#Platonics 🤝
qilinkisser · 30 days
hyperfixating on a dating sim is problematic because they’re all made to be likeable…… I have so many platonic f/os.
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odetokeons · 6 months
i know they would be besties
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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brb kissing all the anons in my inbox on the mouth
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cali-and-chaos · 1 month
Idea for a Vox/Alastor dynamic.
They’re still rivals and all that shit but they’re also still friends in the way where Alastor will just stop by the Vees tower occasionally and see the fucking cameras following him and go “You need a hobby” and they’ll just like chill like bros and also try to kill eachother. Like Alastor just appears at random ass times, and it’s casual. DI YOU SEE MY VISION.
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brionysea · 5 months
not my edit (x) original caption: "el & her brothers"
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bluepr1ntyy · 1 month
I’m killing whoever made Raven x fem!Print
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romanticsmidi · 1 year
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my trust in you is a dog with a broken leg / tendons too torn to beg for you to let me back in
(rbs > likes)
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erabu-san · 2 years
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Hug for the baby brother bcuz he deserves it 🙇
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Ada and Ian Headcanons (Rhythm Doctor)
this got Long As Hell i'm sorry lmao. headcanons under the cut!!
- We know that Ian is a radiologist, but I think Ada is probably a general practitioner/primary care physician! If she's canonically a cardiologist (bc heart stuff) then that's my bad lmao. But based on what we see in the game, she doesn't really seem to specialize in anything. She instead seems to have a wide range of medical knowledge and we see her treating a variety of different illnesses/injuries, including Mr. Stevenson's broken leg and Lucky's torn rotator cuff. We know that she's been having to do pretty much everything around the hospital bc they're so understaffed, and primary care physicians usually have fairly extensive medical knowledge covering multiple fields, which I think is what allows her to do that.
- One of my biggest hcs about Ada is that she has a very strained relationship with her parents, and that her parents are also both doctors, though I imagine they're close to retirement by now. However, unlike Ada, they both specialize in highly specific fields like brain surgery or something (I actually do imagine her dad to be a neurosurgeon lmao), and because they're both so successful they have incredibly high expectations of her. They look down on her for choosing to be a GP/primary care physician because they think of that work as somehow less important/less worth her time. They're the kind of people who absolutely have a superiority complex about being doctors and ~saving lives~. Also definitely not the kind of people who should have had kids. They're distant at best and extremely judgmental and condescending at worst.
- Ada has one younger sister who's six years younger. Because their parents were always so busy with their careers, Ada basically grew up taking care of her sister, which definitely contributed to her mentality of feeling responsible for everyone all the time. Her sister moved out of their parents' house as soon as possible and is currently attending college somewhere far away, but she and Ada still keep in touch. Ada being an eldest daughter just makes too much sense to me lmao
- I like to think that Ada is an extremely affectionate person by nature. But because of growing up with emotionally distant parents, she doesn't ever really expect for that affection to be returned, especially from Ian who's not very outwardly affectionate most of the time. So when he does go out of his way to express affection it means a lot to her :)
- Because of the way her parents are, I think she kind of has an unconscious mentality of "no one is ever going to love me as much as I love them." She also struggles with people-pleasing tendencies (taking on more work than she can handle, having difficulty saying no to people) and self-esteem issues. So whenever someone goes out of their way to show her love, it kind of catches her off guard lol
- Ada's primary love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation (I'll explain this more below lol). She's REALLY big on physical touch—Ian generally does not like physical touch and one of the only people he tolerates/enjoys it from is Ada. Though I definitely think acts of service is one of her love languages too, as seen in Middlesea College Life. I simply think that she has so many love languages because she's FULL of love
- I imagine Ada as someone who feels her emotions very strongly, and who is generally just a highly emotional and empathetic person. Her empathy makes her good at connecting with the patients, but it also means that she feels everything so much all the time and it can be overwhelming for her sometimes. She’s undoubtedly very intelligent, but I think she’s still very much a heart over head type of person. She also cries pretty easily, though she has to try her best to keep it under wraps at work. The list of movies that make her cry is extensive, which Ian lovingly teases her for.
- Ada is extremely nearsighted and can't see much at all without her glasses. Because of this one of her favorite jokes is saying “I’ve seen enough” and taking her glasses off lmao
- Courtesy of @nightmun: Ada earnestly loves dad jokes, puns, and anything similar. Ian gets her a joke book as a gift once and regrets it immediately.
Ian: …what?
Ian: <:)
(this is the fifth one she’s told him today)
- Ian’s mother is a single mom and his dad left when he was ten, hence why Ian is currently the only one taking care of her. Ian was also an only child. I imagine he and his mom are very close since it’s just been the two of them for so long, so her illness has really been taking a toll on him.
- Ian is bilingual and speaks Mandarin! I don’t think he has a canon ethnicity in-game (though please correct me if I’m wrong), but I’ve been thinking of him as Chinese Canadian, in line with @pokeblog123’s headcanon that Middlesea is in Canada. I imagine he and his mom speak Mandarin at home sometimes.
- I think Ian probably did robotics and/or coding as hobbies in high school and college! We know that he’s insanely tech-savvy, and he seems to have quite a talent for programming. In that same vein, another one of Ian's hobbies is buying old/vintage video game consoles from garage sales, on eBay, etc. and taking them apart to see how they work, sometimes also restoring them if he can.
- I know this is a pretty popular hc already but I think Ian is autistic/generally neurodivergent lol. I do try to write him with this in mind
- Related to that, Ian struggles with social cues to a certain degree, and subsequently has more trouble connecting with the patients than Ada. His little character card says he’s “better with computers than people” and I think this is probably because people are just difficult for him to read. Computers are much simpler; they’re predictable and generally do what they’re programmed to do. People are a lot more complicated. I do think he’s learned to read Ada fairly well simply because he’s known her for so long
- Ian's primary love language is acts of service/gift-giving. He struggles with physical touch and with verbalizing his feelings so he shows his love by doing things for people instead (which was part of the inspiration for my fic "Helping Hand"). If he goes out of his way to do something for you, that’s how you know he really cares. He's an actions over words type of guy :)
- Ian can be very blunt and straightforward, as we see in the game, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. We know from game dialogue that he regularly encourages Ada to take breaks and is generally concerned for her wellbeing, and we can also infer that he worries a great deal about his mother. He definitely cares, he just has different ways of showing it.
- Ian normally doesn’t cry very easily and he also doesn’t like to cry in front of other people, but my hc for why he cried at the Stevensons’ reunion is because it reminded him of his own sick mother, who’s been alone ever since his dad left. He’s usually not one to cry in public but that just got to him. I like to think that Ada checked up on him afterwards.
- Although he doesn't really show it, I think Ian probably feels a certain amount of guilt for everything that's happened with Connectifia Abortus, especially now that it's been revealed that the virus originated from the system he created. He knows that the rhythm defibrillator system could put the patients in danger if the virus keeps getting worse, and he's been working day and night to try to fix it. Of course, Edega's demand for a "miracle cure" at the expense of caution and safety certainly isn't helping matters. Given that Ada also needs treatment on occasion, one of Ian's biggest fears is that Ada will get hurt because of the virus (and, he thinks, because of him).
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- I think Ada was Ian's first, and possibly only, good friend at college. I imagine they met through their shared classes and Ada was one of the only people who made a point to talk to him. After that she sort of just stuck around, much to Ian’s initial surprise. He had always struggled with making friends and he was hesitant to open up to her at first, but her persistence and genuine sincerity eventually won him over. Now they’re best friends :)
- I've seen other people say that they were probably roommates at some point in college/med school and I definitely think so too. I'm sure they pulled a lot of all-nighters together lol
- Once Ada and Ian became close friends, I like to imagine that she also got to know Ian's mother. She's always gotten along with her very well, and because her own parents were so distant, Ada came to think of her as somewhat of a parental figure. When Ian's mom first got sick and started requiring intensive care, Ada insisted on helping out with anything they needed.
- What I was referencing above about Ada and physical affection: I think Ada might be somewhat touch-starved because of my headcanon that her parents aren't very affectionate people. She craves physical touch and words of affirmation because she never got much of that from her parents. Once Ian figures this out, he tries his best to do those things for her even though it doesn't come as naturally to him (as in like, he’s normally not one to initiate hugs but he’ll give Ada a hug if he can tell that she needs it).
- Ian’s pragmatism balances out Ada’s bleeding-heart altruism, and vice versa. I think over years of friendship they’ve learned to appreciate the other’s perspective and find a middle ground, though of course that’s not always possible in high-stress medical situations.
- Ada doesn’t really understand anything about the online games that Ian plays, but she probably uses gamer lingo incorrectly on purpose just to annoy him lmao
- Unrelated to anything but I think one of their favorite pastimes is hate-watching Grey's Anatomy together and making fun of all the medical inaccuracies (I’ve never watched Grey’s Anatomy but I’ve heard there are many). Despite this they’re both low-key invested but neither of them wants to admit it lol
Anyway I love them. In my mind they are besties who get married for tax benefits. Thank you for your time if you read this far lmao
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
Anime friendly text post meme
Part 67/???
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archersartcorner · 1 year
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Shocked I haven’t seen anyone draw them sharing the seat… maybe folks have and I haven’t looked enough 😭 These two still live rent free in my brain. Love these two synths and the MASSIVE amount of baggage they carry
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qilinkisser · 2 years
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frock all of you. NSU self insert.
Reblogs encouraged! S/I (Top right) uses they/them! All others use she/her!
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mha-vilain-au · 1 year
*after a training where he was pair up with Himiko*
Neito: I'll be the first one to admit that this did not go according to the plan.
Neito: But the plan was written with colored pencil and glitter gel.
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samgelina-jolie · 2 years
Tommy POV of a stoncy au would be so funny like the timeline as he knows it being:
- Jonathan beats the shit out of Steve
- Steve calls him and Carol assholes and ditches them
- He sees Nancy and Steve on a date at a cafe two weeks later and hes like "whatever not my problem what mistakes you make anymore"
- THEN he catches Jonathan and Nancy holding hands looking awfully close and he almost, almost wants to warn Steve but he doesn't
- AND THEN he catches Byers wearing one of Steve's favourite sweaters (one he wouldn't even let Tommy borrow) and sporting a huge hickey while grocery shopping.
- The final straw would be him walking past the Byer's house one morning for whatever reason and he sees Steve AND Nancy crawling out someone's (he knows who's) bedroom window??
- Tommy goes home and screams into his pillow and vows to stop paying attention to Steve for his own sanity.
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larsnicklas · 6 months
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ALEKSANDER BARKOV ✧ 240328 Somebody told me my first year that you gotta enjoy every day, because it goes by fast... I know it's been a quick eleven years, and hopefully many more.
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voidmenace · 6 months
yeah i may be in platonically in love with my best friend, but you know what? who wouldn’t be, when her laugh, so joyful and carefree, is like a drug in my veins, that i would do anything to experience again? when she compliments my chaotic nature with her own? when hanging out with her feels like being wrapped in a blanket fresh out of the dryer and feels like coming home? anyone would be a fool to not be in love
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