#Phil headcanons
fledermoved · 2 years
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🏵️ Senses and Headcanons :
What does your muse smell like?
Phil typically holds a pretty strong odor of alcohol and cigarettes, at least in his prior verse :( He doesn’t get the opportunity to bathe all too often, so he tends to throw people off with his scent. In his manor verse, however, he’s much cleaner and smells like colognes and perfume or clean linen.
What do your muse’s hands feel like?
While they’re soft, they’re often pretty sweaty. He’s a nervous fella, so socializing in any case leads to some sweaty or sticky palms for him.
What does your muse usually eat in a day?
For his prior verse, he consumes what he can find, and it’s usually either fast food or gas station goodies. In his manor verse, he is typically the one who cooks, and it varies heavily. It can be pork chops, stew, lasagna... Pretty much anything. He has a preference for savory and salty foods. Sardines are actually one of his favorite snacks.
Does your muse have a good singing voice?
One wouldn’t think so on first glance, but yes! Phil is a very soft-spoken guy, but once you get him comfortable and happen to hear it, he sings pretty well.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks?
Phil chews. A lot. When he’s nervous (or bored), he chews just about anything he can get his teeth on. He states that it feels good on his gums and teeth, and those jaws are pretty powerful. In his manor verse, he has destroyed wooden furniture. His teeth will also chatter and clack the more nervous he is.
What does your muse usually look like / wear?
In prior verse, he’s usually in a T-shirt and sweatpants. He often wears the same in his manor verse, but there he has an affinity for sweaters, and enjoys wearing dresses and makeup.
Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so?
Phil is a very affectionate man. He’s skittish, yes, but his love language has got to be physical touch in either verse. Once he’s close to someone, he’s cuddly, and sometimes he’s even a little overwhelming for people. Once he’s comfortable, he tends to forget about personal space.
What position does your muse sleep in?
He can sleep in about any position, but when he’s on a soft surface he has a habit of sleeping face-down, which markedly makes him look like a dead body. People usually do not like this. He also, of course, has trouble breathing when he sleeps like this.
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room?
Most of the time, yes. Phil has heavy foot-falls, and while I wouldn’t say it’s extremely noticeable, he does also talk to himself frequently.
Stolen from: @yellowhug​ Tagging: u
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evermorepeyton · 6 days
“in my headcanon it was someone else who did it”
oh next time i remember something embarrassing from my life im just going to delete the memory and HEADCANON that some random other person in my life did the thing instead. everybody say thanks dan howell for new life tips!
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shadowsight-aster · 11 months
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"at least it's comfortable up here." little BOLAS?!?!??! doodle inspired by @/miscellaneousplusmore's post about their cuddle pile hc. you're so real for this i wanted to offer some of my own: on colder nights, phil will sit on top of the pile in use his wings as a blanket, just to give a bit more warmth to his team i think after the first night, they all have burn scars on their feet from jumping into the bonfire carre n phil have to drag the others to bed so they don't lose their voices from screaming all night at the gods (carre bundles up in a little burrito and sleeps on top of cellbit like a rock. he's exhausted from the day's trials) foolish snores. baghera elbows him throughout the night and he tries to elbow her back. ends up in complete rearranging of the pile because they all start hitting each other jaiden is relatively built, so she enjoys lifting/throwing her teammates over things as a sort of "ambush" move they're all sunburnt. (this goes for all of the teams, but i think bolas has the worse cases) the only mild exception is phil cause of his sunhat charlie's code patches are cool to the touch. he was promoted to team icepack lololol i swear i'll try to come up with some for soulfire and green (gay) ninjas as well but i'm so emotionally attached to bolas rojas. im a sucker for the unhinged and the doomed
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fizzlo-and-the-cubes · 7 months
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Golden Boy, Clad in Roses and Cloaked in Death and also some other random stuff i scribbled down to establish/retcon my design headcanons
(extra design notes in the tags)
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eddies-spaghetti · 2 months
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i’m begging d & p to make dalien nonbinary
@danielhowell @amazingphil
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steve and Robin lose their job at Family Video in the wake of that fateful Spring Break but not for the reasons one might think. It wasn’t because they closed early on one of their busiest days to track down the town’s infamous ‘murderer’. It wasn’t because they skipped their shifts for four days in a row. It wasn’t even because they told Keith to his face that ‘they would rather die in the earthquake and fall into hell than work another boring shift’.
No, they lost their jobs because of a grudge they kept. Both Steve and Robin refused to sell any tapes to anyone they thought may have been involved with Eddie’s manhunt, unfair people’s trial, or the continued harassment after he was proclaimed innocent. Justifiably, they had their reasons.
“Oh no Andy, we can’t let you rent this one. You’ve already lost enough brain cells being brainwashed by Jason. Maybe watch the news or something.”
“Mrs. Wheeler? You absolutely may not rent anything. Maybe go call the police again since that’s what you like doing.”
“Oh ho ho, Officer Callahan! Funny to see you here, you know, not hunting down children. Get out of here. Come back when you have a warrant, asshole.”
So yes, they lost their jobs but not their dignity. Inevitably, when they went back to the Munson’s new trailer or to Steve’s empty house, they had what really mattered. They could watch the movies off of tapes they stole, Steve could cuddle in Eddie’s scarred arms, and Robin could rant about how many films would be better with lesbians in them. As it should be.
(They lose a series of jobs after Family Video as well. Robin and Steve get fired from the diner, the library, and Melvald’s all for refusing business to the asshats that made Eddie’s life hell. Because in their eyes, the whole town could suck it.)
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hydriad81194 · 8 months
okay since the convo about how q!Phil acts much more bird-like when q!Missa is near never ends, I have a little idea
since crows are labeled as clever tricksters and things like that according to google, and with Phil 100% showing off his strength for Missa, I think he would ‘prank’ Missa
not like prank channels on youtube, no, like actually cute pranks
Missa leaves a painting for Phil? BAM, shiny things of actually anything, like random coins or rocks he found nice on the bed, on the pillow, anywhere
The eggs are horrid influences for this and Chayanne has so influenced Phil, who can so not cook for shit, to cook for Missa only for him to spend hours trying to make Missa’s favourite food before putting it in a little box for him
do u guys see my vision. like he’s like “haha get loved dumbass wet cat, he’ll never see this one coming”
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
C!dream having chronic pain post prison could be both a great angst and fluff concept. For fluff someone, probably Techno noticing when he is having a bad day and doing little things that make sure Dream is comfortable without making him feel useless like moving things to areas he doesn’t have to reach for and making sure Dream has his favorite foods easily available. And Angst being someone not in the know seeing Dream not knowing he is having a bad flair up and him trying to hide it by pushing himself
one of my favorite headcanons is since pigs have a really good sense of smell, c!techno can tell when c!dream is in pain because of the cortisol people produce when stressed. there's a difference in how dream smells when he's having a bad pain day.
so when he's struggling, techno knows to do things like you said! he gets snacks or he pulls out a chair for dream when they're in the kitchen. he makes dream's favorite drink. it's small things that dream doesn't really notice. but techno isn't a stranger to this sort of thing: he has pain and c!phil also deals with pain! he knows how to help. occasionally it's a bit more obvious. he sees dream grimacing more than normal and says he wants to take it easy tonight and warms up a heating pad for dream so they can sit in front of the fire all cozy. dream knows what techno is up to but he can't find it in him to be embarrassed for some reason.
thinking of dream and phil going off somewhere, some mission to clear out a mansion maybe or gather resources and it's a bad day for dream. he's struggling a lot but he can't show weakness in front of phil. there's a part of dream that still thinks phil only tolerates him because of techno and if dream fails at being useful, then he's out. he insists on clearing out a section on his own but his muscles ache and he's slower than he used to be. he manages. he's bleeding and phil notices. he's not stupid, he knows about pain. he calls dream an idiot and insists he leans on him as they walk home.
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aerodynamicentity · 10 months
Dalien Howlter has been in my mind and that fuck isn't getting out!!!11!
Here. Headcanons.
He still talks with his bio mum once every month just to check in
His alien form doesn't really have bones so he can hide anywhere. That made hide and seek a very interesting and irritating game
He stole Dil's and Tabitha's emo phase clothes
He thinks he got away with it
He didn't.
Dalien makes fun of Dab's phases and Dab makes fun of Dalien's emo phase
His hyperficsation is biology
He fucking loves it
Pretends to hate how dotting his parents are, but he loves it
He's aroace. At least he's on the spectrum
Hangs out with the weirds and/or quiet kids that don't have friends since he knows how it feels to feel different
Listens to MCR religiously and Tabitha couldn't be more proud
His playlist consists of 2000's and early 2010's emo songs
With the occasional indie-pop song
Doesn't use his alien form often because of how much he has to be outside
For a long time he hated the fact he was different and wasn't biologically both of his parents kid. He tried to dye his hair when he was very young because of how little he looked like the rest of his family. Dil found him crying in the bathroom with badly dyed hair and everything stained.
It took a while, but Dalien calmed down and they talked it out. Dil reassured that they both loved him just as much, that they didn't care that he was an alien or that his human form doesn't look like them.
Dalien still dyed his hair, he told them because he just wanted it black, but something in Dil knew he still hated the fact he looked different.
Hangs out with his club a lot after school (Tabitha makes snacks)
Dab thinks Nuki loves him more, Dil, Tabitha and Dalien know she likes Dalien more
Despises the taste of cheese. He can and will freeze ray it.
He sits on the kitchen counters a lot, as does Dil
Wasn't freaked out with the de-aging of his parents, don't get me wrong it was weird, but not much of surprise since his mum told him about it.
He can float, so he sometime's unconsciously starts floating
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itslouisan · 4 months
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Q!Philza headcannons:
I woke up and well, I'm feeling silly wanting to talk about Q! Philza since in my opinion he is one of the most complex characters in the QSMP, but also after the confirmation he is the same Philza as in hardcore, EarthSMP and DSMP, with the only exception being origins SMP (despite me having a headcannon about it and a whole timeline where all of it ties together) I thought, why not just show some of my headcannons since I kin this bitch way too much to point of Insanity and he is my comfort character and streamer, shall we?
Under the cut for a LOT of Q!Philza hc:
• First of all Phil has multiple scars from battles, it's confirmed he used to go to wars and with all the lore of the DSMP, QSMP and so on, I imagine he has a lot of them especially in his back and arms with occasionally 1 or 2 near his eye
• Due to said scars he never takes his kimono/samue off, the only exception being intense training where he needs more body flow and lightweight and in serious fights for the same reasons, he probably feels too exposed, vulnerable and even "dirty" showing them off, traits crows also have (avoiding vulnerability that is)
• I'm just gonna brush it slightly on a CHARACTER (NOT streamer Philza) interpretation in his sexuality and gender, if you guys want I can go deeper into it but meh: he is bi and ace, more in the gray sexuality spectrum than anything and enjoying jokes about sex without actually needing to do it, he is a transmasc (FTM) and crowgender using he/him and crow/crow self pronuns. The fact I view him as bi and not as a straight ally (which I did before the QSMP) is due to the fact Q!Missa and Q!Fit were a thing, again I could talk more in depth about this but only if you want
• In my vision character Philza (once more ONLY character Philza) shows traits of having anxiety disorder, either social or just general and some traits visible in people with both ADHD and Autism, which makes me hc him as Autism level of support 1 (tiptoing around 1 and 2) and ADHD PROBABLY combined type (both inattentive and hyperactive)
• His safe food is avocado toast and any potato related food due to Techno.
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• Has sleep issues due to constantly having nightmares of the events of the DSMP
• Has back issues due to spending MONTHS sleeping in a chair to watch over the eggs
• He doesn't necessarily views Q!Cellbit as a son, but I think he definitely likes Cellbit company and gives him a ton of advice seeing how Cellbit has massive need of a father figure to guide him through
• Paints his nails with Chayanne, Tallulah, Cellbit, Pac, Mike, Roier, Fit and Jaiden and uses this time to "fofocar" as much as he can with all of them.
• Doesn't like tea but uses it to calm down and heal injuries anyway
• Definitely Cellbit top costumer in his coffee shop and actually talks with Cellbit about brewing techniques (reference to their original duo name being "coffee duo" and irl Phil loving coffee and Cellbit too)
• Has a hardcore heart and Wither rose tattoos in each of the inside of his wrists.
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fledermoved · 2 years
Has Phil ever dressed up for Halloween as an adult before? He strikes me as the type that might!
I could be wrong though lol
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Actually, I'm not sure???? I can't RECALL him actually doing so in the manor verse (@pointdointy help me out here bc I have trash memory) but it is something he really would do given the opportunity. In his prior verse, he doesn't really have the funds to get a costume nor a reason to since he doesn't really have friends to hang out with, BUUUUT I think I can see him wearing a really silly food-themed costume.
ya boy Phil comes into town dressed like a hotdog... wyd
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hacked-by-jake · 11 months
𝗗𝗪 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 "𝗕𝗮𝗯𝗲"
Characters: Jake, Richy, Dan, Thomas, Phil, Alan
Warnings: None, I guess. Phil got slightly suggestive but it's Phil so. Oh, and no beta read.
A/n: Hey, look what this is. A little, silly, headcanon thingy. What can I say? No idea how I came up with it. But I was bored. Don't expect too much. It's small and it's silly, as I said. Hope you like it anyway. 💚
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Oh boy, he would freeze on the spot and be unable to move.
He would stare at the table as if he could set it on fire with his eyes. Although he has clearly heard the nickname, his mind needs a few more moments until it has seeped through every cell of his body and the real meaning breaks over him.
You could swear the man is starting to shake with tension.
He is completely shocked that you give someone like him a pet name and indirectly express your feelings for him.
On the inside he explodes with joy and in his imagination a tear rolls over his cheek which he holds back in reality with everything he has.
Either way, he would be absolutely powerless against the crooked grin which is slowly creeping over his lips, so he does nothing but let it happen.
He has clenched his hands into fists and his cheeks turn slightly red in embarrassment but he has to hear it again.
"Can you repeat it?" he would whisper with broken voice.
You would of course repeat it and it would burn into his memory and he is one hundred percent sure that this is the most beautiful thing he has ever heard.
If possible his love for you would increases even further and if you would ask him right now to commit a murder for you then he would only ask which weapon you want him to use.
If he were to stand, his knees would probably give in and he would collapse.
He’s completely at your mercy.
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Pah, the hyperactive rubber ball would lose all composure.
He would look at you with the widest grin and you would be worried that his cheeks would tear open as much as he smiles at you.
He would wrap his arms around you to pull you happily in for a hug. Probably the hug is a little too tight.
He would kiss your forehead and then rattle down all the pet names he can think of to test what would be the best name for you and how it feels to pronounce it.
He would continue without interruption throughout the entire day.
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Pff, Dan is a macho.
That man would immediately start grinning like the greatest charmer and would tease you with it.
"Well, see, see, babe it is now, huh? Took long enough. But I’ve known for a very long time that you call me that every night in your dreams, I mean, how could you not"
He would smirk sinfully before placing his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to kiss you.
Then he would whisper "I love you too, babe" against your lips.
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What should happen? The guy’s a puppy through and through.
He would look at you like he was your pet and you just showed him his favorite little toy and he would be waiting for you to finally throw it so he can bring it back to you happily.
You can swear that you see his eyes getting a little wetter but he would say "I have something in my eye" to distract but you know of course that it’s just an excuse and would have to grin about it.
He would kiss you gently and tell you how much he loves you, of course not without also using a pet name for you.
In his head, however, he already plans that you both move into an apartment together, how you get married and have children and lead the happiest life until the end of your life.
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First of all, he would warn you and ask you how many times he has told you not to use his police radio at home to "call" him. He has a private phone with which you can make calls very well.
But then he would have to concentrate completely on not grinning broadly and would tell you that in his lunch break would come home so that you can continue talking there.
The rest of the shift he’d be a little grinning idiot no matter what case he’s working on.
After he came home, he would wink at you and confess how much he enjoyed you calling him that and telling you to always call him that.
Of course, you will do it with utmost pleasure. Of course, you'll be using the police radio.
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He would smile cheekily and answer you. But of course not without using the same pet name at the end of his sentence and emphasizing it extra strongly.
He would stop cleaning the bar to come around the counter grab you by your hips.
Of course he would kiss you and then whisper in your ear.
"Babe? That’s fucking hot, I think I can go home earlier tonight, the others can do the rest on their own. We should go home urgently."
It's obvious that he would wink at you.
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jer-artspat · 3 months
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(a spiritual sequel to this) she is the moment, she IS grace, and she, miss cherri, will always be wondersmiles to me!!!
... also that bum and the Not-bum next to him but Who Care
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cosmic-d1ce · 11 months
need to talk abt the possiblity of q!phil being one of the bird experiments now
Especially the idea that he could be the perfect one. His wings work, he's an amazing flier, he is strong and capable, he is everything they wanted to make
but they couldnt recreate the results, which is why Baghera failed the tests, why she was always being punished. She wasn't Philza.
Thats why hes always being targeted by the code, why the feds have treated him differently, especially with his imprisonment
He was their perfect project but he got away. He left and went to his hardcore world, where he spent years away from the island. That's why he's always so paranoid, aside from the hardcore instincts.
he needs to be paranoid and extra safe in case theyre watching
but his memory has been wiped
and as punishment for running, they clipped his wings.
(also Brian(chat) was a gift from the feds hes a talking bird)
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katescribblesabit · 7 months
I just thought of a cute headcanon for the ones that like Missa with a skull mask instead of being full skeleton
He is still a reaper here, and missa wears the skull mask in the overworld/living world and all that. But when he goes to the afterlife/death dimension he doesn’t need the mask there ( for reasons, idk maybe there are some affects he has in the living world without the mask, and in death everyone is already dead so no unwanted side effects)
And every time missa goes to the afterlife for reaper business he leaves his mask with Phil for safekeeping! And Phil attached it to his backpack so he always has it around.
And missa always joins late so Phil would be home already meaning the backpack would be there to and just eueue
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vpofcookies · 1 year
Have y'all heard the story where hair was a symbol of peace because rulers would cut their hair when they declared war - so long hair represented a peaceful empire, a powerful group that no one dared to threaten, or a ruler that was slow to anger?
Consider: antarctic empire where philza's hair is short to show that he is constantly prepared to battle the threats around them with full military force vs Techno with long hair as a sign that the enemies around them will have no impact on the peace within the empire because the threat they pose is so insignificant he won't even acknowledge it. The threat would be gone before he would finish cutting his hair and so he doesn't.
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