’ve been split up now!” A guard somehow had managed to get him away from the group. In the distance you could see Korra laying on the rock with lava around it. Mako hurled another fire ball at the explosion lady but the water bender blocked it with her arms. The chick focused on the four of you, a lazer starting to form from her forehead.
The explosion collided with another metal plane. Asami snapped her head behind her. Suyin and her sons blocked the lazer just in time. They caught up with the five of you and all eight of you huddled for protection. Your body blocked anything coming Asami’s way as you stood on the defense side of fighting.
 “How did they get in here,” Lin yelled over the explosions. “I don’t know, but they won’t get away,” Suyin exclaimed. 
“There’s no way to cross,” Asami muttered, as she watched the guards being flung from the metal bridge they had built to the four criminals. Suyin eyes narrowed as she observed the scene in front of her. Her green eyes lit up as an idea striked through her head. “We don’t need to. Lin and I can get up there and use our cables.” “Good idea,” Lin replied, following her gaze to where her sister looked. “How are we going to get past her?” You followed Lin’s eyes. “Don’t worry. Bolin and I will have your back.” Her brows furrowed. “How?” “I don’t know,” you answered honestly, “But you have to trust me.”
Lin furrowed her brows. She didn’t say anything but eventually agreed. “Alright, I trust you.” You smiled. “Take Ruby with you.” “Why?” “I don’t want her getting hurt. Besides, she’ll be the first to warn you in the air.” Lin looked at you with disbelief but stretched her arm out to the red bird anyway. “Take care of her Rubes,” you whispered, as Lin and Suyin disappeared into the air.
You raised your pistols. “Bolin! I need you to hit the third eye lady!” Bolin yelled, “I can’t get a good shot!” “Keep trying,” you yelled, firing more pellets.
Bolin’s rock hit her square in the head. She stumbled, and her face pulled in anger. Taking this as your shot, you fired a pellet in her damn forehead. Lightening shot out once it made contact. “Holy,” Bolin and Mako murmured at the same time. The lightening traveled through her body and it reached her face. A scream ripped out of her chest. The water armed lady snapped her head towards her. Lin’s eyes widened in shock as the explosion chick toppled over. “Lin!” Suyin’s voice snapped her out of her surprised state. Taking this as her chance, Lin grabbed Korra, swinging her over her shoulder. Korra groaned but laid limp. Ruby’s screeching pierced through Lin’s ears. Lin swung her hips to the right and the water bender’s arm reached out to were she was seconds ago. “Clever bird,” Lin muttered, eyes wide as she slowly raised up into the hidden panel.
The air bender scooped up the unconscious third eye lady. The lava bender and the water bender sent a death glared towards you. “We failed! Move out,” he commanded. Twirling his staff with one hand, he swept  air above the four of them. It became darker and darker from the smoke and flames. The four of you coughed from choking on smoke. When the air bubble slowly dissipated, they were gone.
Korra laid on one of the green couches in Su’s study. She was awake but her voice was hoarse. Lin and Suyin hovered over her as Aiwei treated Korra. Bolin, Mako, and Asami sat on the couch across from them. Asami had given you your dagger back once you all met up in Suyin’s study. Ruby stood on your shoulder with you by the door. She wasn’t hurt thankfully, but she was very skittish. “You’ll be getting all the almonds you want tomorrow,” you told her, stroking her feathers. She tweeted softly, beak nuzzling your hand softly.
“You assured me this was the safest place in the world,” Lin said harshly as Korra drank the bottle Aiwei gave her. “It is,” Suyin argued defensively, “don’t blame me! It was well planned, how could I have known?!” Your face tugged in thought as you listened to their arguing. The metal shields that came up prevented from anything entering or leaving. There was no way they could’ve got in..unless...
“You have a traitor in your city Suyin,” you said softly. “That’s how they got in.” Aiwei got up and cast Suyin an apologetic look. “They’re right. It seems the four of them had some inside knowledge in Zafou.”
“We searched throughout the entire estate. There’s no sign of them.” A guard stood in the doorway of Suyin’s study. “Well keep looking,” Lin snapped. They nodded and left.
“The- The guards. It had to be one of them.” You all snapped to Korra. She rubbed her head with the heel of her palm as she sat up. She sounded so weak. “I agree,” Aiwei said. “Question them all!” Suyin sounded so angry. You cast a glance towards Lin. Her brows had sunk in anger and her green eyes twinkled dangerously. Everyone looked nervous and afraid. “This has been one hell of a night,” you mumbled to yourself. “I could use a drink.”
“We’re getting no where,” Lin growled, as Aiwei dismissed the guard. “Things like this take time Lin,” you reassured her softly. “We’ll find them.” Lin grumbled and crossed her arms. Bolin looked at her surprised. Usually she’d snap and berate anyone who dared to talk back at her. Now that he thought of it, Lin never seemed to snap at you. He tilted his head at you questioningly. You waved him off, eyes turning back to watch the interrogations.
“You should be doing this,” Lin huffed, turning to you. “It’s your area of field after all.” You hummed, “You’re not wrong.” Suyin interjected, “Aiwei is a trusted member of my council. He’s family. Are you saying he can’t be trusted?” 
“It’s better to investigate everyone,” you said. “Never know who it could be.” “Exactly,” Lin gritted out narrowing her eyes at Suyin. Su scoffed at her. “Are you insinuating it could’ve been me.” “Someone higher up could’ve done it.” Suyin rolled her eyes. “Fine. Aiwei question me. I’ve got nothing to hide.” He nodded, “If you wish.”
Suyin rose from her chair. “She is telling the truth,” Aiwei confirmed, turning to Lin. She groaned. She couldn’t believe this. Zaofu was supposed to be the safest city in the world. Who let these criminals infiltrate the city? Aiwei’s eyes turned to you. They narrowed suspiciously. “Oh my god,” you huffed, crossing your arms. “You’re not even considering me are you?” “Sit.” You sighed, moving around Korra to the chair across from Aiwei.
“There’s no way they could’ve done it,” Bolin interjected. “They were the first ones there! If they were on their side they would’ve been with the others!” “It’s fine Bolin,” you reassured him. At least someone had your back. “It’s just an investigation.” He shrunk but you could see his green eyes still filled with worry.
“They’re lying.” “What?” You laughed in disbelief. “I didn’t do it!” “(Y/N).” Your eyes snapped to Lin’s. Surely, she had to believe you. Oh how wrong you were. Lin’s eyes were cold as she stared into your soul. Her fists clenched by her sides and her aura felt betrayed. The blood in your veins ran cold. The air in the room felt suffocating and your heart tore into two. She didn’t believe him did she? “I suggest we search their place.”
They all got up and left for your chambers. Except for Lin. “Lin-” “Don’t. Say. Anything.” Her hard voice made you flinch. Lin shook her head in disbelief. Her back was turned to you, trembling. Lin swallowed thickly before muttering, “None of this was real.” Her voice shoke with every word she spoke. Lin shook her head one last time before leaving.
“This is a mistake!” The sound of the guards harshly pulling your drawers out and threw your clothes out rang in your ears. This can’t be real, this can’t be happening. “Hey!” A couple of guards shuffled through the plans on your desk aggressively. Ruby and Azure screeched in their cages. “Be careful with that,” you shouted as a guard picked up a project you had been working on for Suyin. You watched them helplessy destroy your chambers. All you could do was stand there and watch all of your hard work be destroyed. They went as far as flinging off the sheets from your bed along with the comfy pillows. 
“Found it!” Mako called, holding up a slip of paper from your desk. Suyin and Lin’s head perked up. Korra and Bolin stiffened behind them. Aiwei’s hand reached out for the slip of paper. Mako handed it to him sending a glare your way. Your jaw clenched tightly, but you didn’t say anything. Aiwei’s eyes widened and he lifted his head to you. “Team assembled. Ready to Rendezvous.” “And look at this,” Asami piped up from the bookshelf. She handed Aiwei a green book with fancy gold carvings on it. The silence in the room as he read through the pages made your heart sink even lower. The whole world was against you.“It’s the guards logs,” he muttered darkly as he flipped through it. “It’s filled with routes and their schedules.” 
“No,” you whispered. “It wasn’t me!” “Guards, seize them.” “Hey,” you shouted, as the guards swept towards you. Their hands tightened on your arms and they hauled you up. You swung your legs trying to get out of their grasp. “Wait a minute,” Bolin shouted, “Let them talk.” “We have enough evidence.” Lin. You snapped your eyes up to hers as the guards hauled you at. Her eyes were cold and unforgiving. She felt betrayed. She trusted you. They all trusted you. You were finally in her grasp and she latched on too quickly. She allowed the avatar to be vulnerable, because she trusted someone who wanted nothing to do with her years ago. This is why we can only trust ourselves, a voice told her, this is why we’re alone. “Take them to the interrogation room.” The doors swung closed muffling your shouts of protest. Lin felt her heart shatter again. No one said a word as they eventually shuffled out one by one. “Lin-” “I don’t want to hear it Suyin,” she muttered to her sister. “Just leave me alone.” Suyin’s eyes fell but she didn’t say anything. She gave a slight nod and left. The doors closed softly behind her. All Lin could hear was the soft twittering of your parakeets and the clock ticking on the wall. A cry left her throat. The tears flowed freely now and she raised her hand to her mouth, clamping it shut. Lin felt like she was going to vomit. She stood in the destroyed room alone. Paper was scattered and torn on the floor.
Lin clenched her jaw tightly. It begun to ache from her teeth grinding so hard. Another cry left Lin’s throat. She was a damn fool.
The cuffs on the table were cutting into your wrists. They were heavy and cold. The circulation in your blood was being cut off. Your ass felt numb from the stiff metal chair you were trapped in. The cold, sturdy metal dug into you. How long had it been?  Minutes? Hours? There wasn’t a way to tell. Tears welled in your eyes. Lin looked so disgusted with you. She wouldn’t listen to you. It was perfect, too perfect. Everyone was now against you in a matter of minutes. How was the evidence there? Someone must of snuck into your room and planted it there. But when? 
Aiwei. You chuckled; there was no joy or humor in it. “That bastard,” you snarled, nails digging into your skin. You ignored the pain that flared up in your palms.
Creak. The metal door opened slowly.You perked your head up at the it. You felt the lump in your throat tighten at the sight of her. Lin stood in front of you with no emotion on her face. Her green eyes were dull and her posture was upright once she sat down. There wasn’t an ounce of softness in her eyes anymore. The light had been replaced by hate. “I swear to you didn’t do it,” you whispered weakly, head hanging low. “I would never put you or Korra in danger.” “Liar.” You snapped up to her. Lin swallowed thickly as she peered into your soul. Her eyes were hallow. You’d rather have her look at you with anger then seeing her eyes filled with nothing.
 “I wouldn’t hurt you Lin. What could I gain by forming an attack on you and the avatar? You know I care about you.” Lin’s jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed into angry slits. “You think your words are going to make me care? I thought you were better than that. Now, I don’t know what to believe anymore. ” Her tone was cold. The walls around her were back up again. She looked at you with disgust. But more importantly, she looked at you with hurt in her eyes. 
“The evidence. Explain that.” “It’s not mine..Aiwei...” you whispered. The tears in your eyes fell freely. Your lips pulled back into a grimace and you whimpered. The darkness in the room swallowed you. “Are you claiming that he had something to do with it? How childish, now you’re putting the blame on someone else. Grow up.” Her words made you flinch. No longer was it Lin sitting in front of you. It was your mother.
 “Please... you have to believe me I-” “(Y/n).” You looked up at her. “Who were those people?” “I don’t know,” you replied, voice slightly raising. Lin arched a brow. Your stress levels were high. It was dark, it was too dark and you felt like the room was choking closing in on you. The woman you loved now looked at you with hatred in your eyes. Your breathing became shallow and you choked on the stale air in this shitty interrogation room.
“Breathe,” Lin commanded, “Get your fucking shit together!” Her hands slammed down on the table. It echoed throughout the cold and dark interrogation room. You swallowed your breath and choked an exhale out. Tears poured out of your eyes. Your heart in your chest was being sliced up and bruised from Lin’s harsh words. Spirits, why was everything spinning so fast.
I didn’t want it to come to this,” you whimpered. “I never wanted this to happen.” She swallowed thickly. “I hope you’re proud of yourself. Do I even matter to you?” You sniffled, “Of..Of course Lin. H-how could you say that? I told you I’d do anything for you!” Her nostrils flared. “Then why are you lying to me?” “I’m not,” you cried. “I’m not, I do love you Lin.” Lin’s eyes widened. Her eyes started to water and her throat tightened. She refused to cry in front of you. She had been weak before, she wouldn’t be weak now. “No, you never meant a single word that you said to me. You’re a damn liar.” Your lip quivered and you let out a whimper. Everything was falling apart.
She looked so disgusted with you. Your presence was a reminder of how frail she really was. Lin would never be the strong and tough woman she had always aspired to be. You saw the cracks in her facade and manipulated her for your own gain. Everyone’s life was on the line because of her. Korra almost got kidnapped because she had been so careless. Lin was ashamed at herself for believing your lies and making her feel happy again.
“You know what? I was wrong. You never really meant anything to me. You’re broken, you’re beyond fixing, you’re not something I want to take the time to handle.” You bit your quivering lip. You choked on the cry that wanted to cry its way out of your throat from swallowing it. The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity.
She slowly rose up from her chair. The clinking of her metal armor was the only sound in the room. Her hand hovered over the door handle. “Lin.” She stiffened. Your voice sounded so heartbroken and sad. Her hand balled up into fists as she turned back to look at you. It hurt more having to see the tears and fear in your eyes. “Don’t give up one me.. I can’t loose you too.” Lin laughed. You flinched; the pain in her laugh echoed in the small dark room. “This is all your fault. It always comes back to this with you doesn’t it? Save your tears.”
“Why can’t we talk about this? Why can’t we just-” “Does it ever occur to you that I’m done talking? That I am done reflecting my words and actions? Can’t you just take a fucking hint that I’m done with you? I don’t want anything to do with you anymore.” You didn’t say anything. The tears made your vision blurry. The stunned silence gave the cue to Lin that it was time to leave. “Hope you’re proud, I’m done here.”
The sound of the door slamming shut was the thing that broke your resolve. The dam you had tried so hard to close had its walls torn open. Sobs left your trembling body. You cried so hard your throat begun to ache and your face became sluggish. Aiwei’s actions had been your undoing. Now, you were the one paying the price.
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flylikefalcon · 4 years
It was all the stupid cat’s fault. 
That was the long and short of it. Bucky vanished into thin air and left Sam alone, and Sam was okay with that. Really, he was. If Bucky wanted to vanish, if he wanted to take Clint and Wanda with him and leave Sam behind, that was fine. Sam had been left behind before. Barnes could have had the good grace to take his cat with him, was all. 
There was nobody else to feed it. As far as Sam knew, no one else even knew Bucky had a cat, but Sam did. And Sam couldn’t leave the damn thing to starve, no matter how pissed he’d been at Bucky, so he brought it home. He bought a litter-box. He researched the best kind of cat food. He made friends with a different kind of vet than the ones he usually hung out with. And if he sometimes found himself talking to Alpine at night, when Rhodes was with Stark’s family and Lang was with his and everyone else on the team except for Sam went home to the people who were important to them, nobody had to know that. If the only person Sam had outside working hours had four legs and a tail, no one had to know that.
At least... until the damn cat slipped out his apartment’s window and into a goddamn superhero fight happening outside. He’s smart, Bucky used to say. Knows who he likes and who he doesn’t. He knows our scents, you know. And Sam hadn’t believed him for a second, but now he was up in the sky and Alpine was on the ground looking up at him as if there wasn’t gunfire and lazer blasts all around him and the fucking cat was the only thing Sam had and it was going to get itself killed like it was nothing. 
Diving to the ground and scooping Alpine up wasn’t a conscious decision. It was instinct. It was the same thing that once convinced him to open his door wide enough for a couple of fugitives to slip into his living room, the same thing that had him throwing the Accords across the table without putting his name on the dotted line, the same thing that had him in a ring shop on leave between his first and second tour trying to decide whether Riley was the kind of guy who’d want a diamond. Instinct, for Sam, had been pretty hit or miss over the years.
He just never thought it’d be the thing that got him killed, as all. 
The explosion wasn’t like any he’d seen before. It was a flash of bright light, an almost pleasant warmth spreading across his face, a force just strong enough to shove him backwards and onto the ground. It was disorienting enough that the lost a few minutes in between, closed his eyes and opened them knowing time had passed. For a moment, he lay on the ground with his heart in his throat, in three places at once. 
Part of him was on that street, explosion still rocking his mind. Part of him was in a field in Wakanda, watching his fingers turn to dust. And the last part was in a desert, the world ending around him. It was that last part that seemed most prominent, that last part that gripped him tight and refused to let go.
“Riley,” he breathed, shooting up and searching for a body in the sand. There was no body. There was no sand. There was no blood between his fingers, no pain radiating through his chest. 
What there was, he realized after a moment, was a cat.
Sam stared at Alpine for a moment. He was cleaning himself, utterly unbothered by whatever had just happened. Around them, the battle that had been raging moments before was gone. Sam focused on the cat. The cat wasn’t hurt --- that probably meant Sam wasn’t, either, even if his mind screamed the contrary. 
“Okay,” he said, squeezing his eyes shut. “All right.” Bringing a hand up to his comm unit, he pressed the button experimentally. “Uh, guys? Cap here. Do you copy?” Static. “Rhodes? It’s Sam. Do you hear me?” Nothing. “Lang? Danvers? Strange? If anyone reads me, I need extraction.” The silence gave him all the answer he needed, and he nodded his head. “Okay,” he repeated, looking down at Alpine. “Just me and you, then. We’ll find them. They’re all right. We just... We gotta get to safety. Someplace to lay low. Right? Right. Lucky for us, I know just the place.” He scooped the cat up and zipped it into his jacket, nodding to himself as he started walking.
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Whatever happened had pushed him out of city limits, but not far. Sam trudged forward, glancing around for any noticeable differences. Things were different in an indescribable way, but one thing was the same. The safe house he’d taken over after Bucky’s disappearance was still standing. The key in his pocket miraculously fit into the lock. When the door closed behind him, Sam breathed a quiet sigh of relief. “We got this,” he told Alpine soothingly, patting the cat’s head as he walked into the safe house. “Me and you, buddy, we...”
Something was wrong.
A jacket on the back of the chair that wasn’t his. A notepad on the table he didn’t recognize. A pink hairbrush on the floor, utterly out of place. Footsteps behind him, quiet and cautious but not silent enough to avoid being picked up by a mind already twelve levels of paranoid. Pulling a knife from his belt and gripping it tightly, Sam whirled around and held the blade at throat level, ready to strike...
...Only to let it drop slightly when greeted with a familiar face.
“Barnes?” The name caught in his throat, tight and uncertain. From his jacket, Alpine meowed. 
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blaze-art · 6 years
Fractured but Whole: Lumiere/Renee Michel Bio
General Bio
“Ordinary girl,Renee Michel encountered a angel that fell from from the sky while outside stargazing. Whilst the angel was dying he gave Renee his power collet,allowing her to transform into Lumiere,one of the many angel warriors of Eden,one of the 7 heavens of holy light” 
Name: Lumiere
Aliases: Renee Michel 
Class: Blaster-Elementalist (Element of Light) 
Sex/Gender: Heterosexual Female 
Race/Ethnicity: White Angel 
Alignment: Lawful 
Religion: Christian 
Power Source: The Power Collet/Green Light of Kindness 
Kryptonite: Heartbreak 
Faction(s): Eden/7 Heavens,The Holy Quartet and The Cozy Crusaders 
Combat Abilities
Angels Oath-Ultimate- Lumiere summons the angels of one of the seven heavens (by the players choice,if they don’t choose,it will be chosen randomly),the angels do different status effects/attacks/healing depending on the color chosen
Range: The entire battlefield (Green and Orange),All ally tiles (Pink,Purple,and Yellow),All enemy tiles (Blue and Red) 
Damage: None (Red,Pink,Purple,Yellow),Moderate-High (Green,Orange,Blue)
Status Effect: Lifesteal/Heal (Green),Slowed(Red),Removes negative status effects from all allies (Pink),Boost!(Purple),Burning (Orange),Ally protection(Yellow),Chilled (Blue) 
Light Missile- Lumiere throws a missile of light at the enemies,
Range: 6 tiles (area can be chosen by the player) 
Damage: Moderate
Status Effect: None
Lazer Flare- Lumiere summons a ball of light and shoots a lazer through enemies via it (pretty much a Kamehameha) 
Range: All horizontal tiles ahead of her
Damage: Moderate
Status effect: None 
Angel’s Kiss- Blows a kiss to the enemy,charming them. Or blow a kiss to an ally,healing them
Range: One enemy/ally tile (chosen by player) 
Damage: Low (enemy) None (ally) 
Status effect: Charmed (on enemy) Heal (on ally) 
-Lumiere is obviously based of Green Lantern,including the fact there are 7 heavens just like the 7 lantern corps 
-The heavens and hells names,their ministers,and the virtue/sin they represent are all references to biblical angels and demons,locations,and motifs 
-When doing Angels Oath,depending on the color she’ll say a oath to summon them. Similar to how the lantern corps do.
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skywailer · 7 years
PINK + Dramione (for the Colour Prompts) 💝
The sky is blue, carnivals are lame, and he bumps into her three times.
“The pole up your ass could use some tweaking,” his friends tease him as they tug him past the daunting starting line- under the garishly pink, screaming CARNIVAL sign and lagging behind running, racing, equally screaming children. He feels like they’re the only teens stupid enough to appear at such a ridiculous event- but his friends are just one of a few older, taller clusters sprinkled atop the shorter, more naive crowd of families. Everyone, adolescently “old” or young, seems to have never had a pole even touch the entrance to their asses.
Except one.
When he bumps into her for the first time, it’s with guns in their hands and a pink cat on the line.
He thinks his friends are idiots for playing a game where the objective is to shoot water at a tiny red dot until their fingers go numb on the trigger, while a cardboard horse gallops an endless race, all in the name of getting a fifty cent toy that no one actually ever gets. He also thinks his friends are morons for assuming this of all things will get the pole out his ass. When the girl next to him, all tight-wire curls and lazer focus, has a pole a mile long sticking out hers.
“Stupid piece of junk,” she mutters, almost saying a less pg-friendly version before remembering the kid playing next to her. She’s glaring at her water gun and shaking it, apparently incapable of making it work. Hastily, she whips it back up and aims it at the target, yanking the trigger back. The water comes out, but it’s obviously having some… Issues performing.
He grins, aims his gun, and shoots it at her target.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Comes the run-of-the-mill protest. Yet, the girl doesn’t stop shooting her own gun at the target. Her horse is getting very close to the finishing line.
A buzzer goes off, the horses do a horrible slide right back to the start, and the girl looks at him. Her eyes express as much conflict as color- brown irises reflecting shimmers of gold and yellow and even some of the harsh fluorescent lighting. They’re bold, beautiful, befitting.
“What the hell?” She asks, as an intrusive arm jerks out between them, holding a hot pink, sneering cat.
“I think you mean to say: thank you,” he corrects, trying not to smile; the cat has him a bit self-conscious about what his smile actually looks like. He hopes he never, ever looks like that freaking cat.
When the girl continues to look at him, dumbfounded, and the cat keeps grinning at him, he blabs on: “I helped you win.”
“You helped me cheat. That was cheating.”
“Can someone please take the cat,” the intrusive arm speaks. It belongs to the exasperated worker who obviously doesn’t care how the cat was won. Just that it disappears from sight. He can understand the desire.
He grins, and points the gun he still has in hand towards the cat. “Hey, game is rigged. So you rig the rigged game.”
The girl’s hair is apparently stress-triggered. It grows three finger-widths higher, frizzier. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Take the cat.”
“No. I didn’t win it.”
He fights the urge to call his friends over, to measure and compare the pain of her ass to his. Instead, he balls up that energy and makes it into a fist around the cat’s creepy head.
“Fine. I’ll take it. I won it.”
“What? No! Give it to the kid.”
“He was shooting the horse! I should give him over to the police. He’s a serial killer in the making.”
The serial killer’s mom glares at him before ushering her son away. Meanwhile, the girl’s head is practically exploding, a burst of red and pink in the cheeks. He’s enjoying the display. It gets cut off by the laughter of familiar voices- her friends.
She turns to find them, and her smile- He can’t figure out whether he’s envious of it, the cause of it, or just desperate for it to be aimed at him.
It’s gone, she’s gone, before he can figure any of it out.
He still hasn’t figured it out when he bumps into her the second time. This time, it’s on a battlefield of bumper cars- his green and hers red- and he’s grinning like an absolute idiot. That lame cat, a trophy of something he has yet to win, is placed proudly between his legs- taunting her when she finally turns around and spots him. She gapes at him, eyebrows quirked in curiosity, cheeks still bright- but soft in the changing light. Her eyes drift down to the little pink toy, and her lips twitch upwards, promising a smile just for him. It’s ridiculous, but he doesn’t hear the buzzer go off.
The goal was to bump into her, to chase her and coax a curse from those smiling lips, but somehow the whole plan goes topside. Surely she never intended it, but she’s a distraction- and he ends up looking in all the wrong places: at the ends of her curls where the LED lighting drops color and dances off the waves, to the crinkle in her nose as someone - sometimes him, sometimes not - crashes into her and makes her move. His end comes at the tip of her laugh. He crashes into the barrier, his body jolting forward against the seatbelt, his lungs and ribs crushed as he slacks back with a dizzying sigh. There’s a throbbing in his chest, and it worsens when the buzzer goes off and she’s standing over him. Grinning like a criminal.
“Are you following me?” She asks. His head lulls over to the side and glances back at the familiar, red bumper car plastered to the back of his ride.
“I should be asking that question.”
She laughs again, and this time it’s up close and personal, and the throbbing in his chest is incredibly annoying.
“I’ll take that cat now. I think I won it.”
“No,” he has the audacity to say and shakes his head. Her eyebrows shoot up, disbelieving. She hasn’t heard nothing yet. He grins. “You’ll have to trade for something.”
She rolls her eyes. The throbbing is persistent, and insistent. “What?” she plays along.
“A kiss.”
She’s walking away.
“Hey!” He calls, scrambling up from the wreckage of his bumper car. “It’s a fair trade!” The cat flails in his hand, fails at being the right trading card.
“You don’t even know my name,” she shoots back, but it doesn’t sound as offended as she means it to.
“Then tell me!”
But she’s gone.
The last time he bumps into her, it’s under the stars and an obnoxious overhang that yells COTTON CANDY at anyone foolish enough to listen. He’s foolish, but this time he’s rewarded handsomely for being a cotton candy-toting dumb-ass.
“Hey,” he says, eagerly and stupidly, every clever greeting he’d thought of in the interval between their meetings shot clear over the Ferris wheel behind them. It seems she can see them all waving as they fly off into space. She laughs.
They walk together, having lost their friends to fun houses and roller-coasters, and talk about having seen each other somewhere before. School, probably, but he can tell her friends and his are from completely different circles. If they met at school, it would be fleeting and fateless. He thinks meeting here, surrounded by air-head balloons, crying kids and trashed junk food is just as crappy, but at the same time… The cotton candy smells sweet, and the night shadows play nicely with the buzzing bulbs to make a soft, dreamlike portrait of her. The girl he doesn’t know, but wants to.
“What’s your name?” He asks abruptly, and she freezes around a piece of pink cotton candy. She smiles, and it melts between her lips.
“Draco,” he replies without needing the question. He’d like to pretend she wants to know just as badly as he does. The look in her eyes, light and jumping from all the colors and promises around them… Say she might just want to know more.
He swallows. “So, Hermione,” just the sound of it has him grinning, “does your cotton candy have a flavor to it or?”
“Or is it just pink sugar?”
She presses her lips together for a moment, thinking, but there’s a curve to her lips that betrays where her thoughts might be going. “I think it’s supposed to be cherry. Yours?”
His is blue, and stuck to his tongue just like his words. He swallows again, but it’s useless. He takes a piece of cotton candy and sticks it in his mouth to buy him time to think of something witty.
“Tastes blue.”
It’s pathetic, but she laughs and he melts at the sound. The cotton candy on the other hand…
“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true. Tastes blue.”
“Can I try?”
She’s still mid-laugh and he nods, leans the bag of sugary air to her. But then that curve in her lips is not only visible but touchable, a full-on attack on his senses. She’s kissing him.
And she was the one who lied, because there’s no cherry on her lips, nor on the tongue that drags slow and savoring across his. It’s all just air and sugar and pink, dissolving inside him and dripping into his lungs and stomach. Making him crave more, and more, and more still.
But then she’s gone, up and walking away, and the cat he’d had on his lap is in her sneaky hands.
“Hey!” He calls out, breathless and weak. He can’t even stand up to chase after her.
“What?” She challenges, walking away even with her back to the fair and her eyes locked on his, eyebrow cocked. He wants to kiss her again, on his terms. “Fair trade.”
If that’s what it takes for another kiss, “I’ll go get another prize and we can trade again.”
She laughs, again and again, and he happily eats it up. But she’s still walking away.
“It’s blueberry, by the way.”
And with that, she’s gone, and his friends find him, tease him about the girl who “stole your pole!” Among other things.
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lfmultiverse · 4 years
Screenshots for rave flyer design
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Firstly i found a picture of a woman with a lollypop. I then put this image into illustrator i proceeded to roughly trace it.
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I then proceeded to add and adapt certain components of the original image i was tracing to help adjust it to make it fit in with the multiverse theme later in editing. some examples of this could be how i changed her eyes so that they appeared open instead of shut. I  also changed the look of the lollypop so that it somewhat resembled a planet.
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This is the final result after i had finished tracing and illustrating the woman. I adapted her hair so that it flowed nicer, I also added some lazers shooting out of her eyes to make her look like she possibly comes from another universe. it also could connect to the rave theme as lazers are usually used at raves for visual effects.
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Unfortunately i was so busy designing the background that i forgot to take screenshots of the process. but all i did was used the paintbrush tool in Photoshop to make a gradient throughout the whole page going from blue to pink. I then used a black brush to carve out the sky and also a bumpy background surface. I then neatened this up with a lighter shade of blue, which also acted as an outline. I then used a large brush tool to mark out two red planets. Then finally for the background  used the line tool to mark out a grid which helped to add some depth to the design and is also common in the 1990s rave flyers.  then added the woman i coloured in to the background of the design.
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I then began to focus on the main typography for my design. I downloaded two different fonts for my design and placed the type where i wanted it and then converted it into a shape.
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I then duplicated the word “meltdown” and selected one which would be the outline. I got rid of the fil in that layer and then changed the strake to the outside and chose a colour that would match those within my design.
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I then focused on the center of the text. I double clicked on the layer and selected the gradient overlay options and created a 6 stage gradient to get the look i was aiming for. i then also played around with inner glows and outer glows within the text to make it look more 3D
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What i did next was used the polygon lasso tool to select each side of the outline. I then used the gradient tool to add a 3d shine effect to the outside of the text.
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loyolahcmass · 7 years
Spotify Playlist
We have a Spotify playlist of all the songs used at Mass from 2013 to present day, plus some songs used before 2013! Here is the link:
And if you don’t have Spotify but want to know the songs used in the past, the list is under the cut:
Hopkins Court Mass Playlist
Fall Semester 2017
Opening Songs:
·         OK by Robin Shulz feat. James Blunt
·         Supercut by Lorde
·         Feel it Still by Portugal the Man
·         I (clean version) by Kendrick Lamar
·         Fire on the Mountain Grateful Dead
·         Hey Hey What Can I Do by Led Zeppelin
·         Earth Blues by Jimi Hendrix
·         Belief by John Mayer
·         All on Me by Devin Dawson
·         Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas
·         Something Beautiful by NeedToBreathe
·         One Call Away by Charlie Puth
·         Strong Enough by Matthew West
·         Stargazing by Kygo
·         Waiting on the World to Change by John Mayer
·         Changes (clean version) by 2Pac
·         Ain’t no Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
·         Best of You by Foo Fighters
·         Sail by AWOLNATION
·         No Easy Way Out by Robert Tepper
 For Homily Songs:
·         Falls by Odesza
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Oceans Cover by Mezzo Piano
·         Comancheria by Nick Cave
·         You and Me by Dave Matthews cover by Vitamin String Quartet
·         Story of My Life by One Direction cover by The Piano Guys
·         Forrest Gump Main Theme from Forrest Gump Soundtrack
·         House of Cards Theme by Jeff Beal
 Communion Songs:
·         Oceans by Hillsong United
·         American Teen by Khalid
·         Tangerine by Led Zeppelin
·         Gravity by John Mayer
·         One Day by Zac Brown Band
·         When I Get Where I’m Going by Brad Paisley
·         The Night We Met by Lord Huron
 Closing Songs:
·         Whole Heart by Brandon Heath
·         Glorious by Macklemore
·         Soul Kitchen by The Doors
·         Burning in My Soul by Matt Maher
·         King is Born by Aloe Blacc
·         Brother by NeedToBreathe
·         The Man by The Killers
 2017 Spring Semester
Opening Songs:
·         In My Head by Galantis
·         Lionhearted by Porter Robinson
·         Don’t Look Back in Anger by Oasis
·         T-Shirt Weather by Circa Waves
·         Youth by Glass Animals
·         Oceans Away by Arizona
·         Just Hold On by Steve Aoki
·         What Do You Love by Seeb
·         Brand New Buzz by Big & Rich
·         All the Pretty Girls by Kenny Chesney
·         Ain’t Nothing Bout You by Brooks & Dunn
·         Zombie by The Cranberries
·         Somebody by Young Rising Sons
·         Drop the Game by Flume and Chet Faker
·         Erase Me by Kid Cudi and Kanye West
·         One Love by Bob Marley
·         Where is the Love? by the Black Eyed Peas
·         Daylight by Maroon 5
·         Good Grief by Bastille
·         Kids by OneRepublic
·         Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders
·         Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners
·         Live Like We’re Dying by Kris Allen
·         Count on Me by Bruno Mars
·         Broken Arrows by Avicii and Zac Brown Band
·         It Comes Back to You by Imagine Dragons
·         Kings of Summer (feat. Quinn XCII) by Ayokay
·         A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
·         I Want You Back by Jackson 5
·         Stay by Zedd and Alessia Cara
·         Sooner or Later by Aaron Carter
·         Catch My Vibe by Academy
·         Seve (Radio Edit) by Tez Cadey
·         High on Life by Rebelution
·         When You Were Young by The Killers
·         Can’t Keep Johnny Down by They Might Be Giants
·         Walking on a Dream by Empire of the Sun
·         Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
·         Fast Car by Jonas Blue feat. Dakota
·         Overload (The Chainsmokers Remix) by Life of Dillon
·         The Middle by Jimmy Eat World
·         Jumpin Jack Flash by The Rolling Stones
·         Street Fighting Man by The Rolling Stones
·         Valleys of Neptune by Jimi Hendrix
 For Homily Songs:
·         Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
·         Lazarus by David Bowie
·         Million Reasons by Lady Gaga
·         Believer by Imagine Dragons
·         Pink + White by Frank Ocean
·         Symphony by Zara Larsson
·         Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers and Coldplay
·         We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Vitamin String Quartet cover of Tuesday’s Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd
·         When the Wind Blows Instrumental Version by David Bowie
·         Billy’s Theme from The Departed Soundtrack
·         Honor by Hans Zimmer
·         What a Wonderful World by Richard Clayderman
·         I’ll be There by Jake Shimabukuro
·         Come to the Water by Instrumental Christian Songs
·         Dearly Beloved by Yoko Shimomura
·         Beauty and the Beast Tale as Old as Time Instrumental
·         Il Forte (The Strong) by Ennio Morricone
·         The Zookeeper’s Wife Theme by The Zookeeper’s Wife Soundtrack
·         A Calling by Rupert Gregson Williams
·         American Beauty by Thomas Newman
 Communion Songs:
·         Blackbird by The Beatles
·         Have I Told You Lately by Van Morrison
·         Dog Years by Maggie Rogers
·         Changing by John Mayer
·         In Color by Jamey Johnson
·         Eyes to the Wind by War on Drugs
·         Humble and Kind by Tim McGraw
·         Not Today by Imagine Dragons
·         White Blood by Oh Wonder
·         Rise Up by Andra Day
·         My Sweet Lord by George Harrison
·         Can’t Help Falling in Love With You by Haley Reinhart
·         XO by John Mayer
·         You’re Gonna Live Forever in Me by John Mayer
·         Fire and Rain (Instrumental Version) by Musica Instrumental
·         Holly Holy by Neil Diamond
·         Technicolor Beat by Oh Wonder
·         Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
·         Southern Cross by Crosby, Stills, & Nash
 Closing Songs:
·         Feels Like Home by Sam Feldt
·         Up Around the Bend by Creedence Clearwater Revival
·         The Way a Night Should Feel by Jason Aldean
·         The Show Goes On by Lupe Fiasco
·         Don’t Leave by Snakehips and Mo
·         Shed a Light by Robin Schulz
·         All Night by The Vamps
·         Good to Be Alive (Hallelujah) by Andy Grammer
·         We Found Love by Rihanna and Calvin Harris
·         Best I Ever Had by Gavin DeGraw
·         Into the Sunset by Mako
·         Roundabout by Yes
·         Midnight City by M83
·         The Seeker by The Who
 2016 Fall Semester
Opening Songs:
·         In the Name of Love by Martin Garrix
·         We Found Love by Rihanna and Calvin Harris
·         Closer by The Chainsmokers ft Halsey
·         Ghost by Halsey
·         Fix My Eyes by For King and Country
·         Say It Again by Kingdm
·         Wona by Mumford & Sons
·         Breathe by Seeb
·         You Can’t Always Get What You Want by the Rolling Stones
·         Baba O’Reily by The Who
·         Reach Out by The Four Tops
·         Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan
·         Anthem Part 2 by Blink 182
·         Follow Me by Uncle Kracker
·         Living in Fast Forward by Kenny Chesney
·         Guys Like Me by Eric Church
·         Parachute by Chris Stapleton
·         Silence by Dave Thomas Jr
·         Whole Heart by Gryffin and Bipolar Sunshine
·         Open Season by Gryffin and Josef Salvat
·         Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd
·         Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty
·         Reelin’ in the Years by Steely Dan
·         Love on Me by Galantis
·         Let Me Love You by DJ Snake
·         Demons by Imagine Dragons
·         We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel
·         Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
·         Johnny Boy by Twenty One Pilots
·         Flaws by Bastille The Chainsmokers Remix Version
·         Time of the Season by The Zombies
·         The Chain by Fleetwood Mac
·         Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind
·         Radioactive by Kings of Leon
·         Please Don’t Go by Joel Adams
·         Just Be Held by Casting Crowns
·         By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North
·         Mercy by Shawn Mendes
·         Keeping Your Head Up by Birdy
·         Maybe IDK by Jon Bellion
·         Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
·         Shots (Broiler Remix) by Imagine Dragons
·         Welcome to Your Life by Grouplove
·         Summertime by My Chemical Romance
·         Saint Cecilia by Foo Fighters
·         Trees by Twenty One Pilots
 For Homily Songs:
·         Eyes Wide by Handsome Ghost
·         Cold Water by Major Lazer
·         Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan
·         Blessings by Chance the Rapper
·         Still Breathing by Green Day
 Instrumental Songs:
·         This Land by Hans Zimmer
·         Hawkins from Stranger Things Soundtrack
·         Good Will Hunting Main Theme
·         Give Me Love Instrumental Version by Ed Sheeran
·         The Pacific Main Theme by Hans Zimmer
·         O God Thou Art The Father by Mark Howard, John Mock, and Stuart Duncan
·         Inside Out Main Theme from the Inside Out Soundtrack
·         Mad World by Marius Furche
·         Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones Instrumental Version
·         Good Will Hunting Main Theme from the Good Will Hunting Soundtrack
·         Vitamin String Quartet Cover of Fight Song by Rachel Platten  
·         Vitamin String Quartet Cover of Let it Go by James Bay
·         Green Mile Soundtrack Main Theme by Thomas Newman
·         Star of Bethlehem by John Williams
 Communion Songs:
·         Blood Stutter by Handsome Ghost
·         Home by Daughtry
·         #88 by Lo-Fang
·         Hey Jude by The Beatles
·         Beauty from Pain by SuperChick
·         I’m a Mess by Ed Sheeran
·         One Hell of an Amen by Brantley Gilbert
·         If Heaven Wasn’t So Far Away by Justin Moore
·         Lost in the Light by Bahamas
·         Guitar Version of Coldplay’s Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Evan Camrud
·         Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan
·         Skinny Love by Birdy
·         I and Love and You by The Avett Brothers
·         Moonlight Mile by The Rolling Stones
·         If I Could Fly by One Direction
·         O Come O Come Emmanuel by Casting Crowns
·         Way Down We Go by Kaleo
·         Moving Mountains by Disclosure
·         Endless Love by Jon Batiste and Aloe Blacc
 Closing Songs:
·         Candyman by Zedd and Aloe Blacc
·         Dive by Steven Curtis Chapman
·         Hundred Miles by Yall
·         All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix
·         Have Faith in Me by A Day to Remember
·         Saltwater Gospel by Eli Young Band
·         One World by Swanky Tunes and Dropgun
·         Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison
·         Time After Time by Quietdrive
·         Human by The Killers
·         Carry On by Crosby, Still, Nash, and Young
·         Walk by Foo Fighters
·         Hallelujah by Pentatonix
·         Call on Me (Ryan Riback Remix) by Starley
·         Take on Me (Kygo Remix) by A-Ha
·         Ready to Go by Panic! At the Disco
 2016 Spring Semester
Opening Songs:
·         Let You Go (Golden Pony Remix) by The Chainsmokers
·         Nothing Left by Kygo and Will Heard
·         Lose It (Jerry Folk Remix) by Oh Wonder
·         Sugar by Robin Schulz
·         Sorry by Justin Bieber
·         Firestone by Kygo
·         Shine by Years And Years
·         Clearest Blue by Chvrches
·         Third Eye by Florence + the Machine
·         Brother by NEEDTOBREATHE
·         Fortune Cookie by Emma Bale
·         Find a Way by Nico and Vinz
·         I Won’t Back Down by Tom Petty
·         Everlong by Foo Fighters
·         Hero/Heroine by Boys Like Girls
·         Here It Goes Again by Ok Go
·         Right Now by Van Halen
·         Shine by Collective Soul
·         Red Hands by Walk Off The Earth
·         Prodigal by Sidewalk Prophets
·         Let You Go by The Chainsmokers
·         Stay by Kygo
·         John Cougar, John Deere, and John 3:16 by Keith Urban
·         Lay It All On Me by Rudimental and Ed Sheeran
·         Zero by Alpines
·         Coming 4 U by Ken Loi and Thomas Daniel
·         Ray Bans by JT Hodges
·         High on Life by Darius Rucker
·         If You Ever Stop Loving Me by Montgomery Gentry
·         Breathe Life by Jack Garratt
·         Elevate by St Lucia
·         Lose It by Oh Wonder
·         Dreaming by Smallpools
·         Anna Sun by Walk the Moon
·         Air I Breathe by Mat Kearney
·         Sedona by Houndmouth
·         Bros by Wolf Alice
·         Spirits by The Strumbellas
·         Our Own House by MisterWives
·         Easy Love by Sigala
·         O-o-h Child by The Five Stairsteps
·         Walk Like a Man by The Four Seasons
·         Alive by Krewella
·         Working My Way Back to You by The Four Seasons
 For Homily Songs:
·         Love Yourself by Justin Bieber
·         Beautiful Day by U2
·         7 Years by Lukas Graham
·         Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Somewhere Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World by Relaxation Guitar Maestro
·         Clocks Instrumental Version by Coldplay
·         First Breath After Coma by Explosions in the Sky
·         What A Wonderful World by The O’Neill Brothers
·         The Hologram/Binary Sunset by John Williams
·         Let Her Go (Instrumental Version) by Passenger
·         Be Thou My Vision by The Webb Family
·         Theme to the movie The Town
·         First Breath After Coma by Explosions in the Sky
·         Daredevil Main Theme by John Paesano
·         Trees Piano Tribute to 21 Pilots by Piano Tribute Players
·         D.A.N.C.E by Maxence Cyrin
·         Prelude in E Minor by Chopin
·         Haunted by Waters by Mark Isham
 Communion Songs:
·         Blinding (Instrumental Version) by Jakwob
·         I’m Yours by Jason Mraz
·         You Give Me Something by James Morrison
·         All I Want by Kodaline
·         Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran
·         Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
·         Just Breathe by Pearl Jam
·         One by U2
·         She’s Got A Way by Billy Joel
·         Modern Day Prodigal Son by Brantley Gilbert
·         You Are More by Tenth Avenue North
·         Faded by Alan Walker
·         You Raise Me Up by Westlife
·         Love Will Set You Free by Kodaline
·         Beer With Jesus by Thomas Rhett
·         I Saw God Today by George Strait
·         River by Leon Bridges
·         Wheel by John Mayer
·         Acoustic #3 by Goo Goo Dolls
·         Measures by Windmills
·         Sun by Sleeping at Last
·         Higher Love by James Vincent McMorrow
·         Deeper Conversation by Yuna
·         Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
·         Funny the Way It Is by Dave Matthews Band
 Send Off Songs:
·         Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley
·         Runaway (U & I) by Galantis
·         King by Years and Years
·         A Beautiful Life by Tim McMorris
·         On Our Way by The Royal Concept
·         One Vision by Queen
·         Home We’ll Go by We’ll Walk Off The Earth
·         Dreaming by Smallpools
·         Now That I Found You by Martin Garrix
·         God Love Her by Toby Keith
·         Perfect World by Allen Stone
·         Daylight by Matt and Kim
·         Raging by Kygo feat Kodaline
·         Reach Out I’ll Be There by The Four Tops
·         Mr. Brightside by The Killers
 2015 Fall Semester
Opening Songs:
·         Ain’t No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye
·         Know Yourself by Drake
·         Calling (Lose My Mind) by Sebastian Ingrosso and Alesso
·         Sugar We’re Goin Down by Fall Out Boy
·         Love’s Divine by Seal
·         Unconditionally by Katy Perry
·         Portugal by Walk the Moon
·         Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
·         Hold On by Alabama Shakes
·         Express Yourself by NWA
·         Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston
·         All We Need by Odesza
·         You May Be Right by Billy Joel
·         Best of Both Worlds by Van Halen
·         The Impression That I Get by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones
·         I Go Back by Kenney Chesney
·         Sunlight by The Magician
·         Cover of Ed Sheeran’s Photograph by Boyce Avenue
·         Heroes by David Bowie
·         Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
·         I’ll Be There For You by Bon Jovi
·         I Feel So Alive by Capital Kings
·         Feel It by TobyMac
·         Give In by Lecrae
·         Don’t You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia
·         Young Homie by Chris Rene
·         How Deep Is Your Love by Calvin Harris
·         All These Things That I’ve Done by The Killers
·         Hey Mama by Kanye West
·         Budapest by George Ezra
·         Safe and Sound by Capital Cities
·         Awake My Soul by Mumford & Sons
·         Where the Streets Have No Name by U2
·         I by Kendrick Lamar
·         Sunday Candy by Donnie Trumpet
·         Apparently by J. Cole
·         The Ballad of Love and Hate by The Avett Brothers
·         Patience by Guns N Roses
·         Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd
·         I’ll Show You by Justin Bieber
·         Pray to God by Calvin Harris
·         Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld
·         Rejoice by U2
·         Even If She Falls by Blink 182
·         Metalians by Metalium
·         Falling Forward by Emmy Rossum
·         Before We Disappear by Chris Cornell
·         Everyday Superhero by Smash Mouth
 For Homily Songs:
·         Locked Away by R. City and Adam Levine
·         Know Yourself by Drake
·         Growing Up (Sloane’s song) by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
·         Fanatic by Lecrae
·         Only One by Kanye West
·         I’m Gonna Love You Through It by PS 22 Chorus
·         Colorshow by The Avett Brothers
·         The Love Project Video https://vimeo.com/146455750
·         Santa Claus is Coming to Town by Bruce Springsteen
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Haunted by Waters by Mark Isham
·         Prelude in C Major by Bach
·         Falls by Ennio Morricone
·         Bundle of Joy by Inside Out Soundtrack
·         We Are Not Things by Mad Max Soundtrack
·         Shawshank Redemption Theme
·         San Francisco, 1987 by Christophe Beck
·         Main Theme from Rudy by Jerry Goldsmith
·         Harry Potter Theme Song/Hedwig’s Theme by John Williams
·         Someone to Lava Instrumental Version from the Pixar short Lava
·         Infra 5 by Max Richter
·         Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky
·         Home by Explosions In The Sky
·         Your Hand In Mine by Explosions In The Sky
·         Instrumental Version of Ed Sheeran’s Tenerife Sea by Patrick McCarthy
·         Das Boot Main Theme from the Das Boot Soundtrack
·         Now You See Me Theme by Brian Tyler
  Communion Songs:
·         Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
·         Life Ain’t Always Beautiful by Gary Allan
·         Footprints in the Sand by Leona Lewis
·         Let It Be by the Beatles
·         American Dream by Miami Horror
·         Swinging Party by Kindness
·         Fear Not This Night by Asja Kadric
·         Fear Not This Night Instrumental Version by Guild Wars Soundtrack
·         Nowhere Fast by Old Dominion
·         Revolutionary Road by City of Prague Orchestra  
·         Give A Little Bit by Supertramp
·         My Sweet Lord by George Harrison
·         My Everything by Owl City
·         100 Years by Five For Fighting
·         Calling On Angels by Train
·         Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons
·         Tiger Striped Sky by Roo Panes
·         Quiet Enough by Jon Niven
·         Remembrance by Matt Maher
·         I See Fire by Ed Sheeran
·         Be Still by The Fray
·         Bring Your Love to Me by The Avett Brothers
·         Awake My Soul by Mumford & Sons
·         Blood by The Middle East
·         Life Support by Sam Smith
·         Rhymes and Reasons by John Denver
·         I Am Not by Erik Mongrain
·         Lost in the World by Green River Ordinance
·         The Parting Glass by Ed Sheeran
Send Off Songs:
·         How You Love Me by 3LAU
·         If I Lose Myself by OneRepublic
·         Anything Can Happen by Ellie Goulding
·         Falling by Haim
·         Shoot to Thrill by AC/DC
·         King by Years and Years
·         Warriors by Imagine Dragons
·         Ignition by TobyMac
·         Let You Go by The Chainsmokers
·         Smile by Mikky Ekko
·         Because He Lives by Matt Maher
·         Beside You by Marianas Trench
·         Stand in the Rain by Superchick
·         Revenge of Tizona by Metalium
·         Beautiful Now by Zedd
 2015 Spring Semester:
Opening Songs:
·         Life Is Beautiful by Sixx A.M.
·         Soul Meets Body by Death Cab for Cutie
·         Down by the River by Milky Chance
·         Sell Out by Reel Big Fish
·         Sweet Emotion by Aerosmith
·         Gimme Shelter by the Rolling Stones
·         Fidelity by Regina Spektor
·         Something Like Olivia by John Mayer
·         Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
·         Budapest by George Ezra
·         Vagabond by MisterWives
·         Home by Dotan
·         Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap
·         Medicine by the 1975
·         Insane by Flume
·         This Love by Maroon 5
·         Cheerleader by Omi
·         Someday by the Strokes
·         Give a Little by Hanson
·         Forever by Matt Hires
·         Strong by London Grammar
·         Tell Me Ma by Gaelic Storm
·         Regular Army by Mick Maloney
·         If I Should Fall from Grace with God by Young Dubliners
·         Electric Love by Borns
·         Queens by Misterwives
·         On Your Side by Cheerleader
·         Hallelujah by Paramore
·         Jumper by Third Eye Blind
·         The Silence by Bastille
·         Gold by Sir Sly
·         Seeing Stars by Borns
·         King and Cross by Asgeir
·         Mercy Mercy Me by The Strokes
·         Oxford Comma by Vampire Weekend
·         Call Me Up by St Lucia
·         Only Love by Ben Howard
·         On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons
·         King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
·         Somebody by Jukebox the Ghost
·         You Got Me by Taking Back Sunday
·         Stars by Switchfoot
 For Homily Songs:
·         Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
·         Ghost by Ella Henderson
·         I by Kendrick Lamar
·         Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons
·         Stay by Rihanna and Mikky Ekko
·         Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Beethoven’s Piano Sonata #14 in C-Sharp Minor, OP. 27 No. 2 Moonlight Sonata by Steve Anderson
·         The Vigil Goes to War by the Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
·         Gravity by John Mayer Instrumental Version (not sure which one)
·         What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World by Hans Zimmer
·         Liz on Top of the World by Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack
·         River Flows in You by Yiruma
·         Passion by Kyle Landry
·         Bha Mise Raoir air an Airigh by Kathleen MacInnes
·         Avril 14th by Aphex Twin
·         Beethoven’s Piano Sonata #14 in C-Sharp Minor, OP. 27 No. 2 Moonlight Sonata by Steve Anderson
·         Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
·         Meeting Krishna by Michael Dana (from Life of Pi soundtrack)
·         Golborne Road by Nick Laird-Clowes
·         Across the Stars by John Williams
 Communion Songs:
·         Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
·         Fear Not This Night by the Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
·         The Shiverpeaks by the Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
·         You and Me by Penny & the Quarters
·         Lost Stars by Adam Levine
·         Hungry by Dotan
·         Make You Feel My Love by Adele
·         Spanish Sahara by Foals
·         Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
·         Scar Tissue by Red Hot Chili Peppers
·         Days by The Drums
·         Hate to See Your Heart Break by Paramore
·         Sights by London Grammar
·         Kilkelly by Robbie O’Connell
·         Will Ye Go Lassie Go? by The High Kings
·         Rainbow by Robert Plant
·         Hinnom, TX by Bon Iver
·         Have You Ever Seen the Rain? by CCR
·         These Are the Days by Van Morrison
·         Mourning Doves by Mikky Ekko
·         I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bon Iver
·         Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright
·         Only Human by Jason Mraz
·         Lover of the Light by Mumford and Sons
·         Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World
·         We Found Each Other in the Dark by City and Colour
 Send Off Songs:
·         Move Along by The All-American Rejects
·         Just What I Needed by The Cars
·         Finale Song from Les Miserables
·         Into the Wild by LP
·         Be Still by the Fray
·         Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
·         Last Hope by Paramore
·         The Parting Glass by The High Kings
·         Crystals by Of Monsters and Men
·         I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons
·         Let Me In by GroupLove
·         I Can Talk by Two Door Cinema Club
·         Shake It Out by Florence & The Machine
·         Secret Crowds by Angels and Airwaves
 2014 Fall Semester:
Opening Songs:
·         Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie Soundtrack
·         Flaws by Bastille
·         A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
·         Back Home by Andy Grammer
·         Wake Up by Arcade Fire
·         Naïve by the Kooks
·         Hideaway by Kiesza
·         You and Me (Flume Remix) by Disclosure
·         Call on Me by Eric Prydz
·         Too Far Gone by Sir Sly
·         Are You What You Want to Be? By Foster the People
·         King and Lionheart by Of Monsters and Men
·         Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard
·         Ritual Union by Little Dragon
·         Drop the Game by Flume and Chet Faker
·         Pride (In the Name of Love) by U2
·         With or Without You by U2
·         Where the Streets Have No Name by U2
·         I Would Do Anything for You by Foster the People
·         Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine
·         Lift a Sail by Yellowcard
·         Now We Are Free by the Lyndhurst Orchestra
·         Something Beautiful by Newsboys
·         Whispers in the Dark by Mumford & Sons
·         Under Cover of Darkness by the Strokes
·         Sleeping With a Friend by Neon Trees
·         Land of the Nod by Is Tropical
·         Meant to Live by Switchfoot
·         Bright Lights by Matchbox Twenty
·         Light Up the Sky by The Afters
·         Heroes by Alesso
·         You and Me (Flume Remix) by Disclosure
·         I Need a Dollar by Aloe Blacc  
·         Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz
·         I Will Wait for You by Mumford & Sons
·         Footprints by Tiesto
·         Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkle
·         Chinese Translation by M Ward
·         Playing With Fire by Brandon Flowers
·         Better Days by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Hold Us Together by Matt Maher
·         Dare You to Move by Switchfoot
·         Where is the Love? by Black Eyed Peas
 For Homily Songs:
·         All About the Bass by Meghan Trainor
·         Take Me to Church by Hozier
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Dearly Beloved by Kyle Landry
·         Shiverpeaks from the Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
·         My Heart Will Go On Instrumental Version from the Titanic Soundtrack
·         To the Stars (from the Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack) by Tyler Bates
·         A Walk by Tycho
·         Then The Quiet Explosion by Hammock
·         Prelude for Time Feelers by Eluvium
·         Make Up Kisses by John Powell
·         Magic by Coldplay
·         Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
·         Inspiring Instrumental Music by Unknown Artist (potentially Dare to Dream by Utopian Sounds)
·         Haunted by Waters by Mark Isham
·         Truly, Madly, Deeply by Ray LaMontagne
·         Ave Maria by the Lumiere String Quartet
 Communion Songs:
·         Hold Us Together by Matt Maher
·         Bring on the Rain by Gavin Mikhail
·         Oblivion by Bastille
·         Lean on me by Bill Withers
·         At Last by Etta James
·         Us Against the World by Coldplay
·         Lovely Day by Alt-J  
·         To Me by Chet Faker
·         Lesson in Patience by Chet Faker
·         Dreams by the Cranberries
·         Remember Us by The Hunts
·         Be Thou My Vision by the Lower Lights
·         O by Coldplay
·         La Vie en Rose by Louis Armstrong
·         What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
·         Oceans by Hillsong United
·         Fix You by Coldplay
·         Gravity by John Mayer
·         Stay With Me by Sam Smith
·         Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
·         O Come O Come Emmanuel by Casting Crowns
·         Hold You in My Arms  by Ray LaMontagne
·         Within You by Ray LaMontagne
·         Mary Did You Know by Pentatonix
·         O Come O Come Emmanuel by Pentatonix
 Send Off Songs:
·         Home Again by Blackmore’s Night
·         Peace by O.A.R.
·         The Gambler by Fun
·         Love is Gone by David Guetta
·         So Now What by the Shins  
·         Hippy Hill by Grouplove
·         This Is War by 30 Seconds to Mars
·         This = Love by The Script
·         Geronimo by Sheppard
·         Elevate by St. Lucia
·         Let Love In by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Riptide by Vance Joy
·         When You Were Young by The Killers
·         Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkle
·         Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root
·         One Day by Matisyahu
 2014 Spring Semester
Opening Songs:
·         Counting Stars by OneRepublic
·         Till Kingdom Come by Coldplay
·         All These Things That I’ve Done by the Killers
·         Underdog by Spoon
·         It’s Only Life by the Shins
·         Jubel by Klingande
·         Over the Love by Florence + The Machine
·         Come a Little Closer by Cage the Elephant
·         What About Now by Chris Daughtry
·         We Believe by David Cook
·         I Dare You to Move by Switchfoot
·         Consolation Prizes by Phoenix
·         You Only Live Once by the Strokes
·         A World Alone by Lorde
·         In My Place by Coldplay
·         Casting Such a Thin Shadow by Underoath
·         Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape by Underoath
·         Float On by Modest Mouse
·         My Way Home by Citizen Cope
·         Shake it Out by Florence & the Machine
·         Helena Beat by Foster the People
·         Hurricane by Ms. Mr
·         Human by The Killers
·         Wind That Shakes the Barely by Solas
·         The Devil’s Courtship/An Dro by Battlefield Band
·         Star of the County Down by The High Kings
·         All I Need to Know by Thousand Foot Krutch
·         Swing Life Away by Rise Against
·         Light Up the Sky by Thousand Foot Krutch
·         Color in Your Cheeks by The Mountain Goats
·         Chicago by Sufjan Stevens
·         Holland by Neutral Milk Hotel
·         The End Where I Begin by The Script
·         Carry On by Fun
·         Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons
·         At the Sound by Ike Ndolo
·         Let Your Heart Hold Fast by Fort Atlantic
·         Here is Our King by David Crowder
·         Shot At the Night by The Killers
·         Aviation High by Semi Precious Weapons
·         Up With The Birds by Coldplay
·         The Cave by Mumford & Sons
·         Demons by Imagine Dragons
·         Wake Me Up by Aloe Blacc
  For Homily Songs:
·         Let Her Go by Passenger
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Clocks by Coldplay Piano Cover
·         Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky
·         There Is No Plan by Steve Jablonsky
·         Tennis Court by Lorde
·         Mighty Rio Grande by This Will Destroy You
·         Quiet by This Will Destroy You
·         Interstellar by Hans Zimmer
·         Come to the Dance by Emerald Rose
·         Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven by Godspeed You! Black Emperor
·         Chasing Pavements by Adele Cover by Vitamin String Quartet
·         Crucifixion by Passion of the Christ Soundtrack
·         This Land (from the Lion King Soundtrack) by Hans Zimmer
·         Let It Go by the Piano Guys
 Communion Songs:
·         Everybody by the Lonely Biscuits
·         First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
·         Murder in the City by the Avett Brothers
·         Say Something by A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera
·         Be Still by the Fray
·         Permanent by David Cook
·         The Heart of Life by John Mayer
·         Warning Sign by Coldplay
·         Re: Stacks by Bon Iver
·         In the Waiting Line by Zero 7
·         Fields of Athenry by The High Kings
·         The Green Fields of France by John McDermott
·         So Far Gone by Thousand Foot Krutch
·         Casmir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens
·         Dear Prudence by Across the Universe Cast
·         You Were on the Cross by Matt Maher
·         The Prayer by Kid Cudi
·         The Scientist by Coldplay
 Send Off Songs:
·         Carried Away by Passion Pit
·         Forget and Not Slow Down by Relient K
·         Hey Brother by Avicii
·         Heartbeat by the Fray
·         I Melt With You by Modern English
·         Too Bright to See Too Loud to Hear by Underoath
·         Welcome Home by Radical Face
·         The Impression That I Get by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones
·         The Raggle Taggle Gypsy by the Waterboys
·         Bodhran by The Young Dubliners
·         Architects by Rise Against
·         Ghost by Neutral Milk Hotel
·         Heroes by David Bowie
·         Resurrection by Passion of the Christ Soundtrack
·         All of You by Peter Thomas
·         Closing Time by Semisonic
 2013 Fall Semester
Opening Songs:
·         Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru
·         Higher by Parachute
·         Fill a Heart by Tori Kelly
·         Human by The Killers
·         Fly by Sugar Ray
·         Upside Down by JJ
·         These are the Days by 10,000 Maniacs
·         Holland Road by Mumford and Sons
·         Don’t Dream It’s Over by Crowded House
·         Be My Escape by Relient K
·         Colours by Grouplove
·         Kill Your Heroes by Awolnation
·         Pompeii by Bastille
·         If You Can Hear Me by Ben Rector
·         Hold Us Together by Matt Maher
·         Anything Could Happen by Ellie Goulding
·         What You Wanted by OneRepublic
·         Brave by Sarah Bareilles
·         Hanging By a Moment by Lifehouse
·         Do It Now by Ingrid Michaelson
·         Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
·         The Great Adventure by Stephen Curtis Chapman
·         Only Love by Ben Howard
·         How the Day Sounds by Greg Laswell
·         Viva La Vida by Coldplay
·         Gold on the Ceiling by Bill Withers
 For Homily Songs:
·         Diane Young by Vampire Weekend
·         Wake Me Up by Avicii
·         Top of the World by Imagine Dragons
·         Home by Philip Phillips
·         Royals by Lorde
 Instrumental Songs:
·         Rue’s Farewell by the Hunger Games Soundtrack
·         Better Together by JJ
·         Together We Will Live Forever by Clint Mansell
·         Home (Piano Cover) by Edward Sharpe (original song by the Magnetic Zeroes)
·         Concerning Hobbits by the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
·         River Flows in You by Yiruma
·         Let Her Go (Instrumental Version) by Passenger
·         Fairy Tail—Main Theme Slow Version by Yasuharu Takanashi
 Communion Songs:
·         Titanium by Gavin Milchail
·         The Heart of Life by John Mayer
·         The Sound of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel
·         Shower the People by James Taylor
·         The Perfect Space by the Avett Brothers
·         Farther Along by Josh Garrels
·         Waiting on an Angel by Ben Harper
·         Fix You by Coldplay
·         Follow You Down to the Red Oak Tree by James Vincent McMorrow
·         You Are More by Tenth Avenue North
 Send Off Songs:
·         Love Don’t Die by The Fray
·         Don’t You by the Simple Minds
·         Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac
·         Spirit in the Sky by Norman Greenbaum
·         I’m Alive by Michael Franti
·         I Lived by OneRepublic
·         Go Do by Jonsi
·         It’s Time by Imagine Dragons
·         I’m Shipping Up to Boston by Dropkick Murphys
 Songs from 2010-2012 (we didn’t keep records of the songs used these years as well as we did from 2013 on):
·         You Found Me by the Fray
·         I feel Again by One Republic
·         Alive Again by Matt Maher
·         Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath
·         Let Love In by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Your Love is a Song by Switchfoot
·         Feels like Home by Chantal Kreziviak
·         Hold My Hand by Explosions in the Sky
·         I Refuse by John Wilson
·         Only Hope by Mandy Moore
·         Better Days by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Hard to Concentrate by Red Hot Chili Peppers
·         Gotta Find You from Camp Rock Soundtrack
·         Some Nights by FUN
·         Lights by Ellie Goulding
·         Wonderwall by Oasis
·         Man Who Can’t Be Moved by the Script
·         Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback
·         Say When by the Fray
·         Never Say Never by the Fray
·         As I Am by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Stay With You by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Can’t Let it Go by the Goo Goo Dolls
·         Soshite Hitotsu Ni from the D.N.Angel Soundtrack II
·         Ice and Snow from the D.N.Angel Soundtrack II
·         Could Be an Angel by Vic Mignogna
·         This Time by John Legend
·         Walls by the Rocket Summer
·         Do You Feel by the Rocket Summer
·         Beside You by Marianas Trench
·         Storm by Lifehouse
·         Grenade by Bruno Mars
·         Home by Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes
·         Little Talks by of Monsters and Men
·         Wait, they don’t love you like I love you by Maps
·         Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
·         Let It Be by the Beatles
·         Clair de Lune by Debussy
·         Where Are You Going by Dave Matthews Band
·         One Love by U2
·         With or Without You by U2  
·         Redemption Song by Playing for Change
·         Somebody that You Used to Know by Goetye
·         Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root
·         You’ve Got the Love by Florence + the Machine
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glowstickia · 7 years
isabel explaining her dead grandpa like u said in ur conspiracy post!!
Isabel ‘Trouble’ Guerra
Isabel exhaled as the massive dark creature with glowing red eyes and large wingspan escaped into the refuge of the forest. Red energy faded from her hands as it transferred to her shoulders. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand. “Ya know, I’m starting to wonder if you attract that thing with your magnetic personality.”
Max grumbled as he sat up. He winced as he rolled his left shoulder a bit. “It was funny the first dozen times.”
Isabel snorted as she held out her hand to him. He clapped his hand against hers as she helped pull him to his feet. Her eyes scanned the forest floor, brow furrowed until she spotted the loud purple and reds of her umbrella poking out from underneath a pile of pine needles. “Not my fault you seem to attract trouble.” She called over her shoulder as she picked up the tool. 
Max rolled his eyes and pulled his bat out from the rusted metal it suddenly collected. He frowned and shook it. “So, does that make you trouble?”
She spun around and grinned. “How’d you know ‘trouble’ was my middle name?” she said, swinging her umbrella onto her shoulders. “Which is definitely better than having it be Well.”
Max blinked as he stared at her puzzled for a moment. “What do you mean-OH.” He rubbed his hand on his face. Isabel’s grin widened. He looked at her through his fingers. “Stop that with your face. It’s almost as creepy as PJ’s.”
“Ouch. Not a fan of smiles are you Grumpy Flips.”
He groaned and briefly glanced at the pink hues of the sky. “Don’t you have a curfew?”
Isabel’s lips thinned. Her eyes avoiding his. “We’d better report back to Spender and call it a night.”
Max raised an eyebrow, but followed close behind. He stayed silent. For the most part. “I take it no training tonight?”
She didn’t say a word.
His eyes glanced up. Watching the branches full of leaves and pine needles pass overhead. “Think that bird, emu, moth, thing will come back?” His grip on his bat tightened.
No response.
He pressed his lips together and hummed. “Okay, gonna take your weird silence as a yes. After all seen that thing like, what? Four times now in the past month, month and a half?” Max lowered his bat. His mind going a mile a minute. “Ya know, I wish you would’ve told me ghosts don’t sleep after the whole stealing a plunger and throwing a small PainKiller at my face. Would’ve saved me a few sleepless nights of waiting for PJ to fall asleep.”
He swung his bat to the side, lightly tapping trees as they passed. “Speaking of him, I really need to know a couple of things before we meet up with Spender again.”
Isabel’s pace slowed, and for the first time in the moment of the one sided conversation, she looked over at him. Intrigue and confusion read clearly on her face.
Max coughed. He didn’t expect this. “Well, I was hoping maybe you could help me? The ghost I was talking about, PJ, he uh, really wants me to find him a tool that shoots lazers. It’s…why I asked about the whole ghosts and tools thing on the train.”
Isabel stopped walking. Her brow scrunched as she processed his words. “What’s his color again?”
Max pulled at his hat. “Purple.”
She hummed. “We do have a lot of tools in the archive.” She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Grandpa won’t notice if a purple tool got up and left. He doesn’t pay much attention unless its red.“ 
Max brightened for a moment, but something nagged at his thoughts. “Why the red tools?”
He gestured with his free hand. “Like, why does he care about the red ones if you guys have so many? Is he like, part dragon or something for hoarding so many tools.” He snorted at his own joke.
She stared at him for a brief moment and rubbed her temple. “I’ve asked him but he’s always been cryptic about it just like-” Isabel paused and adjusted the umbrella on her arm, “The Dojo houses a lot of students. He usually matches them up with one when he thinks their ready or something.“ 
Max laughed. "Seems like I don’t get the luxury of being trained under a roof of expert spec users.” He swung his bat up and let it fall back to his side. “All I got was magnet powers.”
Isabel lightly punched his shoulder. “Hey now, you don’t need to train there. You got one of the best.” She flexed one of her arms. Red energy wrapped around her arm as she flexed.
He smirked. “I see, you’re just hogging me all to yourself.” She pulled down Max’s hat and blinded him. “HEY!”
Isabel laughed as he tugged his hat back into place, not over his eyes. “I can do a much better job of getting a newbie into shape than he can.” She opened then closed her mouth. “And well, he has enough students as is.”
Max adjusted his hat a little more before feeling satisfied with it. "So do you guys all live in that massive house or-?”
Isabel shrugged. “Yeah, most who train under Gramps live there too.”
“I see…” he nodded then stopped, as her eyebrow raised slightly. “I’ve never set foot out of Spender’s car whenever we pick you and Ed up.”
“So, yeah. Haven’t really seen much except for a Spectral Light Show coming from your massive house.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Don’t even know much about your grandfather except that he’s trains other spectrals really.”
Red energy flared off of her shoulders as they tightened. “Well, you’re not missing much.” She gave a lop sided grin. “Hasn’t changed in years, it’s a wonder he’s still around.”
Max glanced at her fingers as they twitched, tugging at her jacket. Something gnawed at his thoughts. “He lives with you still right?”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” She nodded. “He wanders around every night, making sure everyone is in their rooms and not off doing missions…” She looked at the sky. It was turning purple. “Speaking of which we’d better get moving.”
Max stood, staring at her. “Does he ever give you guys a break?”
Isabel walked on as she adjusted her jacket. “Mmmm well there are meals if that’s what your asking.”
Max jogged up to her upon realizing she wasn’t stopping. “He sounds a bit of a night person. Heck, I’d want to sleep in during the day too.”
“What? He doesn’t sleep-” Isabel snapped her mouth shut.
Something clicked.
“You wanna talk about it or-“
Words tumbled out of her mouth before she could process her thoughts. "I’m good. I’m fine. It’s not like Gramps doesn’t think I’m good enough when I do exactly what I ask or that he’s a gho-” her hands immediately slapped over her mouth.
Max opened and closed his mouth. After a few moments of silence and watching her spectral energy simmer a bit, he asked again. “You sure you don’t want to?" 
She walked a little farther, not saying a word. Max followed suit. They passed under a weeping willow before Isabel spoke again."I haven’t told Ed….but I think it’s cause he already knows. Grandpa’s been….like this for a long, long time.”
Max stared at her, his eyes micro scanning her, trying to read her face. “I-…so on the ghost train…”
“Sometimes they can use tools. And last for a really long time.” Isabel said, recalling her words that night. She nodded, “Yeah. He’s a Spectral Master after all.”
“So, since he’s a ghost…how long?”
She shrugged. “Its been…a while.” She brushed her falling hair to the side. “I don’t think anyone noticed though. Probably how he wants it.” A sigh escaped her lips. Her shoulders slumped as she leaned on the weeping willow. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
Max glanced briefly at her hand before grabbing her wrist and gently squeezing it. “I won’t.”
“I promise.”
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