#Pls help me before the hyperfixation wears off
lupisspiss · 4 months
Spoilers for isat
Completely unrelated to my previous post, I can't remember why exactly there was a tear in the sky at the end? Was it because the wish was failing? Is that how it works-? It's just like not totally but like really important or whatever for like no reason for like completely non-AU related shenanigans so
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juqtier · 3 months
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SUMMARY: During one of the most detrimental and devastating outbreaks this world has ever seen, the BAU had spent countless hours trying to bring in the man responsible, dead or alive. When they seek help from a minacious mercenary, and personal feelings somehow get involved, the situation quickly becomes much more complicated and difficult than anticipated.
GENERAL WARNING: ANGSTY and horror (somewhat), weapons, violence, descriptions of viruses and diseases, death, kissing of course, zombie like creatures, apocalypse, outbreak, descriptions of mutations
CHAPTER WARNING: descriptions of violence and viruses, reader is kinda an asshole. THIS CHAPTER MAY SEEM BORING BUT PLS the story will get interesting as it progresses! just gotta explain the basic concept!
A/N: the first chapter, yay! this is clearly inspired by resident evil (my fav game series). i thought it’d be interesting and unique to combine my two fav hyperfixations. i made the virus names and effects, and im clearly not a scientist so if they are scientifically inaccurate ignore it or im gonna cry. also, I wrote this with early spencer in mind (3-5) but if you imagine him from a different season lmk! ALSO sorry if any of the writing is bad, my english is terrible!
. . .
January 15th, 2009
- 985 days since the outbreak
You had been caught. You had finally been caught.
Of course, you were well aware of the risks that came with being a mercenary, being caught was one of them. Yet, this didn’t diminish the anger you felt, sitting in a dingy, dark interrogation room, cuffed to a table.
It felt as if days passed by. Your eyelids felt heavy, you couldn’t manage to find a comfortable position to rest in. A metal folding chair would quickly prove to be a poor place to even attempt to relax in. Sitting in silence for so long, your ears could perfectly hear the buzzing of the flickering bulb above you, and it drove you crazy.
Just before you could drive yourself insane, focusing on each bothersome aspect of the interrogation room once more, the door opened.
Two men, two entirely different vibes.
One was an older, tall, stoic man wearing a suit practically devoid of color.
And while the man that stood beside him wasn’t wearing the most colorful outfit, his blue shirt and purple tie were a stark contrast to the other man’s outfit.
His long, wavy brown hair stood out as well. A part of you wanted to just stare at him, he was so pretty. But the other part of you, the majority of you, wanted to knock both officers unconscious and attempt to run away.
“I’m Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, this is Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid. We’re with the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” The older man explained as both of them took a seat across from you.
The words practically went unnoticed by you, your mind had been more focused on the discomfort caused by the tight cuffs around your wrists. Your eyes met Hotchner's, and he could tell exactly what you were feeling.
“Wanna take these cuffs off?” You request.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that until you cooperate with us and give us the information we need.”
“What information?”
Your eyes naturally rolled, gradually growing more annoyed by the second. Even with how frustrated you were, you weren’t going to cooperate easily. You were a mercenary, and the FBI was well aware you had only ever been motivated by payment.
It sounded selfish to everyone else. It was selfish, but to you, it was the only way to survive.
Hotch extracts papers and files from a manila folder, spreading them out onto the table in front of you. Your eyes watched his hands as he displayed each paper for you.
“For the past seven months, me and my team have been observing your every move.” Hotch’s eyes are glued to you. “Several times in these past months, you’ve been employed by Luca Ansaldo.”
The name has been drilled into your ears by this point.
Luca Ansaldo, a wealthy, ‘brillitant’ virologist and CEO of the virology company SynX. And, unbeknownst to you, the creator of the Lazarus Virus.
Ansaldo had employed you many times before, and with the pay being more than generous for a seemingly easy job, you didn’t think twice about accepting his offer.
But now, just hearing his name was enough to enrage you. Yet, you remain calm, returning Hotch’s eye contact. You barely even noticed Reid beside him, merely observing the interaction between you and Hotch.
“He paid me well for a simple job, is that what you wanted to hear?” You mutter.
You knew that wasn’t what they wanted to hear, but you also couldn’t tell what they wanted.
The past officers that had come in, aggressively interrogating you, never made it clear what exactly they wanted from you. All you could really understand was that they wanted his whereabouts, and you couldn’t tell them that. You didn’t even know.
“What jobs did he pay you for?” Hotch inquires.
“Easy jobs. I’ve done that plenty of times before for others, why does it matter now?”
Hotchner adjusts in his seat, probably finding it just as uncomfortable as you were in that moment.
“It’s important because we’re not currently after the other individuals you’ve worked for, we’re after Ansaldo.” He explains, sliding a document toward you.
Your eyes quickly scan the words on the paper, taking in all of its details.
“Under SynX, Ansaldo has managed to manufacture one of the deadliest viruses known to man, the Lazarus virus. You can see the results of his work walking in the streets.”
“Lazarus Virus?” You question. “Like, from the Bible?”
You clearly knew about the outbreak, every human did. You just had never been able to put a name to the virus responsible.
Reid took this question as an opportunity to share every bit of knowledge he had about the virus.
“Yes, actually. The name derives from Lazarus of Bethany, mentioned in the Gospel of John. The story claims Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, only four days after his death.” He hadn’t even noticed your eyes locked on him as he rambled. “We believe the virus attacks the brain stem, destroying the brain's basic functions. However, while mental capabilities deteriorate, physical capabilities are enhanced, explaining why they’re rather strong and violent. Those infected by the virus are called ‘Revenants’.”
You couldn’t help but be impressed at his ability to speak for so long without even losing his breath. He had spit out each word with urgency, as if he had been waiting to share this information with you.
“You seem to know a lot about the virus, why am I here?”
“We don’t know enough.” Hotch replies. “Without a sample of the virus, we won’t be able to produce an effective antidote. Ansaldo is currently the only man we know of that has any samples, and you know more about him than any of us. You may be our only chance at finding him before it’s too late.”
He leans forward, an even more intense stare accompanying his statement.
For a moment, for a brief moment, you allow yourself to absorb his words. It was as if a switch flipped in your brain, allowing yourself to prioritize others before yourself.
And again, this sounded so incredibly selfish. You could recognize that, of course. But you couldn’t blame yourself. And quite frankly, neither could Hotch or Reid.
The outbreak was and is devastating. Major cities were overrun and filled with chaos, with millions dead or missing. Trusting people wasn’t as common as it was years ago. Especially for you. You had been alone, fighting to survive, for years. It was all to protect yourself. You had the right to protect yourself, right?
“How much?” Hotch’s words bring your attention back to him, back to the situation you were in.
You weren’t sure if you misheard or misunderstood him, and it seemed as if Reid shared that same thought. His eyes widened as he snapped his head towards Hotch, questioning him with his eyes. Hotch, however, doesn’t even seem to notice Reid’s shock.
“What?” You stutter just a bit, clearly confused.
“How much do we need to pay you for your cooperation?” He repeats.
“You want to pay me to work for you?” You reply, skeptical about the offer.
Reid visibly shared the same sentiment. It was as if he couldn’t close his mouth. You didn't expect this, and neither did he.
“You are the closest connection we have to Ansaldo.” Hotch ignores the shocked faces of you and Reid, “If we have to pay you for your cooperation, then we are willing to do that.”
His expression shows that he’s serious. You consider the offer a bit longer before spitting out the first number you can think of.
“Two hundred thousand.”
You wait for any change in his expression, you wait for him to simply refuse. But he never does.
“We can arrange that.” He gives you a small nod before rising from his chair, Reid following. “I will assign an agent to keep an eye on you. You will be kept under supervision at all times as you work alongside my team. If you even attempt to betray our agreement, I promise you will not see a single dollar.”
“Wait.” You blurt out before they can even make their way to the door. “Can I choose what agent gets to follow me around?”
The way you word it makes it sound like a privilege, like it was an honor to have to watch over you. In reality, it most likely wasn’t.
The FBI considered you a dangerous, difficult mercenary. Asking you for help was a last resort, one they tried to avoid. But as they watched the virus spread across the country, unable to stop it, they knew they had no other choice.
“Do you have an agent in mind?” Hotch raises an eyebrow, confused by your question.
You nod in response, your eyes landing on Reid.
You couldn’t explain why, but his quiet, shy demeanor drew you to him. He wasn’t standoffish like the other officers and agents, he was actually quite the opposite of you.
Reid furrows his eyebrows. Neither he nor Hotch had expected the request; their looks expressed that. Hotch looks over at Reid, as if he were contemplating whether he could handle such a job. It was a silent conversation between the two; you were just an observer in that moment.
“Reid will watch over you as you work the case with us.” Hotch proclaims.
“Hotch, are you sure?” Reid whispers, just loud enough for you to hear him. He sounds nervous as he speaks, causing you to smirk.
“If she causes any problems for you, I will assign a different agent for the job.” Hotch responds, going for the door. His hand lands on the door knob, twisting it and pulling the door open with Reid behind him.
“Can you take these cuffs off me?”
Hotch and Reid turn their attention towards you once again before Reid digs in his pocket, pulling out a set of keys. Hotch watches as Reid walks over to you.
Your gaze remained fixed on Reid as he fumbled with the keys. You observed his shakey hands, finding all of it almost humorous.
When he finally managed to remove the cuffs, he let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding in.
You stand up from your seat, rubbing your wrists where the cuffs had previously been.
“Thank you so much.” You say with a teasing, playful tone.
His eyes never meet yours as he steps back, allowing you to stretch, glad to be free from the metal chair you were held down to.
“The team is gathering to discuss our next steps in the case. You’ll be joining us, since you’re working alongside us now.”
He explains the situation quickly as he leads you out of the room, still avoiding any eye contact.
“Exciting.” A smirk was still plastered on your face as you walked behind Reid.
While Reid was more nervous about the situation, and you clearly found it amusing, there was one thing the two of you had in common at the moment.
You had no idea what you were getting into.
. . .
pt. 2
a.n. : again sorry if the writing is bad, but i’m excited for this series to play out! it’s a concept i haven’t seen done before so i wanted to make something cool with it! i believe even if you aren’t a fan of resident evil, criminal minds x mercenary is still kinda cool. also, if you want to be on tag list im more than happy to add you!
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miyamoratsumuu · 2 months
tenya iida. [ur thoughts?]
[Jordan and Eli (Kade's younger brother) make jewelry for people. Mina almost passed out from pure excitement and Ejiro has an anklet that he wears whenever he's going out]
‼️this post contains slight manga spoilers‼️
AWH THAT'S SO CUTE!!! the love I have for jordan grows everyday 🙇🏻‍♀️ I absolutely love making handmade gifts/people that make handmade gifts is so endearing 🤲🏻
and kovu you don't know the monster you unleashed LMAO this would exactly be like the time you asked me about sero
IDK WHY HE HASN'T CAUGHT MY ATTENTION BEFORE?? probably because we're almost the same person when it comes to our classes lmao I'm not as for the lack of a better word "strict" as him though? so I just saw him as a more "intense" me, and maybe I didn't like that as much before, idk 😭 I'm literally hating on my past self rn cause there was a point where I slightly disliked iida but then one of my irls pointed out he was similar to me and uh yeah 🤠
BUT now that my mha hyperfixation is back and slowly catching up to my hq hyperfixation, I dunno like I said in one of my past posts I'm starting to see iida in a new light 😹 I'm so funny the way I switch up is crazy (I'm lowkey bashing on myself rn) ANYWAY i HATE how I never noticed how much of a gentleman he was before cause WHAT maybe it's just because of the nrw seasons and everything that's been happening in the manga but STILLLL
like the whole duration of the war where he constantly checked up on his classmates??? (e.g. todoroki, bakugou) AND after the war where bakugou and todoroki hid behind him when fangirls were after them LMAO PLUS HE'S SUCH A FAMILY ORIENTED GUY???? LIKE YES PLEASE?????
these fanfics/smau's really aren't helping with my incoming obsession with him, but pls pls keep it coming u guys. I love all of you who write for him, hihi
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literally screaming into the palm of my hand as I was looking for this on pinterest 🙏🏼😕
ALSO another irl I have told me if I had a type for guys with glasses how come I don't gush about iida so much 👨‍🦯 AND I WAS LIKE HUH NO I DON'T? the way they proceeded to point out the different guys with glasses I've ever liked my whole life is crazy but we don't talk about that further
and like my type in guys well irl I guess are ones that are taller than me (I live in the philippines and I RARELY see guys my age that are taller than me and I'm literally 5'6" 15 y.o. which is already pretty tall here in the ph ahahaha in my school there are literally like 5 guys that are in the same grade as me that are taller than me???ok, I'm getting off topic. but anyway, my like bare minimum in a guy is someone that's taller than me and smart (cause they gotta match my freak yk before the two of us get married we have to have been married to our academics first)
ok anyway and again, i absolutely HATE how I just noticed how iida fits that so perfectly??? my hate for my past self isn't even lowkey anymore I'm literally openly bashing myself
sero would always always be my #1, but I just think I'd like to give iida some of the love for now 🤲🏻😸
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imjustabeanie · 6 months
uhh i may have to organize this or else im gonna ramble lol-
can i have a matchup for hazbin hotel and helluva boss pls :>
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: demisexual/demiromantic
Star sign (if that helps-): Leo
Personality type: INFP
I use emoticons a lot as you'll see :>
Favorite colors: Purple and black especially since they work so well together
Very much a night owl :)
Personality: I'm a kind of a fun and laid back person but I do like do cause chaos every now and then. I tend to hyperfixate a lot on random things that i tend to find. At first im very quiet but can get more chaotic as time goes on. I can tend to get hot headed at times or be somewhat irrational every now and then and it takes time for me to calm down. Other times im very hyper. Also i have a slight caffeine addiction so that might be why :D
Moral alignment: true nuetral
Aesthetic: Dark academia-ish along with some glitch core because i just really like the look of both
Hobbies: I play the violin, read, write, draw, and i love listening to music a lot. Probably one of my favorite things to do honestly. I also love chilling and watching tv and binge watching stuff. I also have a habit of just analyzing shit for the fun of it because why not. I also really like learning about greek mythology and i like a few musicals. I also watch horror quite a bit and mysteries because I just think that they're fun. I'm also learning spanish as of currently-
Pet peeves: people who cant take a hint... like at all, or they take the hint and just dont care. it annoys the shit out of me. also really stuck up people who think theyre better than everyone else, like we get it youre a child who never grew up. move on. mouth noises are also just the most annoying thing ever.
Appearance: tan skin with dark brown eyes and hair. i wear glasses sometimes but dont usually because theyre not fit properly and i keep trying to get them fir but it never works so ive just given up-. honestly i mostly wear softer clothing such as sweatpants, leggings, or sweaters/sweatshirts. but sometimes i wear jeans and actually style myself although i usually just keep it casual.
Hi! Thank you for your patience I am sorry for being so slow to answer to this trade. I was very sick last week.
Without further wait...your Helluva match is...Stolas!
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Stolas was a pretty obvious choice for you to be honest. Your interests and aesthetics click and just like you he’s chill but then pulls out the most chaotic actions out of nowhere.
You two met at night at one of those libraries you only see on pinterest. He honestly just came in cuz he was bored and wished to seek a recent human astronomy book. He found you peacefully reading a mythology book in the corner and was gonna leave you alone till he couldn’t help himself but comment on it. You were so laidback and easy going that you two had a nice conversation where he taught you a few things about mythology (given his age and position he does have an interest in those subjects). It was nice and you two decided to do it every month, then every two weeks and you see where it is going. Stolas just likes coming to you to cool off with no repercussions. It’s what made him fall for you. He confessed after inviting you to watch the stars or a movie he thinks you’d like (high chance you already watched it before but shhh). He confess and also tell you real quick about his marriage situation in case you want out.
Stolas is a caring and passionate lover. His love language is mostly affection and quality time but I believe he’ll wait till you’re ready if you catch my drift. He LOVES spoiling you with numerous gifts and dates. He’d be pretty upset (pouty) if he’s not your go to contact when you need help. He wants to be someone you can rely on, a safe space for you just like you are for him. His gifts range from cinema/concert tickets and your favorite snacks (he doesn’t consider any food as a gift) to actual mythological pieces and priceless violons. Sometimes they even come from his personal collection.
Stolas lives for your chaotic moments! He highly encourages them which results in weekly trouble for both of you (you’re always safe dw but he did get you two banned from a few places). When your hot headed side comes out he’s here to calm you down or get angrier on your behalf. There is no in between cuz your couple is pretty much in sinc. It means you either calm the other down or join them.
Despite his extraverted self, Stolas enjoys some home time. Especially with you. He actually purchases a house in the human world and spends most of his time there now. He wants (begs) you to move in with him. This house has a huge library, two studies, a music room and a very much needed coffee corner. Yeah with those machines you see on tiktok with all the material. Stolas isn’t a morning person at all so he needs his daily coffee and only accepts premium quality. He invested in a home cinema and loves binge watching with you. Those are all things he didn’t get to do often so discovering them with you is a priceless experience in his eyes. Horror doesn’t bother him at all and he can show you much better horror tbh. Stolas also likes analyzing things with you (he listens and chimes in) and actually keeps up with your fixations really well. His favorite thing to do at home is to stay glued to your side.
Stolas often drags you to dance with him in the music room. He is attentive to your tastes and shows you his favorite pieces too! In general he is an attentive lover who adapts to your needs without being overbearing. If you accept his flaws your relation will be…stellar.
Your hazbin match is...Husk!
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I did hesitate between a few characters (mainly Vaggie) but in the end Husk won. He’s chill but knows how to have fun. And he’s loyal.
You were at the hotel when you got to know Husk. He was being his usual snarky self but after a few nights (and talks) he slowly became friendlier. He even cracked jokes with you! Music definitely got the two of you to bond. You became someone he felt at ease with. The moment Husk considered sharing some of his problems with you he knew he fell, and fell hard. He started being more attentive to your needs and lost in your voice during your conversations. Everyone knew he was in love so one night they somehow managed to leave the two alone for the night. That’s when he confessed, knowing he couldn’t hold it in any longer.
As mentioned beforehand, Husk is a very attentive boyfriend. His love language is mostly acts of service and some quality time. He makes you your favorite drinks and will even learn the ways of a coffee barista for you. He’s proud of the way he makes you smile and feel loved as well as being your shoulder to vent to. Husk knows he has a way with words and people to make them feel at ease, he’d say it’s a positive trait of his that’s why he wants you to be included in it. Plus he gives good advices for someone with so many bad decisions. Husk likes going on weekly dates with you (besides dinner together every night that he cooks) to watch new movies. He’s mostly a domestic guy so going out in public is something he’d only do for you.
Husk calm demeanor is really helpful when you start getting irrational. He always help you keep a head on your shoulders and is the rational voice. Doesn’t mean he won’t encourage you to go ape shit when someone deserves it. While he prefers the calm, Husk still enjoys your occasional chaotic moments. He knows you try to lessen them for him but isn’t fully opposed to them as long as you’re safe. Low chance he’ll join you but some nagging will work. People are surprised that he’s with someone way more energetic than him but he just shoots some lovey dovey comment and they shut it. Angel is probably your biggest cheerleader in the relationship, he gives a lot of (sometimes helpful) advices to Husk.
While your hobbies differ greatly, I can see Husk appreciating them a lot. Especially your artistic side that he fully encouraged. He’s always there when you practice, even when you get frustrated or have an art block. Husk will become your hype man and do his best to motivate you. He probably got the binge watching habit from you much to Alastor dismay and he actually gets into soap operas….it’s funny to watch. Husk likes listening to you analyze or talk about greek mythology. He’s not great at that but tries to participate (he likes listening to your voice).
Husk will lessen his drinking habits with you. He wants to be the best version of himself for you just like you are for him. He’s really trying and it’s commendable. His gambling is another issue and he needs another fixation for him to stop. I guess with you it could become watching tv as it takes up a lot of his time (not saying that in a negative way but you see what I mean). Aesthetically talking, you two also fit together if we judge by clothing type and your personal aesthetic. Overall he might not be the best guy but he’s willing to change for his love.
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azusaluvclub · 2 years
my all out!! ships ... the masterpost you didnt ask for
im gonna keep this short and sweet and say that i have 0 explanation or defense for any of these , but goddAMN did i grasp at straws to make em make sense . having ao!! as my hyperfixation for half a year has had some harrowing results tbh
if im not alone in these pls let me know or smth :D otherwise enjoy (or dont)
goshozome + hirota ;;;
⋆ .. all of these are rarepairs tbh
⋆ gosho notices hirota first, whenever they go to watch jinkou play against tenjiku ! rlly admires his strength on the field and finds himself wanting to get to know him lol
⋆ is the one to initiate their first convo after a practice game together and hirota thinks hes an absolute pest- reminds him too much of the flashy, pretty boy types in dramas, but waaayyyy more charismatic (and actually nice lbr)
⋆ gosho probably gets hirotas number from kamo afterwards (thx kamo ...) and messages him that night w some goofy lil "hello ! (^0^)ノ" and hirota is just left wondering .. “who tf ..."
⋆ once he figures out its goshozome, he decides that hes even MORE of a pest- still replies to him tho ?? he rolls his eyes about it but he cant help but find him amusing ; its not long before hes looking forward to their chats :D
⋆ over time they start to talk more and while they dont have the most in common personality-wise, they find that they have similar likes and hobbies (aside from rugby ofc) that they can talk about for hours- even their differences and separate interests make for good conversations ! 
⋆ the first time they get together is probably to do smth a bit more fun as per goshos suggestion, like bowling (naturally, seeing as hirota is a bowling god), mini golf, or even ice skating- smth that gets em out, but where they can still chill and talk afterwards ! 
⋆ also, most places like that provide snacks + appetizers 2 share soooo ;))) while its not exactly a "date", its definitely a place to start
⋆ in all of this though, hirota ends up learning a lot more about gosho and that, in spite of whatever misconceptions he had about him, he really just wanted to be friends- and honestly ? this makes hirota feel rlly fuzzy deep down :( not that he admits it, coward
⋆ them actually getting together though is definitely a gradual thing . i feel like goshozome wouldve realized early on that he didnt want just a friendship with hirota, but it took hirota much longer to figure out that his own feelings werent totally platonic lol- its not until wellll into their college years that they decide to give dating a try :)) 
⋆ their friends were not surprised when they started dating ; probably more surprised w how long it took . esp kamo, who def caught the pair making goo-goo eyes at each other like a bajillion times before they made it official- hirota may have thought he was being lowkey about it, but gosho wasnt even trying tbh- 
⋆ overall they have a really sweet relationship :(( i see gosho as the type of boyfriend who can be a lil overbearing in his affection (though it comes from the heart ofc, he just doesnt like being discreet about the person he loves imo), so hes always reminding hirota of the million and one reasons he loves him, gifting him things, taking him places, etc, and while hirota doesnt mind be flattered like that, he never really gets used to it either lmao- gosho calms down about it when theyve been together longer and the newness wears off a bit lmao
⋆ hirota, on the other hand, is a bit more subtle about that sort of thing :)) its the little things that goshozome loves tho ! hirota cooking him his favorite meal (goshos canon type is good cooks so I MEANNNN...), giving him something that reminded him of gosho, or simply saying “i love you” is enough to make him melt- knowing that hes appreciated and thought of like that will never fail to make him absolutely weak smh
⋆ but yeah, theyre just really happy together :(( 
⋆ to add some more fun lil things ,, hirota has a fascination w goshozomes hair tbh . loves running his fingers thru it when theyre cuddling and such (seriously wants to know what product he uses to get it so ... soft..)
⋆ whenever they get into petty arguments , hirota will 9/10 times threaten to turn goshos bird into stew ,, or fried parakeet ,, 
⋆ in spite of this he actually does find pete (???? i think thats its name but dont ask me ..,) super cute :( 100% supportive if/whenever gosho wants expand the family lol, once theyve settled down
⋆ once they get older and have the funds for it, i think itd be cute if they opened their own lil restaurant together ! its mainly hirotas since it was probably his dream from the start, but gosho helps out a lot with it — be it helping in the kitchen, w the decorating and such, or the actual hosting/waitering part, hes in it with hirota 100% :))
⋆ i see them as both being pretty family-oriented ppl, so they definitely keep close with each others families + they all get along p well ! i like to think that, w them both being older brothers, their lil bros are relatively around the same age and so they hang out a lot during family get-togethers and such- whether they actually get along or not ? wellll u can decide lmao
adachigahara + takebe .
⋆ chaos x chaos enabler .
⋆ likely started talking during a post-match function, probably after rugby nationals and shit- takebes bffs w marodo + i like to think noka + sumi are a lil friend group w them, and i feel like theyre the cluster of personalities that adachi would fit right in with (would he want to tho ...), so it made sense for them to start mingling lol
⋆ how the two started talking outside of rugby stuff ?? BEYOND me . for the sake of this it doesnt matter, but i dont think it was long into them talking + developing interest before they decided to go on a date lol
⋆ their first date is probably at an amusement park ! maybe a lil cliche but i think theyre both fun-loving people so it seemed like a good idea lol
⋆ try going on a few of the rides, but adachi gets queasy every . single . time . so by the fourth ride they agree to just play the different games instead (which is fine, bc adachi was looking foward to that part anyways-)
⋆ adachi keeps trying to win the stuffed animal prizes to add to his collection but loses p much every time- takebe offers to try his luck, and gets it in one go :D (and gets stuck carrying their loot the rest of the day lol) ends up winning some big, light blue cat plushie that permanently resides in adachis bed :)))
⋆ venture into a haunted house attraction and take turns screaming + clinging to each other when they get scared- adachigahara tried playing it off like he wasnt scared at first but ,, neither of them would be that good with spooky stuff lbr :’)
⋆ end off the date by sharing a giant ass sundae at one of the food stalls <3 
⋆ after a few months of flirting around and going out, they actually put a label on things :D nobody was expecting it other than the people closest to them, mainly because they are so ... different, per se ? but theyre happy together so their friends are happy for them ofc
⋆ takebe was definitely drawn to adachi for his personality :)) but can you really blame him ? hed be fun as hell to be around ; even if they arent doing anything in particular, takebe will still find himself entertained by whatever ramble adachi decides to go on about- (at this point takebe knows 90% of the sagami gossip lol)
⋆ (also, not that it matters buttttt ... takebes type is literally “black hair in a bob” and like . how else would u describe adachigaharas hair ? lmao do what this info what you will)
⋆ for adachi, i think hed really like the more passionate/ambitious + bolder sides of takebe, once he gets a chance to see them lol :,) esp since he seems p simple on the surface- (tho i feel like theyre both passionate people, just about different things- takebe mostly about his goals and such, while adachi is just passionate about everything smh) adachi is takebes #1 supporter tho :D
⋆ definitely the type of couple to be matchy-matchy w things ! matching keychains, mugs, accessories, blah blah blahhhh
⋆ because he knows goshozome, adachi has gotten a ton of hair tips and products to pass onto takebe :D probably the only cure to his insane bedhead atp
⋆ spend a lot of their bonding time just doing silly shit, but its some of their favorite moments shared :( be it watching some ridiculous show on tv, doing shitty karaoke in their living room or tripping over each other playing just dance, or indulging in some self-care, they have a lot of fun together </3
to summarize , these are the only two ships i really had a lot to say about :D but if u want me to be real i have like . a shit ton more that linger in my brain as cute concepts (kokuto + marodo,,,, for example,,,) but idk how to make them work logically LMAOOOO so yeah . one day perhaps .... i will speak em into existence ..........
but !!! if anyone reads this pls let me knwo about your own rarepairs or ao!! ships in general ! or any general headcanons ,, idc honestly , im just open to any convo about ao!! atp lmaoooooo soooo :D hmu bitches
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sagegreensage · 3 years
"ay yo tell us all the reasons that Pirate is the top-tier most smoochable boi in your eyes"
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(me, if I were a deep sea telescope fish, upon seeing this ask in my inbox /pos)
OKAY. SO UH. To save all who read this, im going to do this in bullet format so to minimize the risk of there just being a Humongous Wall Of Text. Also, I don't know how to add a 'read more' on mobile, so I'm sorry about how long it is regardless.
Reasons That Pirate Is The Top-Tier Most Smoochable Boi In My Eyes
Okay, so why is he so goddamned cute?????
I'm nearly in literal tears everytime i see a picture of him... He's so fricking cute.
I smile everytime I see or read that he's smiling.
And he has such a beautiful eye color! A warm, rusty red, his iris is black, and his pupil is white. Oh, gorgeous... So gorgeous.
I want to cup his face in my hands and tell him that in doing that, I'm holding my world in my hands.
He just looks so soft and holdable. I want to hold him. Not just his hands (which, btw, are so very cute~!) but all of him. I want to be the big spoon and cuddle him and hhhhhhh. he is so cute and soft lookingggg! Me want hold. (update: *hand. If he'd like, I can design him a hand. Or hook, if he wants. Or both! he can interchange 'em :) For the material of it, I was thinking an arsenic-free alloy consisting of cold-cast bronze and aluminum.)
i bet his lips are soft too... Really soft,,, I would very much so like to smooch him 👉👈 idc if we kiss and his lips are a little dry because of the beach air or the salty sea. I just want to kiss him. Above water and under water. (actually he likely uses chapstick... What flavor of Chapstick does he use..?) (Update again: mwah mwah >3<. yeehaw. he was not wearing Chapstick because he had just woken up so... Next time. but hhhhhhh. the rp. kissie kissie in rp :D)
I would literally swoon/happy panic (is it a gay panic if I'm male But Also female?... Pansexual panic) receiving his good morning and goodnight texts. Or just almost any text from him for that matter... Basically, it'd go like this. Every time.
[over text]
Sweetie Pie (Pirate): Good morning 💖
Me irl, before replying: ASDFGHJKL bro he so cute,,,,,!?
No but, for real: he so cute. How so cute?
The way he shows his trust... Being around someone with his gloves off and or his eyepatch off. An unspoken, subtle show of him trusting that you won't judge or think less of him.
I love his interests asdfghjkl. I've been hyperfixated on marine life and the ocean since 2nd grade. idk how long I've been interested in pirate stuff. It started before Pirate101, which was made in 2012, that just helped me express it. My grandma used to tell me she wanted to be pirate, so I think it was around when i was 4 or 5 that I began thinking pirates were awesome. hhhhhhhhh me want ramble about nautical stuff with him.
me want ramble with Pirate pls.
And Please. Please, let me introduce him to Pirate101. It was the center of my pirate phase when I was younger, which by the way, never died and Pirate just nursed it back to health. I'll pay for his Pirate101 membership. We will co-op fight our enemies together. The big bad stands no chance.
his aestheticccc. fucking Superb!!! Aw, man.... Seeing him dress in his pirate attire gives me Confidence. I would like to dress up a bit more extra. My aesthetic is either tired nerd with a decent closet or near full on steampunk techwear depending on how I feel. He makes me want to dress in more steampunk techwear.
lkjhgfdsa ANYWAYS. His aesthetic!!! I love seeing art of him wearing his aesthetic. Everytime I show my friends his drip they're like, "wow, he looks so fancy," and like, yes he do. His drip is fancy in that old way, which has then been stolen and worn by a pirate. And basically, that's the pirate drip. Except, unlike your average pirate wearing fancy vintage clothes, Pirate isn't dirty. Pie's clean and they smell very nice.
And the reason he likes pirate paraphernalia is just,,,, yessir! Yes! You love that ocean, bro! The ocean loves you too :) and so do I.
and he's a trans icon :) and not only that, he goes by he/him and they/them pronouns. Amazing!!
iiiii would die and revive for a trip to a store with candles/perfumes/colognes just to look for what I imagine Pie smells like. Odd? Okay, perhaps. but listen. I would die and revive for someone irl to love me like Pirate would. If i buy that scent, you best believe im either spraying the perfume/cologne on some of my pillows and clothing or lighting that candle whenever wherever. Anxious? Lonely? Sad? Empty inside? Pirate's scent fixes all, my friend. a lifehacc, if you will.
I know he has a slight accent, although he suppresses it: i would love to hear it. And when he just wakes up or is drunk, man, oh man. pls, me want hear his accent. (WAIT. when he woke up after he got his arm fixed and i came in the room, was his accent more prevalent at that time? 👀)
I want him to trust me someday enough to not suppress things about himself, like his accent and his purring.
why does he suppress his purring, btw? that's so fricking cute why suppress that? Well, I mean, I know he's ashamed of the fact that he isn't human, and that most humans wouldn't want to be involved with a monster, much less, love and date one. but he's so cute tho. seriously, he could for real just be a scallop with sapience, but if he still was himself I would still fucking love him.
he allegedly gets some of his things out of the trash? yesss. (insert (non)gendered word of choice)boss, this is me: "bb, let's go dumpster diving imma get a ring out of there and use it to be engaged to u someday " terrible no-good very-bad date idea: let's go to the dumpster of Dunkin Donut's. (no but they actually throw away hundreds of perfectly fine donuts every damn night. mind-boggling.)
celebrating Spooky Month together would be great. I would wear whatever he designed, heck yessiree. Man, it would be so cute.
Maybe I'll add to this list later but I think I kept you waiting long enough :3
didnt manage to get all the flustered pansexual panics he gives me or how my thought-process goes everytime I fricking see him but this was a list more for reasons Pie is a total cutie. not me, my butterfly-filled tummy, and my incessant simping 👉👈
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punk-pandame · 3 years
DnD on the brain, its hyperfixation time!
the campaign hasn’t even started yet but i got so excited i fleshed out a whole ass character today! his name’s honan zaredar. he’s a chaotic good half-orc fighter, and also a himbo who loves his mom and using his beefy arms to help others.
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i’m still working out a few design details so here he is in just his basic chainmail armor. the battle axe is his primary weapon- he’ll have a couple more later. usually i don’t post art before it’s finished in its entirety, but i think having him up now might help me hold myself accountable for continuing to update him instead of forgetting him in the depths of the WIPs folder! anyway, since it’s so early in the process with him, some things might change along the way. all i know for sure is i’m definitely keeping this face:
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i love him
image descriptions under the cut, as well as some more pics of him in... less clothing haha 
[ID: first image is of a large half-orc dungeons and dragons character. he is tall and very muscular. the perspective makes it seem like he’s even taller than he is. he has greyish-tan skin and long, curly blue-black hair pulled half-up into a bun. he has gold eyes, and the one on the left is narrower because of scars running vertically through the eye from forehead to chin. he is looking at the viewer at a 3/4 profile, the hint of a smile on his bluish lips. he has small tusks that jut upward from his lower jaw; the one on the left is broken, consistent with the scars on his face. he is wearing long chainmail armor with a thick, draped cowl trimmed with brown leather to help it stand up against his neck. it is also cinched at the waist with a matching brown leather belt with a gold buckle. he is wearing brown leather boots with grips on the bottom for traction in snow, and trimmed with off-white fur. one can see the blue padded bodysuit he wears beneath his armor on his thighs between the chainmail and boots. one hand is on his waist, and the other is holding a battle axe over his shoulder. End ID]
[ID: the second image is a close-up on the same character’s face. End ID]
husband infomed me that there is supposed to be padded clothing beneath the chainmail, but didn’t specify, so i made it up! i want to have him from someplace cold, so this design could double as warm insulating layer. i feel like there are stranger things in this world than turtlenecked long johns/padded bodysuits.
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[ID: an image of the same character without his chainmail armor, revealing a dark blue bodysuit underneath. it has long sleeves, a turtleneck, and long legs that disappear into his boots. the front is secured shut with gold buttons and bands down the middle. there is a flap around the crotch with an extra fastener that could be released if needed. End ID]
pls ignore my anatomy errors on this one, just appreciate hunky half-orc with tatts ashgkjaslhg 
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[ID: final image of the same character. he is wearing nothing but pink underwear that may or may not be a thong. the hair on his arms, legs, chest, and stomach is visible now, as are sharp, abstract tattoos on his arm. he is still holding his battle axe in the other hand. his nipples are bluish in color like his lips. End ID]
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kae-karo · 6 years
Hi I used to be into the phandom so much but fell out in like??? 2017??? Maybe??? Has anything big happened at all? Has anyone died/caught on fire ( ;) )??
oh dear god where do i begin??? well fortunately both our lads are still alive. let me just start with saying 2018 has been like. probably the best year for dnp to date? i’ll try to go in some kind of order here but bear with me i’ll touch on a bit of 2017 stuff and then go into 2018 for ya
so first of all i’m not sure when you left the phandom in 2017 but the lads moved out of their previous flat in april of last year (x) (april-ish it was def before they posted the vid)
also our dear lil dani snot on fire is no longer not on fire (x) so uhh is he on fire now ig? i mean yeah that’s arguably true
*insert phil’s badaladala sound bc on the scale of Significant Things i don’t think anything else massive happened*
day one of demon month, we got this amazing vid from phil wherein viewers (aka dan) picked his outfits n he looked like a snacc and a half (would’ve been 2 snaccs if he’d embraced the quiff sooner but that’s getting ahead of things) (x)
!!!! then a week or so later dan posted his vid ‘daniel and depression’ where he opened up abt his struggle with depression (x) which was imo the start of him just being more open about himself in general. he also started working with young minds (a mental health org for young people in the uk) and shortly thereafter with prince william’s program to help prevent cyberbullying
then! on the day love was invented! dnp released their board game, truth bombs (x - yeah i linked the second vid and not the first, and wot) which u can buy if you’d like but it’s a lot of fun (x)
then these idiots did a conjoined jumper baking challenge and didn’t fucking wear shirts under the jumper like what dumb gays idk (x) but it was real funny and Good Content
then early nov dnp announced the interactive introverts tour (x) and then uhhh it happened (like 80+ shows??? in a ton of countries???) (x) and they’re releasing the filming of it along with some bonus content like a director’s commentary and u can preorder it (x)
also pinof 9 happened which as a legacy phan u know is always a Thing but this year it was especially a Thing so i recommend catching up (x, and the bloops - x)
and phew okay that’s the majority of 2017 Important Events but before i go on to 2018 i’ll just recap a few important events from dapg (basically just some gamingmas stuff):
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wherein dan smacked phil in the face
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and phil crushed the presents but dan helped him up
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where phil pretended not to remember gamingmas was happening, leading to the most iconic simultaneous heart eyes howell/love eyes lester to date
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dnp singing baby it’s cold outside together whilst playing yasuhati
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iconic pinof 9 moment
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dnp play charades but it’s phil’s turn, and he’s touchy
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the not my arms challenge!!! playing mario kart
okay! and before anyone starts yelling i know there’s more but god if i put every iconic thing in this post would break there’s Too Much so let’s hop into 2018 bc it’s gonna be a long one
first i cannot believe dan fucking gave phil a philussy cake and phil’s parents asked phil what it meant jfc dan (x)
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THE EARRING!!! dan’s first selfie with the lil hoop and it never leaves and we love it (x)
phil is just trying to take a selfie and dan ruins it (x) spoiler alert: phil gets him back in colorado (x)
okay big sigh two large events happen in march: the first, dan’s ‘trying to live my truth’ vid (x) it basically dan saying ‘i’m still figuring things out but i want to be more authentic and true to myself, and also authenticity is important for some people to feel happy in life’ vid that a lot of people hyperfixated on the end line of, where he said he would go ‘laugh at a joke with a chocolate bar and...something else in my mouth’ which people assumed meant a dick and therefore it was a subtle coming out vid, dan did a liveshow afterward (x) wherein he said that wasn’t the point of the vid and people got mad at him for ‘backtracking’ (if u want more of my Opinions on this feel free to check em out - x)
the second v v big event happened at the end of march when phil posted this iconic selfie that would be the downfall of the fringe (x) this has been titled the quiffening by some
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shortly after that he began styling his hair in a quiff permanently which was probably the best decision he’s made since responding to one of his obsessed fans back in 2009
quick detour dan’s proud of his hubby (x) for winning fortnite and ‘fuxkung’ is now what ‘fucking’ autocorrects to in my phone
we also had dan releasing his merch (x) which is basically all black and themed around the eclipse logo and ‘don’t talk to me’, though he just released the exist line for world mental health day which has his quote ‘have the courage to exist’. he’s also mentioned possibly wanting to do more creative things like wide-necked or asymmetrical shirts dan just do a fashion line pls oh and he mentioned in a recent ls he might do an internet support group mug sometime soon
and then,,,,,pigeonfest. we watched. five hours. of phil livestreaming their patio. and literally nothing happened bc someone was like down on the street feeding pigeons so there weren’t even any pigeons for like 90% of the liveshow. but he literally didn’t talk it was just five hours of their patio and we all watched it. we all just watched it like the whipped phannies we are (x)
and then we got a brief but overwhelming dose of,,,,,,something from the easter baking vid (x) phil was hopped up on sugar and also confidence from his quiff and probably smth else as well
everything just blows up from there we have giving the people what they want (x) where, in preparation for ii (for which the underlying theme was ‘giving people what they want’), dnp reacted to pinof 1, swapped clothes, did the ‘yoga challenge’, recreated ditl manchester, ‘got a dog’, and made phil say fuck. honestly it shook the entire phandom to its core at the time but like. i’m less shooketh now? it’s sort of just fallen by the wayside in terms of how unpredictable dnp have been this year
then phil drops week in the life of dnp shortly thereafter which is just very very domestic even for them and their ditl style vids??? (x) phil filming dan in bed being one of the big demon highlights at the time
it’s right around this time too that insta stories start and my god it just goes jfc like i don’t even have the mental capacity to recall all the Iconic ones but i recommend checking out this playlist (x) which has all the ii tour stories goddamn there were a lot though they really put out that content didn’t they
in early may we get phil talking about why he changed his emo hair (x) and arguably the first official vid of the casual rebrand - phil’s more open and genuinely vulnerable about his fears about making a change to his hair, and i don’t think we’ve ever seen him that open before. the vids don’t stop being open though, with what dnp text each other (x) giving us coop and doop along with other iconic stories, dnp basically sitting on top of each other in that and other gaming vids on the tour bus, phil being very open abt his attraction to men (x) and the iconic final google feud vid with way too much of a specific kind of Energy (x) (ofc again there are More Vids but i don’t have the time/mental capacity to recap them all so i’m pickin the Big Ones)
monochrome mates (x)
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phew okay so the tour in general as well - like if u don’t mind spoilers, i did a big ol analysis of what that was all about (x) but one of many many highlights is dan calling he and phil “best friends and soulmates” 
finally finally finally after months of waiting we also get some phil merch! (x) plant and animal themed, and he even released a lion plushie which sold out like instantly and he claimed he’d do more of but we have yet to see that. he says he’s got more ideas for other merch as well
now okay fast forward to october after the tour’s over bc i think the insta stories and the analysis cover it but then. then. then we get the pizza mukbang (x) thirty three minutes of dnp being more open and honest and casual than literally they’ve ever been on camera maybe ever, and i’m including liveshows in this statement. no holds barred, authentic vulnerable dnp. a religious experience
end of october spooky week hits us and i think the key vid to call out here is the creepy mind of phil lester bc i think it was another open honest authentic vid (x) where they talked a lot, casual domestic w.e got some insight into phil’s mind it was v good
and then they carve pumpkins jfc which was an experience (x) there were a lot of innuendos but also one of the first years they didn’t do a halloween baking in a while (though they have hinted at possibly doing christmas baking) idk i’m fully overwhelmed at this point lmao like a Lot happened this year
phew okay and Then just yesterday philly dropped his vid on why he went to (the) hospital (x) idk soz that’s a british thing i think like we say ‘the’ anyway. which i’ve been talking abt quite a lot lately but it was another very open and honest vid in which he expressed a lot of vulnerability and fear and perceived flaws and it was just a quality like. open vid.
jfc okay hope that helps obviously there’s a lot i didn’t mention, but this should at least get you caught up on some of the big stuff!! and while i’m at it have a few more Important Gifs from this year
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a very important moment of communication whilst on tour, deciding whether or not they’re okay with doing a ‘third wheel’ pose
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dan flinging himself off the chair in anger whilst playing getting over it
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nose boop from phil’s instagram explore pages vid
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subsequent nose boop from the extreme tetris vid
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and a cheek boop from the overcooked 2 vid
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dan pulling phil’s hand off the mouse in fear during spooky week, swamp simulator (shrek slender)
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touchy!dan during pizza mukbang
oh god. okay. again, this is not everything, just a big list of some big events over the past year-ish. i’m sure i’ve missed some important stuff but i think i covered most of it! hope this helps ya get caught up dear!
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svcredstars · 8 years
pls tell us more about this person!! aghhhh im dying this is too much
AHHHHHH where do I even begin with this
Well first of all he’s a real cutie with thick dark curls and his voice is like super deep and he laughs a lot, over like everything. He seems really laid back and chill which is perfect because I’m high strung like 24-7 so yeah. He seems to like spending time with me (even if it could be only because I’m helping him out with our mutual classes). He’s in my major and wears lots of nerdy space shirts which I highly approve of. He wears glasses but not like the nerdy kind but the kind that makes you look more sophisticated. Plus he’s pretty strong and has a nice build, which is always nice. And like I knew all of this before today and I knew I may be developing feelings even though I’ve only known him for less than a week.
But TODAY he saved a seat for me in physics and this is the first time we’ve sat in such close proximity to each other and oh my god. Oh my god. You remember that scene in twilight where they’re sitting in chemistry and the lights are off and it’s like lightning is arching between their arms and she can feel every slight movement of his arms or legs? It was like that. I can barely even articulate how heightened and distracted I felt.
Like I just want to spend lots of time with him and know his story. Where he’s from, his desires and fears, his dreams. But mostly I just want to know what his body would feel against mine and what it would be like to kiss him so yeah.
And the worst (best?) part is that I literally have a class with him every day of the week, usually two classes, so I will literally have no breaks from this hellish hyperfixation and no days that I can afford to be ugly because I’m going to see him literally all the time. I don’t know whether I want him to like me back or not because either way it’s going to be amazing yet horrible.
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