#Pisces Zodiac Sign
peanutmarls · 1 year
Rising Signs 🌟
*keep in mind that the ruler of the rising sign will be able to give more insight as to how the rising sign is expressed*
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Aries Rising
-gives off an aggressive persona; self-motivated, goes after their goals, takes action right away when they want to
-determined, they are not afraid of taking risks, in fact, they thrive in this area
-fiery, passionate, especially since they are ruled by mars ;)
-daring, competitive
-aries rules the head/upper jaw, so prominent distinctions in these areas
Taurus Rising
-sensual, slow-moving, grounded
-pretty, beautiful in an earthy way since they are ruled by venus
-may come off as stubborn and unwilling to change when it comes to their values
-gives off "down to earth" vibes, chill
-stable and dependable to others
-taurus rules the throat and lower jaw, so prominent areas for this rising sign
Gemini Rising
-gives off a social persona, very chatty
-knows a little about a lot of topics; very jack of all trades, master of none type thing
-witty, flirtatious especially because they are ruled by mercury, planet of communication, skilled with their words/thoughts/writing
-just like the twins, they are able to show their persona in different ways depending on the situation or circumstance
-may talk with their hands or have prominent distinctions on their upper extremities/hands/fingers
Cancer Rising
-nurturing, but like the crab, can be protective of others and self-protected
-can be moody, because they're ruled by the moon and it's the fastest moving planet, constantly changed signs
-very intuitive, sensitive, in touch with their emotions
-cancer rules the breasts, stomach, prominent distinctions in this area
Leo Rising
-gives off regal, king/queen persona
-can be dramatic or full of flair
-commands attention and respect with their presence
-can be giving, very heart-centered, authentic, who they are is who you get
-may be known for their hair
Virgo Rising
-comes across as analytical, very put together or a bit of a nervous wreck
-gives off clean aesthetic
-detail-oriented, organized, willing to help others
-persona revolves around being hardworking and on a more shadow side would be a bit judgmental
-can have a youthful appearance , fair
Libra Rising
-social, charming personality, easily gets along with others
-aesthetically-pleasing, attractive, since they're ruled by venus
-gives off a persona that is fair and diplomatic
-usually have symmetrical faces or nice skin
-libra rules the lower back, hips, can have prominent distinctions in this area
Scorpio Rising
-can have piercing eyes, eyes that can look into your soul type of thing :p
-have a magnetic aura, gives off a mysterious vibe that can be enticing
-since ruled by mars/pluto, they can be intimidating or give off a presence that is powerful
-can also been seen as intense
Sagittarius Rising
-gives off this joyful, wise personality
-can be very direct/blunt, honest/truthful
-can be seen as a free spirit, very adventurous
-since they're ruled by jupiter, can be too indulgent, excessive in some ways
-ruled by the thighs, butt, hips, can have prominent distinctions in these areas
Capricorn Rising
-gives off "boss vibes"
-comes across as hard-working, goal-oriented, very ambitious
-these people had to grow up quick when they were younger but may become more playful, even age like fine wine the older they get or benjamin button type thing
-a go-getter
-ruled by the bones, skin, hair, nails/teeth, can have prominent distinctions in this area, usually have more structured faces, prominent bone structure
Aquarius Rising
-gives off a calm, cool, collected personality
-friendly but detached
-gives off a rebelious , freedom-loving streak
-change and chaos is exciting for them
-is good at bringing a community together, group-oriented
-rules the ankles, shins, can have prominent distinctions in these areas, usually tall and lean, long limbs
Pisces Rising
-gives off an ethereal, dreamy , mystical vibe
-can be seen as creative or very head in the clouds type person
-gives off siren or mystical fairy type of vibes
-can be seen as compassionate or too self-sacrificing
-rules the feet, can have prominent distinctions in this area, usually have big or dreamy eyes
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thatbitchmarge · 2 years
Astro Notes 2
Hi, beautiful people! Welcome back to my astro dump. I'm once again reminding you that these are just my observations. Don't take me too seriously. I'm a walking joke 🥲
1. When I tell you that cancer moons can be the most caring individuals and in less than a second destroy your whole life, I mean it 🥲
2. So, when people tell me how manipulative and all over the place pisces men are, why do I take it as a challenge? My virgo nature is like "I can fix them". 🙄
3. Saturn in the 10th house is a pain in the ass. Why would you make me this obsessed with my career and future, and then delay all the process? That's just mean!!
4. As a virgo, I'm surprised that my least favorite zodiac sign is capricorn. Like why?? There's always something in every capricorn I meet that throws me off. No hate. Perhaps, I just haven't met the right capricorns
5. Virgo mars culture is being pissed off about anything and everything and not do anything about it. Buckle up and bottle up, bitch! Here we go! (Noticed this about some pisces martians, too. Though, they go cry out of anger somewhere private most times. No judging. I do the same 🥲).
6. To all my sun in the 1st house people, what was the weirdest rumor someone started about you?
7. My dear scorpio moons, do you really like them or are they just as broken and traumatized as you? 🥲
Well, I guess this is it for today. Hope y'all enjoyed it!
Love, Mar 💜
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erinmcdowellart · 4 months
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It's Pisces Season
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21st March New Moon and equinox
☆ ARIES - TAURUS - PISCES PLEASE READ! 新月☆ and upcoming pluto transit ☆ law of attraction ☆ manifestation
So, how does the law of attraction and manifestation actually work and why is it particularly important at the moment?
So this is just MY theory about how manifestation and the law of attraction both work, based off my personal experience. Your mileage may vary. However, they are both going to be crucially important over the next week or so because of the BIG astrological changes coming up.
I personally believe that manifestation works by the law of attraction. To manifest stuff, you've got to get your energy resonating on a frequency that attracts things that are also resonating on the same frequency. For me at least, the law of attraction has always meant that like attracts like. Therefore if you're unclear or uncertain in your manifestation, or unspecific, you may end up manifesting stuff that you didn't otherwise intend to.
WHY is the law of attraction super important over the next week?
Simply put, from the 20th onwards we are getting hit by one astrological whammy after another. These are BIG changes and that can be both a positive and/or a negative thing depending on how equipped you are to deal with them. These are:
1. The Spring Equinox
The spring equinox happens in Aries and is a time of total new beginnings. Out with the old and in with the new, this is about total change. Like fire, the element of Aries, change can be both destructive but can also bring good energy, like lighting a candle.
THIS equinox is unusual in that planets are concentrated in one quadrant of the sky, meaning that they are heavily amplifying each others energy. This is spread out over the signs ARIES, TAURUS, and PISCES.
2. The New Moon
New moons and full moons also amplify energy. So, in the context of the equinox, it's the energy of CHANGE that is getting a massive boost.
This means you will have SO MUCH energy to work with if you want to break through any blockages - which is the first step to manifesting what you want.
Essentially this is about using the law of attraction to manifest the change you want. The new moon amplifies the strength at which you are attracting things, too.
3. Pluto ingresses into Aquarius
Lastly on the 23rd of March, Pluto ingresses (enters) Aquarius, a rare phenomenon that signals a total shift in consciousness. So it may be that if the law of attraction hasn't been working for you yet, now is the time that you might see it level up.
This transit is mysterious and it's hard to tell exactly what is in store. Pluto is the planet of the unconscious and aquarius is the sign of revolution. Yet what this does indicate is that any changes will be affecting the totality of your being - body, mind, and soul, in both conscious and unconscious ways, altering every part of your psyche.
I will be posting law of attraction TAROT PACs, readings and spreads on the 20th, 21st, and 23rd (UT) so watch this space!
Please feel free to reblog and share, I genuinely have no idea what these changes indicate and hope to also be sharing any interesting info I find about them.
- Suurfbluue and Kame the robo hamster
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flickeringart · 1 year
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Please feel free to share your own perspective on Pisces’ dark side in the comments !
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mariliazo · 2 years
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A character for every sign, based on the canon birthdate of the Harry Potter's characters. 3/6
Another pisces is Remus Lupin. Maybe one day I will also do him with the rest of the marauders
Another Libra is Filius Flitwick.
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secretadmirer29 · 1 year
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mooncastleastrology · 2 years
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astrosolutions · 11 months
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When it comes to astrology, understanding the unique traits and characteristics associated with each zodiac sign can provide valuable insights into people’s personalities. In this context, Pisces male traits focus on exploring the distinctive qualities and behavior patterns often associated with men born under the sign of Pisces. It is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac and is represented by the symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions. Those born between February 19th and March 20th fall under this water sign, and their astrological profile offers intriguing glimpses into their emotional nature, creative tendencies, and intuitive inclinations. By delving into the key traits associated with Pisces males, we can gain a deeper understanding of their unique qualities and how these shape their perspectives and interactions with the world around them.
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One Fish, Two Fish. Love Fish, You Fish!
As the Zodiac season ends, it’s time to talk about our final Zodiac sign: Pisces. As the final water sign of the zodiac, the twelfth sign in total, Pisces seem to hold a reputation for a lot of things. And as is normal, this Zodiac has a story to go with it. And wouldn’t you know it… it doesn’t deal with Zeus, as so many zodiac stories seem to do. Instead, the cast of this story are three deities that have very little, to no room in the heavens for them to be remembered and praised. But now, their stories can be shared with you.
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Long ago, Gaia, the earth, mated with Tartarus, the netherworld, and she birthed many children. The youngest of these children was Typhon. Typhon had the head and torso of a man, but his legs were snakes. From his head, snake heads grew instead of hair. The snakes would scream relentlessly and from his back huge wings sprouted, ready to take the monster into the skies and fly around to reign terror on everyone who wronged him. After the defeat of the titans by Zeus and his siblings, Typhon and the other monsters were left out of the congregation of gods. This left a poor taste in his mouth along with many other primordial entities. There were many who were unhappy with the usurpation of Kronos by his own son who then believed he was better than the rest of his kind, setting them to be forgotten and live in the margins of the lands or imprisoned in Tartarus or under volcanoes. Only the titans and creatures who aided Zeus in overthrowing his father were given their titles and their domains to ‘rule’. Typhon was not one of these entities. So he was left to be an outcast, even ostracized by his own siblings due to the fiery hair of screaming snakes he had and his prison under the volcanic Mount Etna. All Typhon had was his hatred of Zeus and the gods of Olympus.
On one particular day, Typhon decided he was going to march up to Mount Olympus and tell Zeus his feelings, possibly even fight the king of the gods. And so he marched from his exile to the mountain. Every creature and god in his way quickly stopped what they were doing and made sure to clear the path for the snake-legged entity who threw flaming rocks to destroy the cities in his path. There were two deities down with the mortals doing their job that didn’t see Typhon coming though, so they were unaware of the danger they were in. Eros and his mother Aphrodite, the gods of love, beauty, sexuality, and pleasure, were making sure the population was plentiful so the gods would have worshipers to keep their powers strong. They worked best among the mortals of Earth, Eros using his arrows and Aphrodite charming humans to work them into the best couplings they could find. Many gods and goddesses were able to change their forms at will. Zeus had changed into an eagle, a bull, a swan, and more to lure women and have his affairs; Artemis would change her form to run with the hunt and keep the forests sacred and safe from those who would abuse the bounty she provided; but Eros and Aphrodite had no such ability.
When the pair of deities heard news of Typhon’s arrival, they fled the town they were in and found Typhon was hot on their tail. Coming to a river, they found there was no way to get across and away from the screaming and terrifying creature coming right at them. Typhon would make the gods of Olympus pay, somehow, someway. He would send his message of displeasure to Zeus and the other gods of Olympus even if it meant wounding or destroying innocent gods he found in his path. As Aphrodite and Eros called out to Zeus for the ability to change their form, they were greeted by two fish who came to the bank of the river. Seeing their plight, the fish went back down to the riverbed, tied themselves with grasses, and returned to the love gods, offering them the grasses to get on so they could get to safety. The mother and son lept at the offer, jumping into the river and taking hold of the grasses holding the pair of fish together. Their saviors dove under the surface and swam with all their might to get the deities to safety from the flames of Typhon.
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Those born between February 20th and March 21st are under this final sign. Pisces is ruled by water and is the final water sign of the zodiac, meaning that it is full of many characteristics of the eleven signs that come before it. Pisces people are usually selfless, spiritual, and focused on their own personal journeys. Emotions carry a lot of weight with these people born under the pair of fish. Pisceans are usually seen as dreamers and secret-keepers, artists and visionaries. They create their own worlds and feel comfortable in the dreamscapes and creative lands of others. Those born under the Pisces sign may find that they have problems or are very aware of their feet, lymphatic system, and liver as these are the parts of the body associated with the twelfth sign. Purple and white are the lucky colors associated with Pisces and those born under this sign tend to use the mantra “I believe”.
To represent the fish that saved the deities of love, the CEO of Birds of Valhalla made this soap to depict the waters that housed the fish that came to the rescue when not even Zeus would lend aid. Swirls of turquoise and blue mix with the black of the volcanic ash raining down from the sky as Typhon hurled fires for destruction. Stamped in the corner is the symbol of Pisces, colored with golden mica pigment as every zodiac soap in the line has. This brand solidifies that this soap is part of the Birds of Valhalla line. Fragranced in the “Halls of Valhalla” oil, a known staple of the business, this soap brings out the bright citrusy notes and even alludes to deeper and complex tones as well. The bright lime pops as you first smell the soap while the sultry fragrance of the neroli and bergamot blend in to mix the citrusy concoction in your olfactory center. The woody, earthy, and soft notes of frankincense meld with the notes of the bright and crisp listea cubeba, a cousin of lemongrass and verbena. As with all the Astrology soaps, Deb selects crystals to top the soap. Each bar of Pisces soap is adorned with a chunk of clear quartz for you to keep as a gift with this soap bar.
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If you want to honor the bravery of the fish that saved Aphrodite and Eros from burning at the hands of Typhon, or even if you know someone born under this Zodiac sign and you need a birthday (or any occasion really) gift, consider buying a bar of this soap. You can find this soap here on the Shopify site or over here on Etsy. The fragrance of this soap may be changing as prices are increasing. So to secure your original fragranced Pisces, buy now.
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Don't Flirt With Me I Love My Girl She Is A Crazy Pisces T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/38102127-dont-flirt-with-me-i-love-my-girl-she-is-a-crazy-p
Let's Share & Tag Someone Who Would Love This Shirt
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peanutmarls · 1 year
Astro Big 3 ☀🌙⬆
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-represents the lens through which you see the world, themes that come up in your life, your personality, first impression
-represents where and how you need to shine, what your soul physically needs to make you happy/successful
-represents your inner world, what your emotional needs are
Ruler of the Ascendant:
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thatbitchmarge · 2 years
What similarities have you noticed between the opposites pisces and virgo? What things do these signs have in common in their differences?
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erinmcdowellart · 1 year
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It's Pisces season ♓️
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brigadierandion · 2 years
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Jasmine You (Versailles) with the pisces gold cloth from Legend Of Sanctuary
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