#Plywood marketing agency
woodindustries · 5 months
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Plywood Marketing Agency
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woodennews · 5 months
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WOODEN B2B PLATFORM - Plywood marketing agency (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1440777350-wooden-b2b-platform-plywood-marketing-agency?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=LissaTaylor98 Promoting your brand on the IBAIS MEDIA WOODEN B2B platform can promote your business and brand all over India.
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best quality keruing face Importer
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Two exceptional varieties of face veneer, Keruing and Gurjan, are produced in Indonesia, a country noted for its natural beauty and abundance in resources. Due to their excellent features and adaptability across several sectors, these magnificent materials have attained renown on a worldwide scale. We shall dig into the marvels of Keruing and Gurjan face veneer in this essay, learning about their history, distinguishing characteristics, and importance to Indonesia's economy and workmanship.
Face veneer from Keruing
The hardwood species keruing, Dipterocarpus spp. in its formal name, is indigenous to Southeast Asia, with Indonesia serving as one of its main habitats. The veneer has an attractive look because to the towering heights and stunning reddish-brown color of the Keruing tree. It is a popular option for many applications, notably in the building and furniture sectors because to its exceptional longevity and resistance to decay.
Plywood is made in Indonesia by expert craftsmen using a careful procedure. The veneer's captivating grain patterns are first shown when the logs are split into small pieces. The face veneer is widely valued for paneling, flooring, cabinets, and ornamental components because to its durability and inherent elegance.
Face veneer from Gurjan
Gurjan, formally known as Dipterocarpus laevis, is another valuable hardwood species that is endemic to Indonesia. Gurjan, like Keruing, is very strong and durable, making it ideal for demanding applications like naval construction and shipbuilding. Any project benefits from the heartwood's lovely golden-brown hue, which becomes darker with age and lends an air of refinement.
Getting a face veneer manufacturer in indonesia is similar to getting a Keruing veneer. Only the finest grains are utilized in the creation of veneer, thanks to the meticulous selection of the logs by skilled artisans. In the production of fine furniture, ornamental laminates, and interior finishes, gurjan face veneer is highly prized.
What It Means in Indonesia
For Indonesia's economy to function, Keruing and Gurjan face veneer must be produced and exported. The country's extensive forests are home to many of these hardwood species, which provide local people a stable source of income and boost the economy of the whole country.
Due to its remarkable quality and adaptability, Keruing and Gurjan face veneer is actively used in Indonesia's woodworking industry. The export of these goods to different nations throughout the globe aids in bolstering Indonesia's standing on the international market. Furthermore, conservation measures like as replanting and sustainable logging assure the survival of these priceless hardwood species for future generations.
Environmentally Conscious Behavior
Indonesia is dedicated to protecting its biodiversity and natural resources. Government agencies and other groups work together with regional businesses and communities to guarantee the sustainable management of forests. To preserve a sound ecological balance, they carry out ethical logging procedures, keep an eye on replanting activities, and guard endangered tree species like Keruing and Gurjan.
Indonesia's long tradition of workmanship and commitment to protecting its natural riches are on display in the Keruing and Gurjan face veneer. These priceless resources demonstrate Indonesia's dedication to environmentally friendly policies and sustainable practices, as well as the economic success of the country. The charm of Indonesia's Keruing and Gurjan face veneer continues to enthrall discriminating people and businesses as demand for durable, eco-friendly goods rises globally.
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everamazingfe · 4 years
You Can Ride On My Rocket 69 - Chapter Twelve
A Song About Strength
Fic Summary: Jeremy has recently awoken in this strange world, 210 ten years after he was put to sleep, and is now the lone survivor from his vault. Trevor's a radio host from Diamond City who's barely left the station, lonely in his own right and isolated from the rest of the Wastes. When they meet, Trevor finally gets a chance to see the rest of the wasteland like he's always wanted, though Jeremy becomes more of his bodyguard than Trevor does his companion. They meet various people along the way, some being friends like the odd throuple they meet in one of the neighboring city, or foe like a certain Diamond City guard. Both are wary about bringing up their pasts, but the wasteland has a strange way of bringing people together.
Chapter Summary: Jeremy faces a setback in the search for his husband, but Trevor finds some courage. This chapter's song is "Mighty Mighty Man" by Roy Brown. 
Words in this chapter: Pairings: Jeremy/Trevor, Michael/Gavin/Lindsay, Jeremy/Matt Warnings for this chapter: Threats of violence, blood, gun violence, gore. The end of this chapter gets a little violent/graphic.
Notes: There’s a link to the first chapter of this fic as the source of this post! Click it to go read this fic over on A O 3, or you can search up the title or ‘everamazingfe’ on the site! 
Also, I won't be posting a new chapter on the 1st/2nd of April because I've been getting very bogged down by schoolwork, and I just don't have the energy for everything I want to do. The next chapter will be posted on the 15th/16th of April. See you then!
When Trevor woke up the next morning, there was a moment of confusion before he realized where he was, and who he was next to. He was much warmer than he was used to being, but it wasn’t the unpleasant and sweaty warmth that came after a nightmare. It was comfortable and made him feel safe. Until he cracked an eye open, he had no idea that the source of it was Jeremy. They had their arms wrapped around each other loosely and their legs tangled together, the other man’s head tucked beneath his chin as he snored softly. The sight made him smile, though the sound kicked off a headache. He squeezed his eyes shut with a soft groan, holding Jeremy tighter. Maybe if he just ignored the pain, he’d be able to go back to sleep. The sun was only just starting to rise, Diamond City wasn’t far, and Geoff probably wasn’t going to be expecting them for a while. He had time.
Besides, Jeremy was still sound asleep. As far as he knew, it was the first restful sleep either of them had gotten in months. He wasn’t about to do anything to disturb that. So he settled in again with ease, pulling the blankets up over their heads to block out the beams of sunlight shining through the cracks in the plywood.
The Rexford was still quiet in the early hours of the morning, the only residents bothering to be awake at this hour were some of the ghouls getting ready for early morning patrol shifts. They had enough common courtesy to keep quiet, though. As quiet as they could manage in a centuries old building that creaked with each minute movement, at least. The wood was half rotten and the glass had been knocked out of the windows by the bomb and by the weather, that was the case with every building in town, but the residents of Good Neighbor had worked hard to try and keep everything sturdy and functional. It was a good place to be. Some might even say it was more welcoming than Diamond City, particularly a certain radio host. 
In addition to the neighborhood watch, another small group of people were awake in those early hours. But they hadn’t even gone to sleep yet, to be fair. 
“I hope everything went well at the Den, Trevor seemed a little… I don’t know. Worked up when he came by?” Gavin asked, both Michael and Lindsay nodding in agreement as they lay together on the bed, tangled together and sprawled over each other in various ways. “Picked up a lot of beers for someone who doesn’t usually drink.”
“Maybe they were for Jeremy?” Lindsay pitched, lifting their head from Michael’s chest to look over at the other. 
The bartender shrugged, sighing softly. “Hopefully not. Even for someone who does drink on the reg, that was a lot.”
“Would you both please… Shut up? They probably split them,” Michael muttered, running his fingers through Lindsay’s hair to get them to relax and lay back down. “We can ask tomorrow, right now some of us are trying to sleep.” He still tried to maintain some semblance of a sleep schedule, without one he got rather cranky, but his two partners loved to work against him on that front. Despite the two of them being regular humans, a lack of sleep didn’t seem to affect them. 
Lindsay giggled, planting a kiss to his cheek before pulling their boyfriends close. “He’s right. We should. Bar’s gonna be busy tonight.” That wasn’t anything unusual, it was busy every night, but reminding Gavin that they had actual work to do usually did the trick with settling him down. Otherwise, he’d be throwing around hypothetical questions all morning long without anyone getting a wink of sleep. Michael had learned how to tune them out years ago, but Lindsay didn’t quite have that luck yet. 
As the trio managed to go to sleep, a few floors away it was Jeremy’s turn to wake up. Instead of confusion greeting him, there was a moment of excitement as he thought he was waking up in his husband’s arms. The shitty old beds of the hotel felt exactly like the bunks they’d had to sleep in when they were deployed, the two of them squeezing onto a twin-sized mattress with springs that dug into their sides and creaked with every movement. There was even a fleeting thought, a hint of a memory that came to the surface in the moment of semi-consciousness before he was fully awake. 
“Matt?” He asked, voice low and gravelly as he lifted his head only to see that the man who he was wrapped up in wasn’t his husband. It was Trevor. That realization was only somewhat disappointing. Still, he let out a sigh and laid his head back down on the pillows, pulling back from the other a little bit. If Trevor woke up, he didn’t want him to be uncomfortable. He didn’t know that the other had already woken up and was more than okay with their sleeping arrangement. 
Jeremy stayed there for a while, alternating between looking at Trevor and the hints of sunlight peeking through the old wood that covered the windows. The dust danced around in the beams and made him dizzy. After a few minutes of that he sat up, gently reaching a hand out to touch Trevor’s shoulder and gently shake him awake. “Trev, wake up,” he murmured, smiling fondly as the other whined and stirred. “C’mon, got a busy day ahead of us. Can’t spend it all in bed.” Oh how he wished they could, though. 
Trevor put up with the shaking for a few moments before he got fed up, knowing that Jeremy wasn’t going to be relenting and that there was no chance he was going to be able to sleep for even a few more minutes. “Okay! I’m up.” He swatted at the other’s hand, rolling onto his back and trying to adjust to the headache and the brightness of the room all over again. It was a lot more difficult the second time around. He groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face, trying to wipe away the headache. “Does this happen every time you drink?” He asked him, peeking up at him through his fingers. 
He chuckled softly, shrugging a shoulder. “Kinda? You learn to ignore it after a while. Med-X usually helps some too, if I’m honest.” He had a bit of a headache, but nothing too bad though. “Water too, but… That’s in short supply these days.”
“When we get back to the city, we can stock up at Shen’s. But in the meantime, I’ll take that Med-X.”
Diamond City was the same as it always was: the market was bustling and full of people, guards patrolled the streets or hung out at their posts, and the mayor looked out at it all from his office. Trevor noticed one very important thing once they were inside the city limits, though. Even with all the guards and people around, he just didn’t feel safe there, and it didn’t feel like home. Inside the Home Plate was a little different. The mayor couldn’t glare holes into the back of his head there and Ian, if he was even still alive, couldn’t get to him either. Out in the open he felt way too exposed. 
Jeremy didn’t exactly feel safe there anymore either, constantly on high alert and keeping an ear out for the first sign of trouble. He was less concerned about his own safety, and more about Trevor’s. 
With how busy the city was during the middle of the day, Jeremy was extra conscious of making sure Trevor didn’t end up lost in the crowd. He hadn’t even given it a second thought when he’d grabbed the other’s hand, guiding him through the crowd and keeping him close, not noticing what he’d done until they’d reached the detective agency. 
“Hey there, boys!” Geoff greeted, clapping his hands together and grinning as the two walked through the door. He glanced at their joined hands and shared a look with Ellie, his grin turning to a knowing smirk before he steeled himself and cleared his throat. “You ready to go check out Kellogg’s place?” 
Jeremy quickly took his hand out of Trevor’s, clearing his throat as well and wiping it on his pants. “Uh, yeah. Ready.” He knew that it wasn’t really anything to be embarrassed over, but that didn’t stop a light flush from rising to his cheeks. “I remembered something else, too… In case it’s helpful,” he added, and Geoff’s eyebrows rose as he waited for Jeremy to continue. “His name was-... Is Matt. My husband. His name is Matt.” 
Geoff grinned at that, pulling out his notebook. “That is very helpful, Jeremy. It confirms that Kellogg’s our guy. That’s what he said his friend was named when he passed through, right Ellie?”
She nodded, typing something up on her typewriter and nodding. “That’s right, Matt Bragg. And he certainly matches the description you gave.” 
“Then we’re on the right track. Let’s get going.”
As far as Jeremy was concerned, Kellogg’s house was a bust. First, it had been locked up tight and virtually impossible to break into. The lock on the door was more complicated than any one he’d encountered in the wastes before. The only reason they’d gotten in was because of Trevor, and he didn’t want to know where he’d gotten that skill from. Then, anything useful was hidden behind a secret room that had been a real pain to get into, and there turned out to be nothing useful there at all. Some half burned cigars and empty beer bottles, but nothing that would actually tell them where he’d gone. 
“San Francisco Sunlights… Kind of a rare brand around these days, they’re pre-war, but…” Geoff trailed off, picking up the cigar box and turning it over in his hands a few times. 
“But?” Trevor asked, arching an eyebrow and looking towards Jeremy. The man was leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, eyes on the floor. His frustration was palpable and intense, and Trevor just felt bad for him. 
 “But unless you’ve got a sniffer dog, there’s not much more I can do for you.” Geoff sighed, passing Jeremy the box. “I’m sorry, Jeremy.” 
He took the box, staring at it wordlessly. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he let out a huff as he shoved it away with the rest of his junk. “So that’s it?” He asked, lifting his gaze to meet Geoff’s eyes. “This is the end of the line? After all of that, after what I’ve been through, we’re just… Done?”
“There’s nothing else to be done, kid. You could ask one of the guards if they’d be willing to spare one of their dogs,” Geoff said, pausing and glancing at Trevor for a split second before his eyes were back on Jeremy’s. “But I don’t know if anyone would be willing.” 
Jeremy balled up his fists at his side, closing his eyes and breathing hard. “Great. Just… Just great. Thanks for your help, Geoff. I’ll let you know if I find out anything else.” 
“Happy to help,” he assured, waving the comment off before turning to leave. He paused next to Trevor, leaning in and whispering, “Don’t let him do anything stupid,” before walking out of the door.
It took Jeremy a few minutes to compose himself, but that didn’t happen before he punched the wall. “It’s not fair!” He shouted, oblivious to the way Trevor had backed away as the drywall dust clouded his vision. “We’ve been through so much! You put up with so much of my shit, we walked so far, and… And for what?” Shaking out his hand, he let out a frustrated huff. The outburst had helped, all of his anger fizzling away all at once into something heavier and harder to deal with. “Let’s just go home. Figure out what to do. Maybe find a dog.”
Trevor nodded, hesitating before stepping forward and offering Jeremy his hand. “Diamond City has a lot of strays,” he told him, giving his hand a squeeze when the other took it. He hated those sudden fits of anger, those moments where Jeremy lost his temper, but he didn’t know how to help other than being there for him. That was starting to get harder, though. “But going home sounds nice.”
They walked out of Kellogg’s house together, walking quickly away from the stands and back towards the market. The crowds had started to clear out, but there weren’t any less guards around. Diamond City took safety seriously, for some of its citizens at least. The rest were left to fend for themselves.
As Jeremy dug through his pockets for the key to the Home Plate, Trevor scanned the market. They’d have to stock up on supplies before they set up again, but who knew when that would be. Without being on the hunt for Jeremy’s husband, they didn’t have much reason to go out. As Trevor looked over the people, he locked eyes with someone through Takahashi’s stand. “Uh, Jeremy? Can you maybe… Find your keys a little bit faster?”
“I’m working on it, Trev, just… Give me a sec, I’ve got a lot of shit in my pockets.”
Trevor swallowed hard, not looking away from the man who was staring right back at him. He couldn’t. “Jeremy,” he said through gritted teeth, nudging him roughly with his elbow to get his attention. 
“Trevor, what?” He snapped, whirling around to cut him a glare. But Trevor wasn’t looking at him. He followed the other’s gaze with a deep frown, letting out an, “oh fuck,” when he saw what had attracted his attention. “Shit. Okay, hang on.” He turned back to the door, pulling out his keys right as the man began to take steps towards them. 
“‘Ey, Trevor! Jer’my!” 
Jeremy rushed to unlock the door once he had his keys in hand, shoving Trevor inside. “You get anywhere within ten feet of his door, and I’ll blow your head off right where you stand!” He shouted, pulling out his pistol and aiming it at him for added effect. 
“I just wan’ t’ talk!”
“Fuck you, Ian. You don’t deserve to even look at him, let alone talk to him,” he spat before slamming the door, locking it and shoving some furniture in front of it for good measure. “God, I wish I could set up turrets in here.”
Trevor was already sitting on his bed, pulling off his armor to tuck it away in the trunk at the foot of it. “You told me he was dead,” he stated simply, looking up at Jeremy before he got back to untying his boots. “Why did you lie?”
“I didn’t lie, I just… Didn’t know. I thought he was dead! I had hoped he was dead,” he confessed, sitting down on his own bed to start doing the same. He was quiet for a few moments, biting his lip in thought before he spoke again. “Do you want him to be?” He asked in a murmur. 
Trevor paused, frowning. “I really can’t talk about this right now, Jeremy.” 
“Right, right. Sorry. But the offer’s still there.” Maybe he should have some reservations about killing someone, but his time in the army had desensitized him to that, even two hundred years after the fact. Plus, in his eyes, it was worth it. It was only fair after what he’d done to Trevor.
“Maybe another time... You got anymore of those yao guai steaks? I’m starving.”
Jeremy chuckled and nodded, shucking off the last of his gear and throwing it into his trunk. “Yeah, lemme cook them up so you don’t get rad poisoning again.”
“It was one time! And you’re the one who didn’t tell me that it was pre-war food!” Trevor wrinkled his nose and grimaced. “That was the worst thing I’d ever eaten, though. I should’ve stopped after the first bite, but I was just so hungry.”
“Don’t worry, that’s not gonna happen again.”
In the morning as he sat on the edge of his bed, halfway through putting his boots on, Jeremy realized that priorities had shifted. Finding his husband was still very important to him, that hadn’t changed, but keeping Trevor safe had bumped that down to second place. Trevor was his first priority now. It felt like the shift had happened overnight because of how sudden the realization was, though in reality it had slowly been happening over the course of their time together. The latest setback had just been the catalyst. 
“Do you have any plans for that loft up there?” Trevor asked, nodding towards the staircase from his own bed. When he’d been laid up from his head injury, Jeremy had worked on furnishing the place and making repairs, but the second floor loft had remained empty. Right then it served as a stopping point on the way up to the third level’s bathroom, but it felt weird empty like that. 
The question pulled Jeremy out of his thoughts, and he hummed softly. “No, not really. Maybe just storage? I dunno.” He shrugged a shoulder. “Why?”
“I wanna move some of my radio equipment here. That space is bigger than my trailer, probably. It’d be perfect. But I don’t wanna impose.” 
Jeremy shook his head quickly, putting a hand up to stop him. “Trevor, I got this place for us. You can do whatever the hell you want with it, alright? It’s just as much your place as it is mine. I’ll even help you move the stuff.”
“Really?” Trevor asked, his face lighting up. “Thanks, Jer.”
“Of course, Trev. Anything for you.”
He knew that was just a thing that people say when the favor wasn’t a big inconvenience to them, but for some reason Trevor felt like Jeremy genuinely meant it when he said that. It made him smile despite the butterflies in his stomach. 
“Oh, this one’s a good one too! As soon as this song’s done, we have to listen to this one,” Trevor said, pulling a disc out of the filing cabinet and waving it around for Jeremy to see before setting it down on top of it. “Actually, fuck it, I’m putting it on now.”
Moving the equipment from the trailer to the Home Plate hadn’t really taken much time, but packing the discs away into boxes to bring them over too was taking forever. Each time he found a CD that had a track on it that he liked, Trevor had to stop and explain to him exactly why he liked it and all of the nuances of each lyric. As endearing as it was, Jeremy had really been hoping to get this done before sundown. 
“Trev-” He’d started to speak, about to ask him to speed things up a little, but a knock on the door interrupted him. Both he and Trevor frowned, looking at each other in confusion, though the latter was frozen in place. He set down the box on the bed, shutting off the music and opening the door a little. “Oh, fuck no. No. Get the fuck out of here,” Jeremy spat, slamming the door shut, but a heavy boot jammed between it and the frame stopped it short. 
Ian met his eyes with a wicked grin, and at the foot of the steps stood Mayor McDonough. The sight of Ian alone had made his blood boil, but realizing that the mayor was there with him had it running cold instead. 
“Now now, Jeremy. We just want to talk,” the mayor said, his gaze going right through the man to look at Trevor who was peering out from behind him. “I thought I told you that Diamond City didn’t like troublemakers. But it seems like you’ve been causing more incidents than I originally thought.” 
Ian shoved the door, making Jeremy stagger back. He used that opportunity to get the door open, letting himself and McDonough into the already cramped trailer. There had barely been enough room for himself and Trevor in there, but the space felt even smaller now. It made Jeremy’s breathing pick up, his heart pounding in his ears. 
“Do you remember what I told you when you first showed up in my office, Mr. Dooley? I told you that you’d be escorted out of the city if you caused any more trouble. And what did you do? You went and hurt my favorite guard.” He took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh, shaking his head and clicking his tongue. “Such a serious crime cannot go unpunished, Mr. Dooley. And Trevor, I thought you knew better than to make any waves.”
“It’s not his fault,” Jeremy said, balling up his fists as he began to calm down enough to speak. The walls were still closing in around him, but he couldn’t afford to stay silent. Trevor couldn’t, either. He really wished that he’d thought to bring a gun. “Look, McDonough, whatever you’re gonna do, don’t loop him into this.”
“But he’s the whole cause of it. You both are a pox on this city, and if you don’t decide to leave it quietly, I’ll be forced to put my foot down and have you forcibly removed.” 
“Aw, c’mon Mayor. I think tha’ we should let Trevor stay,” Ian laughed, and the mayor seemed to be considering it. 
Neither of the men were looking at Trevor, they were hardly even thinking about him, he was just a way to taunt and torture Jeremy. But behind them, he could see the radio host moving towards his desk, and he had to work hard to bite back a grin. Though he’d been convinced that Jeremy wasn’t a synth, he knew that keeping a gun around for extra protection was still a smart idea. And what neither Ian nor the mayor knew was that Trevor had become a hell of a shot during his time in the wastelands. 
“Nuh uh. Where I go, he goes. Either we both stay, or we both go. And since we’re so much trouble, I think we’ll both be going,” he stated, turning around to pick up the box and start packing away Trevor’s CDs again. It almost seemed like they were going to let him continue, but he huffed when he felt cold metal against his temple. 
“Those are Diamond Ci’y property, mate. I suggest you put the box down and go, ‘fore we have t’ do anything rash. And take your pet radroach with you.” 
A gunshot rang out then, the foam on the walls muffling the sound to the world outside, but not doing nearly enough to stop it from making everyone’s ears inside ring. McDonough shouted out in surprise and covered his ears, and Jeremy dropped the box to do the same. As he looked down to see where it landed, his eyes widened in surprise. Although he knew that this was going to happen, he still wasn’t prepared for what he saw.
Ian was nothing more than a crumpled heap on the floor, his face completely unrecognizable now. Jeremy could look through it and see the cracked tile beneath his head, and if he had any weaker of a stomach he probably would have thrown up. Already he was pretty close. Blood and brains were splattered along the wall and cabinets, some of it getting onto Jeremy’s clothing, but the majority of it had landed on the mayor, staining his tan suit red.  
“I am not a radroach,” Trevor spat, the barrel of his pistol still smoking as he aimed it towards the mayor. “And we aren’t leaving Diamond City.” 
McDonough began to beg, but Trevor no longer had his focus on him. Instead, he looked past him to Jeremy, who only gave a small nod of approval and stepped out of the way so he wouldn’t get splattered again. Another shot rang out, and the mayor joined Ian on the floor, the pair of them a mess of blood and limp limbs. 
Jeremy stepped over the bodies, gently pulling the gun from Trevor’s hands and setting it down on the desk. “Are you okay?” The other man nodded slowly, though he began to tremble. “Go home. I’ll get the rest of your stuff. Do you have the key?” Trevor nodded again, digging it out of his pocket and passing it to Jeremy. 
“We’re so fucked,” he whispered, laughing and running a hand through his hair. “Jeremy, what the fuck did I do?”
“You protected yourself.” He’d done what Jeremy himself had been too much of a coward to do, he was righting a very long series of wrongs. “I’ll take care of this, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
Trevor wasn’t so sure he agreed. Although at the same time, he didn’t feel like he’d done anything wrong. In fact, he was kind of happy about it. But the fear of getting caught and ending up like the pair on the floor was more overwhelming than anything else he was feeling, so he just nodded dumbly and walked carefully out of the trailer, trying hard not to step in any of the blood that was now pooling in the cracks of the tile. 
Once the door was shut again, Jeremy pocketed the keys and hit play on the CD player, letting Roy Brown play in the background as he packed up the rest of the discs. The cabinets themselves would just have to wait there, he needed to get back to Trevor as soon as possible. 
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newstfionline · 4 years
Monday, March 15, 2021
Call of the wild: Great outdoors is great escape in pandemic (AP) For those venturing off the beaten path, be advised—it’s a little crowded out there. By nature’s standards, anyway, as the great outdoors has become the great escape. Hiking trails, parks and other open spaces were packed in 2020 with a cooped-up population searching for fresh air during the coronavirus pandemic. Locked down, shut in or just fearful of crowds, people took up hiking, biking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, camping, tennis and golf—to name several—in significant numbers. 8.1 million more Americans went hiking in 2020 compared to ‘19, according to a preview of an upcoming outdoor participation report from the Outdoor Foundation, the philanthropic wing of the Outdoor Industry Association. 7.9 million more went camping last year. 3.4 million more participated in freshwater fishing. The foundation’s research also reflected a decline in inactivity for most age groups and across all income levels.
U.S. airport passengers hit highest level since March 2020 (Reuters) The Transportation Security Administration said it screened 1.357 million U.S. airport passengers on Friday, the highest number screened since March 15, 2020, as air travel begins to rebound from a pandemic-related drop. Covid-19 has devastated air travel demand, with U.S. airline passenger demand down 60 percent in 2020 and down 63 percent in January. But with a growing number of Americans getting vaccinated, demand and advanced bookings have started to rise in recent weeks. Friday’s numbers were still down 38 percent over pre-Covid-19 levels.
Winter storm closes roads in Wyoming, Colorado, Nebraska (AP) A powerful late winter snowstorm intensified over the central Rocky Mountains on Sunday with heavy snow and wind leading to airport and road closures, power outages and avalanche warnings in parts of Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska. The National Weather Service in Wyoming called it a “historic and crippling” winter storm that would cause extremely dangerous to impossible travel conditions through at least early Monday. Major roads southeast of a line that crosses diagonally from the southwest corner of Wyoming to its northeast corner were closed Sunday, including roads in and out of Cheyenne and Casper. Farther south, a record of over 2 feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen just outside Cheyenne by noon Sunday, the weather service reported. A SNOTEL site at Windy Peak in the Laramie Range reported 52 inches (1.3 meters) of snow in a 24-hour period ending Sunday morning, the weather service said.
FEMA to help manage unaccompanied minors at US-Mexico border (AP) The Biden administration is turning to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for help managing and caring for record numbers of unaccompanied immigrant children who are streaming into the United States by illegally crossing the border with Mexico. Government figures show a growing crisis at the border as hundreds of children illegally enter the U.S. from Mexico daily and are taken into custody. The Homeland Security Department is supposed to process and transfer unaccompanied minor children to the Department of Health and Human Services within three days so that they can be placed with a parent already living in the United States, or other suitable sponsor, until their immigration cases can be resolved. But more children are being held longer at Border Patrol facilities that weren’t designed with their care in mind because long-term shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services have next to no capacity to accommodate them. Children are being apprehended daily at far higher rates than HHS can release them to parents or sponsors.
Spanish Police Seize Submarine Built to Carry Drugs (WSJ) Spanish police Friday said they had seized a 30-foot long narco-submarine that could carry 2.2 tons of narcotics, a sign of the lengths cartels are going to transport illegal drugs to the booming European market. Police said they discovered the narco-sub in Malaga on Spain’s Costa del Sol last month as part of an international police operation that led to the arrest of 52 people and seizure of more than 400 kilos of cocaine, along with other illegal drugs and cash. The vessel was made of fiberglass and plywood and powered by two 200-horsepower engines, although it had never sailed, police said. Narco-subs are semisubmersibles that float mostly below the waterline and have long ferried cocaine from Colombia to Central America. In 2019, Spanish law enforcement discovered a narco-sub off Spain’s Atlantic coast, confirming persistent rumors that they can reach Europe.
Italy prepares for an Easter lockdown as Covid-19 cases grow exponentially (CNN) Italy is facing another lockdown, as the government attempts to contain a recent surge of coronavirus cases, marred by the presence of new variants. Half of Italy’s 20 regions, which include the cities Rome, Milan and Venice, will be entering new coronavirus restrictions from Monday, March 15. The measures will be effective through April 6, according to a decree passed by Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s cabinet on Friday. In regions demarcated as “red zones” people will be unable to leave their houses except for work or health reasons, with all non-essential shops closed. In “orange zones,” people will also be banned from leaving their town and their region—except for work or health reasons—and bars and restaurants will only be able to do delivery and take-away service. Additionally, over Easter weekend, the entire country will be considered a “red zone,” and will be subject to a national lockdown from April 3 to 5.
Born in Soviet Exile, They Might Die in a Russian One (NYT) Long lines of people waiting to buy milk, toilet paper and other essentials disappeared from Russia decades ago. But one line has only grown longer—the one Yevgeniya B. Shasheva has been waiting in. For 70 years. That is the time that has passed since her birth in a remote Russian region. Her family was sent into exile there from Moscow during the height of Stalin’s Great Purge in the 1930s, when millions were executed or died in prison camps. Throughout the past seven decades, Ms. Shasheva says, she has been waiting to move home to the Russian capital. A 2019 ruling by Russia’s Constitutional Court ordered that the government make this happen, mandating that such “children of the gulag”—around 1,500 of them, according to some estimates—be given the financial means to move to the cities from which Stalin banished their parents. But the process has stalled completely, leaving Ms. Shasheva with nearly 55,000 people ahead of her in line for social housing in Moscow. So she waits 800 miles away in Nizhny Odes, a town so far off the beaten track that wild bears appear regularly on the streets.
US-Turkey reset faces long list of hurdles (AP) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has toned down his anti-Western and anti-US rhetoric in an apparent effort to reset the rocky relationship with his NATO allies, but so far he’s been met by silence from U.S. President Joe Biden. Nearly two months into his presidency, Biden still hasn’t called Erdogan, which some in Turkey see as a worrying sign. By contrast, former President Donald Trump and Erdogan spoke just days after the 2016 election. Ties between Ankara and Washington—which once considered each other as strategic partners—have steadily deteriorated in recent years over differences on Syria, Turkey’s cooperation with Russia and more recently on Turkish naval interventions in the eastern Mediterranean, which U.S. officials have described as destabilizing. Despite tensions, many within Erdogan’s government were hoping for four more years of the administration led by Trump, who had a personal rapport with Erdogan and didn’t give him any lectures about Turkey’s human rights record. Biden drew ire from Turkish officials after an interview with the New York Times in which he spoke about supporting Turkey’s opposition against “autocrat” Erdogan. Analysts say it’s going to be very difficult to reset the relationship, given the range of issues where the two countries don’t see eye to eye.
At least 39 killed in Myanmar district after Chinese factories burned, media say (Reuters) Security forces killed at least 22 protesters in the poor, industrial Hlaingthaya suburb of Myanmar’s main city on Sunday after Chinese-financed factories in the area were set ablaze, according to local media. A further 16 people were reported killed elsewhere in Yangon and other parts of Myanmar and state television said a policeman had died in one of the bloodiest days of protests against the Feb. 1 military coup against elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi. China’s embassy said many Chinese staff were injured and trapped in arson attacks by unidentified assailants on garment factories in Hlaingthaya and that it had called on Myanmar to protect Chinese property and citizens. As plumes of smoke rose from the industrial area, security forces opened fire on protesters in the suburb that is home to migrants from across the country, local media said.
In China, millennials embrace Spanish (NBC News) Yilin Ye, a student from Anji, in the eastern province of Zhejiang, China, is spending time abroad at the University of Zaragoza in Spain. Ye, 25, said she first started learning Spanish after having heard about its “excellent reputation.” She said she feels she takes on a slightly different persona when she speaks Spanish. “It’s a really beautiful thing, really fascinating,” she said. “When I’m speaking Chinese, I’m more calm. When I’m speaking English, I’m probably a bit more open, and when I speak Spanish, I’m very ‘wow.’” Just how popular is the world’s second-most-popular spoken language in China? There are about 50,000 Spanish speakers in China, a figure scholars say is growing by the year. “The Spanish language is making waves in China,” Lu Jingsheng, an author and national coordinator of Spanish for the Chinese government, said in an interview.
China Eases Visa Rules for Foreigners Who Get Chinese Vaccines (Bloomberg) The China-made vaccine is becoming the ticket to enter the mainland. China said it will ease visa application requirements for foreigners seeking to enter the mainland from Hong Kong if they have been inoculated with Covid-19 vaccines made in China. Foreigners visiting the mainland for work will face less paperwork in visa applications if they are able to show they have received vaccines produced in China. With the vaccine certificates, these travelers will also be able to skip the requirement for a Covid-19 test or fill out a travel declaration form. The rule also expands the scope of applicants eligible for a visa due to humanitarian needs, such as taking care of family or attending funerals, if they have received Chinese vaccines. Other applicants should still follow the earlier visa procedure, according to the statement.
Mysterious attacks on at least a dozen tankers carrying Iranian oil are reportedly due to covert Israeli operations (Business Insider) Israel has used water mines and other weapons to sabotage at least a dozen tankers carrying Iranian oil and bound for Syria, according to a Wall Street Journal report, which cited US and regional officials. In violation of US and international sanctions, Iran has continued trading oil with Syria. Israel is reportedly concerned that the profits from these sales help fund terrorism in the region, and has targeted the tankers as a result. These tankers tend to carry hundreds of millions of dollars worth of oil, per the Journal. A shipping professional told the Journal that Israel conducted three strikes against ships carrying Iranian oil in 2019, and a separate shipping professional said six ships used by Iran were targeted last year. There are not any known instances of ships being sunk as a result of these suspected operations, but at least two were forced to return to Iran. The alleged Israeli attacks may represent a new front in the conflict between these two historic adversaries.
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ericfruits · 4 years
Asia’s migrant workers are having a rough time under covid-19
Banyan Asia’s migrant workers are having a rough time under covid-19
An already ill-treated class is all but abandoned by authorities
THE 200-ODD Bangladeshi and Indian men engaged to build a new resort on Baa atoll in the Maldives were becoming increasingly desperate. Since covid-19 closed the island nation to tourists in March, migrant workers had been forced to work without pay. They were living in cramped, squalid conditions and were short of food, clean water, medical attention and even soap. In May they aired their grievances in a silent protest. In a confused event a while later, they briefly took a few locals hostage—apparently believing they were mobsters sent to threaten them. In July they took their protests to the capital, Malé. The authorities’ response? To brand the workers a threat to national security and deport dozens of them. They were at least able to return home.
The Maldives has perhaps 230,000 legal and illegal foreign workers, or nearly one for every two Maldivians. Many have their passports confiscated by employers, have to pay exorbitant fees to employment agencies or are, in effect, trafficked, with no clear knowledge of whom they are working for. Now, thanks to the pandemic, they have lost their jobs or are denied pay.
Across the Asia-Pacific region, which is the world’s biggest supplier and user of foreign migrant labour, the details vary, but the general picture is depressingly familiar. Asia’s 33m-plus migrants—those who build the gleaming cities and resorts, clean and cook for the growing middle classes, and keep a billion toilets clean—lead lives that were hard before the pandemic. (One Filipina domestic helper in Hong Kong whom Banyan knows was forbidden a day off for a month because she shrank her boss’s designer T-shirt in the dryer.) They have become only more precarious.
Most Asian states like their foreign workers to be out of sight when they are not doing something useful. In Singapore 323,000 labourers, most from South Asia, are housed in dormitories on the edge of town. Early in the pandemic the government soaked up praise for its deft handling of covid-19. But it had a blind spot: the crowded dorms. Soon, the virus was spreading fast among foreign workers, who now account for 94% of nearly 58,000 cases in the city-state.
At least the authorities were quick to test foreign workers and to improve their conditions. Workers have been given Wi-Fi, extra food and medical attention. In neighbouring Malaysia the picture is bleaker. The country has 4m-6m regular and irregular migrant workers, notably from Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh. Huge numbers lost their jobs as malls, factories and construction sites closed. Under Malaysia’s “movement control order” the army barricaded a vast area around the Selayang wholesale market on the edge of the capital, Kuala Lumpur, locking in thousands of migrant workers, refugees and potential asylum-seekers who had found work there. Conditions in Malaysia remain appalling, with many migrants sleeping in shifts in plywood shanties. The government has given little aid to migrants, a bedrock of the economy. Nor have cash-strapped embassies been much help. “In Singapore,” says Alex Ong, of Migrant Care, an NGO, “at least they have beds.”
As economies open up, conditions are improving. At the peak, Migrant Care was distributing food to 2,300 migrants. Now it is feeding fewer than 100, mainly mothers and small children. Work is returning: for instance, global demand for Malaysian-made rubber gloves is booming. But returning, too, is labour abuse. Factory bosses are forcing foreigners to work excessive hours without breaks. Meanwhile, millions of migrant workers remain in Kafkaesque limbo. Many who are still unable to find work also struggle to return home, because of closed borders, an absence of transport routes or a lack of money. That puts them, unwittingly, on the wrong side of the law as residency permits expire.
Back in the Maldives, there is perhaps a bright spot. The police have accused the company that recruited the protesting workers, which is owned by a local MP, of trafficking and other labour abuses. In Malaysia Mr Ong says the recovery provides a “golden opportunity” to overhaul the system of recruitment of migrant workers, and especially to do away with politically connected operators. These grow fat securing government quotas for workers whom they, in effect, sell on to employers in need of them. One of the worst abuses of the colonial era in Asia was the coolie system of labour. But contemporary Asian governments preside over something eerily similar.
Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. For more stories and our pandemic tracker, see our hub
This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "No pay, no rights, no recourse"
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itemsecure · 2 years
Everything you need to know about Pre Construction Termite Treatment
Termites are those nuisances, whenever left untreated can harm all your wooden apparatuses as well as the floors and dividers of your home. The vast majority of us imagine that termite treatment must be done after their invasion, yet with cutting edge innovation, termite treatment should likewise be possible during the development of the house. While termites convey or spread no sicknesses, on occasion individuals have been recorded to be unfavourably susceptible or have asthma assaults. Any spot that offers an appropriate climate including food, dampness, and warmth, is inclined to termite assault. Thus, for pre or post-development, book services for New Construction Pest Control in Vadodara from Item Secure.
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Essentially, hostile to termite treatment is a compound methodology that is completed for soil, brickwork, wood, and electrical highlights to give the structure a hindrance against the underground termites when the development. Also, doing every one of the techniques alone is certainly not a simple assignment, so it's smarter to look for the assistance of expert bug control.
Pre-construction damage:
●     Termites harm the household items like plywood, furniture, clothing, stationery materials, and so forth by benefiting from wood as well as other natural material having cellulose base
●     Underground termites make homes in soil and workers look for wood by tunnelling through the ground and making passages of mud
●     They travel through block facades, masonry work, and conductors of the structure to the wellspring of food and cause harm to the property and assets
-     Facts:
●     Underground termite province might get by for a long time and a solitary settlement might foster a populace containing a great many people, consequently, control is vital as the harm brought about by them is colossal
●     Around 2761 species of termites are present in the world, out of which around 350 are found overrunning wood in India
Common Indian species:
Subterranean termites
●     Odontotermes spp (75-80%)
●     Coptotermes spp.
●     Heterotermes spp.
●     Reticulitermes spp.
●     Zootermopsis spp.
●     Drywood termites
●     Cryptotermes spp.
●     Incisitermes spp.
●     Marginitermes spp.
A solution to the Termite problem:
●     Treating the dirt underneath the structure and around establishments when it is still during the time spent in construction is an effective method for forestalling termite invasion.
●     Pre Construction Pest Control is trending as well as a widely accepted termite control solution across the globe.
●     The soil in direct contact with the foundation of the building and floor design of a structure is treated with an insect spray which kills or repulses termites accordingly shaping a harmful hindrance which is deadly to termite passage.
●     Pre Construction termite treatment is done in the beginning phases of development to forestall termite pervasion in the built structure.
Important Points to consider:
●     The Pre Construction termite treatment only works against subterranean termites and gives no security for dry-wood termites. For the best Pre Construction Termite Treatment in Vadodara, Item Secure is the most reliable name in the market.
●     After the accomplishment of Pre Construction termite treatment, if there is any sort of masonry work in the treated region, the chemical barrier for termite control might get upset.
●     Under such circumstances, the concerning authority of the building ought to inform your Professional Pest Management agency so prompt measures are taken to reestablish the chemical barrier and guarantee the counteraction against the termites.
●     If the client sees any proof of termites after the treatment, they must report the termite infestation issue to the concerned expert immediately.
Do’s and Don’ts:
●     Every inch of the area of New Construction Termite Treatment must get the prescribed portion of the pesticide for the treatment to be powerful.
●     All the barriers must be taken care of and finished to make the whole building secure from termites.
●     Each side of the foundation must be completely encircled by and must stay in close contact with the boundary or treated soil.
●     Do not allow any individual to enter the location where the treatment is underway
●     Try not to store pesticides in empty containers.
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enchantingvoid · 2 years
Medical Radiation Shielding Market Trends Forecast and Industry Analysis to 2030
Global Medical Radiation Shielding Market: Snapshot
The International Atomic Energy Agency describes the process of radiation protection or radiation shielding as the protection of humans from the negative impact they may receive when exposed to harmful values of ionizing radiation. For the sake of simplicity, most radiation shielding refers to the protection of human beings alone, as most technology that involves ionizing radiation refers to human contact. Ionizing radiation finds a growing scope of applications in the medical fields, due to which there is a very high chance of people suffering from radiation poisoning. It holds a strong potency of permanently damaging human tissues by affecting them at a microscopic level. The more common signs of exposure to ionizing radiation include radiation sickness, skin burns, and increased chances of cancer. The level of radiation exposure and the time duration of exposure can determine the signs of sickness that a patient may show.
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There are different kinds of ionizing radiations and their reaction with the same radiation shield will be likewise different. This is why it is extremely important to use specific types of shielding materials against the different types of radiation. As a result, the global medical radiation shielding market needs to provide different types of shields for different types of radiation. It should also be noted that the shielding power will depend on the thickness, or the number of sheets used to create the shield. The calculations required for ascertaining the thickness of a radiation shield use a unit called halving thickness.
Global Medical Radiation Shielding Market: Overview
The global medical radiation shielding market is expected to grow at a positive rate between 2017 and 2025. The demand for medical radiation has shown a considerable surge in the last few years in response to the increasing incidence of chronic ailments, especially cancer. As per the World Health Organization, the new cases of cancer are expected to rise by 70% in the next two decades. The chronic ailment will therefore remain a leading cause of death across the world. Consequently, the demand for advanced treatment for fighting cancer is expected to remain high through the forecast period, thereby giving impetus to the global medical radiation shielding market.
The global medical radiation shielding market can be broadly classified on the basis of solution, product, end user, and region. For instance, sheet lead, shields, lead bricks, booths, barriers, lead lined doors & windows, x-ray rooms, lead glass, lead lined plywood, and lead curtains are a few of the key products available in the global medical radiation shielding market. By solution, the market can be bifurcated into diagnostic shielding and radiation therapy shielding.
The report covers growth drivers and restraints influencing the market’s trajectory across all its segments. To present a holistic study, the report includes information obtained through proven research methodologies and from trusted industrial sources. It gauges the effect of Porter’s five forces and examines the investment feasibility for new players. Overall the report is intended to provide a clearer perspective of the global medical radiation shielding market to the readers.
Global Medical Radiation Shielding Market: Trends and Opportunities
Various factors support growth witnessed in the global medical radiation shielding market. The rising incidence of cancer will remain the chief driver, besides which the market will gain from the increasing use of nuclear medicine and radiation therapies for accurate diagnosis and cancer treatment. In addition, factors such as the increasing number of installation bases and diagnostic imaging centers, and the growing awareness about safety among people working in radiation-prone environment will aid the market’s expansion. The market is also likely to benefit from the expansion of the healthcare industry worldwide and the upward moving number of people covered under insurance schemes.
Strong growth witnessed in emerging nations will create an array of opportunities for the medical radiation shielding market. However due to the high cost of MRI scanners, it may witness a few restraints in the forthcoming years.
Global Medical Radiation Shielding Market: Regional Outlook
Regionally, the global medical radiation shielding market will continue witnessing lucrative opportunities in North America, followed by Europe and Asia Pacific. Being a developed market, North America is an attractive hub for enterprises operating in the medical radiation shielding market. However, Asia Pacific will gradually emerge at fore during the course of the forecast period due to the growth witnessed by the market in India and China. Moreover, the rising awareness about radiation safety and the increasing funding in the healthcare sector will fuel the adoption of the medical radiation shielding technology in Asia Pacific.
Global Medical Radiation Shielding Market: Vendor Landscape
Some of the leading companies operating in the global medical radiation shielding market are Nelco, Inc., ETS-Lindgren, Radiation Protection Products, Ray-Bar Engineering Corp, Amray, and Global Partners in Shielding, Inc. among others. Policies adopted by the leading market players have a profound influence on overall operations. The report therefore includes their in-depth profiles covering recent marketing strategies, mergers and acquisitions, and product port-portfolios.
About Us:
TMR Research is a premier provider of customized market research and consulting services to business entities keen on succeeding in today’s supercharged economic climate. Armed with an experienced, dedicated, and dynamic team of analysts, we are redefining the way our clients’ conduct business by providing them with authoritative and trusted research studies in tune with the latest methodologies and market trends.
Contact Us:
Rohit Bhisey
Head Internet Marketing
Tel: +1-415-520-1050
Website: https://www.tmrresearch.com/
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woodindustries · 5 months
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market-researchm · 3 years
Global Industrial Alcohol Industry Situation, Outlook Analysis and Prospects Research Report by 2025
The global Industrial Alcohol Market size is expected to value at USD 223.63 billion by 2025. The market is subject to witness a substantial growth due to constantly changing regulations by local governmental agencies across the globe, and major focus on promotion of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) gasoline blend as clean fuel by governments and private bodies. Globally, the industrial alcohol industry is predicted to grow at CAGR of 8.8% in forecast period, providing numerous opportunity for market players to invest for research and development in the market.
Ethanol is one of the fastest growing segment in the industrial alcohol market with highest revenue generation in last couple of years. Higher demand for fuel grade ethanol from end-user industries are expected to boost growth of the market in coming years. Increasing health consciousness among individual and governmental agencies are leading to high-end demand of a viable alternative for fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions, majorly in transportation sector.
Critical properties of ethanol such as lower carbon emission makes it an ideal choice as a clean fuel in transportation sector. Applications of the ethanol varies from fuel grade, to pharmaceutical to food & beverage sector. Ethanol is increasingly used as a food grade variant. Industrial alcohol is developed from naturally found variants such as corn, sugarcane syrups, fossil fuels, and other types of grains.
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Increasing adoption of the ethyl alcohol market from North America and South America is expected to fuel demand of the industrial alcohol industry over the forecast period. Corn is widely used in the production of the ethanol in North America, while sugarcane is widely adopted in South America for the production the ethanol. Methanol segment has also shown substantial growth in the market in recent years.
Methanol is produced from syn-gas, and widely adopted in the chemical industry for manufacturing of anti-freezes, catalyst, denaturant and solvent, which are vital for the production of different chemicals. The industrial alcohol market is majorly categorized into four types such as ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol. Both is propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol have witnessed goring popularity from different end use industries.
Chemicals industry has witnessed highest consummation of the industrial alcohol in last few decades. Methanol is highly favored among various chemical manufactures across the globe. Methanol is majorly used to produce formaldehyde, which is widely utilized for the production various chemicals used in the construction industry such as plastics, paints, resin-related adhesives, and explosive.
Application of formaldehyde further extends to plywood manufacturing as well. Industrial alcohol such as isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol are also utilized for production of disinfectant, which is formed by liquefying lipids and denaturing proteins-based ingredients that leads to elimination of different types of viral and bacterial cells. Application of the isobutanol involves formation of agricultural chemical intermediate. Properties of isobutanol include de-icing fluids, anti-erosion and anti-wear inhibitor in engine oils.
Industrial alcohol is commonly known as distilled ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Common application of the industrial alcohol involves packaged beverage. Industrial alcohol is typically dispensed in the form of ethanol after processing. The industrial alcohol industry is divided into regional market segment such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. North America has shown major growth in recent years owing to the early adoption of industrial alcohol and existence well-established industrial infrastructure.
Asia-Pacific region is predicted to hold major market share in the industrial alcohol market with massive growth in forecast period. Countries such as India, China and Singapore are leading the Asia-Pacific market with rising applications of industrial alcohol for production of cosmetic, personal care products and pharmaceutical industries, as a clean fuel, and during the processing of food products. The key players in the industrial alcohol industry are Exxon Mobil Co., Royal Dutch Shell Plc, BASF SE, HPCL Biofuels Limited, and Eastman Chemical Company.
Access Full Research Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market
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woodennews · 6 months
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esglatestmarketnews · 3 years
Industrial Alcohol Market Challenges, Strategies And Forecast till 2025
October 07, 2021: The global Industrial Alcohol Market size is expected to value at USD 223.63 billion by 2025. The market is subject to witness a substantial growth due to constantly changing regulations by local governmental agencies across the globe, and major focus on promotion of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) gasoline blend as clean fuel by governments and private bodies. Globally, the industrial alcohol industry is predicted to grow at CAGR of 8.8% in forecast period, providing numerous opportunity for market players to invest for research and development in the market.
Ethanol is one of the fastest growing segment in the industrial alcohol market with highest revenue generation in last couple of years. Higher demand for fuel grade ethanol from end-user industries are expected to boost growth of the market in coming years. Increasing health consciousness among individual and governmental agencies are leading to high-end demand of a viable alternative for fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions, majorly in transportation sector.
Critical properties of ethanol such as lower carbon emission makes it an ideal choice as a clean fuel in transportation sector. Applications of the ethanol varies from fuel grade, to pharmaceutical to food & beverage sector. Ethanol is increasingly used as a food grade variant. Industrial alcohol is developed from naturally found variants such as corn, sugarcane syrups, fossil fuels, and other types of grains.
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Increasing adoption of the ethyl alcohol market from North America and South America is expected to fuel demand of the industrial alcohol industry over the forecast period. Corn is widely used in the production of the ethanol in North America, while sugarcane is widely adopted in South America for the production the ethanol. Methanol segment has also shown substantial growth in the market in recent years.
Methanol is produced from syn-gas, and widely adopted in the chemical industry for manufacturing of anti-freezes, catalyst, denaturant and solvent, which are vital for the production of different chemicals. The industrial alcohol market is majorly categorized into four types such as ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol. Both is propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol have witnessed goring popularity from different end use industries.
Chemicals industry has witnessed highest consummation of the industrial alcohol in last few decades. Methanol is highly favored among various chemical manufactures across the globe. Methanol is majorly used to produce formaldehyde, which is widely utilized for the production various chemicals used in the construction industry such as plastics, paints, resin-related adhesives, and explosive.
Application of formaldehyde further extends to plywood manufacturing as well. Industrial alcohol such as isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol are also utilized for production of disinfectant, which is formed by liquefying lipids and denaturing proteins-based ingredients that leads to elimination of different types of viral and bacterial cells. Application of the isobutanol involves formation of agricultural chemical intermediate. Properties of isobutanol include de-icing fluids, anti-erosion and anti-wear inhibitor in engine oils.
Industrial alcohol is commonly known as distilled ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Common application of the industrial alcohol involves packaged beverage. Industrial alcohol is typically dispensed in the form of ethanol after processing. The industrial alcohol industry is divided into regional market segment such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. North America has shown major growth in recent years owing to the early adoption of industrial alcohol and existence well-established industrial infrastructure.
Browse Full Research Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market
Asia-Pacific region is predicted to hold major market share in the industrial alcohol market with massive growth in forecast period. Countries such as India, China and Singapore are leading the Asia-Pacific market with rising applications of industrial alcohol for production of cosmetic, personal care products and pharmaceutical industries, as a clean fuel, and during the processing of food products. The key players in the industrial alcohol industry are Exxon Mobil Co., Royal Dutch Shell Plc, BASF SE, HPCL Biofuels Limited, and Eastman Chemical Company.
Market Segment:
Industrial Alcohol Product Outlook (Volume, Million Tons; Revenue, USD Million; 2014 - 2025)
• Ethyl Alcohol
• Methyl Alcohol
• Isopropyl Alcohol
• Isobutyl Alcohol
• Others
Industrial Alcohol Source Outlook (Volume, Million Tons; Revenue, USD Million; 2014 - 2025)
• Grains
• Sugar & molasses
• Corn
• Fossil fuels
• Others
Industrial Alcohol End Use Outlook (Volume, Million Tons; Revenue, USD Million; 2014 - 2025)
• Food ingredients
• Fuel
• Chemicals
• Pharmaceuticals
• Personal care
• Others
Industrial Alcohol Regional Outlook (Volume, Million Tons; Revenue, USD Million; 2014 - 2025)
• North America
• U.S.
• Canada
• Mexico
• Europe
• Germany
• UK
• France
• Asia Pacific
• China
• India
• Japan
• Central & South America
• Brazil
• Middle East & Africa
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At Million Insights, we work with the aim to reach the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Our representatives strive to understand diverse client requirements and cater to the same with the most innovative and functional solutions.
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Ryan Manuel
Research Support Specialist, USA
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ernestbloor · 3 years
When the Beatles finally imploded, Martin did not retire.
Such instances, however, are very rare; but there are unprincipled men everywhere, who will give vent to their ill feelings and bad passions, not with less good will upon the back of an indented apprentice, than upon that of a purchased slave. Or tried to. When the Beatles finally imploded, Martin did not retire. According to Mercedes Benz, it can handle 60 sheets of plywood (I hauled six), and it has 186 cubic feet of cargo space.. After a while this husband either died or was sold, I do not remember which. A clever Panthers marketing team laid down a trail of blue paw prints (ostensibly left by new mascot Sir Purr) that seemed to emerge from a manhole at The Square at Trade and Tryon streets. The subscribers continue to sell Negroes, at their office, on Wall-street. Indeed, Catwoman isn't the type to sit around twiddling her claws, waiting for anyone to bail her out of trouble even when the offer comes from Bruce Wayne. A large dragon is more fearsome than a small one.” The magister shrugged. The wolf and the falcon fought over us for a thousand years, till between the two of them they had gnawed all the fat and flesh off the bones of these poor islands. “She was sending me to him yesterday, but twice she turned me back as I was starting. Take a look at a few features and specifications in the table below and then
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pledge that you will not exercise your rights. Specific strategies that have changed will be discussed in the level sections below.. Though it lacks the national profile of WHYY s Fresh Air (and she earns $100,000 less than Fresh Air host Terry Gross $230K), she s satisfied and says she doesn t feel competitive.. At the end they had the usurper hidden pantofi sport tip soseta dama in a brothel. "The agency's basic goals," Chanslor said, "are to expand the areas served, to expand the number of express buses from outlying areas, to increase frequency on core routes (especially during peak times), and to build up the crosstown service (allowing bus riders to cross town, east to west, without transferring downtown)." For the South Congress area, she added, the agency's technical studies are currently focusing on the commuter rail option, using existing Union Pacific tracks (which the SSCA has said it supports) rather than light rail.. Tyrion was grateful for the respites. This guy Creamer visited the Whitehouse over 300 times!! He is the one who hired the hate filled henchman attacking innocent Trump supporters.,,Wikileaks showed the collusion between press and campaign. Ariya has been ranked second to Ko with 34 weeks in a row and hopes to close the gap even as the South Korean born Kiwi has found her form with three top 10 showings this year, including shares of eight last week at the Founders Cup and in Thailand and ninth at Singapore.. "Everyone at some time in the race will reflect on their experiences with Ryan, the strength and determination he showed not only in running but the way he lived his life. THEY USED TO FILL THEM WITH ASPHALT FROM OUTSIDE. So, come along, we’ll have a talk. Exiles or cazadora vaquera tommy hilfiger the sons of exiles. And as soon as she heard I had not seen you for five days she began at once urging me to go to you.”. And there was such piercing anguish, such suffering in her eyes that I saw that apart from my words her wounded heart was bleeding already. Case, 51Duane "Old Timer" Allen Case, 51, of Ashland died Monday July 18, 2016, at the Cleveland Clinic. Retail or a little higher," said , the company's marketing vice president. He was sent to Iraq in 2010 and spent a year there with the 130th Engineer Battalion, according to Puerto Rico National papuci de casa din pasla Guard spokesman Maj. What I want is a life in prison that I can fill with some meaning. Liebow, too, has a short list of things you can do to minimize the problems if you insist on wearing high heels. The event was staged as part of the city's sesquicentennial celebration going on this year. Thus Ignatius, who for his pre?minent piety was called, par excellence, by his church, “Theophorus, the God-bearer,” when summoned before the Emperor Trajan, used the following remarkable language: “No one can call Theophorus an evil spirit * * * * for, bearing in my heart Christ the king of heaven, I bring to nothing the arts and devices of the evil spirits.”. How much will it cost? How long will it take? Drilling down on the genesis of the traffic study cover story. All laid aside what they were doing, and with grave and speechless curiosity watched the two opponents. We do not know this is, but always know where the celebrities, maybe the most outstanding brands, that is people follow in his footsteps, and employ chrysalisrk them to use the same product.
0 notes
architectnews · 3 years
22 Bishopsgate London Tower Building
22 Bishopsgate London Tower, City Skyscraper Building, AXA Real Estate Project, News, Height
22 Bishopsgate Tower
Skyscraper Building Development constructed by Multiplex, England: Planning News design by PLP Architecture
29 July 2021
22 Bishopsgate Building News
The Morris Project & Design LSM Reveal Stunning 2nd Floor Marketplace at 22 Bishopsgate
Inspired by London’s Guilds and a focus on wellbeing & community
London – The Morris Project in partnership with DesignLSM is proud to unveil 22 Bishopsgate’s Market, managed by Rhubarb Hospitality Collection. This is an inspirational market spanning the entire second floor (20,000 ft) of the UK’s first wellbeing building, 22 Bishopsgate is designed to be a vertical village focused on the modern office worker and their evolving needs. Sustainability, wellbeing and community will be at its heart.
Commissioned by AXA IM and Sir Stuart Lipton for the Capital’s most eagerly anticipated new 62 storey building, The Market, is Europe’s first ever wellness food hall. The design team’s aim was to emulate London’s tradition of the guilds, of which there were once 90, whose purpose was to provide welfare to their members, and a place to gather and share ideas. After years of decline, urban guilds are experiencing a revival, and the design for 22 Bishopsgate seeks to emulate their noble objectives; encouraging the development of community while supporting collaboration, well-being, and discovery.
Key features of the 20,000 ft collaboration and wellness market include:
The Restaurant & Terrace will provide a welcoming “local” for meetings and gatherings; The Terrace has its own bar and relaxed seating
The Market includes four kiosks which will offer a variety of nutritious & delicious options and highlight a diverse group of future tastemakers
The Market Hub Events Space will support dynamic programming of music, talks and private events
Floor-to-ceiling walls at 20% taller than in a market-standard building, give a sense of volume and space to increase wellbeing of residents. Triple glazed windows, which not only increase the energy efficiency of the building but also reduce noise and boost the level of natural daylight by 60%, reducing need for internal lighting and providing a healthier environment
Innovative technology creating convenience for residents who want their coffee ready to pick-up on arrival, or lunch delivered to their desk
WELL Building Standard : The first building in the UK to apply.
Amy Morris is Founder of the Morris Project, and recipient of the prestigious James Beard Award for Outstanding Restaurant Design. Morris said; “Our number one goal was to design a space that is a hive for collaboration. Providing support for balance and wellbeing in business and daily life. I believe whole heartedly in 22 Bishopsgate’s vision to radically embrace a new environment for the way we work. Your surroundings have a strong impact on your day. The Morris Project’s partnership with DesignLSM aims to create spaces that invite collaboration and spark ideas. It’s a dream project with a dream team in one of my favourite cities.”
Holly Hallam, Managing Director, DesignLSM said; “We are thrilled to be a part of this monumental and exciting development of 22 Bishopsgate. Our collaborative design with US agency The Morris Project delivers a highly polished and thoughtful aesthetic capturing the spirit of a modern-day guild.” Karen Taylor, Design Director, DesignLSM adds: “Our aim was to create a true “sense of place”; reflecting the heritage of the locality with a contemporary outlook; perfect for  22 Bishopsgate community to unwind, dine, relax and socialise.”
Key design elements of The Market include:
Artist, Sinta Tantra: British artist of Balinese descent has created a unique installation, Illuminated (2021), which will stretch across seven arches. Sinta Tantra’s immersive site-specific frames the central social space of the building. The work draws inspiration from the rich history of the City of London to inform a contemporary reading of this dynamic new public space. A careful composition of geometric forms suspended in a formal tension creates a sense of harmony and balance, echoing the ethos of wellbeing and creative exchange at the heart of 22 Bishopsgate.
Artek Domus chair: Designed in in 1946 by Ilmari Tapiovaara which was created as part of a series of furniture for the Domus Academica student housing complex in Helsinki. The style is approachable and most importantly comfortable
Maruni Lightwood Stools: By British designer Jasper Morrison and manufactured by Maruni. Visually and physically lightweight stools of near-perfect proportions. Founded in 1928 and based in Hiroshima, Maruni epitomises Japanese design. Their considered blend of traditional craftsmanship and innovative industrial techniques results in furniture that is tactile and timeless
675 Robin Day Chair: The main restaurant chair is the fresh revisited design update of the 675 Robin Day Chair which has truly stood the test of time and is one of the most recognised of the 20th century. Originally created in 1952, this Robin Day chair’s most prominent feature is its curved walnut-veneered plywood back
Communal Tables Tops: Forbo Furniture Linoleum tops of the communal tables which have great Bacteriostatic properties (i.e. it stops bacteria from reproducing)
About The Morris Project
Operating in London, New York and Australia, multi award winning agency, The Morris Project is at the heart of hospitality. They partner with developers, restaurants & hotels to offer both strategic insight, and thoughtful creativity to articulate the vision from concept to launch. Founder Amy Morris was awarded the prestigious James Beard Award for Outstanding Restaurant Design. Branding also won a Gold Prize, from the DrivenxDesign New York Design Awards.
Morris is driving original creative with focused strategy, capabilities include concept development, branding, interiors & packaging. The Morris Project only takes on a handful of clients at a time to ensure Morris works closely with founders on focused missions and authentic narrative that connects them with their communities.
The Morris Project was built out of a desire to offer the equivalent of Creative Artist Agency for hospitality. We see our clients as partners and aim to take the anxiety out of the process. Clients include: James Lowe [Flor wine bar], Vornado Reality [developer of mid-town NYC], Union Square Hospitality [Danny Meyer of Shake Shack] and Melissa Weller [Trend Setting Baker of Funk Foods Bakery] and others.
About The WELL being standard
The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is an independent set of standards that make spaces around us healthier, happier, and more productive. See https://www.wellcertified.com/
About DesignLSM
DesignLSM is a multi-disciplined studio specialising in Strategy, Branding, Interior Design and Architecture for a diverse portfolio of world class brands within the hospitality industry. Encouraging a spirit of collaboration with clients, colleagues and suppliers to create lasting relationships and deliver engaging and memorable environments and experiences.
With over 34 years’ experience, DesignLSM have master planned spaces, curated concepts and produced innovative designs for luxury hotels, large food halls, elevated dining brands and QSR concepts. Working with brands such as: Roka Restaurant Group, D&D London, Gaucho Restaurants, Lacoste, Taj Hotels, Marriott Hotels and Curio by Hilton, Shaftesbury Estates, RioCan Real Estate and Emaar Properties amongst many others.
About Rhubarb Hospitality Collection
RHC is a premium hospitality group with over 25 years’ experience in luxury events. Today their portfolio includes a number of iconic locations in London including Sky Garden, The Royal Albert Hall, Royal Ascot Racing Club, the immersive experience Mamma Mia! The Party and 22 Bishopsgate. In 2017 RHC announced two restaurants and an extraordinary event space at Hudson Yards, New York. This was the first international location for the revered London hospitality group.
post updated 13 June 2021 22 Bishopsgate London Building Photos
7 Dec 2020
22 Bishopsgate Building News
22 Bishopsgate reaches practical completion.
The tallest tower in the City of London stands at 278 metres high. The project is developed and managed by AXA IM – Real Assets on behalf of an international consortium of investors, with Lipton Rogers Developments retained as developer.
The 1.4 million sq. ft (130,000 sqm) development is set to be Europe’s first vertical village.
22 Bishopsgate has London’s largest cycle park and a state-of-the-art gym, complete with a climbing window, 125 metres above the ground on level 25, as well as a wellbeing retreat on level 41. It is also the first building in the UK to apply for the Delos WELL Building Standard.
This people-focused building is a complex, 22 sided, faceted glass structure. The design is built and managed to satisfy the changing nature of the City of London in terms of the type, size and priorities of companies based there, including demands for high standards of technology and sustainability.
According to the statistics from the City of London Corporation*, while just over a third of businesses were financial services, tech was the fastest growing major sector in the City with jobs growth of 16%, the quality of workspace needed to reflect that in order to attract a more diverse range of tenants. Emphasis has been placed on constructing a building with flexible floorplates, high ceilings and exemplary lighting that compliments the natural light flow, which is enabled with three metres high, triple glazed windows.
The creation of approximately 100,000 sq ft of social spaces and services throughout the floors was a key part of the design. There is a 22,000 sq ft area of food and dining space on level 2, a members’ club on level 57 and London’s highest public viewing gallery on level 58.
Recognising the fact that 99% of City businesses are SMEs, there is an innovation hub for small businesses and start ups on level seven. Levels three and four, meanwhile, will house a new 51,000 sq ft events and meeting venue available for use by the hour or day.
FUTURE Designs, the international lighting designer and manufacturer completed the office lighting. They developed ‘GLOS’ for the project, a contemporary and minimalist luminaire that results in a perfectly illuminated environment.
As well as providing a place for 12,000 people to work, creating a diverse business community, 22 Bishopsgate also provides a range of retail, bar and restaurant units.
26 Oct 2020
The 22 Bishopsgate building is now completed.
2 Mar 2017
22 Bishopsgate Skyscraper Approval
Design: PLP Architecture
22 Bishopsgate Planning Approval News
The City of London has granted planning permission for revised proposals by PLP which reduces the building height by 23m, reports the Architects’ Journal.
The tower is set to reign briefly as the tallest building in the City of London until Aroland Holdings’ 1 Undershaft Tower completes, which will be 290 metres high.
The 22 Bishopsgate tower, under construction by Multiplex for AXA Investment Managers Real Assets, will be 255 metres (840 feet) tall.
Back on the 5th of December 2016 architects PLP submitted revised plans for their tower design at 22 Bishopsgate, reducing the skyscraper’s height by 23m.
This City office development is due to have a population of 12,000 office workers over its 59 storeys.
Otis won a contract to install 57 elevators and 10 escalators at 22 Bishopsgate, reported https://ift.tt/1mW9FQW in February 2017.
Otis will install 18 of its Gen2 elevators, 13 of its SkyRise single-deck, and 26 SkyRise double-deck elevators combined with its CompassPlus destination management system.
When completed, these elevators will be Europe’s fastest SkyRise double-decks, running at 8 metres/sec (approx. 30km/hour).
27 Oct 2016
22 Bishopsgate Skyscraper Development
Design: PLP Architecture
22 Bishopsgate Development News
AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets to proceed with landmark 22 Bishopsgate development in London
AXA Investment Managers – Real Assets (“AXA IM – Real Assets”), the leading real estate portfolio and asset manager in Europe(*), announces that, on behalf of a consortium of international investors, it will continue construction of 22 Bishopsgate (“22”) in the City of London.
image : Riverfilm Martin Richardson
The commitment to 22 demonstrates AXA IM – Real Assets’ and the consortium of international investors’ confidence in how appealing this highly progressive c.1.4 million sqft (c.128,000 sqm) development will be to all types of international and domestic occupiers. This confidence is based on the unique and broad range of amenities and types of space that 22 will offer, as well as its prime location in the City of London, as one of the leading global centres for international business, notwithstanding the current uncertainties created by the EU Referendum.
AXA IM – Real Assets, together with its development partner Lipton Rogers, expect to finalise the appointment of a contractor for the main build of the tower within the next few weeks, with work due to commence thereafter. Significant preparatory works have already been undertaken on the site, including substantially completing the foundations and ground works, which utilised those from the previous unfinished development, to allow for an accelerated construction timetable, with a target completion date of 2019.
On completion, 22 will be a new model and standard for workplace design and management, with the objective of meeting emerging occupier needs for greater space, adaptability, productivity and employee satisfaction. The building, designed to appeal to a broad range of occupiers, will offer extensive amenities and spaces for meeting as well as shared work environments, including an innovation centre that will support progressive new City businesses. A wide range of services, new technologies and events will serve the community of over 12,000 people working within 22.
image from architects
Plans include dedicated areas for leisure, health and wellbeing. In line with AXA IM – Real Assets’ ambition to be a globally sustainable business, notably by targeting 75% of total direct property under management to be certified with reputable sustainability labels by 2030, 22 is the first UK building to apply for the Delos WELL Building Standard. This certification recognises the impact that buildings have on the health of their occupiers.
Pierre Vaquier, CEO of AXA IM – Real Assets, said: “Our ongoing commitment to 22 Bishopsgate reflects our firm belief, and that of our clients and partners, in this development project, aligned to the fact we are taking a long term view of this investment. The decision to proceed underscores our confidence in the progressive and attractive development that we will deliver at 22, coupled with the anticipated breadth of demand from local and global occupiers for easily accessible space in a prime location in the City of London, as one of the leading global centres for international business, that will respond to their future business needs.”
*Source: IP Real Estate Top 100 Investment Management Survey – Nov/Dec 2015
7 Apr 2016
22 Bishopsgate Skyscraper Approval News
Design: PLP Architecture
The City of London resolved to approve the 295-metre tall building in November 2015, subject to a final decision by the mayor of London.
image from architects
The structure is earmarked for the site of the part-built “Pinnacle” skyscraper. This secured planning permission in 2007 and work subsequently started on-site, only for construction to be halted in 2012, reports https://ift.tt/3f5BMBO.
Following a request from the scheme’s developer, AXA Investment Managers Real Assets and Lipton Roger, a report considered by the City of London’s planning committee earlier this week recommended that the authority use Section 237 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to override rights to light claims which threatened to further stall the development.
22 Bishopsgate Tower
Website: 22 Bishopsgate Skyscraper Building article in full
5 Mar 2015
22 Bishopsgate, London
Design: PLP Architecture
PLP Architecture has been appointed by AXA Real Estate, on behalf of clients, and Lipton Rogers Developments as the architect for 22 Bishopsgate, a new office tower at the heart of the City of London.
The 22 Bishopsgate Tower is the acknowledged centre of the City cluster of tall buildings. Since the initial design, much has changed in the context of the City. A number of towers are now completed, notably the adjacent 122 Leadenhall. An entirely new design conceived for 22 Bishopsgate will now form part of the cluster.
22 Bishopsgate will be a building of character whose massing is shaped to enhance townscape views. The emphasis on the brief for the building is to be more than an office building, with social amenity spaces throughout the building shared by tenants; a free public viewing gallery, a restaurant and bar will occupy the top. Art will enrich the public realm experience.
Karen Cook, a founding partner of PLP Architecture, says, “We will work with Lipton Rogers Developments and AXA Real Estate to design what will become an exemplary building, setting new standards, for the world class workforce that is London.”
The consultant design team includes WSP (structures, building services and specialist engineering services), Vertical Transportation Studio (lift strategy), Professor Robert Tavernor (townscape assessment), Miller Hare (townscape visualisation), West 8 (landscape), Alinea (cost management).
The design is currently at the development stage and no images have been formally released.
22 Bishopsgate London Tower information from PLP Architecture
PLP Architecture
20 Feb 2015
The Pinnacle – Helter Skelter
Julia Kollewe in the Guardian reports yesterday that, “The partially built Pinnacle building is to be revived to become the tallest tower in the City of London – but without the elegant twisting design at the top that earned it the nickname “the Helter Skelter”.
The Pinnacle, as seen from Waterloo Bridge, forms the apex of the emerging cluster of tall buildings in the City of London: image : KPF and Cityscape
After months of negotiations, a consortium led by Axa Real Estate has clinched a £300m deal to buy the site near Liverpool Street station in the Square Mile. The building became known as “the Stump” when construction stopped abruptly three years ago.
Until now called the Pinnacle, the building will be renamed 22 Bishopsgate. Its design has undergone radical changes to save money. The office tower will be 60 storeys rather than 64, and the expensive curved-glass panels at the top are to be scrapped.
Aerial view of 22 Bishopsgate London looking south east towards the River Thames (Tower Bridge on right, Canary wharf beyond to left): aerial picture : public domain
It will however be the tallest building in the financial district at 262m, overtopping the nearby Heron Tower at 231 metres tall (758ft).”
PLP Architecture Practice Information
Website: The Pinnacle Helter Skelter Tower – London skyscraper building
Location: 22 Bishopsgate, City of London, England, UK
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22 Bishopsgate Background
Website: 22 Bishopsgate London design – PLP Architecture, architects image : KPF and Cityscape
14 Mar 2013
The Pinnacle Skyscraper
image : KPF and Cityscape
images : KPF and Cityscape
photos © Adrian Welch
tower photographs © Nick Weall
The groundwork for ‘The Cheesegrater‘ is in the foreground, with The Pinnacle behind: tower photo © Nick Weall
The Pinnacle London architect : KPF image : KPF and Cityscape
The Pinnacle London image : KPF and Cityscape
A London skyscraper by Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates (KPF):
Heron Tower
Another Bishopsgate skyscraper building on e-architect:
6-8 Bishopsgate and 150 Leadenhall Tower, City of London, England, UK Design: WilkinsonEyre image courtesy of architects 6-8 Bishopsgate Tower
Comments / photos for 22 Bishopsgate London – Helter Skelter Tower – Architecture page welcome
Website: Skyscrapers
The post 22 Bishopsgate London Tower Building appeared first on e-architect.
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marketstudyreport · 3 years
Industrial Alcohol Market - Latest Innovations by Industry Experts Till 2025
29th July 2021 – The global Industrial Alcohol Market size is expected to value at USD 223.63 billion by 2025. The market is subject to witness a substantial growth due to constantly changing regulations by local governmental agencies across the globe, and major focus on promotion of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) gasoline blend as clean fuel by governments and private bodies. Globally, the industrial alcohol industry is predicted to grow at CAGR of 8.8% in forecast period, providing numerous opportunity for market players to invest for research and development in the market.
Ethanol is one of the fastest growing segment in the industrial alcohol market with highest revenue generation in last couple of years. Higher demand for fuel grade ethanol from end-user industries are expected to boost growth of the market in coming years. Increasing health consciousness among individual and governmental agencies are leading to high-end demand of a viable alternative for fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions, majorly in transportation sector. Critical properties of ethanol such as lower carbon emission makes it an ideal choice as a clean fuel in transportation sector. Applications of the ethanol varies from fuel grade, to pharmaceutical to food & beverage sector. Ethanol is increasingly used as a food grade variant. Industrial alcohol is developed from naturally found variants such as corn, sugarcane syrups, fossil fuels, and other types of grains.
Access Industrial Alcohol Market Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market
Increasing adoption of the ethyl alcohol market from North America and South America is expected to fuel demand of the industrial alcohol industry over the forecast period. Corn is widely used in the production of the ethanol in North America, while sugarcane is widely adopted in South America for the production the ethanol. Methanol segment has also shown substantial growth in the market in recent years. Methanol is produced from syn-gas, and widely adopted in the chemical industry for manufacturing of anti-freezes, catalyst, denaturant and solvent, which are vital for the production of different chemicals. The industrial alcohol market is majorly categorized into four types such as ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol. Both is propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol have witnessed goring popularity from different end use industries.
Chemicals industry has witnessed highest consummation of the industrial alcohol in last few decades. Methanol is highly favored among various chemical manufactures across the globe. Methanol is majorly used to produce formaldehyde, which is widely utilized for the production various chemicals used in the construction industry such as plastics, paints, resin-related adhesives, and explosive. Application of formaldehyde further extends to plywood manufacturing as well. Industrial alcohol such as isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol are also utilized for production of disinfectant, which is formed by liquefying lipids and denaturing proteins-based ingredients that leads to elimination of different types of viral and bacterial cells. Application of the isobutanol involves formation of agricultural chemical intermediate. Properties of isobutanol include de-icing fluids, anti-erosion and anti-wear inhibitor in engine oils.
Industrial alcohol is commonly known as distilled ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Common application of the industrial alcohol involves packaged beverage. Industrial alcohol is typically dispensed in the form of ethanol after processing. The industrial alcohol industry is divided into regional market segment such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. North America has shown major growth in recent years owing to the early adoption of industrial alcohol and existence well-established industrial infrastructure.
Asia-Pacific region is predicted to hold major market share in the industrial alcohol market with massive growth in forecast period. Countries such as India, China and Singapore are leading the Asia-Pacific market with rising applications of industrial alcohol for production of cosmetic, personal care products and pharmaceutical industries, as a clean fuel, and during the processing of food products. The key players in the industrial alcohol industry are Exxon Mobil Co., Royal Dutch Shell Plc, BASF SE, HPCL Biofuels Limited, and Eastman Chemical Company.
Request a Sample Copy of Industrial Alcohol Market Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market/request-sample
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Industrial Alcohol Market Global Insights and Trends Report by 2025
29th July 2021 – The global Industrial Alcohol Market size is expected to value at USD 223.63 billion by 2025. The market is subject to witness a substantial growth due to constantly changing regulations by local governmental agencies across the globe, and major focus on promotion of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) gasoline blend as clean fuel by governments and private bodies. Globally, the industrial alcohol industry is predicted to grow at CAGR of 8.8% in forecast period, providing numerous opportunity for market players to invest for research and development in the market.
Ethanol is one of the fastest growing segment in the industrial alcohol market with highest revenue generation in last couple of years. Higher demand for fuel grade ethanol from end-user industries are expected to boost growth of the market in coming years. Increasing health consciousness among individual and governmental agencies are leading to high-end demand of a viable alternative for fossil fuels to curb greenhouse gas emissions, majorly in transportation sector. Critical properties of ethanol such as lower carbon emission makes it an ideal choice as a clean fuel in transportation sector. Applications of the ethanol varies from fuel grade, to pharmaceutical to food & beverage sector. Ethanol is increasingly used as a food grade variant. Industrial alcohol is developed from naturally found variants such as corn, sugarcane syrups, fossil fuels, and other types of grains.
Access Industrial Alcohol Market Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market
Increasing adoption of the ethyl alcohol market from North America and South America is expected to fuel demand of the industrial alcohol industry over the forecast period. Corn is widely used in the production of the ethanol in North America, while sugarcane is widely adopted in South America for the production the ethanol. Methanol segment has also shown substantial growth in the market in recent years. Methanol is produced from syn-gas, and widely adopted in the chemical industry for manufacturing of anti-freezes, catalyst, denaturant and solvent, which are vital for the production of different chemicals. The industrial alcohol market is majorly categorized into four types such as ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol. Both is propyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol have witnessed goring popularity from different end use industries.
Chemicals industry has witnessed highest consummation of the industrial alcohol in last few decades. Methanol is highly favored among various chemical manufactures across the globe. Methanol is majorly used to produce formaldehyde, which is widely utilized for the production various chemicals used in the construction industry such as plastics, paints, resin-related adhesives, and explosive. Application of formaldehyde further extends to plywood manufacturing as well. Industrial alcohol such as isopropyl alcohol and isobutyl alcohol are also utilized for production of disinfectant, which is formed by liquefying lipids and denaturing proteins-based ingredients that leads to elimination of different types of viral and bacterial cells. Application of the isobutanol involves formation of agricultural chemical intermediate. Properties of isobutanol include de-icing fluids, anti-erosion and anti-wear inhibitor in engine oils.
Industrial alcohol is commonly known as distilled ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Common application of the industrial alcohol involves packaged beverage. Industrial alcohol is typically dispensed in the form of ethanol after processing. The industrial alcohol industry is divided into regional market segment such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and Africa. North America has shown major growth in recent years owing to the early adoption of industrial alcohol and existence well-established industrial infrastructure.
Asia-Pacific region is predicted to hold major market share in the industrial alcohol market with massive growth in forecast period. Countries such as India, China and Singapore are leading the Asia-Pacific market with rising applications of industrial alcohol for production of cosmetic, personal care products and pharmaceutical industries, as a clean fuel, and during the processing of food products. The key players in the industrial alcohol industry are Exxon Mobil Co., Royal Dutch Shell Plc, BASF SE, HPCL Biofuels Limited, and Eastman Chemical Company.
Request a Sample Copy of Industrial Alcohol Market Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/industrial-alcohol-market/request-sample
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