#Please like I'm a noona wtf?
elryuse · 1 year
Yandere Dom Jessica jung x malereader
Please ps love your yandere stories
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"Y/n.... I'm so tired of this.. I'm tired of us. I'm starting to think that I fell out of love for you.. I'm sorry".
"N-noona you're joking right"?
"I'm afraid not".
"B-but why? I've always loved you.. And I always cared for you Noona".
"Still I don't have any feeling for you... I'm sorry Y/n...let's break up".
After about a year since I've breaken up with Jessica. Everything around me become so boring and dull, as if the only color that I could see is only black and white. But after some time, I realized that this was not my fault. She's the one that didn't want me... So why do I need so much time to grief the pain as if I can't found someone else.
Ath that point, I started to move on with my life. I started to work seriously.. Started doing better at my mental health and not long, I feel like I've become a new person. I feel like all the weight that I used to carry was now gone. That is until..
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"Omg Y/n is that you"?
"Omo it's really you... *hug* I missed you so much".
"N-noona what are you doing here".
"I was looking for you all around the world".
"Ever since that day... I realized that I was fucking dumb. I realized that the only person who loved me and understand me the most was you... I realized that the man that I desperately need all along was you".
"Hmm... Look Noona... I don't to make it look harsh... But I'm good right now. I've move on you know.. And I think you should too".
"It was not hard letting you go. But at that moment I realized something important. I don't really need you to feel like I'm important. I realized that I can help myself to reach my own goal and potential. Becoming something important to my own life. So sorry but I decline".
"..... ".
".... Alright I'm leaving".
"No. *grabs your arm* Dead or alive you're stil coming back to me... ".
"Huh no stop.. Hey".
"Shhhh *drugged you* sleep now... Baby... ".
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"Are you awake now Y/n".
"Hmmphh hmplhh".
"Oh wait let me help you remove that".
"Jeez relax, I haven't done anything to you yet".
"Just relax and think of this as our honeymoon".
"WTF. Hell no... Stop this right now or I'm calling the police".
"Do you even know where we are"?
"You're in my private island dumbass. There is no such thing as police in here. And besides there is no goddamn signal here, you're on your own sweetheart".
"N-no no no".
"Don't worry..... I'll take a good care of you... And we'll soon have plenty of babies... Heheh".
In the end, Jessica decided to drug you and raped you multiple time. You tried resisting the medicine. But the drug was to powerful, it altered you're consciousness. And not long, you have shoot plenty of you're seed, enough to breed Jessica.
Not long she's pregnant with your baby. And she never stopped loving you... Even though you tried running away... She'll always found a way... Cause in this place. Everything is a playground for her... She can do anything she wants. And there's nothing you can do about it.
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kfanopinions · 1 year
Hiii, I saw someone ask you about who you would date in nct, so I want to ask, who would you marry?
For me, I think would marry Yuta or Jaemin, Yuta is the kind of person who would like to protect his s/o and give happiness (my opinion) and omgg imagine seeing that pretty, amazing, and beautiful smile every day, a true dream! also, I think he's s/o going to be his everything, his precious treasure, so yeah, I would marry him.
And Jaemin, I think is not much different from Yuta, but I think he loves physical affection a little bit more, and I love physical affection with the right people so I think I am going to need a more clingy person like Jaemin for not by shy about me giving physical affection.
Anyways, I would love to be the younger in a relationship (no with sirs ew), and guess what but are older than me HAHAHAHA sorry sis, so much text
okay first and foremost make sure to invite your sis here to your wedding with either men because i'm going to need you to introduce me to my future husband *wink wink*
i 100% agree with you on what you said about jaemin and yuta. they are 2 nct members that at the end of the day i'd say are dad *edit: husband!!! wtf?!! dad?!!! sorry i was typing to fast I meant husband material* haha
for me though...i think for marrying...maybe johnny? i hate to say it but he seems like the type that wouldn't mind if i didn't want to join him on his little excursions like what he does on jcc. you know he's cool doing his own thing and i like that. he also doesn't seem like the type to hover too much which i like. i'm a bit of the loner type and don't mind it. i've legit wanted to just escape the world and rent a cabin in the middle of a forest and spend months there away from people haha but he's very reliable and appears to be an emotionally strong person. i legit almost cried seeing a baby beluga whale being born *i'm such a wimp* but yeah...someone who has that strong, confident, self-assured aura about them would be for me (this is my capricorn side speaking)
BUT johnny's overall style isn't really my type. the type of style i love on men is yuta and taeyong's styles when they're wearing the spiked collars, chains, black, leather, love guys with tattoos and piercings (my scorpio side is screaming here)
but if you and jaemin or yuta don't work out please send them to me <333
*i'm older than everyone in nct T.T so i'm legit just the noona and can't call anyone oppa... i will now go and cry*
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ae-xoshidae · 2 years
I believe every male idol born from 2000 onwards should be legally obligated to sing SHINee's Replay. I don't care, if you are a 4th/5th gen boy group member start 누난 너무 예뻐ing right now!!!
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bts5sosempire · 6 years
BTS Reaction: friends + accident kissing = a couple (Hyung Ver.)
A/n: so myself deadass thought of something at like 3am and I'm like why don't I just write it down and work on it tomorrow morning. When I woke up and check my draft I write something along the line "just kiss him" as the headline and was like wtf before I try to remember what I am really aiming. Long results too.
Kim Seokjin:
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Jin had invited you over to celebrate Hoseok birthday and now you guys were playing an Uno game, by drinking shots. You watch as Jungkook skip Taehyung and you were next to Taehyung and it was you who had to drink a shot.
You were getting so tipsy and drunk as you only had one more card in the game and you look at Jungkook who had a smudged look on his face. “Jeon, I hate you so much right now, after all these years I protected you from the rest of Bangtan and this is how you repay me?” Slurring out the words, you slammed down a card. “I'm done!”
You lay on the ground and roll away to go outside, to get fresh air.
It took another hour or so for the game to finished and everyone is shit face drunk, besides Jin, who come to check up on you who was hunching over the railing as you were making a long whining sound.
Jin came over to pull you back in case you fell over. “Hey, are you alright?” He asked and you look up at him. Your face was flushed red from the alcohol and you were hiccupping. Shaking your head, you try to push Jin aside, but got caught with his feet and tangle them up. The both of you fall on the ground together and you end up kissing him.
Jin was rather surprised and he hastily pushed you back. His face became flustered he was about to stutter out an apology, but you went to besa him first. “Jin you know I like you right? Not as a friend, but more than that. Maknae Jungkook has been encouraging me to confess to you but I really can't do it, b-but- wait forget about what I just say.” Your words sent his heart flying. You stand up but stumble, so Jin decides to carry bridal style.
“I-I like you too!” He declared looking away. You tap his face and force him to look at you.
“Why are you looking away? Are you being honest? Do you like to play with my feelings?” With your questions attacking at him at all angles, Jin feels his brain went dead. Your eyes squinted at him. Jin blush at your intensity.
“Stop looking at me like that or I'll have to kiss you again!” He hurriedly carries you inside and ran to his bedroom with the members eyes lingering at him and you in his arms.
“I told you he likes her!” Jungkook shouted before knocking himself out as he plopped back onto the hard ground.
Min Yoongi:
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Yoongi somehow convinces you to do a fake date with him to throw off some girl who has been chasing after him for about three months now and she had been bothering and distracting him also.
You were worried as this isn't something you would just randomly do, but if Yoongi needed help, you would help him. After all, you do like him as a crush even if he doesn't like you that way. And even if this isn't like a real date, this would be the closest thing you would ever get with him.
Yoongi came to find you while wearing all black with a leather black jacket and cap. He entered a secluded shop to where he knows that people won't be there. You wore an opposite outfit from him, soft pastel colors to bring out your warmth.
“Um hi,” you awkwardly wave at him and he comes to sit down across from you. “So how are we going to plan this out? Did she follow you?” Asking with a discreet look, you look out the window at the corner of your eyes and see the lunatic woman right across the street who was looking here and there for Yoongi.
“What do you think?” Yoongi retort back at you, and you smack your lips together and mouth out an ‘Okay’ before looking back at him.
“So the original plan as it is.” Sliding over a cup of coffee at him, you both walk out of the shop. Yoongi hand slides into yours and you look at his hand in surprise. You try to tug it away with a blush on your face.
“Act natural.” He whispers into your ear, before tugging on your hand and tightens his hold. The woman saw Yoongi and ran across the street as multiple cars were honking at her.
The woman grips on Yoongi's arm and tore him to look at her. “I've been following you, and why aren't you answering your phone?” The woman then looks at you before sneering then her eyes went lower and saw the both of your hands interlock with each other. “Let go of my Yoongi's hand you wretched witch!” The lunatic woman tries to tear both you and Yoongi apart, but the man got in front of you.
“I appreciate if you don't harass either me or my girlfriend or I'll have to take action against you,” Yoongi warns her before walking away with you.
“Girlfriend?” The woman mutter before she let out a screech and tries to attack Yoongi. You look behind you and saw her charging at Yoongi with a weapon. Pulling the man aside, you both stumble as coffees fly into the air and lips happened to lip-lock with each other. The both of you were both wide eyes.
“Did that crazy woman try to stabbed the Min Yoongi and his girlfriend?!” A bystander shouted and two men were restraining the crazy woman down as she was shouting and kicking like hell while trying to bite their hands. “Someone called the police and inform BigHit!”
You shove Yoongi aside whisper a shy sorry, “I-I didn't mean too, u-uh she was charging at you and I didn't want you to get hurt or anything...” Your words trail off and your face gets redder and redder.
“I like you too (Name),” Yoongi told you and you look at him with your mouth agape as words left your mouth. “I like you for a long time actually.” He stands up and dusted himself off before pulling you up from the ground, “Why don't we go on a real date this time?”
Jung Hoseok:
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You were friends with Hoseok and the rest of the boys for a long time. You were one of their unofficial dance teachers and their little cheerleader, according to the rest of bts. Jin had like you more than Hoseok when it comes to teaching them how to dance and everyone runs to you for help whenever Hoseok gave them a glare when they forgot a step in the choreography.
Everyone calls you ‘Mrs. Jung’ teasingly since you are very caring and very affectionate with Hoseok even though the both of you are friends. But everyone knows how you both really feel for each other. Hoseok often gives you gifts and stuff whenever you come over and you always run to help Hoseok when he's in trouble.
And today is just one of those days. You and Hoseok were leading the dance routine for the boys since everyone had literally begged and ask Hoseok to call you for help. No one likes it when he gets stern, but when you came over its like Hoseok is a different person. He became softer, but with your head turn behind him he glares at them.
“Alright let's relax!” You shouted as the music stops, everyone dropped to the ground in exhaustion and you went over to Hoseok and swing a tried arm at him. He playfully uses a finger to cup your chin before pinching your cheeks and you move away from him. Hoseok comfortably slings an arm over your shoulders and let you drag him away to a couch.
Hoseok lay his sweaty head on your shoulder before poking your cheeks, “Have you lost some face fat?” He pokes them again, “They are not pudgy anymore.” You patted your own face a few times and look up at the ceiling in wonder, before looking down at him in confirmation to which Hoseok just poke them. “Have you been eating well?”
“Yeah I did, it's just that I recently had been hitting the gym so I guess it's normal for me to...lose them?”
“(Name) noona you go to the gym too?” A Jungshook ask before he comes sprinting at you at full speed and sat next to you. Hoseok tries to shoo the younger one away from you. “Do you mind going with me next week, I want to see your workout regime.”
“Jungkook you had Jimin to help you with that and you still want my little (Name) to go with you? Aren't you a little selfish?” Hoseok latches his arms around you tighter. He made a little sound effect which sounds like he was offended, and pull you close to him.
“Hyung you always talk with her and you never let us have her phone number too and I'm not about to let go of this opportunity to go away. Plus we all know how you feel-” A shriek left Hoseok's mouth as he lung over with you in his arm and cover Jungkook whiny and big mouth.
“You shush about that!” He warns and the boy's eyes crinkle in amusement to which his eyes are smiling for him. He wiggle his brows.
“Hoseok what is he saying?” Your heart is pounding and you don't want to believe it, but your face is heating up. You loosen the man's arm and sat in front of him with your back turn against the younger boy.
“It's nothing!” Hoseok shout before the younger boy pull Hoseok hand away and was about to say it, but Taehyung came flying forward and crash into Jungkook from behind and Jungkook lurches forward and push you into Hoseok with such force that you fall so fast forward and kiss your friend/ crush.
Everything went quiet as Taehyung mutter an ‘oh shit’ and you pull back from Hoseok so quick that you didn't look at him and you fled the scene with a worried Hoseok right behind you. “Wait (Name)!”
Your face burns with embarrassment. You just kissed Hoseok! Jung fricken' Hoseok, aka your long-time crush!
Running away down the hall, you didn't think Hoseok would catch up so fast. He grabs your arm to stop you and tug you forward to him. “Look I'm sorry, I'm sorry about their action and what just happened.”
“Don't mention about it please,” you didn't look up at him.
“Do you hate me now?” He asks you and you suddenly look up at him. Hoseok was worried you won't see him the same ever again as that accident just happened. He doesn't want to lose you.
“Hate you? It's quite the opposite of hate, to be honest.” You breathe out a sigh of nervousness, and you were going to tell him. It's all or nothing now, “I like you for quite some time now.”
“Oh God, I do too!” He brings you to a sudden embrace. “Let's go out tomorrow as a real couple!” And what just happened was forgiven and forget.
Kim Namjoon:
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You had just confessed and kissed your friend Namjoon and you had run away from him without saying goodbye or anything. You want to die, you want to be buried alive, and you want to be killed. You just want to forget what you had done. Now Namjoon won't ever look at you the same again.
Laying in your bed, you had been avoiding any kind of outside contact and communication. You don't like confrontation and that sucks too, but you have to face it somehow if that is going to make you move on. Dreading in bed you roll over to the other side of the bed and pick up your phone that you had it on silent.
Checking the notification, you saw the messages from the boys and Namjoon stood out to you the most since you put him as ‘Crush’ so you just scream into your pillow and toss your phone aside. Letting out those pent up embarrassment, you went to read all the messages before reading Namjoon and everyone was worried about you. “I'm such a horrible person...”
After reading Jin's message you hesitate on clicking on Namjoon's messages. Sucking in a breath you click on it and see about 5 messages but one stood out from all. But this one just happens to be right now.
‘Are you home?’
You send him a quick ‘yeah’ before the doorbell of your apartment was being rung and it resonates inside your entire apartment. You got scared for a second and cautiously get out of bed to check the peephole and saw Namjoon there with his secret blending in attire.
Opening the door, Namjoon walks in. “Um, we need to talk.” You nervously nodded at him before telling to go sit down on the couch as you prep food and drink.
You walk in moments later and set down the snacks and sit across from and as far as possible. “So where do we begin...?”
“Let's start with the day you left.” Namjoon went direct to the point and he didn't want to beat around the bush. Your face went a silent ‘Oh’ and anticipation was building up in your throat. “I never get the chance to tell you how I feel and you did your part, so I thought it was fair for you if you know how I feel too.”
“Uh, you don't have too! I already know you don't feel the same way! It's better if you forget any of my words and action...” You awkwardly laugh and look away from him in an uncomfortable manner-- scratching behind your ear. “I-It's fine really...”
“What if I tell you that I return your feelings?”
“That's not possible-” stopping what you were doing, you look at the serious man across from you, “-wait, what?”
“I had like you more than a friend (Name).” Namjoon stood up from the other side of the couch and walk over to you who slowly try to move away from the towering man. Namjoon grabs your wrist and pulls you close to him and your face burns from the sudden closeness.
“Well...then, I guess I'm not going single this year.”
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elryuse · 1 year
Yandere Seo hyunjin x malereader
But the reader is ok with her being a yandere please
Love is Weird isn't it?
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"Do you know why you're here Y/n"?
"I-i don't... C-can you please tell me what's going on.. ".
"Hmmm... Well to cut it short... You're here because my parents forced us to get married. Basically an arranged marriage".
"W-what... They never told me about this... Wtf".
"N-now calm down. If you want this shit to go smooth... Without nobody getting hurt. We have to do what they want".
"B-but I'm to young to get married.. I'm just 21".
"W-well... Like it or not... They already arranged this. There's nothing I, We can do... That's why I'm here so that we can get to know each other better".
" *sigh* There's no way for us to stop this isn't it ".
"I'm affraid no.. ".
"Aghhh alright then.. My name is Y/n...Lee Y/n".
"I'm hyunjin. Seo Hyunjin".
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"Alright come on now dear... They're waiting for us".
"On a sec".
After about a year or so dating Hyunjin. I'm definitely feeling closer to her. At least we can talk about something for our future. Even though we may not love each other yet. We're definitely getting there.
"W-`wow you're dress is amazing Noona".
"Hmm you like it"?
"Yes.. It suit you're body type".
"Well thank you Y/n".
"Anyway shall we"?
"Hehe let's go".
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"For the second time.. I already said it Hyunjin.. She's nobody".
"Then why are you so close to her... Everytime I see you and her, you're always close with her... Eating and laughing about something... Can't you do that with me"?
"Hyunjin.. Why are you so jealous... About her".
"Hyunjin... She's my manager.. Of course she'll be with me 24/7".
"Well I don't like her. And I'll do something about it".
"Noona please don't kill her again.. It's already the second time.. Aghh.. Just Change my manager to a guy or something".
"N-no? Son you're gonna kill a human again? Are you crazy".
"Why do you care about her so much if she's just a manager to you".
"She's my freaking manager... Without her I can't do my work properly".
"....... I don't like her Y/n. I'm gonna kill her wether you like it or not".
"Aghhh.... Aghh... Stop... Please... I'm just his manager unnie... I don't love him.. Please... Aghh".
"Do you know what you're doing? You're ruining my FUCKING relationship with him. He was such a loving person back then.. But then his first manager made a move on him. I hate that".
"Mhmmm mmm p-please no... Why are you bringing that knife unnie... Unnie... Unnie please".
"Girl's like you should have rotten in hell.... And I'm gonna take you straight down there".
"Noo... No.. Aghh ahhhh".
"Noona stop this... Are you crazy".
"What the fuck are you thinking.. ".
"Hahahah ahahahha... I just wanted to be loved by you... We are a couple right... I just want you to focus on me... *sobs* ".
"Hyunjin... I love you... And I always do... But this is my job.. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you... It's because I care about you, that I need to make sure I have a proper job that can make us happy".
" *sobs* Y-you mean that"?
"Of course.... I'm you're husband right"?
"Alright let's continue this back home.. Release Suzy now".
"Can't we just kill her"?
"Huh... Are you forgetting something"?
"I-i just don't like her".
"Please.... ".
"Ah fuck it... Make it quick".
" *muffled sound* mjmmm mmmm".
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