#Pj&Tj headcanons
fledermoved · 1 year
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I like to think that TJ is the more loudspoken of the twins. He's daring and loves taking risks. PJ pretends to most of the time, but really, he just likes spending time with his brother, and TJ hypes him up.
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bubblybumblebee1 · 3 months
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Last night's before bed doodle
I've designed a look for their older brother
His name is PJ. His name and look are based on the fact that PJ was supposed to be TJ's name (based on the creators names) and his original concept was to be a blonde
Ofc Pride Month is over and that's when I decide to draw something related to it😅
Trans Becky! Based on the fact that the brother TJ mentioned apparently became Becky
I got some Recess headcanons I'm working on and I'll post them later
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Howdy! So while I am working on my comic [literally rn it is in my lap!!] I wanted to make a list of nicknames/names I use for the different skele brothers to use as reference not only for the comic [not ALL the skeles will appear] but also for my BHC quotes cause I plan on expanding it and adding more AUs/making another quote series!! As well as making more headcanon posts!
Bone Bros!
The first 5 sets are (mostly) the same nicknames that are used in BHC, but I'ma list them anyways!
UnderTale - By Toby Fox
Sans - "Classic" Papyrus - "Paps"
UnderSwap - By Popcornpr1nce
Sans - "Blue" Papyrus - "Stretch"
UnderFell - By Underfella/Fella/Vic
Sans - "Red" Papyrus - "Boss"
SwapFell-Indigo - By Popatochisp
Sans - "Nox" Papyrus- "Rus" or "Rusty" (love calling him Rusty <3)
HorrorTale - By Sour-Apple-Studios [but the versions I base most of my posts on are the fanon versions found in BonelyHeartsClub!]
Sans - "Ash" Papyrus - "Poplar" or "Poppy"
Now onto the bones outside of BHC that I like talking about!
FellSwap-Gold - By Blackggggum/Jot
Sans - "Mulberry" or "Mul" Papyrus - "Coffee"
SwapFell-Red - By YiB [But I have imposed many headcanons onto them]
Sans - "Raz" Papyrus - "Mutt"
Note: I don't do much with these two outside of Nox and Mulberry making fun of Raz together, as well as Coffee and Rusty taking care of Mutt. But this is nothing against the AU itself, nor the creator or the enjoyers!
DreamTale - By Jokublog
[this is less to list nicknames for these two, since Dream and Nightmare suit them! but just to put them here for reference!]
_____Tale Sans: "Ink" - By Comyet AfterTale Sanses: "Error", "Fatal" and "Geno" - Error and Geno are by CQ/LoverOfPiggies, Fatal_Error is by Xed/Xedra XTale Sans: "Cross" - By Jakei95 FreshTale/FreshParasite Sans: "Fresh" - By CQ/LoverOfPiggies FreshInk Sans: "Neon" - By Comyet FreshLust Sans: "Casanova" - By Mist-Ren NeonTale Sans: "Slash" - By xNzlian InkSwap Papyrus: "Indie" - By Wishingstarinajar
SwapBack - By Crowmustard [on tiktok!]
Sans - "Carrot" Papyrus - "Sky"
OuterTale - By Mimi Pippinski
Sans - "Sirius" Papyrus - "Lunar"
FanKids! [Papyton and SansKids]
UnderTale Impact: "Impact" or "Pact" - By Madhattey UnderSwap Impact: "Calibri" or "Cali" - By Madhattey UnderFell Impact: "Trajan", "Traj" or "TJ" - By Madhattey AfterDeath: "Goth" - By Nekophy InkBerry: "Blueprint", "Print", or "BP" - By Pepper-mint DrInk: "Palette" or "Pals" - By Lasserbatsu ErrorInk: "Paperjam", "Paper", "PJ" or "Jams" - By 7goodangel
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blamgleek · 5 years
Tyrus' first times headcanons
Short disclaimer beforehand: I've never done this before, this is literally my first time. Also, English isn't my first language, there shouldn't be too many mistakes but there might be some. This is also much longer than I intended it to be but oh whatever.
• acknowledgement of each others existence
TJ would never tell Cyrus but the muffin incident wasn't the first time he had noticed him. TJ had one talent and that was noticing cute boys. For the longest time, he thought Buffy was Cyrus' girlfriend which was also part of the reason why TJ didn't like her at first.
Cyrus' first encounter with the name 'TJ' wasn't as lovely though. He was Buffy's bully which means he wasn't worth any love or friendship from Cyrus but admittedly, the first thought that went through Cyrus' head when Buffy dragged TJ to get him a muffin, was: "He has nice eyes."
• exchanging numbers
TJ did go back to the swings after the first time and, fortunately, he did meet Cyrus there again. Only this time, neither of them were feeling bad about themselves, maybe it was the universe speaking, but they both felt the urge to come back to the swings. They talked for a while (literally until the was replaced by the moon). Before Cyrus could leave because it was late, TJ stopped him, built all the courage he had left in his body up and asked Cyrus for his number. Luckily, Cyrus happily gave it to him.
• sleepover
Their first sleepover occurred after the whole gun incident. They had been to each other's home's before but Cyrus never thought TJ would want to spend an entire night with him. The first sleepover took place at TJ's house (because he doesn't have shrink parents) and TJ was a lot more nervous than he had been before any math test ever. He wanted the whole thing to be absolutely perfect. Usually, he was the most chill person there is on any sleepover but all he wanted to do was to impress Cyrus.
Cyrus himself wasn't any less nervous. He didn't want TJ to notice how lame he truly and his dinosaur pyjama surely didn't help his case.
As it turned out, being nervous was completely unnecessary. They basically got into their PJs immediately (out of solidarity to the dinosaurs, TJ wore his embarrassing High School Musical fan shirt along with his sweatpants) and then they continued to watch movie after movie after movie, well, if you can call making fun of cheesy rom-coms "watching". At one point in the night, they weren't able to keep their eyes open for another movie anymore so they'd just talk about random stuff until they would fall asleep.
The next morning, TJ would continue his mission to make this sleepover perfect and try his hand on chocolate chocolate ship... pancakes! for breakfast.
• date
The night of the mysterious bench was also the night of TJ asking Cyrus out on a date. Of course Cyrus happily accepted and told TJ about a million times that night, that it didn't have to be special. But of course TJ could not accept that. He had listened to everything Cyrus had told him the past months and his brain was full of amazing date ideas.
After a lot of thinking, TJ finally settled on the aquarium. It was a great place to talk, he knew Cyrus loved it and it was really close to the park. The park. Instead of taking Cyrus out to dinner after the aquarium, TJ thought it would be a great idea to have a picnic in the park. Luckily, Buffy and Andi were super helpful setting everything up while they were looking at fish. TJ couldn't have been happier to be able to call them his friends as well.
• first time in school as a couple
Their first time going to school as a couple was scary. Sure, Shadyside was generally really accepting and TJ was still the scary-basketball-guy to most people but there was always this shadow of doubt. They both knew that rubbing it in everyone's face would be a bad idea so they kept it very lowkey (basically walking very close together and holding hands under the lunch table). This method continued for a few weeks until TJs basketball team came up to their captain and confronted him about his relationship with Cyrus. Long story short, they all ship it and Tyrus is now part of the Jefferson-Middle-School-Basketball-Team-Protection-Program.
• kiss
After his super successful kisses with Iris, Cyrus wasn't the most confident when it came to his first kiss with TJ. TJ, on the other hand, had never been kissed and that was what held him back from doing it. They had been dating for about a month at this point and there had never been any lip contact. It got to the point that TJ started to practice kissing with his childhood teddy. It wasn't pretty.
It was the faithful day of their one month anniversary when Cyrus finally decided that it was time. At this point, he wasn't scared anymore that TJ was just pranking him and would just say, "ha, you fool, I'm not gay." once Cyrus would show his affection. This was the day.
It was Cyrus' turn to take TJ out on a date and as always, the date ended at the park. TJ and Cyrus would sit down on the swings and TJ would thank Cyrus for the amazing day. That was what they did after every date. However, this time, instead of starting to swing, Cyrus got up, stood directly in front of TJ, took a deep breath, said "you're welcome" and then he leaned in. Just like any first kiss would be, theirs was a little awkward as well, but the fireworks were there and they improved over time, very very quickly.
• cuddle
The first time they cuddled was also in the Kippen house. They really had almost all of their sleepovers there at this point. TJ loved Cyrus' family but they were a little controlling and basically checked on them every 2 seconds. TJ's mom only showed up to bring them snacks or more blankets, other than that, she really didn't bother them.
In the end, they could probably thank the horror movie industry for introducing them to the art of cuddling. The whole school had been talking about his awesome new horror movie and for some reason, TJ and Cyrus seemed to be the only two people who hadn't seen it. They both didn't want to be that person that couldn't participate in any conversations anymore so they decided to watch it together. Turns out, they both hate horror movies. Really, cuddling seemed to be the only way to get through it. It started with simple hand holding but it didn't take long for them to scoot together more and more until Cyrus was almost on TJ's lap. Cyrus buried his head into TJ's shoulder while TJ did kind of the same thing but with Cyrus neck. After the movie was over, they kinda moved away from that again and Cyrus was sitting fully on the sofa again, however, his head did not move from his comfortable spot on TJ's shoulder.
• sleeping in the same bed
TJ Kippen is scared of horror movies (apparently), heights and any animal that has more than 4 legs.
Cyrus Goodman is scared of all those things too and flamingos and puppets and thunder and, well, a lot more.
They had been together for a year at this point and it was time for yet another sleepover at TJ's house. Everytime Cyrus slept at TJ's house, they would just put an air mattress on the ground for Cyrus, it wasn't the most comfortable but Cyrus quickly got used to it. This night was different though. The weather hadn't been great for the last few days but up until this point, it had only been raining. It was about 3 am when Cyrus woke up to the sound of thunder. The whole room lit up with the light coming from the lightning and Cyrus was terrified. Thankfully, the loud noise also woke TJ up who could now hear not only the thunder but also the sound of a crying boy on his bedroom floor. Of course TJ immediately knew what was happening and he tried to comfort Cyrus but nothing worked. TJ quickly decided that this was basically another horror movie situation and invited Cyrus to get into his bed. Cyrus gladly accepted the offer and so TJ held Cyrus in his arms, kissed his forehead and waiting for Cyrus to fall back asleep.
• I love you
TJ and Cyrus both knew that they loved each other but they hadn't said it yet. One year into their relationship and at this point, neither of them felt it was necessary to actually say it out loud anymore. However, when TJ saw a sleeping Cyrus in his arms, still with wet eyes from crying because of the thunder, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Of course TJ knew that Cyrus was asleep but he still whispered the magical three words into his ear before he closed his own eyes and fell back asleep.
Cyrus' first "I love you" actually happened shortly after. In the morning after that horrible night, he woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and hot chocolate. IN BED! Cyrus just stared at his boyfriend in awe and wondered how he could ever be this lucky. After the glorious meal, Cyrus just collapsed on top of TJ, told him he loved him and gave him a quick kiss. Of course, TJ gave Cyrus the same words and the same action back.
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fledermoved · 1 year
🎤 - the bat twins!
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I'm Not That Smart - 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
I’m not that smart My sibling[s] [have] been telling me that for years That I’m not smart We’re schooled at home They see who’s bright It breaks my heart I’m not that smart (spoken) Guess what? You know what? Guess what! I have a gentle personality Which you’ll all agree Is anathema to my more aggressive family... Everyone keeps swatting (SPELLERS (spoken))Dumb kid. (LEAF) Everyone keeps yelling- (SPELLERS (spoken))Dumb kid!(LEAF) How could a flea Such as me Think he’d be Good at spelling! (spoken) How...I don’t know...I like my hair. Really! (sung) It is pleasant to the touch! I toss my hair A bit too much! (spoken) It doesn’t move It simply sits (sung) I make a part I’m not that smart!
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Double Take by Ross Lynch.
Flip a switch Turn up the lightning Get it right Show 'em how it's done Freak it up No matter how you dress that song [Girl] you know You got a number one Go with it You got 'em where you want 'em Drop the beat They need to hear your sound Play it up It's coming down to you right now They wanna, know, know, know Your name, name, name They want the, [girl, girl, girl] With game, game, game And when they, look, look, look Your way, way, way You're gonna make (make) make (make) Make 'em do a double take Make 'em do a double take, yeah, yeah
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fledermoved · 1 year
🎤 [[ Phil & the twins? ]]
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The One I Love by Greg Laswell.
I might be gone a little while I guess we'll see I gotta make a home outta somewhere And you're all over this city And it'll take a flight to figure out Where I'm gonna finally land And the time it takes for me get there I'll be one to start again But I should probably say that I'm unsure why I'm running Running away from the only thing I want Yeah, I should probably say that I'm unsure why I'm running Running away from the one I love.
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The Duck Song by forrestfire101.
If you haven't listened to this one... This just means I'm old 💀
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