#Plinko-lookin' ass
glittery-ishfish · 1 year
Needlessly Long and Dramatic APH Belarus Slander
A/N: Just to clarify, I am NOT at all referring to the REAL COUNTRY of Belarus. The citizens of Belarus are already trying so hard to fight, literally risking their lives, for freedom and national identity. I am not about to ignorantly hold an entire country accountable for what their government and dictator do and have done, especially since people are dying trying to fight for basic human rights.
This is about HETALIA’S Belarus. SPECIFICALLY Hetalia’s Belarus as a PERSON, not as a nation. As I said in one of my first posts, there’s not nearly enough slander of this depiction of Belarus. And when there was, it was for the wrong reasons (“she gets in between me and my ships”). This has been festering inside me and I need to let it all out.
And do keep in mind that this is APH Belarus slander. This is my opinion. It's in the title. Don't like it? Then move on. I don't care, I don't wanna hear it.
And if you stayed, I hope you're ready because I'm about to spill my angry guts out😃👍
Hetalia’s Belarus is a terrible person and a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Let's see, uh…
She bullies, deliberately ignores, and is overall a complete cow to her older sister because she falsely assumes that Russia wants to marry her instead.
Is needlessly hostile and rude to everyone, regardless if they mean well.
Threatens and curses people who disagree with, or even question, Russia because "how dare they have an opinion".
Gets angry when Russia talks to anyone who isn't her, regardless if it’s for professional reasons.
One of the (many, many, many) reasons why Russia doesn’t have any friends is because she scares people off just to have him all to herself.
Blames other people (especially her sister) for Russia's constant avoidance of her rather than reflecting on her own behavior.
Is weirdly contradictory. She’s been shown actively stalking seeking out recruits to ‘become one’ with Russia but gets all ornery and pissy when said recruits are close to him (like, what did you expect??).
Makes Russia’s life more of a living Hell and even curses him when he outright tells her “no”.
Throws violent temper tantrums when things don’t go her way and destroys things.
Has deluded herself into thinking that Russia does want to marry her and dismisses his fearful reactions as stubbornness/“Tsundere behavior”.
Is completely on board with Russia’s desire to take over the world (which she misinterprets as "turn everyone into big brother’s slaves" rather than Russia’s real intentions [as fucked up and naive as they are], "being friends with everyone").
Has been bullying Lithuania since childhood even though he loves her and has repeatedly broken his fingers and legs.
Has been implied to have done questionable things to the Baltics ("Today, I played around with___. It’s interesting to see what expressions he makes when I do such things to him").
Isn’t above hurting animals. Got into a fight with a cat simply because it was “in big brother’s way”.
Has done an impression of the stereotypical "Imōto-chan trope" in an attempt to "persuade" her brother into marriage (I know it's minuscule compared to what I've already mentioned, but the fact that she just blatantly assumes that Russia is the kind of person who would be into that is just...ew).
Held Liechtenstein in a chokehold when asked to interact with her.
Actually likes her authoritarian jackass of a boss and has made a fansite of him (the only other person she’s done this for is Russia, which is saying a lot).
Silent calls people out of spite.
Has stolen, smelled, and worn her brother's underwear on her head as a nightcap.
Takes invasive photos of Russia without his knowledge or consent.
Constantly ruins and/or breaks down Russia's doors.
Leaves scratch marks on Russia's property as a hobby.
Has indecent, sexual fantasies about her brother.
Has used physical force on Russia (ie. crushing his arm) to get him to marry her and showed zero remorse over hurting him.
Has an entire Hetastagram (Instagram) account called ‘Daily Big Brother’, where she praises, stalks, and publicly posts photos of Russia online without his consent (and I’m willing to bet that some of them were the suggestive ones I mentioned earlier).
Overall, not a good person. A brat, even.
Belarus is one of those characters that I adore aesthetically. I love her design (have you seen her in a ponytail?), I occasionally do voice impressions of her for fun and I’m always ecstatic when I discover canon information about her. Hell, I have an entire document dedicated to canon descriptions of her physical appearance just to cosplay her (I’ve been wanting to cosplay Bela for a very long time).
But at the same time I know for a fact that, if I knew her in real life, I would absolutely hate her guts.
I already don't like her as a person, and I know I said this is about her personality specifically, but I especially don't like her as a personification of a country that's already been going through hell just to keep its independence (and it's even more gross and insulting in real life knowing that it's Russia that's out to take away Belarus' national autonomy).
Belarus' obsession with Russia does influence most of her bad traits. He's not, by any means, a good influence.
However, she fails to recognize his many fatal faults and misinterprets what he wants as malicious world domination and enslavement, which she's concerningly more than happy to indulge.
She sees Russia as this idealized, flanderized version of himself. She sees him as something to praise and revere, as this brooding, merciless god-on-earth who's righteous in every way. To put it into perspective, the way she sees Russia is very similar to how the fandom saw him during the 2010s and sometimes still sees him today.
She doesn't really know her brother or even see him as his own person. Sure, she can name every location he's ever been to, is obnoxiously protective of him, and knows his pinky toe turns red when he's embarrassed, but she doesn't know who he is as a person. His likes, dislikes, what he wants, and especially, what he doesn't want. She likes the idea of him and just makes assumptions from there without any input or consent.
Belarus won't acknowledge it, but to her, Russia is essentially a doll. Just a target. An object to keep, project, and force her affection onto.
And this isn't the same as Russia doing harmful things out of a lack of understanding of how the world works. This isn't the same as Russia being cognitively unaware of everyone's fear of him.
No. Bela knows exactly what she’s doing. She knows better than to be doing what she’s doing. But she indulges anyway simply because she lacks impulse control. And from the looks of it, it's deliberate.
And the worst part about all this? She’s never been held accountable for her actions. Not once does someone reprimand her or call her out for her shitty behavior and, if anything, it’s enabled.
Russia can't bring himself to tell her off or get rid of her (out of both familial love and fear), which only makes matters worse since Bela's fanatical dumbass will only assume that his lack of action means that he approves of her behavior.
But it's not like what Russia does matters anyway because if he even tries to put her down (gently or otherwise) and behaves outside of her idealized version of him, she'll just throw a shit fit and make him more miserable. He's forever stuck in this vicious cycle until he's drained from her antics and finally gives in to what she wants.
And the reason(s) why other people let her get away with the shit she pulls is because:
They're also scared of her.
She’s a female nation, and no one tells female nations what to do.
"She’s just so cute!” (PrettyPrivilege™️).
The closest thing she’s ever gotten to a ‘reality check’ was in that 2011 Halloween comic. When Denmark casually brushes off her usual attempts at intimidation.
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And laughs to her face for even trying in the first place.
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(Denmark, you’re wonderful, don’t ever change)
Belarus is implied to be lonely and has had a rough upbringing like her siblings, leaving her with a pessimistic view of life and relationships. She's tried to break away from Russia once (I imagine her bosses at the time forced her to) and lived with America, who also got tired of her antics and tried to get rid of her as well. This would explain a lot of her obsessive, co-dependent behavior and, by all accounts, is enough to garner some form of sympathy.
However, the reason why Bela is lonely is that she's actively choosing to cling to one person. She pushes all of her projections and issues onto Russia, further isolating him while not giving a single flying fuck over how her actions affect him and those around her.
And even when there are other people who love and care about her unconditionally (for some reason), she’s dismissive and a complete bitch to them. She takes those relationships for granted and only ever indulges them if it serves some sort of benefit to her (usually as a means of getting closer to Russia).
As if the fact that she's indulging in incestuous fantasies isn't bad enough, she's making active attempts to make them a reality and giving no regard over how her target feels. She takes time out of her day to intentionally hurt others who dare to disagree. The fact that there are other people who care about her and want her to be happy means nothing to her. It's painfully frustrating to watch.
Even traits that should be positive (strength and passion) are manifested in negative ways. She's been noted to be talented and has so much potential. But instead, she chooses to waste said potential in favor of being...this.
So long story short, Belarus is the kind of person who will never be happy. Regardless if she magically gets what she wants in the end.
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I absolutely love it when the fandom goes the extra mile to expand on her character. She's shrouded in mystery and could have at least one positive trait for all we know (unfortunately, that reveal's not gonna happen anytime soon).
I typically don't care for headcanons and this is one of the few exceptions. It's a breath of fresh air to see different interpretations of her character.
Man, Belarus. You bring out the worst in people.
And you're not putting in any effort to change that. To be a better version of yourself. Have you any self-respect?
So you must be happy with where you are. And if that's the case, then why should I, or anyone, feel bad?
I guess I see why I should be sorry for you, but I also see no point in wasting sympathy on someone who's content with being a shitty person.
Don't go out of your way to be a petty asshole and this wouldn't happen🤗
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So yeah, Hetalia’s Belarus is not just a terrible person, but a poor, insulting personification of the country.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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penthepoet · 2 years
megaten for the ask meme!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Aleph. Aleph, my beloved. He's my best friend, he's my pal, he's my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my sweet cheese, my good time boy. I want to turn him into a marketable plushie. I want to see him dance. I want to paint his nails. I want to give him apple juice.
I just think he's such a fun protagonist with a lot of little quirks you can tell the dev team had such fun throwing in.
Aleph SMT II. My beloved little guy. In All His Forms.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
hee-ho! Not gonna lie, Jack Frost, although cliche, kind of wins here. I think it's just because of how much he looks like a marketable plushie.
I also think that Isabeau SMT IV is way too adorable for all this shit and deserves better.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
JIMENEZZZZZZZZ. LET'S GOOOOO. I'll excuse ANY of Jimenez's crimes. He was right. He was right, okay? He was so valid for doing what he did. Plus he's kind of - he hits different. ESPECIALLY when he's got his shirt off in that one form. And I think the fact that one of his routes literally ends with giving the protagonist a ring (from what I can remember) is so fun? Love wins. Plus his voice acting in Strange Journey Redux is pretty solid.
Double hot take: I like Zelenin as well. Strange Journey was the first Megaten I started out with please don't kill me
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Now I'm not saying Heat was right for the cannibalism, but I am saying that he looked good doing it, and that's what counts. I also am strangely hooked on Crispin Freeman's voice acting for him in the English dub. It sort of activates Pop Rocks in my brain. His writing in QDS is also deeply fascinating to read through? You get what I mean.
Also, Jenna Angel, because she's gender as fuck.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Jyoji Hijiri. I love the theory surrounding him, I love his design, I think he's a really believable character caught up in all kinds of bullshit and I am so utterly sad about his fate that I can't even convey it. I want to give him a bushel of grapes and tell him everything's going to be just fine. He's also just the tiniest bit pathetic and I love him.
Also unpopular hot take, but I really do like Dazai and Abdiel and thought they were a really fun team + fun dynamic to see, even if Dazai's design ended up having him looking like he was going Super Saiyan.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
ah, Isamu SMT III, come to my cellar to taste this cask of Amontillado I just got in! you certainly won't get put behind a wall and made to suffer humiliations, nosiree-
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I know Persona's only a spinoff of Megaten, but that fucking old-ass crusty-ass Crypt-keeper-lookin' ass coward bastard bespectacled two-timing back-stabbing Chairman of SEES piece of shit that reminds me so fucking much of my abuser is going straight to Super Hell, in the Hell Corner, and never coming out ever the fuck again.
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shatteredrabbit · 2 years
Fnaf? For the fandom ask thing?
blorbo - Roxanne <3333333
scrunkly - helpy. my son.
scrimblo bimblo - withered bonnie my beloved
poor little meow meow - springtrap <3 sue me i love a murderous rabbit now and then /nr
horse plinko - scrap trap and his jimmy neutron toilet water drinking peanut head lookin ass
eeby deeby - map bot
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sodapopfunk1 · 3 years
FOR THAT ASK THING J DECKER only if you want otherwise maybe megaman
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
POWER JOE I love that guy. He's like a tall older brother that's all like "only I'm allowed to bully you" and offers to beat the shit out of people who hurt your feelings. Also he's a fuckin dweeb I love that he sneaks away from work to fucking watch soap operas or play with the kids. What a nerd
Scrunkly (my "baby", character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Drill Boy obviously. Low-hanging fruit I know but GOD ik other stuff has stereotypically cute/childlike characters but Drill Boy is Different okay. He makes mistakes and gets jealous and bes a little bitch but he is so full of love for life and stuff like, THAT IS SO REAL I love that. Never seen a character like that written quite Like That yknow. ALSO HE IS SOOOO EXPRESSIVE I LOVE WATCHING HIM DO WHATEVER
Scrimblo Bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I wanna say Dumpson but McCrane is actually such a dude. Like he is just a struggling single dad with 3 dumbass kids and also a gun. Love his approach to things like ik they kinda threw his pacifism in the bin but he's still such a complex character emotionally yknow. Shoutout to the Inti episode
Glup Shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won't shut up about it for a week)
Those 3 thief brothers that illegally mod robots or whatever but only because of their voices. Like "omg......drill boy and gunmax and duke.......wo" also the one with gunmax voice is sorta cool-lookin
Poor Little Meow Meow ("problematic"/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Look man I used to HATE Duke not as a character per se but because of his circumstances. Like i was so frustrated during his arc but toward the end of it I started realizing "holy shit this man is a metaphor for Regina's trauma" and that was such an epiphany. And after that he's just a small man who doesn't know much lol. He looks cute and acts cute sometimes. Polite
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I can't bring myself to hurt anyone in this show except maybe the villains and hell if I care about them enough to remember them. The early ones are p pathetic like Dr. Gauss. Also maybe Kirisaki bc he's an ass and I hate his guts
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Victim O'Rand :) bc he's an ass at first but his... uh... SPOILER KINDA design at the end and what he decides to do were pretty damn metal. I love-hate that moldy green fuck
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orcboxer · 2 years
My autistic ass has loved plinko since I was like 2. The puck. The little sounds. The perfectly sized slots at the bottom. The prizes allocated to the different slots. The illusion of control, thinking "if I drop it right here it's sure to land in the Big Prize slot." I literally had a homemade lil plinko machine that I spent hours playing with. It was a dinky lookin thing I made out of mostly cardboard but hell if it weren't the best damn object.
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kamkairo · 3 years
for the send me a fandom thing, i really hope i'm doing this right: psychonauts
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) Do I really have to tell you at this point
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) Raz, the son, the boi, the bob, the goodest of bois (and lil Cal, I will viciously defend that sweet darling child like a feral swan) .
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Sheegor. If her hair wasn't as much of a pain to draw as my own bastard boi's, I'd draw her too, but I haven't yet figured out how to simplify it .
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) None of them are really 'obscure' per se but I do get a joy out of seeing the rare post about that little unit Mikhail Bulgakov. Bonus points if he's describing in detail how he'll kick the shit out of somebody because that's always hilarious .
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) Hank Hill's son- I mean Bobby Hill- I mean Bobby Zilch. He's an absolute, over-the-top little fucknugget and yet I love that (and while I do understand the significance of his favorites sections on his Campsters page, I love a lot of that shit too for different reasons so he is like my own son now, I'll be his weird female stepdad) .
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) if by 'torment' we mean 'insert into crowded pictures from google and sending them to people to see how quick they can spot him like Where's Waldo' then Crispin Whytehead. He gets really hard to find in pictures of anime cons, that's the expert mode .
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) that little Funko Pop-lookin' ass BITCH, uhh... <looks at smudged writing on hand> Grisly Milk. Also 'superhell' is too nice for him, he belongs in purgatory with Cal's parents
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barkov · 3 years
I have to know who your Panthers Blorbos are omg
unrelated but i lost my copy paste of the template for this ask meme because i copy pasted an emoji and... now i have to redo it... takes forever 😭😭😭
OK HERE GOES this is probably the most difficult one yet i love every single one of these men lol
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): ok this obviously has to be sasha right. i think about him all the time, his voice is the cutest thing in the world and he seems so sweet despite being. massive. i could talk about him for hours he's tied with bergy for favorite NHL player of all time (yeah i know crazy)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): BOBBBBBBBBBB oh my god his voice, he's so silly and sweet and humble. again european goalies. his girldad energy is off the charts and the flow? these are obviously the key to his return to form this year. another player i could yell about for hours
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): HMM. god this ask meme would've been so much easier for the panthers like a year ago because now everyone keeps saying how good they are/can't be underrated anymore. maybe lundell? i think he leads all rookie forwards in 5v5 points now like WHERE is my boy's name in the calder conversation. they've ignored him for too long and it's starting to show up more but mini barky should be at the top of everyone's lists (not biased)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): again who can i even call obscure anymore. but i'll say duke because there will NEVER be too much love for duke. i want him to be a forever panther on a line with huby and benny <3 he has the best smile in the league also i took like 15 pictures of him laughing and smiling at the last panthers game i went to.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): again idk who qualifies for this this is so difficult omg. like if i were attached to juolevi i'd say him but not quite yet. MAYBE MAMIN? but like he's not problematic. maybe just unpopular idk. but he ALSO seems Super Sweet despite being extra large which i am a fan of or i could say sam bennett for taking a lot of dumb penalties. i love him too
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): marchment for falling so much/taking this long to be elite. bambi lookin ass. (affectionate)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): OK THIS IS PURELY FOR HOCKEY REASONS. BUT GUDAS. SIR. SOMETIMES YOUR PLAY MAKES ME WANT TO RIP OUT MY HAIR. ilu tho just stop getting out of position
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elysiangroom · 2 years
Dead Cells 👁👁 for that ask meme -❤🔥
yes. yes
blorbo: beheaded......... my love
scrunkly: also beheaded i mcfuckin guess
scrimblo bimblo: i . need to play more of the game to answer this
glup shitto: i like those sao ass lookin enemies a Lot
poor little meow meow: beheaded uhmmm. good q. i dont think theres anything id class as meow meow Yet. maybe the gardener boss
horse plinko: queen for funsies
eeby deeby: collector
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burnedoutburntrap · 3 years
Stickbug lookin ass
Built like the goop man from Nightmare Before Christmas
Go to Eeby Deeby for your crimes. I'll put you through the plinko myself
- Raspberry
I don't even know what those words mean.
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liquid-geodes · 3 years
go wild you funky little fellow of carnage <3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
William William William I will NEVER stop thinking about him
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Monty! He's very shaped!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Have y'all ever met old man consequences
Catch a fish!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
This one is also William. Yes he's killed dozens of children. Yes he's my poor little meow meow.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Springtrap has been sent to the horse plinko
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Jimmy Neutron lookin head ass
No one likes you
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RWBY for the fandom thing? :o
blorbo - HNNNGNGG probably Blake and Qrow. love me some angsty bitches. i care them so much
scrunkly - ZWEI he is so shape. rotates him. also if we need a person, PENNY MY BELOVED <3
glup shitto - hmmm it used to be May but now she's getting more screentime so hm. I'm still gonna say May. Miss Marigold my absolute beloved. OH ALSO PIETRO MY BESTIE MY DAD
poor little meow meow - if i say cinder am i gonna get blocked. listen she sucks but also i like looking at her
horse plinko - elias bouchard lookin ass jaques schnee is gonna get it <3
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arundolyn · 3 years
Rwby for glup shitto meme thingy
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
bear in mind i havent even like... STARTED vol 3. but fox from team cvfy. cool bitch. love him. also the fact taht the whole team's names are references to various sweets. love that for them
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
neo i love u but... u know
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
ms cinder fall you are hot but god you suck. would also say roman's alex delarge lookin ass but hes already there eh
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so @lovelyrhink wanted some hearteyes randl, and while this includes a certain amount of staring and hearteyes, this ended up a teeny different than planned. still, i hope helen (+ anyone else who reads this!) enjoys this lil ficlet i wrote~
It’s like being in locker rooms. No, backtrack, Link grits. Too far back in the time machine, too many hormones. It’s like their pre-filming ritual back at the studio, he mentally corrects. They’ve changed clothes together in the same small room many a time. This situation is no different, no matter the number of late night talk show hosts waiting to talk to them on the other side of the wall. The comparison helps quell the tremor in his hands, but only for a bit—only until he’s standing, pantless, in the middle of a well-lit dressing room with his best friend at an arm's width away.
Link stumbles to pull on his navy blue slacks. Bustling about them are stylists and makeup artists, absolute strangers, and yet it is a pair of green eyes that has Link figuratively and literally tripping. Frankly, he isn’t sure if Rhett is staring and Link is too scared to check. It’s enough to pretend Rhett isn’t. Sure, maybe Rhett seems to be looking too directly at their shared mirror. Maybe Rhett’s watching someone else in the reflection—creepy nonetheless, but possible. Maybe Link’s eyesight has gotten so bad that his peripheral vision has blurred a degree over the normal magnitude of blur-ness, and he’s only seeing what he thinks to be his best friend ogling at his naked body. Maybe the lights are the too bright and his suit is too thick and his nerves are too rampant, because obviously (obviously!) it’s not the heat of Rhett’s relentless stare that’s burning holes into his lithe waist and perky buttcheeks. Stop that, Link urges his brain, stop that right now. He’s thinking too much again, and talking too little; he is the talkative one, right? Conversation-starters tumble through his mind in a raucous game of mental Plinko. “This room smells like sweat.” “Are you as nervous as I am?” “Nice ass–” no. Link is one buttoned button away from “ready”, and for that he spends an extra thirty seconds smoothing out the nonexistent wrinkles on his suit jacket. It is the muted silence, the absence of rustling fabric that finally brings Link to turn around, and to his surprise (though it shouldn’t be), Rhett is stunning. Tall and handsome, Rhett looks like someone who couldn’t have reigned from the sleepy town of Buies Creek. He’s not someone for Link to lick his lips at, but he does anyway as his eyes roam across long limbs cloaked in black. Rhett inspects Link just as closely, settles on his features for just as long. “Lookin’ sharp,” he says. “Right,” Link replies, squirming. “You, too. I mean, you’re looking equally sharp, brother.” Rhett ducks his head down to chuckle, then looks back up at Link with puffed cheeks. “Heh, thanks.” Come a few skipped heartbeats and one of the production assistants pokes her head through the door. Five more minutes until showtime. The dressing room feels tiny now, almost suffocating— But. Rhett smiles, nervous yet alit with energy, and Link doubts he could watch the heavens part and it would look any different. He grins back before reluctantly turning towards the mirror. He’ll have to remember to look at Jimmy once they’re out there.
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