#Playing with my older brother online be like 😂
snazzy-suit · 2 years
RE6 co-op is amazing
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naokyunnn · 2 years
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with — Rin, Shidou, Sae, Nagi
basically just about what canceled people have done but its blue lock characters
cw: mentions of violence (shidou and sae) mentions of reo x nagi 😭 (they’re not in a relationship here just a online inside joke in their fandom)
disclaimer: all just headcanons, all of em never happened, not canon 🫡
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just some random day his name was just trending on twitter and people just keep on saying that “Rin is a nepo baby but his brother is the famous one” — “he’s only famous because of his brother”
honestly got canceled for no reason and he doesn’t give a fuck
he would wear those shirt with a “nepo baby” text on it
he would also get alot of backlash about his behavior. “he doesn’t wave at his fans” “he doesn’t want to take pictures together” “he flip us off”
he would go live on insta and have the funniest response on his issues (and they’re mostly used on tiktok as reaction vids)
haters wont affect him if he’s the biggest hater in this planet 🫡
and also restored tweets literally just bashing some other soccer players
mainly literally brawling with rin in the middle of their game
“why is he still on the team anyway” “i can’t believe ya’ll still support shitdou” “all this tiktok girlies will make edits of him being this violent, poor rin :((“
people (rin’s fans) hated his guts because he always pick a fight with rin
another mf who won’t give a fuck about the internet have to say
restored tweets. mostly just saying the most horny statement known to man
has cheating allegations too
“bro thinks he’s aiku 😂” — “are they real? HAHWJSHA” — “bro he gets girlfriends?”
he enjoys being a menace in the internet, he’s fine being a clown of it or whatever he just want to piss people off
being literally friends with shidou 😭😭
“no wonder he’s also a meanie”— “yall need to see someone if you guys find red flags like them hot😭”— “gahdam what’s wrong with his hair🤨”
he gets alot of hate already about his attitude
said a slur once
run over a paparazzi once with his luxurious car
but people find it really hard to hate him fully because he always get the best plays whenever he’s on the field, that at the end of the day more people still will be cheering for him
one of his big issue is literally having a own fight with his OWN brother
people think that’s too far already and feels sorry for rin
“poor guy no wonder why he’s so emo he have a brother like this” — “its always the older siblings” — “this whole soccer thing is turning into a drama”
he has very overly obsessed fans
yep. i like to think that aside football, he also streams online to show off his gaming skills
doesn’t care about the hate comments he gets because he know that haters can’t be avoided when you’re famous. BUT HIS FANS ON THE OTHER HAND…
if you said something that he didn’t like the world will most likely know your address or something because his fans are gnna come for you
and his fans will probably bully tf out of his haters too 😭
“nagi stans are krazy bruh dont mess with them” — “those nagi stans need jail time 😬” — “nagi control ur fandom 😐 they’re ruining lives online”
will apologize on his fans behalf
has probably said something homophobic accidentally and didn’t know it was that offensive til he reads his chats
“ayo! HAHAHAHAH don’t you have a boyfriend?”— “reo collect ur man HAHAHA” — “bro why u said that 💀”
would apologize for the lack of knowledge
nagi: guys reo is not my boyfriend, he’s my best friend y’ll
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thanks for reading lads
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agentjazzy · 10 months
The Evil Dead Dashboard Simulator
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
YES I got my girlfriend a pretty pretty necklace from a gumball machine and when she sees it she's going to give me so so many kisses :)
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
#i hope the bridge collapses i hope they all DIE #vent
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
unethical life pro tip: if you overhear your professor talking about their family cabin that they have, and they have open office hours posted, it's your RIGHT to go check that shit out
they're not gonna be there!! they have papers to grade and other shit to deal with!!! free cabin!!!
🌋 thehillsalsohaveanniceass 📛 Follow
op what are you going to do when you roll up and they're just sitting there
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
lmao his ass is NOT going to be in that cabin 😂 he just got back from a vacation with his family or something (dipshit couldn't wait until break) he's supposed to be at his office and he does NOT have the vacation days to be leaving so soon
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
fml my older brother asked if I wanted to tag along on a trip to a cabin and I said sure bc it beats staying at home w/ dad
#if i knew i would've said no 😭 #he didn't even invite his Actual best friend #which SUCKS bc then we could've fooled around when no one was paying attention #huh who said that 😳 #cheryl posting
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📜 anthroapologist 🦀 Follow
haters will hear you scurrying underneath the bowels of your home and freak out like HELLO where else am I supposed to scurry????
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🔮 shessellingseashells Follow
you ever feel like people Immediately forget your name upon meeting you :(
#i might be too high but i don't think any of these people know my full name #i mean I'm Definitely high #and tried moonshine for the first time #but like. really feeling like an outsider rn
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🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
it's so hard being the only chad amongst nerds, like, I GET IT, you're too much of a pussy to investigate the creepy fucking cellar, the LEAST you can do is let me listen to the tapes I found down there, they're cool as fuck
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
okay and now they're all yelling at me bc a stupid tree broke a window right when the tape got good 😑
🎲 kingofstupidbitches Follow
fuck it, here's a recording of the tape, I hope none of you guys are cowards like all my friends apparently are, have fun bc I can't
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💀 theevilacrosstheland Follow
when someone plays your song you can feel that shit in your SOUL catch me coming towards you at 15mph awoken from my eternal slumber if I hear that first note fr
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🔍 peachycraftsection Follow
my boyfriend spent $14 in quarters attempting to get a magnifying glass necklace from one of those gumball machine toy capsules at work bc he knows I LOVE mysteries and detective stories and I need to [redacted] him in the [redacted] right NOW 💖💖💖
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🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
everyone's making out rn which is REAL inconvenient bc there is Absolutely Something Outside
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
should I check it out
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
there's no one online to tell me no so.....
📝 charcoalfingertips Follow
op you haven't posted in an hour are you okay???
🌹 pressedflowerpetals Follow
I'm Irrevocably Changed Now 👍
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🌹 deadite420 Follow
I'm just a silly goofy guy if I happened to have killed and maimed and bite and stab that's just who I am and how I show love ^_^
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🔮 deadite68 Follow
coyotes are SO right, if youre trapped somewhere or someone grabs ya, just bite your limb off, no hesitation, show superiority, it's not like THEY'RE gonna do it
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
whhy is there so muchh blood everywhere........
#help #i accidentally kept my mouthh open and blood got in it :((((( #my head hurts sso bad bookcases kept falling on me
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🔩 deadite883 Follow
heehee i love crawling through pipes and electrical outlets
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🎶 8tracksarebetterthancassettes Follow
I logged onto Tumblr and wtf why am I following so many people with deadite in their username? is it a reference? did I miss a meme? are we mishapocolypse-ing again?
🌿 dirtissoyummy Follow
I think it might be a virus transmitted by bots but idk I'm too scared to interact
🤡 thespareshemp Follow
okay I investigated to see if it was a bot swarm or people having fun SO
for the first cluster of blogs, all their IPs are logging from the same location, which usually means a lazy bot swarm BUT I went through all their archives and most of them, before changing urls, interacted with one another naturally and stuff, @-ing one another and junk, and they seem to know each other irl
so it's just friends having fun!! and then people joining in on the fun!! feel free to reblog without fear!
#they're all still posting original content so that's kinda a giveaway #even though it's all 'deadite'fied and all #i wonder if theyre doing an arg thing
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🔍 deadite81 Follow
when men are SOAKED with blood 👌😍🥰😘💖🥰🥰💖😍👌😘😘😘💖💖😍
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
🛏 honkshoomimi Follow
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🤡 deadite6091 Follow
You Will Be Dead By Dawn
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🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
man, fuck tourists, I was heading to my spot when a car came up and honked at us, all friendly like, so me and buddy waved bc there wasn't anyone else there, but then they YELLED at us???? we were just walking?? wtf did we even DO
🥐 evilpillsburydoughboy Follow
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hey you live near the state line right? can you check the news real quick
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
🐟 fishwantmemenwanttokillme Follow
fml if any of you need me i'm going to lay down in the cold and let the forest take me
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🛏 deadite7390 Follow
if you were to break me down to my pure essence you would be left with pure, unfiltered evil
also grits
mmmmmm grits
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🎥 deadite3023 Follow
falling down the stairs is the most efficient way to go down them :)
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🎲 deadite69 Follow
y'all ever open the window and AUGH OUGH UGH UGH UGH AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA THE AGONIES and then you adjust to the sunlight and you're fine
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🧍‍♂️ groovyhousewares Follow
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mayonnaisetoffees · 1 year
Oversharing on the Internet
Tagged by: @mistmarauder 🧡 (I can respond to these in a timely manner! Who knew? Though I always say waaaaay too much hence the readmore)
ONE: Are you named after anyone? My middle name was for my mum's great-nana I think? Maybe great-grandma and I only think great-nana because we only had a great-nana. But not my first name, no. But fun fact: My parents ONLY had one name for a girl. If my younger sibling had been born a girl they'd have been fuuuucked. (Also part of why I keep my name despite it being v much female-coded because like I earnt this. Also, like... it's my name. It fits me, thought I more often than not get confused seeing it written down because like that's my verbal name, Mayo is my written name.)
TWO: When was the last time you cried? Last week? Little sleep + stress of moving = lots of tears at random times.
THREE: Do you have kids? Nope! Don't have pets either. I wanna foster/adopt/support (probably older kids/teenagers) at some point but not for a few years and I absolutely do not want bio kids. Pregnancy freaks me the fuck out.
FOUR: Do you use sarcasm a lot? Fairly often? I can't even tell anymore tbh like I just talk, even I'm barely paying attention to what I'm saying half the time! Less so online I think (this is where people are like nah mate you do that here too) because it's definitely been misunderstood before - sometimes making me look very daft and I'm like I don't know you people well enough to say that that was what is called a joke
FIVE: What sports have you played/do you play? I never found one I liked apart from, like, bench-ball. The fact that there aren't (that I've found at least) casual places to play bench ball as an adult is a fucking travesty.
SIX: What's the first thing you notice about people? Their smile/laugh/sense of humour? I'm really bad with faces, but if someone laughs or makes a joke pretty soon after I meet them, I remember them a lot more easily. Online it's definitely like the quirks of their writing style.
SEVEN: What's your eye colour? Brown! Pretty dark brown too so like none of the "ooh it's got XYZ in it in the light" it has brown with hints of brown
EIGHT: Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings - I am the biggest wimp with scary films. I was part of the "let's go hang in the kitchen with the leftover pizza/snacks" gang if horror films came on at a sleepover!
NINE: Any special talents? I'm not the biggest fan of cake, but by god will I make the best cake you've tasted. I can also do a good mix CD (less good at specific playlists because playlists it's just a big mess of great songs) and I can flick through to the right page in a book for a quote pretty easily - drove some people mad in English because people would be trying to find it for like five minutes and I'd just be like drrrrrrrr (idk how to write the noise for fanning through the pages) There!
TEN: Where were you born? At home, south of England (I'm very much Northern, being there for like two memories max one of which was falling asleep indoors doesn't count 😂). I can't remember if it was me or my older brother this happened for, but my mum went into labour in the middle of the night and woke my dad up and was like "The baby is coming" and my dear father went "If you still think so in half an hour, wake me up again" and rolled back over. Needless to say, he was not, in fact, allowed to go back to sleep. He also hates that story so we tell it as often as possible 😇
ELEVEN: What are your hobbies? Uhh I watch a lot of TV? 😂 I need to get more hobbies that get me outside tbh. But I podfic, I knit sometimes when I'm watching stuff and I play games when I watch stuff, I cook a lot, I bake, I like long walks on the beach actually I like reasonable length walks by rivers/green areas or along the promenade if I'm at the beach because sand (Anakin Skywalker was right and he should say it).
TWELVE: Do you have any pets? Nope! Just moved, but I used to help look after my friends' dog every so often - she's a black cockapoo called Luna and I love her dearly but she also made me realise if I do get a dog, I don't want a puppy. They are a lot of work. Which makes sense because they are literally baby
THIRTEEN: How tall are you? 5'7", please don't ask me for the metric - I haven't had to be measured in a while so I only know it in imperial. I wanna say like 167cm maybe? Does that sound right???
FOURTEEN: Favourite subject in school? English (Language over Lit) or French 100%. I always say that my optional GCSEs were all basically an extension of my skills in English (AKA bullshitting): Religious Studies (taught tbh as Christianity + a few other examples), French, Spanish (both still bullshitting just in another language), and Drama (absolutely bullshitting and also in my case scaring the shit out of an examiner because the plate smashed into lots of pieces that flew everywhere rather than just a few in a controlled space like it had in rehearsal)
FIFTEEN: Dream job? God I miss working in a cafe/events. But they don't pay the bills as well! Also like I would ideally want to do my current job 3 days a week and a manual job 2 but like without having to work lots of extra hours to keep on top of both, yk?
Tagging: @glaftwlet @emryses @snapshotmaestro @idyllic-idioms @alloverthegaf and idk anyone else who wants to do it! Brain empty can't remember usernames
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rhyske · 2 years
I am the youngest of 5 siblings. I have 3 older half-sisters that I'm not really close with because we have different moms and didn't grow up together. there are only 3 years between me and my brother and yeah we're quite close. we have always played games together oh and we play with my mom as well, she is a gamer too but she mostly plays Elder scrolls online these days lol.
I don't think I'll be saving up for a PC anytime soon, I have a lot of financial problems so it's not really a priority TT_TT. Luckily Xbox has some cross-platform stuff which is nice and I have game pass through a friend so I'm pretty satisfied at the moment. you take what you can get I guess ^^
as a writer, I see issues with both XIII and XV but they have so much potential so I kind of love that about them and the characters are great in both! Though I thought the concept for Stella in XIII-versus was better than what we got with Luna. Luna is fine but it could have been better. I'm not a hater though. I do like VII and X as well but I have never played them.
honestly, I don't remember when I started watching CR but it was ages ago, like pretty early in campaign 2 if I remember correctly. I have started campaign 1 and 3 but I'm not as attached to those characters but I still like it. it's just more work somehow? I don't know how to explain it. I didn't think they were gonna do animated Might Nein before TLoVM had ended either, I CANT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I WAS TO HEAR THAT. It kind of makes sense since TLoVM was a massive hit for amazon prime though.
I have a list of games I am working through because I haven't really played a lot of single-player games, to be honest. I used to play more fps games like Halo, Destiny 1 or Apex. I played through dragon age 2 earlier this year. I played it before when it first came out and quite liked it but I struggled with it because there was a language barrier (English is not my native language). At the time I was around 13 I think so yeah. I finished it now and I am obsessed. though I am currently working on DA inquisition and might go back and give Origins a try if I'm feeling like it. Then I plan on tackling mass effect!~💜
Oh dang, that's a lot of siblings! And that's really cool your mom plays games too! Mine never could figure them out 😆 Not for my lack of trying.
Oh well that's good! I'm glad you're happy with it (: I wish you luck and good karma for your money situation. Figuring out financials is always so stressful.
See, I think Luna was terrible and useless as a character 😆 I definitely think Versus had good potential too, and I'm sad we'll never know what the plan was for it. No story is perfect, but some are definitely better than others. Mm, I recommend VII Remake. It has some pacing issues, but I actually really enjoyed the game even with that. I played the original VII all the way up to the final dungeon and just never got around to finishing it 😆 I don't know why.
I feel that. I've watched both seasons of Vox Machina and while I like that group, they haven't taken a place close to Mighty Nein in my heart. I don't know much about Campaign 3 except for Sam's "she named all her creations after all her favorite smells" clip 😂
Oh yeah, they decided to continue with a season 3 even though it was just planned for 2 seasons, right? I'm happy Vox Machina is so popular and they're making more! Man, the Mighty Nein trailer picked out such good and memorable lines from all the characters! It makes me so excited!
Oh man, Dragon Age 2 is my favorite (: I hate Inquisition, so I hope you at least like it and don't have my experience! ^^' I enjoy Origins too, but man does it have some coding issues that can really bog down the game. On PC, Origins has a memory leak so you literally have to restart the game every couple hours or your loading screens will get soooo long.
English is your second language? That's amazing! Learning another language is so damn hard, I'm so proud of you! I've been trying to learn another language on and off for years cause it gets so overwhelming. Was it self taught, taught in school, or a bit of both?
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yukihime242 · 2 years
Today is the last day of 2022 and I thought that I should write something to end the year off. What better way to end this year with posts about the games I am playing for the year? 
I will be splitting the posts into three parts else it will get very long. This post will focus on the games I have stopped playing for various reasons. I will provide a rating at the end of each game, and do note that all of the remarks and comments, including the ratings, are my personal opinion.
1️⃣ King’s Raid
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(Picture Source: Wikipedia thru’ Google Image Search)
Those of you who have read some of my posts would know that I constantly talked about this game. 
This game is about a young squire who went out to search for his older brother, who was sent on an expedition to eradicate demons but failed to return. That journey turned into something much more than the squire anticipated. Players will go through the story with the squire and his friends to learn more about the past and what his destiny is. 
The game is absolutely beautiful. You see the designs in the picture up there? It is exactly the same you will get in the game itself. The graphics and special effects will blow you away. The story itself is also captivating.
But why did I stop playing if it sounds like such a wonderful game?
Well... The game is just too difficult. This game forces you to pay attention 100% of the time to every battle. You will need to know when to apply certain skills, counter attack, defend, or even block attacks coming from the enemies. It may be fun for the pro-players but for casual players like myself, it is absolute nightmare.
I really love the graphics and such, but the story battles just makes me want to rip the phone apart some times. 
I would say that this game is way too advanced for casual players like myself. Even if there are guides available to show you the best way to build your Heroes, it is not a 100% guarantee that you will be able to pass through the stories with ease. Unfortunately, although I did enjoy the game, I had to stop playing it due to the amount of frustration I had with this game.
Rating: 5 ⭐/10
TLDR: Game is gorgeously beautiful but too difficult and advanced for casual players.
2️⃣ Tower of Fantasy
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(Picture Source: Epic Games thru’ Google Image Search)
This game was very short-lived 😂
The thing about this game is that people are saying it is an imitation of Genshin Impact. But there are also people saying that it is not. 
Anyway, I am not here to debate about that. I believed this game did not managed to capture the players as much as it could. The only thing that really captivated players was the character creation page.
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(Picture Credit: Forbes thru’ Google Image Search)
Otherwise, it was simply a game that is... meh.
I have only played it once and after I logged out of the game, I never went back to it. Moreover, I feel that the character movements in the game can be better improved. I get that not all companies have great technology, yet, small indie companies seems to be doing a better job in their motion graphics than this game.
I think that this game has potential but the developers needs to think of something that would hold players interest, apart from the character creation page. 
Rating: 3⭐/10
TLDR: Only the character creation page is the most interesting part of the game.
3️⃣ Atelier Online
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(Picture Source: QM Games thru’ Google Image Search)
I love anime. And when this game came out, I was thinking to myself, I must get that game!
But after a while, it starts to get boring...
The game follows a young alchemist, also the protagonist of the game, on her alchemy journey. The game is absolutely beautiful but every rose has its thorns.
Firstly, the maps to explore is too small. You will find yourself repeatedly going through the same areas countless times because you have yet to unlock another part of the map. 
Secondly, I feel that the stories leading up to the chapter where we can finally leave the school grounds took way too long. 5 chapters may not seem like much but when you actually go through the story, it is very long. 
Thirdly, I feel that it is redundant to have a gacha shop in the game if you need to pay some real money in order to use it. What I meant is that you need the in-game gems to pull on the gacha, but the game doesn’t really let you earn the gems easily. If you really want to pull, you will need to pay some money. 
I feel like the game could have done better. I know the focus is on the story but the requirement to unlock the next chapter is quite grinding. 
Rating: 4 ⭐/10
TLDR: Nice beautiful game but eventually becomes boring
4️⃣ World Flipper
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(Picture Source: Cygames thru’ Google Image Search)
I was a high scorer in pinball games. And I also love anime. When this game came to my attention, I was thinking, why didn’t I know about this earlier?
I was not expecting a pixelated game but that is something I can overlook because PINBALL. But what I was not expecting is the flippers.
The game does not allow you to control the flippers separately!!! 
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(GIF Source: Tenor thru’ Google Image Search)
I understand that the “easy” mode is to control both flippers together. Meaning that with one tap on your screen, both left and right flippers will hit the ball together. But not all “easy” modes are easy.
For me, I prefer to be able to control the flippers individually. Meaning a tap on the left side of the screen controls the left flipper, while a tap on the right side of the screen controls the right flipper. 
I have scoured through the entire settings of the game, even googled how I can control the flippers individually, but there was no option for me to do so ☹️
Then I thought, perhaps I’m just too used to my method and maybe I will get the hang of it after a few rounds. NO. IT DID NOT GET BETTER. 
I lost more balls than I did in my old pinball games. 
I am also not a big fan of pixelated games but I am willing to overlook it in this game yet not allowing us to have the option to control the flippers individually has made me throw this game into the gutter.
Rating: 4⭐/10
TLDR: It would have been a lot better if the game has an option to let us choose how we want to control the flippers.
0 notes
anadorablekiwi · 3 years
Hiya here’s my intro post
Hi! I’m Kiwi! (Like the birb :D) And no, I unfortunately do not live in and am not from Aotearoa/New Zealand. Just love the place and the birds.
My mama’s (dragonsglare) Snickerdoodle recipe so i can indirectly make you cookies :D
My guacamole recipe 💚
A Questionaire website for when you feel like crap, which helps you with self care/executive disfunction/etc. Take care of yourself please. Found through this post
My LU love/hearts edits post here (will be updated as I eventually get around to more edits by reblogs)
I love all Zelink <3
Most my fandom stuff will be Honkai Star Rail stuff and Genshin Impact stuff, and the occasional legend of Zelda/linked universe. But I also reblog PJO/HOO when it shows up on my dash occasionally. My hyperfixations also change from time to time so dont be surprised by Dont Starve Together, Phasmophobia, Animal Crossing stuff, etc
There is absolutely NO room for hate of any kind on my blog, and this is a safe place for everyome. No Exceptions. (And to be 110% clear, that includes all who are lgbtq+/queer)
Social anxiety with a sprinkle of awkward, so I apologize in advance. 💜 I also crave interaction so please don’t be afraid to come chat or something 💙
Genshin UID: 640628605 American server, AR 60 (Kiwi)
747301959 Europe server, AR 35 (Rowi)
Honkai Star Rail UID: 601266085 American Server, TL 70 (Kiwi)
Wuthering Waves UID: 500675827 American Server, UL 46 (Kiwi)
I have siblings! Older brother is Pseudo, younger sisters in order are Doe (the married one) and Aria (@/arianight992) (as in these are their online names (Pseudo and Aria) or a nickname I gave them for tumblr purposes (Doe, after a female goat))
Choir/music/geology/birds from Aotearoa (NZ) nerd, (fake) adult, Christian. Self diagnosed ADHD and i have autistic tendencies
I don’t do reblog bait. And on a much more lighthearted note I don’t usually do those individualized positive reblog thingys for the sole reason of I don’t wanna accidentally leave anyone out 🥺😅😂
I have a couple side blogs! Writing side blog: @the-writings-of-a-kiwi-bird || Art side blog: @kiwis-doodles || Oc info side blog: @kiwis-ocs-sideblog || OCs meet au sideblog: @a-chain-of-chaos || none are very active, just whenever I get around to doing a thing (i live in shame /lh)
I have a loz/lu sideblog but dont know if ill use it or not
My (very incomplete) list of tags under the cut:
#kiwi answers- my asks tag
#kiwi vents/#screams into the void/screams into the abyss- my venting posts, no obligation to respond I just gotta get it out there sometimes
#kiwi rambles- random ramblings from me (usually) not related to LU
#kiwis lu nonsense- ramblings that are related to LU
#kiwi’s linksona/kiwis linksona Diana/kiwis linksona eli (<-old | new->) #kiwis ocs- stuff about my (linksonas) OCs! Eli is the first and the main one. If you have any questions about any please ask, i love talking about all of them!
#kiwi draws- my drawings and doodles
#the kiwi bird writes/writings of a kiwi bird- my Fics and writing
#kiwi crafts- my crochet/whatever crafty thing I learn next posts! (Probably just crochet. Maybe some sewing eventually)
#kiwi gets love- so i can easily find and reread the love I’ve received when I’m feeling down
#much noms for little bird/noms for the kiwi bird- food related posts
#caps/caps lock- I know some people don’t like caps lock so when I use it/reblog a post with a lot of it i’m trying to tag it more
#kiwi yells self care (nicely)- my self care reblogs/posts (mostly my reblogs of self care bot) (i rarely remember to tag)
#kiwi q- my queue/scheduled post tag
#kiwis wonderful pets <3- the tag for when I post pictures of my cat(s) or dog(s)
When I play games and post about it I’ll tag it #kiwi plays [insert game here]
#kiwi talks genshin- self explanatory
#the songs of a kiwi bird- the rare occasion I post a video of my singing <3
#kiwi talks about writing- i talk about writing, mostly comments on any wips i may be working on
#kiwi (doesnt) take care of herself- food is hard water is hard what is self care (never remember to tag)
#kiwis anime saga- Ive started watching some lighthearted animes and i like yelling about them
#kiwi watches *insert anime here*- my ramblings about specific animes as i watch them
#kiwis epona- posts about my first car, whom i have fondly named Epona!
#kiwi save- posts I absolutely want to be able to find again
#kiwis produce adventures- i work at a grocery store in produce so any posts relating to produce are tagged this
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loki-anon · 3 years
Loki!! Congrats on the milestone you are amazing.
🌸 ; Have you ever met an rp partner in real life? Would you like to?
😂 ; What are some similarities between you and your muse?
👀 ; Askers Choice - Most surprising thing about RP?
Tumblr media
Thank you Mickey.
400 followers celebration
🌸 I have met an RP partner in real life, it was the mod of some random Mickey account and the whole situation was so awful I would never ever, ever do it again!
I’m joking, obviously! Meeting you was so much fun and reassurance that you are just as incredible in real life as you are online and as Mickey.
I would definitely like to meet more of the friends I have made through RP/tumblr
😂 Some similarities between me and Loki are we are both like to hide our insecurities, maybe in different ways though. Loki is a younger sibling in the shadow of his brother and I have often felt this. An older sibling can do something and when you try the same it’s criticised. And on a more light hearted note I think Loki has a big heart that he just wants to fill with people he cares about and I feel like I have a lot of love to give! His sarcasm and wit are two things I admire and wish we had in common 🤣
👀 I would have to say I was surprised by how much fun I would have taking a deep dive into the character of Loki. I thought there would be an immense pressure to play him exactly as he is in the films but I haven’t got that at all. I have played him completely from my views and opinions of him or simply just how I’ll have the most fun.
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sapphosvioletts · 3 years
Well my chores haven’t ended up taking too long considering it took me the first 20min to simply find my ear phones 😂
But we were watching the Venom movie!!! I’m not sure if you’ve ever watched it, but I’ve gotten really hyped for the second movie trailers so my mum decided that we might as well watch the first one again in the meantime, so that was fun!!
Oh, and me and my cousin play on our PlayStations together!! We usually spend the first half of our nights playing call of duty and the second half playing minecraft which is always fun
I’m also excited to hear to hear your gonna try and make an axolotl as I think they’re really cool animals!!! Does sound like it’s gonna be hard to make tho, as they’re kinda fiddly shaped - especially with their weird head tentacles which probably have a proper scientific name but idk what it is 😅
And I’m sorry to hear that about your grandad, I obviously haven’t met him but he really doesn’t sound like a nice person from what you’ve said. Especially the fact that he’s most likely gonna be bringing up politics at a family get together that’s just unnecessary
That may be just me though, as I really don’t understand politics and always feel bad when someone brings it up, cause I end up sat there not understanding a word people are saying. In fact I’m pretty sure the most I’ve ever got involved in politics was last year when Donald Trump was the president, and even then that’s mainly because I was getting worried for people who were of colour or in the lgbtq+ community ((or both)) due to all the racism and homophobic/transphobic stuff that was happening
Even then though, that was American politics not my own country politics so probably need to work on that
Either way though, I hope things don’t go too badly, as you really don’t deserve that
- 🦋
omg i felt that like i take more time preparing to do something like chores then actually doing them lmaooo like i have to find my earbuds and then pick the right songs or videos to watch too before i can even do it lol
and i've never seen it!! from what i have seen he kinda creeps me out though lol it's not too scary right though?? he just looks kinda freaky lol??
and that's cool!! i used to play playstation a bit with my bother when i was younger but as older brothers do, he was annoying and rude about it so i eventually just gave up lmaoo we played call of duty but i was terrible at it and i haven't played since i was like 10 lol but i love minecraft!!! i haven't played it in a couple weeks but i definitely got hyeprfixated on it on summer break i spent like all day on it lol hope you have fun with your cousin!!!!
and yeah normally their bodies are shaped kinda weird but this pattern has them a little bit different shaped cause it's not really realistic it's just meant to be cute lol and his gills (at least from the pattern) look pretty simple, but i don't wanna speak too soon bc i'm still only cutting out the fabric and templates i'm not even on the actual assembling and sewing part yet lol
and yeah it's definitely unnecessary lol but i am more into politics, i haven't been as much into it recently because i've just been kinda busy that the last thing i wanna do is pay attention to it lmao but still i watch political content all the time and do still relatively pay attention to it
and i take classes with a college in my state online and one of them is political science so i've taken that for i think 2 semesters?? so like he knows that i actually know about politics but she still tries to argue with me on it and it's gotten to the point that i've just gotten so tired of trying to argue and correct him that i just let him talk at this point case it's not like he's even gonna listen to me anyways
i really want to know more about politics in other countries and i try my best to keep up with them, but it's hard to find a like starting point to start learning about it. but still at least for current topics i try to pay attention to other countries as well because unlike my grandpa, i don't believe that the u.s is literally the only country in existence lmao
but thank you, you're too kind 🥺
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